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tv   Good Morning Washington 600  ABC  January 9, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EST

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. >> it is a miracle i survived. >> a brush with death. a jump goes terribly wrong. "good morning washington" continues right now. >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> good morning, washington. 6:00 on this monday, january 9. i am cynne simpson. >> i am kris van cleve. the warm weekend is gone. you will want an overcoat today. and we have a school delay. warren county public schools will open two hours late. >> adam caskey joins us from the weather center. we have a check on the forecast. good morning. >> good morning. a little chilly outside to start the day, but not far from where we should be. there is a beautiful full moon and we have in the sky this morning. take a look at that before 7:24. look at the western sky. there's a good view from our
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camera in frederick, maryland st. john's catholic school at 26 degrees. 30 in damascus, 35 in southeast d.c. 27 in strasbourg virginia. we could see a few snow flurries this morning in the shenandoah valley. locations west of the blue ridge. otherwise mostly cloudy and some areas of light rain and sprinkles this midday and afternoon and evening especially south of washington. nothing widespread or heavy. just a few drops with maybe a wet snowflakes. sunny skies today mostly, low 50's. giving upper marlborough to get to andrews air force base on route 4 there's been a crash. add extra time to your travel. some traffic will be allowed onto 301 and go over to 202 past prince george's community college. status quo on 95 with volume. northbound 95 out of newington
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is on the left. twinkling headlights spotted at the beltway and, more them. back to you. >> thank you. breaking news from iran. state radio is reporting an american man convicted of working for the cia has been sentenced to death. if iranian officials say the man identified as imir hazmati try to infiltrates intelligence agenci -- the intelligence agency. the republican presidential candidates have faced off in two weekend debates. they went after mitt romney and each other. romney has a big lead. his rivals are hoping to close the gap. the latest poll gives him a 24- point lead over ron paul while rick santorum and jon huntsman are tied for third place. the gop candidates except for rick perry will spend today
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in the granite state. rick perry will be in south carolina. abc 7 is your election station. gordon peterson and rebecca cooper are both covering the new hampshire primary. look for their continuing coverage on air and online at sunday marked one year since, would be assassin shot congresswoman gabrielle giffords in the head at point-blank range. if >> is made an absolutely remarkable recovery since then. last night she joined the survivors from the tucson tragedy and anti-gun violence advocates nationwide to remember the fallen and to call for an end to gun violence. jummy olabanji joins us live from capitol hill with more. >> good morning. there were events held all over the country to mark the one-year anniversary of the shooting in tucson. there will be events at the nation's capital focused on preventing gun violence as well as the event last night at the
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university of arizona where the nation got receipts for another time ductile remarkable gabrielle giffords' road to recovery has really been. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america. >> congresswoman gabrielle giffords began yesterday's ceremonies beaming with pride for our country can pander community. >> those of us who survived were forever changed by that moment. >> thousand across the country came together to mark ures passing since the day when a gunman opened fire on the grocery store parking lot killing six and wounding 13 including efforts. shiloh baptist church in northwest washington had a day of reflection. a virginia tech shooting survivor now works to stop acts of gun violence. >> we are on the side of angels. working together we can help save lives.
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>> while there is sadness that we remember the victims, there's also laughter and enjoy for survivors, proof that healing can happen for a country and the congresswoman. >> with liberty and justice for all. [cheers] >> as for whether or not she will make a return to capitol hill, she is up for reelection later this fall. her steve of staff says she will make the decision in the coming months. as for the 23-year-old gunman, is still behind bars in federal custody path at a prison in missouri where it continues to undergo mental evaluations. jummy olabanji reporting from capitol hill, abc 7 news. more virginians are packing heat. state police conducted background checks on more than a 320,000 gun transactions last
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year. that is 16% higher than 2010. not all those checks represent gun sales. law-enforcement officials say they just don't know what is behind the gun sales surge. police are looking for two men in connection with a deadly shooting in laurel. on friday 36-year-old gregory sears was gunned down outside his home in the russet townhome complex. the incident began as a robbery . before losing consciousness he told police two masked men shot him. his wife is expecting their first child. looking ahead, the jury selection resumes today in the trial of a prisoner charged with killing a maryland corrections officer. leee stevens is charged with stabbing officer david mcguinn to death. he could be executed if convicted. the d.c. council will meet today for the first time since councilman harry thomas jr.
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resigned last. las thomas left office before pleading guilty to stealing over $300,000 in money that was meant for youth sports programs. metro will continue inspecting the brics -- brakes on hundreds of rail cars. they should have no impact on ro -- on riders. officer edward e. paden jr. will receive the congressional badge of bravery later today for his actions during the hostage situation at the discovery building in silver spring. he was off-duty when a gunman entered the silver spring office. he went inside anyway, relaying information to other officers outside and helping t ofree people trapped inside -- helping to free people. congress will also offer from across the nation. 32 degrees in silver spring. >> still ahead younger fans
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have new faith in their quarterback tim tebow after an historic win. >> an australian tourist survived a nearly 400 foot fall when the bungee cord snaps. >> a
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hello. welcome to the animal welfare league of arlington, where there is a pet waiting for everyone. to make a friend today. >> good morning, washington.
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monday morning, 6:10. we have a few echoes on the radar screen of to the west. if from winchester to front royal cooler day. mainly this is mid-level clouds. i would not be surprised if there could be agreed snow flurries or two west of the blue ridge early this morning. something to keep an eye on. i will update accordingly. if that should not get in the way today. 35 now in washington, 25 in frederick, 28 in winchester, 27 in manassas, 38 at quantico. mid 40's this afternoon, a few areas of light rain man is out of the metro. not much stimulation. i would not be surprised for a few wet snowflakes. 44 degrees for the high temperature. upper 20s tonight clearing. tomorrow, 52 skies. 29 has an accident before anybody wanting to get up to 66.
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on 66 eastbound near nutley street in this picture, a pretty heavy volume. slowing in centreville, at 50, and then from nutley street to the beltway. back to you. >> thank you. a trip to africa and the global lifetime quickly turned into a nightmare for an australian tourist. take a look. >> [crowd gasps] >> that was a 22-year-old bungee jumping in zimbabwe on new year's eve. she plummeted 365 feet into the river below when the courts snapped -- cord. >> i felt like i had been slapped all over. >> she managed to swim to safety with her legs still tied together. in online statement the operator
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insisted that its operations are safe. not sure how you make that argument. my gosh. glad to make it through. >> shocking. you will see her actually swimming as the current six third-down sure if the video plays a little longer. it's remarkable that she's ok. 6:13 right now, 28 degrees in potomac. thanks for waking up with us. >> the devil can expan, and a look whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile.
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download the new geicotopp today. whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he-he-heeeeee! something may go down tonight, but it will not be jobs, sweetheart. >> chris christie fired back at a group of protesters yesterday. the new jersey governor was in
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new hampshire rallying for mitt romney when demonstrators accused both of them of killing jobs. meanwhile the battle of new hampshire looks more like a race for second place. >> mitt romney holds what appears to be an insurmountable lead in the state on last day of campaigning before the primaries. t.j. winnick is live in manchester, new hampshire with a preview. >> how are you this morning? the latest poll shows mitt romney holding an insurmountable lead. a 24-point lead over ron paul. that is his closest challenger up here. jon huntsman is in a tie with rick santorum for third place. jon huntsman is surging after the weekend. there were two debates on the weekends less than 12 hours apart with most of the shots at the front runner. the other candidates are pinning their hopes on the next primary, south carolina, on tenerife 22.
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that is where rick santorum and rick perry campaigned on sunday and where newt gingrich is focused. all the candidates are in new hampshire right now for one last day of campaigning except for rick perry who has written off new hampshire and is still in south carolina. >> we played a little sound from chris christie's stump for romney when he got heckled. that was a pretty boisterous event last night. >> it was. that was in new hampshire. chris christie yelled back at the protesters. he said that it was president obama who is to blame for the slow economic recovery and that his policies had put the country into this predicament. he called one of the protesters "sweetheart." the new jersey governor not at a loss of words and not a bad guy to have on your side at a time like this.
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>> he always speaks his mind. 7 is on your side with an important recall. novara's is recalling over the counter medications excedrin, nodoz, bufferin, and gas-x because of complaints about the mislabeling and broken deals. except and and nodoz have an expiration november or december 23 or earlier. the consumer electronic show kicks off today in las vegas. this is the largest trade show held in the western hemisphere for any industry. 20,000 products are expected to be launched including smartphones. there will also be a lot of inexpensive digital cameras. this show runs through friday. you can go to las vegas to check that out> the nation's largest retailer wants to help you with your tax returns. wal-mart will have kiosks for with taxpayers' from h&r block and jackson hewitt in many of its stores starting today.
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the 1040ez forms will be free from h&r block. ? annuity will do the same -- jackson hewitt will do the same. rob nelson now. >> good morning. topping america's money, the american international auto show opens today. but cadillac has already unveiled its newest as it tries to break into a small luxury sports sedan market. ford will shoulder redesigned fusion of showing two types of hybrids. wall street's may be feeling the effects of a disappointing 2011, their bonuses will likely be the lowest. one reason is increasing criticism over compensation on wall street. gas prices are headed up sharply. the average price of a gallon of regular if rose more than 9 cents in the past week.
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the reason, higher crude-oil prices. audiences at the movies were possessed. the horror film took in more than a $35 million. many of the people who saw it did not like it. i am rob nelson. the wild weather did a favor for some metro riders. make things more bearable. >> yesterday a group of passengers dropped their drawers during the 11th annual no pants metro ride. it started in new york city and is now staged in cities all around the world. my goodness. they really didn't go all out. >> they did. -- they really did go all out. >> not a good idea this morning.
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>> to each his own. the weather. >> i have a beautiful pictures to show you. and the forecast include some areas of rain especially by mid- week. this is a beautiful picture from my friend sue via facebook in frederick. this was the sun rises today morning. a gorgeous shot of mid-level clouds. pearly morning light. we have a full moon early this morning. a few great pictures of the full moon from some of our cameras across the region especially the western facing cameras. i will have that in a second. you'll see the gorgeous full moon that you can still see shining through been clouded early this morning. there you go, just beneath a banner in ijamsville. now to live super doppler radar. some areas of white to the west of the blue ridge common in the
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cloud cover the radar is picking up. however, it is possible you could see agreed snow flurry early this morning. i have not seen any reports yet but there could be a few. that should not cause any travel problems. 28 at dulles airport, 30 in quantico 25 in frederick -- 38 in quantico. with the war front to our south associated with an area of low pressure, i will not rule out if light rain locally and south of the metro later on today. 2/10 of an inch south of town. locally, a few hundredths of an inch from the rainfall today. heavy rain late wednesday into early thursday. friday, cooler. it has been busy in virginia. we go to newschopper 7. 29 north at linton hall.
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squeezing by an accident by stay to the left. looks like the accident has a lot of equipment on the scene. they certainly are going to be there a little while. several vehicles involved. that's 29 north. that's coming up to 66 will be complicated. once on 66 normal delays out of manassas through centreville. back to you. >> thank you. 6:22 right now, 29 degrees if you are waking up in clinton. >> a "y-line" upset. we will look at tim tebow's latest denver miracle. next "anderson," dating online redefined. the first date bought and sold by the highest bidder. is this looking for love or prostitution? next "anderson."
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the broncos have been in three overtime games this year. they won them all. to the 20, and to the 10, scoring. >> tim tebow's magic touch was not tapped aout. he hooked up with demaryius
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thomas and for the touchdown. this was the quickest end to an overtime game in nfl history. >> sunday's other matchup, the giants beat the falcons, 24-2. there's the tepid chip showdown between lsu and alabama to night in college football. lsu won a game earlier this season, 9-6. 6:26 right now 25 degrees in frederick. another half-hour of coming up. >> pop star beyonce and gives birth to a daughter. what the pop's royal couple has named the new baby. >> if your new year's resolution was to save money at the gas pump, you might want to find a new resolution. a live report straight ahead. >> temperatures close to normal
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today, but we have areas of rain in the forecast.
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live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. don mischer. >> straight ahead at 6:30, the battle for second place in new hampshire primary, why the republican state may already be wrapped up in the granite state. it's monday, the january 9 i am kris van cleve. >> i am cynne simpson. there's a school delay this morning. warren county public schools' opening two hours late. traffic and weather every ten minutes. lisa baden in a moment. first, meteorologist adam caskey. it is cold in some parts. >> at st. john's catholic school in this picture, that's a
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full moon. a beautiful full moon which will set in about an hour. that is in frederick, maryland. get outside to look at that to the west. 27 degrees in leesburg, 25 in hagerstown, 34 in southeast d.c. 33 in woodbrige and waldorf. 44 this afternoon, mostly cloudy, a few areas of light rain, sprinkles here and there. a few hundredths of an inch locally and maybe a little more south of town. i cannot rule out a brief snow flurry this morning. more rain expected later wednesday into early thursday. out of gainesville to get to 66, 29 before 66, there's an accident. two collect getting by. they are making some progress, but there are delays as far as 15. breaking news. state radio from iran reports an
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american man convicted of working for the cia has been sentenced to death. iranian officials say the man is identified as hazmati tried to infiltrate the nation's intelligence agency. the u.s. has not commented. new hampshire is next to vote. >> even though the primary is not until tomorrow, this battle may be over already. brianne carter has the latest from the campaign trail. is it done? >> it seems like there may be one clear front runner there appendix a not so fast. it's make it or break it time in hampshire. republican presidential candidates making their final pitches to the voters. it is the second contests in the presidential race. according to the latest polls former massachusetts governor mitt romney goals a 24-point lead over the closest challenger ron paul who is once again
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sitting asserted support from younger voters. romney is the top spot targets. >> we want someone who's going to stand up and fight for conservative principles, not run to the left of ted kennedy. >> we are going to arrive on tuesday night. >> two other candidates already making a big push in the state that holds the third contest that is south carolina. rick santorum and rick perry are both hoping to do well in south carolina because more conservative. we will have to see what happens after the results come in tomorrow night in new hampshire. reporting live in the newsroom brianne carter, abc 7 news. there was a special moment as tucson marked one year since one of the worst days in the city's history. >> with liberty and justice for
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all. [cheers] >> wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords lead the pledge of allegiance during a candlelight vigil last night. if she is recovering after being shot in the head while meeting with constituents. six people died and 12 others besides giffords were wounded. >> we have all seen the ceiling that is possible. we have even seen it here tonight as my incredible life led us in the pledge of allegiance. >> she visited the shooting scene on saturday. the accused gunman is in a missouri prison where he is being forcibly medicated to make him unfit for trial. 2012 seems to be off to a pricey start especially for drivers. >> gas prices have jumped more than one dime in the last few weeks. there's little relief in sight. right now the national average stands at $3.46. john gonzalez is live in college park with reaction and maybe the reasons behind this.
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>> that's right. definitely not good news for the new year. it is interesting, when gas prices go up, to talk to people to see how they're saving money by filling up after a gas tank, going regular instead of premium, even driving slow. that is in effect this morning because the average price of a gallon of regular gas is up 12 cents. that is in only three weeks. analysts predict that these numbers will only continue climbing if crude oil prices remain steady. according to the lundberg survey, an average gallon of regular gasoline is $3.36 this morning. this is the first increase since mid october. don't build your coffee, but experts say we could see record numbers this spring. some commuters we spoke with this morning said they are already feeling the pinch. >> a significant increase in gas prices within the last two weeks.
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my daily commute is 60 or 70 miles a day. i have noticed hoew has caused me a lot more to travel to work. it's ridiculous. i'm not sure why prices are going up. >> we can see bp on route 1 in college park, $3.39 for regular. this couldn't be anything from higher taxes on ethanol to the oil pipeline delays in iran. whatever it is, it's not the right way to start the new year on the roads. and john gonzalez reporting, abc 7 news. jury selection resumes today in the trial of a maryland prisoner accused of killing a corrections officer. he is charged with stabbing officer david mcguinn to death in jessup in 2006. the states is pushing for the death penalty in the case. the d.c. council will meet today for the first time since councilman harry thomas jr. resigned last week. thomas pleaded guilty on friday
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to stealing more than $350,000 in money meant for youth sports programs. metro continues its inspection on brakes on hundreds of rail cars today. inspections began friday after a piece fell from an orange line train. the transit agency said the inspections should be finished in the next few days. a big honor for a montgomery county police officer. later today officer edward e. paden jr. will receive the congressional battle bravery for its actions during a hostage situation at the discovery building. he was off duty when gunmen james lee enter the silver spring office. the officer went inside any way allowing information to other officers outside and helping to free people trapped. congress will also honor 20 other officers from across the country. 6:37, 34 degrees in alexandria this morning. >> still ahead, the big 30
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how the duchess of cambridge will mark a milestone birthday. printout to eat out in the district without breaking the bank.
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captioned by the national captioning institute it's monday morning, coming
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up on 6:41. we have a few areas of light on the radar screen. this could be a few snow flurries west of the metro area not a big deal. no reports of anything reaching the ground. the radar is set at 0.5 degrees right now. we're looking at 7,000 feet in the sky. that's roughly the base of the clouds of to the west that are increasing. we cannot rule out an isolated snow flurry early this morning especially west of town. that's not cause any problems or delays. 35 right now in washington, 38 in quantico, 25 in frederick, 26 in martinsburg, 30 degrees in winchester. mid 40's this afternoon, near average. a few sprinkles, light areas of rain locally and south of the metro later on today. maybe wet snowflakes around lunchtime extent. not a big deal, not much andin
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terms of overall moisture. 50's tomorrow. no accidents on 66 eastbound, but traffic slowing in manassas through centreville before and after 50, and around nutley street. inner loop at 450, a crash coming out of greenbelt to get to fedex field. woodyard road, northbound 4 -- that is northbound 4 near woodyard road, there's an accident. plenty of traffic out there frederick into montgomery county and here at shady grove road. you might want to get your reservations ready. restaurant week kicks off in the district today and will last until sunday. participating restaurants will offer a multicourse meal at a discounted price. $35.12 for dinner and less for
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lunch. the 12 is for 2012 29 degrees in rockville. >> beyonce has become a mother. >> and we will never preview of new hampshire's
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president obama starts the workweek with a visit from the dallas mavericks, the raining nba champions. they will not face the wasn't and wizards -- --they will not face the washington wizards. the wizards are struggling a little. abbey philip is here to review politics.
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townsman is surging. will he become a player? >> that would be a little bit of a surprise. we will have to see what ends up happening tomorrow. fawn johnson has spent more time in new hampshire than anyone, holding town halls and knocking on doors. he has had a couple of good debate performances this weekend. -- jon huntsman has spent more time in new hampshire than anyone. it is a question of how soon this might get wrapped up. >> it looks like mitt romney will be the nominee. >> yes. in south carolina he does not have a natural base of support but there's a new poll this morning showing him in the 30's,
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which is a number that he has not really seen as a candidate at all so far. that is a number that is a little surprising for a very conservative state like that. if it will be really interesting to see if he defies people's expectations and does well in new hampshire and south carolina. >> when will candidates start pulling the ejector cord? >> some people of forming very poorly in many of these contests are still in the race. the question is, why? maybe they are holding out for places like south carolina where they think they can do well. if gingrich and rick perry don't do well in south carolina, you might see them pulling out. if jon huntsman does not do well in new hampshire, he might also pull the cord. next week will be very revealing for mitt romney and everyone else. >> thank you so much. we appreciate you stopping by
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this morning. >> my pleasure. british detectives have identified the decomposed body that was found on's state. 17-year-old alisa dmitrijeva. she was reported missing from her home in eastern england in august. a dog walker found the body on years day. the royal family has not been implicated in this crime. catherine the duchess of cambridge is celebrating a milestone today. buckingham palace says the former kate middleton will celebrate her 30th birthday with a private low-key affair. the duke and duchess of cambridge attended last night's london premiere of the new movie ""war horse." beyonce and daisy are mom and dad now. the singer gave birth to blue ivy carter and this weekend. they are doing fine. they rented an entire floor of new york city's lenox hill
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hospital. several theories of why the couple chose the name for the child. some say that blue is in reference to blue print, which is jay-z's album franchise. who knows. >> whatever inspiration comes to the new parents. it is a sad time for some local movie fans. >> after nearly a century the old town alexandria movie theater is closed. had a last event last night. it survived two world wars and depression. it cannot survive these tough economic times. the movie theater began as a vaudevillian theater. >> people would dance upstairs all night and drink. flexed i am sorry to see it go.
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>> some people were there for last night's final screening and have been going there for decades. others went there for the first time last night knowing it was their only chance to be a part of history. 6 icloud 50. a check on traffic and weather. -- 6:50. >> we have a little action on the way. >> rainfall? >> moseley. >>-- mostly. what i want to show you is a beautiful picture from frederick. this is at st. john's catholic school in frederick, a full moon shining through some thin clouds. and in this camera in hindsville you can see the moon setting. that's a global force 7:30. -- in hindsvillijamsville.
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moon setting around 7:30. there will be some light areas of rain isolated. there could be a few wet snowflakes expect in at the onset. that should not cause any trouble problems, not a big deal. i just wanted to let you know so that you don't get caught off guard early this morning. we have a warm front down to the south. tripin the forecast we have areas of light rain, but not everyone will see that. it will be isolated and not that much in terms of actual moister terms of stimulation. picking up only a couple hundreds of an inch around the metro area. maybe 2/10 in the northern neck of virginia and lower southern maryland. 28 in gaithersburg and the dulles, 35 in the district, 25
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in frederick. highs will be in the mid 40's with a few sprinkles. tomorrow, sunny skies, 52. the real deal will be late wednesday night's and early thursday, an inch. slow traffic for virginia commuters, 29 northbound out of gainesville to get up until 66. we're looking at traffic on 66 and near nutley street, no worries to report right now between 123 and the beltway. marilyn traffic, let's go there with traffic moving nicely at father hurley boulevard. headlights are southbound. a couple of brief delays betweenle,
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let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay.
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6:55 is the time. time to check top stories. republican presidential candidates attacking front- runner mitt romney and each other ahead of tomorrow's new hampshire primary. the candidates will fan out across the state today for last- minute campaigning. will did arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords joined thousands of people for candlelight vigil marking one year since the tragedy in tucson. six people died, 12 others wounded. a montgomery county police officer will receive the congressional battle bravery for his actions during the 2010 hostage crisis. officer edward e. paden jr. went
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into the discovery communications building in silver spring and helped to free people being held there. 6:55. a final look at traffic and weather and as we do every 10 minutes. good morning, lisa. >> on 95 in and out of baltimore it looks good. normal volume on 95 in virginia. a little slow in springfield. no accidents on 395 up to the pentagon. 66 has delays in manassas up to the pentagon and leaving at least read. not a bad day, but mostly cloudy. right now, look west for the full moon. tomorrow a lot of sunshine, a rise in the low 50's. a few isolated areas of light rain today but the heavy rain is late wednesday all the way through early thursday. not bad. >> good morning amer
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