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tv   News 4 Today at 5  NBC  January 31, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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now. it is just about 5:00. around 40 degrees around the region. we had a chilly start yesterday. and now we are back up on the roller coaster, climbing again, tom. >> find your flip-flops. it's going to be another springlike day in january. and this morning, a wide variety of temperatures. many locations are pretty cold. in the mid 30s in montgomery, fairfax, and loudoun county and montgomery county up into howard and frederick county. some locations below freezing. around 40 near the beltway. the bay, mid 40s. throughout much of virginia, it is all above freezing, though, mid to upper 30s. panhandle of west virginia, a few places near the freezing mark. here's the view from space over the last 12 hours. a few wispy, high clouds coming into the mountains. those will be with us from time to time this morning.
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here's your day planner. sunrise at 7:16. and it will be a mostly sunny morning, high clouds coming in. then by noontime, partly cloudy and temperatures by then to the 60s. we ought to hit the mid to upper 60s for a brief time around 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 or so. by 5:00, it will turn cooler. then this evening, we'll cool down again. a look at the evening planner in ten minutes. here's traffic on this tuesday. good morning. good morning, our area is still looking really good. volume, not bad. and i'm not definitely seeing any accidents at this time. taking the trip on i-95, coming from dale city, even heading all the way up to 395, seeing a lot of green for you all. i'll give you a travel speed if you are approaching route 1. you're at 69 miles per hour. and connecting on to 395, looks really good, as well. again, light volume heading northbound at edsall. southbound on 395, your volume's even lighter. travel speeds, northbound you're at 62 miles per hour, and from the beltway to the 14th street bridge, you're only going to take 12 minutes to make the trip. back to you. >> danella, thank you very much.
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right now we're keeping a close eye on the occupy d.c. encampments. it is the first night since park police enforced the no camping rule at freedom plaza and mcpherson square. tracee wilkins is live at mcpherson square with the overnight developments. any change? good morning. >> reporter: good morning, joe. no change yet. let me show you what's happening at this camp. you see the sign that reads high noon usa park police showdown. the folks at this camp were prepared for the possibility of being evicted off of this federal space at noon yesterday. it didn't happen then. they've been prepared all night for the possibility of u.s. park police to come in and move them off this land overnight. so far, again, nothing has happened. u.s. park police have been checking tents for sleeping occupiers and reminding protesters at the two occupy sites that there is no camping on these federal sites. park police spokesmen says officers began enforcing the camping ban yesterday, and while he would not give a specific date and time for eviction, he
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said the camping ban also includes having bedding materials like sleeping bags and blankets. the national parks service warned protesters last friday that those who violate the rule would be arrested. so far there have been no arrests. and we have not seen a large amount of u.s. park police come down here and do anything at any of these sites. but the campers are walking around, occupiers are also paying close attention to what's happening at the perimeter of the site, looking for the possibility of park police headed their way. live this morning in northwest. back to you in the studio. >> all right, thank you very much. we'll keep an eye on it all morning long. 5:03. today could be a turning point in decision 2012. polls open in less than two hours for the florida primary. republican officials expect a record turnout of more than two million people. mitt romney bounced back in the polls and appears to be the favorite to win. newt gingrich is coming off a primary win in south carolina but has seen crowds dwindle as
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he campaigns in florida. both men took last-minute digs at each other during their campaign stops across the state. >> you now have had the "wall street journal" say governor romney is just plain not telling the truth. you've had "national review" saying governor romney's just not telling the truth. you cannot get to be president if you don't have the courage to tell the truth to the american people. [ applause ] >> he's been flailing around a bit trying to go after me for one thing or the other. you just watch it and shake your head. it's been kind of painfully revealing to watch. >> nearly 600,000 people have already cast ballots in florida's early voting. exit polls show romney winning by nearly 2-1. and as results from florida come in, news4's doreen gentzler and aaron gilchrist will host a web chat. go to breaking news now. at least 1 al qaeda militants are dead after an overnight air strike in yemen. a drone targeted forces in
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lawdar, south of yemen. at least four were al qaeda leaders. no civilians were injured. al qaeda has attempted to use political unrest in yemen to gain influence among the people and government there. today, secretary of state hillary clinton will meet with the united nations security council to talk about syria. clinton says that she will support a plan that condemns the syrian president's regime, demands the regime stop cracking down on its citizens, and implements an arab league peace plan. the measure calls for the syrian president to transfer his power to the vice president and to allow elections. the u.n. says the regime has kilned more than 5 -- killed more than 5,400 people since the uprising began in march. former prince george's county executive jack johnson will remain out of prison for two more weeks. johnson was scheduled to turn himself in to authorities this friday. according to the "washington post," the federal bureau of prisons says it's not completed an evaluation nor finalized plans are where to send him.
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the 62-year-old is expected to go the prison in north carolina where bernie madoff resides. the former executive pled gilly in may to receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from developers. johnson was sentenced to more than seven years in prison. he is expected to turn himself in on problem 18. -- on february 18. a proposal to raise maryland's gasoline tax is getting a twist. governor o'malley wants to charge a sales tax every time you head to the pump. we have details. >> reporter: good morning, maryland lawmakers are looking for a way to bring in more money and a higher gas tax is at the top of the list. this new proposal pie govern-- governor o'malley is likely to cause controversy. the governor wants to charge the state 6% sales tax on every gallon of gas on top of the current gas tax. now right now, gas is exempt from sales tax, and the plan would be phased in by 2% increments over the next three years. this means you would end up
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paying 18 cents a gallon more in taxes by the end of those three years. to help you understand this, we're going to break it down in dollars and cents. say you have a 15-gallon tank and fill up weekly. right now the average for regular gas in the state is $3.48 a gallon. with a 6% sales tax, you would pay about $3 more for every fill-up. over the course of a year, about $156 more in taxes. now if regular goes to $4 a gallon which is what expected by, say, this spring, you could be paying nearly $4 a gallon in sales tax or nearly $200 a year more for gas because of the tax. back to you. >> angie gofp reporting. 5:07. no laughing matter. why some tweents sent by young visitors got them kicked out of the united states. giving his two cents. why osama bin laden might still be alive if president obama be alive if president obama listened to the advice of his
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together.
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5:10. still dark outside, surprise, surprise. and chilly. temperature near 40 around the region. >> things are looking up for spring lovers like me. >> yeah. >> i think we'll feel a tickle in our throats today. joe's already coughing. >> spring fever coming on, maybe. it's 5:11 on this tuesday. i'm mostly cloudy in storm center 4. right now we have temperatures showing a wide variety. generally 30s in montgomery, fairfax, arlington counties, near 40 in washington. low to mid 40s in prince george's county and much of southern maryland, northern neck and eastern shore. across the rest of virginia, many locations east of the blue ridge in the 30s, blue ridge west, many areas are now in the 40s. and looking at the view from space, from adams-morgan to suitland and mt. rainier as well as annandale and burk and colesville, a mostly clear sky. here's your day planner. sunrise at 7:16. mid 40s by 9:00. soaring into the 60s during the
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afternoon. mid to upper 60s middle of the afternoon. and then this evening, here's your evening planner, sunset at 5:28. we'll be down to the upper 40s by midnight. a mostly clear sky. a look at big changes on the way for the rest of the week and weekend in ten minutes. how's traffic now, danella? i think the spring fever is catching. you know what that means, i may not be able to finish this hit. all right. so traveling the beltway, your travel speeds look really good. this is at connecticut avenue. i'm not really seeing any issues around the beltway. not only in montgomery county but prince george's county, as well. i'll give you a travel speed on the outer loop from i-95 to i-270. 60 miles per hour. and if you're traveling the beltway in virginia, same story. very light volume, no incidents to report at this time. a live look at van dorn street. in fact, making your way from the wilson bridge to van dorn street, you're at 64 miles per hour. and if you're taking the rails, no reported delays on the metro, marc, or the vre. i may need to nurse myself back to health. hopefully i'll see you in ten minutes. w another look at traffic.
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>> what will we do? >> i just called the doctor, they're on their way with a stretcher. >> i thought she was wearing running shoes to race out of here. i don't know. >> don't rat me out. back to you already. >> thanks. >> hope to see you soon. >> yes. goodness, what are we going to do? everyone in the newscast not feeling well. still ahead on "news4 today," it's 5:13 now, the giants and patriots don't take the field until sunday. both will face off against a common opponent today. plus, this baby owes his
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♪ pierre! your fashion is so "right now," but your banking is so last season! earn more with high yield free checking at capital one bank. instead of some unfashionable rate, your checking could be earning five times the national average. and free atms anywhere. five times the interest? that's hot. oooooo! let's catwalk! you want more interest? open an account at a capital one bank. what's in your wallet? does this make my tuches look big?
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ welcome back. 5:16. florida governor rick scott has ordered an investigation into a
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20-car pileup. he's specifically questioning why authorities reopened the highway early sunday morning. heavy smoke from a nearby wildfire along with fog blinded drives on i-75. the chain-reaction crash killed ten people. troopers had reopened the interstate about 15 minutes before the pileup. the florida highway patrol defended its decision saying visibility deteriorated quickly. joking about bombs and explosions can certainly get you kicked out of an airport. but tweets kept two british tourists from ever getting on a plane. tabloids in the u.k. report a couple made what some security officials took to be threatening comments on twitter before a trip to los angeles. one tweet apparently said, "free this week for a quick gossip prep before i go and destroy america." u.s. customs and border protection tells nbc that authorities detained a couple linked to the tweets before they boarded a flight to los angeles. they were questioned and then returned to their country. many of president obama's
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top aides had reservations about the raid that killed osama bin laden. now we know that one of them was vice president joe biden. according to abc news, biden told fellow democrats this weekend that he advised against the raid last spring saying he wanted more evidence that bin laden was in the pakistani compound. biden quoted himself as say, "mr. president, my suggestion is don't go." he says the only person who was not hesitant was former cia director and current secretary of defense leon panetta. a retired u.s. lieutenant general who made comments belittling islam will not attend a west point prayer breakfast. this comes after a veterans advocacy group asked the army chief of staff to rescind the invitation to lieutenant general william boykin. in 2002, boykin made statements portraying the fight against terrorism as a christian fight against satan and suggesting that muslims worship idols. last night, west point issued a brief statement saying boykin decided to withdraw from the february 8 event, and another speaker would be lined unin his
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place. -- lined up in his place. authorities in arizona are testing a substance found in an envelope addressed to president obama. it listed controversial sheriff joe arpaio as the sender. investigators say the letter told the president to "resign or die." and also had a white powder inside. the sheriff says his signature was forged. arpaio is under scrutiny for his anti-legal immigration tactics. investors participating in a deal to slash greece's massive debt could face an overall loss on their bond holdings of more than 70% according to a person inside the negotiations in brussels. the big losses are produced by cutting the face valley of bonds by 50%, by extending repayment deadlines to 30 years and cutting the average interest rate to between 3.5% and 4%. the eurozone leaders hope to finalize a debt deal this week. the news is not affecting the world's stock markets so far. right now european and asian stock markets are up.
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u.s. futures are down. now 5:19. the u.n. experts say they support japan's intention to run stress tests at its nuclear plants. the stress tests are computer simulations that evaluate a nuclear reactor's resilience. japan's government will use the findings to determine whether it is safe to restart idled reactors. critics say the tests are insufficient because they only simulate one disaster at a time. they also say the tests do not account for the possibility of equipment and human error. many point to the problems with the fukushima plant and what happened after the earthquake and tsunami. salvage teams say it could be a year before they can remove that capsized cruise ship from the waters near italy. the "costa concordia" hit a reef more than two weeks ago and has been on its side ever since. the cruiseliner is taking -- cruise line, that is, is taking bids for the removal process. pad weather delayed cruise -- bad weather delayed crew was pumping fuel from the scene to prevent an environmental threat from a nearby island. divers are searching for 16
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people still missing in the disaster. the deadly shipwreck having a financial impact on carnival cruise lines. the company that owns the "costa concordia." it estimates that the crash will cost the company as much as $175 million in profits. in the days following the crash, reservations on carnival cruise lines fell dramatically. 5:21. that means weather & traffic on the 1s. meteorologist tom kierein is going to be one popular guy these next couple of days. >> is that the only time? >> no, always popular, tom. >> that's right. >> you get extra money in your paycheck this week. >> a day by day thing, i know. right now, near 40 in washington. feeling like a winter morning. in the mid 30s in montgomery county, fairfax, arlington, prince george's county low to mid 40s. but milder near the bay. in the mid 40s on this tuesday morning. and farther to the west, we're in the low to mid 30s in parts of loudoun county, prince william, fauquier, rappahannock along the blue ridge. upper 20s at the airport.
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33 in martinsburg. those are some of the colder spots. the shenandoah valley in the 40s now. the view from space showing a mostly clear sky here now. we have a few clouds, though, drifting into the central shenandoah valley and across west virginia. those will move toward the metro area through the morning. clouds in and out, but mild. temperatures soaring into the mid 60s to maybe upper 60s in virginia. elsewhere, low to mid 60s during the afternoon. overnight tonight, we'll be clearing and have temperatures down to the upper 40s by midnight. some clouds around tomorrow. a small chance of sprinkles north of the d.c. area in the morning. a little sun coming back. then cloudy again by late afternoon. another mild day on wednesday. into the upper 60s again. then on thursday, cloudy, rain likely. and cooler with highs only the low 50s. the sun back on friday, and still a chill in the air and temperatures near 50. partly sunny now it looks like for saturday. there's still some uncertainty about rain.
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stay tuned. certainly going to be chilly for the weekend. danella, how's traffic now? if you're traveling on i-66, volume is increasing a bit, but not too much yet. i'll give you a live look now if this is your commute. start offing at sully -- starting at sully road, no major delays or accidents. east at fairfax county parkway, busy as you make your way. again, a good travel speed. i'll give you a travel speed from forecast parkway to the capital -- from fairfax county parkway to the capital, no delays. no delays on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. >> thank you very much. federal safety regulators are stepping up their investigation of faulty air bags in jeep liberties. the national highway traffic safety administration reports 50 people were injured when their jeep liberty air bags deployed without a crash. initial reports say the problems appear to be with the 2002 and
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2003 models. chrysler, which makes the suv, say there are no issue with vehicles made after march of 2003. 5:23. the washington auto show is home to some of the hottest new cars and coolest concepts for 2012. if you are going to the show today, you could catch a glimpse of the president. president obama is expected to visit the convention center today. he will talk about the successful bailout of g.m. and chrysler, as well as new effort to boost fuel efficiency and renewed focus on manufacturing. the white house plans to use the auto industry bailout as a point of contrast with gop front-runner mitt romney who opposed the move to rescue carmakers. also today, the washington auto show will hold a military tribute. organizers say they will announce vehicle discounts and job opportunities for military personnel. also all active duty military and veterans will get into the show for free today. the first lady is heading to late night. michelle obama will be a guest on the "tonight show" with jay
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leno tonight. she's expected to talk about life in the white house as well as let's move, which is her fitness initiative for children. this will be her third appearance on the show. the super bowl is just five days away, but before the new england patriots and the new york giants face each other on the field, they have to first face the media. jim vance and dan hellie today. players and coaches will talk about the big game. for the first time in super bowl history, fans will be allowed to sit in the stands to watch the media day events. betting on the big game is already underway. mayor thomas menino and new york mayor michael bloomberg have announced a bet with the prize being a super bowl super tour based on the outcome. if the patriots win, a family of four from boston will win roundtrip airfare to new york, a two-night stay at the grand hyatt, two dinners and free tickets to sporting events and cultural sites. if the giants win, a family of four from new york will win a similar trip to boston.
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the mayors have not announced when or how a winning family will be picked. perhaps if your name is bloomberg or menino, you might have an inside shot. >> yeah. >> nbc 4 is your official station for the super bowl. our jim vance and dan hellie are in indianapolis getting you ready for the big game. watch for their live reports all this week. the wizards suffered two losses last night. the first to the chicago bulls, 98-88. the second loss, andre blagojevich who will be out three to five weeks -- andray blatche who will be out three to five weeks with a strained cav. derek rose scored a season high 35 points. john wall led the wizards. they'll try another win against the magic. here's a story about a big baby. i mean, a really big baby. >> this is a big kid. an iowa woman -- has to happen in iowa. an iowa woman gave birth to a baby boy who weighs nearly 14
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pounds. [ crying ] >> oh, my goodness. >> you bet. wah. meet asher. he measures 23 inches long and weighs 13 pounds, 13 ounces. his mother, kendall stewartson, chose to deliver him with natural childbirth. she had no pain medication and no surgery. >> what? >> she was in labor for six hours, and that's the way she and her husband wanted it. her other son, by the way, her first-born son, weighed 12 pounds when he was born. 14 pounds, 12 pounds, that's more than two of your kids. >> combined. asher came out asking for a cheeseburger. look at that baby. >> that is a big kid. >> mothers around the world are wincing after that story. good not gracious. >> good morning. nice day we have. 5:27. coming up, showdown in florida. voters are ready to make their picks for who they will pick to choose -- to challenge president obama. getting her point across.
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he has a big lead in the polls, but will it pay off at
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the polls for mitt romney? we're live in florida where voters are getting ready to weigh in on the republican presidential race. will they be evicted? we're watching the occupy d.c. camps where protesters remain camped out. good morning, i'm eun yang. >> good morning, i'm joe krebs. welcome to "news4 today" on this tuesday, the 31st day of january. a live look outside now. temperatures in the 40s. the low 40s as we look around the region. tom is here to tell us about our forecast for this last day of january. yeah, 5:31 on this tuesday morning. and around the region, we've got a clear sky. and under the clear sky we've got a wide variety of temperatures as we start off this tuesday morning. right now at reagan national, at 41. it's near 40 in prince george's county. much of montgomery county in the upper 30s. fairfax, arlington counties now in the mid to upper 30s as is much of northern virginia including loudoun county, prince william, fauquier. farther to the west, shenandoah valley in the 40s many locations. the chilly spot is martinsburg,
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they're at 33. elsewhere in the mountains, above freezing, 40s to near 50. that's mild air coming from the midwest along with high clouds that will be with us throughout the day. we will soar into the 60s this afternoon. we'll have quite a bit of sunshine. clouds midday. sunrise at 7:16. we'll look at the evening planner in ten minutes. danella? checking the commute. if you're traveling route 50 heading out from annapolis, making your way toward the beltway in both directions, i'm not seeing issues. volume is light and still good travel speed. this is a live look at route 50 at the beltway. i'll give you a travel speed this morning. you're at 67 miles per hour, and to get from 301 to the beltway, that trip will only take you eight minutes. traveling on the rails, no reported delays on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. >> thank you very much. voters in florida will make their way to the polls in less than two hours. mitt romney is all but predicting victory in the state. he right now holds double-digit
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leads in most polls. newt gingrich says he will not back down. nbc's tracie potts joins us live from tampa this morning. good morning. >> reporter: hi, joe. good morning, everyone. we already know what half a million florida voter think. they've already voted. the early voters are favoring mitt romney 2-1. in fact, the polls same to indicate that for the rest of the look tourette, as well. rasmussen gives him a 16-point lead. that mimics what we saw in our poll and other big ones, as well. the big issue here has been the ads. they are saturating the airwaves. romney has outspent gingrich 4-1 when you include the ads funded by his super pac. his strategy has been when newt gingrich swings, swing back harder. that's what we've seen on the air here. it looks like gingrich may be closing the gap. the two have been going back and forth about truth telling. >> you have had the "wall street journal" saying governor regime is not telling the truth.
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"national review" said that governor romney's not telling the truth. you cannot get to be president if you don't have the courage to tell the truth to the american people. >> he's been flailing around a bit, trying to go after may for one thing or the other. you just watch it and shake your head. it's -- it's been kind of painfully revealing to watch. >> narrator: a couple of polls had gingrich closing the gap by five to seven points, but the electorate seems to be concerned, as we've seen, with republicans in other states. they seem to be concerned with elect ability, not just who wins florida when the polls open in a few hours, but who can win in november. >> thank you very much. we'll be watching all day long for the results later this evening. thank you very much. and as the results from florida do come in, news4's doreen gentzler and aaron gilchrist will be here. they'll also host a live web chat. to join that conversation, just go to 5:346789 aides for mitt romney -- 5:36. aides for mitt romney plan to meet with nbc after the network
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asked his campaign to stop running an attack ad on newt gingrich. it uses a clip from "nbc nightly news" in 70s featuring then-anchor tom brokaw. romney said the campaign would consider pulling the ad but argued the footage was not from a secret file. the republican presidential candidates are not spending money at levels seen in 2008, but new political action committees are making up for it. according to "usa today," so far, super pacs have spent more than $44 million this primary season. that's compared to nearly $11 million at this point in the 2008 race. presidential candidates will report their own fundraising and spending today. today president obama will send a proposal to congress that expands tax breaks for small businesses. this package would eliminate tax rates on capital gains for investments and extend the ability to let businesses deduct all of the costs of equipment and software purchases by one year. the president is also proposing a new 10% tax credit for small
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businesses that add jobs or increase wages in 2012. 5:35. right now we're keeping a close eye on the occupy d.c. encampments. this is a live look at mcpherson square. the first night since park police enforced the no-camping rule at freedom plaza and mcpherson square. means protesters can have tents on the grounds, but they cannot slip or cook inside of them. anyone who breaks the rule could be arrested. demonstrators are holding what they call a 24-hour vigil at freedom plaza and mcpherson square. this morning, same-sex marriage supporters will be gathering in annapolis for a rally. the event comes on the heels of another rally against legalizing gay marriage in the state. >> marriage should be defined between what? >> one man -- >> and what? >> one woman. >> there you go. >> more than 300 people showed up for the rally next to the state house. this group says it's rejecting an attempt to redefine marriage. governor on, mally is expected to pitch his bill to legalize gay marriage before a senate
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committee. last year a same-sex marriage bill passed the senate but failed in the house. a proposal to raise maryland's gas tax is getting a new twist today. o'malley, governor o'malley is proposing that the state's 6% sales tax be charged on every gallon of gasoline on top of the current gas tax. the tax would be phased in in 2% increments over three years. that could total more than 18 cents a gallon in taxes by the end of those three years and could raise more than $600 million for transportation funding. 5:37. 40 degree. stuck in their homes, the accident that left a number of people trapped in this apartment building. playing the waiting game, why you may not want to get your tax refund as quickly this year. plus, the calendar may still say january, but it doesn't feel
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i need pain relief that won't mess with my grip. [ male announcer ] icy hot no-mess applicator. wherever you hurt, it massages in icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. no pain. no mess. 5:40. beautiful day. lights lighting up the dark sky. temperatures in the fourth around the region. let's go to partly cloudy to clear find out about our forecast. here it comes, spring in january. good morning, time for weather and traffic. we've got a wide variety of
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temperatures from herndon to franconia, mitchellville, new carrollton, foggy bottom, germantown. generally in the upper 30s to near 40 degrees. leesburg down to 34. martinsburg, 33. those are really the chilly spots. frederick in maryland at 28 right now. elsewhere, well above freezing and in the 40s. and even mid 50s now out in west virginia, some of that southwesterly wind is really sweeping in some mild air. we have a few high clouds drifting in from the west. those will be with us here through the morning and through midday. we'll rapidly warm up. here's your day planner. sunrise at 7:16. mid 40s by 9:00 throughout the region. to near 50 degrees or so. and then later in the morning, 60s. during the afternoon, mid to upper 60s between 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. turning cooler by late afternoon. here's the evening planner. sun sets at 5:28. we'll have the cloud cover breaking up and clearing to the sky and into the upper 40s by midnight. and then -- we've got changes on
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the way beginning tomorrow. we'll look at that and the end of the week and weekend in ten minutes. danella? it's that time of morning if you're traveling on i-270. you are starting to slow down just a bit as you make your way southbound. heading out of urbana, i'll give you a live look. you can see yellow. that means are you slow. in fact, at 109, you're at 38 miles per hour. one you make your way to germantown heading into rockville, you're seeing a lot of green. i can tell you that your volume is picking up in this area. this is a live look at falls road. you see all this space in between the cars. they still have a good travel speed as you travel through rockville and connect to the spur. your lanes are open. no accidents at this time on i-270 north or south. on the rails, they look really good about no reported delays on the metro -- good with no reported delays on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. >> thank you. coming up, one of the biggest slack force hit the big screen is back. >> bought it. ♪ >> how can i handle work on a day like today? >> the message ferris bueller is
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delivering to football fans this weekend. on the outside looking in, why a number of area bruce why a number of area bruce springsteen fans say they wi
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today my journey continues across the golden state, why a number of area bruce springsteen fans say they wi where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. ah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent oh dear... or more on car insurance. bringing a rich, warm tenderness to your peas.
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ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with less saturated fat than butter go ahead. cheat on butter. back. this morning two people are safe after their small jet plane overshot the runway at bwi thurgood marshall airport. the plane landed in the grassy area last night around 7:00. the two who were flying were from the -- flying from the poconos in pennsylvania to baltimore. the incident did not affect any commercial air traffic. and this morning, one person is in the hospital after eye stairwell collapsed inside an apartment complex in southwest washington. the collapse trapped some people in their upstairs apartments. it happened in the 4300 block of mlk avenue southwest near bowling air force base.
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neighbors telling news4 that the stairwell collapsed as a man was delivering a large piece of furniture. he was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. >> i just heard one of the residents fall. i had assumed that maybe he had just fell down the steps. it wasn't until later on that i was on my way to work that i realized that the bottom landing had actually fell through. >> firefighters temporarily shored up the stairwell to allow people to exit the building until more permanent repairs can be made. aftershocks from last summer's earthquake are still rattling the area. the magnitude 3.2 trembler struck mineral around 6:30 last night. people as far away as middletown, maryland, reported feeling it. this follows a magnitude 5.8 quake in august that damaged the washington monument and national cathedr cathedral. so far there are no reports of damage. a virginia state -- the virginia senate rejected one fairfax county lawmaker's amendment to a controversial
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bill requiring women to get ultrasounds before an abortion. in the amendment, state senator janet howell of reston wanted men to get a rectal exam and heart stress test before getting prescriptions to treat erectile dysfunction. she said if women are getting unnecessary tests, men should, as well. the amendment failed. the abortion bill before the general assembly is expected to pass. montgomery county police need your help finding two missing teens from rockville. 14-year-old alexis kirby and 15-year-old kaylynn wilson were seen on saturday. they both live on latochia place and often visit the verendez naermts the briggs cheney area. parents are concerned because the girls are so young. anyone who has seen the girls should call montgomery county police. a marine nominated for the silver star is in the hospital after he was beaten with a club in crystal city. the beating happened nine days ago but is just now coming to light in this exclusive.
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police say lance corporal jake aaron hill was beaten outside a 7-eleven store. according to sources, surveillance video shows hill talking with a woman named anita cook. sources also say hill made a racial comment toward her. she then told her friend marquee dawkins who went to his car. a local restaurant owner describes what happened next outside. >> the guy is hiding. he's like this but hiding this thing behind him. so when he goes to strike the marine, he goes whap. and you ok'd -- it was dark out, like this. and i couldn't see what it was, whether it was a hammer or tire iron. >> police arrested cook and dawkins for malicious assault. dawkins remains in custody. d.c. mayor gray says the district ended the fiscal year with a $240 million surplus, the largest since the economic downturn began. about $50 million came from underspending. the mayor says that the extra money has been used to replenish
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the district's reserve fund. he says he hopes the three major credit rating agencies will consider upgrading the district's bond ratings. mayor gray will travel to new york on thursday to make that pitch. and mayor gray says it would be ill advised for voters to sign a petition seeking to recall him from office. he says his administration is making progress in several critical areas. he also says a districtwide special election would be expensive. political activist frederick butler filed a notice to recall gray and d.c. council chair kwame brown. 45,000 signatures are needed to trigger a recall election. it is now 5:50. there is a chance virginia students could be headed back to school before labor day next year. the virginia house education committee overwhelmingly passed a bill repealing the kings dominion law that requires schools to start after labor day. the new bill would let school districts decide if they want the school calendar to start before or after the holiday. the vote comes a week after the senate killed a similar bill.
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it now heads to the full house of delegates. if the bill passes, it could set the stage for a showdown with the senate. and virginia's population growth is outpacing the rest of the nation. the university of virginia says the state's population grew by 1.2% between 2010 and july of 2011. that brings the state's total population to 8.1 million. in comparison, the nation's population grew by less than 1% in the same period. fredericksburg was the fastest growing jurisdiction with a growth rate of 4.9%. the biggest population gains were in northern virginia, richmond, and hampton roads. you may want to dig out your tennis togs and finest golf sweater for today. sounds like a nice day. >> yeah. there may be an overwhelming courage push away from the keyboard and take a stroll down the toll path later this afternoon at your local park. it is going to be feeling like springtime this tuesday afternoon. there is capitol hill. and it's under a clear sky on
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this tuesday morning. right now at reagan national, 41 degree. we have a windchill there, 36. we've got a breeze coming out of the south/southwest. so there is a chill in the air. it's feeling like winter now, but later today, i predict an outbreak of spring fever. we will have temperatures soaring from where we are now. although it's chilly, we're just a little above freezing, parts of northern virginia including culpeper, through manassas to leesburg. those areas are right near freezing, as well as into frederick, maryland, and into northern montgomery county. but southern montgomery county, central part, southern, upper 30s near 40 as well as much of prince george's county and fairfax and arlington counties, near 4 degrees. much -- 440 degrees. much of southern maryland, weather watchers reporting low to mid 40s there. 40s in the shenandoah valley. it's already hit the 50s in west virginia due to a southwesterly surge that's going to be coming in and bringing in much milder air. here's your day planner. sunrise at 7:16. all around the region, 40s to
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near 50 by mid to late morning. then the 60s during the afternoon. hitting the maybe mid to upper 60s throughout much of the region. here's your evening planner. down into the 50s for the early evening. upper 40s by midnight under a mostly clear sky. a few clouds around tomorrow morning might give us an isolated sprinkle. there's a small chance of that. as we get into the afternoon hours, another mild day with temperatures climbing tomorrow into the 60s. then cooler weather with some rain likely on thursday. chilly friday into the weekend. still uncertainty about whether or not we'll get rain on the weekend. highs in the 40s. right now, 5:53. how's traffic? we are seeing volume increase in some of our area roadways. let's take a look now at i-95 as well as bw parkway. traveling bw parkway heading south in maryland, starting to slow down around route 32 as you head to route 1. and on i-95, looks really good. i'll give you a live look now at 100. i-95 north and south, are you increasing in volume as you head south to the beltway.
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no major delays just yet. connecting on to the beltway looks pretty good. this is the inner loop and the outer loop at colesville road. checking travel speeds on the outer loop, still pretty good, as well, at 59 miles per hour. and to get from i-95 to i-270, that trip right now will only take you ten minutes. joe and eun, back to you. >> thank you very much. 5:54. today in virginia, transportation officials want you to get involved in the future planning of i-66. developers want public input on problems on the highway from route 15 in prince william county to the beltway in fairfax county. the first of two meetings will be held tonight starting at 5:00 at the four points sheridana o vander lane in manassas -- sheridan on vander lane in manassas. another will be held on alliance drive in fairfax. a new york man is facing charges after police say he was caught on tape damaging a pizza sign with his jeep vehicle. investigators say that ryan reflectinstine drove through the sign and took off.
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he's the son of the former owners of a rival stop. flickenstein was upcelt that the sign made reference to his parents's -- upset that the sign made reference to his parents' former restaurant. even with the tough times, federal workers still make more than those in the private sector. the average federal employee makes 2% more than someone in the private sector or private sector worker in a similar position. tax on the government's en-- tack on the government's enus on packages and it jumps to 14%. advanced degrees, 23% less than the private sector. there's a debate over whether a two-year pay freeze for federal workers is lifted. if you filed your tax return early this year, you're going to have to wait to get some money back. an irs spokesperson says that new safeguards installed on the irs computer systems to prevent refund fraud are causing delays. the problem is only limited to taxpayers who filed their returns before january 26. they will have to wait about a
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week longer to receive their checks. returns filed on or after that date will not be affected. 5:55 now. bruce springsteen and his e street panned are coming to d.c. april 1. a lot of fans hoping to see the boss at the verizon center are outraged. tickets went on sale saturday and sold out within minutes. if you're still determined to go, be ready to pay up. on craigslist tickets that originally started at $71 now range from $220 to $900 apiece. on stubhub, some tickets are showing up more than it $1,800. a spokesperson tells news4 that scalping and computerized purchasers are often responsible for tickets disappearing so quickly. sometimes it has to do with demand. stay connected to news4 throughout the day. follow us on facebook and twitter. to find us on, search news4today. this morning we're getting a look at a new commercial that
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will air during the super bowl featuring the world's greatest class cutter. >> yep. matthew broderick is back. he stars in an ad promoting honda's crv crossover. >> the extended spot shows a tribute to the 1986 comedy "ferris bueller" by john hughes. take a look. ♪ >> how can i handle work on a day like today? one of the worst performances of my career, and you never doubted it for a second. >> front desk. >> hi, can i get my crv brought up, please. i've got a lot to do today. >> broderick? broderick? >> honda says there are dozens of references to the famous "ferris bueller" movie in the spot. honda says the goal is to support the launch of the all-new crv while representing the inherent fun and youthfulness of the honda brand. you can watch the commercial during the super bowl here on nbc 4. fun movie. >> yeah. ahead at 6:00 this morning, prince harry is now opening up
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about his grandmother, the queen of england. the presidential candidate that turned a [ kimberly ] when i was 19, i found myself alone with two children and no way to support them. people told me i wasn't going to do anything. and i just decided i have more to offer than that. i put myself through nursing school, and then i decided to go get a doctorate degree. university of phoenix gave me the knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. my name is dr. kimberly horton. i manage a network of over a thousand nurses, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪
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...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur?] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that c help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ at 5:59.


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