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tv   News 4 Today at 5  NBC  January 23, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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it has seen its ridership grow, as well. the train service operates two lines that bring people from fredericksburg and manassas to washington and then back home. the back home part is important. >> it is. >> indeed. >> they like to get back after work. >> absolutely. 5:00. "news4 today" continues. stay with us. bracing for big crowds in the district this morning as people mark the anniversary of the controversial roe vs. wade abortion ruling. we're keeping an eye on the roads this morning as icy conditions are causing a number of delays for schools and government agencies around the region. good morning to you, i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang. welcome to "news4 today" for this monday, january 23, 2012. we'll take a live look outside now. it's 5:00 a.m. it's 32 degrees. take a look. visibility not great now. there was some fog around the area early this morning.
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but tom's here to tell us if that's gone, and whether things are melting because it was a little ice oh my front porch this morning when i walked out. >> yeah. that ice and snow we had on saturday has stayed frozen all weekend. and it's still frozen this morning. >> okay. >> in fact, because of some of the weather, we -- before you get started, let me tell you about school delays and closings we are hearing about so far this morning. the federal government has announced that it will have an 11:00 a.m. late arrival, and employees have the option of unscheduled leave and telework, taking unscheduled work and working from home. d.c. government and public schools will open on time. in virginia, alexandria and prince william county schools will open two hours late. stafford county schools will also open two hours late. and there's no morning kindergarten. >> in west virginia, schools in jefferson and morgan counties will also open two hours late. you can find a full list of delays at the bottom of your screen and on now -- >> yes.
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now, are people still dealing with ice out there? what's the situation? >> yeah, we do. the residuals from saturday's storm. then last evening, we've had patchy, freezing drizzle. areas about 30, 40 miles west and northwest of washington along the blue ridge, parts of western loudoun county into northern fauquier, into frederick county, maryland, and washington county, maryland, getting a little bit of light freezing drizzle. otherwise, fog around. that's a live view from the city camera. right now reagan national, 33 degrees with some light fog. visibility there not bad. a couple of miles. and we've got a calm wind. and all these counties that are in pink are under a freezing rain advisory until 1:00. there is a possibility of light icing, some glazing like on danella's doughnut. and we might have some light glaze of icing that will be with us perhaps for another couple of hours. but there's some patchy rain out in west virginia right now. most of those locations are getting above freezing. but closer to washington, it is
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at or below freezing. watch out for icy patches this morning. here's the day planner. we'll have rain developing through the morning. then light to moderate, briefly heavy rain coming through during the afternoon with thunder. highs reaching upper 40s to near 50 middle of the afternoon. look at the evening planner in ten minutes. danella, how's traffic? good morning, traveling in the district, i'm not seeing issues for you. this is connecticut avenue at florida avenue. issue free and accident free at this time. taking the beltway in maryland at connecticut avenue. as you travel around on the outer loop of connecticut avenue making your way up 270, i'm still seeing fog. give yourself extra time. also fog on the beltway in virginia, gw parkway. inner loop and outer loop's clear. no accidents. but fog and icy spots. give yourself extra time and be careful. on the rails, not seeing any reported delays just yet on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. >> thank you. today more than 100,000 protesters are expected in washington for the annual march for life.
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pro-life demonstrators are protesting the 39th anniversary of the roe v. wade case in which the supreme court legalized abortion. if you're headed downtown, the march is bound to affect your commute. angie goff has more on that. . we are following breaking news out of pakistan. a suspected u.s. drone attack has killed four people and injured three more. it happened in the north waziristan tribal region in northwest pakistan early this morning. the drone attack targeted a house and vehicle and is reported to have killed suspected militants. this is the third attack in the past two weeks. and american officials have said privately that the strikes have taken out many senior taliban and al qaeda operatives. and today the man who tried to kill president reagan will be in court asking for freedom away from the psychiatric hospital where he's lived for more than 30 years. john hinckley's attorneys argue he should be allowed longer
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visits with his mother in williamsburg, and ultimately be allowed to live outside st. elizabeth's hospital. federal prosecutors say that hinckley is still too dangerous. a jury found hinckley not guilty by reason of insanity after he shot and wounded reagan and three other men in 1981. today, maryland governor martin o'malley will outline his legislative agenda. he is expected to call for the general assembly to legalize same-sex marriage in maryland. the democrat is also expected to push legislation to develop offshore wind energy. according to the "washington post," o'malley's energy plan would create nearly 2,000 new construction jobs and reduce air pollution but be paid for by customer rate hikes. decision 2012 has turned into a bit of a sparring match in the republican presidential race. the two top candidates are fighting out -- fighting for a win in florida next week. mitt romney and newt gingrich have been on the attack since saturday's primary in south carolina. after a second-place finish there, romney is trying to
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portray newt gingrich the winner as a washington insider. meanwhile, the former house speaker insisted that he will continue to focus on romney's record as a venture capitalist. >> questions about the character, the judgment, the record of a presidential candidate is not an attack on business. that's silly. >> he has not had a record of successful leadership. and over the last, what, 15 years since he left the house, he talks about great, bold movements and ideas. what's he been doing for 15 years? >> after wavering for week, romney now says he will release his tax returns from 2010 and his estimates for 2011 tomorrow. he says his campaign held off for too long in doing so. the issue became a distraction from the gop race. the candidates will hold two debates in florida. you can see the first tonight from tampa bay during a special edition of nbc's "rock center." brian williams will be the moderator. that will be at 9:00 tonight here on nbc 4. in the day ahead, arizona
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congresswoman gabrielle giffords will finish her meet and greet that was cut short by a shooting that killed six people and left her and 12 others injured. it will be one of her final official events before she steps down from congress. >> i have more work to do on my recovery. so to do what is best for arizona, i will step down this week. i'm getting better. every day, my spirit is high. i will return. >> yesterday giffords announced she would resign this week to concentrate on her recovery. she's spent the past year relearning to walk and talk. president obama called giffords an inspiration. and a special election will be called to fill giffords' seat. as we mentioned earlier, if you're headed downtown, the march for life scheduled for this day is bound to affect your
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commute. here is that report from angie goff. >> reporter: good morning, a number of march for life events is going to make it tough to get around town today. d.c. police have issued street closings and parking restrictions. a big area. they'll stretch from 7th street southwest to maryland avenue northeast. they last pretty much the entire day from 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. then at 11:30 in the morning, parts of f, f street here, and 12th street northwest will close down for a prayer service at the verizon center. that closure is expected to last about an hour. then the big rallies this afternoon starting at 12:30 p.m. several streets will shut down, so pro-life demonstrators can march from the smithsonian castle down constitution avenue to the supreme court. the marches should wrap up around 5:00 tonight. that will likely have an impact on the evening rush. metro is also re-routing bus routes today to deal with the
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rolling road closures. back to you. >> angie goff reporting. our time is 5:08. an outpouring of support for the late joe paterno. how the penn state community is honoring the legendary coach even with that scandal hanging over him. plus, how an american family's tropical getaway turned into a fit for survival. the freezing rain head stasd away. the fog remains.
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good morning. time for weather and traffic. mostly cloudy in storm center 4. we have fog around in all these counties in pink, under a freezing rain advisory. we did not get the widespread freezing rain overnight. but there are some areas of some patchy freezing drizzle, though, in areas about 30 miles north and west of washington. maybe parts of frederick county, northern montgomery county into loudoun and fauquier, around the blue ridge and into the shenandoah valley and highlands of west virginia. there may be a little patchy freezing drizzle now. elsewhere, fog may be freezing up on windshields and on untreated surfaces. we have some scattered, lighter showers in the mountains. those will be arriving later today. right now temperatures are at or below freezing throughout most of the region except in washington. and right near the chesapeake
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bay. s sunrise at 7. 2. 1. bim bi-- by mid morning, patchy rain. briefly in the afternoon, maybe thunder even. then the rain might linger until 8:00 or 9:00 as it diminishes to drizzle. cloudy after that. big changes tomorrow and into the week. we'll have that in ten minutes. danella? good morning. traveling in our area, lanes are open. not seeing any accidents at all now. along 295, again, green in both directions, as well as i-95 in maryland. no issues for you. i'll give you a live look at 295 at 175. traffic is flowing nicely. again, no major delays at all. traveling along i-270, you're accident free. seeing fog as you make your commute. passing shady grove southbound, lane are open northbound, as well. again, are you battling some fog. on i-95, getting a little busy heading north at fairfax county
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parkway and foggy. 5:13. ahead, slow going in the search -- as the search continues for several passengers still missing more than a week after this cruise ship disaster. the latest challenge facing rescue teams. plus, not your typical winter weather certainly. the impact some severe storms are having over parts of the
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welcome back. thousands gathered outside beaver stadium in penn state last night to pay respects to long-time head football coach joe paterno. paterno died yesterday morning at the age of 85. nbc's brian mooar joins us live from state college, pennsylvania, with more on the life and the legacy of joe paterno. brian, good morning. >> reporter: hi, joe.
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for penn state fans, this is, of course, a very sad day. for many people, penn state football is joe paterno. and a future without him is really hard to imagine. last night, there was a vigil here on the campus. several thousand people. by penn state's standards, an intimate gathering. it was a chance to think about joe paterno, the many wonderful, happy times he brought to this campus. the pride and the joy he brought to this school. and the many generations of people who have gone here. this, of course, is all tinged with some sadness at how this towering hero of the gridiron fell all because of a child sex abuse scandal involving a former assistant. but this has not been a time to dwell on the negative, this has been a time to think about what joe paterno did, what he brought here to this campus, and for many of them, it was like losing a member of the family. >> this has been a roller coaster from november until now. and i just think penn state has
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lost a huge piece of what it is. >> joe paterno taught us about success with honor. and that it wasn't enough for him just to win football games but that he wanted to do it the right way. >> and throughout the morning we've been seeing people come by very quietly, very solemnly paying their respects to joe paterno. really an uncertain future here. the family is expected to announce funeral arrangement later today. joe? >> brian mooar reporting live. thank you very much. former penn state assistant football coach mike mcqueary -- >> mike mcqueary talked to reporters yesterday, sharing his feelings about the death of joe paterno. >> you know, deeply saddened. >> i know you were close to him. are there any other thoughts you have? >> i have ton of thoughts, but i want to respect his family and him. just remember him privately for
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right now. >> mcqueary was a central figure in the school's child sex abuse scandal. in 2002, he told paterno he saw former defensive coordinator jerry sandusky molesting a boy in one of the team's locker room showers. sandusky also spoke about the death of the legendary head coach. he and his wife released a statement saying, "dottie and i would like to convey our deepest sympathy sue and her family. nobody did more for the academic reputation of penn state than joe paterno. joe preached toughness, hard work, and clean competition. most importantly, he had the courage to practice what he preached." president obama is getting ready for his third state of the union address tomorrow. he's expected to outline a plan that he hopes will speed along the economic recovery. he's expected to call for a "prosperous and equitable society." he'll push once again for a tax cut hike on the wealthiest americans. republicans are already coming out against tomorrow's speech, though. house speaker john boehner says the president's plan is
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"pathetic." tomorrow's state of the union address is at 9:00 p.m., and you can watch it right here on nbc 4, your place for politics. all roads near the capitol will be closed during tomorrow night's state of the union. part of constitution avenue, independence avenue, and pennsylvania avenue along with some others will close down at 7:00 tomorrow night. police expect the roads to be open shortly after that address. this morning, investigators are trying to figure out how many people were actually on board a cruise ship that capsized off the italian coast. over the weekend, divers found the body of a woman raising the death toll to 13. one rescue official says she may have been an unregistered passenger who was not included in the initial count. if that's the case, there could be more people missing than first reported. at least 19 people are still missing. this morning, the national weather service is trying to determine whether tornadoes cut a path of destruction through parts of arkansas. strong storms moved through last night, destroying homes, bringing down trees, and
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knocking out power. no one was injured. several people reported seeing funnel clouds, though. and this same system also caused strong storms in illinois, tennessee, and kentucky. all right. it's time to check the forecast now. meteorologist tom kierein telling us a little about the foggy and icy conditions. hopefully things will be clearing up before the morning rush gets really underway, tom. >> yeah. we could see the fog behind you. that live picture from the city camera. the fog is going to be around for another several hours. it's freezing up a little bit. in addition we've got a little light freezing mist here in frederick and washington counties in maryland, in parts of loudoun county. along this area just east of the blue ridge through northern fauquier, rappahannock, madison, green, the blue ridge, getting light freezing drizzle. we have this freezing rain advisory in effect until 9:00. most areas are not getting any freezing rain. radar show something light showers now moving into western maryland, eastern west virginia. there's some heavier rain farther to the west of this, though. that will be arriving later today as a front sweeps through. right now we're at or below
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freezing in montgomery, arlington, fairfax, and prince george's counties. watch for slick spots. in southern maryland near the bay and parts of the northern neck, eastern shore, it is above freezing. elsewhere, generally upper 20s and low 30s in montgomery and fairfax and prince george's counties. and later today we'll get above freezing by 9:00. by then, a lot of the fog will be gone. any freezing threat will be gone, as well. then during the afternoon, climbing into the 40s to near 50 with some passing moderate maybe briefly heavy downpours. perhaps even thunder and lightning. then tapering off to a little drizzle through the middle of the evening. then we'll hold steady in the mid fourth and -- mid 40s and clearing. warmer on tuesday with sunshine back. everything's going to be melting tomorrow and wednesday, as well. a bit chillier wednesday. could get rain on thursday. and lingering into friday morning. then dry and pleasant as we get into the weekend. and now danella, how's traffic? good morning, if you're traveling along 50, your lanes are open. not seeing issuesead from bowie to the beltway. i'll give you a live look if you're making the commute near
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301. again, heading to the beltway, good travel speed. 63 miles per hour. and if your commute is on i-66, this time heading east into centreville, are you see something volume. no accidents at this time. and are you competing with some fog. so give yourself extra time. a really good travel speed. 57 miles per hour. back to you. >> thank you. 5:24. even though the freezing rain missed most of us, crews were out all night as a precaution. we spotted crews across d.c., maryland, and virginia overnight. vdot had more than 700 salt trucks on the roads in northern virginia. most were out in prince william, fairfax, and loudoun counties. crews were on the lookout for icing and were pretreating areas that often freeze. transportation officials say you may want to even delay your trip if you can this morning. >> common sense tells you if you don't have to be on the road, don't be on the road. if you can wait and go in later, that's -- that's a good thing. again, safety's -- safety's the most important factor out of this.
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>> and vdot says it will have crews on the roads throughout the morning rush. a rough ride. turbulence left three american airline crew members injured. last night the crew members were taken to the hospital once the flight arrived from brazil. no word on the extent of their injuries. 136 passengers and nine crew members were on board the flight. well, a tropical vacation turned into a terrifying flight for -- fight for survival for one family from texas. andy atkins, his wife jenny, and their 4-year-old son logan were on a sightseeing flight in the caribbean. he was flying a small sea plane when an engine went out and the plane crashed into the ocean. miraculously, several people on a nearby boat saw what happened and went to their rescue. a u.s. navy doctor and another physician were on board on the boat and treated the family. all of them survived with their health. atkins says he will not be going up in planes like that any time soon. the new york giants are
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heading to indianapolis for super bowl 46th thanks to their kicker. >> low snap, the kick is good. >> lawrence heinz nailed -- tynes nailed the field goal. the game-winning score was set up by a crucial mistake by returner kyle williams. he fumbled the ball deep in his own tear tonight. the giants recover -- tear tonight. the giants recovered it setting up the super bowl. their third super bowl appearance in the past 12 years. >> a kicker decided the game between the pats and bawl ravens yesterday. late in the gate, the ravens kicker lined up for the game-tying field goal but pushed it wide left. the patriots hold on for a wild 23-20 win, marking their fifth super bowl appearance in the last 11 years. they're going to be looking for revenge against the giant who defeated them in super bowl 42.
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we'll have complete coverage of super bowl xlvi here on nbc 4 on sunday, february 5. stay tuned to nbc 4 as our own dan hellie and jim vance are heading to indianapolis on a motorcycle with a side car. they'll be covering that big game. if they can -- if they make it through the trip. >> in one piece. dan and vance will have a great time for sure. >> they will. >> you think the ravens' kicker is playing that in his mind again and again and again? >> he has until next year to do that, too. tough. and the fumble, too. the guy who fumbled the ball. >> for the 49ers, oy. 5:27. coming up, the war of words continues in the race for the republican presidential nomination. how the republican candidates are gearing up for their big fight down in florida. plus, making a -- marking a controversial anniversary. the closures you'll need to be aware of in the district as tens aware of in the district as tens of thousan
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today my journey continues across the golden state, aware of in the district as tens of thousan where everyone has been unbelievably nice.
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mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt that i'm a world-famous advertising icon. cheers! i mean, who wouldn't want a piece of that? geico. wah... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent woh d. or more on car insurance.
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all clear on the roads. the threat of possible icing means a late start for the government and a number of area schools. plus, a whole new race.
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the impact, newt gingrich's big win in south carolina is having on the race for the republican nomination. good morning to you, i'm eun yang. >> good morning to you, i'm joe krebs. welcome back to "news4 today" on this monday, the 23rd of january. we have 32 degrees, at freezing. some fog out there. >> that's right. if you are just waking up, a number of schools and businesses will open late this morning. the federal government has an 11:00 a.m. late arrival. employees have the option of unscheduled leave and telework. d.c. government and public schools will open on time. >> in virginia, alexandria and prince william county schools are opening two hours late. stafford county schools will also open two hours late. there's no morning kindergarten. >> in maryland, the archdiocese schools of prince george's and montgomery counties will open at 11:00 a.m. in west virginia, schools in jefferson and morgan counties will open two hours late. you can find a full list of delays on the bottom of your screen or just go to tom's here.
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tom, all this fog and moisture in the air, is it possible that that could freeze on some roadways? >> yeah. on the untreated surfaces, certainly. we're still dealing with the after effects of the saturday storm of that light snow and then the ice on top of that. and any sidewalk that was not shoveled remain sa-- remained frozen over the weekend and is remains frozen this morning. patchy freezing mist i should say, hardly drizzle, falling. areas about 30 miles north and west of washington, northern montgomery county, parts of frederick and washington county in maryland. in virginia, in northern loudoun county, there along the blue ridge as well as into western fauquier county and part of rappahannock getting light icing. farther west, scattered rain showers. it's getting above freezing in much of west virginia, central west virginia. from the panhandle of west virginia all the way to the bay, it's generally below freezing in most locations including montgomery county, arlington, fairfax, and prince george's counties. here's your day planner.
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sunrise at 7:21. and we'll be above freezing by 9:00. the fog should be gone by then, too. moderate, maybe briefly heavy downpours this afternoon. climbing to near 50, maybe a little thunder and lightning. how's traffic? volume is increasing in our area. but travel speeds still look pretty good around town. if you're taking the dulles toll road from hunter mill road to the beltway, you're at 53 miles per hour. continuing on the beltway, this time from the dulles toll road to the i-95 interchange, 58 miles per hour. on i-95, pretty good heading from prince william parkway to the beltway, 61 miles per hour. continuing on 395, no issues as you make your way over the 14th street bridge and head into the city. back to you. >> thank you. 5:33 now. florida is the next battleground state in decision 2012. three candidates are in the sunshine state hoping to win over undecided voters. they'll get to speak out to millions in their first florida debate. nbc's tracie potts joins us live from capitol hill with the latest. good morning.
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good morning. you said three candidates. ron paul's not really competing in florida. it's a winner-take-all state. the winner gets all the delegates. his campaign decided it's not worth pouring the money into florida if they're not going to place first. he's focusing on caucus states. meantime in tampa, they're getting ready for this debate between newt gingrich, mitt romney, and rick santorum. newt gingrich, of course, coming out of south carolina with the momentum. and also, by the way, he's eight points ahead in the latest poll, the insider advantage poll, regi romney had been ahead in all the other polls and says he will release taxes this week before april as he had promised earlier. he says that will be with a 2011 estimate of his taxes and what he owes. ran santorum always releasing his taxes this week. newt gingrich has already done so. to give you a sense of what they might talk about in addition to taxes, gingrich says that romney needs to answer some questions about his massachusetts health
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plan and about bain capital. >> tracie potts live this morning. thank you. and you can see tonight's debate live from tampa bay during a special edition of "rock center." brian williams will be the moderator. that's at 9:00 tonight on nbc 4. today more than 100,000 pro-life demonstrators are expected in washington for the annual march for life. they're protesting the 39th anniversary of the roe vs. wade case in which the u.s. supreme court legalized abortion. tracee wilkins is live at the verizon center where a prayer service will be held later this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, joe. we're expecting more than 100,000 people who oppose the roe v. wade decision and also abortion to come here and take part in a number of protests, marches, and events that will be held today in d.c. for the second year in a row, the annual youth rally and mass for life will be held at two arenas. the d.c. armory and here at the verizon center. more than 28,000 teens and young
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adults are expected to take part in the rally. the doors open for the youth rally at 7:00 a.m. with events beginning at 7:30. at 12:00 p.m., there will be a rally on the national mall near the smithsonian castle. the actual march will begin at 1:30. the march will follow the traditional route up constitution avenue to the supreme court. house speaker john boehner is expected to address the crowd. i'm tracee wilkins live in northwest. back to you. >> thank you very much. that march is going to make it pretty tough to get around today. there are several road closures beginning at 9:30 this morning. they include parts of maryland avenue and 1st street northeast. 3rd and 4th streets northwest and 7th street southwest. beginning at 11:30, parts of f and 12th will shut down for the prayer service at the verizon center. the closure will last about an hour. a few more roads will shut down at 12:30 this afternoon. they include part of constitution and pennsylvania avenues, as well as 3rd and 6th
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streets northwest. the march should wrap up around 5:00 this afternoon. but that will likely have an effect on the evening rush hour. metro will also re-route some bus routes today to deal with these rolling road closures. this morning, a fire displaced at least nine people in montgomery county. the fire broke out last night inside a townhouse in the 2000 block of laytonsville road in silver spring. firefighters say the two-alarm fire was so intense it caused the first floor to collapse into the basement where the fire started. the fire quickly spread upstairs and to two other adjoining homes. the fire destroyed one townhouse and damaged two others. everyone got out safely. the cause remains under investigation. in the day ahead, two metro employees accused of stealing from fare card machines will be in court. prosecutors say the pair would collect the money from the machines and then drop off pass of money on the way to the revenue facility, hide them, and then pick them up after their shifts were over. they say the two spent most of
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the money on lottery tickets. authorities were tipped off after one of the employees was seen buying tickets with bags full of coins. hmm. 5:37 is our time now. keeping young drivers focused on driving. how new cell phone apps can keep your teens off the phone while behind the wheel. a developing story involving nbc star tracy morgan. ♪
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what's in your wallet? "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. weather and traffic on the 1s. mostly cloudy in storm center 4 on this monday morning. patchy light rain, highlands of west virginia. there's steadier, heavier rain much farther west. that will be arriving later this afternoon. out ahead of that, we've got patchy fog. a little patchy freezing mist, too. watch for that. around the blue ridge and points east, montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's counties in the upper 20s to near freezing. right near the freezing mark in the district of columbia, too. here's yow day planner, sunrise, 7:21. by 9:00, much of the fog and
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freezing drizzle will be ending. maybe a little light rain. then perhaps a little bit heavier rain coming later today as we climb into the upper 40s to near 50 this afternoon. maybe a little thunder and lightning by mid-afternoon. then holding in the mid 40s through the evening. we'll have the rain ending by mid evening. and then warming up tomorrow. we'll look at that, the rest of the week and weekend this ten minutes. danella, how's traffic? good morning. caution on the beltway if you're traveling on the inner loop. looks like the rafm to 202 is shut down at this time -- ramp to 202 is shut down at this time due to low-hanging wire. in frederick, maryland, this is i-70 at i-270. foggy in this area. no issues if you're on i-70 or on i-270 at this time. i can tell you you're slow out of frederick on i-270, delays continue southbound to clarksburg. no accidents at this time. just congestion and fog. give yourself some extra time as you're making your commute. on the rails, not seeing any delays on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. 5:42.
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not ready it give up their fight, the next steps of a project for a riverfront development plan for alexandria. and headaches on the matter rail are not just for the
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we're following breaking news. a suspected u.s. drone attack has killed four suspected militants in pakistan. happened in the north waziristan region in northwest pakistan this morning. the drone attack targeted a house and vehicle. this is the third attack in the past two weeks. officials said privately that these strikes have taken out many senior taliban and al qaeda operatives in the area. a u.s. aircraft carrier made it through a tense area of iran. the navy called it a routine
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maneuver for security operations. iran warned the u.s. not to send carriers through the region in december after another ship passed through. iran also suggested it might used military force to close the strait in retaliation for international economic sanctions. syria's government is rejecting a proposed plan to bring stability to the country. the new arab league called for the president to hand over power to a deputy and set up a new unity government. the group said the move could end a ten-month crisis there. the united nations says more than 5,000 people have been killed since the uprising started. syria called it a violation of sovereignty and accused the league of interfering in its internal affairs. today the man who tried to kill president ronald reagan will be back in court asking for more freedom away from the psychiatric hospital where he has lived for more than 30 years now. john hinckley's attorneys argue that he should be allowed longer visits with his mother in williamsburg, virginia, and ultimately be allowed to live outside of st. elizabeth's hospital.
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federal prosecutors say that hinckley is still too dangerous. a jury found hinckley not guilty by reason of insanity after he shot and wounded reagan and three other men back in 1981. maryland governor martin o'malley will outline his legislative agenda today. he's expected to call for same-sex marriage to be legalized in maryland. the democrat is also expected to push legislation to develop offshore wind energy. according to the "washington post," o'malley's energy plan would create nearly 2,000 new construction jobs and reduce air pollution but be paid for by customer rate hikes. this morning there could be a legal fight over plans to redevelop the alexandria waterfront. over the weekend the alexandria city council passed the redevelopment plan 5-2. the motion passed following an eight-hour hearing that included speeches from more than 100 people. the plan will bring parks, hotels, and shops to the area. supporters say it will bring a much-neefded economic boost to the city, but critics say it will ruin old town's character.
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>> we've been accused of misrepresenting the facts and not interested in change on the waterfront. many of us grew up here, as i did. we want to see revitalization, we want to see the old warehouses replaced with something. we don't want to see something that will make the town less attractive. >> critics say they will take their case to the local board of zoning appeals, and if necessary to the circuit court. the plan limits future development and creates a citizens group to review proposed plans. today the smithsonian will get a new leader. purdue university's president is becoming the chairperson of the governing board. cordova was selected in september. she's an astrophysicist and led the university since 2007. she succeeds a former microsoft executive. stonesifer served as chairperson since 2009 and will become vice chair of the board. a heads up for metro riders. plan on some delays all week on
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all five lines because of track work. trains will single track between dupont circle and friendship heights, as well as tacoma and forest glen on the red line. the orange line will single track trains between boston and foggy bottom and eastern market and stadium arm rye. there will be single -- armory. there will be single tracking between arlington, cemetery, and foggy bottom on the blue line. on the green line, trains will single track between ft. totten and prince george's county plaza between 10:00 and 2:00. because of the track work, yellow line trains will only operate between huntington and mt. vernon square until 7:00 p.m. just about 5:51. that means weather & traffic on the 1s. we're contending with fog and ice out there. but the temperatures are going up now, tom? >> no, they're holding steady. >> okay. >> near the freezing mark. you have to hunt for your ice scraper. maybe it's under that mtv beach towel that you have in the trunk of your car, back that there somewhere. >> how did you know, tom? >> i know it's in there somewhere. as we look outside now, also
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we've got fog, light fog at reagan national. it's at 33 degrees. we've got a calm wind, but there's a little bit of freezing fog, a little mist that's falling and freezing up on exposed surfaces around the blue ridge and parts of western loudoun county into frederick and washington county in maryland. along the blue ridge, northern fauquier county to rappahannock. also getting a little of the freezing mist and freezing fog, too. and all the counties in color will have this freezing rain advisory until 9:00 this morning. most areas are not getting any precipitation. but we are getting just a few light showers down here in the southern shenandoah valley from near waynesboro and farther south. also a few scattered lighter showers into west virginia. and that is along a front that will begin to sweep in warmer air ahead of it. right now we're below freezing in montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's counties, upper 20s to around 30 degrees as well as throughout much of the shenandoah valley, all the way to the bay. right near the bay waters, it's a little above freezing. sunrise at 7:21.
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maybe a little light freezing mist here for another couple of hours. by 9:00, much of the fog will be gone. we might have a little light shower coming through mid morning to later this morning. then a greater chance of rain coming in during the afternoon. maybe briefly heavy. that may even be accompanied by thunder and lightning briefly as we reach near 50 degrees. this evening, in the mid 40s, holding steady through the evening. maybe lingering drizzle through mid evening and ending with all the precipitation before midnight. clearing out tomorrow, sunshine back. 30s in the morning, afternoon highs in the mid 50s. partly cloudy wednesday into the mid 40s. clouding up wednesday evening. thursday looks like rain is possible with a high around 50. it may linger into friday morning. then sun back friday afternoon with a high around 50. looks like a nice weekend to follow. how's traffic? good morning, let's talk about the beltway. this time on the inner loop, taking the ramp to northbound 202. right now the ramp is closed due to low hanging wires. use caution in the area. elsewhere on the beltway, seeing a little volume increase, but no mar delays yet.
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travel lanes are open. this is a look at colesville road. inner loop and outer loop here. you're clear as you make your way toward georgia avenue. taking the beltway in virginia, i'm not seeing issues for you either. inner loop and outer loop getting busy, but again, travel lane are open. i'll give you a travel speed making your way from the wilson bridge to van dorn. you're at 58 miles per hour. not bad and looking great on the rails. not seeing delays on the metro, marc, or vre. back to you. >> thank you very much. 5:53. gas prices seem to be leveling off despite reports that international refineries could shut down. according to aaa, d.c.'s average stayed around $3.58 for a gallon of regular. maryland drivers paid $3.41 since saturday. virginia's average jumped about a penny to $3.35. in west virginia, the average has been at $3.49. experts say nigerian production issues could raise oil prices along with ongoing tensions over iranian sanctions and the strait
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of hormuz. parents worry good their teen drivers may encourage them to download new applications that will help them keep their hands behind the wheel and not on their phones. self applications will announce tweets and facebook posts straight from a smartphone. if parents want the phone not to cause any distractions, there is also a devil rays that will keep cell -- a device that will keep cell phones from working in the car. driving instructor joey anderson says the apps are good, but there's something better. >> there's an app for everything anymore. the fact remains that every phone comes with one, and it's called the off button. >> that's right. the university of utah found cell phone distractions can cause the same driver's reaction as having a blood alcohol concentration of .08%. well, if you're running late, don't blame the train in virginia. vre reports its trains were on time more than 92% of the time last year. that is the best on-time performance in its 19-year history. the agency says there -- they have seen their ridership grow,
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as well. train service operates two lines that bring people from fredericksburg and manassas to washington and back home again. the new set of rules will go into effect this week that should make flying the friendly skies a little less confusing. beginning on thursday, all airline ticket prices must include any government taxes and fees. that includes the cost of checking baggage. also airlines are required to let passengers know when a flight is canceled, diverted or delayed more than 30 mings. travelers will -- minutes. travelers will have more than 24 hours to change or cancel a reservation without a penalty. a developing story in park city, utah. actor tracy morgan is in the hospital after collapsing at a film festival. sources say the "30 rock" star stepped off stage at an awards ceremony at the sundance film festival. witnesses say morgan was acting dizzy and confused just before he collapsed. a spokesperson says morgan was overcome by a mixture of
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exhaustion and altitude. he is expected to be okay. and another hollywood power couple's marriage is ending. seal and heidi klum released a statement saying they have decided to separate. the couple blames the breakup on growing apart. klum and seal married in 2005. they have four children together. if you caught the beginning of the afc championship game, you probably had something to say about steven tyler's performance. >> probably did. he sang the national anthem. this morning he is getting mixed reviews. ♪ and the rockets' red glare has bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof >> when in doubts, if you can't sing, scream. >> there you go. >> tyler is the lead singer of aerosmith. the group was from boston which made it fitting for tyler to sing before the patriots-ravens
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game. twitter lit up after tyler's rendition of "the star spangled banner." some loved it. others said the 63-year-old sounded, well, awful was the word they used. some complained that he even played with the lyric. tyler sang "as bombs bursting in air" instead of "the bombs burstsing in air." you try to do that from memory. also sounded like he said "oh the land of the free" instead of o' er the land of the free." >> it was cold and he could have said o'er. what about the hairstyle? >> screaming behind all that hair. not as easy as it looks. in front of all those people. >> that's right. all right. a tough job. >> no teleprompter either. >> i know. what are you going to do? did you hear any music? it sounded like he was singing -- >> a cappella, yeah. >> before you criticize. >> maybe al cappella should have done it himself. stay with us. we continue at 6:00 a.m. what makes the sleep number store different?
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and stock up and save on our exclusive bedding collection at our white sale. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. 5:59. are w


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