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tv   ABC 7 News at Noon  ABC  January 8, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

12:00 pm >> we begin. it is still cold out there. we are warmer than we were all day yesterday. we have two new school closings to tell you about. lanentgomery county, jones elementary is close early because it had no power. in frederick county -- frederick county, maryland, carol manner
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closed because of of water outage. students will not be allowed off the bus if there is no one to meet them at their spouse and tos will not be allowed leave until parents arrived. when this warm up will get here, jackie is here with a look at how high the temperatures will climb. >> surpassing yesterday's high temperature by two degrees. that is progress. 25 degrees. we jumped up two more. yesterday, 21, now, 25. good news. degrees. do not be fooled, even though we are doing better, we are still very chilly and well below average by 10 degrees to 20 degrees today. 23 degrees in manassas. high-pressure making it look gorgeous. there is the wind changing direction to the south. that will allow for the warm-up. in, backair all pulled
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up to the north, today, it should be smoother across the country, with no major storms around the horizon at least not for now. the forecast for today, we will show you few clouds increasing throughout the afternoon. 29 degrees. we havecompared to what in store for the weekend. we are talking 50's around the corner. more details coming up in a few minutes. look forward to to. thank you. we are trying to thaw out and other parts of the country are seeing snow, and a lot of it. our team coverage continues on the deep freeze. >> today, western new york is buried in the snow. causing blizzard like conditions. the icy niagara river looks like a glacier. >> it looks like something out of national geographic. >> forecasters say they could see up to four feet to five feet
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of snow. >> we are asking for the public to stay put your >> parts of the coldst they paralyzed by air. >> it hurts. >> freezing. cannot feel my face. >> this water main break sent thousands shooting in the air, leaving iced dangling from power lines. in indianapolis, two medics were hurt when ambulances crashed. chicago, cars are frozen to the free -- the streets. turned himself in after escaping prison. he was too cold. a big impact on americans wallace. gas prices have popped up five cents in the last month with low temperatures threatening to shut down oil production. after some schools and offices closed, families have to pay extra for childcare and heating costs are on the rise. a typical american family is expected to spend anywhere from $679 to more than $2000 to heat
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their home this winter. thankfully, temperatures are expected to rise 40 degrees to 50 degrees. a new yorker in the single digits yesterday. the temperature could reach mid 50's on saturday. >> d.c. officials are working to make sure no one is left in the cold. the city is putting warming buses on the street. already there to make sure the homeless have a place to go. emergency warming centers are also being kept open overnight. a complete list of them on our website. breaking news now coming in from -- virginiaed beach. a helicopter has gone down in virginia. at the live desk. what happened? >> we are getting information about this late -- right now. that is onecopter of the largest helicopters in the u.s. military. we will show you a photo of what those look like right now.
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it went down. this morning. off the coast of cape henry. about 18 miles off the coast of virginia with five people on board. now that fourght people have been accounted for. massive obviously a rescue mission on the way right now to try to get all of them. two of the people recovered from the aircraft itself, we are told are in serious condition. they have been transported in serious condition right now. the fifth person on board, we are not sure of their whereabouts at this point. once again, ch 53 helicopter went down this morning off the .oast of virginia beach 18 miles. not sure if they were on a training mission at the time, we are told four of the five people on board are now accounted for. their conditions, the full conditions of all of those, we
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will continue to follow those from the live desk. >> thank you. we are still waiting to learn the identities of a husband and wife killed in a murder suicide. gunshots were heard late last night. arrived, they found two dead adults and a third adult was also injured and expected to survive. the teenagers were not hurt. two day care workers in court accused of abusing children in their care. inet and sarah both worked prince william county. it is a preliminary hearing today. the case was continued until the end of february to give the new lawyer more time to look into the case. attorneys for the children's families are speaking to reporters and we will have much more on what they have to say coming up tonight at 5:00. this just in. the obama administration is urging schools to abandon overly strict actions.
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the guidelines help and the apparently disparate -- apparent disparity of different races punish schools -- students. the recommendations have been called a groundbreaking. the search is on for a gun toting bank robber in bethesda. he struck around 9:15 this lakeng on wes lacy -- west terrace at capital one. he ordered them into a stairwell and got away with an unknown amount of money and no one was injured. in a little more than an hour, chris brown is expected in the d.c. court house and is charged with punching a man during a scuffle outside the hotel. jennifer is live outside the court with what we can expect. >> the weather is certainly playing a role for r&b singer chris brown. this is a much tougher and seen then we saw back here in october. we do not have any fans here. what we have is a very large
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media presence here. you can see the trucks parked out here in front of superior court. in anticipation of chris brown's appearance here. we have some video here to show you from the last time you appear here. this is all after an allegation at the hotel during the homecoming weekend. bodyguard arehis accused of assaulting a man. they are charged with a felony. chris brown spent two days in jail and the charge was subsequently dropped to a misdemeanor charge. he had to go back to california. he is on probation for the 2009 assault on his then girlfriend, rihanna. he has been in rehab the whole time. he had a court appearance. this'll be the first time we have seen him back here in d.c. on these assault allegations. i can tell you here today they have taken precautions this time around. they are learning from the lesson last time. for the first time, we will be issued trespass is in order to enter into the courtroom.
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reverse seating for the media. to the localnce media outlets. we have national networks are covering this. chris brown attracts a lot of attention. this is a status hearing. no one knows what will happen. onlyve been told it will last about 15 minutes. we will have more from you -- for you when it develops. we will have an update for you at 5:00. back to you. >> see you then. thank you. a man pleaded not guilty at a carjacking that left a man dead outside and upscale mall in new jersey. they are facing multiple charges, including murder from a crime that happened back in december. a30-year-old lawyer was shot to death as he and his wife returned to an suv. they were targeted because they drove a range rover. the judge continued the bail at $2 million each. happening right now, the maryland general assembly is back to work today. the legislative session just began moments ago. they will tackle proposals to
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raise the minimum wage and adjusts of the storm water management fees. they will also address the problems with marilyn's health exchange. in commonwealth virginia's legislative session getting at noon, they will look at the 95 billion dollar budget the outgoing governor left them. other big issues include mental and reform. jeff goldberg is at the statehouse in richmond. you can look for his report coming up tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. willht, governor mcdonald give his final state of the republican's term ends on saturday when a democrat is inaugurated. you can watch this live tonight at 7:00 on our sister station, news channel eight. county schools say a data breach puts student and staff information at risk. the school system said the problem involves a software vendor that maintains the emergency management plans. the breach involved personal information normally used only
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in emergencies. the site was taken down once the problem was discovered and officials say they are taking all necessary steps to ensure the personal information or man's private. once a game day favorite but it might be missing from your super well -- super bowl party. veta isvida -- vel disappearing from school -- from store shelves. dennis ross min is there singing the praises of a dictator literally. the questions people are asking about his trip to north korea. not just causing problems on the ground. how it left airline passengers from our area drenched with flava tory water midflight. lavatory water.
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>> happy birthday, to you. happy birthday, to you. >> certainly something you do not see or hear every day. the nba legend singing happy birthday to north korea's dictator. he now says kim jong-un is his best friend. collects a friendly game of hoops, the former nba player versus the team of north koreans. just arodman says he is basketball player, but by organizing this trip, he stirred up a full-court controversy. >> happy birthday, to you. before is dennis rodman the game singing happy birthday to kim jong-un.
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the game was a birthday gift. >> the guy is my friend. forever and ever and ever. >> at friend is considered one of the world's most brutal did tatars. recently ordered the execution of his own uncle and has been held captive since may. a missionary. yesterday, dennis rodman grew angry when cnn pressed him on why he has not used his relationship to help. politics, thing about do you understand what he did? >> the other american former pro said they came on a trip to try to make a connection between the u.s. and north korea. >> i question whether we were doing the right thing because of the media scrutiny. it was important to stand strong
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and follow-up and follow- through. it all just worked out. >> the white house said it would not have approved the trip if asked. dennis rodman did not reach out. abc news, washington. >> back to the cold weather, a messy problem. an american airlines flight to dallas was forced to land in arkansas when a pipe burst midflight. passengers ended up soaked with water after the water rushed into the cabin. no one was hurt. just when you think flying could not get any worse. we have been dealing with breaking pipes it here. >> absolutely. >> but there was a solar flare yesterday. >> yes. it is the first large one that has happened so far in 2014. , it can do a number
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of things. it can cause disruptions with outages, andower it also brings radiation into the earth's atmosphere. the tale rocket was supposed to take off this morning. due to the risk of being exposed to radiation, they said they would not do it. they're hoping to do it as early as thursday. they have to watch levels and see. there have also been communication issues with radios . from fire to ice. take a look at this picture. this was taken by louis nelson. isy can see the ice developing on the potomac right there in front of the kennedy center. it has been so physically cold. it was cold this morning but it was beautiful. low temperatures were actually in the double digits. of skies have cleared out for now. temperatures are already warmer than they were all day yesterday.
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it is just going to be a slow progression getting a little bit warmer. 42 hours now where our temperature has been below freezing mark. it will continue to stay there until tomorrow afternoon, i think. the temperatures are now than 24 hours ago. it is pretty good. what should it be this time of year? climatology tells us the average high is 43 degrees and the average low is 29. that is right around where we will top out today. even though it is not record levels, it is certainly cold. change in direction now, coming out of the south, that will allow us to warm up a little bit. hide rusher is controlling our weather right now. we will have to trade off the warmer weather with a more active weather pattern with wet weather headed this way. inare looking at an increase cloudiness. not quite as cold. a high temperature between 25 and 31 degrees. mostly cloudy tonight.
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the cloud cover acts as a thermal blanket and prevents some of the heat collecting during the day from escaping back in the atmosphere. overnight temperatures are not too bad. this is compared to the last few days. partly sunny skies tomorrow. 34-40 degrees. as we look at the seven day forecast, we see chances of rain moving in. thursday night into friday morning, there is a very small chance we could get a light wintry mix. would expect to accumulate. the best chance of rain will come in saturday. even when it is not raining, it will be a gloomy day. it looks like things should be winding down early in the day and clearing out. we hold mild temperatures. some of our models are trying to but 60's in there by saturday. i think the cloud cover will probably be too much for something like that to happen.
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oh what a difference. >> hello, monday. all right. thank you. good news there. heads-up for parents. we tell you how many kids are not getting enough exercise. plus, matchmaking, getting a new twist. a technology that allows strangers to snap your picture
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>> no need for a meltdown yet.
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for the next few weeks, kraft foods says you may not find phil vida -- velveta cheese. spokesperson did not give a reason for the shortage, saying it only happens from time to time. we are on your side with a health alert. no surprise, teenagers need more exercise. young teens are not exactly embracing the government's let's move mantra. only one in four u.s. children need the recommendations between the ages of 12 and 15. there is room for improvement and schools increasing time for activity is suggested. from exercising your body to exercising your mind, a special visitor stops by in virginia today. that is eileen. the annual jogger fee date -- the event serves as the first- -- d end of 2014
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before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition
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or high blood pressure before taking it. >> a new app called a name tag is hoping to change the future of online dating. it allows smartphone users to glance at someone nearby or take your photo, and then instantly see that person's name, occupation, and visit their social media pages. name tag users can cross reference photos against online beta site, the national sex
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offender registry and other criminal databases. >> the consensus is, not for us. >> i do not want you to take my picture. not -- i do want to know what the weather is like out there. >> definitely better. not bad. cold, but better. 25 degrees. a high near 30 degrees. more cloud cover the next few days. our weather gets a little more active as we head toward the end of the week and into the weekend. temperatures gradually warm up. single digits we had yesterday to 67. compared to tuesday, you talk about 60 degrees. >> the up-and-down weather pattern is back-and-forth. it looks like weather in the south. >> thank you. thank you for joining us.
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