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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  January 28, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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>> it is just heartbreaking to see him go out that way. >> if family's pain after four people died in a head-on collision. the grim discovery at the bottom of a well. >> another occupy protests on a saturday night, and now there is
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a deadline and the encampment may have to go. >> and taking the plunge in the icy waters of the chesapeake bay. abc 7 news at 11:00 starts right now. captioned by the national captioning institute >> we will start with the story we have been following the past couple days. the police have removed a body found it in a fort washington well. but they began the painstaking process of excavating the 20- foot well early this morning. an anonymous tip led the police to the welfare state and today a forensics team went down to take pictures and recover evidence before removing the body. the neighbors are still shocked by the gruesome discovery in their community. >> it makes you kind of suspicious that somebody really planned what they were doing. >> an autopsy is under way.
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the police expect to reveal the person's identity monday. there is speculation that it could be that of a missing well- known alexandria community activist. >> there was an assault at 2:30 this morning on the university of maryland campus. she was crossing the clot of her dorm with a man followed her. the man left. unfortunately, she was not hurt. the police want to use this as an opportunity to remind students that an escort service is available if they feel unsafe walking across campus. >> the police used tear gas and flash grenades on the occupied in cabinet today. it to a dozen protesters became violent, and in with 10 arrests. the police say the angry mob threatens to take over a vacant building they use as their protest at quarters.
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>> tensions are rising in our area at the occupy protests. >> president and the obama -- president obama and other dignitaries were meeting. richard reeve has the story. >> the events are unfolding right now as we speak at 17th and k street. behind us, you may be able to see occupied d.c. protesters and the street. there are near an area where folks have been having a formal dinner. they have been confronting some of the people coming from the dinner. but the same time, there is a deadline where the park service has told these folks they can keep protesting, but they cannot have a home here. it was part confrontation -- >> we do not bowed down to anyone. >> part protest even a bit of a party. >> the economy is broken, a lot of things are wrong. >> several hundred occupy
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protesters assembled near the capital hilton, where president obama was speaking. >> they kicked us out but there is more to come. you cannot convict an idea. >> these signs it tells the story. as of noon, it will be allowed to protest, but not make camp and the city. >> they have the right to protest, but not occupy the parks and streets. they have to raise their voice but not occupied the streets or the public places. that the authorities say the parks, the garbage, and the rats are a health nuisance, and many d.c. residents agree. >> i think it is a big public health concern. that is another reason why it is fair enough to say they cannot live there. >> for their part some protestors plan to defy the order and some are preparing to be arrested. bu>> we've been arrested several times, so it is not a fear of
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mind. >> back as 17th and k street a phalanx of police are on the streets. there are also occupy protesters walking the streets. so far nothing specifically violent but the police have overwhelming force. they are concerned about things getting out of hand. we have been talking about this deadline, noon monday. they're saying these folks have to be out of the encampment or face arrest, they could be detained. some of these folks are saying they will stay and are willing to be arrested if necessary. live in northwest, richard reeve, abc 7 news. >> new hampshire lawmakers have rejected a proposal that would allow d.c. to become the 51st state. they flew to new hampshire yesterday to testify before a state legislative committee, but the lawmakers decided against the proposal, questioning
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whether it was constitutional. the trip cost the city $4,000. >> republican presidential candidate rick santorum has canceled his campaign advance tomorrow morning. he said his 3-year-old daughter who has a rare genetic disease has been admitted to children's hospital in philadelphia. earlier today, newt gingrich picked up the endorsement of former rival herman cain. this as the candidates make their final push for votes in florida at of the primary. polls show mitt romney holding an 11-point lead over newt gingrich. stay with abc 74 your complete coverage. rebecca cooper will have the vote tallied tuesday. our sister station plans wall- to-wall coverage tuesday evening. a news channel 8 is teaming up with politico tuesday night starting at 6:30. >> part. for several anne arundel county families after three teenagers
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and an adult men were killed in a collision. and it appears that one of the cars was driving in the wrong direction on route 50. jennifer and donald coleman -- jennifer donelan spoke with family members. >> we spoke with all three families of the three teenagers this evening all families absolutely beyond grief. the driver who was driving in the right direction on route 50 has not been identified, the police still trying to contact his family. 3 friends, young lives lost in an instant when their car crashed head-on into another car. the man driving the car that hit was also killed. they were driving on the wrong side of the highway at 3:30 in the morning. the 18-year-old had just graduated from the high school last year. he was growing out his hair to donate to cancer patients. he was the oldest of three
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tight-knit brothers. that he was the nucleus of the family. he held us together. >> britney walker played soccer and lacrosse at meade high school. it was her car. her father said she was behind the wheel. an 18-year-old who also went to meet high school got along side of her friend. she had just died after visiting her father in germany. state police say there were reports of a car driving the wrong way on 97, then route 50. the police were already on the road when the call came in there had been a crash. they all died on the highway. the man they had had a heart attack on the way to the hospital. he was dead before the doctors could get to him. one accident, four families left grief-stricken. >> it is our whole community. about all of our friends.
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>> everybody is in disbelief. >> darrius tragedy all round. we are waiting for the name of the man who was killed in this accident. alcohol and speed, they will be investigating to determine if there were factors. jennifer donelan, abc 7 news. >> looking at the weather, it was a windy night after a bright and sunny afternoon. steve rudin has the first forecast. >> changes on the way in the belfort furniture weather center. a cold front moving across now the skies clearing. the temperatures 43 degrees at reagan national. behind the cold front temperatures not tremendously colder. 37 martinsburg, the same in winchester. the cold front is now clear of the delmarva peninsula. behind it, clearing skies. of the clouds will increase again tomorrow, meaning another
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system on the way followed by a big warmup. the full forecast with the temperatures well into the 60's coming up in just a few minutes. >> the man responsible for the resignation of henry thomas is now running for his council seat. republican tim day has torn his hat into the ring. -- has thrown his hat into the ring. he is an account who previously ran against thomas for the seat and lost. he resigned earlier this month after rape of the deal in a correct -- he resigned earlier this month after rape if the deal. -- after a please deal. >> a lawsuit claims the mlk foundation has not paid to group its portion of the one of the twenty-five cents million of their condition.
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the foundation is not commenting on the allegations. >> coming up, turbulence at some of the nation's busiest airports. where is most likely to have delays. >> the truth about texting. what people do not say when they send messages. >>
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go ♪ >> more attention to emerging between the that it states and iran. abc news has learned the u.s. military is planning a new show of force in the gulf, with the hope that it may curb iran's nuclear ambitions. a naval ship is heading to the region and will become a base for navy seals. about it will be a mother ship for special operations forces that will allow the u.s. to covertly deploy them to difficult parts of the world. >> word that the u.s. is
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reevaluating a bunker buster. it turns out the 30,000 pound bomb may not penetrate deep enough to destroy underground facilities. leon panetta says the u.s. wants to have that capability. >> defense secretary leon panetta cut is publicly acknowledging that a pakistani doctor provided key information to the u.s. in the raid against us, bin laden. he is currently charged with treason and pakistan and he worries for his safety. >> the federal chief technology officer is said to be considering other careers in his home state of virginia. while at the white house he was tasked with encroaching more advanced technologies and the government. it is rumored he is considering a run for lieutenant governor of the state. >> it was a nice day today, and some brave souls took to the
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water. 15,000 people took the polar bear plunge into the chesapeake bay. among them, maryland governor martin o'malley. it raises awareness and money for the special olympics across the street. -- the special olympics across the state. >> it was breezy. if you thought it was windy today, white until tomorrow afternoon. -- wait until tomorrow afternoon. the cold front has moved across, the skies clearing nicely. pennsylvania avenue, the u.s. capitol, the wind beginning to subside a little bit. the wind will only stick around another six, eight hours. hi this afternoon at reagan national 53 degrees, morning low of 33. normally we are in the middle 40's. the record of 73 back in 1949. 43 at the airport the wind
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chill factor at 38. mainly clear skies, and they will stick around for the early morning. 39 at wtop radio, upper northwest d.c., earlier in the day high temperatures of 52. alexandria, t. c. williams high school, 41. the final stop, western maryland hancock 35 degrees high of 50. the satellite radar cooler. the cold front has moved through. 36 cumberland, 37 martinsburg in the 40's closer towards the chesapeake bay. 45 lexington park, maryland. the colder air not tremendously cold go to the great lakes. the wind chill factor in the teens. this is what it looks like on the future-cast tomorrow, bright sunshine. the clouds approached midday, partly cloudy in the afternoon. the wind will pick up, wind gusts of up to 25-30 m.p.h., a
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wind advisory issued for the western part of the area, especially across the shenandoah valley the potomac highlands western maryland. keep updated at and on abc 7. the skies cleared out monday moderate temperatures tuesday and wednesday. daytime highs well into the 60's, evening lows in the 40's. the unsettled weather after that. atmainly clear cold and breezy, 28-33 overnight. plenty of sunshine in the morning. afternoon clouds, they have a struggle or to west of d.c., 45- 50 the daytime high. the extended outlook temperatures tuesday and wednesday, 61-64 degrees. the onset of the weather showers by the end of the week. at the high temperature still above average this time of year, upper 40's, lower to middle
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fifties. >> looking for to this warmer temperatures the 60's. at the tuesday and wednesday. >> 7 on your side, airports in the big apple are responsible for half of all flight delays nationwide. they're the top offenders. a government study found each year, thousands of passengers are stuck on airplanes wedding to takeoff or circling overhead at those airports. the reports show that the weather plays a factor. >> it could be a sign, but researchers found men with heart conditions to have affairs are more likely to have a heart attack. the study revealed 75% of the men who suffered a heart attack during sex were having sex outside of their marriage. the study says that many of the men had eaten too much and had too much to drink before having sex. >> this may not surprise you but a new study finds most people lie when sending text messages. researchers at wichita state
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university found 95% of people were more likely to fade if they were not face to face with someone. 31% of people said they were likely to be deceived when talking to someone by text. or citrus say people can easily fly through text because they do not feel scrutinized. -- researchers say that people can easily fly through text messages because they do not feel scrutinized. >> all right. in addition to texting, the contest will you are watching golf. bu>> counting down the days, winter is winding down, march madness on its way. see how the georgetown hoyas performed today. and the only john wall
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>> the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers, moving you forward. >> not that you need any more disappointing statistics, but here is another for the wizards dayjohn wall and co. it finally trying to get a victory in charlotte. of the wizards good defense. wall with the huge slam. late in the fourth, why not give nick young a shot? drive the lane, scores. less than three seconds to go, here is a chance. trying to get look no good. check out randy whitman, looks like they just won a title. their first victory on the road, the first time the wizards shot more than 50% this season.
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pokies men basketball is finding itself in unfamiliar territory. they began acc play with four straight losses this season, drawing comparisons to their 0-6 h run. hokies trying to turn things around in college park, the terps hosting. the sec behind the back pass, the jam, a 24-11 terps. later in the first sean moseley passes. down low he slams at home. the terps lead at the half. in the second, the team's leading scorer, steps back, drains the 3. tim brant called the game. maryland hangs on to win, 73-69. uva with the lead, after missing that shot, looking from outside, and he drains the 3 cutting the lead. at 8 seconds to go, brown has
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said, cannot find anyone. throws it up at the buzzer, no dice. uva wins, 61-60. pittsburgh hosting georgetown. baseline sticks the jumper, 50-44 pittsburgh. less than four minutes to go, patterson penetrates, the dish the light out. they went 72-60. pittsburgh is 11-0 at home. towson posting unc-wilmington. the tigers. the press, of the slam. towson finally breaks their 41- game losing streak, winning 66- 61, it was the longest drought in n.c.a.a. history. statistics have a funny way of putting things in perspective. dogwood sitting on top of the major leader board he has come
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away with the trophy. it a good omen, considering his play at the golf championship tiger woods with the birdie attempt. curve's it right into the cup. tiger goes to 10 under par. 18th hole, keep doing it, tiger since the birdie putt. he finishes six under 66, tied for the lead at 11 under par. hometown lot of the prime-time stage, ashley wagner of alexandria, va. with the u.s. figure skating championship tonight. hometown girl. family like that. >> she won the u.s. figure skating champi
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>> it was anything but boring for passengers on board this it flight to new delhi. not something that you typically see. the crew members danced a jig down the aisles of the airplane. it lasted about 2.5 minutes. >> i have that ♪ ♪ pierre! your
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fashion is so "right now," but your banking is so last season! earn more with high yield free checkingt capital one bank. instead of some unfashionable rate your checking could be eaearning five times the national average. and free atms anywhere. five times the interest? that's hot. oooooo! let's catwalk! you want more interest? open an account at a capital one bank. what's in your wallet? does this make my tuches look big?
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>> warmer temperatures on the way? >> tomorrow will be cooler 45- 50 degrees, almost a repeat monday with a chance of a sprinkle over two.
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tuesday and wednesday into the 60's. >> looks wonderful. [ other merv ] welcome back to the cleaning games. let's get a recap, merv. [ merv ] thanks, other merv. mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. elsewhere against dirt,
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it was a sweep with scuffed sports equipment... had it coming. grungy phones... oh! super dirty! and grimy car rims... wow! that really works! ...all taking losses. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. okay, but i just took a mortgage out on the cabinet. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power.
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