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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  April 29, 2011 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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contributing news here at london. 4:00 eastern time she and barbara walters will be leaving our live coverage of the royal wedding. so stay with us, america. ♪
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this morning "world news now," devastating destruction. we survey the staggering loss across the south after a nightmare of 24 hours of tornados. the desperate searches and stunning survival stories ahead. >> and of course history is made today. just hours from now, millions around the world will watch prince william marry kate middleton. we are live in london as the preparations for the big day get under way. it is friday, april 29th. >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now." >> and you are looking live now at buckingham palace.
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thousands have already gathered there along the parade route between westminster abbey and 5,000 british police officers also on duty right now. security is intense as we prepare for the royal wedding. good morning, i'm peggy bunker. >> and i'm rob nelson. the big day is here. >> it is finally here. billions of people will be watching this big moment. >> oh, yes. once in a lifetime. we will have coverage of course of the historic wedding coming up. but we have to begin with the other major story of the day, and that of course is the fallout from the historic and deadly weather in the southern part of the country and here's what we've learned since those tornados struck on our watch yesterday morning. more than 160 tornados touched down across six states. the worst outbreak in decades. at least 309 people have been killed so far. hundreds if not thousands more have been injured. >> interesting to see that footage there it's really incredible. the worst-hit city was tuscaloosa, alabama. one meteorologist said that the tornado that ripped through there had speeds of more than 200 miles per hour. >> that's hard to even fathom. oh! and officials say they expect the number of dead of course to
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only rise at this point. many of the search-and-rescue teams out yesterday said they found no one to rescue. >> which is heartbreaking to hear. john hendren is in tuscaloosa now. he joins us with the live coverage now very latest. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning peggy. good morning, rob. rescue workers have been sichting through the rubble, and you can see the kind of personal items they're running across. a child's shirt, a man's shoe. but what they were looking for is survivors. and back behind me, they did find a 5-year-old girl and her 13-year-old sister. they were hoping these going to be rescue stories, but there were no rescues here in the past 24 hours. only recoveries. >> reporter: it looks like a lethal broom swept a path the width of the mississippi for miles. >> less than five minutes, just gone. >> reporter: more than 160 twisters tore across six states. in their paths they left houses scattered like matchsticks, cars carried off like paper kites and so much death.
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more than 290 people were killed. more than 190 in alabama alone. the worst spate of cyclone destruction in nearly 40 years. tuscaloosa felt the worst of it. >> justin! >> justin! >> reporter: the sisters of 15-year-old justin thomas were desperate to find him. here's been missing since the storm. >> i've never seen devastation like this in alabama. >> reporter: the tuscaloosa tornado came tearing through town at 5:00 p.m. and moved northwest. it skipped past a major medical center, a high school and the university of alabama. but it didn't miss rosedale. reports of serious damage and loss of life came from smithville, mississippi, where neighborhoods were flattened and grocery stores wiped out to rainsville, alabama, where the winds tossed around a school bus and left a bank a heap of bricks and finally polk, georgia, where entire communities were leveled. in concord, alabama, it was 15 minutes of raw terror. up to 200 homes destroyed, six dead. now within hours, president obama will be heren what he comes, he's going to be able to see up close and personal just
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how bad the devastation is. things like how these -- these industrial equipment, like this transformer, this fence are mingled in with personal items like this family bible. rob and pegy. >> it's just heartbreaking to hear. and, john, tell us how are people there handling this unbelievable disaster? >> reporter: well, it's interesting. i mean if you look over here, we saw a woman here just hours ago looking through stuff. you know when people come, they're looking for the pictures. the personal mementos, those things they know they can't replace. but like so many people who came out here, they all left saying pretty much the same thing. there's nothing left. >> all right, thanks to abc's john hendren live in tuscaloosa. just a heartbreaking scene, as you said. well in powerful storm was likely a once in a lifetime event. one of the strongest ever on record. >> mike marusarz is now joining us with the details. mike. >> peggy and rob, good morning. with modern-dateknology, meteorologists were able to
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provide advanced warning day ahead of this tornado outbreak, but what caused it appears to be old fashion science. this breathtaking beast whipped winds estimated at 167 to 200 miles per hour. the twister stayed on the ground for an estimated 176 miles across the south. towns like tuscaloosa in its pathpulverized. weather experts blame the perfect recipe for the killer tornados. >> the temperature contrast, a real strong jet stream to add energy to the thunderstorms make them twist, which then produces the tornado. >> reporter: tornado alley in the midwest sees the most twisters, but what's called dixie alley in the south sees the most severe. >> this is the area where we see the most tornado-related deaths in the country. >> reporter: hundreds of confirmed tornados already in april alone. smashing the previous record for the month of 267. for those who claim it's climate
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change it's not that simple. >> man made global warming. is what the clim sat doing in the long term. not what occurs in a short period of time. >> reporter: and whatever the cause, the consequences of catastrophic. >> never seen this in virginia before. >> reporter: despite those advanced warnings, several homes in the south just don't have the proper storm shelters to withstand those ferocious winds. it could be weeks, possibly months before the national weather service releases official numbers on just how bad this tornado outbreak truly was. peggy, rob. >> staggering numbers. all right, thank you, mike. and now we switch gearsing a boitthis friday morning to the history that is being made in london. it has been nearly 30 years of course since the brits have had a celebration like the one that's happening just a few hours from now. >> and back then of course it was charles and diana. but in just hours, it will now be william and kate. or catherine, as she's now called. >> princess catherine soon-to-be. by the way you look good in your royal blue.
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>> i'm attending the wedding in my head. >> for the very latest we go to london and our simon mcgregor wood. good morning to you, simon. >> reporter: good morning. from a cold and rather gray london this morning, a final preparations have all been completed, just a few hours to go now till the start of william and kate's big day. >> reporter: kate middleton waved good night as she entered her hotel and waved good-bye as a wife as a single and as a commoner. earlier the hotel staff provided very english refreshments to the waiting crowds. tea and cakes. what else? the next time we see kate she'll be walkings down the aisle at westminster abbey. prince william waiting for her at the altar. kate assumed-to-be brother-in-law prince harry were there for their one final walk-through before the real thing. >> she's going to go into the abbey a commoner and come out a princess. and it's really exciting. it's fairy tale stuff. >> reporter: on his final evening as a bachelor, prince william shook hands with well-wishers outside of cairns house.
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which will be the royal couple's first stop as newlyweds. william had a quiet dinner with his family. thousands are already lining the streets of london for a glimpse of history. >> it's part of being british. >> reporter: official programs are being set out in 1,400 portable toilets set in place. for those who can't afford hotels, camp royale has been set out for do-it-yourselfers. >> we're college students and it's cheaper. >> reporter: and the royal nuptials even moved some to poetry. >> she'll be a radiant beauty as she carries out her royal duty. >> reporter: thousands of people have already started to throng the route from buckingham pal toys westminster abbey and at 11:00 a.m., london time, kate and her father will areich at the abbey. finally get on see that dress and millions worldwide will watch her transformation into a royal princess. rob, peggy. >> and of course that's 11:00 a.m. their time and 6:00 a.m. eastern time. simon, the big question a lot of folks are wondering, the weather. calling for rain. what's the latest about all of
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that? >> reporter: well, as you may be able to tell, it's not a good start to the day. the forecasters predicted rain. there are spots of rain already in the air. it may get heavier as the day progresses and that may influence whether the couple leave the abbey and go back to buckingham palace in the open-top carriage which everyone wants them to do. fingers crossed. back to you. >> that's right. we do want to see them in the open-top carriage. more chances to look at this dress. thanks to abc's simon mcgregor-wood in london. >> here's a look now at your friday forecast, everybody. some scattered showers from western pennsylvania to northern new england. thunderstorms in florida. showers in the dakotas and montana. and some heavy mountain snow in the rockies. meanwhile, some gusty winds from amarillo to l.a. >> and a look at some of the highs and special cities in honor of kate and will's big day. 90 degrees in prince, florida. 73 in buckingham, virginia. and 66 in royal, illinois. castle, oklahoma, 78. >> got to love it. >> very appropriate. >> that's right a themed weather
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map for you this morning. and of course you can keep it right here on abc news at 4:00 a.m. eastern time, our special live wedding coverage begins from london. >> some people staying up all night. >> i believe it. >> to catch every single detail burks first when we come back here on the show, our very own royal expert is here with some insight into this special moment in history. and your curiosity about the royals. is buzzing up the wep searches. -- web searches. if your racing thoughts keep you awake...
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sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported.
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abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta. lichtshot there of buckingham palace. that's the folks already gathering. excited, hours away from the big wedding, and guess this, an estimated 2 billion people will tune in to watch the royal
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wedding today on safe. >> yeah but that's nothing. the place to be is london outside of westminster abbey. that's where 800,000 will be lining the streets in person to see the whole spectacle. joining us with a look at why this event is generating such huge interest. professor at new york university. thank you for being here. let's get on that question right away. i understand the interest. rob be my co-ankoperhaps does not. why do you think it generates such wideworld interest. >> i suppose a fairy story. catherine middleton today. this is a serious wedding because william is going to be king at some point in the future. so not just a minor royal. this is the real thing. >> and people have said, too in light of everything that's going not world and tough economic times there in britain is this really appropriate such a lavish ceremony but some people say in some ways it is an escape from all of that. >> it is a bit of a escape and it's something beyond politics. people get tired of politics. this is something that everyone
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can agree on that an important thing to talk about and those people who hate it, who hate the monarchy, like to talk about it. so everyone's on common ground i think there. >> in fact on that same note, many people say that actual lead americans or maybe other countries are more interested in this than maybe the english are. >> i don't know about that but i think one of the things that's really striking about the british monarchy it's like the u.s. president who doesn't have to take unpopular decision. a person who is just going around representing the country. opening important events. adding a bit of dignity to various occasions but not becoming unpopular by doing unpopular stuff. >> a luxury politicians in this country do not enjoy by any stretch here. 800,000 people on the streets. 2 billion estimated watching on television. this is as you said there is global interest in this. the numbers bear that out. >> yeah, and i think it's one of those things that people have decided it's an important thing to think about.
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it's a watercooler thing, too. everyone wants to talk about it one way or another. people who i say who want to say they hate it. >> right and as we wrap things up, let's face it really the monarchy could use a little shaking up and willand kate seem program's promising to modernize. >> kate middleton who is somebody like you and me and putting them right in the middle of this is the future of the british monarchy really. >> watch the soap opera play out today the big wedding. thank you so much, professor, for being here. appreciate that. and we'll be back with more of "world news now" right after this. my name's reggie. just recently, wife and i took in her sister's children.
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now, we already had 4, so i went from becoming a family man to a man with a bigger family. and you can't eat love, so i don't know how i'm going to feed them tonightht. how was that, reg? i think i look more likike denzel. that's cold, man. anuncer: play a role in ending hungeger. visit and find your local food bank. there they are. here we are on the big day, and
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finally as you could imagine there's been one topic that has been burning up the yahoo! search engines this week and it is the royal wedding. months of speculation today we'll get the answers to all of our questions. >> web editor heather cabot joins us with the details. >> good morning, guys. we're doing a special yahoo! royal wedding edition this week looking at the search trends around the happy couple and their big day. first up, kate middleton is now the most searched public figure on the planet. and in both the uk and the u.s., she's receiving more than doubt searches of prince william. what do folks want to know the most? today obsessed with her diet, her age and makeup and even her height has been a source of curiosity. it is to give you a sense of just how popular the bride is at the moment compared to other people, queries for kate are outranking lady gaga, president obama, britney spears and the beckhams, one the lucky celebrity couples who will be on hand at westminster abbey. leading up to today tons of buzz who else is watching the ceremony in person.
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searches for the royal guest list are up more than 3100% this week and also lots of interest in which lucky americans will attend as well as where everyone will be seated. two guests of honor attracting attention are the dates of the bride and groom's siblings. prince harry who is also receiving more searches than the groom this week will be joined bydavey. up more than 3700% this week. one of the most asked questions is also what time does the wedding start? whether you're staying up late or getting up early to watch it live or recording it for later, yahoo! users are in a festive mood. we've seen tons of look-ups for royal wedding ideas, parent ideas and searches of how to make prince william's favorite cake. since the engagement announcement we've seen lots of nostalgia for princess diana. folks have been looking back at her walk down the aisle almost 30 years ago. searches for lady di's gown are
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up nearly 1,000%. the biggest wedding secret revealed, what kate will wear. but if you've been diagnosed with p.a.d., or have pain or heaviness in yur legs, i want to talk to you. you may have heard of poor leg circulation, which could be peripheral artery dsease, or p.a.d. with p.a.d., if you have poor circulation in your legs, you may also have poor circulation in your heart or in your brain, your risk for heart attack or stroke is more than doubled with p.a.d. now, ask yourself: am i at risk? if you're not sure, call for this free information kit to learn more. [ female announcer ] call the toll free number on the screen now to find out what the risks of p.a.d. really are. you'll find a 7-point checklist that helps you understand what could be putting you at risk. if you have symptoms, you'll learn how treating symptoms
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>> announcer: "world news now" delivers your morning papers. >> and as we look at some the papers, these are the local papers from london actually. we're taking a look here at "the guardian" and then "the times." the big cover girl is, who else, the bride to be kate middleton. >> always about the woman. >> even you i think have to be this much excited to see the dress. >> oh, okay. i'll pretend, yes. >> and saying ott, over the top. that's british speak for over the top. ott. television coverage of course should be there. she's on the eve of her wedding. >> very nice and my paper here for "the times" just kate and her sister pippa on the paper. kate, said she will do her own makeup. which a surprise. she took makeup lessons and an
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interesting fact a big fan of jack daniels and this cocktail called crock baby. i like her already. >> she's doing her own makeup because mario took the photos and didn't like the makeup job and redid it herself. if you are jealous you can't be at actual ceremony, don't worry they say only 800 people inside of westminster abbey can actually see the ceremony. >> 800 of the 1,900 guests among the best few. >> yes. >> and after they get married they're going to polka. >> check it out. ♪ ♪ what she's wearing ♪ i can't wait ♪ good luck william ♪ good luck kate ♪ it's the royal polka ♪ what a wedding ♪ what a date ♪ they should hire me to play ♪ that old royal polka ♪ there's more important news to cover ♪ ♪ i said to the queen ♪ instead of royal weddings ♪ what's going on with charlie sheen ♪ ♪ buy a bunch of souvenirs ♪ prince charles said i'm all
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ears ♪ sfwho ♪ when they play the royal polka ♪ ♪ that's the royal polka ♪ expats only ♪ it's the royal polka sfoets ♪ princess kate plays hockey and she scored a lot of goals ♪ ♪ prince william he place polo while camilla parker bowles ♪ ♪ harry's best man to the groom on ♪ ♪ hope he brings his quidditch broom for the royal polka snots ♪ it's glitzy and it's sparkly and it's glamorous for sure ♪ ♪ of course what i refer to is the head of david muir ♪ ♪ i bet that kate's will dance all day ♪ ♪ to the royal polka our thanks to team sympathy down here in greenwich village. best of luck, kids.
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this morning on "world news now," overwhelming destruction. a day after that super cell exploded over the south. we look not only at the recovery effort now but also the enormous loss of life as well as the stunning survivals. >> and a historic event is set to get under way, just hours from now as the world turns its eyes on london and as a prince marries his princess. it is friday, april 29th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> and good friday morning, everyone. you're looking at some live pictures of the preparations under way right now across the pond, more than a billion people around the world are expected to
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tune in to see prince william marry kate middleton. the big day is here. >> it's finally here. a couple of raindrops on the camera. everyone wondering able to use the open carriage or ride inside. >> no matter what, the show goes on. >> that's right. >> good morning, everyone, i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm peggy bunker. the latest on the royal wedding coming up in just a moment, but begin, of course, with the devastation that's crippling the south after that unbelievable tornado outbreak. now here is what we know this morning. more than 300 people were killed in alabama there, 210 -- actually 300 people killed, 210 in alabama alone. >> it was the deadliest tornado outbreak in 40 years. entire neighborhoods wiped off the map. towns flattened across 100 miles. the strength and size of this thing is just mind-boggling. >> it really is. and seeing the pictures coming now, it's very, very tough to see. president obama will visit alabama today. the hardest hit state of course where 2,000 national guard troops have already been deployed. >> and that's why john hendren is this morning. he's in tuscaloosa with the very latest. good morning to you, john.
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>> reporter: good morning, rob and peggy. all day long and into the night, workers have been here sifting through rubble like this looking for survivors. they did find two sisters not far from where i am right now, but they were hoping this would be a rescue mission. but there were no rescues here today. only recoveries. it looks like a lethal broom swept a path of the width of the mississippi for miles. >> less than five minutes, it's just gone. >> reporter: more than 160 twisters tore across six states. in their paths, they left houses, scattered like matchsticks, cars carried off like paper kites and so much death. more than 290 people were killed. more than 190 in alabama alone. the worst spate of cyclone destruction in nearly 40 years. tuscaloosa felt the worst of it. >> justin! >> justin! >> reporter: the sisters of 15-year-old justin thomas were desperate to find him. here's been missing since the storm. >> i've never seen devastation like this in alabama.
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>> reporter: the tuscaloosa tornado came tearing through town at 5:00 p.m. and moved northwest. it skipped past a major medical center, a high school and the university of alabama. but it didn't miss rosedale. reports of serious damage and loss of life came from smithville, mississippi, where neighborhoods were flattened and grocery stores wiped out to rainsville, alabama, where the winds tossed around a school bus and left a bank a heap of bricks and finally polk, georgia, where entire communities were leveled. in concord, alabama, it was 15 minutes of raw terror. up to 200 homes destroyed, six dead. hours from now, president obama will be here. and when he is, he will be able to see up close just how bad the devastation is. he'll be able to see industrial equipment like it transformer, this fence, mingled with precious mementos like this family bible. rob and peggy. >> and next door in georgia, those who lived through the tornados are telling incredible stories of survival. yunji de nies reports now from the city of ringgold.
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>> reporter: it started as a simple trip to the store for a gallon of milk before the storm, but by the time the brewers pulled into the parking lot, it was too late. >> when we opened the door, of course it started to tear the doors off of the car and got a ride just for now. >> reporter: the tornado swallowed them. >> my husband put his arm through the steering wheel and grabbed hold of me agency i grabbed hold of the steering wheel and we just kind of held on to each other. >> reporter: that's when their car spun around and lifted up into the air 15 seconds inside the twister. and those 15 seconds, what was happening in the car? >> well, things were flying around. it broke all of our windows out. the glass just shattered. we had glass in our hair. >> reporter: they smashed back down on to the pavement. >> i said, are we on the ground? he said, yes we're on the ground. i think what i was waiting for was the car to hit something and make a big thud. >> reporter: because you still felt like you were spinning around?
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>> i still felt like we were in the air or something. >> reporter: they escaped through their shattered sunroof. >> it was horrible. >> it's a ride. it's a trip that you don't ever want to do again. and i've worried more about her. we're safe. >> reporter: this is suv that the brewers survived in. if you take a look over here that the sunroof that they had to bust through the remaining glass so they could climb their way out. you can see there's still a bit of that glass left. this suv weighs two tons. so you can imagine just how strong those winds must have been. yunji de nies, abc news, ringgold, georgia. >> the carolinas largely spared damage in this deadly series of storms. the powerful winds did demolish homes and rip down power lines. cindy rode out the storms if her bathtub. >> i slammed down. my house was up in the air and spinning and when i came out i wasn't even in the bathtub anymore.
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>> when they showed me where she ended up, i just cried. and thank the lord she was still with us. it was tough. i don't know how she made it but she did. >> it is the second major weather blow for the state this month. 24 were killed in a storm just two weeks ago. >> our thoughts and prayers with all of the people in that part of the country. certainly puts other news in perspective when you see something like this. >> very true. other major story of the morning the wedding of prince william and kate middleton. the crowds are gathering already. security is tight and london is ready to party. >> that's for sure. our simon mcgregor-wood is outside of westminster abbey on a cool, cloudy morning. perhaps a few raindrops even. good morning, simon. >> reporter: good morning, rob and peggy. from london, where all of the final preparations have been completed and we're now in the final countdown to william and kate's big day. >> reporter: kate middleton waved good night as she entered
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her hotel and waved good-bye to her life as a single and as a commoner. earlier the hotel staff provided very english refreshments to the waiting crowds, tea and cakes, what else? the next time we see kate she'll be walking down the aisle at westminster abbey. prince william waiting for her at the altar. kate and assumed-to-be brother-in-law prince harry were there for their one final walk-through before the real thing. >> she will go into the abbey a commoner and come out a princess and it's really exciting. it's fairy tale stuff. >> reporter: on his final evening as a bachelor, prince william shook hands with well-wishers outside of cairns house. which will be the royal couple's first stop as newlyweds. william had a quiet dinner with his family. thousands are already lining the streets of london for a glimpse of history. >> it's part of being british. >> reporter: official programs are being set out and 1,400 portable toilets set in place. for those who can't afford hotels, camp royale has been set out for do-it-yourselfers. >> we're college students and it's cheaper. >> reporter: and the royal
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nuptials even moved some to poetry. >> she'll be a radiant beauty as she carries out her royal duty. >> reporter: at 11:00 a.m. london time, catherine middleton and her father will arrive at the abbey, will finally get to see that dress, and then millions worldwide will see her transformation into a royal princess. rob, peggy. >> all right, simon, fingers crossed of course for the weather. and our coverage of the wedding of course does not end there. we'll get insight from our own royal watcher and a look at the wedding dresses' code later this half hour and then at 4:00 eastern time, you won't miss a thing as our abc news live coverage of the wedding begins from london. diane sawyer, barbara walters, robin roberts. the whole gang is out there. >> i can't wait. here is your friday forecast. let's hope that they do get that open carriage there in london. we'll let you know, but here looking at a foot of snow in the rockies. showers also from eastern montana to fargo. high winds from l.a. to west texas. and rain in florida. scattered showers from western pennsylvania, all the way to
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maine. >> and the royal highs for today. 54 in castle rock, washington. and 68 in king city, california. kingsland, texas climbs to 80. catherine, alabama, 43. 48 in middleton, wisconsin. 66 in royal, illinois. and near 70 in windsor, massachusetts. did you see a theme? i smell a theme there. >> hang on throughout the rest of the day. and then you're all clear. >> few more hours. on this side of the pond his blood may not be blue like prince william's but the queen herself might do a double-take. >> danny schmidt is mistaken to the heir of the british throne. the 23-year-old is no crown prince but from minnesota, and just won a prince william look-alike contest. >> he really does. schmidt is view -- attending the viewing at the local pub. so real fun there. we'll be right back, everyone, with more of "world news now." if your racing thoughts keep you awake...
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sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
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well, after today kate middleton will be known as princess catherine but of course that is just the beginning of many big life-altering changes for her. >> very regal sounding. joining us to look at what is in store for the future queen and king is michael labor, a professor at new york university. thank you for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> now, we say that future king, future queen but just discussing that actually that might not be the case. it would really be the queen and prince charles and deciding what the future of the monarchy is. >> well, i think when all of the hype has died down it will be a very house situation because while i think this wedding really means is it's a possible make-or-break time for the british monarchy because it's been getting a bit outdated, often a lot of pad publicity and two relatively normal, nice-looking people there. but not next in line.
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next in line is charles and camilla. and frankly, they're not so popular. >> we're looking at pictures of the queen and many people think that she's outdated. >> well, it's a very -- it's a fuddy-duddy old institution. and now we're talking about -- a couple who lived together openly beforehand, to live together now. a guy who works as a helicopter pilot. and this is much more normal than people are being used to. i think going to be quite a bit of pressure for charles and camilla to stand the sight but they don't have to. >> because the politics of that is interesting to me. explain to me about the royal parliament would play in how it would work in terms of succession. >> if charles holds out, i mean he can be king, i don't anything anything that can stop him. the queen is 85. her mother was 101 when she died so she could go for another time. charles is now 62. he could be 72, 73, 74 and a grumpy old man, basically, that nobody much like frankly. >> prince charles decides that he doesn't want it. or parliament changes the way that things work that william will be the next king here.
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>> i think if charles wants it he can have it but it's going to be -- i feel sorry for himself almost because i think what is going to happen a big groundswell of opinion that william and catherine should be the next one. >> because also the issue of camilla. many people don't necessarily like camilla especially when the whole you know incident was going on with, perhaps you know still seeing each other, and now has public opinion has changed about her. >> no, never going to go away that she was the third person in the marriage. that really famous interview that diana did and that camilla was seen as the person who made all go bad. and but i think as well, the royal family's still just the old school royal family that's really strange. there are stories that prince charles had someone squeezed his toothpaste in the morning. ordinary people who have the ordeal to squeeze their own toothpaste. >> i find it troubling every day. >> a very casual observer of the royal family. striking about william and kate. they would modernize the monarchy. >> that's thing.
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make or break time. if this goes wrong and then i think that the british monarchy is really finished. i think that's true. a huge amount of pressure on their shoulders, too, to do that. if it goes right then it's got a lot of more mileage in it. >> pressure later, party today though, that's for sure. >> there you go. professor labor, thank you so much for being here, breaking that down for us. we appreciate that. okay, well coming up next we'll be talking about some family bitterness surrounding sir elton john. >> and a bombshell actress from "mad men" who is looking forward to single motherhood. your "skinny" is coming up next.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny >> welcome back, everybody. time for a little "skinny" non-royal family. >> a little bit of diversion >> back to our own celebrity
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prince and princesses here. a meeting in the white house this afternoon to talk about immigration reform. the president is trying to start kind of another debate, conversation of how to reform immigration laws in this country and a little bit of hollywood in the house doing all of this. rosario dawson, actress, she'll be there. >> gorgeous. >> absolutely gorgeous. and from "ugly betty." eva longoria. "desperate housewife" fame. i am sure a long contentious debate on immigration reform but trying to get star power behind am. >> that sounds good and gets to pay attention. mix in the celebs in there. mix in the conversation and then people start to perk up and pay attention. >> that meeting was yesterday so i hope it went well. >> good deal and also talking about january jones. not attached to anyone. linked with a bunch of hollywood hotties. and however unattached right now but that's no matter to her. she's going to be having a baby. announced that she's pregnant. she's a single mom. she said she plans to raise a baby as a single mom. provided things don't change. and this is sort of a trend in hollywood lately, wouldn't you
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say? like cheryl crow. other moms have sort of ventured out into the mommy circus all on their own. >> inevitably some politician speaks out against them. the whole conversation of singer motherhood. see if she speaks out about january, but congrats to her with child. >> congrats to her. >> yes. >> elton john, of course barbara walters did a big interview a few days with elton, just adopted a son. he and his partner, adorable kid. but apparently his mother who is 86 years old, sheila, she gave an interview to "the sun" and i didn't know that he had a very strange relationship with his mother. she says in that interview, quote, he has cut me off completely. quote, cut me out of his life for good. details about what exactly caused that riff but she says she hasn't even met her new grandson yet because of all of the family dissension. >> elton john's partner david furnish is the daddy, the baby daddy. but the surrogate carry, the egg donor is for little zachery who is so cute. but that's kind of a bummer to hear that that they're having that little not have a am sure reasons and drama like every family. >> always, always drama. jenn sterger the situation with
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her and brett favre, remember? >> sent some family photos. >> yes. apparently jenn's manager and her pr person basically have control over these photos and will not relinquish the e-mails and photos that she exchanged with brett favre. >> so she -- so -- >> never gets old. >> never gets old. >> she can't get it back from the pr guy who is supposed to be helping her when this whole thing is going out. this guy to help her out and turns out he wants to keep a handle on this as well. philippe reese, the pr man. now hampering her. >> what a mess in that situation everyone involved. unlikely deal. i didn't see this one coming whatsoever. but guess who mark wahlberg wants to team up with in a movie? markey mark. after "the fighter" and all of this, justin bieber. i didn't see this one coming. but apparently they want to team up and do a new movie together. says putting it together right now and pitched them an idea and details will slowly spill out but in a movie theater near you
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live pictures outside of buckingham palace. folks already lined up. of course those crowds will swell throughout the day. they expect 800,000 people on the streets in just a few hours after months of talking about it. the big day's here. >> i'm excited about it. it could probably snow out there and people wouldn't care. just excited to be there. some people have been camped out since monday. >> unbelievable. royals are ready for a party. in a few hours of course the world will see what so many have been wondering about. especially the women folk. what the princess-to-be to wear. >> the women folk, are you kidding me? did you just say that? but what about the rest of the wedding, though, the men folk? and from friends and family, heads of state, celebrities, well what does one wear to a royal party? nick watt and bianna golodryga hit the streets of london find out. women. >> reporter: ah, the royal wedding.
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>> on friday 1,900 guests will convene in westminster abbey to see prince william and kate middleton wed. that can only beg one question? so what exactly does one wear to royal wedding? nick, you live here. help us out. >> okay rule number one. the brits are sniffy, particular, and wedding garb is a minefield but, one of the best stores in this country. they will help us out. >> let's go. >> reporter: nick wasn't kidding. inside of the high-end department store i found out from fashion expert sophie that dressing for a royal wedding is no easy matter. >> so which dresses do you think i should try on? because the wedding will take place westminster abbey, sleeves for women are a do. and this will take care of the sleeveless problem. looking too sexy is a don't. >> quite sexy for a royal wedding. i have to be honest. >> reporter: and while it's important to look proper, it's not good to appear stuffy. decisions, decisions, decisions.
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>> so, joe, the invitation says, unform. >> yep. >> dressing for men, that's even trickier. according to the royal wedding invitation men are required to wear one of three kinds of dress. a military uniform or for us civilians a morning coat or a lounge suit. a lounge suit isn't exactly as casual as it may sound. it's british speak for a coat and tie. you see british fashion uses a whole different vocabulary. these are trousers not pants. >> that's right. >> reporter: and this you don't call this a vest, do you? >> we call that a waist coat. >> reporter: okay. as for the morning coat it's a coat with the front cut away so that just the back part hangs down. >> nick, do you find everything that you needed? >> absolutely. >> and you? >> i did. are you ready for the royal wedding. >> i do. >> have the royal invitations? >> both of them. >> let's go. >> we are festive. check us out. >> yes. >> this is as close to the wedding that we're getting. >> yeah, burger king. >> enjoy your moment. >> enjoy the wedding, everybody.
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