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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  December 20, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. i'm elizabeth vargas. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. it's monday december 20th. and we have breaking news. a terrorism plot foiled overseas. 12 men now under arrest. extreme weather, california braces for mud slides and avalanches while a freak weather storm strands thousands of americans trying to get home for christmas. >> hotel heathrow we call it. an american tourist attacked and left for dead. and will and kate go on
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sale. good morning, and robin is off this morning. and we are starting with breaking news out of britain. >> that's right, police swept in on an attempted terror plot arresting 12 men in london and two other cities. the arrest came after al qaeda warning of potential attacks. we'll start our coverage with jim sciutto in london. jim? apparently, jim is not hearing us. we'll go to our chief investigative correspondent brian ross here right now. 12 men arrested. three british cities. as you pointed out, many times this comes out after a lot of clatter suggesting an al qaeda attack in the christmas holidays. >> exactly.
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they're tracking several threat schemes. in other words, an electronics source is suggesting a holiday attack is likely. that al qaeda may seek to take advantage of a psychological impact of a christmastime attack, george township. >> they want to take advantage, even though they're having a hard time getting materials for an attack. what specifically are officials worried about? >> last week, we issued this report of terrorists unable to obtain explosives. they may use vehicles and ramming tactics against crowded areas, shopping areas, festivals going on right now. that is of great concern now. >> jim sciutto is with us now. jim what do we flow about the 12 men arrested? >> george, this was a large operation, police believe they have thwarted a major attack. the targets involving bombs and other explosives. the 12 men arrested have been
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under surveillance for weeks in relation for an investigation into al qaeda-inspired terrorism. authorities have not said it's directly timed to the holidays but they did feel they needed to act right away. the terror threat here in the uk in its second highest level severe. that means an attack is highly likely. and george, counterterrorism police tell me they've been dealing with a fast-growing load of terror plots and plots, they said they've never been busier. >> hi alert. we turn to the wild weather slamming parts of the west coast and california. take a look here at this map. the deep blue shows where the rain drenched most of the state. much of southern california is on alert for mud slides and in europe, snow is causing travel chaos. many americans stranded at airports, gridlocked from london to paris to germany with hundreds of flights canceled.
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we've got complete coverage of the wild weather starting out west with sam champion. good morning, sam. >> reporter: an epic rainstorm pummeling california and beyond. an endless on slought of rain and snow, on roads, five times more accidents than normal. homes flooded and over 21,000 residents without power in southern california. the treacherous storm now in its third day, dumping up to 9 feet of snow and 13 inches of rain. >> oh, i have never seen it like this in years. >> reporter: in an that heim, disney got more than 4 inches of rain, hollywood, over 5 inches of rain. the most since the 1920s. sam simien, 12 inches of rain. >> i'm not used to it. >> you can see most of it, heavy rain has moved on to southern california. >> reporter: downtown, also very rainy there.
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the bad news for californians more rain on the way. los angeles has already received more rain than they would normally see for the entire month of december. and with this storm, there's another 6 inches of rain possible. that's more than enough water to make everywhere in california look like the rushing santa ana here. and residents like mary dodson trying to stay one step ahead of the sludge. >> this has the potential of coming up level with this other wall. that way, when the mud comes down, we have this amount of protection. >> and you would normally be able to say after three days there's a break in the storm but there really isn't. this is a continual pattern of very heavy rain set up by the jet stream. let me just show you the connection of this moisture. it's way out in the pacific. and there are at least three impulses of pressure that are yet to get to the coastline. it's going through nevada, it's going through utah, it's going
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through colorado and it's going all the way through illinois. we're going to see a big hit ever snow making its way through the country. there will not be a break in this action until early thursday morning. and then there's more coming the following sunday. elizabeth? >> all right, sam. plenty of rain coming. but in europe, it's been snow. it's been hit with heavy snow that's causing travel turmoil, shutting down airports and strands thousands and thousands of passengers, including americans worried they won't make it home for the holidays. nick watt has the late of the from london's heathrow airport, good morning to you, nick. good morning, elizabeth. well, as one headline writer put it, this is the whitemare before christmas. heathrow has been almost entirely shut down this whole weekend. across europe, similar scenes of
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chaos, paris, 40% of flights canceled sunday. frankfurt, 500 flights canceled. heathrow, 600 departures scheduled, only 16 made it. >> hotel heathrow, we call it. >> reporter: thousands are stranded. many of them, meramericans, desperate to get home for the holidays. >> we've learned to sleep in airports. >> reporter: sleeping underneath blankets and carpets, liberated. >> it's like refugees, homeless, there's no trash cans so there's garbage everywhere. >> reporter: 400,000 passengers were supposed to pass through here over the weekend, very few made it. >> trying to visit my fiancee. >> my sister had the very first niece. i'm trying to get home to see my niece for the very first time. >> reporter: they cleared the runways but still snow and ice around the gates. >> 4 inches has crippled this
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country and it's baffling. i'm definitely not impresseded. >> reporter: airlines are rebooking people for friday, christmas eve, at the very earliest. they wait, pray for standby. >> these are my digest -- what i was going to bring to you. my stepmother gave to me, she's from wales, i got really hungry so i ate them. >> reporter: and it is not looking like things are going to get any better. guys, i just hope that not too many people are going to be trapped at heathrow, spending christmas under one of these aluminum blankets. >> oh what a nightmare. knit watt, thanks so much. police are investigating the brutal murder of an american tourist in jerusalem. 40-year-old christine logan was stabbed while hiking in a forest
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with a friend. now, the friend managed to escape with superficial stab wounds now as alex marquardt reports they're taking a look at their report. >> reporter: the police tell us the main angle they're taking this was a nationalistic attack that may have been carried out by two arab men but what exactly happened and why is still very much a mystery. christine liukin and her friend kay wilson were attacked in this park. wilson told police they were two knife-wielding men. one of whom removed her star of david. they came to kill, nobody walks around with a knife like that for no reason. liukin's body was found sunday. multiple stab wounds and her hands tied behind her back. israeli say they believe
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wilson's testimony but are looking into all the evidence. >> we're hoping an arrest is made as soon as possible if the alibis are 100% correct. >> reporter: luken lived in england and went to israel for christmas. >> it was one day to be based in israel. she had just an amazing love for her country. >> reporter: george, american authorities, including the fbi, are helping the israelis get to the bottom of this. today, a member of luken's evangelical ministry identified the body. >> how did the friend manage to escape? >> it's really a remarkable story. wilson told israeli media after receiving numerous stab wounds she pretended to be dead. once the attackers left, she
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went out to the road who then alerted police and took her to the hospital. we're going now to a scathing report out on government spending. tax monies wasted this year. jonathan karl has a preview. >> good morning, elizabeth. yes w got a sneak peek on what this reporter says were the most 100 wasted projects of 2010. the federal government spent $700,000 this year investigating methane gas from cows. most of the gas comes from cows. it's one of the top 100 most wasteful projects. a report first seen here on "good morning america." >> i will tell you that there's hundreds of billions of dollars every year, that if the american taxpayer would go down through
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it, they'd say, wipe this off, wipe this off. >> the cow burp study cost $700,000. but $930 million on unnecessary printing. even thousands of unread copies of the budget of the united states. how many people actually read the printed budget of the president? the printed one? >> maybe one or two. >> reporter: and the congressional record. a daily krongicle of every word o uttered in congress. about the only thing the congressional record is used for these days is filling up recycling bins on capitol hill. the government prints it. it's all online. why are we printing it? >> because we're inept. >> reporter: little things add up. a report found that the department of energy of all places could save $2.2 million with more efficient use of electricity in its own building.
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the department told us they're working on it but on one recent evening, we noticed lights on long after workers had gone home. census bureau blew $2.5 million on this. >> isn't that what the census is doing? >> reporter: a commercial aired during the super bowl that left most scratching their heads. senator coburn says most of the it lies with congress. the most wasteful programs survived year after year, regardless of who is president. >> all of the big issues remaining in the surprisingly packed lame duck session of congress. senator chuck schumer joins us. senator, i want to get to a lot of things. let's begin with this report from senator coburn. he says there's hundreds of billions of waste. do you buy that? >> there's lots of waste, that's true. senator coburn never mentioned the outstanding thing we do in
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the government that seniors, soldiers depend on. you can't just use a meat ax, you have to use a scalpel, and that's what we're trying to do. >> it looks like you'll be there for christmas, doing an awful lot of work. you have passed the don't ask, don't tell, and you seem to have a break on something you've been fighting for for years this several-billion dollar bill for 9/11 workers. will the house stay in session to make sure it gets passed? >> well, i believe we have the votesed. and speaker pelosi, i spoke to her last night again, she wants to get everything we can to get it done. we now have the votes. we made the modifications that some of our republican colleagues requested. but undue delay, if no one just stands up and delays and delays,
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we will get this done. that's my plea to colleagues in the senate. please do not delay this vote. one thing, george, the people that rushed to the towers after 9/11. they're our heroes. just like veterans, they volunteered and risked their lives for us. american tradition is we don't turn our backs on them. no matter what state you're from. i see it at the last moment, congress coming together along those lines. >> why did it take so long? >> it took so long for a number of reasons. first ever all, for the first seven years we didn't realize the terrible illnesses that people were getting. the glass and soot that accumulated in your lungs after those fateful days didn't begin to bring out the cancers until several years later. and then, of course, to figure out how to do this exactly right took a while. the house passed it in september. we're working on it now. it's not too late, but it will be, if we don't do anything
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because thousands will die because they didn't get adequate medical care. >> senator, i also want to ask you about the president pushing v very hard for the s.t.a.r.t. treaty. can you get the 67 votes you need to ratify? >> i believe we can. the president is working really hard. he's burning up the phone lines on this. yesterday, thad cochran who was a vote we wouldn't be sure he'd be for it. we do need, of course, nine or ten republican votes and i think we will get them. it's going to be a real slog, sort of house by house combat, if you will. but i think we'll be there. >> finally, you know, i wonder what you make of how the president is handling congress. as i said, were you critical of the president's negotiating style on the facts bill. you got that through. yet, the spending bill for next year crashed and burned during
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the session. what does that say about where congress is going in the next year and what's the single piece of advice you have for president obama as he faces a republican majority in the house. >> first, let me say this, we democrats in the house and senate know we're joined at the hip with the president. he does well, we do well. once the president made the decision, you saw large unity, particularly in the senate. i think you'll see that. my advice to the president is compromise when you can, but when people are being unreasonable, and we have hard right people who seem to be wanting to move us back to the 19th century brought some life to the sand. don't give up the core principles. i think the american people will respect that. >> okay, senator, thank you for talking to us. >> marry christmas. >> happy holidays. time to check on the weather and sam in an that heim.
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good morning, george, the rainfall totals in los angeles are astounding. more than 13 inches of rain in monterey county. basically from l.a., county to ventura county, sand that barbara county. wrapping up with cold air it becomes a snowmaker for bismarck, minneapolis, chicagoland, indianapolis, detroit, all picking up cold air and snow. on this constant band that moves across the country. so far, new england is out of it but it looks like there may be a connection later on in the week.
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a little cloud deck moved overhead and don't be surprised if you see a snowflake or two overhead. it will be partly cloudy today and we are in the 20's or right now. 29 degrees in the district. we are on our way to the mid- 30's and a little crazy. a few snow flurries and an isolated snow shower possible to mark evening. >> and we are live in a soaked anaheim, california, this morning. how about this, elizabeth, the colorado and utah rockies, 6 to 8 feet of snow through thursday
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expected. >> wow. thanks so much, sam. women have been competing and winning in sports for a generation, but sometimes, an extraordinary feat comes along and it doesn't seem to get the what it deserves. history was made last night. john berman has the story. >> reporter: they can pass. they can drop. they can score. the one thing that uconn women's basketball team can't seem to do is lose. like ever. 88 wins in a row, tying an iconic record set by the ucla men's team in the 1970s. >> i mean, this is incredible. this is a very, very big deal. >> reporter: the last time uconn lost? april 2008. hillary clinton was still a candidate for president. sarah palin was running alaska, not starring in a reality show about it. and speaking of reality, while
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snooki may have been living on the jersey shore, at least she was keeping it to herself during their streak, the huskies have won and beaten their opponents by an average of 30 points. 30 point. as stunning as it is, it isn't getting the kind of marquee coverage it might if they were men. but they're not letting that get them down. >> one of those times in my life. >> reporter: 88 wins. how is the coach planning to celebrate? >> i'm going to a good restaurant tonight. having a bottle of wine. i would have done that either way. >> reporter: it's good he's finding a way to enjoy it since he can't seem to find a way to lose. they go for the record-breaking 89 on tuesday. for "good morning america," john berman, abc news, new york. >> good for them. >> robin is cheering on holiday. >> you bet. coming up, could amanda knox
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go free. the court now looks at crucial dna evidence used to convict her. her mother joins us this morning. we'll have the first look at william and kate's wedding souvenirs hitting stores today. [ female announcer ] letting go of your cigarettes can be hard. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> the time is 7:26 of his monday, december 20. good morning, i am scott thuman with your local news update. we will check on traffic and a
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minute but a couple of school issues to tell you about. schools and stafford and spalding county will open two hours later today. let's check on the road with jim russ. south found 270 has heavy traffic getting from a shady grove to the lane divide. outer loop delay is are going from college park toward silver spring. all lanes are open. let's go to a couple of maps and show you that we have an accident -- or had an accident in found near the and -- intersection on route 7. 95 is clearing out in woodbridge and 3 need -- and 395 slow to landmark. have areas of clouds moving overhead now. we will have partly cloudy skies today. do not be surprised if one or two snowflakes will fall. we got one report for potomac
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for a couple of snowflakes fell. 19 degrees in culpeper and 27 degrees in annapolis. it will become breezy later on today. the high temperatures will be in the mid-30's. in the 30's all week and may be pushing 40 by thursday and friday and a chance of a white christmas. a chantilly family is now a sad looking for a new place to live after a gas explosion destroyed their home. happened last night on willoughby court. no one was time, fortunately. -- no one was home, fortunately. we will be back at 7:
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♪ ♪ you can find your feet and you can find your way ♪ ♪ you can find yourself in bed at the end of the day ♪ ♪ you can find some fun on a tropical isthmus ♪ ♪but you'll never find my... ♪ you can find it in your heart to be patient with me ♪ ♪ you can find a new star for the top of the tree ♪ ♪ i don't mean to be coy and i don't mean to be vicious ♪ ♪ but you'll never find my christmas ♪
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♪ will and kate now on sale. everyone has a chance to get a piece of royal wedding. we've got a first look at the official souvenirs hitting stores today. >> they're quite ornate, aren't they? >> they are. 150 bucks. >> that's actually not bad. i'm surprised -- i am surprised they're not charging more. good morning, america, i'm elizabeth vargas. robin roberts is enjoying the day off this morning. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. we're going to look at this mystery out of las vegas this morning. >> it's an amazing story. this performer who vanished
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after leaving her home a week ago. police are baffled. there are concerns. and also this morning, medicine bottles in your home. dr. richard besser is going to tell you how to protect your child and why this time of year might be the most crucial time. >> lots of kids visiting. first this morning, we're going to look at the case around amanda knox. she's the 23-year-old american student convicted of murdering her roommate in perugia, italy. now, her attorney has asked for an external test of crucial dna evidence used to convict her. in a moment, we'll talk to her mother. first the very latest on the case. amanda knox returned to the courtroom joined by her family, as her case took a dramatic new turn. an italian appeals court ordered new dna tests on the only
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evidence linking knox and her boyfriend raffaele sollecito. >> we think that inevitably amanda knox will be found not guilty and returned home. >> reporter: in an appeal of knox's conviction an her 22 year sentence, they ruled that dna was inclusive. this 12-inch butcher knife taken from raffaele sollecito's house. of course to the prosecution, his dna was found on a bra clasp placing him at the scene. but it was collected six weeks after the murder. plenty of time, the defense argues for dna could be contaminated.judge thinks that a re-examination will help remove any doubt. >> this is the first time in three years that the italian court has said, let's look at the evidence and see what it really says.
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>> reporter: former fbi agent steve moore has been following knox's case since the arrest. >> methods and procedures they used were so completely unsound, i don't know there's anything you can really have confidence in. >> reporter: the prosecution says their evidence will hold up to scrutiny. but their case got another blow when a judge also allowed new testimony with a witness that placed knox and her boyfriend near the crime scene. they cleared fresh with hope that this will be the last year behind bars. >> because. slop eyeness, two innocent kids have lost three years of their lives. >> joining us from italy is amanda's mother etta knox. you must be thrilled? >> we are. we've been asking for this all along from the very beginning because there were so many contradictions, we said how about having independent people,
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unbiased people really look at it. so, yeah, we're thrilled. >> the two experts from the university of rome will look at two key pieces of evidence. a knife which they claim was the murder weapon. and a bra clasp. you have maintained from the start that there are problems with both of these pieces of dna? >> oh, absolutely. i mean, the way the testing was done, you know, on the knife, i guess really beginning with the way the 95 was found, the way they were randomly tested. they didn't follow protocols. it's a mess, yeah. >> the dna evidence, of course, is crucial because prosecutors never presented a motive for the murder. and there is no forensic evidence linking your daughter to the room where the murder took place? >> absolutely. we're surprised all along that it came this far because there was no evidence of amanda in
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that room. >> amanda and her lawyers have been asking for independent dna analysis. in the first trial, they were overturned. they were rejected. what was her reaction when she found she would finally get this analysis? >> we all sobbing. it was a huge relief, you know, to know that it looked like this court was going to take a look closely to make sure. we all cried. >> you were quoted at saying that sick feeling in my stomach finally went away for a moment? >> yeah, it did. when we were sitting in that courtroom waiting to hear what the decision was, we all knew how important this was. yeah, i felt sick. >> if these two experts do rule in your favor, do you think it's a slam dunk that this guilty verdict will be overturned. >> i guess i obviously hope so. like you said, there's no motive. if you take away the possible murder weapon that even, you
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know, the prosecution said it's the wrong size. you throw that all out there and the fact there's no evidence of here at the crime scene, there's nothing. >> were you able to speak to amanda after this critical ruling? >> well, you know, just kind of briefly in the courtroom. i told her i loved her. i told her to hang on. she just beamed at me. she was thrilled that there was at least a little good news and some hope again. >> somebody from your dpafamilys been in italy every single day since her arrest three years ago. how were you able to do that? you are not a wealthy family. >> no. well, you know, a lot of us gault support from our job situations. my husband is able to -- his job is now allowing him to live here and work here. we were not going to leave her alone here. that was just not a possibility. >> and did this ruling lift amanda's spirits? >> yes. i think she told us she went
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back to the prison, you know, she's gotten kind of thin. she's not eating well, she's stressed. she went and ate a bunch of shredded barbecue pork that my husband had given her and ate it all. >> that's one way to celebrate? >> yeah, finally eating. >> exactly. that's the mother in you. eat, eat. >> yeah. eat. >> happy holidays to you and your family over in italy. we'll be watching for more rules as the independents and experts take a look at the case. a crucial ruling this weekend. thanks for joining us. now, other stories are developing this hour. we're go doing check in with juju chang. good morning, everyone. we begin with those major developments on the korean peninsula. this morning, the north is backing down on its threat to attack the south for carrying out military drills on the disputed border region. now there's news of a new
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diplomatic deal. clarissa ward is there. >> reporter: good morning, south korea went ahead with its 90-minute drill while fighter jets roamed the air to fight off a possible attack. on the other side the border, new mexico, governor bill richardson met with top officials. richardson said the north has agreed to let u.n. inspectors visit its main nuclear facility. it appears in the end, north korea may have got just what it wanted, international attention and cash. juju. >> clarissa ward with the latest details, thanks. in mexico, the death toll has ridsen to 28 after this massive explosion. thieves apparently trying to steal oil triggered the blast.
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prices of gas averaged just under $3 a gallon nationwide. just in time for the holiday. finally, a building's implosion didn't go just as planned. the building on the right, as you can see came down. but the narrow white building wouldn't budge even after workers went inside to find out why. then an hour later, this happened. it toppled catching everyone by surprise. fortunately, the workers made it out in time. george, elizabeth, apparently, they heard the creaking and ran out. >> i sure hope so. that was an extraordinary snip of a video you played there. it's time to check in with the latest weather forecast. let's go back to sam champion in anaheim, california. good morning, sam. >> good morning. yeah, the numbers are stounding.
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. bakersfield, california, one of the places that is wetter ever ever. they've never had more rain in hundreds of years than they've had so far. take a look at the map to see how much more rain is going to fall. we don't think there's an end to this round of rainfall until thursday. and then there's more by sunday, after the weekend. 5, 6 inches of rain in some locations. that moisture will eventually connected all the way to the earring seaboard. but this morning, there's good news. that low left most folks alone. there's some snow kind of from the cape all the way up to coastal maine this morning. but for most areas that will be cold air and gusty winds. in the deep south, the temperatures came back. dallas at 74 degrees. by the way, texas one of the warmest, most pleasant an area of clouds had moved
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overhead. partly cloudy for most of the day to day and one or two smoke -- snow flurries. we're still looking at a few far as possible tomorrow evening and >> and we are live in anaheim, california, this morning, but actually, we have something interesting to show you at 8:00 about "gma" lights up america. we've got news as well. the latest out of newark airport, terminal "a" has been closed because of a potential terror threat? >> a potential bomb may have been found at the american airlines counter. we're getting initial word, the terminal's being evacuated. there's a report that a possible bomb was left at the american airlines check-in counter there. not to be confirmed that it is a bomb, but bomb squads in new jersey are at the scene to take
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a look at that now. >> a single report at an american airlines counter, that hasn't been confirmed but we know that terminal "a" has been closed? >> terminal "a" is closed. they're taking no chances. >> what is the tsa saying by your sources? >> they believe it is a bomb. the bomb squad is coming in. >> that's shy of a month after we had those bombs intercepted on cargo planes en route to new york and other places? >> exactly. with a back dradrop of u.s. authorities warning of that happening in a variety of different ways. >> a report this morning, 12 men arrested in britain also a totential terror likely brian, thanks very much. we'll be right back. ♪
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the royal wedding just over four months away but you can buy a little piece of it starting today. britain's prince william and kate have endorsed the first souvenirs nor the occasion. bianna golodryga is here with more. >> despite the weather, so many people came out to see them. good morning, george. she may not technically be part of the royal family just yet, last week, kate middleton attended a christmas lunch with queen elizabeth. this morning, another milestone, the official royal china goes on sale. >> reporter: first came the official announcement. then the official photo and now -- the official wedding china. these souvenirs, a plate, a cup and a pill box went on sale today. and they are the only memorabilia personally approved by the young couple. the design made of 22 karat gold
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features the prince's coronet and their initials and a wedding seal. for those who want it to show their beaming smile, there's already mementos for a fraction of the price. >> it's a good way to keep the memory. >> reporter: this past weekend came another milestone. >> good hat. >> reporter: the future king and queen making their first personal appearance, attending a fund-raiser for a local clarity. >> she looked actually great. >> she looked really lovely. and they seem happy together that's nice. >> reporter: it's reunited the role of british society, one person who doesn't seem to care at all about kate's lineage is her future brother-in-law who told a german newspaper, i've always wanted a sister, and now i've got one.
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i've known kate for years and it's fantastic that she's becoming part of the family. >> for those of you waiting to buy the set, it costs $155 or you can buy three items individually. the proceeds from the sale will be donated to charity for the family's royal collection. be donated to charity for the family's royal collection. coming up, a mystery in las vegas. t the frantic search to find this t dancer who has disappeared. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generic prescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details.
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coming up, more on the breaking news that authorities are investigating a suspected bomb at the american airlines counter at newark airport. >> terminal "a" at that airport has been shut down. it is being evacuated of all passengers inside. tsa confirms to abc news, they think a package left at the package counter could contain explosives. >> and our investigative correspondent brian ross will be here with the latest details in a few minutes. cwcscccccccc
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woman: here's my new windows phone... it's really different. it's got this start screen that lets me do stuff faster and easier. see? it even has bing right here so... the second my flight gets cancelled, i can quickly find the nearest... airport hotel. i'm in, i'm out, and i'm done. so now i can actually look up and make sure i get off this thing. buy any windows phone and get a second one free. so get your holiday on at at&t.
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comes home.
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>> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, it is 7:56 and as monday, december 20. i am scott thuman with your local update. we will check on the roads and a minute but some schools and stafford and spotsylvania county will be open two hours late. let's check on the roadways. are looking at the beltway south of town which are the inner loop lanes going from the
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right to the upper left of your screen. there was a crash on the inner loop between telegraph road block the left side are the outer loop looks slow getting from college park to silver spring. 270 is better. no delays getting out of high its town. --hyattstowen. this is a live look over the bay. the clouds are working their way overhead. we have areas of clouds overhead. 27 degrees in the district and 26 degrees in winchester. spotsylvania is at 20 degrees. we are on our way to the mid the 30's and a little bit breezy. a few snow flurries or an
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isolated snow shower are possible tomorrow night and we could snow -- see snow on christmas. you can exploit -- plenty of company if you go to the post office today. the postal service says it expects to handle 800 million pieces of mail. we will be back with another news update at 8:27. for continuous news coverage,
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you are looking at a live picture of newark airport. authorities there investigating a possible bomb at the american airlines terminal there. >> terminal "a" shut down there. bomb squads are on the scene. apparently something suspicious found behind the american airlines's baggage room. how sure are they this might be an explosive device. >> tsa officers are saying they believe this is some sort of an ied that was picked up by
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airport screeners at newark airport that appeared in checked bags. they have now got a bomb agent on the scene. sometimes, the early indications can be wrong, there can be false positives. but they are sending the bomb squad technician misto tas in t control of it. it's serious enough to shut down the airport. >> not the entire airport? >> terminal "a." but the early indications are it's some kind of bag, checked bag, picked up by screening. >> it was the screening process that alerted authorities to some suspicious device? >> right, all checked bags for the last few months, mandatory screening, apparently, whatever it was, it's detected. >> we have been hearing that u.s. intelligence is concerned about a possible al qaeda attack around the holidays? >> if it's a plot, it might not
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be one airport or one day. that's what they're looking for. and the scramble is on. >> the scramble is on and to check over bags. >> or word will go out around the country if this is the case there could be others. >> airlines inyou'd united, qantas, continental, we're talking about a very busy terminal here. >> very busy time of year. vacations, holidays, schools. they're very really jittery about this. when this kind of thing happens, sometimes, there can be overreaction, we do not have absolute confirmation, but officers on the scene do believe it is a bomb. >> we know that in great britain, authorities have rounded up 12 men, suspected attack there as well. >> that's right. they call them threat screens, new intelligence from human and
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electronic sources indicate something was coming around the holiday time. >> you know, we don't have that threat hierarchy anymore. the color coding anymore. but behind the scenes are how worried are authorities and how would you characterize the level of threat? >> behind the scenes, it's almost certain that there are active plots under way. they are not sure they have an active handle on all of them. they need to be 100% accurate. >> and it doesn't necessarily mean they're coming to fruition right now, right? >> no. they don't have a specific time and place. this is just as a result of increased security around the airport. and the screeners worked. >> we're going to switch gears right now to a story out of nevada. police are intensifying their search for a former nfl cheerleader who has been missing for more than a week, deborah
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flores-narvaez has been performing in the luxor fantasy show. investigators are handing out fliers in hopes that somebody may have seen her. >> they say narvaez is a very smart woman with an education that includes an mba and a law degree. but friends say she has expressed concern about safety in the past and her sister is now begging for her safe return. >> bring her home. let her go. let us know, something, what is it that you want. >> reporter: celeste believes her sister debbie is in danger. the 31-year-old burlesque dancer appeared last week. >> it's not her to go missing or take a small vacation like this.
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>> reporter: her sister said dancing was debbie's dream. she graduated with a law degree in criminal law and was even a nfl cheerleader. her facebook profile reads, quote, live life to the fullest as you don't know what tomorrow will bring. life is short, death is forever. one of her dance partners said narvaez had expressed concerns over obsessed fans in the past. >> being in the industry, you know, our show is very risque for any female in vegas. her safety is extremely important. >> reporter: her cars could hold clues. spotting an abandoned vehicle at her home and called police. >> i just wish an officer could have come out or found her address or license plate. >> reporter: a couple of days later, she noticed the maryland plates had disappeared from the
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car and by thursday, detective has seized the vehicle. narvaez's sister says a few people of interest are being looked at but she believes debbie is still alive. >> she is okay. there's no if, ands or buts. >> las vegas police are doing forensic testing on the car. they did speak with her boyfriend that she did come around his house and he claims she left later that night and she was okay. >> okay, andrea, thank you. let's go to juju. good morning, george, and everyone. president obama appears on the verge of getting nearly all of his priority passed by the lame duck congress. but still to be decide said the nuclear treat with russia. senior democrats say they're confident it will pass but the top republican in the senate says he's opposing it. people on the west coast are on alert for mud slides.
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a record-breaking storm is dumping 7 inches of rain and more on the west coast. and we're in for a rare treat tonight and early tomorrow, the only total lunar eclipse of the year set for 2:40 a.m. eastern time. it's the first lunar eclipse to coincide with the winter solstice in 400 years meaning the moon will be nice and high before it disappears. important news for procrastinators, the postal service says today will be the busiest day of the year it's expecting more than 800 million pieces of mail. now, diane has a follow-up for one of her amazing interviews for "world news." >> good night to you, juju. connie, the inspiring face plant recipient, for the first time, she is meeting the donor's
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family. she will learn who will gave her so much hope and her new face. that's tonight on "world news." >> we look forward to that, too. that's the news at 7:08. we're out to sam champion. >> we're in disanyland, the busiest time of the year between christmas and new year's. there's dozens of trees, miles of lights. some folks have gathered to light it all up. are you ready, guys? three, two, one -- hit the lights! wow. spectacular. we are in "it's a small world." and there are 30,000 l.e.d. lighti lig lights lighting this up. we'll be in las vegas, we'll be
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which chicago. let's get to the boards. it was a phenomenal weather pattern this weekend across the country with an incredible amount of moisture that hits the west coast that kind of swings on in. into the northeast, we're talking about the cold air, and that cold air stays in place tuesday and wednesday at about 33, 38 in boston. and the same thing happens in new york. still a little cool and chilly into florida. nice and sunny and warm for the we have an area of clouds moving overhead. it is partly cloudy skies for the rest of the day, 20 degrees in front royal. stafford is up to 27 degrees. we have a clue are a good going on later tonight. that will be about 3:15 a.m.
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♪ >> i told you they would sing. >> thanks, sam. they all sound great singing. in this morning's "america's health" series, child medicine bottles and how easy they are for children to pry open. dr. besser is here with an amazing look at child safety and why this time of year it's important when going to other people's houses to be vigilant. >> that's right, elizabeth, whether you're in your house or visiting others, it's important to keeping an eye on kids. young children, they like to explore, a newly discovered container may be too tempting to resist. ♪
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>> just seeing them and just seeing the smile on their faces, great. >> reporter: when air force captain kevin lombardo came to join him. his kids came to greet him for for kevin, it's bittersweet. >> today coming home in six months, this is the third time i've come back since chloe has died. >> reporter: five years ago, kevin's twins, chloe and kevin junior climbed on to a counter around ingested the contents of a prescription bottle. >> it happened so fast. >> reporter: 90% of childhood poisonings happen in the home. children 5 and under make up most of the americans treated in the e.r. each year after accidentally swallowing medication. what causes the problems? >> children are curious by nature.
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the most common things are things they find in the homes. cosmetics, cleaning substances or pharmaceutical medicine. >> reporter: while parents may be vigilant about their own medications, grandparents and other holiday visitors may not be as careful. you talked about something called the granny effect. what is it? >> there's been studies that suggest that 10% to 20% exposure to medicines may actually be their exposure to their grandparents' medicine. >> reporter: we decided to do an experiment. how easily could they get into pill bottles. we recruited six toddlers. first the pill organizers. i'm going to give you each something that looks like this, i want to you show me how fast you can get in it. >> 3-year-old ghia, opening her in ten seconds.
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and next, the easy-opened bottle used for the eld zerl. did you ever find one at home? >> yeah. >> what do you do when you find one at home? >> it's dangerous. >> it is dangerous. >> reporter: finally, the child resistant prescription bottles, none of our kids could open them. >> i can't open this. >> reporter: you can't open yours either? it's good that you can't open this, they made these so you wouldn't be able to open them. i was surprised how the youngest kids were able to get into the bottles. actually, statistics show that 2-year-olds are the most frequent visitors. the lombardo twins were not yet 3. chloe came in and said, mommy, i'm sick. i noticed on the sides of my bed, an open bottle of pills. the twins were rushed to the
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hospital and fell into a coma. two days later, little kevin seemed to be getting better. but chloe took a turn for the worst. their dad kevin was racing home from baghdad. >> i just wanted to try to get home. unfortunately, i didn't make it in time. >> reporter: chloe died just 45 minutes before kevin arrived. today, 8-year-old kevin jr. is doing fine. now the kids are older, the lombardos keep all medicines in a locked box. >> it didn't even dawn on me that they would do that. you know, that's where my parents put it. >> one thing i always hear, it's not going to happen to me. i'll tell you what, it happened to us. >> you can reduce the likelihood that your children are going to get into your medicines at home with a few helpful tips. if you remember one thing from the story, remember this, out of
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reach, out of sight and out of mind. put your medicines where children can't reach them. that's going to make it much harder for them to get to in the first place. if they're out of sight, they'll be out of mind, they won't even think about getting into them. >> that is such a sad story you brought to us. why do even the child proof caps sometimes fail as well? >> let me show you. here's a child-proof container. >> a push and turn? >> that's right. if you just put the lid on, it's no better than leaving it open. >> you have to push it down. >> push it down and listen for a click. when the click's on there, none of those children can get into it. >> what kind of medicines do children overdose most frequentedly on? >> people think about prescription medications but most common and deadly is acetaminophen, tylenol. >> when do you call poison control versus take your child to the emergency room?
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>> call poison control right away. don't wait to call your pediatrician. >> as i found out with my oldest child, when you go to somebody's house, they can walk into the bathroom and find medicines sitting right there. >> they're not going to have the same approach you that have at home. coming up next, starting the home. coming up next, starting the new year with a new job search. ♪ new year with a new job search. tory johnson has the words that new year with a new job search. tory johnson has the words that you need to erase from your resume. don't go away. ur season's best sales event 123450 f asphalt. experience the exhilarating cadillac cts with a direct injection v6. it's the one gift you can open up all year long. see your cadillac dealer for this attractive offer. backed by the peace of mind that only comes from cadillac premium care maintenance. the season's best sales event. from cadillac. colorstay ultimate™ liquid lipstick. i don't kiss and tell... in just one step... get up to 24 hours of color... with a built-in topcoat in 20 comfortable shades. revlon colorstay ultimate™ liquid lipstick.
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and get lasting color and intense shine with colorstay overtime™ lipcolor. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ you've seen the difference ♪ ♪ and it's getting better all the time ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪
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♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world, i'll melt with you ♪
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for job hunters, now is the time to sharpen your resume to hit the ground running. with that in, linkedin has a list of buzzwords. tory johnson is here to tell us how to turn the cliche into the catch. let's get to it. >> sure. >> tory, right now, we see three phrases that turn up all the time. >> that's right. these words came up in 40 million profiles examined. we don't want to sit in. you want to stand out. you don't want to use these words "extension tiff experience." be specific. four years of experience, two years, whatever it is. just say it. be direct.
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"results-oriented." come on. isn't everybody supposed to be? secured ten contracts. whatever it is. name your results. >> you've got to be specific time and time again. this one i know you hate more than ever. >> yeah "team player" really? we all should be team players. led eight colleagues. builds consensus among 20 staff members, whatever it is. try to be specific. that's going to help to you stand out. >> into linkedin right here, it could be a great resource, but you really must know how to use it beginning with connections. >> that's right. the way to see the benefits of linkedin, you need 50 connections. i have access to your connections and then their connections. so it's really important that you build up these connections.
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online, we have the number to help you build that or exceed it. >> and a very helpful recommendation there. >> that's right. jane is a great colleague and everyone enjoys working with her. not so exciting right? i'd rather you be more specific. she is great because she handles all of most challenging customer service. credited with reducing hold times by 20% and has the largest number of repeat clients. jane is now somebody i want to meet. a public referral is if you want somebody to give you one or you're not sure about how to get in touch getting in touch with them. post something about them. a boss, a client, whoever it was. >> you have to get somebody who really knows your work. don't necessarily go for the highest title? >> that's right. title is important. but short of that, it's really about the specificity of what somebody's going to share. >> finally, let's take a look at experience.
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>> this is really interesting. most people tend to only list their most current position. what that lines up with is not only this blank space, but more significantly, you are 12 times more likely to have your profile turn up in search results when you really fill it out, when you list not only your current but also your two previous conditions after that. the more specific information you can find on your profile, the much more likely people is going to wind up finding you. >> are you overqualified for a job if you're worried about that? >> don't worry about that. >> you can get more tips for mastering linkedin, on our website, abc news/"gma." let's go to elizabeth salazar from santa fe, new mexico. >> holiday season can be stressful. it's not meant to be an endurance test. it can be fun.
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yet, people create movies in their mind of the perfect holiday and then the reality sets in leaving disappointment. to prevent this denial, it's important to set realistic expectations. make sure you have the time and energy to accomplish your goals and allow yourself the time to be emotional depressed. don't take everything so seriously. >> elizabeth salazar, one of our 20 finalists for advice guru. you can leave your questions on"gma." when we come back, jamie foxx has a new cd. you're going to hear it here. sometimes the smallest gifts bring the biggest smiles! live your christmas story at a kmart price -/ get this 1 carat diamond bracelet or necklace, your choice for only $99.99, and all fine jewelry is/ now 70% off. there's smart and there's kmart smart.
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[ tea kettle whistle ] [ water pouring ] [ punches ] [ male announcer ] beat your worst flu symptoms. new theraflu max d contains the most powerful medicine allowable without a prescription to fight your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d. serious power. take the power of theraflu in warming caplets or warming syrup.
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i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee. sure. decaf or reglar? regular. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream?
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cream please! the real dairy cream in reddi wip's sure an easy choice. nothing's more real thn reddi wip. fork or spoon? ah, it's stinging a little bit more than usual! yeah, you'll get used to it. the longer you keep your high mileage car, the more it pays you back. get castrol gtx high mileage.
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it helps engines last longer by fighting the main causes of engine failure. i think a dime went up my nose. yeah, it happens. don't change your car. change your oil to castrol gtx high mileage. its more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> and good morning everybody. i am alison starling at 8:27. we have a fuel school delays during schools in stafford and spalding county will be opening two hours late. let's look at traffic. going toward the wilson bridge, there are delays or with an accident on the outer loop after telegrapher road. that has been cleared out of the way. this crash is on the outer loop near the interchange at route 202. that will be tying up the two left lines and causing delays near central ave. northbound '95 looks better out
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of woodbridge toward springfield. 395 slows in landmark. major delays markedly penn lione and some trains are almost two hours late. we have a little cloud cover moving over had right now. there is still snow on the pier in the picture. we are expectant and partly cloudy skies today. temperatures are in the 20 warming only into the mid-30's and a little breezy. you will feel a bit of a wind chill in the afternoon hours. for the extended forecast, temperatures will not move much, into the mid-30's for the afternoon highs and through the weekend. a slight chance of a snow flurries tomorrow evening and tomorrow night.
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by christmas, we might have accumulating snow friday into christmas day. a chantilly family is looking for a new
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♪ ♪ ♪ baby tell me why tell me why i always fall ♪ for you baby put your hands in the air right now for love. ♪ ♪ tell me why i always fall for your kind baby don't stop don't stop ♪
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♪ don't stop holding me >> don't stop. don't stop. >> that is jamie foxx, of course. >> grammy award winner. oscar winner, jamie foxx. a little riled up this morning. he brought spirit into the room this morning. >> i'm bringing christmas clear. >> you're bringing a little more than christmas clear. >> i'm santa's official helper on the south side. >> the whole crowd did some hip-hop this morning. >> we're going to have more from you later on this half hour as we say good morning, america. robin just taking the day off. it's great to be here with you this morning. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. we have last-minute suggestions. we've got the coffee table
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books. our picks. >> i had a hard time picking them. i wanted to bring six different coffee table books, but they limited us to three. i wanted to give you an update on something we brought to you friday morning and friday evening. we aired part of it on friday. i did the story on portable incubators for babies in india. and rich did the story on bangladesh. we got thousands of dollars in donations. several people call and wanted to buy the incubators for the babies in india. and we raised $125 million. >> it's amazing, still coming in. >> absolutely. it's a great christmas gift. you can do this in somebody's honor and name. it's a wonderful think to do. we encourage to you go to our website to find out about the fantastic projects. one that got the most money so
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far was four the fortified peanut butter. >> in guatemala, right? >> that's right. >> the nutrition is so important. we want to go out to anaheim, california, sam champion is out there. you got the warm hearts, warm coats project. >> we do. danielle is our ambassador, you have something for justice. >> we do. disneyland is all about families to. start off the donations, we have a family of coats one for the kids and mom and dad. >> and we need them? >> yes, and more to come. >> our count is down, we really need your help. get to your burlington coat factory. you're going to see a box just like that. dump a coat in. if you need more information, you were go right to our website. we'll directed you. danielle, thank you so much.
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i appreciate your help. stay with me and keep my hands warm, if you will. there is one big storm system that's basically a plume of moisture that's moving from that california coastline all the way inland. so into nevada. into utah. into colorado, also into northern illinois. that moisture's going to connect with cold air and will deliver snow there. it will measure in feet in the mountains in a couple inches in chicagoland. nice and fair and dry right into the deep south. texas with the nicest numbers on the board. and this morning that snow missed you in a good part of new england. though a little bit on the cape. that's the weather around the we are on the chilly side this morning with temperatures in the 20's. 27 in gaithersburg. we are on our way to the mid- 30's.
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>> and all that weather was brought to you by castroloil gts. we're counting down to christmas. if you still have gifts to buy, there's nothing better to buy than a coffee table book. from sports to entertainment. and comics. we all picked our favorites to share with you. i'm going to start. the first say book by ansel adams which is a picture of the natural parks. it's the most comprehensive collection of parks. by ansel adams. he photographed 40 parks. look at that. it's amazing. also i picked "camelot." please are 1,000 days at the
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kennedy white house. all taken by the first white house photographer. he was given unequal access to the first family. there's just something so magical about that presidency and the young family in the white house. i always love those photos. this book, i got this book for my mom for her birthday. i'm getting it for my husband for christmas. he already knows. stephen sondheim "finishing the hat." it's all all the comics, and antidotes. it's a great gift. >> my wife may also be watching this morning. you'll going to know your gifts. this is called "dogs." for the whole family. we have a little dog, daisy, she
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does not jump like that. but that dog is so cute. >> wow. that is pretty amazing. >> that is pretty incredible. there's so many others in this as well. this is magazine any of tant. magnificent. i got a special one for ali. edith head. 50 years of designs. >> a costume designer for many, many years. >> she was called one of the prettiest women you've ever seen. she sure is. elliott harper get ready. barbie. a time line showing barbie going through everything. a cruise ship, a few convertibles. five sisters. we show barbie through the ages. this does something for your boys? >> no, it doesn't, they're like -- this one, this is one of those books that are so heavy and beautiful on the coffee table. it's called "earth from above."
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it's full of beautiful images taken from above. this is an ice breaker. there's lots of images like this. >> is that a photograph? >> uh-huh. it's spebctacular. the book is loaded with images. this is the anthology to my family. the boys will be jumping up and down. hopefully, they're sleeping in this morning. there's that great photo. look at that look of determination on babe ruth's face. -- well, there's that one, too. >> he still hits pretty good. >> this was published with the ken burns documentary. it's a beautiful compilation of baseball photos. this man, the legendary director hitchcock. >> are you guys big hitchcock fans? >> we are my husband is a huge
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fan. hitchcock plays all inside of it. it's a beautiful image of hitchcock in new york. you see him interacting with actors throughout the book. sam is in anaheim, but he also has his books. sam, can you give us a sense of what you picked. >> i love all of your books, one or two i would take. it was a big year for "avatar." remember last year, we were painting ourselves blue. we were learning the na'vi language. and -- >> show off! >> come on, you learn the language, you got to use a little every now and then. some of the incredible pictures, in case you wanted to live there. also, laird hamilton showed us how to stand up paddle board on the show. "the history of surfing" is one of the choice books here with
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amazing pictures and everything of surfers in the lifestyle. i always said if i didn't have tv to fall back on, i'd either be a surfer or on the beach. because jack hanna brings us amazing animals, jane goodall brings this. incredible pictures. back to new york. >> all right, sam, thanks so much. of course, if you want to hear more about our coffee table books, you can go to abcnews/gma to get the details on the books you just saw. you can also get great gift ideas. we're trying to one-up each other. >> they're beautiful. coming up next, jamie foxx is going to light up the stage. ♪
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your turn, dear? >> i'll go with little richard. >> that is the secret square. becky for the block. we're going to little richard. >> oh, good golly miss molly,
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ooh! >> back in the day. >> i got that wig. >> so does my wife. >> that was amazing. that was your wife i was working with? >> that's right. >> how many years? >> we've made it almost ten. >> you made it. man, you know what, she's wonderful. and her birthday is coming up. >> you just had a birthday. >> i celebrate all month. i don't know about you. >> you told ellen degeneres you were going to get arrested for your birthday. how did that work out? >> close. i had enough bail money. we went from city to city promoting the album, i went to atlanta, d.c., now, i'm in new york city! new york, baby, all day! >> tell us about this album "best night of my life." >> it's incredible. i've got drake on the album. ludacris.
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and soulja boy. my daughter told me make sure you keep it young enough so she can still dance. for my seasoned people like myself, i got love music like "sleeping pill" and" 15 minutes." "sleeping pill means" we'll talk about that later. >> you got some hip-hop? >> hip-hop. are we going to participate, north carolina state? if you're independent, you're living your life good, you say, yep, that's me. yep, that's me. ♪ yep that's me yep ♪ yep that's me you're very political. "yep." loosen the tie, we'll get it in. >> what about movies? are you working on anything? >> as a matter of fact, a couple of things, one of the characters that you saw on "in living
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color," wanda, remember that character, sha-nene. they're going to rob banks. the person chasing us is george lopez. he plays a tommy lee jones character. we're looking to do that at the beginning of the year next year. >> what's most fun for you? >> you know what, man, coming here, promoting the album. doing everything, you know. it's christmastime. what i like to do is deliver gifts. you know, go through -- you know, all of it. i'm so fortunate and happy to be working and having the music. >> we are fortunate to have you here. come back in a minute and sing. >> yes, sir. >> we'll be right back. ♪
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it's our fall concert series and here to king "fall for your type" it's out tomorrow, jamie foxx. ♪ ♪ can i can i save you from you ♪ ♪ 'cause you know there's something missing and that it's not supposed to be make you difference all the time ♪ ♪ to the things that i must be missing. trying to convince myself i've found one making the mistake i never learned from ♪
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♪ i always fall for your type baby for your type ♪ who am i to judge you on the past i think there's a reason for it all ♪ ♪ you say that you're nothing like the last girl i just pray that you don't let me down right now ♪ ♪ it's too late i'm already yours gotta promise me hearts won't break and end up like before ♪ ♪ i swear i always fall for your type i always fall for your type baby ♪ ♪ for your type tell me why i always fall for your type baby
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for your type for your type ♪ ♪ i just can't complain this at all i just can't complain this thing at all ♪ ♪ i believe in people like you ♪ ♪ seem like they be hating from june to january no kissing of halle berry ♪ ♪ yeah gore little las they think what up man i'm in the club going strong we in the back ♪ ♪ and if it's starting to get serious about don't forget yep, that's me yep that's me ♪ ♪ yep that's me yep yep me ♪ like who that is going up in
8:52 am
that new business you step up with your hair and you say yep that's me ♪ girl you start looking for it red bottom forward just to know you're for it. with the business that body got it ♪ ♪ ladies if you're out there getting paper do yourself a favor don't forget to tell other haters yep that's me ♪ yep that's me yep yep that's me ♪ ♪ that's me that's me ♪ yep that's me >> good morning!
8:53 am
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8:54 am
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8:55 am
jamie, you really can do anything? you're going to play us off with a christmas song? >> the christmas song is from "the year without a santa claus." >> thank you very much, jamie foxx, everybody. ♪ i'm mr. coldmeister, i'm mr. snow ♪ i'm mr. white christmas i'm into 20 below ♪
8:56 am
they call me cold miser whatever i touch i'm too much ♪ bah bah bah ♪ i'm mr. cold miser i'm mr. snow. i'm mr. white christmas i'm mr. 10 below they call me coldmeister, whatever i touch ♪ ♪ starts snow in my blood i'm too much ♪ bah, bah, bah. everybody put your hands together. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update.
8:57 am
>> and good morning everybody. i am alison starling at 8:56. let's begin with traffic and brother. you make a trip around the beltway, things are easing up. this is 95 to springfield and 66 only has a brief delay. the beltway is better than expected. college park around toward silver spring had an earlier crash on the outer loop near the interchange at 202. that has been cleared out of the roadway. the lanes are open but the lais begin near the interchange at 214 on the beltway. 95 southbound is ok, baltimore- washington parkway near 100 is ok. we have a few areas of clouds moving overhead. we will generally be partly cloudy today.
8:58 am
it is cool the average temperature it december is 7.2 degrees below average. 1 degrees in the district. we should warn into the mid-30's today and there might be a brief snow shower tomorrow evening, not anticipate much of anything. otherwise, temperatures will remain in the 30's this week and we are still hinting at a chance of snow by christmas day. san deluxe excited. high gas prices will not stop millions of americans from getting the road this christmas. the average price is now $2.98 per gallon and the average price in d.c. is $3.20 per gallon. >> thanks for watching and we will be back at noon. ding dong ding, dong
8:59 am
♪ hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, ♪ ♪ throw care away, christmas is here, bringing good cheer, ♪ ♪ to young and old, meek and the bold, ding dong ding, dong, ♪ ♪ that is their song, with joyful ring, all caroling, ♪ ♪ one seems to hear, words of good cheer, from everywhere, ♪ ♪ filling the air, oh how they pound, raising the sound, ♪ ♪ o'er hill and dale, telling their tale, gaily they ring, ♪ ♪ while people sing, songs of good cheer, christmas is here, ♪ ♪ merry, merry, merry, merry christmas, ♪


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