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tv   11 News at 5  NBC  January 16, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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wednesday. the ravens will stay in the run for the superbowl as long as they continue to win. this is a mini starts -- the a mini orts store -- am sports store. we also caught up with some of vendors out of town. they said as long as the ravens continue to win, their pockets will be lined with green. >> for dan and the rest of the staff at this pop-up motels sporting goods at the inner harbor, -- pop up model's sporting goods at the inner harbor, they are stocked up. >> we will be getting more players, more teachers, more jersey. >> they opened a temporary location because of raven's
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fever. for fans, old and young. >> we watch the games and we take them and replace them. >> and now you have all your gear. >> yeah. >> ready for this weekend, right? >> definitely. >> customers came in at a steady clip, as the playoffs can mean sales that will top those that are seen during the holiday season. >> we have a little bit of a down time for about a week. then there are the playoffs and it is christmas all over again. >> we will be told -- we're told that the proper the ravens guard across the board will include ray rights and terrell suggs. it is a huge victory for merchants as well, even as fair weather fans come out of the woodwork. >> for retailers in general, is
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a boost to the economy. everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon. >> we had to ask folks here at modell what the most popular item was. it is the ray rice jersey. it is the hottest item right now flying off the shelves. we will see if that changes after this weekend. hopefully, they will get some of that superbowl girves year eight in the next couple of weeks. -- superbowl year here in the next couple of weeks. gerry sandusky. they have a lot to cheer for, don't they? >> you've got that right. i had a chance to visit with head coach john harbaugh this afternoon. he is already moving on to prepare for the patriots on sunday. but before we move on, a look
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back at field level. we take you right into the action with sideline soundtracks. kobe johns has to be treated. a fumble and a loose ball. a recover at the texan to yard line. a -- two yard line. flacco lot said. touchdown. the ravens scored their first touchdown of the afternoon. and is wilson. flacco to throw. the firing our side and a touchdown, ravens. anquan boldin on the reception. the ravens bring big pressure. one hand catch by foster. he is pulled down at the five, but not before another first down.
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>> they went around the aqsa bat time with their outside the zone. -- they went around the experts that time with their outside the zone. >> a goal by ed reed. the ravens come up with their fourth turnover. >> on the very last play of that win over the houston tx -- houston texans, he rolled his ankle. but john harbaugh said all x- rays were negative. he did not seem concerned in the least. he said this team was in very good shape physically and all eyes. to foxborough on sunday for a three-o'clock showdown with the new england -- and all eyes are pointing to foxborough on sunday for a 3:00 showdown with the new
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england patriots. >> it sounds like he needs a maureen about. assuming that the ravens beat new england this weekend, which superbowl possibility are you most excited about? send a text to this number, 88509. ? the letter "a" if you would like to see a giant/raven's 2001 superbowl reprisal. standard text messaging rates replied. -- applied. >> officials have contained a fire that broke out in the electrical room on the university of maryland's college park campus. firefighters were called to the patterson building around 3:15 p.m. the school was not holding classes because of the mlk jr.
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holiday. only a few people had to be evacuated. the search continues for whoever was behind the wheel of a vehicle that struck a street -- a state trooper on the side of the road. that happened during a traffic stop along i 83 in bolivar county. the car is described as a four- door passenger vehicle, possibly gold or tanning color. police believe the mirren side of the vehicle are what struck the trooper, who amazin me just suffered bruises. -- who amazingly just suffered bruises. police say a person was struck by a vehicle on orleans street. the vehicle fled the scene. the victim is in hot -- in the hospital in serious condition. >> and try to get details of surrounding a body that washed ashore in anne arundel county.
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just before 8:00 a.m. this morning, paramedics pronounced the victim dead at the scene. there is no word on the beckham site in addi, age, or sex. the cause -- there's no word on the victim's identity, age, or sex. the cause is not listed. >> there is another weather system approaching, and temperatures will not recover enough to avoid all wintry weather problems. there is an advisory in effect in allegheny county in western maryland. temperatures are just above the freezing. in those locations. the atmosphere is very dry. the temperatures when the precipitation get here, will fall very quickly. let's check the the operative cooling. near freezing in some of the colder areas north and west of baltimore. a brief time of freezing rain is
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possible. up until about 11:00 p.m. or midnight tonight. after that, all of rain. a bit of a warm-up to talk about. >> commemoration across the nation takes to the streets in baltimore city. >> honoring dr. martin luther king jr. but the special ties to the civil rights movement. >> many brave the cold to purchase the paid in the parade. this year's grand marshal, hall of famer, many more. enny mroore. >> he waved to the crowd as his float went through the streets. >> it is important to help young
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folks remember and celebrate dr. martin luther king's contributions and all he has done for us. it is one way to port is paid in the activities. >> -- to participate in the activities. >> it is good because of mark mr. king will be able to hold hands and stuff. >> -- because of martin luther king, we will be able to hold hands and stop. >> the city department for -- the city fire department's honor guard. old and young gathered together. >> this is a day to reflect on what dr. king did. he taught that each of us can do something to improve our community, and collectively, we can change the direction of america for the better so that people can have greater opportunities in this great land.
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>> when the republican presidential candidates debate later tonight, there will be just five. this morning, a former utah governor dropped out of the race, throwing his support to mitt romney. >> jon huntsman pulled the plug himself in south carolina, where he was in last place. >> today, i am suspending my campaign for the presidency. >> the former utah governor was beaten in new hampshire by mitt romney, who once been endorsed today. -- who he endorsed today. >> i believe it is time to unite around the candidate best equipped to defeat barack obama. >> it is 5 days until the south carolina primary. mitt romney hopes conservatives stay split between rick santorum, who dismissed the huntsman endorsement. >> moderates are backing moderates. >> and newt gingrich. >> we will win on saturday by a
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huge margin. >> this past saturday, an evangelical leaders urged christian conservatives to unite behind santorum to try to add -- and to try to stop that, mitt romney's backers launched attack ads. john hunt and deplored the negativity. >> this race has degenerated into an onslaught of negative and personal attacks not worthy of the american people. >> but one week ago in new hampshire, the former utah governor personally slammed his fellow moorman moderate. >> governor romney enjoys firing people. i enjoy creating jobs. >> the front runner stayed away. he is focused on conservative votes. >> mitt romney figures if he can win some, and the rest of the conservative votes are split in south carolina, he can get victory and a clear path to the
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nomination. >> coming up tonight, a really bizarre theft has the city police searching for answers. >> $37,000 worth of medical equipment stolen from inside a hospital. how these men carried out the crime. >> and a common reproductive cancer cure may be sitting in your kitchen. we explain why coffee could be a wonder drug. wonder drug. >>
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a baby? but we were gonna see the northern lights in alaska. and go spelunking with the guys. yeah, i said it-- spelunking. [ whirring ] and i still haven't built one of those fighting robots. come on. it's pretty awesome. okay. just a few things we need to do first. [ laughs ] [ announcer ] before you make your leap, make a list. then get going in the completely redesigned cr-v. all new, from honda. [ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds --
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it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh.
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>> baltimore police are investigating $37,000 worth of medical equipment stolen from a hospital. surveillance video from january 6 show three suspects driving up to the loading dock of a hospital in a budget and a truck. they loaded a large piece of equipment onto it and simply drove off. animal with information should call the police. -- anyone with information should call the police.
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>> in tonight's medical alert, according to a new study, eating too much processed meat could increase your risk of pancreatic cancer. british researchers found that people who paid 1.8 ounces of processed meat per day, the equivalent of about one sausage or two thin slices of bacon, increased their risk of developing pancreatic cancer. the rest went up for those who ate even more processed meat. that might be from nitrite added to the meat as a preservative. endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the reproductive real -- reproductive system of women. and thousands are diagnosed each year. coffee, of all things, may play a role in preventing the disease. >> she loves surfing the web, keeping up with the latest news. but the news she got last may
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after a routine exam to concur completely by surprise. she had endometrial cancer. >> i was very frightened. i did not know what it would entail, what my life would be like, what kind of treatment there was, if any. >> just recently, a study on endometrial cancer found that women who drank coffee were at less risk of the disease. mercy medical dr. says they do not know what it is in coffee that guards against the cantor, but it may lower the amounts of insulin and estrogen in the body. >> insulin is a factor in promoting cancer risk. the theory is that coffee improve the body's abity to process insulin. so there is less of it in the body. if you have too much estrogen, that causes a buildup of the lining of the uterus. that is one of the risk factors for developing endometrial cancer. >> other risk factors are obesity, never having been
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pregnant, and a family history of the disease or colon cancer. if you're thinking about drinking more coffee, remember, too much caffeine can be harmful. drinking in moderation. >> we do not tell people -- we do tell people you can go up to 4 cups a day. because the study did not show an actual cause and effect, we would say, maybe stick to two cups a day. >> and good news, she is now in remission after undergoing a hysterectomy. >> i'm doing great. things are progressing very well. i feel very healthy and blast that today i can say i am on the road -- and very blessed that i can say i'm on the road to recovery. >> and by the way, tea did not appear to protect against endometrial cancer.
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there are three compounds that block type 2 diabetes, and one of them is bound in caffeine. researchers are looking into whether decaf coffee would work just as well. >> now, your forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. >> clear skies and very cold temperatures. that weather pattern now moving off the mid-atlantic coast. the next weather system bearing down on the region with clouds and moisture producing separate -- precipitation. it will get in here before the temperatures have a chance to completely recover. you can see it sneaking into the mountains in west charleston. a bit colder just east of there. hancock to hagerstown, frederick, mid to upper 30's. the atmosphere is dry, so when
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the first raindrops' move in, they will fall into dry air, evaporate, and that pulls the heat out of the atmosphere. as long as these two. numbers are low, that means drier air. -- as long as these dewpoint numbers are low, that means drier air. near freezing as the rain arrives. especially on allegheny county. sleet or freezing rain may develop in the evening hours. we could develop sleet or pockets of freezing rain in parts of northern baltimore -- baltimore, carol county and tell about 11:00 p.m. this evening. -- until about 11:00 p.m. this evening. in the morning, not anticipating major problems. a brief time of wintry precipitation in the next few hours in baltimore, north and west. dirt -- temperatures dropping
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into the 30's and then either holding steady or rising overnight. 42 in cincinnati. precipitation is actually going to be due in large part to a warm front approaching. to the north, the poconos, the catskills, parts of massachusetts and upstate new york, the cold will hold out a little longer. the winter weather advisory will go until tomorrow morning. be on the lookout for that wintry mixed as the war fritzl the purchase of two new england. high pressure off the coast -- as the warm front pushes up to new england. high-pressure off the coast. colder temperatures again on thursday. once this system moves out from afternoon, skies will clear for wednesday. it will be breezy and " -- cold. this clipper thursday afternoon could bring us some light snow showers. it will be a little more wintry this week.
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rain tomorrow, a brief warm-up, 49-54 with southwest winds at 10-15. then we plunge back into the 20's with snow showers in the mountains on wednesday. this warmup will not stick around long prepared -- stick around for long. tomorrow, but in the 50's around ocean city. a small craft advisory on the day tomorrow with the southwest wind gusting up to 25 months. -- a small craft advisory in the day tomorrow with the southwest winds gusting up to 25 knots. it wintry makes me develop friday and saturday with highs in the 30's. >> 16 people are unaccounted for as rescuers searched for the survivors of that italians cruise ship nightmare. >> it is so terrifying to watch. new video is served -- is
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surfacing. prosecutors are calling the captain's behavior unscrupulous and inexcusable. >> this ordinary barbershop is actually a nonprofit organization to help those in a transitional housing center. more on that,re
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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>> new image for video shows the chaotic moment following an italian cruise ship capsizing near tuscany. survivors are calling it a scene straight from "titanic." the passengers said the crew did not give them clear evacuation instructions. american tourists on board are calling this whole ordeal utterly terrifying. >> and with at least six people dead and dozens still missing, prosecutors are investigating the ship's captain for manslaughter, abandoning ship, and causing a shipwreck.
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>> this site is shocking. a 950 foot-long cruise ship on its side in the mediterranean, just several hundred feet off the italian coast. on friday just hours after setting sail, the italian group of the korea -- of the can korea ran aground. immediately, those on board knew something was wrong. >> there was this grinding sound and a crash sound. >> but it would be the hours after the impact that passengers said it were the most terrifying. they said captain and crew seemed ill-prepared to evacuate the ship. >> it took an hour and a half while it kept going down and down. >> i do not think they knew what they were really doing and they were flustered because they did not hear anything. >> i am so disgusted and and sapna at how they handled this horrific event.
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>> children were -- and sad and how they handle this event. >> children were separated from their parents. >> people would push children out of the way. i remember yelling and saying, "children go first." >> back in italy, the search for gerrie, barbara, and 14 others continues. >> one of those things you never would ever think would happen, even could happen. >the life and legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. are being remembered all over the nation today. >> the president explained there should be no confusion about the should be no confusion about the message
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not yet. i want to buy used but how do you know what you're really getting. check out carmax. all their used cars are guaranteed. that's where henderson found the one for him. way to go, henderson. finding the perfect car is easy at carmax because each car is carefully selected, inspected, thoroughly reconditioned and backed with a five-day money back guarantee so come find the one for you today, at carmax. way to go, neil.
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>> new at 5:30 p.m., with the promise of new jobs, hundreds of people turned out at the employment center opens its doors. the maryland casino is opening its doors. >> they're looking for 1500 people to fill various positions when it opens this summer. they're our guests there have been quite a few people today. >> lots of people did come out here today.
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we are in the 7200 block of park rcle drive in hanover. plenty of people did come out today with cars from maryland, but also washington d.c. and virginia. many we spoke to said this was a much-needed opportunity. construction crews are still building it. the casino at arundel mills is not scheduled to open until june. plenty of people are braving the cold and wind to take a chance to unseat eight new opportunity. >> i want -- and seeking a new opportunity. >> i want a job. >> the jobs range from information technologies and finance, to security and surveillance. >> i applied for surveillance. >> why is that? >> i thought it would be interesting. they said, apply for any job. they're looking for all sorts of positions. >> others are going through the
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process, which includes waiting in line, receiving a number to go to a computer and going on line to fill out applications. eileen from cockeysville said she heard news reports about the appointment center opening. she has a part-time job, but once full-time work in customer service. >> i have never worked in an atmosphere like this, and that i was to get hired, i would be very excited. >> we're looking for vibrant personalities, people who want to work in a vibrant environment. >> one job-seekers tells us he was a security guard in florida, but moved to maryland to be closer to his family. >> i'm having trouble finding employment. many places are filling up and here they say they have 1500 jobs. i want to try to get one. >> the maryland live casino is open from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00
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p.m. monday through friday. more than three under people came out here today. you can also apply online. -- more than 300 people came out here today. you can also apply online. you can go there from a link on our website >> thanks, barry. we wish all of them locked. here's a look at other top stories. tonight, police are looking for the driver of a vehicle that struck a seat -- a state trooper as he was writing a citation on the side of the road. police say first-class trooper jason james was struck while standing on the side of the vehicle just north of broxton road. the fortunately, he just made it out with a few bruises. the ravens are preparing to take on the patriots next weekend and customers are stocking up on raven's year. -- buehr.
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some of the most popular items include ray rice and terrell suggs jersey. dozens of civic groups took part in baltimore's martin luther king jr. parade this year. hundreds lined the streets in the cold to pay tribute. lenny moore was part of the parade and he says his experiences connect him personally to dr. king's message. >> dr. king would have celebrated his 83rd birthday on sunday. jay gray has more on the story from washington. >> the nation paused today. to celebrate a legend and his legacy. >> happy birthday, martin. we will continue to keep the dream alive.
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>> a dream that supporters say is mr. presented by this abbreviated quotation on the monitor king jr. memorial. the department of the interior has called for changes to the text. but today, the president stressed, there should be no confusion -- the president stressed -- >> all of us can be a drum major for service. all of us can be a drum major for justice. there's nobody who cannot serve. >> at the d.c. library, a painting of a clear picture of his words and action. some gathered, others marched. >> it feels good and is a beautiful day. >> millions across the country are honoring his memory and mission, and making sure king's message lives on for generations to come. >> it is like he is still alive.
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>> i have a dream. >> the students from baltimore city public schools have been honoring dr. king's legacy as part of the annual day of service. participants were working on a number of service learning projects for the greater baltimore area. we found kids making valentine's day cards for soldiers, assembling our kids for young patients at the johns hopkins children's center, and assembling toys for the homeless. -- for the children of the homeless. >> it is important because they feel they can make a positive impact in their community. they started planning and come up with issues that are important their community through their eyes. and in a plan these projects to ron to honor dr. king and the things that he believed in. -- plan to these projects to work on hand to honor dr. king
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and the things that he believed in. >> a nice job. >> it was an amazing rescue. a car dangling from a highway bridge with a woman and her two children trapped inside. >> and the rescue is caught on
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>> covering the nation, and rescue in action that you have to see to believe. a mother and her two daughters were in their car dangling from a california bridge after a big rig rented their car. her daughters are just 10 years old and 10 weeks old. there were pulled from the car about an hour later. the driver of the big rig was killed when his vehicle drove into the river and burst into plant -- into flames. the baby slept through the whole ordeal, believe it or not. and they credit her mother for saving her life are properly. -- placing her in a rear facing car seat in the back seat.
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at least two firefighters were injured when they were called out to investigate a leak. a road construction crew caused the leak when manset -- accidentally hit a gas main one being. >> thousands of deportation cases to determine which illegal immigrants might stay in the country. the problem is an overwhelming backlog. it is making it difficult for customs enforcement to target those with criminal records. officials are going through files case by case for non- criminal offense. -- defense. -- noncriminal offense. since then because the attorneys have filed a motion asking that the foreclosure of the home be stopped. simpson is serving a prison term following his 2008 conviction in
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the kidnapping and sports memorabilia theft in las vegas. >> smart phones are turning victims of staff into savvy instruments of justice. >> how a cellphone app stopped a thief in his tracks. >> one danger is recalling thousands of mini cooper vehicles. we need to know in your consumer alert. >> we might get a little wintry mix, especially north and west of hd doppler. -- of baltimore.
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>> good afternoon. i'm rod daniels. coming up at 6:00 p.m., the ravens are foxborough bound. it will have live team coverage this sunday, including
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yesterday's big wind and reaction from fans. and coming up, we need to do to snag one of the hundreds of jobs available at the casino t
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>> the ravens bands of all over are relishing the victory over the houston texans. the team now heads to new england where tom brady and the patriots are the only thing standing in the way of a trip to the 2012 super bowl. fans had some tips for coming out on top. >> they did not protect flacco. the other team got to him. >> we ought to put little ray
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out there. with ray lewis leading our defense, ed reed, we just got to get at some point. >> a lot of people agreed that the mvp of the season so far is john r. are, four seasons as a coach, four seasons in the playoffs. -- john harbaugh, four seasons as a coach, four seasons in the playoffs. >> and now, your 11 insta- weather plus forecast with chief meteorologist tom tasselmyer. >> an initial look at the weather for at foxboro. probably not too bad. cloudy, temperatures in the 40's. we will keep an eye on that forecast drop the week. around here, possible wintry mix and there is some snow up around state college in central pennsylvania.
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in an ounce, sleet or freezing rain mixing in. -- in the mountains, sleet or freezing rains mixing in. right on target for a normal high temperature on this 16th of january. the record high, 71. the record snow was in 1963. we are in the mid 30's to the north and west of baltimore. as the rain arrives and hit the dry air, these very low dewpoints indicating dry air, it will be right around freezing to may be below. there is a winter weather revisory in allegheny county. in some areas, hartford, baltimore, carol county, some freezing rain or sleet could
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occur through a 11:00 p.m. tonight. temperatures will get down into the lower to mid 30's and then start to rise again as we had to midmorning. at the lunchtime hour, just a chilly rain. there might be a slippery spot or two in the cold northwest suburbs. you can see a push of warm air. temperatures in the 40 cosy all the way up to pittsburgh and detroit. up tothe 40's all the way pittsburgh and detroit. phippsburg and other parts of pennsylvania -- pittsburgh and other parts of pennsylvania could hold on to the cold air a bit longer. tomorrow, likely the low 50's. another cold front from chicago brings some chilly air into our area at the end of the week. windy and cold on wednesday. then and alberta clipper comes
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through thursday afternoon. some of those snows may reach baltimore. tomorrow is a rainmaker with southwest winds and highs around 50. it will drop into the 20's on wednesday. the eastern shore is clear tomorrow. at ocean city, a significant drop in temperature. 55 tomorrow, but only 45 on wednesday. by the end of the week, a flurry or snow shower on wednesday. and a chance for sleet or snow saturday night into sunday morning. consumer alert, widespread dips on the stock market since many received a downgrade to the credit rating. late on friday, s&p cut the rating of italy, spain, france
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by two notches. others sought a one-notch cut. the u.s. markets were closed today for the mlk jr. holiday. hundreds of thousands of foreclosure cases will take longer that -- lumber to review than first thought. the paper reports the review covers reports issued in 2009 and in 2010. they were expected to be completed this month, but now some could take until november. you have until april 30 to request a review. you can get more information at our website and had to the consumer section and then click on "as seen on." smart phones seem to be getting smarter. in fact, you can use the devices to track them down when they are stolen. here is tonight's consumer alert. >> this dental hygienist was
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just starting her daily routine and did not discover the problem until a bit later. >> i noticed that my normal setup, my phone was missing. >> she quickly figured out it was stolen. but she had a client -- a plan to find it. >> he did not take my ipad, and there is any p.p.i. on their to find your iphone. -- there is an app on their to find her iphone. >> she was able to tell police. >> you could just watch the cellphone move around on the map. >> finally it stopped. >> it was at the lobby. i heard him go in there and say, "empty your pockets." and the next thing, "put your hands on your head." >> officers love taking bad guys to jail.
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>> officers arrested the suspected thief, 50-year-old kevin smith. >> case solved. >> all thanks to quick police work and modern technology. >> we recommend these programs for this reason. it is not just for iphones, but for all smart phones. anything that you want to find out, you can install this program. >> it was great. >> that is pretty cool. the bp used in this story is not the on one out there that can use -- the app used in this story is not alone out there that can track. there's also information out there for laptops that can guide police to the location. it is called low jack for laptops. a hacker breached this system
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over the weekend. the company says no complete credit card information was stolen. however, names, phone numbers, e-mails, home addresses, and the last four digits from credit cards may have been accessed from the cyber attacks. zappos is going to contact customers and ask them to change their passwords. and mini cooper is issuing thousands of recalls after fires. the problem is with a faulty water pumps associated with the church charter. -- the turbocharger. owners will be notified next month to have the water pump replaced. >> with the texans behind them, the ravens now have six days to get ready for the new england patriots.
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we will catch up with john harbaugh. for details, new at 6:00 p.m. >> a local man is keeping dr. martin luther king's like it -- legacy alive. legacy alive.
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the subway big hot pastrami melt. dive into piled-high pastrami, spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. treat your taste buds to a fresh toasted subway big hot pastrami melt. subway. eat fresh.
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>> a local man was recognized as a hero for giving back to the community and continuing dr. king's legacy. >> this is not just any barbershop. is in the lighthouse at
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transitional housing facility in annapolis. it is part of robb's barbershop community foundation court rbcf, a nonprofit. >> volunteering is not just about being nice or being helpful, but about solving problems. >> that is why he started in 2001 to give haircuts, grooming, and shaving products to people in transitional housing. will the past 10 years he has helped 6000 people working to get their lives back on track. >> when i go to job interviews, that is when he helps me present a better first presentation. with the girls, i get them ready for school in the morning. >> that is why he was named one of this year's allstate give back heroes in honor of martin of the king jr. day. he was able to visit the king center where he learned about
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continuing dr. king's legacy. >> a lot of people talk about dr. king with non-violence and civil rights, which is true, but he used his time and talents to solve a major problem. that is what i took away from it. >> his clients feel the dedication and are grateful he shares his talent and passion with them. >> he has always been really good, and we appreciate the work she does. >> rob will continue fundraising and help other organizations that will allow them to expand other programs -- expand the program. >> congratulations, rob. that is all at 5:00 p.m. here is what is coming up at 6:00 p.m. >> why some area merchants are seeing green, thanks to the ravens winning wave. >> more job opportunities. maryland live has opened an employment center.
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>> live, local, late breaking, this is wbal tv 11 news at 6:00 p.m. >> one step closer to the super bowl. the road to indianapolis is now in clear view for the ravens tonight after another homeland secures the spot in the afc championship game. it proved to be a winning formula as the guys sent that texans back to houston. >> a stinging loss, i'm sure. they will have to had to foxborough next sunday to face tom brady and the new england patriots. gery sandusky is live at team headquarters in owings mills. >> back


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