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tv   11 News Sunday Morning  NBC  January 8, 2012 5:00am-8:00am EST

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>> up next, the gloves are off in new hampshire. >> the ultimate sacrifice. a hometown soldier killed in afghanistan. >> one year ago a man opened fire in a crowded parking lot in tucson. how the victims are remembered. >> and where drivers should expect delays while crews address much needed repairs. "11 news sunday morning" starts right now. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] >> welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm lisa robinson. >> and i'm jennifer franciotti. we'll get to our top stories in just a moment, but first a check on the weather with ava marie. we were talking before the show about how beautiful the weather has been. >> tos today will be a little --
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today will be a little cooler. currently at 39 right now. b.w.i. we have winds out of the west. a few clouds in the sky. a cold front passed by us yesterday evening and helped to bring temperatures down. for today, instead of the 60's, we're talking low 50's at best. we have scattered clouds throughout the day. a much different flavor today, but it could be worse. typical temperatures in january normally in the 40's. we'll talk about the seven-day coming up. >> two days before the debate, and the front runners. >> steve handelsman has more from new hampshire. >> at a military museum in wolfboro, new hampshire, mit romney claimed he is the
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candidate most like ronald reagan -- newt gingrich claimed he's the candidate most like ronald reagan. >> the courage. >> that, he says, could beat barack obama. >> whereas a tim id massachusetts moderate will have a much harder time. >> some focused on obama. >> he said he was going to bring big things to america. well, he did, but they came with eye big price tag. >> ron paul on gay marriage. >> the government screws it all up. >> rick santorum surged to third. >> overthrow these folks that think they know how to orchestrate every aspect of your life. >> newt put up an anti-mit web
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site. >> it may come across as the truth. you have to ask governor romney how he feels about describing accurately his record. >> two debates back to back will give the voters here a big dose of these republican candidates. and the one who says he is the best debater claims the only prep he needs is a diet coke. i'm steve handelsman, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the debate will be moderated on "meet the press" by david gregory. >> a 24-year-old airman has died
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in afghanistan. in afghanistan an explosive killed airman 1st class matthew r. seidler. two other people were also killed in the explosion. >> a man was found shot in the back. no word on his condition or suspects. >> police say a 29-year-old man was injured friday night. medics transported him to the hospital where at last check he's in stable condition. no arrests have been made. >> four men are in custody today after the death of an -- a man.
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john d. robey, 52, and his two sons, jonathan l. robey, 20, and thomas j. robey, 22, were charged with second degree murder along with michael "hank" grimes, 48. craig e. myers was assault in to a bar and later died of his years. >> a woman was determined to have been stabbed to death before her home burned down. >> firefighters went to homes educating residents about fire safety. they used to concentrate on only the neighborhood where there had been a fire, but now they are expanding the efforts across the city. >> we feel if there is a death in the city due to a fire, we would like to make all citizens of baltimore aware and make sure
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that the citizens of baltimore have working snoke smoke alarms. >> city residents can call 311 and firefighters will install a smoke alarm in your car. >> if you drive over the curtis creek draw bridge you may want to allow extra time to get to your destination. for the next six weeks, i-65 will be closed for repairs to the bridge. sheldon dutes has more on what you can expect. >> crews have already started to make repairs to the bridge. as a result, there is only one lane of traffic in each direction that's open for drivers. it is already starting to create some headaches. kristin isaacs is no stranger to the curtis bridge. >> every couple weeks when i have to do shopping over richy highway. that's the easiest way to get there. >> for the next 10 weeks it won't be so easy. the draw bridge has been here
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for the past 35 years, and construction crews have been working to address all the construction problems. officials say drivers can expect delays during peak travel periods. >> the traffic is bad anyway over there. i can only imagine if there will only be one lane open. it will be really bad. >> i actually took an exit earlier on richy highway because it was backed up. >> aside from a car accident or other delay, the maryland transportation authority does not expect significant back-ups through the construction zone, and they are urging drivers to be more aware through the area. >> we always urge drivers to use extra caution and stay alert when they are in work zones and to remind folks again that the speed limit will be posted at a reduced speed of 45 miles per hour. >> until the construction clears, isaacs is planning alternate routes to get around. >> part of everyday life. hopefully it will get better to go across.
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>> if you want to avoid construction, you can always take 895 to travel through the area. once repairs wrap up, another project will begin on the eastbound lane. sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> 5:08. a nud study suggests heart patients may be discharged from the hospital too soon. in "medical alert" why some people have been readmitted. >> plus the price of powerball may go up. >> ava will have your forecast
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[ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. school night ideas made easy.
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>> good morning. starting you off with a live view from the skycam. right now 39 degrees at b.w.i. marshall. light winds out of the west at 3 miles per hour. westerly winds coming in behind our latest cold front.
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definitely brought a drop to the temperatures. you will notice that as we bring it to you today. a little warmer as you head further down toward the south in st. mary's county. 32 in hancock. 29 in frostburg. have you to take a wider view of the temperatures to see where that view is right now. it passed through yesterday evening and it is still hanging around the carolinas. it is cooler on the back side of that. just notice where the temperatures are back in the great lakes. they are not that bad. 24 as you head into annapolis. a cold right now would bring temperatures into the teens and up into the great lakes. even though we had a cold front drop by, it is not that cold of a front. it is going to be a whilede wild before we get a taste of arctic air once again. so today although it is not as warm as it has been, it is not too bad for january.
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scattered clouds that are slightly cooler, especially with winds out of the north usher being -- ushering in cooler air. a cooler one as we're down into the mid 20's. you can see a lot of clouds in place. basically these will clear out as we head into the afternoon. behind this latest cold front we will get a breeze area of high pressure. then we need to focus on our next storm. rather than dealing with storms to the north, we talk about storms to the south which continue to bring in milder air. therefore we will be tracking this next storm. we stay in the relatively mild air and much of that rain does past south. we do have a little bit of that rain showing up on the radar north of us. that's basically it. southern maryland may get clipped by rain monday evening, then et storm moves off shore, and we will see clearer conditions next week. 40's and 50's into the next
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couple days. next chance of real rain most likely wednesday into thursday. then the coldest air holded off until next weekend. >> you have seen "you have to pay to play." well now apparently you have to pay movement >> the price of a powerball ticket is going up. rob roblin tells us why. >> the price of a powerball ticket will increase january 15. instead of a dollar, a new ticket will cost you $2. >> powerball! america's number one jackpot game! >> tickets are sold in 44 states . drawings are held wednesday and saturday nights. while some people think raising the ticket price -- >> i don't like it at all. >> why? >> because you only get one number. you get one number and you have 48 states involved. they are making money. >> carol everett of the maryland lottery says this will improve
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the game. >> starting jackpots will go from $20 million where it is now to $40 million starting january 15. and the second tier prizes will jump to $1 million from 2 $200,000. >> they are confident customers won't mind the price increase. >> i hope develop bring more people in because there are -- i hope it will bring more people in because there are hopes of bringing in more money. >> people see how it affects them, i think it will do good. >> i think it is not going to affect business. they pay $2 for multimed. >> players are hoping this will mean bigger cash prizes to them. >> i don't care. i'll pay it. >> you don't mind paying more? >> if you can win, definitely.
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for the poor people that need it, yes. i don't care. >> that's good. that's good. i'm happy. >> you will pay more for a powerball ticket? >> yeah, i would put more money, of course. >> so once again, the increase goes in effect on january 15. rob roblin, wbal-tv 11 news. >> that's next sunday. >> changes in the rule books that will significantly impact anyone who owes money. still ahead, the extra work debt collectors have ahead of them before they can get your money. >> it is the newar -- it is the new year, and that means new year's resolutions. a lot of people vow to get in shape. >> do you have a message for the ravens as they get ready for their next playoff game next week? now is your chance to reach out
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>> in this morning's "medical alert" heart attack patients in the u.s. being sent home too soon? researchers examined hospital admission and discharge data of 6,000 patients from 17 countries. all had suffered a severe heart attack in which the coronary artery was completely blocked. the two patiented admitted they would have to be readmitted having multiple blockages and living in the u.s. 63% of american patients were originally discharged in three days. more than half were kept in the hospital three days. >> research shows some memory loss in old age may be linked to so-called "silent strokes." researchers study 360 people over the age of 65. none had signs of dementia. they were all given memory tests. those with dead memory or silent
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strokes scored lower on memory tests. this was true in people who did not have a small area known as the memory area in the brain. silent strokes affect about a quarter of older adults. >> the top new year's resolution every year to lose weight and get in shape. kim dacey has tips on how you can do just that. >> it is a new year at merit downtown athletic club, and these people want to start it off right. >> 20 years i had a new year's resolution. i was about 225 pounds, and it was too ever. >> since then, carl heiman goes to the weight every day and has maintained a healthy weight of 150 pounds. he's not alone. people everywhere make the same decision to lose weight. merit always sees a boost in membership at the beginning of the year. >> it is crowded. i think a lot of people come in here for their new year's resolution. >> it gives you a good sense
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that people are making good choices for their lives. one tip for beginners, start slow and work at your own pace. >> most people don't know where to start. he only suggests coming in three to four times a week, and a mix of cardiovascular and weight training is best. after the initial push, staying motivated is one of the biggest challenges. >> people using a program are the ones that tend to stay with -- stick with it. >> and there are ups and downs, but you have to learn to work
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through them. >> i think anyone can do it, but you have to have the right incentives. it can be the light at the end of the tunnel. but to do this, it really is a lot of work. >> with the right attitude, it can become a reality. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> there is much more ahead. first a look at events going on around town this weekend.
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>> now is your chance to tell the ravens exactly how you feel about them. the ravens are working with dozens of giant food stores across the country. they are collecting good luck letters from fans to help cheer them on in the playoffs. >> brps. it stands for baltimore ravens postal service. you can find them in 50 area giant stores. it is a way to reach out to them -- to the team during the playoffs. >> it is exciting the. the kids like it. we got a lot of excitement so far. >> you can bring in your own letter or write one on a preprinted paper at the store that you can also download online. fill out the bottom, and the ravens will by you back. >> it has given them a personal touch. given them a link they didn't have before. >> and every wednesday during
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the hunt, ravens staff will pick up the letters and take them to the ravens training facility in owings mills. it is where they will be put up in a cafeteria for the coaches and players to see, making them feel appreciated, and giving the team another appreciation for the fans who are so excited about a home playoff game. >> i like it. it is pretty cool. it reminds me of, you know, when you are that age and how exciting it is to see your team doing well. puts you in their shoes say little bit and allows you to want to do well for them. >> it is amazing how exciting everybody is. it is the playoffs, and i'm sure all these kids and their parents are excited right now. so you stee this -- see this, and it makes you feel happy. you know how important we are to the city of baltimore. >> it is cool to see the little guys, the ones that look up to you. it just goes to show how much
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bigger it is than just football. >> i went there. they had just collected their first bch of letters. the school that sends the most, they can get a visit by the ravens cheerleaders. if a family sends one in, they can can send four tickets to next sunday's playoff game. we know that is going to be against houston, texas. so it is going to be very, very exciting for them when they see that. write your letters, get out there. >> good stuff. 5:27. 42 degrees on tv hill. coming up, a look at our top stories. >> including six people killed and one badly injuried one year ago today. coming up, the victims and what they rep remember in that fateful day in tucson. >> we're looking at temperatures today. much cooler than what we've seen. details coming up in the insta-weather plus forecast.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. >> first david here with another look outside. it feels warm this morning. >> it is not going to be as warm as it is the past couple days. >> just to look back in the history books to show you how
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tumultuous the weather can be from year to year, do you remember in 1996 we had a massive blizzard? the fourth biggest of all time, 32.6 inches of snow fell around this time. so you compare this to what we're dealing with today, we're starting off well above the freezing mark with dry conditions. mostly cloudy now, but we see clouds break up into the day. scattered clouds into the forecast for today, and high temperatures pushing near 50 in baltimore. some spots may get to 52. it is cooler than it was yesterday. 10 to 15 degrees warmer, and no snowstorms in sight. we'll have the seven-day forecast. >> a search and rescue dog is now the one being searched for after disappearing. this is a picture of vito, a 3-year-old black german shepard when he ran after a fox. the dog has been spotted since then, and they are hoping his handler will take him in.
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>> if you drive over the curtis creek draw bridge, you may want to allow more time to get to your destination. they will be closed between quarantine road. as a result, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. officials say drivers can expect delays during peak travel periods. >> we always urge drivers to use extra caution and stay alert when they are in work zones. and to remivende folks that the speed limit will be mosted at a reduced speed. >> if you want to avoid any construction, take 895 or 95 to get through the area. construction is expected to wrap up in mid march, which is when crews will start working on the eastbound lanes. >> after fire destroyed their home, a baltimore family has a new place to call their home, thanks to the help of a community house housing program. a fire back in may of 2010 destroyed the jones family home in howard park, and a slaps lapse of insurance and huge repair costs.
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then the healthy neighborhoods program stepped in providing financial support to repled the home. yesterday the family had an open house to thank supporters. >> we would not be here without it. >> not at all. it is a blessing. >> helping people maintain their homes, helping people invest in their homes, and it is helping people move into baltimore neighborhoods. healthy neighborhoods is a fantastic program. >> the healthy neighborhoods plam offers workshops and counseling for home buyer prammeds. >> one year ago today 19 people were gunned down in tucson, arizona. six people died, but 13 lived, including congresswoman gabrielle giffords. her husband, mark kelly, said the giffords returned to the safeway super market for the first time since that attack in that parking lot a year ago. more on how giffords along with
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thousands will mark the anniversary. >> it has been a year of mourning, remembrance, and recovery. one year ago subpoenaed, congresswoman -- one year ago sunday congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot. witnesses say he then turned the gun on the crowd, killing six, including a federal judge, a giffords staff member, and the youngest victim, 9-year-old christina taylor green, shot as she held the hand a neighbor that brought her to see the congresswoman. >> i call her my beautiful little angel, and every day i talk to her. >> the anguish the family still feels is tempered by luffering memories and a great sense of pride. >> our young daughter in a short 9 years achieved more things than most adults do in their lifetime. >> four people survived the shooting, including giffords. after months of rehabilitation, they runched to the house of
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representatives in august and even served thanksgiving dinner to troops in tucson. for those who lost loved ones in the roundtable, the pain of that morning one year ago, remains an open wound. >> it feels like it has been a hundred years and it feels like it was yesterday. >> since the shooting, honors have been bestowed on the victims, including a courthouse namede named after judge -- >> it is looking to say how can we be better? >> a candlelight vigil to remember those who have been killed. among those attending congresswoman gabby giffords. she gives hope to a community still wondering ho -- to understand why. gerald lee loughner is pleading not guilty to 49 charges. he has been diagnosed with skits
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freenia. >> loved ones remember the couple killed and long with grandchildren killed in a tragic christmas day fire. >> what investigators believe started that fire next. >> and in the wake of a deadly christmas day, connecticut, fire, it might be time to take a look at your own fireplace safety. i'm kim dacey. we have tips coming up. >> and notable changes in the weather today. coming up informed, i'll tell you why it is not as cold as it should be. details in the s it's the perfect time to find great deals
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on the 4g lte devices you love. like the droid bionic by motorola for $199.99. or the pantech breakout for $49.99. our lowest price ever. get the technology you love, on the network you deserve. now get twice the data for the same low price. hurry in, this offer ends january 15th. verizon.
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>> good morning. it is not too bad out for a january day. we pushed 70 degrees yesterday. 66 at b.w.i. marshall.
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today, we are getting slowly back to normal. 42 in frederick. overall temperatures are well above where they should be. we have a front that passed by us yesterday, and that is slowly bringing down the temperatures. you can see that front now stalling south of us, south of the delmarva. 51 as you head into eastern portions of virginia. the 30's and low 40's in the mid-atlantic now. winds out of the north and west today. 34 in cleveland. even though cooler air is pushing in, it is not completely cold. for the forecast today, still above normal. 53 for southern merchandise md and 49 in ocean city. we see a great deal of sunshine into the afternoon and earlier on contending with a couple clouds. increasing clouds as we head
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into tonight. we will drop it down to a low around the 30-degree mark in baltimore. mid 30's as you head downtown. a chilly night, but still above normal. that is the friend now as we see a pattern that sustains milder temperatures. we have a cold front that passed by to our south last night. so until this breaks through, we will not see it drop through. another storm system into monday and then another storm system ated end of next week. you can see all across the country, no major cold snap. looks like it stays mostly to our south.
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maybe st. mary's could see a chance of sprinkles. other than that, baltimore sees a petter chance of rain wednesday and thursday. throughout this week, 40's and 50's. normal this time of year, 41 degrees. >> a recommend mall service was teled held for norville and pauline johnson. investigators say a bag of discarded fire place embers started the fire. investigators believe the embers were removed from the fire place because the children were concerned for santa's safety. >> it is i good reminder to follow proper fireplace safety. >> the workers at advanced
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chimney solutions are busy checking fires across the area >> once a year call the local chimney inspection to make sure the integrity of the fire place or chimney is ok to use. most of the time, the fire place needs to be swept out. >> when a chimney fire starts, you have creosote that is flammable, catches on fire, starts to break down mason ri and mortar and starts to spread inside the house. >> another thing to do is keep a screen or door on your fire place and keep the area around the fire place clutter free. how you dispose of ashes is extremely important.
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smoledering embers were the cause of a fire that killed three children and their grandparents on christmas day. >> how long does ash stay hot? it stays hot quite a long time. remove the ash and leave if sitting on a noncombuftible service. >> by taking these steps you can keep your family safe. >> new rules on the book for debt collectors. >> why they need more than your name and address before getting money. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> rules that seem to favor the consumer. it requires debt buyers to provide more proof before being allowed to get -- >> companies need a much better handle on who owes what to who. this person owes me,. >> buyers specialize in buying
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debt owed to credit card companies by a debt for the fraction of the amount owed. the only proof needed that the debt is owed can be as little as the person's name, last known address, and social security number. >> evidence that they did actually incur the debt. >> they must have evidence they purchased the debt from the original contractor. knowing from experience that the defendant often does not file a notice of intention to defend or appear for trial. the plaintiff often has insufficient reliable documentation, and had the debtor challenged the action, he or she would have prevailed.
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or they would want some type of debt and the owner proved it, too. >> what is represents is a distrust of affidavit issues. >> and the new rules apply on or after january 12. >> did you ever wish holidays fell on the same day of the week every year? two johns hopkins professors say the world would be a lot more concrete if that were the case. their calendar would start every year on sunday, january 1. december would gain an extra week every five years or so to remain in sync with the seasons. one of the advantages is that no one will have to go through the process of rewriting schedules every year.
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>> each year they have to redo their schedule completely because of this jump of one or two days year to year. this is completely wasted effort. >> they also advocate universal time over time zones. they hope to attract world-wide interest. >> i'm confused already. >> i know. i know. >> a major grocery chain bringing new jobs. >> we'll have more coming up in "come alert. >> we know the ravens will face next week the divisional playoff. we will talk about that coming up next in sports.
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the word is swapportunity. can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light.
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over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today.
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>> no more guessing games for the ravens. they know their opponents. seven days from today. indeed it will be a rematch from mid october. a game that saw the ravens win back then 29-14. ravens had never lost to the texans. their team is gelling a little now. ricky williams had their first touchdown as a eafs. that -- ravens like the match-up. you have to. if you look at yesterday and see how the texans are playing, houston in its first-ever playoff game looked good guns
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the cincinnati bengals. both teams nerves early on, but when houston settled down, settled down well. what are you supposed to do with that? j.j. waut, incredible hands, sticky -- watt, incredible hands p. sticky fingers. playoff game. ravens of course must -- if they are going to win. houston won by a final of 31-10. nationaly talented.
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with those we saw unable to bring it all together. they made mistakes that forced them to only nine wins for a team talented enough to win at least a few more. the ravens and the texans one week from now. spee spite the fact no game today, we still have ravens matchup at 11:20. >> here's a look ahead to our next hour. >> battle lines drawn in new hampshire. a live report from new hampshire coming up. >> a major construction for the curtis creek bridge. how long it could affect you and your commute next. >> noticeably cooler today, but still not cold. we'll talk about where the cold air is when we come back in the insta-weather plus forecast.
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>> it has been six decades since william p. carey called baltimore home. he showed his love for his town,
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donating millions to maryland schools and universities. he was internationally known and was a direct desentened of the leb 11 -- descendant of james polk, lechth -- 11th president of the united states. his great grandfather served as president of the bank of maryland and his grandmother created the gillman school for boys. while he made his fortune in real estate finance, his passion for education was evident by the donations he made to the educational institutions. most recently he donated $30 million to the university of maryland scoolt of law. the largest gift in the school's history. having donated to johns hopkins university in 2006, he hoped his donations would lead to a joint law of business degree. from memberships to campaign
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contributions, mr. carey shared his wealth and knowledge. the city will be forever grateful for his legacy.
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>> good morning. welcome to "11 news sunday morning." i'm jennifer franciotti. >> i'm lisa robinson. our top stories in jome. first a look outside with meteorologist ava marie. >> it was beautiful the past couple days. like spring. >> it did. temperatures were like it was spring. normal this time of year is about 41. yesterday we hit 56 at b.w. i. 66 at the inner harbor. unbelievable for january. we have to get bk -- back to reality. in baltimore, you look at temperatures across the nation,
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really not that cold out there. until that unleaches, we will not see a big change in the temperature. today, not as warm. 52 at the inner harbor. cooler today, but we have scattered cloud and sunshine. get outside. we'll talk about what comes in the seven-day next. >> almost the home stretch for the republican presidential candidates taking part in tuesday's new hampshire primary. >> the candidates are prepping for another debate tonight. they all took part in another debate in manchester. that's where kate amara joins us blive from. >> do you feel like are you in your old stomping grounds? >> i went to a third grade basketball game of one of my friend's kids.
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the people here are jealous. we're on tap here in new hampshire for something unprecedented. a debate double header. the six candidates squared off last night, and they are doing it all over again this morning. >> it was mit romney's debate to lose. >> in a battle for second place, romney's fellow republicans worked to knock the front runner and each other off balance. >> business experience doesn't necessarily match up with being a commander and chief of this country. >> there were some testy exchanges. ron paul called rick santorum a spender. >> he's a big government, big spending individual. >> santorum defend his record.
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>> it is a ridiculous charge, and you should know better. >> i personally take offense to the accusations he makes of people. >> a lot of insider gobldy-gook. >> i think you have seen an example of why i got in this race. >> new hampshire votes on tuesday. reporting live, i'm kate amara, wbal-tv 11 news. lisa, jen, back to you. >> what other issues came up in that debate. >> lisa, there was an interesting exchange about gay mearge, which is legal in new hampshire. both mit romney and newt
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gingrich said they oppose same sex marriage while at the same time they supported rights, such as the right to visit each other in the hospital. >> thank, kate, live in new hampshire. >> preparations under way for the final presidential debate in new hampshire. it will air on "meet the press" and questions will come from "meet the press" moderator, david gregory. we will talk to david gregory live coming up in our 7:00 hour. >> the department of defense says airman first class matthew seidler died in an attack. two other airmen were also killed in the attack. he was assigned to peterson air force base in colorado. >> baltimore police investigating the shooting of a
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man in north baltimore. 6:00 saturday evening they found a man shot in the back. there t there is no word on his condition or suspects. >> police say robbery may have been a motive in a shooting in northeast baltimore. police say a 289-year-old man was wounded in the 1500 block of chinkotink parkway. at last check he was in stable condition. no arrests have been made. >> four men behind bars this morning charged in connection with the death of a man after an incident at a bar in carroll county. 52-year-old john robey and his two sons jonathan robey and thomas robey along with hank grimes, 48, were arrested for a fatal attack on craig e. myers
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at a keymar bar. >> 84-year-old mary hines had been stabbed to death before her home burned down on thursday morning. spurred by that fire, baltimore city firefighters went on a city-wide smoke alarm sweep. they went on testing alarms and educating residents about fire safety yesterday. in the past they concentrated only on the neighborhood where there had been a fire. now they are expanding this effort across the city. >> we feel now if there is a death in the city due to a fire, we would like to be able to make all citizens of baltimore aware and make sure that the citizens of baltimore have working smoke alarms. >> city residents can call 311. firefighters will install a smoke alarm for free in your home. >> if you drive overtime curtis creek draw bridge, you may want to allow time to get to your destination. pifment-95 will be closed for
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repairs to the bridge. sheldon dutes has more on what drivers can expect. >> crews have already started to make repairs, and as a result there is only one lane open to traffic. >> every couple weeks or so when i have to do shopping on richy highway. >> the westbnd loop of the draw bridge will be shut down. the draw bridge has been here the past 5 years, and construction crews have been working >> officials say they can expect delays. >> i can only imagine if there is one lane open.
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it will be really bad. >> aside from a car accident or other delay, the maryland transportation authority does not expect backups through the construction zone. they are urging drivers to be more aware while traveling through the area. >> we urge drivers to use extra caution and stay alert when they are in work zones. >> the speed limit will be posted at a reduced speed. >> i don't get frustrated by it. >> if you want to avoid construction, you can take 895 or 95 to travel through the area . in south baltimore, sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> i bet there will be a lot of delays in the morning. oh, my goodness. >> right now 6:07. zpw news for prodraft natureors.
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-- some good news ahead for procrastinators flt i.r.s. >> and mulch. i'm kim dacey. details next. >> ava has your insta-weather plus forecast after this break. it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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thanks, mom. who are you calling "mom"? dunkin' sausage pancake bites, delicious like mom's, only easier to carry -- get three for $1.59.
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>> good morning. starting you off with a view from the skycam. sun coming up at 7:26 this morning. 46 at the inner harbor. light winds out of the west right now. saying good-bye to the 50's. starting off 10 degrees above normal. we will stay that way into the after as well.
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49 in ocean city. warmer in southern maryland. 53 for their high and mid 40's as you head out into the mountains. overall sunshine today mixed in with scattered clouds. more clouds this morning and then clearing into the afternoon. tonight we drop to a low of 30 degrees which puts us back to normal. unseasonably chilly out of the northeast. here's what's happening. a lot of people have been wondering what has been going on with the temperatures. it has been unusual the past couple days or weeks. we hit 66 at b.w.i. marshall and now we are on the steady decline. where is the arctic air. it allows that air to make it
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into the east. nothing it blocking it from moving to the west to the east. in the u.s. out into the mid-atlantic. , arctic air moves in. we are looking at storms to come from the south. next storm system coming in from texas. that will be moving our way into monday. it stays mostly to our south to the southern part of maryland. we may see a little rain with that. baltimore does stay mostly dry. back to the low 50's throughout the rest of the week. we do dry out into friday. by saturday we may see colder air push in. >> once or not mingts and decorations come off, what do you do with your christmas tree? >> i packed mine up.
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but if you have a real tree, to keep that tree green, you can recycle it. >> the way you can do it is drop it off or curb-side recycling. you have to put it out on your regular trash day. >> most counties in the area offer the same services. here the trees go floo the chipper and end up as mulch that you can take home for your own landscaping project. >> if you bring your tree, you can recycle that, and there is some left for others that did not want mulch.
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>> you should remember, you can still recycle your christmas paper as well. >> if you have recycling fape, sty foam. we even recycle stirafoam now. >> recycling your tree is another way to go green and keep weight out of a landfill and put that tree back to good huse. jo if you can recycle it and put it to good use again, it is back in our environment, it goes back to environmently friendly uses, we're great. >> for the christmas free recycling location in your neighborhood, go to our web site at >> howard county has a new wegman's store getting set to open. coming up, the simple step you need to take to land an interview. >> from the big shelves to the small screen. the legal drama, "the firm." >> first a programming note.
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bob ehrlich will be our guest this morning. if you have a question for him, e-mail us at sundayquestions @ wbal
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>> in this morning's consumer alert, hundreds of -- wegman's is recruiting for its new store set to open. the positions range from entry level to management to kp customer service and cashiers. there are a wide range of culinary and restaurant openings. hiring begins in march. we have a link to that information on our web site. click on "as seen on" at >> 2012 could bring more expensive european vacations.
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starting now, jets will be liable for the carbon emissions, so the price is expected to be passed along to customers. we're talking as much as $15 more per ticket. it is part of an effort to hold companies carbon credit if they emit greenhouse yes -- gas yasts. >> since the typical tax deadline of april 15 falls on a sunday and the 16th is a local holiday in d.c., the i.r.s. announced a new deadline for 2012. that is now april 17. the i.r.s. is also encouraging taxpayers to e-file ss it prepares for the onslaught of tax returns. are fime time now for a look back and a look ahead at the bloomberg business report. >> after a strong jobs report on friday, you would expect these numbers to be way up.
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that's why the market is so unpribble predictable. >> employers added a whopping 200,000 workers last month. we're also at 8.5% unemployment rate. traders tell me it was a solid report, but not a blowout. the other big story of the week, retail may be paying the price for deep discounts on the holidays referred to as a diswounting binge. kohl's and others taking hits to their bottom line as retailers that cater to the middle class are struggling. stores that focus on lower income shoppers are getting a boost as consumers are trading down. apple stores may be coming to a target near you. sources telling the blog apple insider that the store is opening a store within a store and 25 target locations in cities that can't support a full-blown apple store. >> with that, a focus on apple. striking new statistics about who is hogging the most mobile
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bandwith. it is requiring users twice as much band with. that puts pressure for verizon to shift more on how much data you use. i'm deborah kostroun with the bloomberg on the business report. >> if you didn't know, 20-12 is a leap year. disney plans to celebrate in style for 24 hours. both the mackic kingdom in florida and disneyland bark will be opened 24 hours straight. that's a nonstop day and night from 6:00 in the morning january 29 to 6:00 a.m. march 1. -- that's 6:00 in the morning from february 29 to 6:00 in the morning march 1. here's a look at some events going on around town this
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>> first twooze a best seller for author john grishom then a hit movie by tom cruise. "the firm" srts with a two-hour prepleer. >> all my daughter has ever known is running. >> you see this? >> life in the witness protection program may be
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ending. that does not mean an end to the troubles for lawyer mitch mcnair in the firm. >> i want to know the truth. >> if you ask john grishom, the question he has asked his entire career, is what happened to mitch mcnair? >> the series has the blessings of "the firm's" author, john grissom. >> he's a different person. 10 years in witness protection, you are going to be a different person. even n.o.w. down to costume questions about is this mitch or is this not mitch? john grishom answers them, which is kind of a great moment. >> with his fledgling law
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practice managing to attract unwanted attention. >> the past is not quoit done with them, and there are all sorts of threats and dangers out there in the future they need to worry about. >> ones the producers hope keep viewers tuned in. mark varger, wbal-tv 11 news. >> that looks good. i would watch it. plus he's kind of cute. >> coming up, a look at our top stories. >> a year since tragedy struck. we're going to head to arizona when we come back. >> and we're talking temperatures. the change in temperatures. how much cooler will it be today
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. >> our top stories in just a moment. first a check outside with ava marie. can we have a another day like today? >> today we're starting off 10 degrees above normal, so that's a good start. 30 as as we look to the back side of the northeast. there is cooler air making its way in from the northeast. today reaching for a high of 60. we're heading toward 50 which is still 10 degrees above normal. scattered clouds throughout the day and light winds throughout the north. where is winter? we'll talk about that coming up >> a search and rescue dog being searched for after disappearing. this is a picture of vito. he's a 3-year-old black german shepard. he was working at a park in
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white marsh when he ran after a fox. the dog has been spotted since then. local animal shelters have been notified. >> if you drive over the curtis creek draw bridge, you may want to allow extra time to get to your destination. now as a result, traffic will be reduced to one direction, and drivers can expect delays during peak travel periods. >> we urge drivers to stay alert when they are in work zones. to remind folks again the speed limit will be posted at a reduced speed of 45 miles per hour. >> if you want to avoid any construction, take 895 or 95 to get through that area. >> after a fire destroyed their home, a baltimore family has a new place to cull their own.
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a fire destroyed the jones family home. a lapse of insurance met huge repair costs. financial support was provided to rebuild that home. >> we wouldn't be here without it. >> not at all. >> hetching people maintain their homes, helping people invest in their homes, and helping people move into baltimore neighborhoods. healthy neighborhoods is a fantastic program. >> it offers counseling for home buyers. >> one year ago 19 people were gunned down at a supermarket in arizona. six people died, many survived, including congresswoman gabrielle giffords.
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nbc's gina kim has more on how giffords, along with thousands, will mark the anniversary. >> it has been a year of mourning, remembrance, and recovery. gabrielle giffords was shot point blank in the head allegedly by 22-year-old jared lee loughner. turned the gun on six including a young victim 9-year-old christina taylor green shot as she held the hand of a neighbor. >> i call her my beautiful angel. every day i talk to her. >> our young daughter, in a short nine years she achieved
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more than most people do in a lifetime. >> she returned to the house of representatives and even served dinner to troops in tucson. for those that lost loved ones, the pain of that morning one year ago remains. >> it feels like it has been a hundred years ago and it feels like it was yesterday. >> she not dwelling in what happened but is looking to say how can we be better? >> thousands are expected to attend a candlelight vigil. among those attending, congresswoman gabrielle giffords whose remarkable recovery gives hope to a community struggling to understand why. >> jared lee loughner has been
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diagnosed with skiophrenia and is being medicated in prison so he is competent to stand trial. >> coming up, a unique look at flacco's stash. >> and a couple that thought they would not see their dog again ended up being the key to a happy home cupping four years later. >> we'll talk about how long this will last when we come back
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[ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity: the subway big hot pastrami melt. take a moment to ponder tender cuts of pastrami, piled sky high atop your favorite freshly baked bread with spicy mustard, pickles
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and melt-a-licious cheese. okay, enough imagining how this fresh toasted number would tantalize your taste buds -- it's time to actually experience the subway big hot pastrami melt, built by the sandwich experts the way you love -- to per-fec-tion. subway. eat fresh. why good morning.
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starting off with a live view from the skycam. still dark out there. the live view will be coming up in a little less than a half-hour. generally we will see clearing into the afternoon. where are temperatures as we head toward sunrise? well, it is above normal. 46 at the inner harbor. 430's and 40's as we look out across the state. colder in the mountains. 29 in frostburg. we had a cold front that pushed by yesterday evening and that did bring a significant drop in temperatures. even can with that we will be seeing a drop today. we will be 15 degrees cooler than that today. as i nentioned, still above normal by 10 degrees. then as we head into the night, clouds increase once again
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hitting around 30 in bam -- baltimore which is back to narmal. it will feel chilly as you start off your monday morning. but that's seasonably chilly. temperatures have been all over the place. do you remember wednesday when we were in the 30's for the high temperatures around 31 degrees? now we are back on the decline, but as we head downward, temperatures will stay above that northerlyal mark which is above 30 this time of year. we stay above that into the next five days. what is happening here? where is winter? well, the bottom line is, it is not the right pattern for it. the arctic air is blocked from moving east. we basically have nothing to block that arctic air. so for now, we are staying with
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mild air. therefore, storms will stay to the north. the next system we talk about comes from the south. milder air as we get later into the week. the seven-day forecast, high temperature 50 degrees. looks like showers in the southern part of the state. wednesday to thursday our next storm system. with temperatures so warm, it suggests a rain maker. >> thank you, ava. an unlikely reunion. a dog missing from owings mills was found four years after he dispeered. >> a mike chip was the key to bringing the dog home.
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>> he was 12 years old when his beloved family dog disappeared. >> he loved to run away. we weren't able to find him. >> they spent hours searching every day for months. they gave up hope of finding him. then they got a call. >> we found out and it was like, what? no way. >> four years after he disappeared a good samaritan found him roaming the streets. they took him to anne arundel. employees were able to track him down because they had taken good advice from their vet years ago. >> we followed standard procedures, which is scanning the animal for a mike chip. >> a mike chip is -- a microchip is activated with a scanner and
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provides contact information. animal control has used a chip to reunite families with their pets, but never after such a long period of time. >> everyone should get the chip, because you never know what's going to happen. why they do not know what he's been through in their years apart, but the reunion is all that matters. >> we got a new dog, but it was never as good as dodger . >> that was kai reed reporting. >> most of the wily's now live in north carolina. most adoption agencies are requiring them. the cost is any between $20 and $50. >> up next, why you may want to think twice about driving past a stopped school bus in baltimore county.
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. >> these carpentry students are hard at work. i'll explain coming up. >> hardest working woman in tv, kim dacey. >> first a look at last night's winning lottery numbers.
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>> in this morning's education alert, a warning for drivers that ignore flashing red lights. baltimore county police are stepping up patrols in neighborhoods where children are getting on and off buses.
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police say they are prepared to ticket up to $570. violators could also get a three-point penalty. >> they may think i can pass this school bus. any situation, distracted driving, not paying attention. police say the cooperation has led them to issue a number of warnings. >> woodworking. kim dacey has this story. >> the carpenters are hard at work learning real life carpentry skills.
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>> you have to learn how to use the signal. >> this year they are taking normal palets. the city school adds outdoor leank facility. >> loaded back up for baltimore city schools. >> things the kids take away from this is not only a knowledge to be -- but the measuring and accuracy is never ending. >> those skills they are learning will ultimately help them in the future. >> after i graduate, i plan on
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doing cash tri as a career. >> the program itself is self-sustaining. >> i'm proud of the students. i think when they get opportunities like this to shine, that's zpactly what they do. >> in west baltimore, kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> don't be surprised to see ravens fans sporting a new look come next sunday's playoff game. >> a group of fans have come up with a way that you, too, can have a fu man chu. >> coming up in sports, we know the ravens will play next week in the division yl playoffs. it is a match-up they had to like. we'll talk about that coming up
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it's the perfect time to find great deals on the 4g lte devices you love. like the droid bionic by motorola for $199.99. or the pantech breakout for $49.99. our lowest price ever. get the technology you love, on the network you deserve. now get twice the data for the same low price. hurry in, this offer ends january 15th. verizon.
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>> no more guessing game for the ravens. they know their opponent for next week. seven days from today. divisional playoff game. it will be houston texas as they come to town once again and it will be a rematch from mid october, a game that saw the ravens win back sthen 29-14. ravens have never lost to the texans, but they are a team that's gelling right now.
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they rushed the ball well. joe blak flacco threw for more than 300 yards. that will be gig again to have that target in this game. ravens like the match-up. the first-ever playoff game looked gen good against the cincinnati bengals. both teams locking in early on. dalton, the quarks what are you supposed to do with that? j.j. waut, he's not supposed to be able to make a play like that. sticky fingers.
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yates, rookie quarterback. he was effective enough, he didn't throw an interest steppings. they are going to win next week. they did throw a pass. they had faced him, but he was a monster yesterday. houston won it by a final of 41-10. basically a game in which cincinnati, talented, although as we saw all season long, unable to bring it together. only nine wins for a team talented enough to win a few more. ravens and the texans one week from today at 10:00. more about this match-up coming up. despite the fact no games today, ravens match-up tonight at 11:20.
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>> they have come up with a way everyone can sport joe flaco's new look. >> joe's zig to grow has turned into this big idea for this group of neighbors and friends who are fielding orders by the thouds for their purple fan-stash. >> we're glad we actually acted on it. >> we ran to the local craft stores and got out scissors and started cutting out fu man chu's. >> a fun project now has an off-site manufacturing location. in the last few weeks, fan-stash has sold more than 2,000. >> this has been so fantastic. we have gone from sitting in our house and cutting moustaches to now packaging them in and having them in about 30 locations. >> the fans are having a ball,
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creating catchy slogans. >> put one on your wife, your neighbor, your dog. >> they have a you tube video and a web site encouraging fans to send in pictures of themselves. >> they are happy. it's an awesome time. >> the fan-stashes peel and stick. the goal is to donate $10,000 by the super bowl. >> we'd like to see 70,000 people at m&t stadium wearing purple fu-man-chus. >> we want to see yours. if you buy one, take a picture and send it to our "u local." >> this picture will follow me forever. no, i love this. it is such a great idea. i can't grow a moustache myself. i can try, but i think that one looks much better.
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>> he looks cute. look at me? you got this from po boys the other day. >> they will be joining us in our 7:00 hour with tons and tons of ravens gear. >> i don't think you can contain yourself. >> i can't. >> it is 6:55. 41 degrees on tv hill. here's a look ahead to our next hour of "11 news sunday morning." >> the per pect job. how many are during to plastic surgery to aid threm in their job search. >> more news, weather, and sports when "11 news sunday morning" continues.
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>> it is a record year for baltimore city. this year it is one that has residents and city leaders optimistic that better days are truly ahead. baltimore rorted 126 homicides last year. its lowest murder rate in more than 30 years. that wasn't the only category showing improvement.
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nonfatal shootings also recorded a drop. juvenile arrests declined by 25%. overall crime dropped by 26% in 2011. i-team analysis of population trends in 11 east baltimore neighborhoods could provide one clue to the reduction in crime. there has been a 42% population decline since 1990. regardless, city residents are feeling better about the place they call home. there is still work to be done. property crime say -- the mayor has their work. that's a great goal. we believe in all the city has to offer. we believe residents have to offer up the same location that makes city neighborhoods great.
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geth get involved. join a neighborhood block group. keep an eye out for those things that don't feel right. the sticks are proof that baltimore is moving in the right direction. now it is about getting everyone
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>> mit romney is leading in the polls. new hampshire votes on tuesday. >> in the meantime, final preparations are underway for today's second presidential debate in new hampshire. the nbc news facebook presidential debate will air on "meet the press" and questions from the -- for the candidates will come from david gregory. we will talk to david gregory live from new hampshire coming up. >> a 24-year-old airman from new hampshire has died. matthew seidler died thursday when an explosion happened in
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the hellman province in afghanistan. two other people were also killed. seidler eventered active duty in 200 . he was assigned to petersen airbase in colorado. >> police were called to the 1900 block of north collington avenue. on the scene 29-year-old man was wounded. so far no arrests have been made. >> 52-year-old john robey and his sons jonathan and toms and
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michael grimes were arrested by state police yesterday. a grand jury indicted them all on thursday. police say the men assaulted 26-year-old craig myers back in august in a bar in keymar and that myers later died of his injuries. >> the investigation continues into the murder of a woman who died of her injuries. mary hines had been stabbed to death before her home burned down. spurred by that, firefighters went on a city-wide smoke alarm sweep. they visited homes and educated rezzdefpblgts about fire safety. in the past, we -- they visited homes and educated
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residents about fire safety. >> we wanl to make sure all residents are safe. >> city residents can call 311 and the city will install a smoke detector in your home. >> 11 news reporter sheldon dutes has more on what drivers can expect. >> every couple weeks or so, i have to do smopping over on richy highway. that is the easiest way to get there from here. have for the next 10 weeks, it will not be easy >> the dray bridge has been here the past 35 years, and construction crews are working to repair all of the wear and tear from over the years. >> the traffic is really bad
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anyway over there. i can only imagine if there is one lane open there. >> i took an exit to get around it. it was backed up. >> aside from a car accident or other delay, the maryland transportation authority does not expect significant back-ups through the construction zone. they are urging drivers to be more aware while traveling through the area. >> we always urge drivers to stay alert when they are in work zones and remind folks that the speed limit will be posted at a reduced speed of 35 miles per hour. >> until the construction clears, they are already planning alternate rithes routes to get around. >> sheldon dutes, wbal-tv 11 news. >> and if you don't want the hassle and you want to avoid that construction all together you can take 8 5 or 95 to get through the area. >> 7:07 on tv hill.
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a plastic surgeon is here to talk about the edge you may need to get a new job. >> and the ravens best sunday. where you can get your dose of purple pride. >> first a live picture from the skycam up next from your insta-weather plus forecast.
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>> good morning. we're starting you off with a live view from the skycam. you can see the sun is trying to make its way over to the horizon. there are clouds in place. overall we'll see some sunshine as we head into the afternoon. current temperatures around 45. they will be rising above normal into the afternoon.
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let's look at elkton and easton. 33 in hancock. 28 in oakton. overall, 10 degrees above normal to start the day. that's going to help jump start us into the afternoon. here's the forecast for today. 5 for southern maryland. upper 40's along the eastern shore of the mountains. mid 40's today. cloud cover in the morning that should be clearing out to scattered clouds into the afternoon. tonight clouds increase once again. we stay dry tonight. down to a low of 30 degrees by puts us back to normal. overall temperatures have been rocky out there. have you wondered where is winter? maybe you are complaining, maybe you are not. overall, the bottom line is, it has been well above normal consistently since we started winter.
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awe did have that taste of winter. ever since that we have been rising. yesterday, 66. that was the high temperature. we're going to drop back down, but still stay above the normal mark. norm lal we need high pressure to sink into the east. that is not the pattern now. we expect our storm to come in from out of the south. you see the storm system pursuing in texas. this stays mostly down to our south. rain chances stay mostly south. cooler again tomorrow. 46 clearing out on tuesday with a high of 63. end of the week, later wednesday into thursday.
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notice temperatures, too warm to support any snow. it may get colder as far as the playoff game goes. for now no big snowstorm on the radar. >> coming up, how you can look more youthful and reasted. and, as the ravens gear up for their first playoff game of the season, we're here we here think it is important to get geared up as well. >> the lowest unemployment number in three years. what can we expect in 2012? we talk to a hiring expert still ahead. ahead. don't go away. ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account
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and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. since time began. not anymore. fiber one is bringing brownies back. at 90 calories, the only thing between you and chocolaty brownies... ♪ a nicely designed package. ♪ you can have brownies again. fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle. caramel...pretzel 90 calorie bar.
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♪ >> the unemployment rate has inched down over the last few months, but a lot of people out there searching for work will
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tell you the combigs competition is still really tough. many job hurnlters think lastic surgery is the key. >> i have seen so many women and men job hunting now looking for plastic surgery. how can you afford to not make yourself look better. >> how can you afford it if you are out of work? >> people have saved up, they do have some money, and the cost ranges from 200 up to the thousands depending on what you are going to do. >> let's talk about some of the things they are doing. >> there are minimally invasive methods. people are doing injectables, then we can with work our way up
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to surgical procedures. even doing things like liposuction to make you look a little more fit. >> if somebody has furroughs in their ford, they are projecting an image they do not want to project. they want to open their eyes and rejuche nature. >> if you are not working with a lot of money to do a surgical procedure, you can do the botox and those kinds of things? >> absolutely. are men doing this as well? >> men often have the furoughs
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in the forehead. we can do crows feet. filling up so you can -- people thinking i love to have this little edge. how do we pay for it? what are the costs of some of these things? >> minimally invasive can be $200. i think they are pretty affordable right now. it can go up to $5,000. people that want to provide these services are a little easier to provide. and there are financing options. >> if you want more information
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check out the doctor's web site at >> coming up, how to show your purple pride. first a look at events going on around town this weekend. he you
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>> it is official. the ravens face houston in just
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seven days for the right to play in the afc championship game. it is a 1:00 kickoff from m&t stadium where ravens will try to match their effort from earlier this season. a 29-14 win in mid october. the ravens have never lost to texas. i hate saying things like that. >> ava was with you earlier this week. have you such a great array of ravens gear. >> this is the tundra hat. probably the warmest hat you can have on a night out there. >> you have everything from what the ladies can take with them. what is this fan cam? >> you can put your favorite
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beverage in there and keep it cold. >> drink right up. >> if you want to type with the ravens, you can get your keyboard. >> i want to go to our models because they are on stage and it shows you what you can wear for game day. >> we have a purple boa with the famous bling cowboy hat there and the -- >> that's the burnout t-shirt, i believe. she has the cowboy hat on. it looks great on ava. >> that's tracy. she is sporting a couple tattoos there and the fan stash which has been a big hit.
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>> a lady with a head band. >> you can't get enough of the spirit glove. you can pan down and see socks. she has great ravens socks. a t-shirt that's been popular for you guys. tell us about that. sfl >> of course we have the fu-man-chu. what we're doing, if you buy two, you get a chu free. buy two shirts, get fu free. >> some of the proceeds go to living foundation. >> this is a torey smith shirt. it is called "dread these
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hands." if you look at the hands, it actually has some of the maryland flag on it there. the reason they call it -- we have a thread hanging on the back there. >> these look like little capsules. it has a b on it. >> you can write your favorite dream in there and bring it with you. my wife has one, too. >> they went to the super bowl. >> let's talk about these. you say it can be -- these are official purple lights you can put in your bar or basement.
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i know you will be shocked that i have these at home. these cups. the cups that you have, they have a lifetime guarantee. >> my wife probably knows a little more about it. but they are inds lated. >> they have toasters. if you put your bread in, it comes out with a b. i can work with you on weekends. the time now is rfment 26. 41 degrees on tv hill. we have much more news coming up. go ravens. >> go ravens.
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>> welcome back to "11 news sunday morning." thank you for joining us. >> ava is here with a look outside. >> it has been beautiful. i wish i could promise that again. alass we had a cold front move through. currently 40 degrees at b.w.i. puts us 10 degrees above normal already. not as great into the afternoon.
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we have clouds now, but they become a little more scattered into the afternoon. overall, where is winter? we talked about what is causing this mild pattern when we come back. we may surprise you when we see our next snow when we come up. >> 19 people were gunned down at a supermarket parking lot in tucson. six people died, but 13 lived, including congresswoman gabrielle giffords. 11 news reporter marks the anniversary. >> it has been a year of mourning, remembrance, and recovery. one year ago sunday
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congresswoman gabrielle giffords was shot point blank in the head in a tucson parking lot, aledly by 22 yeerlt jared lee loughner. witnesses say he then turned the gun on the crowd including a giffords staff member and the youngest victim, 9-year-old christina taylor-green shot as she held the hand of a neighbor that brought her to see her congresswoman. >> i called her my -- call her my beautiful little angel. >> the anguish the woman still feels. >> the young daughter achieved more things than most adults do in their lifetime. >> 13 people survived the shooting, including giffords. after months of recovery and rehabilitation, she returned to the floor of the house of representatives in august and even served thanksgiving dinner to troops in tucson. for those that lost loved one,
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the pain remains an open wound. since the shooting, honors have been bestowed on them. >> tucson is not dwelling in what happened, but is looking to say, how can we be better? >> on sunday thousands are expected to attend a candlelight vigil in tucson to remember those killed. among those attending, congresswoman gabby giffords whose remarkable recovery one year later gives hope to a community sfill struggling to understand why. jared lee loughner has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is being gien medication --
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being given medication in prison to help make him able to stand trial. gentleman >> joining me now is david gregory. you are moderating this debate today. how will it go? >> we are very excited about it. the first of the nation primaries here in new hampshire. all of these candidates, except mit romney, have their eyes set on militant romney to slow him down as he is way ahead in the polls. i think this is an important moment. >> does that mean anybody that logs into facebook can send in a question that might be sent to you. also, we know there is a conversation going on. we would like to bring this into the debate. we would like to see follow-ups. >> what do you think this does for the impact of social media,
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that says where this debate is going two days before the primary? >> i think it is important. i think there is so much dialogue going on via social media. it is obviously a huge news source for americans. beyond that, it is a source and platform for people to really debate one another and help them make a choice in the presidential race. i think it is an incredibly important platform for debate and that's why we're bringing it into ours. >> do you see the field narrowing down now? >> i think if mom romney can win here, he gets stronger. >> thank you david. good luck today. >> thanks. >> don't forget, you can "meet the press" here on 11.
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>> if you have a question for bob ehrlich e-mail us at >> still ahead, humane society will be here with a pet looking for a good home. >> and vague resolutions never work. how to be more specific in the new year. >> coming up, why we are still staying above normal. details in the seven-day i
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>> good morning. we start you off with a live view from the skycam. it is currently 40 degrees at b.w.i. marshall. and 46 at the inner harbor. temperatures about 10 degrees
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above where we should start on a january morning. so we are off to a good start. it is colder as you head north. 34 in parkton. 37 in westminster. 37 in frederick now. 30 degrees at the airport. we have 29 in frostburg. 28 in oakland. well, temperatures are not going to be as warm today. winds shift out of the north. so we're saying good-bye to the 60's. barely reaching up to a high. for southern maryland and upper 40's along the eafertern shore. then the clouds will increase once again.
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what's happening with the temperatures? it is not just your imagination. despite what we saw last wends, we have been inclining after that. 56. now back down to 50. we stay above that by a few degrees for the next upcoming week. the cold air has not arrived. it normally forms and then tries to move town to the east. therefore, we stay in the mild air. next system we're keeping our eye on, this system should move up to the north and east. by monday, it stays mostly to
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baltimore. another storm system forms wednesday and thursday. without that cold air, temperatures could still be in the low 50's. any chance for snow will have to hold off until next week. >> a burst of hiring last month has driven the nation's jobless rate down two notches. the lowest level in almost two years. some economists are starting to see some lasting improvement. it will take six million more jobs. economists forecast the nation will add on two million new jobs this year. what does this mean? well john owens is here with
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career rezzluges, should you make them? if you do, how to do it. >> is it good news about the job? >> it is good news. there are still a lot of people unemployed. you look at trends. you look at 20 1. -- 2011. it was going back and forth. and the last three months it dropped two to 8.7, two to 8.5. we are seeing good drops. i think i would agree with what the economists are saying, which is you look at drends, and then also because everybody had been talking about so many people coming back into the work force, i think people were expecting it to go up. the fact it still went down 2 plts it says maybe we've got something good brewing. let's hope. >> you are in the business of hiring people, so are you seeing more companies are looking? >> i think you are definitely seeing more hiring. you are seeing hiring across a lot of different industries. not just retail through the
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holidays. we saw manufacturing go up. i think what everyone has seen, it depends on different types of outlooks. if you look at college degreed over 25, unemployment is 4.1%. i think you have to work it through doing what you can. identify where you see some opportunities. there are companies hiring now. >> let's talk about what you can do to get yourself out there. people make resolutions. people are still out of work. what are things they should do? >> well, i think the first thing you should do is don't aim too high. you know, those big overwhelming type of resolutions. they are just doomed to failure. i think what you have to do is focus on something specific. you know, if you are going to make a list, prioritize that list and take it one step at a time. >> also, what else can you do in terms of -- there are some things you say earn industry
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recognized certifications. >> you can earn an industry certification. you can go on social immediate yafment enhance and update your social profile on social media. that is how people are getting noticed. you can get temporary employment. increase your skills. there is a lot of hiring going on. you might get a full-time job. >> and do the temporary work? >> do the frear work. we have talked about it for years. that can get you inroads into companies. it is always easier to get you a job when you know who you are. if you are doog temporary work, it can -- if you are doing temporary work, it can grow into a great opportunity. >> some people think i'm going back to school, that's a huge resolution. >> if you have a specific goal, that's a great thing. if you are just like, i want to get a college degree to get a college degree i think you will find it is still difficult. figure out what you think you can do, and go for that.
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if it means going back to school. you can do a lot of school work in the evening. you can do different things to still and do different work during the day and increase your skill set. >> all right. thank you very much. >> thank you. happy new year. >> stay with us. the humane society joins us with a pet looking for a good home. first a look at events going on around town this weekend.
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>> welcome back. joining us now from the baltimore humane society is jen swanson with a pet looking for a
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good home. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> we have wyatt here with us. who is wyatt? >> a beautiful, 2-year-old pitbull. he was found on the streets of baltimore with bite wounds and a broken leg. he needed surgery for his knee, which he had. he is doing great now. he's fantastic with people. he loves people. he's a little dog shy. if anybody has a dog already, you need to do an introduction with him. it does not rule it out. >> so he could be with a family once he's used to being around other dogs. >> he was definitely attacked by other dogs. we don't know if it was a dog fighting thing or if he was out on the street and was attacked. he was only 2, so he was just a puppy. >> well, wyatt we're so happy to hear you are doing ok. >> or
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410-833-8848. >> and the number is on your screen right now. i know wyatt is a curious dog. we have a chef in the kitchen and he was watching. he told him he is making him some breakfast. you can contact the baltimore humane society to get that information. now back to the desk. >> he's sitting there so quiet and well behaved. very, very nice. >> 41 degrees on tv hill. >> plus ava has another look athe forecast. stay with us. "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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and the cereals your kids love. ♪ now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient. the same great taste they love in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch with whole grain that they need. just look for the white check, only on general mills big g kid cereals, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. now with more whole grain than any other ingredient.
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>> we're minutes away from nbc's sunday today show. lester holt joins us with a preview of what's coming up. >> good morning, lisa. coming up on today, the race for the white house. two days to go before the new hampshire primary and the republican presidential candidates squared off with a burst of two weekend debates. front-runner mit romney came
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under attack as others continued to angle for second place. we're live from new hampshire. meanwhile, new forecast about the obama's sheding light on the white house, specificly -- specifically the first lady. then drama on the high seas. we see two quick-thinking depish aremen. >> and from american idol to america's weight loss queen. my interview with jennifer hudson. what it took for her to overcome her family tragedy. those stories and more when we see you later on "today." >> time now for sunday brunch. >> patrick russell. >> we are going to still celebrate new years with you
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this morning with an omelet. >> we have a southwest omelet made at coopers. it is made with bell peppers and onion, a little jack and cheddar cheese. we top it off with homemade salsa. >> can you help us with that. >> ours is cut down and minced. we have our onions. >> there you go. there you go. you guys can take turns.
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>> bell peppers. onion. >> how many eggs did you use? >> i used three. that's what we use at the restaurant. >> put them in a food processor. >> people come in and they -- >> every 15 years we have our menu for that long. >> it looks so good. that's amazing. >> you know, it is aplacing.
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a lot of people have trouble with omelets. >> the key is, wet eggs are not good. a fresh-sweezed o.j. >> you put that on the side of your omelet. i'm watching you. i'm trying to get some tips. >> tell us what you will make for us at 9:00. >> women make gumbo. >> we are going to be diagnose a gig for you guys there. >> when you come in, you have
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how many raunts? >> four. >> if you would like a copy log on to or send us a self-addressed nfl to hooper avenue, baltimore maryland, 21211. i don't know how you have time to come in here. ava, seven-day forecast? >> up to 50 today. we're try today. 40's and 50's this entire week. next shot of rain comes in wednesday and thursday. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you for watching. the "today show" is next. >> cheers! >> cheers! captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> it has been six decades since william p. carey lived in baltimore. he was known as an entrepreneur and fill pathologist and was a
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direct descendant of the 11th president of the united states, polk. he sold soda on local streets while attending calvert school. his grandmother created the gillman school for boys in roland park. he made his fortune in real estate, his passion for education was evident. he recently donated the largest gift to the university of maryland in the school's history. having established $50 million to establish the carey school of business, he hoped his donations would be for a joint law business degree offered at johns hopkins. mr. carey shared his wealth and knowledge. the city and state will forever be grateful for his gifts and legacy.
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