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tv   20 Stories That Shook the World in 20 Years  MSNBC  October 8, 2016 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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and we are awaiting the release, the possible release,
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we should say, of a video from the donald trump campaign. that video is reported to contain an apology. it is the first apology in donald trump's life. the first public apology. the first we will ever have witnessed. donald trump issued an apology for video released today found by david fahenthald at the washington post. it was from access hollywood in burbank where they were shooting an interview and an appearance with donald trump. this was video not used in the access hollywood show about donald trump at that time. it was video that was captured in which donald trump was speaking his mind about women generally. some specific women, including a married woman, whom he said he wanted to have sex with. he used a much stronger phrase
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than that to describe what he wanted. he also talked about a woman he was about to meet and who you will see him meet on this video. this is the video that seems to have rocked the trump campaign and there are reports tonight of the possibility this video could end the trump campaign. here it is. you know and i moved on her actually. you know, she was down on palm beach. and i moved on her heavily. i've show you where she have some nice furnish after. she's totally changed her looks.
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>> she's a hottie. >> yes, the donald is good. >> you got to look at me. will you give me? >> you are a [ bleep ]. >> let me get that sound. >> you and i will walk in. >> oh, my god. >> maybe it's a different woman. >> better not be. >> it's her. >> that's her with the gold. i better use some tic tacs in case i start kissing her. when you start, they let do you it. grab them by the [ bleep ]. do anything. >> those legs. all i can see is the legs. >> it looks good. >> come on, shortie. >> get out of the way.
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go ahead. >> as long as you don't fall out of the bus. like ford. gerald ford. remember? >> down below. pull the handle. >> hello. how are you? >> nice to see you. >> you know billy bush. >> how are you? >> i'm doing well. are you ready? >> we're ready. make me a soap star. >> how about a hug for the donald. >> melania says this is okay. >> we are joined now by phone by chris matthews. chris matthews, your reaction to this video? >> ha. well, i think the reaction to the trump people is more important to the republican pap party. you know what's going on. they are in def-2.
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there's a time factor here. bill clinton could put off monica by denying it. we know that for months using his cabinet to cover for him and using the clock. he could put it off and get the heat going. by around august of '98 when he was on the skillet for a while and starting to cool down, by the time he went to give his discovery and spoke before the grand jury, it calmed down enough for him to get through it. he had the benefit of his office and benefit of all those months where he could let it calm down. the clock is not working well for donald trump. we know he is on this cliff he is walking along for the last couple days. it is clear he could fall off the cliff. it is just that precipitous right now. you talk he is on the cliff. a foot from the edge and thrown stuff at him from his past.
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fair enough. it is good reporting. it may be op-o. it is all who he looks to be and the way he talks about women and according to him, behaves with women. it is one of the situation where is they have to make a decision. i like the crisis management we're all watching here. how will he deal with this? what is the donald trump who lives today and running for president today and how is his character adjust to the crisis? can he come out of this with a measure of improvement when they read the papers? i think that's a challenge. can he improve his situation? it's about the clock. tomorrow, we have the saturday daytime and we have the eve of the debate saturday night and the long morning shows. hours of morning shows. "meet the press" as the rest of
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them talking about this if he doesn't do anything between now. 100 million people are watching on sunday night. i would expect the first question from martha radditz and then the second and third and fourth questions relating to this. the reason is because it will be on the minds of those involved invited to the town hall, not so much the journalists, but people will be focused on this. we know the participants, it will be 50/50 men and women. i think the women will raise the issue. this is such a vivid portrait of a mind set we are getting from that bus discussion with mr. bush. it is a full picture of the guy. >> i hate to interrupt you. the video is ready to be seen.
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>> run the mark. >> to be someone i'm not. i've said and done things i regreet. i've said and done things i regret and the records released today on this decade old video are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. i travel the country talking about change for america but my travels have also changed me. i've spent time with grieving mothers who've lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great people of our country and i've been humbled by the faith they placed in me. i pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. let's be honest. we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. we're losing our jobs. we're less safe than we were eight years ago and washington
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is totally broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. i've said some foolish things but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. see you at the debate on sunday. >> that was donald trump. he said, i said it. i'm wrong and i apologize. then immediately changed the subject to other issues. and then including a swipe at bill clinton before ending what was only a 90-second video. chris matthews. your reaction. >> i think you're right. there were three messages there in conflict. one, something like an apology, but also a denial that was him. he said that person you saw
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getting out of that bus was really not me. i'm not that person. everyone who knows me knows it is not me. we'll see if anyone backs that up. he said it wasn't worth our attention as you and i are talking about it. it is not worth putting on television. why do a video for television? he is putting down the importance after denying. he did not really apologize. he disowned it and said it was a distraction. he went on the attack going after bill clinton's behavior. i think the last part is the most important part. that's camera ready for tomorrow. that statement. that says he is going to go in sunday night and go on the attack and go after monica and kathleen, he may go through the whole hall of shame of clinton. i think it looks like he will go after everything. of course, that will raise the question with the left. the progressive left and right.
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when clinton got into trouble, the liberals said that is personal behavior. let's get back to the issues. let's not talk about this. i don't think the progressives will move on. and unfortunately, for mr. donald trump, the american christian right will not like this. i noticed and thought about this, lawrence, because i worked in utah politics. i kept thinking this will affect him in utah. that is the canary in the mine. this is not just mitt romney or jason chaffitz. this may be the first wall to fall. >> it has been with jason and the governor and former governor. this was only a 90-second video. we have been waiting for it virtually all night here. i want to take one more look at it before we all react to it
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again with comments. this is donald trump's first public apology in his 70 years of life. let's look at this 90-second video once again. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone i'm not. i've said and done things i regret at and the words released on this video today which is a decade old are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. i travel the country talking about change for america but my travels have also changed me. i've spent time with grieving mothers who've lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great people of our country and i've been humbled by the faith they placed in me. i pledge to be a better man
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tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. let's be honest. we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important issues we're facing today. we're losing our jobs. we're less safe than we were eight years ago and washington is totally broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. i've said some foolish things but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. see you at the debate on sunday. joining us by phone is republican congress member jason chaffitz from utah. jason, what is your reaction? >> i hope he's sincere.
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i really do. i having read and seen and heard what mr. trump said, although ten plus years ago, i can't endorse that person. i just can't do it. >> mr. chairman, he just seemed to indicate the age of the video is relevant. we should somehow be, i don't know, forgiving it and overlooking it because of the age of the video. what is your response to that? >> i guess what was also offensive not only from the raw abhorrent comments he made in the video is the initial response. that twitter was not an apology. that apology was for getting caught. to suggest bill clinton has done far worse on the golf course should have been his first clue he was on the wrong track. to apologize if he offended anybody is not an apology for
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the actual action and belief. i just can't endorse that person. i desperately do not want hillary clinton to become the president of the united states. i think she would be disastrous. i'm in a dilemma that donald trump has put the nation into. that is i can't endorse this person. i just can't do it. >> chairman chaffetz, he said what we saw on the access hollywood video where he appeared to be completely relaxed and comfortable. in his words, that doesn't reflect who i am. that is the issue here and it seems to actually to be one of the videos, one of the back stage videos that does give you the feeling. it does give you the feeling of this is who the person is. >> well, that's what i worry
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about. i want somebody of high moral fiber. i do wish mike pence was at the top of the ticket. i just do. i think he is of high moral fiber. we are talking about the presidency of the united states of america. why should we settle for anything other than somebody of high moral fiber. like i said, there is no possible way i'm voting for hillary clinton. she is one of the most flawed candidates in my lifetime, but my wife and i we have a 15-year-old daughter. how in the world could i look my 15-year-old daughter in the eyes and say, honey, your dad endorses donald trump for president. i can't do that. i won't do that. that's why i'm withdrawing my endorsement. >> mr. chairman, did you tell the trump campaign you were going to withdraw your endorsement? >> almost no contact with the trump campaign. i did call my local utah trump
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supporters and some of the main people there. i said listen, this is what i saw. this is what i feel. this is what i believe. you know, if you want to give me -- the response. there really is no excuse for it and it should not be tolerated. i spent a lot of time bashing on democrats to step over the moral lines and act inappropriately. to use a baseball metaphor, i have to look myself in the mirror and say i call balls and strikes as i see them. you know, if you are going to act like that and that's how you think, you will not get my endorsement or get my support. i hope we do that on both sides of the aisle. it's just wrong. we have to call it out as wrong. >> chairman, did you communicate your thinking to paul ryan or anyone else in the house leadership before announcing your decision? >> no. no. i answer to the people of utah.
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and my wife and my three kids and i got two kids married now. i have to look them in the eyes and myself. i don't work for paul ryan. i don't work for reince priebus. i don't work for donald trump. i got to do what's right for me. the people of utah, i don't know endorsements matter. >> it looks like donald trump has no more endorsements in utah. the governor has retracted his endorsement. former governor. what about other republican house members? one republican in colorado not just opposed to the trump candidacy. he is saying donald trump should step down. are you expecting to hear more reaction from your republican colleagues in the house? >> i don't know. i would suspect. as disgusted as i was about
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that. i think a lot of my colleagues feel the same way. they have to come to their own decision on that. there's a lot on the line. the supreme court, fighting isis. it is put in a very difficult and precarious position at a terrible time. they have to answer to that themselves. i have to do what i feel comfortable doing. >> i appreciate chairman chaffetz talking about this in personal terms with your family and moral code. there is also a political calculation discussed in washington tonight. we have reporting from mark halperin and others are considering which way to lose here. should we ask donald trump or try to get donald trump off the ticket and go with some kind of write-in campaign?
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some sticker campaign that people attach to ballots with the acknowledgment that donald trump cannot win. so which way do we want to lose? tied to him as our nominee or cut him loose or take a more honorable path. do you have any sense of that kind of discussion going on in washington or any view of it yourself how you regard that strategic question? >> you know, i was on an airplane until about 5:00 p.m. mountain time. i can't tell you i have been in any conversations or discussions or anything like that. i would just hope the media would hold the clintons to the same high standard. you know, i want us as a people, as a nation, as a party on both sides of the aisle. we need good people on both sides of the aisle. we better call it out for what
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it is and not just have it be one sided. i don't know what's going to happen. i can't tell. i will tell you i will not endorse donald trump. somebody who acts and speaks like that. >> would it be fair to say if one party's nominee hits the rocky moment that the party is looking for a collective strategic response? in other words, talking points going out. coordinated message attempted and if anyone was thinking of defecting or withdrawing endorsement or something like that. there would be a discipline message coming from the republican house leadership basically trying to get you not to do what you have done tonight. are you aware of anything like that coming from the house leadership? >> no, no. quite the contrary.
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a lot of my colleagues within the last hour or so have been texting me and calling me and suggesting that i did the right thing. way to have a backbone and that kind of thing. we are as republicans very grassroots party. you don't have leadership pop down drilling into exactly how you are supposed to vote or act or endorse or anything else. i'm proud of our party that way. i think this happens more organically. each member will have to figure out for themselves where they are on this. i just say where i'm at. i listen and support the people of utah. they are the ones sending me to washington, d.c. they are the ones that i listen to and they are the ones i'm representing. not d.c. >> and did you get any calls from faithful trump supporters in the house of representatives?
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any colleagues in the house saying you shouldn't have done that? >> not yet. no. none. it's only been out for a short bit. i have not. >> well, powerful chairman usually don't get a lot of criticism from the house. >> there are benefits of, a chairman. >> there are. >> chairman, i appreciate you joining us tonight in the special coverage of the unique situation that we have never seen in a presidential campaign before. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> we're back here with hallie jackson. it is happening. anymore reaction from republicans? >> yeah. i have been on the phone trying to get sense of what people are saying about the video. the 90-second video which is
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remarkable. remarkable from somebody who covers the campaign. you can hear the competing voices from the campaign. i think bill clinton reference is so significant. it is going to upset a lot of people who wanted to hear trump loyalists who wanted to hear a real apology and leave it at the first 45 seconds and move on. he talked about the clinton thing. there is chatter if he will show up at the debate. he will be in st. louis sunday night and he will talk about bill clinton. this gives hillary clinton an opportunity and her team to map out their plan and line of defense and offense for the next 48 hours because they know this is coming. it puts trump in a position where he will be on defense on sunday when you need to be on offense. his campaign stabilized. we had three days. we were talking about hurricanes. now he is in the line of fire. that is a remarkable piece of stage craft and fascinating to
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watch. >> i'm just going to reveal to the viewing audience at home. when we were watching that video, get the three-shot of our guests here. there was a collective physical reaction as if the air bags had just gone off here when trump mentioned bill clinton and bill clinton's history. >> yes, and this is the thing. if he wants to make hillary clinton more sympathetic. if he wants women of all political strive to rally around her more, he should go after bill clinton on sunday night. there is absolutely no strategic reason to do it. it feeds into what you are saying. the competing voices. there is a wing of the republican party driven by blood loss and clinton rage syndrome. he is playing to them by doing that. >> we are joined now by jonathan allen. jonath jonathan, i have to say the
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trump video recorded apology looks like the product of a plea bargain in his side is i'm going to mention bill clinton. i don't care what else you say. i'm putting the clinton sentence in there. >> i've never seen anyone apologize with such little remorse in my life. he turns around and blames somebodies else. i listed to lynn talk about the debate. i would be shocked if you heard hillary clinton say anything more than she has to. trump is imploding. this election is about to be over. you will see republicans streaming for the trump exits for the next 72 hours trying to figure out how to salvage majority in what has to be the darkest day for the republican party until the next trump implosion. >> elise, your reaction to everything that has happened here. including i would say the really
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interesting calm and certainty of jason chaffetz's condemn nation. he was untroubled by what he had to do tonight. it sounded like he did not have a second doubt about it. it sounded like he just got off the plane and into a position to tell utah, i'm not with this guy. >> you know why? because he did the right thing. other republicans will do. we will see the trickle effect of this. what i found so interesting about the statement tonight is he checked the box on apologizing and then he checked the box on talking about how he is a changed man traveling country meeting with grievingim. then it was solid trump. same man going after bill clinton's infidelity. >> we are going back to our
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video. we will show the access hollywood video again which started the crisis in the trump campaign. we will show the trump new apology video tonight. first, i want to get in a word with mike murphy before we do that. mike, donald trump, you know, said i'm wrong and i apologize. period. no words came after the word apologize. he did not specifically apologize to nancy o'dell named in the video as someone who he specifically tried to have sex with when she was married. he dragged her into this and did not issue a direct apology to her. he did not issue the kind of apology that mitch mcconnell called for, which was an apology to all women and to make it much broader. your reaction now of where
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donald trump stands with republicans like mitch mcconnell? >> there are a few tells like poker. there are issues when you don't expect them to talk directly on television because they don't really want to apologize. you have a team shotgun speech writing exercise where you come up with a hostage video like this. the problem is television communica communicates more than words. then he said the decade ago and then he said it is not about this. it is about the clintons. it was as weak an apology and in my interpretation is unheartfelt as possible. it sets him up. he implies this is a terrible outliar. if more tapes come out, we will find this is the standard.
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and whatever apology will be for nothing. this will be worse with the tape that is not much about apologizing and now part two will be what happens where it will be a big topic and no teleprompter to protect him. >> mike, he is asking viewers to defy their common sense. they are offered two videos. one a teleprompter written apology and the other from access hollywood which donald trump says that video does not reflect who i am. common sense tells me the unguarded back stage video does indeed tell us. >> it was authentic. it was cinema verte. he wasn't aware he was on camera. he won't have the protection of even the cliche written, staff
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written hostage video at that debate sunday night. it will be him and people and no filter and management. we will hear most about clintons than i'm sorry. >> let's reset the video crisis for viewers who are joining us now especially on the west coast. we will begin with the access hollywood video leaked to the washington post to david fahenthald. this changed the presidential campaign. it is changed utterly. let's watch that video and go to the donald trump response video. here is the access hollywood video. you know and i moved on her actually. you know, she was down on palm beach. she's still very beautiful. >> i move on her and i failed. i'll admit it. i did try and -- her. she was married. >> that's huge news. >> no, no. nancy.
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no, this was -- >> and i moved on her very heavily. in fact, i took her out furniture shopping. i moved on her like a bitch. but i couldn't get there. and she was married. then all of a sudden i see her. she's now got the big phony tits and everything. she's totally changed her look. >> sheesh, your girl's hot -- in the purple. whoa, the donald is good. whoa, my man. >> look at you. you are a -- >> maybe it's a different one. >> it better not be the publicist. no, it's her. it's her. >> yeah, that's her, with the gold. >> maybe it's a different one. >> i've gotta use some tic tacs just in case i start kissing her. you know, i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just kiss. i don't even wait.
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and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the --. you can do anything. >> all i can see is the legs. >> oh, nice legs, huh? >> get out of the way, honey. oh, that's good legs. go ahead. >> it's always good if you don't fall out of the bus. like ford, gerald ford, remember? down below. pull the handle. >> hello. how are you? >> hi. >> hi, mr. trump. how are you? >> pleasure to meet you. >> nice seeing you. terrific, terrific. you know billy bush? >> hello, nice to see you. how are you doing, arianne? >> i'm doing very well. thank you. are you ready to be a soap star? >> we're ready. let's go. make me a soap star. >> how about a little hug for the donald? he just got off the bus. >> would you like a little hug, darling? >> absolutely.
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melania said this was okay. >> and hours later, this is the trump video. >> i've never said i'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone i'm not. i've said and done things i regret and the records released today on this decade old video are one of them. anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who i am. i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. i travel the country talking about change for america but my travels have also changed me. i've spent time with grieving mothers who've lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. i have gotten to know the great people of our country and i've been humbled by the faith they placed in me. i pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down. let's be honest. we're living in the real world. this is nothing more than a distraction from the important
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issues we're facing today. we're losing our jobs. we're less safe than we were eight years ago and washington is totally broken. hillary clinton and her kind have run our country into the ground. i've said some foolish things but there's a big difference between the words and actions of other people. bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. we will discuss this more in the coming days. see you at the debate on sunday. that was donald trump's second apology of the day. he written an apology earlier. he said i apologize if anyone was offended. we are joined again by chris matthews. chris, mitch mcconnell tonight issued a statement before trump's second apology saying trump needs to apologize
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directly to women and girls everywhere and a full responsibility for the utter lack of respect for women shown in his comments on that tape. did trump's apology meet mitch mcconnell's demand? >> i guess so. the interesting thing about this, this is a lot of shoddenfreud on the left. the interesting thing about everybody agreed on the facts. you have been right on pointing out the facts. the heart of the story. the facts. the associated press is not a biassed organization. the lead tells us the fact. after being caught on tape making lewd comments about a married woman he tried to seduce, he said i was wrong and apologize. yes, he claims, the astonishing revelations amounted to nothing more than a distraction, close
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quote. then argued it was nothing more than bill clinton's affairs. that is a busy paragraph. everybody gets it. there was a point in this wring statement he read by teleprompter tonight. i thought it was written by staff. it said this campaign has changed me. you know, lawrence, we know those of us in politics, campaigns do change people. they do see it. the kennedys saw the poverties if appalachian. campaigns change you. no matter how many airplanes. if he said i'm not this same guy getting out of that bus 11 years ago. that may have been profound. he ruined it by all he did. i have just come to it.
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what will last longer in terms of play on television? the apology or the video of him there with billy bush yuking it up. voices coming to us through a hot mike. coming to us in a very real way and meeting that very attractive actress who met them at the door. that will be played over and over again. it will be played right up until election eve. as everybody has been saying, hillary clinton doesn't have to endure that. she has to show it. it is now public domain. trump has a problem. his future is that tape. not his past. that future will lie between him and the election. it would take a profound, almost how you could say it, one of those televangelist apologies to be believable. jimmy swaggert kind of thing.
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i think it will drip all weekend. >> we're joined by nbc news andrea mitchell. andrea, i want to get your reaction to everything we have seen so far tonight. you have witnessed historic turns in campaigns. none of us have ever witnesses something like this in a presidential campaign. >> certainly not. we have seen in a few days in 1972 thomas eagleton, removed from the ticket as vice president. a month before the election, the presidential nominee caught in such exposure. the vulgarity and crudeness of the video. the fact that as chris and you were just saying, this is out there for everyone to see. this doesn't have to be turned into a campaign commercial to have impact. the apology quasi apology was an
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interesting document. he apologizes. he then does try to change the subject and appeals to his base. by moving on and saying it is a distraction, he is not reaching the threshold level of mitch mcconnell as of what jason chaffetz said to you. you will see a number of people who are in close races in districts where donald trump is a drag on the ticket. and right now, we have congresswoman barbara comestock in virginia saying this is a tough race. no woman should ever be involved in this.
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trump should step aside and allow us to replace him. i cannot in good conscious vote for trump. i would never vote for hillary clinton. you will see a number of those statements. when you begin to see a real movement in the congressional party to protect the base and senate majority, try to, and write him off, that's when some movement will occur. i think the closest we have seen to that so far is what we have seen from the speaker of the house. for paul ryan who has been so carefully walking that tightrope and with the house majority not wanting him to disavow or not endorse or not being happy with him taking so long to endorse donald trump. for him to say what he said and to connect with scott walker and according to kelly o'donnell's reporting because it is in
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character with paul ryan. for them to disinvite donald trump from that saturday first campaign appearance with him. that tells you so much about the way this party is moving. i think there is an outside chance and i don't think it's the most likely outcome. an outside chance that as we were hearing earlier from mark halperin and others this could be a cut your losses moment. >> and we will get a break and bring in david fahenthald who found this video. i want to get your reaction to donald trump's apology. i was watching it with elise and liz and hallie. they had a reaction to the apology and then completely changing the subject for the
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rest of the video saying it is nothing more than a distraction. if it is nothing more than a distraction, why has it stopped the campaign cold and bringing up bill clinton running away from his conduct in the apology as fast as he could. as a person experiencing someone apologizing for something like this, what did you feel when you were hearing this? >> it was an extraordinary reversal. you don't apologize and then go on a personal attack at the same time. it certainly indicated all of the attempts by kellyanne conway and others to restrain his instincts to go on the attack or veiled threat he would go after bill clinton. remember the tweet about inviting gennifer flowers and then saying it was a joke.
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all that was him presenting himself with the different approach to the second debate. clearly he lost the first debate and they were struggling to get him to prepare and come up with a different demeanor. you cannot forget steve bannon and bossie are around him. they have made a career going after the clintons. and reading about the personal life of bill clinton, but he isn't on the ticket. as a political strategy, hillary clinton became more popular during the lewinsky scandal. there was a tremendous sympathy vote. if she doesn't get tussle and certainly restrained and calculated and i would say in a tactical way in the first debate. she kept her cool and kept her
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temper and had the demeanor that was successful in that debate. i can't imagine a scenario sunday night where it's going to come to his benefit to come after bill clinton and dredge up the past when the voters want, even his base want him to talk about how he will change things from the status quo and be the change candidate he advertises. >> andrea mitchell, thank you for your reporting and perspective. >> what a night. >> we will take a break here. when we return, david fehnenthald will join us. today, he out-did himself and broke the news that may change the course of history in the campaign. david fehrenthald will join us when we come back.
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. we are back with our continuing coverage of the breaking news of the release of a video earlier today. video taken by access hollywood
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in 2005 showing donald trump talking about women in ways we have never heard a presidential candidate talk about women. here is some of that video. >> i've gotta use some tic tacs just in case i start kissing her. you know, i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just kiss. i don't even wait. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the --. you can do anything. >> that video forced donald trump to issue two apologize tonight. one in which he said he apologized if anyone was offe offend offended. that was not accepted by anyone. including anyone in the republican party. then he issued a recorded video in which he said i regret the words released today on this more than decades old video. he said they don't reflect who i am. i said it. i was wrong and i apologize.
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he went on to say, more than twice as much things having nothing to do with this apology. we are joined by david fahrenthold, recorder for the washington post. david fahrenthold obtained this video. he publicly released it today. david fahrenthold's breaking news today is now in complete control of this campaign. david, thank you for joining us tonight. i appreciate it. >> no problem. >> david, everyone wants to know -- what can you tell us? i know confidential sourcing is involved. tell us everything you can. how long you had it? did you alert the trump campaign you had it and ask for response from them before releasing it? >> i can't tell you really anything how i got it. we got it today. we told the trump campaign we had it at 1:30 in the afternoon and provided them at that time
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with a transcript. not the whole video, but the parts of the video that are most relevant here. they asked for a video. we eventually showed them the video. then afterwards, 4:00, they issued the apology. the half apology which trump said was locker room banter. >> and david, this is more cooperation in many ways than you are used to getting from the trump campaign. you have been relentless in tracking down trump contributions and not finding any donald trump personal charity contributions. the trump campaign has been good at ignoring your requests for information. today when you said this, they responded quickly? >> yes.
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they asked for the video. when we showed them the video, they responded quickly. they confirmed it was him. confirmed the authenticity and included the half apology. >> and david, did you get any sense in your communication with them that they recognized the enormity of what you were about to reveal? >> it is hard to tell. my conversations with them while helpful were rather brief. i couldn't tell you. i'm not sure i knew what it would become at the end of the day. i'm amazed to see how big a story it has become. i could not tell you if they did. certainly they did not say that at the time. >> so it is one of those things, david, we have a right to feel where we have seen certain things like this in donald trump's history. certainly things like this have been reported about donald trump's attitude.
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we never had video like this and you were not sure whether that first donald trump response might just be what gets them through it which is to say locker room banter and minimizing it. that is exactly the kind of response that the trump campaign used in the past in situations that resemble this in certain ways. so even you were surprised by where the story went from there. >> that's right. the thing that sets this apart. two things that set this apart from the previous comments trump made about women. it was not made publicly. it sounds odd. the other comments we heard were made on the howard stern show or television and everybody saw them. it is a private comment that trump made that he didn't think anybody else was listening. that makes it more interesting
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and more revealing picture of him. the other interesting thing is it shades my view of both apologies. we're talking about not trump words. it is not just trump saying look at that lady. she's a 10. isn't she beautiful? look at her legs. it is not just a description. what trump is saying about his own actions. he is describing things he has done in the past and will do the future. not just actions like kissing women and groping women. both of these deal with the wrong thing to say. it doesn't address it as an indication of trump's actual conduct. i was interested to see if in the second apology he would say i know i said i kissed women and groped them. it was just a joke. i didn't really do that. he doesn't seem to address it as condu conduct. he seems to address it as improper speech in both cases. >> the things he is actually
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describing as part of his conduct pattern, including the specifics of that kind of grabbing he describes that i cannot say on television. that is sexual assault. that is a classic description of secti sexual assault. >> that is interesting to me. i think it would be better for him. although he did not say it. that's not how i acted. i was making a joke or bragging to billy bush. i was speaking in hyperbole. some illusion to that in the second apology. that is not who i am. there is no specific addressing to that. it will be interesting to see if we find or don't find women say yes, this is what he did to me. >> david, in campaigns with mike
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murphy and others in crisis meetings in campaigns. one of the questions when a disaster like this strikes, one question you ask the candidate is how much more is out there and how much will people find? trump's answer will be i don't know because access hollywood is saying they have dozens of hours of individuvideo they have not people involved if their programs. what is your sense of likelihood of more video from access hollywood or other sources like that emerging during this campaign? >> it is hard for me to judge. i will say two things. one, there is no reason to believe that this particular access hollywood episode was special or different. or they would meet this beautiful actress and tour the studio back lot for "days of our
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lives." there is nothing to say that trump would have done or seen ever again. it is a comment. trump is a lot of guest stars on a lot of things. >> david fahrenthold, thank you very much for joining us. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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heard on the bus. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews. we're following a potential bombshell in the presidential race with big implications for sunday's debate if not the election itself. nbc news obtained audio from 2005 of donald trump miking lewd comments about women. it was during a press tour and he was talking to former


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