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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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says a lack of industrial composting centers makes it harder for more people to compost. if you can't compost at home. sternberg recommends thinking about how much food you buy so you don't over consume. the epa reports food waste results in more methane emissions than any other material breaking down in landfills. ted lindner, fox news. >> ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five, a pacifica woman accused of shooting her adult son is then shot dead by police. we are at the scene with the latest from investigators. plus i will work tirelessly to earn the trust, respect and confidence of my police department members. >> oakland's residents and its businesses. >> the city of oakland meets its newest police chief. how floyd mitchell is pledging to reform the department and the investigation into the baltimore bridge collapse picks up speed as divers recover two bodies from the river. >> good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> we begin with the latest out
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of baltimore. the ntsb is about to have a news conference at any moment now, as we bring in a live picture from linthicum heights, maryland, where it is going to be held. it was around this time yesterday. we did learn from authorities that they were suspending the search for six missing construction workers who were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. >> the search efforts resumed today, and within the last couple of hours, we learned the divers have recovered two bodies. authorities say they were two men, ages 35 and 26, and were found inside a red pickup truck about 25ft underwater. the victims in this disaster were from mexico and guatemala. also honduras and el salvador and the coast guard revealing just today that the ship underwent routine engine maintenance in port before it set sail. >> it added that they were not informed of any problems. fox's connor hansen brings us up to date on the investigation. >> divers returned to baltimore's patapsco river on wednesday to search for the
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bodies of six people presumed dead in yesterday's bridge collapse, but officials say cold temperatures, choppy water and debris have complicated recovery efforts. as the search continues, the national transportation safety board is piecing together a timeline of events leading to the crash, using information recovered from the vessel's data recorder, the agency says investigators are boarding the ship wednesday to look at the devastation. >> our focus is on getting the perishable evidence. any other electronics that we want to take, any other sort of documentation, logs with the ship traffic in the area to standstill, major companies, including general motors and ford, are rerouting shipments to other east coast ports. >> the port of baltimore is the ninth busiest in the country, handling high volumes of auto imports and farming equipment. >> there's not a lot of inventory sitting around, and inventory is usually what would buffer us against a disruption like this, transportation secretary pete buttigieg says. >> crews will work to rebuild
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the bridge as quick as possible, but warns we could still see supply chain disruptions. >> you've got different shippers, different ports, different terminals, different cargo owners. they're under no requirement to talk to each other. >> maryland officials say the port of baltimore directly employs more than 15,000 workers in baltimore harbor. griff jenkins, fox news. >> and newly released audio now giving us a sense of what was happening as the cargo ship headed right toward the bridge with no power. >> i need one of you guys on the south side, one of you guys on the north side hold all traffic on the key bridge. there's a ship approaching. just lost their steering. so until you get that under control, we gotta stop all traffic officers had about 90s to stop traffic before the ship hit a support pillar, sending the bridge into the river below. >> the mayday call from the ship along with the officer's
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efforts, potentially saved dozens of lives. the audio also reveals one officer was going to attempt to drive onto the bridge to alert the construction crew just before the collapse. >> once again, we are waiting for the ntsb to update this investigation and we will bring it to you live once that press conference begins. all right, switching now to our weather, a storm is brewing here in the bay area. here's a live look right now at downtown san jose. >> all right. chief meteorologist bill martin standing by with more on what to expect. i had a few rain drops this afternoon in the north bay there, bill. >> yeah, a little bit of activity, especially in the north bay. mike. we had rainfall up there at about a quarter of an inch of rain already up around healdsburg. so that's the far north bay it's lining up. the clouds are moving in. you can see the in the headlands out here. you see the clouds kind of getting pushed. the moisture getting pushed up against mount tamalpais and the marin headlands. that's where some of the rain is falling out. now we've got some light scattered showers, very light. danville had two hundredths. hayward had three hundredths. depends where you are been pretty light, mostly misty for most of the bay
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area. that'll change overnight as this system rolls on in. is it a powerful system? yeah, it is, but it's powerful way up there. we're on this southern end of it, so we're going to get some rain up to a quarter of an inch, maybe a half inch overnight into tomorrow morning. but in terms of power for this time of year, it's just kind of a run of the mill deal. but in the mountains they got a winter storm warning, though they're going to get plenty of snow up there. we can check the rain around here. you can see the scattered showers showing up right in the marin county area. right on cue, there's are some of the clouds we were looking at that bull's eye. right there is mount tamalpais. and then you see over towards novato, scattered showers. the showers are going to pick up in aerial coverage in terms of distribute over the night. in the overnight hours. that's when the real rain will fall a quarter inch to a half inch most likely. but in the meantime, the afternoon commute kind of wet. not really bad, though. not enough to really slow things down. south bay has got some pretty good rain down around gilroy right now. when i come back, we'll look at the full forecast. we'll
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time it out. we'll put the computer model in here and go with it. i'll see you back here. >> all right, bill. thank you. oakland mayor. mayor oakland mayor shengtao formally introduced oakland's new police chief. floyd mitchell, will lead the department that had been without a chief for more than a year. >> ktvu crime reporter henry lee live tonight at the police department. after speaking with the new chief and hearing about his top priorities here, henry. >> well, he's been top cop twice before in texas and he spent most of his career as a police officer in kansas city, missouri. but this is his first time in oakland, let alone california. so he's got a steep learning curve. >> it is my honor to introduce to you our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> incoming oakland police chief floyd mitchell filling the void in leadership after more than a year without a top cop, a former police chief in texas, mitchell says he has much to learn and a lot to give. >> i will work tirelessly to earn the trust, respect and confidence of my police department members, oakland's residents and its businesses,
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mayor shengtao said. >> mitchell's soft spoken style belies a strong work ethic. >> he's not flashy, but he will roll up his sleeves and do the real work. that real, impactful work to ensure our community's success. my approach is high visibility, responsible, proactive policing that is procedurally just data driven and grounded in evidence based strategies, he said he's committed to continuing to reform the department, which is just short of getting out of federal oversight. >> i am going to sit down with the monitor and identify specifically what we need to do and how we need to do it to get to the end of this road. >> i asked, what qualifies him to be able to answer to many bosses, including the police commission, the mayor, and the federal monitor. >> i'm just going to say my experience and just trying to collaborate and build strong relationships with everyone involved. the adage that everyone has a seat at the table
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and what we all do and say matters. >> city council members trevor reed and nikki fortunato bass say they like what they're seeing in the new chief. >> i think he said a lot of things that we want to hear. he's going to be proactive. he's going to be responsive. he's going to have deep community engagement, and he's going to be a guardian of what is the best interest of this city. >> i'm absolutely optimistic. you know, we have learned about his efforts around crime reduction, about community led, community involved policing. >> nietzsche says he has a lot planned for his first 100 days, including meeting with many stakeholders in the community from the rank and file to the police union, to the monitor, and of course, to the citizens and business owners who have been clamoring for more than a year for a new top cop with oakland police live in oakland, henry lee, ktvu, fox studios. >> all right, henry, thank you all right. >> we're going to take you now to maryland, where authorities are now updating us on the bridge. my name is jennifer. let's listen in. >> i'm the chair of the national
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transportation safety board. with me today is one of our newest board members, alvin brown, board member alvin brown, is this is his training launch, and we have our investigator in charge, who we call the icy, marcel muse. as i mentioned, we arrived on scene yesterday at about about, 6 a.m, but the team , came in from across the country throughout the day. it was really a day to get our bearings, we set up our family assistance program and also began to develop our investigative plan and request documents that we need in order to conduct our investigation today is really the first full investigative day on scene. we were able to board the vessel. i boarded the vessel around noon, along with our marine safety team and our highway safety
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team, and i can talk about that in just a bit, but i want to take a moment before i discuss our our, some of the factual information we've been able to identify and speak to the families on behalf of the national transportation safety board. i i just want to extend our deepest, deepest condolences , as you are in our thoughts and prayers as the days, months, years ahead go forward. certainly we are focused on you. our entire mission is to save lives, and our aim is to prevent this from reoccurring. and we are so, so very sorry for all that you are going through. it's unimaginable and truly we think about you throughout this investigation. so as i mentioned
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yesterday, for those who may not be familiar, the national transportation safety board is an independent federal agency. we are charged by congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the united states. and significant events in all modes of transportation. that includes bridge collapses, and it includes marine accidents and incidents. our mission is to determine why something happened, how it happened, and to prevent it from reoccurring again to save lives. i want to talk a little bit about how we conduct an investigation, but i think it's really important for folks to understand that we will not analyze any of the information we are collecting. we will not provide any sort of findings, conclusions or any safety recommendations while on scene. our entire focus on scene
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is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs. it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away. once the scene is cleaned up. we need to collect that information for our investigation. then when it comes to digging through, inspect signs, maintenance records that can be done when we leave. right now, it's focused on the scene itself. so to conduct our investigation, we work with parties to the investigation, parties to the investigation, provide us technical information. often this is factual information that we use as part of our fact finding. so if we need, bridge inspection data, we would ask, say, the federal highway administration, or, information about coast guard inspections.
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we would ask the coast guard. so parties to the investigation are the united states coast guard, maryland transportation authority, the association of maryland, pilots. and we've invited grace ocean private limited and synergy marine private limited. grace ocean is the owner of the vessel and synergy is the operator of the vessel. again these parties are part of the fact finding. they do not conduct analysis with the ntsb. the ntsb does that independently on its own, and then we do our own findings, our own, probable cause and our own safety recommendations. now, in order to effectively carry out an investigation, we have experts throughout the ntsb in different areas. and so we break up our investigation into
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groups. those groups focus on their particular areas of expertise in this, safety investigation. we have a nautical operations group. this group gathers evidence to document the actions taken by the vessel, the procedures for the safe operation of the vessel, company oversight, waterway management, safety management and regulatory oversight, that group would and has, collected and, and has asked for information on, say, duty records, licensing training, they requested the crew list. so we were able to confirm that there were. >> all right. you've been listening to the chair of the ntsb, jennifer homendy, giving us the latest information out of this news conference out of maryland, the chair saying that she and other officials with the ntsb did board the vessel today for this first full day of its
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investigation into the bridge collapse. they did collect some perishable evidence, basically electronics and paperwork, as they tried to determine what led up to that cargo ship losing power and then how the crew on board also responded due to that power loss. yeah. >> she said the primary focus of the ntsb is to determine how and why this all happened. again, that bridge collapsed in the overnight hours yesterday. today, just bringing down that entire bridge did the news today. they did recover two of the bodies, six workers were working on the bridge at the time. two men have been recovered. a 26 year old and a 35 year old. the construction workers were from mexico, honduras, guatemala and el salvador. really? jennifer homendy right now just explaining that the focus right now, entire focus is just to collect the evidence and then anything that they can be used that investigators can then gleam on to determine the investigation, investigation as to how and why this happened. >> all right. we'll continue to monitor that news conference in our newsroom. as soon as we get new information, we will bring
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it to you on air. and of course, more coverage online, always on our website at >> all right. pacifica police say one of their officers shot and killed a woman today after she allegedly shot her adult son. the investigation forced authorities to shut down a small residential street for most of the day. ktvu is crystal bailey has been following this story. she joins us now near the scene in pacifica, where it all unfolded. crystal well, julie, it's been a very grim day here as the police from multiple agencies have been on scene pretty much all day. >> and they say it all started in a home down the street on on francisco boulevard. that's where a mother shot her own son and then spilled into the street when police shot her. pacifica police say a man called them just before eight in the morning, reporting his mother shot him inside his home on the 2500 block of francisco boulevard. witnesses at a coffee shop on the corner say they saw police turned down francisco
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boulevard with lights and sirens . shortly after, they say they heard between 6 and 8 gunshots. >> my daughter just heard sirens. my son in law heard what he thought was maybe fireworks or was hoping was fireworks. you know, you don't want to expect to hear that early in the morning. >> officers say when they got to the scene, the victim's mother was driving away when she pointed a gun at police. a shooting ensued and she was killed by officers on scene, leaving the driver's side of a ford escape riddled with bullet holes and tarp covering a bloodied body on the street. as south city police, san mateo sheriff's deputies and district attorney police inspectors joined pacifica police in the investigation. >> i didn't expect to see this when i came home from work, people in the usually quiet neighborhood are shocked. i live at the end of the block here. it's not normal to have crime here. >> i've lived here since 1974 and, i've not seen anything like this. >> the son is recovering from a gunshot wound in the hospital. >> it's horrible. i feel for her
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family. i pray for her family. >> and there is no word yet on the identity of that mother or that son. but police do say that the son is in stable condition at this point. the san mateo district attorney's office is investigating the police shooting. i'm live in pacifica. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> still ahead tonight, more busses are going green. how the biden administration is hoping to push electric public transit beyond california. >> also, some much needed assistance arrives for a farming community in monterey county. how this county is stepping up for those whose lives were torn apart by winter storms last year. >> but first, the hype is building for the bay area's newest professional team to make its home debut. coming up after the break, what fans of the team can expec at paypal park bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum?
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...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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for its historic first game at home, bay fc, announcing today that that match is sold out. >> heather holmes with us in the newsroom with what the team is doing leading up to the big home opener, exciting times here, heather. >> it certainly is. and isn't that great news that it sold out? bay fc is the newest expansion team in the national women's soccer league, and a lot of people are certainly excited to see them play at home. 18,000 tickets have now been sold for the inaugural home opening match. bay fc is in the middle of several events around the bay area ahead of saturday's big game. the players attended a celebration just yesterday in san francisco and today as well. the soccer club held its media availability before heading out for practice. so far, they play two games on the road and the players say they are looking forward to playing in front of
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their fans during the home opener at paypal park in san jose. >> i think that we've had a really good start to the season. our chemistry is there. i think that we're playing really good soccer. you know, obviously there's a lot of things that are going to keep improving and that's super exciting to see where we are already at the beginning of the season and to know that we're going to we're going to be a force to be reckoned with. >> team bay fc was established last year and was co-founded by soccer legends brandi chastain, leslie osborne, danielle slaton and allie wagner put together an amazing roster and look at us today. >> we are a team that we were just put together two months ago, and you could never tell if you just saw us on the field. >> after the first two matches of the season, bay fc has one win and one loss. the inaugural home opener is saturday at 7 p.m. at paypal park versus the houston dash, and also on saturday at 8 a.m. fox local presents women's soccer, a new bay era ktvu looks at the
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inaugural season of the bay fc. that special will show how the bay area team is connecting with diverse communities, striving to be the best and inspiring the next generation of female soccer players again. that is coming up saturday morning at 8:00. hope you'll tune in for that and we're all wishing the team really, you know, good luck and hope that they do well. coming up on saturday. big day for them. >> this club already making a mark here in the bay area even before its first home game. heather thank you. >> all right a news conference in oakland today called on the biden administration to decriminalize and deschedule cannabis. it was held at city hall, hosted by the organizations supernova women. the last prisoner project, and the drug policy alliance. they were joined by celebrity advocate and actress rosario dawson. the group say that president biden promised to decriminalize cannabis in 2020 and still has not done so. activists say de-scheduling the substance gives individual states the power to decide how they want to regulate it. >> it's only through decriminalization at the federal
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level that states are actually in a position where they're not being criminalized or their constituents aren't being criminalized. so even if you supported a particular state maintaining criminalization, you should be supporting ending criminalization at the federal level. >> leaders with drug policy alliance say they are taking this call to the white house in april. >> already got a few light scattered showers out there this afternoon. very light. some folks nothing. some folks very little, and other folks like up around healdsburg, a quarter of an inch or more up in the north bay, the far north bay. so for us, we've got the scattered showers pretty much on the afternoon commute. it's not a game changer for the commute in terms of slowing you down too much. it doesn't appear, but we are seeing some light scattered showers in these areas around santa rosa, out around sonoma, over towards sears point or not. sears point. yes. sears point. and then you see this line of showers down around gilroy. that's got some game right there. so the scattered showers continuing as we go into the
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evening hours. and the stronger showers will move in with this back edge here. right in this area. this area here is going to come through tonight and bring us the most rain. so it's just not it's not a real powerful system truthfully, but it's a system nonetheless. and it is here bringing us scattered showers about. here's about 5:00. here's 9:00 tonight. and you can kind of see where we are. this is the computer model. so 9:00 tonight and then midnight. south bay is getting some scattered showers. i think that looks like a pretty good dose. a quarter of an inch to half inch for some of us overnight. and then it kind of clears out on thursday morning and then some more scattered showers thursday afternoon. and then there we are into thursday evening. so tomorrow is kind of a little bit unsettled. but most of this is going to occur between now and midnight tonight or 1:00 in the morning. so when i come back, we'll look at the full forecast. that was just kind of a snapshot of what's happening or what's forecast to happen coming up. >> all right bill thank you. the race to be california's next governor getting even more
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now election workers are counting some of the ballots that were challenged. this needs to be done by tuesday as the top vote getter so far in the primary, former san jose mayor sam liccardo has secured his spot in the november general election, but the margins between second and third place
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still razor thin here right now. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian leads assembly member evan lowe by five votes. the election will be certified on april 12th, but lower simitian can demand a recount and if so, it is the candidates who would have to pay for that recount to be completed. now, if there's a tie, when all is said and done, both would move on to the general election. >> well, the list of candidates hoping to succeed governor gavin newsom in 2026 got a little bigger today. former california controller betty yee is now throwing her hat into the ring. >> people worry we have no power over our future, but i know we do. that's why i'm running for governor. we have the grit and the power to make california add up for all of us again. >> yee, who is currently serving as vice chair of the california democratic party, says she wants to tackle affordability, bring transparency to sacramento and address the climate crisis. other candidates who have already declared their intent to run include lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis and state school superintendent tony
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thurmond. >> 13 months after the devastating floods in the farming community of pajaro, hundreds of residents come to apply for a new round of financial aid. i'm mark sayer, i'll show you what's happening just ahead. >> also ahead tonight to rent or to buy what a new report claims will save you money.
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devastated by winter storms and flooding last year. tonight those impacted families and businesses say this money is sorely needed. ktvu is mark sayer has the story. >> when the levee holding back the pajaro river burst in march of 2023, nearly the entire town was wiped out. homes and cars were flooded and destroyed, and those living here had to evacuate to shelters, hotels and to live with friends or family moved out, lost my car. >> lost your car? yeah. basically this is the main thing. just the car? >> yeah. she lost all of her clothes and all of her personal belongings when we were evacuating, our street was like a river already, and so we had to leave behind our animals and then when we got home three weeks later, there had been water under our house for 2 or 3 weeks. >> so the water started seeping under the floors. >> many residents say they were
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able to get short terms, help for housing and other immediate living assistance from federal and state programs, but now monterey county is managing $20 million worth of direct financial aid to both businesses and residents. businesses could receive up to $100,000 to help with rebuilding, and any individual household could receive up to $15,000 in cash assistance. >> so we're encouraging all of the residents in pajaro who are living and were evacuated on the 10th of march to come and apply. >> the money comes from the state, which approved special legislation to help with the recovery. in pajaro, supervisor glenn church represents pajaro and says the rebuilding process has brought the community together in a way he never thought possible. church feels the community could come back even better than before. >> there's been multiple floods and there's, you know, it's always been like, put a band-aid on it and move on, this thing this time is different. the residents here are more organized. >> back at the assistance line, the rina muhammad says any cash
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assistance will be a huge help. >> how much will it help you? >> oh, it'd be so amazing. it would be so amazing. >> so many people came here to register on this first day. they were given numbers and many will have to come back later in order to officially register for the program. reporting in pajaro. i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, renting is cheaper than buying a home in all of america's largest metro areas. that is according to a recent report by the data shows, because of elevated interest rates, mortgage payments in a starter home cost nearly $100 more than the monthly rent. the city of austin topped the list, where people can save the most money by renting. san francisco and san jose made the top ten in san francisco, the report says. buying a starter home will cost nearly twice as much as renting renters in unincorporated alameda county are urging the county to pass an ordinance to help protect them from eviction. a tenants right group rallied in the ashland area near san lorenzo this morning. the
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proposed just cause ordinance would provide tenants in unincorporated areas protection from eviction. unless there's a specific reason it's been on the agenda now for months without passage, advocates say. without the measure, people who live in these areas still face unjust evictions. >> not only are our folks who are living in apartments and duplexes, but our single family homes, we keep sharing our stories, we keep speaking from the heart, and we keep hoping that the supervisors will protect us. we'll protect the most vulnerable. we'll protect people of color, people with disabilities, our children. but they have failed time and time again. >> at yesterday's board of supervisors meeting, the supervisors voted to set up a committee to discuss ongoing concerns about the ordinance, including when tenants can go to mediation and which units will be covered. they will report back in june. >> a member of the biden administration was in livermore today. the nation's newest labor secretary went to visit one of
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the oldest bus manufacturers in the country. while looking ahead to the future of clean transit as ktvu tom vacar reports, the secretary's message echoes one in the biden campaign's big talking points this election season. >> the u.s. labor secretary visited livermore's 134 year old gillig, the unionized bus manufacturing company, on wednesday as part of the biden administration's reelection road show. this time, the emphases were on investing in structure, building green technology, fighting climate change and growing the middle class. during the carefully choreographed and controlled event, reporters were not permitted into the factory, but the company did supply this video of acting secretary julie su touring the facility. >> we see the transition to more electric busses and zero emission vehicles as as part and parcel of creating a country in which working people do well.
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>> the president's infrastructure investments are about not just roads and bridges. it's also about a coast to coast electric vehicle charging network. >> gillig ceo made this point about this 134 year old company. >> what started as a carriage repair shop in san francisco in 1890 has evolved into what today is the leading transit bus manufacturer in the united states. >> gillig uses all kinds of propulsion systems, from diesel to hybrids to pure electrics. the daily average output seven busses a day, decreasing to four a day when making the more complex pure electrics. seven of the nine us ev bus manufacturers are in california, with its temperate mediterranean climate. electric vehicles, however, perform less well in cold climates, and the nation's electric power grid needs to be far more robust to support all evs. >> all of that needs to happen. it will not happen overnight, but we are laser focused on on
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making it happen, and we're already seeing a shift. there is a lot going into r&d for exactly those kinds of questions. >> in other words, though, gillig and other ev bus makers prove it can be done. can it be done on the grand scale? transit needs to switch over to any time soon. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. >> a vacaville police officer reunited with the children he saved from horrific conditions. their journey from extreme neglect and poverty to much needed shelter. >> plus a major republican senator rallies around israel as the country looks to press ahead with an offensive into southern gaza. i'm trey yingst
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of taking part in a pro-palestinian rally that turned violent. police released images of the suspects in what authorities are calling a riot. they say members of the crowd forced their way into zellerbach playhouse, where an israeli attorney was giving a lecture. guests and police officers were injured and the inside of the building was damaged. the speaker returned to campus a few days later and presented without issue. the city of albany is the latest bay area community now to call for a cease fire in gaza city. council members passed the resolution last night. several residents in the small city of
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20,000 people between berkeley and el cerrito testified both for and against the proposal. other bay area cities, including richmond, oakland and san francisco have all passed ceasefire resolutions tonight. >> the white house is urging israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reconsider his planned offensive in southern gaza. but as fox's trey yingst reports, a growing number of republicans are now rallying behind israel. >> october the 7th was like pearl harbor and nine over 11 on steroids for the israeli people. >> senator lindsey graham, rallying behind israel during a trip to jerusalem wednesday. the republican calling on the biden administration and congress to make sure israel has the time and space needed to achieve total victory over hamas, the four battalions that still reside in the rafah region must be destroyed. >> that is non-negotiable. >> the biden administration, however, is discouraging the rafah offensive, officials saying an invasion where more than 1 million palestinians are
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sheltering puts civilian lives at risk. it will also deeply impact humanitarian aid to the region. >> a full scale military operation into rafah would be a mistake, and it's not something that we can support. >> remarks come amid heightened tension between the us and israel after the us abstained from a un security council vote allowing a cease fire resolution to pass. this led to the cancellation of high level meetings on rafah between an israeli delegation and the biden administration this week. it's a move prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now calling a message to hamas that israel will not bow to international pressure. don't bet on this pressure. >> it's not going to work. >> meanwhile, concerns grow over whether the war will escalate after a day of airstrikes and rocket attacks on the lebanon-israel border. the attacks killed at least seven volunteer medics in southern lebanon and at least one person in northern israel, according to reports. the white house now saying israel has agreed to reschedule that canceled meeting on rafah, but no date has been
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set in tel aviv. trey yingst ktvu, fox two news. >> keeping the money flowing to help the families who can't earn it themselves, the local project benefiting from $1 million donation, also spreading her story across the nation. >> the bay area native, who made history above the atmosphere and is now inspiring the next group of astronauts in rain and scattered showers in the bay area. >> right now, they're going to linger throughout the night into tomorrow morning. we'll try to time that fo business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today.
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this project is creating opportunities for those who need it the most, and has just received a major donation. ktvu is amber lee shows us how the $1 million will be used. >> these were just sketches and notes on paper and now it has turned into a building, a new building to house low income tenants and offer employment opportunities for the formerly incarcerated in west oakland on seventh street that is now known as the black panther. >> it's a continuation of a decades long dream for the former chairwoman of the black panther party, elaine brown. she now heads up oakland and the world enterprise, a nonprofit. on this night, a celebration of her work, we can create opportunity for economic survival, for the opportunity for economic survival was boosted by a historic $1 million
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donation to brown's project from black lives matter. >> it's about making a difference in the lives of people who need it. it's about creating community where black people can thrive, money that brown says will launch a handful of businesses to be run by the formerly incarcerated, such as michael lewis. >> he says he was paroled from prison in georgia late last year after serving 27 years. i came from the streets, my mom smoked crack. >> my dad was wasn't around, you know, so i came from nothing. so this is my opportunity for my first opportunity. and i'm going to take advantage of such a great opportunity. >> brown tells me it took almost ten years and $80 million in grants to turn a vacant lot into a center to help those who are marginalized, and she says the donation from black lives matter will make it possible to launch an urban farm tech center, a market, and others. i was stunned by it because no black organization has given us a dime . brown tells me construction of the building is expected to be
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completed in may, and that it should be ready to welcome tenants in july. in oakland, amber lee, ktvu, fox two news a vacaville police officer has been reunited with three children he met three years ago when they were living in horrific conditions. >> isaac stevens took pictures with the three brothers in a courtroom where adoption papers were signed. his first encountered the children, or he rather first encountered the children when they were eight, four and two during a call for a welfare check on a minor. police say they were living in a grossly unsanitary apartment with no adult supervision around stevens promptly got solano county child welfare services involved. it was a turning point for the brothers, who were placed with foster parents. they have been living now in a safe and loving home since meeting officer stevens, nasa's first indigenous female astronaut, is now taking her story to college campuses to inspire young people to follow their dreams. >> and i didn't have it all
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figured out. i didn't know that i wanted to be an astronaut. i didn't even know that that was a possibility. >> astronaut nicole mann is a petaluma native, and last year she spent six months at the international space station and completed two space walks. her story is now inspiring the next generation of astronauts, engineers and scientists. >> she really showed me that there are a lot of opportunities for people of indigenous backgrounds, and it's not a detriment where you come from or, you know, your who you are. >> mann is also a colonel in the marine corps and has served as a combat fighter and test pilot. >> all righty. a few light scattered showers out there now to the tune of a quarter of an inch for parts of the far north bay. >> the rain will come down overnight to another quarter of inch for most of us. here's the plan. scattered showers tonight as we go into tomorrow. we've
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got the scattered showers kind of just winding down, and then we get back into it again on friday as the next system comes in. so it's an overnight event for us tonight with some measurable rain overnight and then back into friday. another overnight event. so we'll look at that on a long range model when we get right in in a minute. but as you head outside you can look kind of drizzly out there in san francisco right now, a little bit gloomy. there's the system. and what i wanted to point out here, i think i pointed it out earlier, is the dynamics on these systems. the next couple of ones basically are further north, where or further south where this one is going to swing through the strongest dynamics are up here. this next one that comes around on friday, the strongest dynamics are going to be a little further south of us. so we're sort of being missed by two systems. not completely. we'll get rain, but we're not going to see those big accumulations like we had seen earlier this winter. it was an impressive winter overall. so currently you see where the showers are and look how power. that's a bad boy right there.
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look at the open celled cumulus. the spin. and it's going off from medford all the way north but and up into the vancouver island area. we're on the south end of this one. and like i said, the main hit is north. so we're kind of getting the scud from the system. widely scattered showers, although i saw some pretty significant rain rates down in the santa clara gilroy area, santa clara valley and the gilroy area just about an hour ago. current temperatures in the 50s, about where they were yesterday or a little warmer. and then here's the model for right about now. and then there's about 3 a.m. tomorrow. tomorrow morning. and then there's the afternoon. so. right. what do you do with that? i think it's just going to be cloudy. and then same thing. so thursday looks okay. and then we get into friday night or friday morning into friday afternoon. and this system slow to get here. and again the strongest dynamics are down here. we're kind of in the northern quadrant . and you see what it does on saturday. and then on saturday afternoon. so the plan is a
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couple misses near misses. we'll get rain but not a lot. not more than a half inch quarter inch in many places with each one. but the mountains will do well for snow. you bet. winter storm warning up there. there's a five day forecast. i'll see you back here at six. >> all right, bill, thank you. it is seven eleven's newest drink for sale. or is it why the internet is buzzing about this flavored sparkling water? >> and coming up tonight at six. san francisco police cited dozens of people for drug charges in the tenderloin in the span of a week, coming up, we'll look at how many of them have actually been charged and the date has been set for apple's big conference for software developers, but not all of them are actually invited to attend in person.
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flavored sparkling waters. it includes lemon, lime, sweet orange, and hot dog. now the company calls it a twist on their big bite hot dog. they go on to say more details on this hot dog flavor will be revealed april 1st, so this could possibly be an early april fools joke. >> a new study says while most
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americans think recycling is important to fall spa, a smaller number of people actually take part. fox news ted lindner takes a closer look now at the reasons why and why it's not too late to get more people involved. >> reduce, reuse, recycle. it's a simple phrase packing big meaning recycling helps keep more waste from winding up in landfills, where piles of plastic trash takes hundreds of years to decompose, releasing harmful greenhouse gas emissions like methane in the process. according to data from the nonprofit group project drawdown , recycling between 2020 and 2050 is expected to reduce emissions by 5.5 to 6 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide. that's equal to removing more than 1 billion vehicles off the streets for a year. >> and we really have to think about the bigger picture. >> but while a 2022 study by the world economic forum found 94% of americans support recycling, only 35% actually do it. the main reason stopping people is a
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lack of convenience and confusion over what exactly can be recycled. >> pay attention to the labels on the package and look for the ways that they are sort of indicating for you to recycle them, because it actually hurts the system if you recycle in the wrong way. >> but the buck doesn't stop with recycling cups, bottles and containers. food waste is a big portion of the waste that that goes into the landfill. the environmental protection agency says composting is nature's way of recycling. james sternberg of clemson university says a lack of industrial composting centers makes it harder for more people to compost. if you can't compost at home, sternberg recommends thinking about how much food you buy so you don't over consume the epa reports food waste results in more methane emissions than any other material breaking down in landfills. ted lindner, fox news . >> next, at 6:00, police opened fire in kill a woman accused of shooting her son in pacifica
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tonight. investigators remain remain at the scene. >> also, it is my honor to introduce to you our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> after more than a year of searching, oakland mayor shengtao introduces the city's newest police chief, and she voices a lot of confidence in his ability. plus we need to bring a sense of closure and comfort to the families, and we take that very seriously. >> new information into the investigation into the collapse of the key bridge in maryland. authorities say they've recovered two bodies in the water, but fear they won't be able to reach the other for this is ktvu, fox two news at six. and good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> we begin tonight with that developing story of a deadly police shooting in pacifica. >> the shooting happened this morning on francisco boulevard between lakeside avenue and clarendon road. police say they killed a woman after she was suspected of shooting her adult son. ktvu crystal bailey joins


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