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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  January 26, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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bay area farm workers coming to life following monday's mass shooting. good evening, everyone and mike mibach julie julie haener now county and state officials say they are planning to take action. ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters was in half moon bay tonight and has more on those conditions. couples coming from china, right and the immigration . and they have a lot of life so difficult. you know, and i just feel so sorry. this things happen in the aftermath of the half moon bay, mass shooting. people are now coming to grips with what may have been a factor in rising tension among farm workers for someone who is getting paid. on a non living wage, regardless of how low it is and living in conditions that they have to accept because they have no other choice. it's a huge stressor. governor newsom's office sent this tweet thursday morning, saying in part the
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conditions farmworkers shared with the governor being paid $9 an hour and living in shipping containers are simply deplorable . that is no way to live. california is investigating the farms involved in the half moon bay shooting to ensure workers are treated fairly and with the compassion they deserve. the work wouldn't get done without them. americans don't want to do this work. these people do. i have a lot of empathy for them for their values and their work ethic. i respect it, they should be paid for the hard work that they do on thursday after visiting one of the crime scenes , san mateo county supervisor ray mueller also posted these photos on twitter, calling the farmworkers living conditions deplorable and heartbreaking. suzanne mackell says she's lived in half moon bay for a decade and has seen some of the conditions. i want to say it's a four or five unit building. kind of like a longhouse with i think
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one room. apartments and i know and one of the units. there's nine people living in the mueller also said in his tweet that he does plan to improve the lives of farmworkers suggest, as he promised during his recent campaign. we reached out to muller, but he hasn't responded in time for this report. lamonica peters, ktvu fox two news. the pain of back to back mass shootings in monterey park and the half moon bay shootings brought hundreds of people. the san francisco's chinatown tonight ktvu is jana katsuyama spoke with community members who are calling for more support and kindness to help fight violence. bell echoed through san francisco's chinatown once for each of the souls lost in the mass shootings at half moon bay and monterey park, painful way to ring in the year of the rabbit. coalition of asian and gun control. nonprofits called for compassion and shining a
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light on the darkness and desperate need to remove the stigma in many asian communities of asking for help with mental health. just want to get some support. when we face these things, we feel painful. we feel lonely. we need someone to talk to and suffering that in silence being scared. all alone is what we want to change. the 66 year old chinese farm worker accused of shooting and killing seven coworkers in half moon bay told a reporter he was bullied at work. the shooter in monterey park took his own life after the attack, described by some as lonely and hopeless, the names of all the victims chinese and mexican were written on a lantern reverend norman fong brought to thursday's vigil. my dad when he came, immigrated to the u. s and 1915. the chinese were farm workers first. i mean, so there's solidarity between our two communities, and i hope
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nothing divides us. sometimes it's about loneliness, family of benjamin and all these, you know , could turn from love to hate. in a moment at the vigil, a call for action gun control more services and caring across the community you pay is my pain. your community is my community healing together. after the vigil, people left candles and flowers here in san francisco's chinatown, and organizers had condolence books for people to sign to send to the victim's families. in san francisco. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news. five former memphis police officers are now charged with murder in the beating death of 29 year old tyree nichols, all five or charged with second degree murder, aggravated assault and aggravated kidnapping. among other charges
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. memphis police say they pulled nichols over for alleged reckless driving on january 7th, which then led to a confrontation after nichols ran from the scene. the body cam footage is set to be released tomorrow. nichols's mother spoke at a vigil tonight calling for calm but from what i hear, it's going to be her riff iq. but i won't each and every one of you. protests in peace. i don't want . it's burning up our cities tearing up the streets because that's not what my son stood for. lawyers for nickels, families say police, pepper sprayed tased and kick nichols quote like a human pinata. new at 11 tonight. five men have been charged in connection with a string of armed robberies in the east bay. the alameda county d. a s office says the suspects are responsible for 27 holdups that netted $30,000 in cash and
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cigarettes. the suspects are all in their twenties. four are from oakland, and one is from richmond. their arrests were the result of a months long investigation by officers from san leandro hayward, oakland, berkeley and alameda, unincorporated lafayette, a family's backyard. guard is slowly crumbling away right into a creek, putting their home at risk. as ktvu cristina rendon reports. the family is tied up in a lawsuit against contra costa county over who is responsible for the creek. it was really just sort of a nice little natural watercourse that you know, we enjoyed seasonally can only watch as the creek behind his home keeps getting wider, eroding his property line . he lives near brookwood park in unincorporated lafayette. this is really where the problem is. sort of started is there was failed spillway here in the creek says that failed spillway cost concrete to fall and block the flow of water, creating a scour hole documented in these
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pictures from 2017. year after year, it gets worse. we lost a lot of our fans, and we lost a lot of land here when we bought the house, i mean, you could step across the creek, but january storms were the tipping point. their backyard is washing away. we were concerned the fence would fall in. we had to remove the fence and a couple of trees and our own expense family and another neighbor sued contra costa county for failing to maintain the drainage easements leading to destruction of private property. but in 2021 , a judge ruled in the county's favor, saying there was no evidence that the county exerted control over or assumed responsibility for the creek or storm drain system. the shenson are appealing. the judge basically ignored all that evidence. they say this county document from 1975 is all the proof they need, which says the drainage system would be maintained by the county. i spokesperson for contra costa county confirmed. a judge ruled in the county's favor. and since the case is under appeal, they can't comment on pending litigation. every year, it gets
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further and further upstream and affects more and more of the neighbors, and it's terrifying, called a structural engineer and are waiting on an emergency permit to build a retaining wall to protect their land from further erosion. but a wall is well out of their means. the estimates i'm starting to get are starting to add up to what is you know? half a million dollars, maybe even up to three quarters of a million dollars, given the amount of terrain that's been affected by this, they say they can't afford to fix the problem, but they also can't afford not to if we don't settle or when. it'll financially sink us. it should have been taken care of before we lost our land before we lost our trees before we lost our hillside. the jensens hope the county recognizes it has an obligation to address the damage done before their home is at risk of falling down into the creek in contra costa county, cristina rendon ktvu fox two news the state is boosting water allocations for public agencies as reservoirs rise due to the recent rain, water officials said. those agencies will be getting 30% of what they asked
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for. that is that from just 5% in december, a series of powerful storms dumped an estimated 32 trillion gallons of water in california in just three weeks, the two largest reservoirs in the state water project, oroville and san luis have gained a combined 1.62 million acre feet of water in storage. we are not yet fully calculating the snowpack and taking that into consideration into the state water project allocations. um we will do our second snow survey of the year next week. february 1st. that's when we will be able to collect all that snow pack data. as of this week, california had more than twice as much snow in the mountains as the historical average, but most of the state remains in moderate or severe drought, and officials warned that dry conditions could return. still to come tonight an animal abuse investigation now underway in the east bay. what
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animal control found as a dog owners home. besides signs of abuse, had a different approach to help recruit teachers here in california, the new partnership announced today. i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions,
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liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. say the number of power tool these is actually spiked in oakland over the past four months. this is video shared by a viewer showing thieves stealing tools from a contractor's truck has happened
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back in october. police said. the two arrests made this month are unrelated. the first suspect is accused of several power tool robberies in oakland. the second suspect is so far link to one robbery. oakland police are encouraging construction workers to lock their tools with a security chain and padlock and grave their name or their company's name on the tools and gps trackers. people in one east bay neighborhood have captured video of a dog heard crying out for help, day after day, and when animal control was called to the home, they found quite a bit more than just an abused dog . ktvu brooks jarocz explains why the dog's owner is now under arrest. he is a bundle of energy . he wants to crawl in your lap and listen to you. his name is turbo. a rescued one year old pitbull mix, a dog contra costa animal services says was severely abused. you can see bruising around his ears hear the calls began monday from montoya garden apartments in san
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pablo claims of a continual problem playing out in a balcony. the animal was beaten. and housed poorly in this cramped area, said he witnessed turbo being beaten and thrown blood found in the hallway and on the stairs. but it was the sounds that investigators say caught the attention of those who live here screaming of the animal and the noise of the actual beating. a neighbor captured the cruelty on camera in graphic detail several times . in one video, the dog's owner held him in the air while beating turbo with a stick all over the body while the dog cried out. able to get away or defend itself the feeling of just horror. seen any animal beaten. is a horrible experience after getting a search warrant and help from san pablo police turbo was taken tuesday night, but that's not all police uncovered packaged marijuana, guns, ammunition and a large amount of cash. the weapons that
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we found were high capacity assault rifle shotgun. glock pistol revolver. these are all very, very dangerous weapons. melvin broadway was arrested. he's face felony firearms charges before now. the 32 year old is expected to be charged for weapons, drugs and animal cruelty, told investigators he never hurt turbo who was like a son to him, but turbo was found trapped in a crate unable to move without food and water. it's heartbreaking. um especially a dog like turbo who is just a very sweet pup. turbo is being treated for his trauma , including cuts, swelling and bruising. he will recover from those. he seems to have a very resilient personality. and so that is quite encouraging, given the doctors dozing of medicine, lots of treats and love right now. the district attorney is reviewing the case. broadway is being held at the contra costa county jail turbo is being cared for at the animal shelter.
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brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news . a new effort is underway to recruit teachers across california state school superintendent tony thurman announced a new partnership with california volunteers. the organization will work to recruit teachers from a poll of california core members. in california like in almost every state, there is a workforce shortage and that workforce shortages also in our schools, and there were many challenges our schools face as a result, and while the california department of education doesn't traditionally work on recruitment, we want to do more to partner with our l e. a s our school districts that that typically are the ones recruiting teachers and classified staff for the positions that they have opened. superintendent thurman says there will be a series of career fairs and events that connect future teaching candidates which school districts experiencing shortages. coming up the state's plan to force some people with mental health issues into care is under fire. the civil rights
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groups now taking legal action. also one of the largest wineries in the country, is starting to close up some shops and move south by the makers of barefoot wine. closing production in california. and a barrier weather another beautiful day out there with lots of sunshine. but the pattern is about to change and we could soon be shivering the other day a hornets nest fell on my head. it's not ideal, but we'll manage. just like i manage without home internet. sure i wish this hotspot was a lot faster. but my phone works, sometimes. it's not that bad. ew. it is that bad. don't settle. get xfinity home internet for just $19.99 a month for 1 year with a free streaming box call, click or visit a store today.
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and into the mass shooting in monterey park. authorities say a motorcycle this one belonged to the gunman who can tran it was parked a block away from the crime scene hours before the shooting. they're calling it the gunman's backup getaway vehicle . officers found him dead inside his van the day after the shooting. so far, they say, the search for a motive has come up
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empty. they have not been able to establish a connection. between the suspect and any of the victims thus far. police also released photos of some of the weapons that the gunman used, including a nine millimeter mac 10 with a homemade silencer. authorities say it was wrapped in duct tape , probably to protect his hands from the heat. it would generate . a man was arrested tonight following a large apartment fire down south in los angeles. this happened in the west lake neighborhood. lapd officers were told someone was lighting things on fire inside that building and as of 7 30 tonight, the detainee has not been formally booked as he is getting medical attention . officials did not say if anyone was injured in the fire. congressman adam schiff of southern california, announced he will run for the senate seat of dianne feinstein and today, feinstein suggested she's not ready to make an announcement herself. i think people should if they want to run run. for me
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. i just need a little bit more time. she was very gracious. when i told her i was interested in running for the u. s senate, uh and it was nothing but encouraging. um and i appreciate that relationship. she will make her own announcement when she's ready, and i think she's earned the right to do that. we spoke with congressman schiff live at four. he said that he will run on a track record of fighting for working families supporting labor and defending democratic institutions. several civil rights groups have filed the new laws. suit over the state's plan to force some people with mental health issues into court ordered care. three organizations filed a lawsuit in the state supreme court today accusing the state's care courts for mental health treatment unconstitutional. groups who oppose the system say it violates due process and equal protection rights they care courts have been championed by governor newsom. the governor's office told the l a times that it plans to fight the lawsuit. it has been a nice little weather stretch over the past few days, lots of sunshine
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and some mild temperatures as well. lots of sixties and seventies. we do begin to cool things off tomorrow in your friday forecast, take a look at some of the highest from this afternoon couple seventies towards santa rosa and redwood city. lots of sixties over san francisco conquered and san jose in the upper sixties. here's the overall weather story, though temperatures be taken a slide. and your friday forecast and more cooling into the weekend. that cold pattern will stick around into early next week. here's the satellite showing you a big circulation out here in the pacific and the jet stream here you can see the clouds trying to move into northern california and we will pick up a few clouds for tonight. into a tomorrow morning as something that partly cloudy skies and some patchy fog making a comeback. current numbers for the 11 o'clock hour we have cooled off into the forties for santa rosa and napa, san francisco, mid fifties and san jose 50 degrees. here's our live camera looking out toward the bay bridge out towards san francisco still in the clear,
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but we're going to add some clouds to the mix and maybe some patchy fog. first thing tomorrow morning. overnight temperatures will be in the thirties and the forties, which interesting, though they overnight temperatures will be very cold. next week, and we will be talking about some freeze warnings as early as monday morning at least the possibility this area of high pressure has been warming us up, but it begins to back off tomorrow. so are cooling trend begins for your friday fifties and sixties and then this weather system moves in from the north over the weekend. this will definitely send temperatures down this weekend, and we could be talking about at least just the chance of a few scattered light showers on sunday is not a washout, but the possibility of a few scattered showers. here is your friday partly the skies into saturday partly cloudy skies and then in the sunday you can see this assistant moving in so definitely more clouds. looks like some more sierra snowfall and the chance of some scattered showers here in the bay area. once again that will be on sunday. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. not as warm as today, but still a few
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sixties out there and we'll call it partly cloudy throughout the day and winds could be around 15 to 25 miles an hour. cool down really kicks in over the weekend with that shower chance on sunday, that cooling theme that cold pattern really sticks around really kicks in in the early next week, so from warm to cool, it's all happening in this five day forecast, mark thank you. one of the largest wineries in the country has reportedly closing some of its facilities here in california, packing up and moving to texas san francisco business times is reporting the makers of barefoot wine will be closing their production facilities. in california by march, 1st e and j. gallo winery started producing low cost wine brands in modesto nearly 100 years ago . this move is expected to result in more than 350 people being laid off in california, including 93 people at a plant in hayward. at 11 tonight at historic thermal springs resort in napa county, is being refurbished as a high end retreat. the luxury brand six census says the aetna springs resort will reopen as a 95 room
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hotel resort in pope valley was a popular destination for decades, starting in the 18 nineties, but it has fallen into disrepair. developers say the new resort will include bottlings of mineral water from the springs. it is set to open in 2026 49ers are headed to philadelphia tomorrow for the nfc championship game jason appelbaum as the teams take on sunday's big game u business can happen anytime, anywhere. so help yours thrive and stay connected with the
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39 years. they have won 12 straight games. if they can make it 13 in a row. they will be headed to the super bowl. and today in santa clara, the niners got in their second to last practice before flying to philadelphia tomorrow. tomorrow afternoon. 1 45 for sunday's nfc
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championship game. one of the major storylines is how 49ers quarterback rookie quarterback brock purdy will handle his first playoff start on the road in a very loud stadium against the eagles. second ranked defense one thing that niners have going for them is their health. there is close to full strength as they have been all year, so no big injuries, but that doesn't mean they're fresh and fact they haven't had a weekend off. in three months. guys are banged up. this has been a long season. but when you when you have the pinnacle of the game, which is a super bowl dangling right in your face, i think, yeah, the star evasive to get there is what's gonna push push people through the nfl. when you look at paper, it should be like, oh, yeah, we can match their physicality and stuff like that. and then you get on the field on sundays and the film after the game will show you exactly what you're asking. so i know we're gonna come out. we're gonna be violent, physical. i'm expecting them to be the same thing, but we'll see. we shall see. indeed
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you can watch the nfc championship game right here on ktvu fox to kick off at noon this sunday in philadelphia. australian open semifinals american tommy paul faces fourth seeded novak djokovic baron hour from now in the other semi at rod laver arena in melbourne. third seeded stefano sits the pass just finished his match with carne con off of russia. after winning the first two sets sets, the past freezes catch on off with that forehand winner. janow wins the third set in a tiebreaker sits the past regains control match point shamanov hits in the it's a little long and the greek sits the past wins in four sets to advance to the finals. bear sports hall of fame announced this year's class and it is a stacked class. indeed buster posey's headlining the class of five new inductees. the former giant katchor won three world series titles and mvp award and was a seven time all star. the other inductees
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patrick willis, who is a seven time pro bowl linebacker with the 49ers and one of the most dominant players of his era. soccer hall of fame. julie fauci , who won two world cups and two olympic gold medals, who was a fat four time all american at stanford as well. gary payton, the glove nine time nba all star guard who played his high school ball at skyline high and oakland , and rounding out the five inductees. olympic boxing champion andre ward, also from oakland. who retired in 2017 as the light heavyweight champ with the perfect 32 record. it's arguably the most accomplished bischoff class in history. are you familiar with the gritty it's a touchdown celebration made famous by minnesota vikings wide receiver justin jefferson. check this out. south walton high school, santa rosa beach, florida staff and students with an attempt at the gritty we should show you what jefferson
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how he did it, but we will say this is what just call it a gritty off. look at look at the woman in the spin. yeah, she's into it. give it to her to late to get gritty. hmm not f look, i, but just think how good you're gonna feel tomorrow when you wake up and we have all-new shelf paper. i wish i didn't get what you were talking about, but i do. i just do. (cell phone rings) hey, who could be calling at this hour? (ring) oh. it's sal. mnh-mnh. (beep) no. not answering that. whatever earth-shattering drama she's going through can wait. (pounds on door) until she gets here. (pounding) oh, god. i hope we have vodka. we don't, mitchell. (pounding continues) sal was our best girlfriend from back in our party days, but over the years, we've kind of gone in different directions. we chose forward. uh, something's wrong with that door. okay, whatever. i have the most amazing news, and i'm super excited, but i won't be if you don't want me to be. ready? i'm getting married! oh, my gosh! congratulations! oh, wow! (high-pitched voice) i know! who's the guy? oh, the love of my life. oh, so you finally bagged your boss?


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