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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  July 21, 2010 9:36pm-9:59pm PST

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controversial nightclub that has been the scene of deadly violence.
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. the port of san francisco announced today it is canceling the lease of a waterfront nightclub after a deadly shooting earlier this month. yellies is located on pier 50 in the mission bay district in
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at&t park. 10 days ago lee farl. y was shot in the parking lot outside the club. the second fatal shooting at that club in two years. police have made no arrests in the shooting. the port said it has terminated the club's lease as of august 18th, citing concerns about public safety. an exclusive new ktvu field poll suggests the majority of california voters favor capital punishment. 70% of voters responding to the poll said they favor the death penalty as a punishment for severe violent crimes. when given a choice of punishments for first degree murder convictions, 42% favor life in prison without parole. 41% favoured the death penalty. 14% said it would depend on the circumstances. executions in california have been on hold since 2006 because of legal challenges to the lethal injection procedure. in news of the world tonight, south korea secretary of state hillary clinton and
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defense secretary robert gates toured the de militarized zone. clinton called for new sanctions against north ko in the ongoing effort to convince the communist country to give up its nuclear weapons program. gates called the visit a sign of the u.s. commitment to south korea's security. in china officials say more than 1,000 people are dead or missing following severe flooding triggereof record rain. the floodwaters have destroyed 645,000 homes. and forecasters say the worst may still be ahead during this typhoon season. in being fact another tropical storm is expected to hit southern china this weekend. and on australia's gold coast the crew of the plasticky relaxed today after a four month 8,000-mile voyage from the bay area. it is made in part from 12,000 plastic bottles. it is part of a project to draw attention to the amount of plastic waist in oceans around
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the world. the crew plans to push on to sydney this weekend. two sailors have survived a close encounter with a whale that leaped out of the ocean and crashed into their boat. well, the sailors say that the 40-ton whale kept surfacing, take a look at this, and suddenly crashed into their yacht just outside of capetown bay, south africa. the whale landed on the boat's desk breaking its mast. the two sailors were not hurt and the whale appeared to swim away. >> that was incredible. >> it is. >> crash or credit. straight ahead, why stores and restaurants soon may offer an incentive r cabs. >> and our meteorologist bill martin will be back with the full forecast in the area where you live.
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. the ktvu channel 2 weather report is brought to you by the santa cruz beach boardwalk. . president obama today signed the most sweeping financial industry reform since the great depression.
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the legislation bars lending banks from speculative trading, sets up procedures to shut down financial firms that are considered too big to fail. and creates a consumer protection bureau to oversee credit cards, mortgages and other consumer loans. that new financial reform law could have a significant impact on how you use your credit cards. as ktvu's alli rasmuss reports merchants now have more options, including charging you more for what you are buying. >> reporter: it cost amanda west more than $200 a month to let customers at her berkeley restaurant use debit and credit cards. >> if someone pays for a 75- cent cookie with their debit card we might be charged up to 14 or 20 cents for that transaction which means we are not making money. we are losing money on that transaction. >> supporters say the financial overhaul bill the president signed into law today will help retailers deal with those fees. it will allow retailers to set
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minimum purchase requirements for customers using credit cards. and allows retailers to offer discounted prices for customers who use cash. and gives the federal reserve oversight swipe fees allowing the feds to restrict or regulate those fees. >> it is a go ahead movement forward and that there was awareness about the pain that credit card transaction fees have on small businesses like ours. >> reporter: scott hagy is the president of a non-profit group representing 4,000 businesses state wide. he says because of the new law we could start seeing more businesses give customers an incentive to pay with cash. he says the bottom line retailers now have more flexibility. >> the decision is left up to the business and not the dictated on what it has to be. >> reporter: but the electronic payment coalition in washington, d.c. says that flexibility comes with a price, a price that will be passed on to consumers. the coalition represents banks and credit card companies. >> consumers are going to see more fees on the chequing
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accounts, on rewards cards, on their regular credit cards all so that the merchants don't have to pay their fair share. >> reporter: the new law won't have an impact on everyone's debit cards. debit cards issued by small community banks and credit unions are exempt. ktvu, channel 2 news. a piece of san francisco history was returned to its rightful place today three years after it was stolen. the left arm of a mannequin of baseball legend leftie o'dool was taken by customers of the restaurant that bears its name. it appears that the kidnappers took the arm on a joyride, if you will, through the midwest. >> he has some new family back there. he wenton sleigh rides and went to the state capitol. got his picture with a lot of women. >> quite a trip. >> yes, quite a trip. >> quite a trip indeed. the owners say the owner was reattached and the mannequin is
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back greeting customers. to show there are no hard feelings the owners plan to send some mix to the return address on the box. that left arm has more exciting life than i do. it's the middle of july and the bay area is experiencing one of its coldest summers in years. today has been another foggy and chilly day. temperatures have remained unseasonably low along the west coast. some bay area cities are seeing the lowest summer temperatures in 40 years. so far this month san francisco has been four degrees cooler than normal. today tourists told us they have been taken by surprise. >> freezing. i have on three layers. and i just came from texas and it's 105. [ laughter ] >> ktvu chief meteorologist bill martin says the daytime high in downtown san francisco was 56 degrees. that is the lowest temperature ever recorded for this date. [ music ] and we've got some cool temperatures in land right now. let's take a look at the live storm tracker 2. something i
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haven't seen really boy all summer. right now? sacramento it's 60 degrees. this cool marine air has really infiltrated the valley a few days ago sacramento this time of night was doing 70s and 80s. in land temperatures in the valley have cooled off quite a bit adds well. the forecast goes, the fog fills in again tonight. breezy on the coast tomorrow. just some more warming as we move into the next couple of days. it is not going to get hot but warmer than it was today by a good 5-10 degrees as we move through tomorrow. microclimates start at the coast in the upper 50s. into san francisco and over to the east bay 74 degrees out there towards albany. over the next barrier, the east bay hills, 82 degrees out towards walnut creek, concord, and you keep going east in these microclaim ates it warms further. 86 towards clayton. and out towards antioch and observingly upper 80s. those temperatures when they
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verify time will be a good 10 degrees, easy 10 degrees warmer than they were today. maybe 10-12 degrees. san jose tomorrow 81 for downtown san jose. maybe a little patchy fog in the tomorrow. but tomorrow is marked with more rapid clearing than we saw today. because today or yesterday and today the fog hung out. tomorrow it will burn off more quickly. high pressure is beginning to strengthen. that low pressure is going this way. so temperatures are coming up. mid-80s for most of us in the in land valleys. mid-70s for the rest of us. your thursday will be the warmest day of the week. not the warmest day of the week but a lot warmer than the last couple of days. warmer. friday a little warmer still. but just not going to get hot. temperatures in the upper 80s or low 90s. three oranges and brighter colors, the hotter and higher temperatures are coming our way. that's how it goes. but not going to get hot. no high fire danger. just a nice mild pattern. but warmer than it was yesterday and today. 87 in livermore.
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86 in pleasantton. cities where you live or near where you live will feel quite nice. along the coast quite will cool. the fog is a constant player there. the five day forecast can't say it enough. but we have gone many nights without leading with a fire. and that is unusual for this time of year. that lends itself to what you were saying heather the coolest july in many cities. >> thanks, bill. >> in sacramento today governor schwarzenegger joked about the controversy surrounding mel gibson. >> it was bad news. but the good news is that bp has contained the oil leak. that is good news finally. [ applause ] >> finally. >> the bad news is that no one has figured out how to contain mel gibson. [ laughter ] >> the terminator versus road warrior moment came as the government talked with utility executives in sacramento. mel gibson has been under fire since recordings came out reportedly of him using racist and sexist language in an angry outburst at his former
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girlfriend. >> coming up next, facebook marks a milestone.
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. the ktvu channel 2 sports route report is brought to you by verizon. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. . facebook executives announced today their website has hit a significant milestone. a half a billion members. facility al based social networking site started six
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years ago in a harvard university dorm. some of00 million members apparently have issues with the site. a recent satisfaction survey of web users put facebook in the bottom 5% when it comes to customer satisfaction, possibly because of concerns over privacy. mark ibanez joins us now. and no series sweep of the gain. >> no. 2-3 ain't bad as meat loaf once said. just like last night without the action and general theater innings. giants excitement missing, too dull in comparison. larry king was there perhaps prowling the stands for wife number eight. barry zito pitched very well but had trouble with this guy casey blake giving it a ride down the left field ride. solo homerun 1-0. and that is the score. it remained until the 8th inning. zit lifted after getting two guys on against him. sergio romo can't help the
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situation as blake can't the two out hit single makes it 2- 0. jerry in the dugout not a bit hall. chad billingsly meanwhile the giants with a complete game. they threatened a couple of time but couldn't come through. the giants do take 2-3 as it is on to arizona for them. whatever is going on with the as, what's not to like? winners of five of their last six since the all star break. despite a number of injuries, the boston red sox are more than a bunch of stiffs. oakland beat them this afternoon thanks in part to matt watson. 32-year-old his first big league homerun bounced around the miners, played over in asia. coming through like a champion today. jack cust knows a little bit about minor league buses. jack his fifth and into the 5 davis into short center-field base hit. he will play the pair. and the as take it 6-4. gonzalez with the 9th win for
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oakland. and we have the big-time local kid making go ahead story going on with the warriors as they sign palo alto high star jeremy lynn who went undrafted, was extremely impressive in summer league ball. four years at harvard. the six foot three inch guard became a bit of a cult figure after scoring 30 points against yukon. the 13th ranked team in the country. for lynn a dream come true. walking into that warriors locker room is something more as an invited visitor. >> i walked into that locker room about an hour ago and i saw my name tag up there. that was pretty crazy. >> well, my dream was to play in the nba and now i get to do it for the warriors, the team that i grew up watching. like you said, it's more than a dream come true. it's as possible. i am also extremely excited to play here. i am very thankful for the opportunity. >> that will be a great story if he makes the team. just finally the stage was empty at the tour de france.
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a rough day with resumption tomorrow. alberto contadoor is spill sporting that yellow jersey as the leader. >> that warrior story is great. >> good stuff. >> i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm frank somerville. our coverage continues online at have a good evening, everyone. >> good night.
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