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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  January 26, 2023 8:00am-8:53am PST

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and a menos. take a look at the headlines. what we're looking for is that foggy? no, but that might not be the it's not. it's probably going story tomorrow morning. but let's focus on today is to be blogging tomorrow. but beautiful. >> current temperatures will today. show you san jose. we're at 45 >> the big question is like we're just asking when we break records. maybe we also right there on the coast. we're at 55. some places teetering to the north at 56. watching strong gusty winds. so keep that in mind tomorrow. we'll be watching as will it but overall, those temperatures going to be lot be foggy? and as we roll into like yesterday. what will the weekend, what we'll be focus on today is your current looking for is the potential wind conditions, especially up to the north. we've noticed for rain. so current temperatures right now as we when conditions in the teens speak, it's 9 o'clock and san francisco were already at 58 livermore. 52 and even santa we have the potential for up rosa. we're at 57. so the or when 40 miles per hour says wind gusty conditions to the north. but overall, it's going to be beautiful day. rana rain temperatures right now are the average temperatures we should is on the way. thankfully not be experiencing for the high. tomorrow, but i'll tell you so it the tone that it way when coming up next. all right, brittany, thanks for that. hey, if you are heading above average current into the city, it's going to be about 25 minutes to make temperatures are pretty warm. but what we're watching for that drive may's to that you in the breezy conditions freeman street exit. no to to the north right now, it's not too breezy, but take a look right there at the accidents or hazards, but coast we're looking at 24 certainly do have the meteor lights on and more people miles per hour. so one thing will continue to watch traveling. if you're taking throughout bart, there is a major delay that's on the various a line because of some equipment issues. so they're working on trying to fix that right now. 25 minutes a 80 to 101 down from 40 minutes across the san
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mateo bridge. we had an earlier accident. thankfully, that's clear. but you're seeing residual issues 15 minutes heading across the richmond, sandra fell bridge. and let's get a look at our golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls about 40 minutes because we're starting to see traffic build along one on one darya. james, back to you. thank you. rain. 8 o'clock and are developing story. the man accused of the mass shooting and half moon bay is set to go back to court next month. schenley zhao zhao made his first court appearance. >> wednesday he faces 7 counts of murder. one count, attempted murder, all with special circumstances. and that means that the san mateo county district attorney can seek the death penalty if convicted on all charges. the da believes the motive for the shooting is what authorities called workplace violence. but he wouldn't elaborate on that or say if you thought specific victims who were shot were targeted. we want to make sure that this man gets a fair trial that the victims families. >> get justice through a fair
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trial and that the case gets it right here in the community in which it was committed. >> just spent most of his brief court appearance trying to keep his face covered. he did not enter a plea but was reported 2 private attorneys to handle his defense. and the judge also granted the da's request to hold him without bail. he's going to be back in court. feb or 16. >> meanwhile, investigators revealed the names of the 7 people killed in the mass shooting that put them up on your screen 5 within their men, too. are women all were migrant farmers of asian and hispanic descent. >> the farmworker outreach team. all us who they've been in touch with the victims, families. they say it's going to take some time before they're ready to come forward and share their memories. >> we are hearing, though, from people who have come forward. in small numbers to share their stories. kron four's will tran has actually been out the memorial that's been growing there. half moon bay with that part of the story will. >> people are walking by the
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memorial this morning, james and ari. and they have been for the past couple of days. some people stop and look at it. others stop and drop off flowers and then stuffed animals. you can see how much it's grown. if you've been following this story, you can see how much it's grown over the past 2 days yesterday, we didn't see flowers stacked on top of each other, but certainly you see it now and then you can see the names of some of the victims. those names were released to the public yesterday. so now we have names to the 7 people who were killed while at work on monday afternoon. so let me show you some video. this has been growing steadily over the past couple of days or so one by one, either. this stopping by on their way to school or this is downtown half moon bay. so there are plenty of businesses. they're taking a moment of silence, writing words. saying a prayer, do whatever they can. you know, they say that grief has is love with no place to go. and
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for a lot of people, this is their place to go. this is not at the crime scene. of course, this is downtown half moon bay to just across the street from city hall. so we're not even close to the massacre sites. but this is a gathering place for so many people. and then last night we got a chance to talk to one of the friends of the victims. she's speaks spanish. the kron four's. sara stinson translated for us. >> i remember him because he would walk his dog every morning and now his dog is left alone without him. it seems he's gone too soon. he was 50 years old. so it's devastating. she continued to say i'm still in a state of shock because i could not believe this would happen this close to my home and my friends and family. t> james story of the victims, their ages range is from in their 30's all the way to the 70's. we do know that there are farm workers, but they are
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not. this is sarah lee migrants because we do know one of the victims actually lived in half moon bay for about 25 years. a lot of people knew him. a lot of people are scrambling. obviously they're dealing with heartbreak and i'm sure some of them have language barriers. and but one thing is certain they need money. so they're looking for donations that they possibly can to send some of the victim's back to the place that they were born and will leave you with that shot. you can clearly see a lot of the messages written in other languages. spanish chinese. i tell you what, though, heartbreak is the universal language. back to you. >> thank you. will. well, the that the city is going to be planning a vigil and a service to honor those who died. the vioil is going to take place at the mac dutra plaza tomorrow night at 5. the mayor says city streets may be closed to accommodate the crowds. and then next tuesday afternoon for there's going to be a faith service. at could a
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middle school, which is also the boys and girls club of the coast side following the service. there's going to be a procession to the ids hall for a community dinner. we spoke with mayor deborah penrose about the path forward and she says her sole focus right now is to steer the community towards healing. >> it's not what i do. it's what? it's what the community does. and and our community >> has been very blessed for small. >> we are a community because the community of volunteers, i guess my job is really now make sure that we are coordinating our efforts under way so that everybody has a chance to participate and the recovery. >> well, the mayor says that the white house actually has been in touch with them, providing them information on best practices for victims dealing with mass shootings.
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>> it's 806. and in the east bay, a newly elected city council member oakland says that he has a plan to decrease gun violence. this after one person was killed and several injured in a mass shooting that happened in the middle of a music video shoot at a gas station. problems is has details. >> open is a resilient town with proud people and we'll tak sick and tired of the violence taking office in a few weeks later, mass shooting happens in your district. >> that is the scenario for new oakland city councilmember kevin jenkins. monday night's mass shooting at a valero gas station, wounded 7 people and killed an 18 year-old men opd. investigators say a music video was being recorded at the time on that corridor. some very happy that we have crime. the studio. >> where children and i mean, it's been made quite the studio, but we have children practicing martial arts and they have to deal with knowing that someone was hard in their community. >> councilmember jenkins is a lifetime oakland resident who says he's all too familiar
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with the history of gun violence in the yeah, this is first time it's happened on my watch. a city council member. i grew up in open eyes. you said and every year they would have >> january first, they would have a list of everyone that was a victim of homicide in the city. and i grew up looking at that after i turned 18 to see who i knew that die. and so that's not a normal thing to know. you know, the doubt should have to go through that. the talks about his plan on addressing senseless shootings. now that he's in a position to make a difference. so when i was running and we ran on addressing the root causes of crime, i would makes people go out and commit crime. and also we have to look at enabling opd to be able to do their job. however, he says he doubts that chief leronne armstrong who is currently on .eave with have been able to prevent the shooting from happening if he was still in charge. >> i've seen things on social media about, you know, that she had been in place. this
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wouldn't happen. but i don't think that keeping their with a stop. this has kron. 4 news. >> and the community members in oakland gather to honor the victims of all of the recent shootings that we've had in california in just a number of days. and there have been 3 total. the city council member shared these pictures from the api unite vigil, which was held in wilma chan park on jackson street. >> well, elsewhere in the east bay, the principle of san ramon valley high school now promising swift action after students were heard shouting racial slurs during a recent basketball game and they were directed at a member of the dublin high school team uncovers michael thomas is live at the school this morning talking more about what exactly happened. michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. we know that the incident took place on tuesday. now that evening there was a young boy gentleman. he was taking a free throw shot at the time when a san ramon valley student went ahead and made some racial comments in the stands. and the school here
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says that it's really just an acceptable. they sent out a large email. take a look. this is part of that e-mail with the principal. also backed up by the district saying, quote, i want to be clear that in no uncertain terms, racist language or racial slurs will not be tolerated. whether our students are in school or elsewhere. we are all we are all responsible for creating safe and welcoming spaces. both that srv and when we our guest that other schools, let's get to some video of the school this morning. students are just arriving at about 8.30, ably school starts. but, you know, there was no mention of exactly what was said at the basketball game or the race of that student that was taking the free throw. however, the principal does go on to say they encourage parents to discuss the damaging effects of slurs, biased language, such as quote the n word and the effect it'll have on people, the and the district say that appropriate disciplinary actions are being taken as to what exactly that is. we have not gotten any back from them.
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but back out here live, students are just getting here. i've talked to a handful, i'd say about 20 or so. and really a lot of them say that it's it is an issue here that it's something that has happened before that happens. but often i had another parent. he that she's never had that type of an issue. so kind of mixed reactions. but there are a total would say 7 students that i spoke with, who said that that is an here. so as we get more information, we'll continue to keep you updated. i did reach out to the dublin principal, also that basketball coach. i've not heard anything back to back to you guys live in the thank you very much, michael. it's 8.11 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. some hospital workers in the east bay say they're worried about the future of their jobs and about their patients. >> we'll take a look at their fears coming up. and democrats and republicans are joining together. they want to demand more knowledge about those classified documents now discovered in the homes of
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president biden. former president trump and former vice president mike pence and yesterday was a beautiful, dry day and more the same today. but rain may be on the way and we'll break it all down for you. coming up. >> and as traffic continues to build out there, we've been staying on top of your thursday morning commute will thursday morning commute will be right back after the break.
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wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now - fryday. fryday. fryday. - tuesday. - fryday. - wednesday. - fryday. - friday? - fryday. i always remember that one. that's because that's the easy one. try wendy's hot and crispy fries, preferred almost 2 to 1 over mcdonald's.
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>> 14 right now and it is just gorgeous out for a winter day came just a. >> maybe wear a hat today. the winds going to be kicking up a little bit from hold hold on to the half. yeah. we've got like that. good morning the weather. wear a hat because your hair may get a little mist up the breezy conditions. but overall, at least you can see the traffic camera behind me. that's a good news is saying it's not foggy, but that might not be the case tomorrow. so again, i think today we're going to have a lot like yesterday. you can see those warmer temperatures. that's the good news. but we are going to watch for strong gusty winds to the north of us. the most part tomorrow. have another warm but we are watching in your morning commute for a foggy start. i'll break it down for you. and as we look ahead, rain may be on the way and are going to see a cool down. so we're having warmer temperatures today with a high pressure system again. and then we also have those offshore winds coming upper-level offshore wind really bring us those warmer temperatures. but those breezy conditions. so in fact, yesterday we broke 2 sfo, your
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high was 69. so you broke a record from 2011 santa rosa, you're at 72. so you tied a record from 1936. and take a look at this. you can see today our high temperature we could again see 72 and the average in january because it's january, even though it doesn't feel like it is. 59 san francisco, your average is 58. and today we're looking at 65 so again for most of the area, all of the area we have those above average temperatures. it's really just the windy conditions that will continue to watch right now. it's not as windy as it has been. and as we started the newscast, but santa rosa are at 6. you can see right there on the coast. we're at teens, but those wind gusts you can see up to the north. we can get 30 to 40 mile wind gusts. again. it's going to be upper level. but i always like to say when we hit 31 miles per hour with that wind gusts, that's when you start to hear that whistling. so something to keep in mind as you plan your day. here is a story for us. agaio, it's going to be nice is going to be sunny. same story friday. it's really sunday. we have the potential for rain. we can see those
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lows at 32. so have to watch out for black ice as you wake up on monday morning and we're going to be out. rain. i just have to say the 7 day forecast is a you know, do you seek? we're going from the 70's to the 40's. a little bit of everything. yeah, exactly. we have issues all across the map years. you can see in the 8 o'clock hour really getting busy northbound. 1, 1, of 5 in the west of san rafale. we have an accident up there. but look at 5.80, in a traffic is congested there. >> also traveling to the maze along 8.80, and highway 13. you're also seeing traffic building here along the peninsula and even in the south bay, along 2.80, 85 seen traffic building 80, especially through hayward and freemont mission boulevard. you might want to take that. however, things are still backed up there as well. traveling into the city right now. it's going to take about 25 minutes may's to that fremont street exit. and if you are taking part today, we have a major delay on the various a line that an earlier equipment issue still causing delays. there. 25 minutes 80
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to 101. we were about 40 minutes across the san mateo bridge. now we're looking much better. we had an earlier accident there now that that's clear, nearly 70 minutes along 1, 0, one, 85 into the low part. that's how long it's going to you might want to take to 80 or if you're traveling along it a silly down towards to 37 a little under 58 minutes. darya. james, back to you. thank you, 18 and for your money this morning is that time of year again. tax season has been chris mas know it is the season to do your taxes tax season and the irs is right want to make sure that you avoid possible scammers. >> once again, they're reminding taxpayers to choose a reputable person to repair your return or a company because tax payers need to choose wisely. make sure that it's somebody you can trust and they have quality service be vigilant. if you believe that your preparer is in any way involved in fraud, identity theft or any other kind of scam because ultimately you pay the price. taxpayers are responsible for all information on their
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income tax return regardless of who prepares it. >> be sure you are wary of people that are trying to take your information. so this is your information. and i don't even have to identity listed on social media profiles. you have consultation with their proms new, a certain amount of money. that's a bigger, a play. >> and the irs says the should to get less of a refund this year. and they say that's because last year there were credit and tax incentives because of the pandemic and those incentives are no longer available. also make sure that you get your tax return filed on time to avoid paying any penalty is the deadline is april 18th. >> well, a pair of legal battles underway right now testing whether federal policies on abortion pills override state laws that restrict them. the challenges target west virginia and north carolina. 2 of more than a dozen states that have laws limiting how and when and where patients can receive abortion pills. both cases
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argue that federal policies not state laws should determine access to these abortion medications. and this comes after the fda announced earlier this month that retail pharmacies can offer 2 drugs that are many times used for abortions. senators meanwhile, demanding to see for themselves what classified documents were found in the homes of president joe biden. former president donald trump and former vice president mike pence. republicans and democrats are accusing the biden administration of stonewalling them on the matter. we have washington correspondent jessi tenure with the story. >> good morning. a classified meeting with the national intelligence director last night ended in bipartisan anger. >> literally every member of the committee. without exception. and this one state. >> the top lawmakers on the senate intelligence committee argue the biden administration is wrongly blocking their access to classified documents discovered in the homes of president joe biden. former president donald trump and former vice president mike pence. we simply wawas this
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>> information? what wal these materials that they had? >> so that we can make an honest assessment. but florida republican marco rubio and virginia democrat mark warner left a classified meeting wednesday night empty-handed. i'm very disappointed. >> with the lack of detail and a timeline on when we're going to get a briefing. the senators say their committee needs to know if any intelligence was compromised, but the administration says it can provide that access while special counsel's at the justice department investigate trump and president biden's handling of the documents. the information we're asking for has no bearing whatsoever. i would interfere in no way with a criminal investigation. in the meantime, arkansas republican tom cotton says he and other committee members may move to block quick consideration of some of president biden's nominees. congress, most pain on the administration provide the and that is. >> that is coming from both parties. >> and the senators also agree the system in general is
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broken. they may try to find a way to put more safeguards around presidential transitions and the handling of documents along with new parameters about what is classified in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> it's a 21. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a house of representatives are working 3n a bill that would make the faa improve their systems after that meltdown that halted all flights nationwide.
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>> and we're back in a 24 and for your money this morning, gas prices are once again on the rise. the increased an average of about $0.40 over the past month. so the latest from triple a is that the average price for gas across the u.s. is hovering right around $3.48. a gallon. that was as of wednesday, which is up about 12% from last week or $0.12 from last week. analysts are saying this latest jump is probably because we've seen a rise in demand for oil and there are some refinery issues, too, that always seem to play a role. gasbuddy predicts the national average for gas could rise above $4 by march. so it looks like it's on the rise for a while here in the bay area. a look at our average price is broken down by region. you've got napa as the most expensive right now with an average of 4.78 a gallon, san francisco not far behind for 75. then you go down the list. you'll see san jose at 4.61 oakland for 57,
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the cheapest still continues to be in the fairfield area where on average it's about 4.48 a gallon and that's rub it in. but i love just driving past a gas station and i your >> and californians are embracing 0 emission vehicles. >> of all the electric cars sold nationwide last year, californians but 40% of them 40% just in our state of all of the electric cars. we love electric and we love tesla is apparently i have one of those. but anyway, within the state, 19% of the overall car sales were fully electric. and we all know about california's plan that's going require all vehicles sold to be hybrid or fully electric by 2035. >> out of all the electric vehicle sold in california last year. tesla has where the most popular if you can i've been very happy with my little eagle specially when you drive by a gas station. i love it. a major reform could help prevent future airline
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disruptions. the house is working on a bipartisan bill to upgrade. the faa is notice to air missions or no tam system. this follows that computer error where the faa computer system had a problem that led to a nationwide ground stop there like we can fly to this out. the note am improvement act would create a task force to monitor the system, keep it stable and offer solutions to improve it. and it would also try to prevent cyber attacks, though, wasn't an attack. the outage earlier this month is believed to stem from just a simple mistake made during routine system maintenance. >> just ahead, the nurses at marin health medical center are at the picket line this are at the picket line this morning. coming up, th
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>> it's 8.30, right now looking at another gorgeous it's clear out there. i think the winds scrubbing feel that was going to say what could be better but maybe could be better if we didn't have as strong winds. but hey, we'll take it. what are we going to do? good morning. i agree. it's a beautiful day. it is going to be breezy. we have wind gusts conditions the north. we're going to update you on throughout the day. >> taking a look at conditions right now as we speak. the good news, you can see the cars behind me. that's good. we're not dealing with foggy conditions, but that's probably not going to the story tomorrow morning and do it. current temperature still a little bit above average, the north. we're at 52. you can see in places like novato right there on the coast. we're at 56 wild down south san jose were still out. 45?
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so a little bit of everything. when we look at our temperatures are highs. yeah, we're going to warm up. santa rosa yesterday broke a record at 72 today. it's going to be 72 on the coast. we're looking at 67. but again, it's going to those breezy conditions. we're going to update you on that. thankfully, lows aren't going to be too chilly but rain and that's going to change next week. when you see those freezing temperatures. all right. many thanks for that. let's get a look at what's going on on your highways and bridges. busy and this 8 o'clock hour traveling along 8.80. >> san leandro down towards milpitas about 56 minutes. if you're heading into the city right now, 30 minute drive. so that fremont street exit. let's check on our san mateo bridge. 24 minutes. that's down from 40 minutes. we had an earlier accident there. one of the south bay. 64 minutes. 85 into menlo park. crockett down towards the maze along 5, 81 80 about 35 minutes. and if you're taking highway 4, a 28 minute drive at antioch into concord's to 42 darya. james, back to you.
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>> thanks a lot of 31 and happening now, run health are picketing because they're demanding better workplace policies. they are that pickett console kind coinciding with the national day of action for safe staffing. and that's why crawfish the park was out there in marin county following what's going on, camilla, good morning. >> these nurses are hoping that this picket line put some pressure on the hospital here at marin health medical center. you can just see behind me them gathering in picking this morning. they have been asking for better contracts since last year. so they've been bargaining for 7 months now with the hospital, but they still have not reached an agreement. so this morning they are hitting the picket line. so this can hopefully put the pressure on the hospital and they can negotiate those better contracts. the nurses, they are asking for the hospital to invest in their workers and addressed the recruitment and retention problem with staffing. this is an issue happening across hospitals in the bay area and weren't
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health is no exception. the nurses, they are demanding an increase in the number of bedside nurses. they want to make sure that the nurses get their dinner and lunch breaks. wages that can help you and boys. >> proper ppe and a voice during infectious disease outbreak and pandemic. now i spoke to one of the nurses she's been working at her and health for 17 years. she says that's the staffing. it's an issue. here's what else she had to say. >> we followed those but the hospital constantly admits patients and they're asking nurses to work overtime. they'll grab nurses that we have assigned per our contract to be a break. relief when you work a 12 hour shift, you'd like to eat something or possibly go to the bathroom. but the hospital is constantly pulling those nurses so that nurse can gets a patient assignment. and in the long run, it leaves the providing care for your loved one to have a higher chance of an
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error. now we have reached out to health to see it. >> what the holdup is on this bargaining agreement. however, we have not heard back from them. the nurses, they will be out here until 11 o'clock this morning picking one of the nurses tells me that they will be back at the bargaining table on monday and from there. see if the nurses will want to strike. but for now, send it back to you guys. >> thank you very much, camila. it's 8 34 and in the east bay, another pick its staff of the ucsf benioff children's hospital took to the picket lines. they're trying to bring awareness to what they say is a decline in services to patients. hundreds picketed, as you can see here in multiple east bay locations. this was at 52nd street in oakland. the hospital has been in negotiations with union workers for some time now. and these picketers say they're concerned about the stability of the hospital. they say that a lot of families are being directed away from services in the east bay and to the hospital's mission bay location in san francisco.
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>> hospital keeps telling us that they're investing. kids of the east bay, but we don't see that at the time were bustling staff of 40. >> clinicians developmental specialists, family partners. our program has been cut in half. we have 19 staff now in the middle of the mental health crisis. the hospital is not investing. and the youngest members of our community. >> and she's afraid that they're going to be even more cutbacks after the president, ceo of ucsf health sent a warning that ucsf is projecting a 200 million dollar budget shortfall this year and must operate efficiently. the staff says they're going to continue pushing for what's best for patients. >> and some breaking news this morning, we have another democrat jumping into the race now to replace senator dianne feinstein, congressman adam schiff, who you see there has just announced he plans to run for the senate seat in 2024. he made that announcement on
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twitter this morning. schiff currently represents parts of l a in congress and he joins representative katie porter from orange county is the only 2 so far to officially announce route election bids. meanwhile, congresswoman barbara lee's office has confirmed to kron 4 that she has told members of the congressional caucus that she does plan to run, but just hasn't made it official yet. and we should be clear. senator feinstein hasn't said she's not going to run in 2024. so a lot of people sort of putting their hat in the ring will not have quite sure there's a ring yet. we'll let you know it. senator feinstein makes some sort of announcement. >> a 36 is the time and another developing story. the man accused of the half moon bay massacre made his first court appearance. he did. 66 year-old. >> sean lee zhao appearing in the san mateo county superior courtroom yesterday. the county district attorney filed 7 counts of murder. one count of attempted murder against him. and it's expected his defense team is going to explore his sanity with the help of doctors. now, on the
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other side, the da is going to be working to make sure that he goes to prison and doesn't get out. >> to find him or to have the da agree which they won't to him being not guilty by reason of insanity, which sen send them to a psychiatric hospital. but that's a that's going to scare the only i kind judges and the community. and i don't see that happening. >> now is eligible for the death penalty, but that's probably not going to happen because the state's position on execution. cardoza, the attorney we talked to says negotiations may take a while because the defense and the probably going to be pursuing special circumstance. and he predicts that joe will either get life without the possibility of parole. maybe he'll get 50 to 75 years to life or the case could go to trial and we'll see what the jury decides. it may take anywhere between 6 months, though, to a year for a final decision to be made. >> joe is expected back in court on february. 16th. >> 33 years ago was one of about a spike was of justice.
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>> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. we continue our black history month coverage with a look back at the case that struck the nation. the exonerated 5 is known. and also after the break, the forty-niners get ready to just get in that last game before they get to the super bowl. i got to get through. one more team will take a look at the matchup.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early?
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(hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> we're back at 8.41, year old puppies recovering now after investigators arrested the owner for alleged animal abuse in san pablo. so here's turbo. he's a pit bull mix and he was saved by animal services. after someone alerted them. 2 video online showing a man hitting turbo with a stick or perhaps a crowbar. this was at the montoya garden apartments. so police got a search warrant entered the home, found turbo. discovery was living in inhumane living conditions. they say they were glad they were able to rescue him and now he's on a path to healing. >> it's somewhat indescribable. you know, it's just big relief. we're able to do that in over overjoyed. that didn't work out that way. >> well, while rescuing turbo look at san pablo police found inside the house guns, ammunition cache, bags of drugs. officers also discovered the owner was on probation for several violent felony charges. so he's now in jail on weapons and drug charges.
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>> police in livermore helped reunite a french bulldog with his family. so cute. they posted this photo and this is the owner holding her dog muni. he's smiling. i mean, that's a legit smile for sure. they found muni after responding to a reckless driving report earlier this month and the driver ran off when police got there. so they're searching the vehicle. they find muni inside the car. and luckily the dog has a chip. so they were able to get in touch with his family, which they live in san diego county out. so they drove to the east bay and picked up doggie. happy reunion. a 42. we'll be right back. the
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but now he believes h >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us. a little late, 9 o'clock. we've been here since 04:00am, but we're glad that you made it. i'm darya and i'm james and you're waking up to the best weather of the morning. by the niners are flying towards the super bowl. all they have to way, years. hopefully starting do now is open the philly and a little bit was a little take care of the cats right in the smack talk has begun. >> of course, i'm sure in your own life. it's here in the studio as well. no doubt, though, this is going to be the toughest competition the forty-niners have faced. but if you asked the team that they got this, come for sports director jason dumas has more. the niners there on the practice field for the first time this week. >> implementing that game plan for their showdown with the eagles, both elijah mitchell and christian mccaffrey. and this practice don't be alarmed. they should be good to go for sunday. now a lot has been made about the eagles home crowd and that home-field
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advantage in philly that they'll have on sunday night. but remember the niners? they had some success there last season. they won that game 17 to 11. and i was there. guess what the eagles rallied late in that game. they put up a good amount of points in the 4th quarter and that is when kyle shanahan saw some glimpses of what gulls quarterback jalen hurts, could become. >> he's got more consistent and you can see in that game, the ability that he has and what he is close to doing a number of times and he made some big throws in that game. we contained him fairly well. just watching this year hearing about it in borderline nfl mvp and then turn in the film on his last 2 days. he's just like how he was with potential and now he's doing it down in down out, obviously is dynamic. playmaker always has been, but using his legs to create plays you know, just launching the ball downfield to the guys who can go in, go up and make i think that was kind of >> elevated him into being all
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pro quarterback. >> all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. i love it. and it's all friendly for sunday might be any event. i think the team will taste thursday. so any day now they should be heading out. oh, another part of the story we cover. yes, it and actually sunday as we look ahead, brittany, to other, it's going to be a good day. watch football yeah. you know, it's going to kind of stay inside weather, right? yeah, i agree that have some sprinkles. so you want to watch that game for sure. take a look at right now. if you're feeling good for the forty-niners and feeling good for your day, let's talk about weather because we're going to feel good. those current temperatures show you right san francisco, 57 oakland, 57, you can see santa rosa. >> we're at 51 to those temperatures right now. we're kind on the warmer side. we have this high pressure system. we also have these offshore winds. >> coming up to the higher terrain, giving us those warmer conditions. but giving us gusty conditions to the north right now, it's not too bad considering we start the
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newscast at on 04:00am we're seeing in the teens and 20's. but we do have the potential again for those wind gusts up to 30 to 40 miles per hour to the north of us. we're going continue to update you on that. and just for reference, we've been talking about this when we hit 31 miles per hour. wind gusts. that's when you start to hear that whistling. so if you live up north, you may hear some whistling sound from all the activity happening. i should say with mother nature. how's that? so today it's going to be dry, but future cast for us. we were just talking about on sunday with that potential for a sprinkle or 2 as a fast-forward. i also notice maybe on thursday we again could see some rain. as we look at the numbers for sunday, again, less than a 10th of an inch as you watch the football game. but still something is better than nothing. although january has been pretty well right yesterday. we did break records. you can see the sfo record. 69. we broke that record from 2011. santa rosa. you tied again at 72. so tying a record from 1936, but take a look at your seven-day forecast because there really
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is kind of a roller coaster. again, it's going to be sunny today, but really all eyes on sunday. you can see that potential for a sprinkle or 2 the 40 nine's. we have that potential for freezing temperatures overnight. same story on monday. so again, i know i said this a couple of times right now, but it kind of blows my mind. go from 72 to 42 and raining so a little bit of everything in this weather center for sure. yeah, a lot going on. the map for this week. but that's the bay area. the traffic is also the bay area to a lot of congestion out there. you can see read across the map, a few accidents like along the richmond, sandra fell bridge southbound north of cesar chavez street in the city and then 5.80, westbound just east of 35th avenue in oakland. you have an accident. so you are seeing delays and traffic has been really busy in the 8 o'clock hour, 30 minutes into the city we so that fremont street exit. that's how long it's going to take you as you're traveling there. now, our san mateo bridge were down from 30 to 23. so gradually we've been going down. so things are getting better. there. 101 of the south bay, 60 minutes. 85 up towards
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menlo park. 8.80, over the east bay stanley answer down towards milpitas about 58 minutes at crockett down towards the maze. if you're taking that now it's going to take about 34 minutes to make that drive darya. james, back to you. kron 4 is honoring black history through the end of february. and today we bring ou a case that not only shocked the world would eventually force the nation. >> to take a hard look at our justice system. you know, we've got a on a hairy with more on what's now known as the exonerated 5 >> many of may have lost many of us gave up on the system. >> yusef knows what it's like to feel vulnerable and voiceless. 33 years ago was one of about a spike was of justice at just 15 years old salon found of self and arrest. and at the center of one of the most notorious cases in new york city history of the central park jogger case. and 4 other teen suspects became known as the central park 5 spent 7 years in prison for a brutal rape assault and attempted murder
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that he did not commit people who became. politicians like donald trump. he said, no, these guys are >> matter of fact, we bring back the death penalty. put a bounty on after a lengthy legal fight. the 5 were exonerated in 2002. >> today slump is a husband and father of 10 and author and an advocate for criminal justice reform should not to yusef is now opening up about the next chapter in his story. he's running for public office. when your call. you have to come. >> you can't say i didn't hear the call, you know, and i've been called for a long time. is in the race to represent central harlem in the new york city council. the democratic primary is in june. he's running against the current council member and several longtime local politicians that gets a little crowded. but, you know >> what? it would be worth it. if it was, it would be worth if it was easy born and raised
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here in harlem. thank you. my brother i was doing the law is clear on the change he wants to see in this community. a big platform wanting on is making sure that. >> the budget is. pushed in such a way that we benefit more. he's also campaigning on issues of public safety and affordable housing for people who live in harlem to be able to have the ability to stay here for many years. didn't trust new york city politics,
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