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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  January 26, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PST

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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday. i'm sorry and i'm james. we've brightening skies outside right now live look at sfo behind as want to go. fright, pick up, pick a destination. there's a plane heading there at some point today or you could stick around is going to be gorgeous here around the bay. it is britney. good morning. yes, a little money. enjoy weather nature. mother nature giving e good temperatures for most part. and take a look. i've been checking your cameras behind the scenes. >> thankfully, it's not going to be too foggy. that's the good news. as we plan your day. but that is going to change by tomorrow. so again, right now, thankfully it's not foggy. but take a look at your screen. you can see temperatures all over the map. santa rosa, 62 mountain view 50. you can see right there any act. 44, so those
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temperatures right now. >> we're going to see another warm day, basically as we set up the town, what will watch as breezy conditions on the coast. you can see that santa rosa, 15 miles per hour. but wind gusts could hit up to 30 to 40 miles per hour. i'm gonna break that down for you. plus, the potential for rain. when does that happen? i have all those answers coming up in less than 20 minutes. rain arrive. ready. thanks to that. all right. we do have a hot spot. this is on the san mateo bridge to an accident. 92 westbound there, slowing things down. we're at 42 minutes as you're heading across towards the peninsula. again, this has been in place for about 20 minutes now. we're keeping a close eye on things. there are still trying to get that cleared off the bridge of for now. it's going to slow you down a bit. you might want to take the dumbarton bridge, the bay bridge right now. no accidents, but the meter lights are on to about. 21 minutes traveling from the maze to that fremont street exit. richmond center fell bridge. but you about 13 minutes. don't see any major issues here. >> and if you are taking bart is a 20 minute delay on the various a line in the dublin richmond in daly, city
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direction. they have some equipment issues going on there. so factor that into your morning commute darya. james, back to you. thanks a lot, ryan, a 71. the man prosecutors say is responsible for monday's massacre in half moon bay. >> he's now been charged 7 counts of murder. one count of attempted murder. the attack has been dubbed an act of workplace violence with kron four's. dan kerman with the latest on that part of the story. >> 66 year-old chunli made his first court appearance wednesday. he's been charged with 7 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder for monday's to half moon bay farms because he's been charged with the special circumstance of multiple murder. if convicted, he will face either life without parole or the death penalty. i plan to learn everything i can about this man before i make that decision. >> and i want to learn everything about victims and the impact that this has how widespread the impact is on the victims. families shall continually tried to cover his face during wednesday's brief
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court appearance. he did not enter a plea but was appointed 2 private attorneys to handle his defense. the judge also granted prosecutors request to hold joe without bail. 7 counts of murder. we have not had in san mateo county before. a case with one instance of 7 murders that once he is not. a citizen of this country. there's plenty of motive to run for that reason. it was to me a very straightforward and simple request for no bail. the da confirm zhao did make statements to sheriff's deputies that he used a ruger semiautomatic pistol. the note was found in his car and that he believes he knows the motive for what authorities have called workplace violence. but he would not elaborate nor would he say if the victims were targeted because he doesn't want the case moved out of the county due to pretrial publicity. he also had a message for victims.ufamilies. i have been my career dealt with many, many, many families who have suffered horrible losses on
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that line. and so i will have not walked in their shoes. i certainly have learned of their shoes. >> and i would say to them that the one thing they can count on is that the san mateo county district attorney's office will do everything in its power, working with the sheriff's office to make sure that justice is done here and that the right outcome occurs and we will be talking to them. >> that was dan kerman reporting. we will return to court on february. 16th. well, investigators >> have revealed now the names of the 7 people killed in that mass shooting. we put them up on the screen. the 5 men and 2 women were all migrant farmers of asian and hispanic dissent. >> the farmworker outreach team, a loss that has been in touch with the victim's family says it's going to take some time before they're ready to come forward and share their memories. but we are hearing from people who knew some of the victims with kron four's will tran standing by once again in half moon bay. >> with that angle to this story, well, >> people are stopping by this morning. james, taking pictures. i just saw a woman
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just jump out of her car. take the picture. the memorial right behind me as it continues to grow. you can see the candles still burning. some candles blew out because of the windy conditions here. but nonetheless, you get a feel of what's going on. look at the volume of flowers. this is grown most certainly since yesterday. i was here 24 hours ago. you didn't see flowers on top of flowers, but now you do. and you can see all those signs just right there on the ground. you don't even have to read the language or even speak the language. you know what it means. it means heartbreak. let me show you some video of people arriving throughout the day and they have been showing up, of course, for the past couple of days. this is right across the street from city hall about a mile and a half away from crime scene number one. and just right down the road from massacre site. number 2, that's where 7 people were killed on monday afternoon. one person still in the hospital this morning. the
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good news is that person is in stable condition. you know some of them actually lived in half moon bay for decades. we talked about them being farm workers and migrants. but there was some there were some i should say. there were some that been here for decades and they were known to the community. in fact, we've got a chance to talk to a friend of one of the victims. here's sarah stinson translating for us. >> i remember him because he would walk his dog every morning and now his dog is left alone without him. it seems he's gone too soon. he was 50 years old. so it's devastating. she continued to say i'm still in a state of shock because i could not believe this would happen this close to my home and my friends and family. >> and we want to show you live pictures once again. you can see the candles still burning and we told you about the names of the victims
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yesterday that really hit home. and you can see here is a candle burning with one of the victims names. we believe that's one of the victims still in the hospital this morning again in stable condition. and this if it wasn't bad enough and horrific enough guys, a lot of people, a lot of these families are scrambling to try to find money because many of them are not naturally from america and they want to go back home to be buried and the costs of that 20 to 25 $1000. each. thanks a lot. we'll. >> it is 707. the mayor of half moon bay says that the city at this point is planning a vigil and a service to honor those killed. the vigils going to take place at the mac dutra plaza tomorrow morning or tomorrow night at 5. the mayor says city streets might have to be closed to make room for the crowds will have to wait and see. then next tuesday afternoon at 4, there's going to be a faith service at the
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could a middle school, which is also the boys and girls club of coast side of the coast side. and then following the service, there's going to be a procession to the ids hall for a community dinner. mayor deborah penrose spoke with us and says that her focus right now is to try and steer the small community forward. >> it's not what i do. it's what? it's what the community does. and and our community >> has been very blessed for small. >> we are a community because the community of volunteers, i guess my job is really now make sure that we are coordinating our efforts under way so that everybody has a chance to participate and the recovery. >> yeah. mayor penrose says that the white house, in fact, has been fighting them with information on best practices for victims dealing with mass shootings. >> in the east bay, oakland, police are still searching for those involved in monday night's mass shooting at this.
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a valero gas station. one person was killed and 7 others were injured. city council member kevin jenkins who just took office a few weeks ago. he's a lifetime. oakland resident says he's all too familiar with gun violence. >> yeah, this is first time it's happened on my watch. a city council member. i grew up in open eyes. you said and don't contribute every year they would have january first, it would have a list of everyone that was a victim of homicide in the city. and i grew up looking at that after i turned 18 to see who i knew that die. and so that's not a normal thing. and no young should have to go to that. >> the council member says he wants to use his time in office to work on getting to the root cause of violent crime while enabling the police department to do their job. and community members in oakland gather to honor the victims who were shot in oakland recently as well as the 2 other mass shootings that happened in california. a
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city council member sharing these pictures with us from the aap i unite vigil, which was held at wilma chan park on jackson street. >> well, in the east bay, the principle of san ramon valley high school now promising swift action after students were heard shouting racial slurs during a recent basketball game in the slurs were directed towards a member of the dublin high school team kron four's michael thomas. >> is live at the school this morning with the details. good morning, michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. you know, we know that it happened here in danville and it happened on tuesday night. that's when a dublin student was taking a free throw shot at that point. someone in the stands from san ramon valley. they started to make some racial slur, something that the school here says is really just unacceptable. they sent out a lengthy email. we've got part of it up on your screen right now. ultimately the principal and the district's saying that they're extremely disappointed and the entire situation in principle. when you cut trial saying, quote, i want to be clear that in no uncertain terms, racist language or
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racial slurs will not be tolerated. whether our students are in school or elsewhere. we are responsible for creating safe and welcoming spaces. both that srv and when we are guests to other schools. now there's no mention as to what exactly was said or the race of that student that was taking the free throw shot over. the principal does go on to say they are encouraging parents to discuss the damaging slurs of biased language, such as quote the n word. so we can only assume you know what word was used. we do not know exactly the race of the student that was taking that shot. the administration and the principal say that, you know, disciplinary actions are being but they have not said exactly what disciplinary actions are being taken. so on this path, lots of walker's lot of joggers. nobody wants to go on camera, but i've got in the mix him out of reaction when it comes to people hearing about it. some parents say they got that information last night. they were really surprised. another woman says she's lived in this area for years and she's not surprised
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because things like that happen all the time. so do with that information, what you will. but really just a mixed students are set to, you know, get your school within the next. our so on with we'll talk to them and see what people's thoughts are. but for now, send it back to you guys in the studio in san francisco. okay. thanks a lot for the update, michael. all right. it is 7.12. we're going to take a quick break. but coming up next on kron 4 morning news, more homes in renton now red tag because of >> the ground sliding away. we'll tell you what the city is doing to fix the problem and help the families impacted. >> and taking a look at everything happening in your weather center. we have record breaking highs this week, but next week we're going to have freezing to break all that down for coming up right after the break. that's right. and we are tracking a hot spot on the san mateo bridge and we have a 20 minute delay on the life apart in the richmond, a daly city directions.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm.
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it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> some 15 is the time right now. and this is just a word, james. i'm not. writes so the live shot behind, of course, yes. beautiful we've got britney, the weather center with a look at that. and what looks to be what a really nice day today, right? yes, a really nice day. when that happens, right? just getting yes. we all need that nice day. that's what we had yesterday. we broke some records today. it's still going to be one. let's talk about it. >> tomorrow it's going to be a warm day, but we're looking at a foggy start. as we look ahead, maybe some rain on the way and a cool down. so
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basically we need to enjoy today and we need to enjoy enjoy tomorrow. once we get past the fog. so yesterday we actually did break records. so ffo hit 69. so you broke a record from 2011 now. santa rosa, you tied a record at 72. we tied that record from 1936. so it's just saying, hey, it was hot. what about today? will santa rosa still looking at temperatures of 72? take a look at your average should be 59. this is january concord. you're looking at 69. your average is 58 and even san francisco. your average is 58. but we're looking at 65 so what i'm saying is we have above average temperatures, we have this high pressure system. we also have these onshore winds. i think it could be upper level bringing us warmer temperatures, at least for the rest of the week. but change. we're going to talk about it. current wind shows you yes to the north santa rosa, 15 miles per hour nap. but we're looking at 12, but it's really going to those upper level winds with wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour in petaluma santa rosa. you can see that. so up to the
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north, you're going to see those breezy conditions. so you may actually wake up to whistling sound. you really start to hear the wind whistle when you hit 31 miles per hour. when you hit 46, that's when it's really hard to walk. and now these are upper-level winds. so we're not going to have that issue. but still kind of give you context what's going on up and the atmosphere futurecast showing you. it's dry today. that's the good news. but with the potential for rain on sunday, i think it's going to be less than a 10th of an inch. at least european models are showing that. but it kind of sets up the tone that, yeah, it's going to get wet and things are changing. so think about it. some places today are going to hit 72. but by sunday, we're looking at 49 those overnight. teaperatures at 32. so freezing temperatures and we're going to see those overnight lows at 28 on monday. so when i guess what i'm saying is it really is going to be a roller coaster. you better prepare. enjoy today for sure. i make sure you get outside and enjoy it. like brittany said, we still have the hot spot on the san mateo bridge 80 to 101, about 39 minutes. traveling across towards the peninsula. cause of an accident. there.
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still checking on things trying to see. they're still working on clearing it looks like they're getting pretty close to that. a bay bridge right now about 25 minutes. no major issues on the bridge. but you do have the meter lights on it. so traffic is building now that by the early morning commute starting to pick up 40 minutes along 1, 0, one. 85 into menlo park while to 80's. still pretty light. no major delays along. 85 87 stanley under down towards milpitas about 44 minutes to make that drive. you can see traveling along 6.80, through signal. you're getting a little bit of traffic there. and 8.80, slight delay through oakland, but no major issues along 5.80, as you're traveling to maze before antioch in to conquer. it's going to take about 43 minutes to make that drive darya. james, back to you. >> 7.18, the time and for your money. this morning, americans plan to increase their valentine's day spending despite the fact that they're also trying to tighten their budget at the same time and leaving your kids at home during shopping trips could save you a bit of money. boy,
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that the truth. jane king live the best jane, how many times have you heard about mom? mom? cacai have a mom? >> i know. i've learned that the hard way for sure. you know, james shopping without kids could save you an average of $46. so this poll was commissioned by slickdeals one poll and they found the 2 in 3 parents said the shopping with their kids tend to be more expensive than when they just go alone. solo ventures cost an average of $133 shopping with kids custom average of 179 impaired. share of the weird things are kids about weather been shopping slime iphones, a ferret, a pig, your chew toy and even a taxidermy alligator. well, levi ceo tells bloomberg that skinny jeans will never die. he also said the mid-rise jeans are now the hottest item reversing the ultra high trend. but women skinny jeans, particularly the 3.11 in the 7.21. designs are still the top selling styles. and the national retail federation found americans plan to spend
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26 billion in total on their sweethearts this valentine's day. that's up from 24 billion last year. that means 2023 could be one of the highest spending years on record for valentine's day. but given recent tran, some experts are warning about this, especially with americans credit card debt becoming bigger over the past year. and apple has quietly adjusted the trade in values that it offers for its own devices. iphone models are now frequently worth less than before in gadget reports, for instance, if you plan to trade in an iphone 13 pro max apple will offer $570 toward a new device. previously you can get as much as 650 live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back to you to know. i can see why they quietly announced thank you >> 7.20, is the time right now in the east bay, a second family in orinda can't live in their home because of a landslide. after we had those weeks of rain that now makes 2 homes on cedar lane on livable. >> we're monitoring it every
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so we a variety ways of doing that. we have a city staff that goes up and monitors. every morning we have the county building department there inspector is visiting at least twice a week. we have the police up regularly monitoring and we do drone fired over the property a daily basis. >> it's unclear right now if those homes are going to be able to be permanently stabilized or if they're going to have to be demolished, the acting city manager did say that that road is going to remain closed indefinitely to everybody president's emergency critters. >> well, happening today, the chp is going to going to start delivering supplies to residents and businesses up in big sur. not because they want to because they have to. that whole area has been isolated now because of landslides. the rain caused 3 major slides along that highway and that's essentially cut off access to those living between paul slide and the polar star
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rockslide, monterey county officials say those people living there going to be isolated. they think for a long time. so they're trying to make sure they have everything they need to survive. the chp is going to be delivering food, medicine and other essential items over the course of today. and tomorrow, caltrans says crews are repairing the road, but it's going to be at least 3 to 4 weeks before they can reopen that road. the big sur fire department is going to be coordinating the distribution of those supplies on the peninsula. prosecutors are looking into whether that tesla that >> crashed off a double slide off highway one, whether it was intentional or mechanical failure. that was to blame. the crash happened earlier this month and the driver who is from pasadena has been charged with attempted murder and child abuse because authorities they investigated and they thought that crash was intentional. the driver, the driver's wife and their 2 children all survived and were rescued after plunging near 3 lee 300 feet down. >> we will take a break here at 7.22. coming up on the kron
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4 morning news. a lawyer weighing in on the charges for the man accused of the mass shooting out of half moon bay. we're going hear his thoughts about the defense that the man's lawyers could pursue.
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>> 7.25 in for your money this morning. it's tax time. tis the season that you just love, right? well, the irs wants to make things a little bit easier for you by telling you to avoid scammers cause that would be bad. they're
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reminding taxpayers you need to choose a tax return preparer with caution, somebody that you believe is providing honest and quality service and you need to be vigilant about if you think involved in a fraud, identity theft or another scam, really keep your eye out for that. and you someone reputable because ultimately taxpayers are responsible for all the information on their income tax return. regardless of who prepares it for you. >> be sure you are wary of people that are trying to take your information. so this is your information. and i don't even have to identity listed on social media profiles. you have consultation with their proms new, a certain amount of money. that's a big flag. >> taxpayers should also expect to see less of a refund this year. they say that's because last year there were credit and tax incentives because of the pandemic. and those incentives are no longer available. also make sure that you filed by the deadline. the deadline this year is april
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18th. >> and just ahead, nurses in moraine county, they're hitting the picket line this morning. coming up, what they're asking the hospital to do.
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(vo) wells fargo lets you know where you stand with your fico credit score. what if you knew where you stood with everything? like your future in-laws... (boyfriend) hope you like cats... (hero inner thought) i hope your parents like me...
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they're whispering. (father in-law) the kitties like her... (hero inner thought) can they tell i'm allergic? (mother in-law) tears of joy... (father in-law) welcome to the family! (hero inner thought) whew! (vo) like knowing where you stand? when it comes to your credit score, you can with wells fargo. >> 7.29 right now. and it is wow, shining over our shoulders. going to be sunny
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that day. the only thing that might kind of disturb wind which could be a factor this afternoon. we've got britney begley in the weather center to explain. good morning. yes, i definitely it's beautiful that sun is shining and it really does set up what we can anticipate today. it's going to be a lot like yesterday as we peek into your conditions. thankfully, it's not foggy. that might not be the story, though, tomorrow. >> of course, we'll update you. wake up or test today's highs again. it's going to be warm. we broke records yesterday. maybe we'll do the same. definitely above average santa rosa. 72 some much like yesterday, half moon bay. 67 in the even down to the south. san jose, 68. you can see we're in the upper 60's and teetering right there at 72. but the big story for us really going to be those wind conditions. santa rosa was still looking breezy conditions of 15 miles per hour. but that upper level wind, we could see wind gusts today of 30 to 40 miles per hour. so still keeping a close eye on all your weather conditions up north. now taking a look at the long-term not models. i'm showing changes are headed our way. so we were a record breaking temperatures this week, but
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it's going to get really chilly. i'm gonna break down those freezing lows coming up next. many thank you for that, ok? well, we've been tracking this hot spot along the san mateo bridge. i don't see any reports of it being still there. 92 westbound, however, drive times are starting to go down slowly. so we still have residual issues are at about 40 minutes now at slowly but steadily. the san mateo bridge is still moving there. you might want to take the dunbar bridge if you can't wait and that delay. 24 minutes traveling into the city, the bay bridge meteor lights are on at this hour. well, the richmond center fell bridge. no major issues there just under 14 minutes, traveling from the tolls to want to one. and if you're taking barley, got a new update. no green line between various in daly city and the limited blue line service between dublin and bay fair. they've been having a few early morning issues there where he's been talk about the weather. yes, really i'm gonna definitely get outside today. you know today, but they do. it will be the day. thank you very much for >> it's 07:31am. and happening
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today, nurses at marin health are going to be picketing to demand better workplace policies. yeah, this pickett is coinciding with national day of action for safe staffing with kron four's camila barco up in marin county to explain. good morning, camila. >> good morning, guys. yeah, the nurses here at marin health medical center. they have been asking for better contracts since june of last year. so they've been bargaining for 7 months now and they still haven't reached an agreement with the hospital. so today, take a look behind me. they're currently setting up this morning. the nurses will be out here on the picket line right outside where they work. just like you guys said, this is a part of national day of action. first afe staff for safe staffing. and that's just it. nurses. they are asking for the hospital to invest in their workers and addressed. >> the recruitment and retention problem with staffing. this is an issue happening across hops hospitals and in the bay area. and marin health is no exception. the nurses, they
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are demanding an increase in the number of bedside nurses. they want to make sure that they're getting their dinner and lunch breaks. they like to see competitive wages that could help recruit and retain employees proper ppe and a voice during an infectious disease outbreak and pandemic know covid 9 entire situation put a strain on nurses to say the least. but it did show them what sort of protections need to be in place to not be overwhelmed like they were at the height of the pan demic. so darya james today, the nurses they will be wearing red. it will be coming out here shortly. they should start around 8 o'clock this morning. they'll go on until 11:00am and we have reached out to maureen health to see what's the holdup with these negotiations at. but for now, we'll be talking some of the nurses who will be out here and see what it's like actually working here at marin health for now. send it back to you guys. >> ok, thank you very much. camila 7.33. is the time and in the east bay staff at the ucsf benioff children's hospital took to the picket lines because they say they want to bring awareness to a decline in services for
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patients. hundreds picketed across multiple east bay locations. this is at 52nd street in oakland. the hospital has been in contract negotiations with the union for some time now and some of these pictures are concerned about they stay the stability of the hospital. they say many families are being directed away from services in the east bay to the hospital's mission bay location in san francisco. >> hospital keeps telling us that they're kids of the east bay, but we don't see that at the time were bustling staff of 40 clinicians developmental specialists, family partners. our program has been cut in half. we have 19 staff now in the middle of the mental health crisis. the hospital is not investing. and the youngest members of our community. >> and there's a fear of further cutbacks after the president, ceo of ucsf health sent a warning that they are
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projecting a 200 million dollar budget shortfall this year and they have to operate efficiently. the staff say that they're going to continue to push for what is best for their patients. >> we have some breaking news to report. another democrat now jumping into the race to replace senator dianne feinstein. you see him on the screen. that's congressman adam schiff. few was on twitter this morning announcing his plans to run for the senate seat in 2024. again on social media is where we first heard of it. schiff currently represents part of la in congress and he joins representative katie porter of orrnge county as the only 2 to make it official that they are running for that office. we have heard from congresswoman barbara barr r turley, her office confirmed to kron 4 that she's told members of the congressional black caucus of her intention to run. she just hasn't made it public yet. >> we have some developing news now. the man accused of the half moon bay mass shooting made his first court appearance or following needed 66 year-old chunli zhao appeared in the san mateo
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county superior courtroom yesterday. the county district attorney filed 7 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder charges against him. it's expected that his defense team is going explore his sanity with the help of doctors while the d a is going to be working to make sure he goes to prison and doesn't get out. to find him or to have the da agree which they to him being not guilty by reason of insanity, which sen send them to a psychiatric hospital. but that's a that's going to scare the only i kind judges and the community. and i don't see that happening. >> zao is eligible fo% the death penalty, but that may not happen because of the state's position on execution. the negotiations they are the terms we talked to say they think that's going to take a while between the defense and d a they're going to probably pursue special circumstances and our expert was predicting the showers got to get life without the possibility of parole or 50 to 70 years to
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life. and the case could go to trial as well. that's always an option. and if that happened, it could take 6 months to a year for it to make its way through the court and finish that case the next day to be aware of his for every 16 will be in court. and meantime, this morning, donations continue to pour in for the families of the victims of the half moon bay mass shootings. right now, the families who live and work at the farms where the shootings happened are staying in hotels and the san mateo county area is stepping in to try to help them. >> every single one of the 17 families has received $1000 check just to put money in their pockets. right now we're looking at providing further financial aid, mental health services going forward. >> a spokesperson for mountain mushroom farm where one of the shootings happened says that once law enforcement clears the scene and they're going bring back the families of the workers that live on that property. >> we're going to take a break
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here at 7.37. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news police go into a home to save a dog from abuse and stumble on a larger crime. will tell you about that coming up in a moment. and the forty-niners. well, 40 niner fans get ready. so is the team as they're preparing to take on the philadelphia eagles in the nfc championship game this weekend. we'll have an update from proper sports director from proper sports director jason dumas. what the buck? need money?
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file your taxes today at jackson hewitt. you could get up to 3,500 bucks the same day with a no fee refund advance loan. buck yeah. file your taxes today at jackson hewitt.
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>> 2 men were hurt after getting shot in san francisco last night. that shooting happened about 7.30, on california street. you can see by the map here where it was. that's where police came on scene to find one man lying on the ground and another inside of a business. both of them suffering gunshot wounds. they were rushed to the hospital. we're told their injuries are thankfully not life threatening. so should they should both survive? no arrest made yet, but police are investigating. we'll let you know if they do. >> in the east bay, one person has died in a multiple car crash that happened on interstate 80 around 10, 30 last night in richmond near the eastbound off-ramp at the east richmond parkway. somebody was driving a mercedes and speeding. they ended up rear ending a honda. and then overturning then the mercedes ended up in the westbound lanes where it was hit by another car. chp is investigating. they're not even sure right now how the mercedes ended up in the westbound lanes. but the driver of the mercedes was killed. >> and take a look at your screen. police are looking for the man that we've highlighted there in the redbox walking from left to right. apparently
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he was acting erratically near the uc berkeley campus, which no, that's not a crime. but turns out and then later tried to kidnap a woman last night at the intersection of hearst and euclid avenue. so police are asking for your help. if you think you know who this person is or where he is. cole, berkeley police, we're going take a break at 7.42. we'll be right back.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> 7.44 at the forty-niners are down just 3 days away from taking low. let's change that. what they're one game away from the super bowl right there. i like that. that just got past the eagles here in the nfc championship game. >> there's no doubt this is yes, the toughest competition, the niners the face. but if you ask the team, there's no doubt they're going to win from 4 sports director jason dumas says more. >> the niners there on the practice field for the first time this week. >> implementing that game plan for their showdown with the eagles, both elijah mitchell and christian mccaffrey. and this practice don't be alarmed. they should be good to go for sunday. now a lot has been made about the eagles home crowd and that home-field advantage in philly that they'll have on sunday night to remember the niners. they had some success there last season. they won that game 17
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to 11. and i was there. guess what the eagles rallied late in that game. they put up a good amount of points in the 4th quarter and that is when kyle shanahan saw some glimpses of what gulls quarterback jalen hurts, could become. >> he's got more consistent and you can see in that game, the ability that he has and what he is close to doing a number of times and he made some big throws in that game. we contained him fairly well. just watching this year hearing about it. you know, borderline nfl mvp and then turn in the film on his last 2 days. he's just like how he was with potential and now he's doing it down in down out, obviously is dynamic. playmaker always has been, but using his legs to create plays you know, just launching the ball downfield to the guys who can go in, go up and make i think this was kind of >> elevated him into being all pro quarterback. >> all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. all right. thank you, jason. so that's the forty-niners covered. let's talk basketball. the warriors beat the memphis grizzlies. it was a nail-biter, though, and it.
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came to an end with steph curry getting kicked out. you have to just over a minute to go in the game. warriors up by 2 and steph curry, as you can see here, getting ejected. he was argue with the rest. what are you talking about? well, he was ejected for throwing his mouthpiece into the seats out of frustration. apparently he wasn't too happy with jordan poole who took a jump shot and missed when he was wide open. the was you think he was trying to say like it flew out of my lift and yeah, i he still got kicked out. but in the end, the warriors. >> did when they finish the game without steph on the court. 4th quarter, less than 3 seconds left warriors inbound the ball to none other than jordan poole. and he put it up the layup themself so. yeah, you know what? now that that that does the trick one, 20, the they want winning heals a lot of things feels all were good that we're good.
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look at other here. you know, they keep doing that number in baseball. they do the show the and the guy no, the shoulder and a dislocated. absolutely. shouldn't do that. be careful to my mother. i sound like all right. let's get over to the senate standing by with the forecast the shoulder. but coming out here with this forecast, that's for sure. >> the good news is that for the most part, it is quiet. we're going to see a lot like yesterday. so those beautiful temperatures. but what i am actually going to watch strong, gusty winds. we have potential to break records. we broke records yesterday. it's going to be a warm day tomorrow. it's going to be a warm day, but i think we could have a foggy start to make sure wake up with us so we can get you to work on time and somewhat stress free. looking ahead, rain could be on the way. but big cool down headed our way. we have kind of a roller coaster. so again, futurecast for showing today, it's going to be dry tomorrow. it's going to be foggy and dry. but as we roll into the weekend on sunday, you can see radar showing a system coming from the north headed our way. so i think we're going to have less than a 10th of an inch. but we could see some rain on sunday, maybe even monday. but we're also going to see lows
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into 32 degrees. so had to looking out for the potential of black ice. as you start your monday morning. so we have a lot to enjoy today because it's going to get a little tricky a little bit later on conditions right now. looking great. i just check your phone cast. pall cast tomorrow shows you around 6.15, right there at rush hour, right near half moon bay, san francisco, even up to the north, places like santa rosa. you can see it's going to be foggy as i fast for that, you can see at 10, 15 is going to be foggy. can see oakland also hayward's. we're going to see those foggy conditions as we endure work week. we have this high pressure system. we also have these offshore winds up or offshore winds bringing us those warmer temperatures. yesterday we broke records, but really it says wind conditions will continue to update you on throughout the day. santa rosa, we're looking at 15 miles per hour. you can see on the coast. we're going to be in the teens as well. and that's going to be the theme now. these warmer temperatures going to break records. probably that's what we're aiming for. santa rosa, your average is 59 today. 72
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again, we're going to see those warmer temperatures. san francisco, your average is 58. we could see 65 today. and that's looking like it's going to the story for the majority of the area. so basically we have those above average temperatures. and this is where the story kind of gets interesting you can see is we're looking at for some places 70's, but the average 66. but on sunday with the potential for showers, we're going from a 70 in some places to 49 and those freezing temperatures as low as a 32, even on monday, we have those freezing temperatures of 28 rain. i always say when we have these kind of conditions next week as we start your work week, what will be looking for is black ice, which as you know, as dangerous as folks make their way into work. yeah, everybody just definitely want to slow down as traveling. but if you're taking bar, you have a major delay on the various alive because of equipment issues going on there. so you might want to leave out a lot earlier, but a bar today or maybe take another line because they're having issues on that one. >> traveling into the city right now. 24 minutes, the meteor lights are on. so that's been slowing us down. we had an accident in the last
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hour on the san mateo bridge to this up to 40 minutes. thankfully, that's clear. but now drive times are at around. 28 minutes. it's going to take you 30 minutes to make it from a 80 to 101. you still might want to take the dumbarton bridge. 67 minutes. 85 into middle parts of traffic is really start to pick up along 101, this morning to 80. still pretty light. 80 cilantro down towards milpitas about 61 minute 6.80, traveling. this pretty busy 5.80, through hayward. you start to pick up there. and if you're traveling to the maze 8, 85, 80, it's going to take you around. 25 minutes to make that drive from san leandro up towards oakland, cracking down towards the maze. a lo 5.88. a 35 minutes on this thursday. all right. james, back to you. >> thank you very much. rain. it is 7 51 1 year old puppy is recovering now after investigators arrest the owner for alleged animal abuse in san pablo. turbo is his name is a pit bull mix and he was saved by animal services after someone alerted them to a video online showing a man hitting turbo with a stick.
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possibly a crowbar at the montoya garden apartments. officers got in the arrest warrant went into the home, found turbo living in inhumane conditions. they say they're glad they were able to rescue a man they're now getting him the help he needs. >> it's somewhat indescribable. you know, it's just a big relief. we're able to do that in over overjoyed. that didn't work out that way. >> while they were inside rescuing turbo san pablo police stumbled on another guns and ammunition and cash and bags of drugs they found inside officers also discovered the owner was on probation for several violent, a violent felony charges. he's now in jail on weapons and drug charges. >> we'll be right back.
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>> lizzo is among the first performers announced for this year's grammy awards. i can't wait to see what she does. bad bonnie's going to be on stage to mary j blige, brandi carlile, luke combs and sam smith. the show is going to be broadcast live on february 5th from the crypto dot com arena in los angeles. trevor noah is the host of the grammys. and then they're going to announce the additional performers in the coming days. so we'll keep
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you posted. pretty exciting night is 7.55. >> we'll take a quick break. coming up next hour, though, a school in danville now vowing to act quickly after students. >> we're heard yelling racial slurs during a recent basketball game will have that coming up in a live report. meanwhile, the man accused of the half moon bay massacre now charged with 7 counts of murder. hear why investigators say the shooting is a case of workplace violence and what his defense attorneys might argue in court. and we're also argue in court. and we're also hearing from 2 people who knew half moon bay as that community comes together to remember them. we'll have the remember them. we'll have the full story.
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[narrator] everyone needs quality health insurance, even if you're healthy and active. covered california is a free service to help you get covered. 90% of members have received financial help. and every plan offered is comprehensive, covering preventive care, doctor visits,
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emergency care, and more. regardless of your income, check today to see how covered california can help you. and if you have questions, there's free assistance every step of the way. covered california, this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> happy to see here and spend a little time on a thursday morning. i'm darya and james, we're starting off this hour with a check of weather and traffic and on the weather front point looks nice outside. if you're an early riser like to get in the morning walk before worker jogger high. today's date, no trouble. let's take a peek at the forecast we've in for john trouble and brought me this morning. i'm brittany. yeah. take a look at what's happening now. use of beautiful sun this morning. that's really the theme behind me. you can see the same thankfully we're not dealing with foggy conditions today, but that might not be the
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story tomorrow morning. but let's focus on today is beautiful. >> current temperatures will show you san jose. we're at 45 right there on the coast. we're at 55. some places teetering to the north at 56. but overall, those temperatures going to be lot like yesterday. what will focus on today is your current wind conditions, especially up to the north. we've noticed when conditions in the teens we have the potential for up or when 40 miles per hour says wind gusty conditions to the north. but overall, it's going to be beautiful day. rana rain is on the way. thankfully not tomorrow, but i'll tell you when coming up next. all right, brittany, thanks for that. hey, if you are heading into the city, it's going to be about 25 minutes to make that drive may's to that freeman street exit. no accidents or hazards, but certainly do have the meteor lights on and more people traveling. if you're taking bart, there is a major delay that's on the various a line because of some equipment issues. so they're working on trying to fix that right now. 25 minutes a 80 to 101 down from 40 minutes across the san mateo bridge. we had an earlier accident.


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