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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  January 21, 2023 7:00am-8:31am PST

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from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> okay. we'll get it will get you a second, stephanie. yes, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. a quick check in what we got going on a cold morning and just rubbing my hands up for effect. but to keep warm, here's the east bay shoreline as we get some sun already working its magic here along the east bay shoreline has now the sun is rising a little bit earlier in the morning hours. here's a quick check into those winds with all of this in because they're fairly calm. not going to be that way. all this weekend, but
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because they're calm from overnight that allowed the radiational cooling. we have the dry air. that allowed us to start off with quite a frosty start. i'm gonna get to that in just a bit. right now up upstream here in stormtracker 4 do have some scattered clouds that will greet us later today and overnight just briefly cosmetic. and we go back to mostly sunny for your sunday as well. the big sunday coming up, 30's up to the north bay. check it out. san francisco not reporting this hour, but there are plenty of 30's along the east bay shoreline as well inland subfreezing. there were 31 for livermore. 35 san jose. so got a freeze warning going on for those inland spots. also up in the north bay a bit because of all these dry conditions. and we're also watching the king tide. so the which there's enough part about during the 11 o'clock hour today in the 10 o'clock hour tomorrow, 49, 11 o'clock by 2. we're talking. 54 a little bit warmer for tomorrow, but it is winter folks. so we have dry and sunny expected into next week. we'll have more of that, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much.
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>> happening today, oakland mayor shane tao addresses her decision to place the city's police chief leronne armstrong on administrative leave. we're also expecting to learn more about the investigation into alleged misconduct by the oakland pd in the meantime, kron four's haaziq madyun brings us thoughts from one city council member. >> do you agree with the mayor's decision to place chief armstrong on administrative leave? >> i question the use of this option, too. >> provide the disciplinary response recommended by the report. oakland police chief leronne armstrong has been placed on administrative leave. >> after information in this negotiated settlement agreement, court document revealed that opd internal affairs division bill to include a policy violation involving a hit and run allegedly by a police sergeant back in 2021, according to the court documents, the internal affairs lieutenant wanted to include that information in
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the the report of investigation. but as it states here on page 5, the captain requested revisions to the our ally, which the investigator disagreed and to which the investigator objective. >> nevertheless, the captain directed the investigator to revise the our ally and the investigator did so at the captives direct. >> i think that's the most damning part of this investigation is that we have a superior officer who, you know, i really makes a decision to modify the report over the objection of the lead investigator. the documents also state the chief armstrong did not allow extensive discussion of the matter in quickly approve the revised report. >> but if those facts were included, taylor says. >> if they had been shared and presented to him could have. and likely would have led him acknowledge the need for stiffer. >> penalty year later that same sergeant discharged his service weapon inside an
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elevator at the opd administration. building. he ultimately was placed on admin leave for that incident. they're out released a statement about putting the chief on admin leave reading in part, quote, the decision was not taken lightly, but we believe that it is critical for the safety of our community that we build trust and confidence between the department and the public. we must have transparency and accountability to move forward as a safer and stronger oakland unfold. has it made you cry on for news? >> all right. now to the other big story we're following for you this morning. the countdown is on to the forty-niners next playoff game they take on the dallas cowboys tomorrow afternoon at levi stadium kron four's justin campbell connected with excited fans. >> forty-niners fans across the south bay are ready for sunday wearing their 9 years gear and chanting became a night game. everyone. we spoke to had a reason for why the
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niners should win. i think they're going to do good. i mean, it's just dallas is not we. we've got them last time this season. so defense when playoff games, quarterbacks win super bowls. and with brock purdy is quarterback fans feel parties here stated that guy should magic day one. he's not going anywhere. as for where they plan to watch the big game day home to watch on the big come here. come here way with the pbr and all that stuff. >> they dollar pbr. >> that was justin campbell reporting for us this morning. and there are 2 official watch parties here in the bay area. you can find one in san jose at the san pedro social entertainment venue and the other is going to be in san francisco at the crossing at east cut near the ferry building. the venues open at 02:30pm in the afternoon and you can find raffles and giveaways there as well. plus, fun fact for the international fans. the niners are also holding a 3rd official watch party in mexico city. believe it or not, you may recall the team played a game. they are
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just a few months ago back in november. all that's take a look at ticket prices for tomorrow's game. this is a look at stub-hub right now. the cheapest shown to be about $500 all the way up in the new nose bleeds. but tickets are also going as high as almost $10,000. we spoke with a stub hub representative on how to avoid ticket scams. >> we always recommend from some of us are affected that you want to use technology fingertips. you know, you never really want to buy tickets. officer anymore. paid cash or even though i know we're all used using venmo and other sources. but there's no call back that money. is that to get project? >> and another tip from avoid posting any pictures of your tickets on social media. experts say that scammers can easily find some important information and personal information just from their photos. take a look at this. all right. a family in the east bay was forced out of their home after it started to slide down that hill. there.
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this is in a neighborhood in orinda along cedar lane. another home on that same street was also evacuated. city officials are working to figure out when it's going to be safe for families to come back. and niles canyon road between fremont instan also known as highway. 84 is open again after being closed for several days because of storm damage. this is video you're looking at now of mudslides and landslides. i kept that roadway closed to drivers. the roadway opened back up on friday. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the parade of storms that slammed into the bay area left behind a huge mess. >> the bay area business that's offering a creative solution for fallen trees you might have on your property. plus, a drowning man safe. i and ending up officers quick thinking it's all caught on body cam footage. >> and just ahead, preparing for a disaster. coming up, we'll tell you about the program providing lifesaving
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skills to community volunteers. (dog barking) we love our pets. but we don't always love their hair. which is why we made bounce pet hair and lint guard with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet. ♪♪ with aarp rewards, anyone can earn and redeem points... they're ready for you. that's 300 points. ...and help their money live longer. get started for free today. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? zicam is the number one cold shortening brand! highly recommend it! zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. it shortens colds! zicam. zinc that cold!
7:09 am
meet three sisters. the drummer, the dribbler, and the day-dreamer... the dribbler's getting hands-on practice with her chase first banking debit card... the drummer's making savings simple with a tap... ...round of applause. and this dreamer, well, she's still learning how to budget, so mom keeps her alerts on full volume. hey! what? it's true! and that's all thanks to chase first banking. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank with tools for both, all with no monthly service fee. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> all right. take a look at this. this is body cam footage of an antioch police officer. that's kyle smith. there using his canines, 30 foot leash to save a man's stuck in now, the officer through the leash over the fence. as you can see there and the man stuck in the canal, he grabbed a hold of it
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and was able to get pulled to safety any out. police says that the officers quick thinking helped save a life. oakland police are asking for your help finding this man. they say he tried to rape someone. officers say that it happened around 9.30 thursday morning at a store near 4700 international boulevard. >> police say the suspect went into the store, went up to the victim, started grabbing at them and then pull their pants down. opd says the victim fought back and was able to get out of that situation. the suspect ran off. police say this man was last seen wearing what you seen on what you see on your screen. anyone with information is asked to please call oakland pd. >> in kind of a frosty start is what we have. but also edition of that as we approach around the noon hour or so, a coastal flood advisory due to the king tides in place. the reached their zenith and the late morning to about noon or so just before going look at that forecast for this weekend of the on kron. 4 morning news of the on kron. 4 morning news continues.
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when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck, that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy has 7 benefits that condition and smooth fibers so clothes look newer, longer. feel the difference with downy. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. longer. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> that's a nice way to wake up in the morning karaoke. i do. i do love karaoke. know that a karaoke that yes, that that got to go to. by and
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there you go. and just a beautiful view to wake up to as well. this is the golden gate bridge from our sutro tower camera. >> and you can see some people already up and at it bright and making a nice commute across the bridge there with that beautiful view a day. what sort of weather conditions can people expect it's a beautiful one step the all this weekend long except, you know, we're starting things off. kind of a chilly start cold, in fact, and you got frost working its magic as well. not your imagination. don't forget, we able to surface moisture and temperatures are plummeting. so >> there you go. a half moon bay. here we are. as we start the day, nice, calm seas as you can see. but the king tides with us 10, 11 o'clock is about in the morning is about we're going to see those high tides for today tomorrow, all the way through monday. got 30's going on. well inland, even subfreezing for the livermore valley, concord included. 35 for any act. but even 30's along the east bay shoreline, lower to middle 30's up to the north bay. freeze warnings with us until 9 as a formality. but the sun is joining us in our start to move the other direction upstream. some scattered
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clouds, mike, because medically painting our skies a little bit by the late afternoon into the overnight. just a little touch there, not going to have a major impact on our weather, although tend to be can sometimes interrupt the cooling at night. let's hand it over to future cast for a very uneventful. so mostly sunny for today. again, a few scattered clouds as we get into the overnight. a lot of it, some timing of this thing to drop. it looks like it's dropping overnight. more ford cloud cover. we get little spurt of some light snow showers. you can see up there to tahoe and we go back into sunday and the mostly sunny mode. but what's different tomorrow is a pop of winds. a bit of a breeze today. whatever. but we start to get some stronger, offshore winds, windy. you can see up there to solano county, east bay, but it does spread over towards san francisco in the peninsula. we're well shielded because of the recent rains for this. but if we didn't have the reins, that will be a little more problematic with that little pop there. and those offshore winds, no statements with any of this. we'll let you know, we hear anything. so this is we're talking about for today, mostly sunny. we'll call it breezy, still cool with highs only in the 50's tonight got
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this scattered clouds making way cool again with highs only into the 50's or near about 60 or so whisper warmer in some selections tomorrow. windy late as it is pointed. and then for next week at sunny cold nights, upper 30's. but near about 60 going on for highs today. her you have a mostly sunny, maybe some high cloudiness mid to upper 50's in a bit. we'll take a look at that. although somewhat quiet longer range forecast for you, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> today emergency response teams made up of members of the community are participating in a county wide training event in santa clara county. this coming just days after the bay area was pummeled by weeks of severe weather kron four's camila barco is live for us right now in cupertino and camilla. tell us a bit about this event and what kind of training is happening today. >> yellow, stephanie, today, people involved in the county sir program. that's a community emergency response team. they're going to freshen up their skills to point of today is for these community members to practice real-life
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scenarios. in case there is a disaster. and if that does happen fully doesn't knock on wood. they are prepared to respond. search is a team comprised of community volunteers who are trained and equipped to help the community during a disaster or emergency situations. they help out when professional emergency services are overloaded and they're not immediately able to help every city here in santa clara county has a cert program. and today the members of that program will be meeting here at the queen long community center in cupertino to go through a gate of coaching. they're going to learn all sorts of skills you know, disaster response skills. and if, for example, how to treat injuries, how to go about a search and rescue managing a disaster, see disaster scene and how to communicate over a radio channel and stephanie, the few minutes, we've already seen quite a bit of volunteers. people setting up for today's
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sessions. those sessions start at 8 o'clock this morning and throughout the morning, we'll be talking to people who are involved in this program and how it can help save a life. i'll send it back to you. all right. i'm ala. hopefully that program will help save even more lives. thank you so much. >> in danville, repair crews say they fix more than 100 potholes in the past 2 weeks. well, just look at that. some of the worst images on alameda diablo avenue on diablo road. the rain caused a large dip in the roadway, creating some dangerous driving conditions. >> find out the pothole to even out the edges. and then for hot mix and go over with the roller to really compacted and get set in in the hot mix typically performs very well. and last for a long period of time. >> residents are encouraged to report any potholes using the danville connect app. area businesses offering a creative solution to address fallen trees on properties. kron four's rob nesbitt shows us more. >> outside of san ramon warehouse nick harvey has
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several piles of trees stacked cedars oaks walnuts. he might have chosen a bay area redwood for his furniture making company in 2018, but it's would he's worked on it. harvey's concept is not to buy, would from a lumber yard, but rather to take trees that fall naturally or because of weather and turn them into something of use with an old growth redwood for top table. and it's a long list of options for tables, benches, deaths, you materials for parks. purple is the rain and wind that battered the bay area this month brought hundreds of trees down natural destruction that's kept. this would work are busy with that. just since the beginning of this year about 100 calls for a cycling trees. >> the actual form on our website to streamline that process. residents can contact harvey to have downed trees removed and turned into furniture. but he also has several arborist reach out to make it cheaper for the property owner and were able to minimizing in many cases eliminate that disposal costs for the homeowner by working
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with the appropriate license bond insured arborist. drilling into tables and chairs that started as rain soaked logs. is something that will be admired for its natural finish. this process does take time. according to harvey, some pieces of wood can take several years before it's dry enough to be worked on reporting in san ramon. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news police departments in the bay area ramping up patrols ahead of possible side shows this weekend. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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police and other law, local law enforcement agencies of extra patrols plan to combat sideshows. >> the department says they got tips about potential activity starting tonight and through the weekend. santa rosa has a side show ordinance in place to arrest or cite participants, vehicle passengers and spectators. the oakland police department will also be on patrol and they say that any participating car in those sideshows can be towed and seized for 30 days. take a look at some of the items just taken by newark and san pablo police in an auto theft crime ring. look at all that they includes 17 stolen vehicles, 12 firearms to ballistic armor vests and thousands of rounds of ammunition. these were seized from 5 suspects in their 20's from the east bay. all are now in custody. happening today, fremont host a gun buyback event from 10 in the morning to 3 in the
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afternoon. it's happening at the fire department on stevenson boulevard. people can get $100 per handgun rifle or shotgun and $200 per assault weapon payments are limited to $600 per person. the department says all guns must be in working order and unloaded at the time of the buyback and the mission will not be accepted. and police are looking for a man they believe is behind a series of burglaries in napa. take a look at this. a man seen on surveillance video here. police say the suspect forced his way into some local businesses and stole from cash registers. at least 15 burglaries were reported in the area of napa high school near jefferson street and central avenue. according to this map by and pd, anyone with information is asked to please contact nat the police. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. it's the countdown to the big game. we take a look at how some 40 niner faithful are gearing up for the faceoff face off with the dallas cowboys. ramming
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know coming up at 8.30, this morning right here on kron 4. we bring you college basketball. >> you can watch back-to-back games with the first one tipping off at 9. but if you would like to continue watching the kron 4 morning news, we've got you covered will be right here for you. you can find us streaming live on kron on. it's easy to find us. just download the freak on kron on app on roku fire. stick or apple tv. well, you can watch us live at kron 4 dot com. we'll see you there.
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>> good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us. let's kick off this half hour with dave spahr. he's tracking all those weather conditions for dave has a look at. >> a pretty good, stephanie, a good morning and good morning, everybody. off to another dry start, although a cold one in frosty one at the clear skies and lack of winds allow that maybe a whisper warmer tomorrow morning. but we do have that freeze warning for those inland valleys. keep that in mind. that's also including the north bay, too. there's a shot, a live shot for you of the half. moon bay going on. calm seas. we start the day in clear skies. a quick check into those winds. we're calm over most of the district just a little bit of a light breeze. and by the way, that offshore wind expected a bit this afternoon. but looks like a bigger pop happening as we get into tomorrow. now, a quick check into the actual temperatures. we're subfreezing up there to santa rosa. livermore valley. conquered a 32. we have a lot
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of 30's lining up the east bay shoreline in even popular in the peninsula as well. 35%, jose, i don't think for tomorrow we'll see the numbers quite as cold but will be kind of in that same range. expect more 30's going on inland for tomorrow, but maybe more so for more 40's hanging about a little bit, too. the breakdown today about 49, 11, maybe a couple stray clouds by 2 o'clock at 54 in a bit. we'll take a look at your 4 zone forecast. looks like in relatively uneventful, keeping a lot of sunshine cooking as well. and we'll hunt and peck for yet a new chance of rain as we get far into the future. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. a community is mourning the loss of a woman found dead last saturday at golden gate park. her friends are remembering her as someone who wanted to spread peace. kron four's. dan thorn has the details. >> friends of beth abrams say the 73 year-old san francisco resident live the life of purpose. she spent 40 years teaching dance throughout the bay area while also serving as the founder of a taking in the
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fresh air. it golden gate park was part of her regular routine until tragedy struck last saturday. that's really the only thing that could stop >> something like that. a big, catastrophic and, you know, and quick. because she was such a go-getter, such a great lady, a real champion. >> katie warner had been friends cith abrams for more than 30 years. warner was saddened when she learned a jogger found abrams body near a fallen tree branch warner says she was an inspiration. she was relentless. >> she was non-stop. double and to she inspired a lot of people to help that help came through the beth abrams center for peace, arts, justice and the environment. the nonprofit focused on feeding the immigrant port of san francisco. >> and later advocating for more electric car chargers for homeowners. she believed that
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you couldn't wait for somebody to help you or give it to you. she went out and did it at golden gate park, broken tree branches for still seen piled up likely brought down by the recent storms. the medical examiner has not released the cause of abrams death, but it's believed the fallen tree limb struck and killed. her says such an abrupt end to such a great life. just. go on like that. it's amazing. >> and that was kron four's. dan thorn reporting for us this morning. a virtual vigil was held last night by abrams dance community to honor her life. another rash of car break-ins happened in san francisco this time of delhi square. this video, as you can see, there shows a man reaching inside of a parked vehicle and then taking off in a getaway car, looks like you remove some items there. the eyewitness who shot this video did not want to be identified. look at that car. take off there. but the eyewitness did say that he went to speak with the victim's afterwards.
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>> the real the obr make no sense of those living by the law. all right. you people and just became over here. it's a nice day on into the night and the good families and with their friends and nobody wants being such a thing right? >> that eyewitness said that he gave the videos to sfpd. we've also reached out to the police about these break-ins and have not yet heard back. but we will update you when we have that update. and in less than 48 hours, the san francisco forty-niners and the dallas cowboys renew their rivalry. the niners got the best of the cowboys in last year's playoffs. and this year, dallas is looking for a little revenge. the cowboys are coming off of one of their best games of the year when they beat the tampa bay buccaneers. meantime, the niners are also coming off a dominant victory last week against the seattle seahawks. the players know there's a lot of excitement around this game. >> cowboys niners. i mean, it's must-watch tv and i think
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that's what everyone wants to see. it's fantastic football to fantastic teams with a ton of history. it's going to be a great game. lot athletes. lot of special players on each team it's going to be citing fast. baseball guys are fired energy is definitely all-time high. you know, just focusing on one day at a time and then sunday, let loose. >> a kickoff for tomorrow's game is set for 3.30, at levi stadium. we'll bring you complete coverage here on kron 4 starting tomorrow at 07:00am. you don't want to miss it. as the excitement builds ahead of the big game to kron four's. dan kerman spoke with fans getting their last-minute niner gear. >> the 40 niner faithful were at the team store at levi stadium friday, stocking up on gear for sunday's game against the cowboys. could not wait. we've got to come over here and get geared up. ready for the ready for this weekend because, you know, we don't slam the stars. i got this. nick bosa. >> and i got 40 niner honey.
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>> i came here for a jersey and i end up buying me some series. some flags course got to get a white jersey for support. because you know kate o you've got this. these fans are convinced this is the forty-niners year for several reasons with their offensive. they have the defense. >> new quarterback brock purdy, but out he's and take us to the super bowl this year. >> defense defense wins championships. defense is on a roll. and hard to get past. we've got purdy is looking for that. love it. this couple is actually from the bay area. but now they live in texas. what is it like being niner fans living in texas? it's a kind of look where you go. you a new jersey are, you know, you know your low both mind and logos may give you the live event going the wrong kind of guy. i'm i'm not now if you haven't had your chance to stock up on 40 niner gear for sunday, there's still time the forty-niners store will be open on saturday from 10 to 6.
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>> at levi stadium, dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> all right. the lunar new year is tomorrow and celebrations are planned across the bay area. here's a list of lunar new year events happening this very weekend. you can ring in the year of the rabbit today in san francisco starting at 04:00pm at thrive city. at the chase center. and then tomorrow you can head over to the san francisco chinese chamber of commerce with the family. they're giving out lucky red envelopes starting at 11:00am for the kids and you can even enjoy a performance by grammy-nominated artist joyce yang at uc berkeley as well. details there on the screen tickets for that performance are also on sale. now for a full list of celebrations and more information you can head over to our website kron 4 dot com. all right. check out. this is a rabbit hotel in hong kong. doesn't get any cuter than this. and this is fully booked as many of the animals. humans take some time off for
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the lunar new year holiday. all of that that it's wearing a bib. seen that before. now, this hotel is called bunny style. it's a staycation for rabbits where they can roam around and have a great time. it's also a venue for played its look at that fancy food that they're just making for these rabbits. and the rabbits can also enjoy birthday parties and just get a lot of pampering as well. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, some of the areas >> of some parts of the bay that will likely see more flooding. i'm here why experts are not connecting because of the flooding to the recent storms. and some experts say the housing market is cooling and slowing down. the reason and slowing down. the reason why in just a few minutes. [narrator] everyone needs quality health insurance, even if you're healthy and active. covered california is a free service to help you get covered. 90% of members have received financial help.
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and every plan offered is comprehensive, covering preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. regardless of your income, check today to see how covered california can help you. and if you have questions, there's free assistance every step of the way. covered california, this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day.llment ends january 31st. what if everything came two days early?
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(hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> for a college student swept out to sea in pacifica has been called off. police say 22 year-old hamza al saadi, a student at san francisco state university disappeared thursday morning. he was swimming at esplanade beach with 2 friends when he was caught in a large wave and swept out to sea. experts say the rip currents and sneaker waves are dangerous any time of the year. but the winter months can be especially dangerous because the water can get much colder. i off your feet. >> and then you can become disoriented. and that rip gets. >> it's real tough to swim in. >> the national weather service issued a coastal hazard warning this weekend. they say ongoing king tide, sneaker waves, rip currents and flooding are possible through monday afternoon.
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>> all right. and speaking of kind of cold sophomore, we expected up in tahoe. the forecast calls for plenty of sunshine, but a bit on the chilly side. so watch out when you go up there. that's where this all the snow is kind of hanging out here. well, look at your forecast to go into the new week and hunt and peck for that. next chance of rain. the kron 4 morning news the kron 4 morning news continues.
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have heart failure and still experience unresolved symptoms? heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... ...shortness of breath... ...irregular heartbeat... ...and lower back pain could mean something more serious called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time, so it's important to recognize the signs. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. >> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news marin county is getting ready for more flooding. this weekend.
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the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says the king tides expected today and tomorrow are not related to the recent storms. so what you're looking at year is file footage taken from the recent storms. the flooding that people can expect this weekend are actually tied to the moon. and this weekend's tides coincide with a new moon. the highest tides will sam appoint san quentin today at 11:00am and areas prone to flooding include china. camp air include the china camp area in sandra fell and the manzanita park and ride area in mill valley. let's get a quick check of our forecast now with dave spahr as we take a look at the hayward san mateo bridge of this saturday morning. lots of people on the roadways now driving under some pretty clear skies. dave. >> yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. a pretty sweet start to your day. and yes, the coastal flooding advisory that we have posted. it is because strictly of tides, nothing that we're getting
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coming from the skies. in fact, these puddles that are out there. we would wish they were just rain because don't forget, this has some salt water intrusion and they're so watch those puddles. today. we're talking about a high tide at 10, 15, 7.16 feet sunday at 11. 0, 8, in the morning and monday just after noon. and there you see the numbers today will be the highest in terms of how high it gets. and this is basically the phenomena of the moon, the sun, both tugging in the same direction that causes the tides like that intent that the slowdown, the earth's rotation over the millions and billions of years. here's a check at sfo. no delays happening out here. meanwhile, we also have that freeze warning with us until 9 cover those inland areas up in the north bay off to the east bay as well. solano county, not in that. it's different forecast office but also looking at some light offshore winds working. you're gonna notice those more tomorrow. there's that weak. a collection of cloud cover when it gets here. some scattered clouds overnight. current temperatures well in the 30's over most of the district at this hour, there are the winds just kind of breezy today, but
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they pop a little bit. we get into tomorrow at around the noon hour or so into the afternoon. they're going to hover much more so around solano county and bleeding a little bit. the contra costa county in a little package you can see around san francisco going right across the golden gate from the north and excuse me, the east so long range forecast models. what does this look familiar as this reminiscent the last few years or what? he been very dry. little changes. start to happen, boom right there next weekend into the following week might be looking at that. this shows that migrating from the gulf of alaska. another another model run. we see comes in the mid latitudes and sort of takes a long us tourist the route. 54 san francisco in the 4 zone forecast. not a lot of variety going on today. even with the sunshine mid 50's at the coast. same along the bay side. 56 for foster city heading down south. looks like 57 san jose milpitas as well. actually some of the warmer numbers to be found there. also the middle 50's east bay shoreline inland, a little cooler here because we start off at a lower amount. so in
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the afternoon it's hard to catch up. even with all the sunshine mid 50's tri valley. 54 for walnut creek and danville. 54 conquered 55 richmond, the lakewood, 54. sometimes those offshore winds, you get a little bit of heating a bit. 55 for napa and santa rosa. 58. but those up just a little bit for tomorrow, same kind of program, mostly sunny, popping about 61 or so upper 50 upper 50's near about 60 expected all week. but these lows because it's trier, it's going to be more like winter stor talking about a lot of 30's on the board there 40's the coast, stephanie. all right. nice to see that sunshine there. dave, thank you. >> prosecutors say theranos founder elizabeth holmes tried to flee the u.s. after she was convicted for felony fraud last year. newly released court documents claim homes booked a one-way flight to mexico. the documents also say holmes did not get approval from the court for this travel. holmes was convicted for misleading investors and endangering patients while peddling fake blood testing. technology holmes is expected to turn herself into custody on april 27th after she gives
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birth to her second child. elon musk took the witness stand in san francisco friday to defend a tweet he made in 2018. that's when he claimed he'd secured the find financing to take tesla private. but that deal never actually happened. that tweet resulted in a 40 million dollar settlement. it also led to a class action lawsuit alleging musk ms misled investors. canine person jury is now responsible for deciding whether those tweets damaged tesla shareholders. and more layoffs are on the way for big tech companies. google announcing this week it will cut 12,000 positions. the company says it will pay u.s. workers during the 60 day notification period offer severance packages starting at 16 weeks and payout all vacation time for 2022. health care will also be offered for the next 6 months. we spoke with some tech industry workers who say they've been through this process before. >> back my my company had
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layoffs and in november that can be competitive. it's torn during a downturn. so everybody kind of jobs. the first of those laid off by new year to find you've and i interviewed a be aware when you were at stake pretty tight. >> and google ceo sundar pichai issued a statement saying in part over the past 2 years we've seen periods of dramatic growth to match in fuel that growth we hired for a different economic reality than the one we face today. he added there will be a town hall on monday to answer any questions from former workers. and if you're shopping for a new home kron four's terisa stasio takes a look at how market conditions are now and the buying and selling tips from experts. shannon has been show this san francisco property to clients friday evening. >> as everybody's been talking about virus market is so hot during the pandemic for sellers over now the last couple of weeks, it slowly transitioning back into a
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seller's market. we're starting to see both offers on homes again, tough time for both buyers and sellers in this market. jeff tucker low explaining the data shows that the federal reserve's interest rate hikes to stave off inflation have really cool the market turning. what was a red hot seller's market to more of a buyer's market. >> but it isn't so simple. he says buyers can still face a lot of competition because it is also difficult for sellers. >> to find a new home. but, you know, >> you're selling your home and you can fetch a good price for it. if you're planning to move across town and buy your next home with a mortgage, you're probably trading in like a 3% interest rate for a 6% interest rate. so the mortgage rates are just kind of raining on everybody's parades at the moment. everybody is pointing to a crash 2008. i mean, everybody's productions are so different. we don't know. we just know what's going on right now and we can try to their best estimate. what's going to happen in the future
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despite the pendulum swinging between the 2 sides. tucker has some advice. first. >> for sellers. >> getting the right price and actually getting it ready to sell. so putting your best foot forward. that means repainting touching up the paint. i'm getting the are getting it all cleaned up, getting it staged and photographed. well, all of those things are carrying more weight in a market like this. and for buyers make sure they find exactly the right moment. exactly the right neighborhood. >> and then. >> make sure you can afford it, you know, make sure that it is a home where with today's mortgage rates that fits inside your monthly budget, theresa kron. 4 news. >> reminder coming up at 8.30, this morning right here on kron 4. we bring you college basketball. you can watch back-to-back games with the first one tipping off at 9. but if you prefer to continue watching the kron 4 morning news, don't worry. we're still going to be here for you. you can find us streaming live on kron-on and it's easy to get
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you. just download the free car on app on roku fire. stick or apple tv. we can watch us live at kron. 4 dot com doesn't get any easier than doesn't get any easier than that and we'll see you there. meet a future mom, doesn't get any easier than that and we'll see you there. a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> from mister irrelevant to having his own pizza. that's right. this pizza is called per delicious per delicious named after the niners new starting quarterback brock purdy 30's sudden late-season
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success inspired a pizzeria near iowa state where he played college football to name a pie after him. check out the list of ingredients were talking, fire roasted chicken barbecue in buffalo sauce, mozzarella blue cheese, hottest. look at that red onion and just to keep the name puns going. brock elise law. all right. yeah, a clever up. well, it sounds delicious. still ahead in the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. the forty-niners are gearing up for their face off against the cowboys. >> just how much tickets for this weekend's game will cost you. and the oakland mayor is expected to address for decision to place the city's police chief on administrative leave. we have reaction from at least one member of city council in our next hour of the kron. 4 morning news. the kron. 4 morning news. we'll see you there.
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alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. and, long lasting gain scent beads. try gain odor defense. be gone, smelly everything!
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> all right. good morning and thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> i'm stephanie lin and it is saturday january, the 21st. so happy to have you join us and let's go ahead and bring it over to dave spahr for the latest on the weather. first. >> well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a pretty good start to the day. look at the sun pairing on through the shot from half moon bay ca a little bit of action going on
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here on the little waves that you can make out here wasn't too active just about half hour ago or so cold temperatures to start your day with a freeze warning over the district is you will notice inland down to the south bay and up to the north bay as well. again, any areas are kind of blocked off in the marine layer a bit with the lack of winds at a 2. this is until 09:00am is a firm ally, but plenty of 30's. we saw early on the board here. we do have a little collection of clouds up towards the north so we might see some stray clouds late this afternoon. and with an additional wind thrown in there, we may not be able to be top our numbers tomorrow morning like we did today. so maybe a whisper milder tomorrow morning. perhaps hear her words. 31 santa rosa. 33 livermore in concord. that's technically a little bit of a climb from last hour. lot of 30's on the east bay shoreline. however, in 35 meanwhile for san jose. so it's a cold start for everybody. 49, 11 by 2. we're talking. 54 also in your travels there, not just to the puddles left over from the rain, but the king tides are back again all the way through
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monday. so watch out to key towards the middle portion of the day morning forecast in a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> happening today, oakland mayor shane tao addresses her decision to place the city's police chief leronne armstrong on administrative leave. we're also expecting to learn more about the investigation into alleged misconduct by the oakland pd. in the meantime, kron four's haaziq madyun brings us thoughts from one city council member. >> do you agree with the mayor's decision to place chief armstrong on administrative leave? >> i question the use of this option, too. >> provide the disciplinary response recommended by the report. oakland police chief leronne armstrong has been placed on administrative leave. >> after information in this negotiated settlement agreement, court document revealed that opd internal affairs division bill to include a policy violation involving a hit and run allegedly by a police sergeant
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back in 2021, according to the court documents, the internal affairs lieutenant wanted to include that information in the the report of investigation. but as it states here on page 5, the captain requested revisions to the our ally, which the investigator disagreed and to which the investigator objective. >> nevertheless, the captain directed the investigator to revise the our ally and the investigator did so at the captives direct. >> i think that's the most damning part of this investigation is that we have a superior officer who, you know, i really makes a decision to modify the report over the objection of the lead investigator. the documents also state the chief armstrong did not allow extensive discussion of the matter in quickly approve the revised report. >> but if those facts were included, taylor says. >> if they had been shared and presented to him could have. and likely would have led him acknowledge the need for
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stiffer. >> penalty year later that same sergeant discharged his service weapon inside an elevator at the opd administration. building. he ultimately was placed on admin leave for that incident. they're out released a statement about putting the chief on admin leave reading in part, quote, the decision was not taken lightly, but we believe that it is critical for the safety of our community that we build trust and confidence between the department and the public. we must have transparency and accountability to move forward as a safer and stronger oakland unfold has it meant new kron? 4 news. >> all right. now to the other big story we're following for you this morning. the countdown is on to the next to the forty-niners next playoff game they take on the dallas cowboys tomorrow afternoon at levi stadium kron four's justin campbell connected with excited fans. >> forty-niners fans across the south bay are ready for sunday wearing their 9 years
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gear and chanting became a night game. everyone. we spoke to had a reason for why the niners should win. i think they're going to do good. i mean, it's just dallas is not we. we've got them last time this season. so defense when playoff games, quarterbacks win super bowls. and with brock purdy is quarterback fans feel parties here stated that guy should magic day one. he's not going anywhere. as for where they plan to watch the big game day home to watch on the big come here. come here way with the pbr and all that stuff. >> they dollar pbr. >> all right. that was just in campbell, reporting for us today. there are 2 official watch parties you can find in the bay area. the one in san jose is at the san pedro social entertainment venue and the other will be in san francisco at the crossing at east cut near the ferry building. you can see information on both listed on your screen there. they both open at 2.30, in the afternoon and there will also be raffles and giveaways at the events tomorrow. plus, fun fact for
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the international fans. the niners are holding a 3rd watch party in mexico city. you recall that the team did play a game. they're just a few months ago back in november, which would make sense why they are holding a watch party out there. all right. this. take a look. rather at ticket prices for tomorrow's game. this is a look at stubhub right now. the 2 bus tickets are all around $500 in the nosebleeds. but tickets are also going as high as $10,000. we spoke with a stub hub representative on how people can avoid ticket scams. >> we always recommend from some of us are affected that you want to use technology tips. you know, you never really want to buy to get off the street anymore. paid cash or even though i know we're all used using venmo and other iources. but there's no call back that money. is that to get project? >> and another tip from stub-hub don't post any pictures of the u of your tickets on social media because experts say that scammers can find pretty important information and even
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personal information from those 2023 is off to a busy start at the state capitol where lawmakers have already started legislation on key issues facing california. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace shares the priorities for senate leaders from both sides of the aisle. >> homelessness, drought, water. those are just some of the issues. legislators here at the capitol hope to tackle this year. but they acknowledged doing so will not be easy, especially with the projected budget deficit. >> top of mind, i'm incredibly optimistic, optimistic senate president pro tempore toni atkins says she's feeling about the year ahead scheduled for wednesday. the first woman and openly lgbtq+ person to serve as senate president pro tem atkins will soon mark 5 years in that role. now, part of the legislature considered one of the most diverse in california history. thanks. in part to a record, 50 win >> we are representative of all the diversity of
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california. so that's a new energy, a new energy in the legislature that now must address a new challenge in the form of a projected 22.5 billion dollar deficit. >> facing the state in the next fiscal year. our hope is to avoid those kinds of serious cuts that we've had to deal with in in the last decade. when i got to the legislature 12 years ago, 26 billion dollar and then we had to make cuts. but she believes such serious cuts will be largely avoided this time because of action the state has taken, including more than 30 billion dollars saved away for this type of scenario. i think we're better situated than we ever have been. despite all of the challenge, we have the highest reserves ever so that our goal will be to protect our progress, progress she hopes to make this year with investments on issues like housing. >> and climate, including drought floods and wildfire mitigation. but she says there's one issue in particular at the top of her list. homelessness is i just amazingly out of control.
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we're working very that. we have funds already allocated. we just need the implementation to get those funds in the communities where the work can be done. republicans where we're focused on fixing california senate minority leader brian jones says amid recent storms he and his gop colleagues want to see the state invest more in water storage. i would encourage the governor today under one of his executive orders start building the reservoirs on how to at least help close the projected deficit. >> jones has this message for newsom. stop spending on the high speed rail and start spending on projects that californians need right now. roads, bridges, you know, we had 100 billion dollars surplus last year and we're swinging to a deficit in one year. that's unacceptable. >> and this all comes as the legislature is still technically get lulled into a week's long special session on oil prices. i'm told that special session could last several more weeks or even months reporting from the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> all right. coming up here on the kron, 4 morning news, the bay area business offering a creative solution for fallen trees left behind after the recent storms. plus, a drowning man saved by an antioch officers. quick thinking bodycam footage capturing it and just ahead, preparing for a disaster. coming up, we'll tell you about the program prov
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> all right. take a look at this. this is body cam footage of ending a police officer kyle smith using his canines 30 foot leash to say the man stuck in a can now the officers through the leash over the fence and the men stuck on the other side was able to grab a hold of it and got pulled to safety. and police say that the officer's quick thinking helped save a life here. and oakland police are asking for your help finding this man. they say he tried to rape someone. police say it happened around 9.30 thursday morning at a store near 4700 international boulevard. police say the suspect went into the store, went up to the victim, started grabbing them and then pulled their pants down. opd says the victim fought back and was able to get out of that situation. the suspected runoff police say he was last seen wearing what you're seeing on your screen there, anyone with any information is asked to please call oakland pd. >> alright, clear skies for
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the most part this weekend and into next week. sunshine rules kept a bit on the cool side. after all, it is winter. a look at what it looks like for your weekend. coming up in just 52.
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>> and you can see the cars going by down on the roadway there. this beautiful saturday morning. good morning to you. this is a live look at the golden gate bridge from sutro tower. i believe a court. so glad so glad to hear that. dave, thank you. >> country 97 hit kicker. i don't. good there, 70. good morning, everybody. half moon bay is now treating us to some of the way of some waves going on. we didn't see this about 45 minutes ago or so. but on balance, it looks like pretty calm for those winds. watch out for the king tides the with us all this weekend long moon, the sun working in tandem lot of 30's on the board for right now. we've got 33 for livermore. 39, antioch, so tri valleys, just getting above freezing with plenty of 30's lining up the east bay shoreline. 35 san jose on balance, mostly sunny, maybe some high cloudiness to to pain around a little bit here. there's weak system up towards the north. not much of a player. you know,ithese little pieces of systems. we're very
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familiar with that from previous winners. now we're going to be treated to that the whole week long. we've got a lot of the bank for right now. we're doing good. there's our future cast for pretty clear going on for today. tonight. are some scattered clouds in there? just for good measure. this may kind of cut off some of our cooling at night. in addition to this, after all of this will get those stronger offshore winds. yeah, offshore. so that's dry winds. however, again, we're pretty protected because of recent rains. call today breezy, but tomorrow it's up up to more in the way of windy. no statements within this. but it certainly covers a lot of geography up there to solano county, the east bay and also the peninsula's were popping well into the 30's as you'll notice for a little time period there. so might hear more about that right now. they're not saying anything. mostly sunny, breezy today, cool in the 50's again, some high cloudiness a bit tonight. tomorrow, a few scattered clouds so cool again, cold again tonight, 30's expected 60's for highs. it will be windy for late by the day. then next week it looks like sunny cold nights.
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your lows will still be in the upper 30's near about 60 going on for highs. so kind of calm. quiet week ahead. uneventful, if you will, today. 54 san francisco. 57 for eau claire for san jose and oakland about 56. everybody seeing essentially sunny to mostly sunny skies, the wider geography, not much the way a variety despite the fact a lot of sunshine and not a whole lot. the way of winds. we have more on the 4 zone forecast and also look at that dry 7 day to 70. all right, dave, thank you. >> today emergency response teams made up of of community members are participating in a county wide training event in santa clara county. this coming just days after the bay area was pummeled by weeks of severe weather kron four's camila barco is live for us now in cupertino and camilla. tell us a bit about the event and what's plan today. >> yeah, so this is part of a certain program. the county has plenty of them. and throughout that here in santa clara county search stands for community emergency response team and the members part of
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this program, they're going to freshen up their skills today. the point of today is for members to practice real-life scenarios in case a vote, real emergency or disaster that way. they are prepared to help out their community. take a look at this video. this is just from about half an hour ago when members came in and they were checking in for 2 days at learning sessions us or is a team of community volunteers who are trained and equipped to help the community during a disaster or emergency situations. so they help out when professional emergency services are overloaded and they are not immediately available. every city in santa clara county, like i said, has a certain program. and today the members of that program will be meeting here at community center in cupertino to go through a day of coaching. you're going to all sorts of disaster response skills like how to treat injuries, how to go about a search and rescue managing a disaster scene at communicating over a radio channel. and we've talked about the flooding throughout the past few weeks here in
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across the bay area. and these are volunteers. they are able to help out in these situations. take a look at here with some of the organizers had to say recently we've had flood events. and so some certainty members have been deployed to do what we call windshield surveys where they drive around in pairs and they get they do a damage assessment and they're able to survey a different streets and kind of evaluated. how bad is the rain? how bad is the flooding? and they can report those conditions back to the professional responders to make them more >> and organizers also tell me part of this program, they also help out at those warming centers. it's been very cold out there. and these volunteers they're able they're prepared to handle any sort of situation, whether it be a natural disaster like to talk about the flooding or just helping out at those warming center. the sessions, they're about to start any
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minute now. throughout the day, they'll be just the learning all sorts skills. i'll send it back to you. right. so you know, they'll be able to help set save some more lives. thank you so much camila for that live perspective. there. >> in danville, repair crews say they fix more than 100 potholes in the past 2 weeks. some of the worst damage on alameda diablo avenue at diablo road. the rain caused a large dip in the roadway, creating dangerous driving conditions. >> find out the pothole to even out the edges. and then for an out hot mix and go over with the roller to really compacted and get set in in the hot mix typically performs very well. and last for a long time. >> residents are encouraged to report any potholes using the danville connect app. area businesses offering a creative solution to address fallen trees on properties. kron four's rob nesbitt shows us how it works. >> outside of san ramon warehouse nick harvey has several piles of trees stacked
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cedars oaks walnuts. he might have chosen a bay area redwood for his furniture making company in 2018, but it's would he's worked on it. harvey's concept is not to buy, would from a lumber yard, but rather to take trees that fall naturally or because of weather and turn them into something of use with an old growth redwood for top table. and it's a long list of options for tables, benches, deaths, you materials for parks per villas, the rain and wind that battered the bay area this month brought hundreds of trees down natural destruction that's kept. this would work are busy with that. just since the beginning of this year about 100 calls and for recycling trees. >> the actual form on our website to streamline that process. residents can contact harvey to have downed trees removed and turned into furniture. but he also has several arborist reach out to make it cheaper for the property owner and were able to minimizing in many cases eliminate that disposal costs for the homeowner by working with the appropriate license on uninsured arborist.
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drilling into tables and chairs that started as rain soaked logs. is something that will be admired for its natural finish. this process does take time. according to harvey, some pieces of wood can take several years before it's dry enough to be worked on reporting in san ramon. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news police departments in the bay area are ramping up patrols. what are ramping up patrols. what they're gearing up for. meet leon the third... leon the second... and leon... the first of them all. three generations, who all bank differently with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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right. today, santa rosa police and other local law enforcement agencies have extra patrols plan to combat this. what you're seeing on your screen right there, sideshows, the department says they've got tips about they receive tips rather about potential activity starting tonight and through the weekend. santa rosa has a side show ordinance in place to arrest or cite participants, vehicle passengers and spectators. the oakland police department will also be on patrol and they say any participating car in those sideshows can be towed and seized for 30 days. take a look at some of the items just seized by newark and san pablo. police in an auto theft crime ring. these include 17 stolen vehicles, 12 firearms, 2 ballistic armor vests and thousands of rounds of ammunition. these were taken from 5 the age of in their 20's from the east bay, all now in custody. happening today, fremont host a gun buyback event from 10 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.
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it's happening at the fire department on stevenson boulevard. people can get $100 per handgun rifle or shotgun. and $200 per assault weapon payments are limited to $600 per person the guns that rather the department says that all guns must be in working order and they cannot be loaded at the time of the buyback. ammunition will not be accepted. and police are looking for a man they believe is behind a series of burglaries in napa. take a look at this this is a still taken from surveillance video. police say the suspect forces his way into businesses and steals from cash registers. at least 15 burglaries were reported in the area of napa high school near jefferson street and central avenue. that's according to a map posted by mpd and anyone with information is asked to please contact a local law enforcement. and now staying road between fremont and soon. all also known as highway. 84 is open again after being closed for several days due to
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storm damage. this is video of the mudslides and landslides that kept the roadway closed to drivers. the roadway open on friday. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news is the countdown to the big game. we take a look at how some 40 niner faithful are gearing up for the faceoff with the dallas cowboys. >> and up next here, a crowd for we bring in college basketball to watch back-to-back games with the first one tipping off at 9. but if you prefer to continue watching us here at the kron 4 morning news, don't worry, we've got you covered. you can find us streaming live on kron-on. we'll see you there.
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(vo) wells fargo lets you know where you stand with your fico credit score. what if you knew where you stood with everything? like your future in-laws... (boyfriend) hope you like cats... (hero inner thought) i hope your parents like me... they're whispering. (father in-law) the kitties like her... (hero inner thought) can they tell i'm allergic? (mother in-law) tears of joy... (father in-law) welcome to the family! (hero inner thought) whew! (vo) like knowing where you stand? when it comes to your credit score, you can with wells fargo.
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8:30 am
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