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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  January 17, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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gate bridge. no cloud cover blocking out that view right now and not really looking at a lot of wet spots on roads either. so get out there knowing that you've got sure fairly normal commute, at least as far as what mother nature is offering you skies are clear across the bay area and also having cleared out for the sierra nevada. now you saw snowfall lingering up there all day yesterday. that snowfall really added up. but as crews get a chance to clear out those roads, you're about to have both optimal ski conditions and some really easy driving up there. future cast of winds to show a breezy coast today. but elsewhere in the bay area, nice and calm. temperatures are cold this morning. so trade in the rain jacket for those extra layers to keep you cozy. redwood city at 36 degrees. same in livermore fremont's dublin conquered even oakland down in the 30's. well, santa rosa just right above freezing at 33 degrees right now. so definitely chilly. but it's not wet. and we're not looking at any rainfall at any point today. i will be talking a chance of it come tomorrow, though. still you all about
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that in your forecast. great job. thank you for that. will traffic has been light but we do have an accident northbound along 17. >> at idlewild road in los gatos. so drive times for you. about 30 minutes traveling from santa cruz up to los gatos. 85 heading into the city. the meter lights are now on. so put you at about 13 minutes may's to that fremont street exit our san mateo bridge gives us about 13 minutes traveling across towards the peninsula. 8.80 to 101, richmond center fell bridge tolls to want to want a 7 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes dary . james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. a 601. and today elon musk trial over his tweets about tesla gets under set to begin later this afternoon. the company shareholders suing him because they say tweets he wrote back in 2018. >> misled them. kron four's. michael thomas is live in san francisco with what the trial deals with. good morning, michael. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. you know, this was about 4 years ago and really today he's going to have to
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answer to those tweets that he because, again, those shareholders say that it put them in a really awkward or bad situation. but let's take a look at some of those tweets from 2018. we're up on your screen now. now this is a tweet from august of 2018 and that's when musk stated he had financing for a buyout deal of tesla making you know, from public to private, followed by more tweets that some say made the alleged deal seen close to happening, causing the tesla stock price to roller coaster for about a week or so. but that buyout never happened. and it led to the u.s. securities and exchange commission to get involved, which ultimately ended in muscat having to pay a 40 million dollars settlement. also requiring him to step down as chairman for tesla. now today's trial stems from a class action lawsuit. a tesla investors that own stock during the time of august 2018 and now a san francisco jury will decide if the billionaire's actions at the time were appropriate or going to be considered reckless and
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potentially damaging to those shareholders. now back out here live, you know, just a couple of weeks his lawyers actually went ahead and reached out to the court and said if they can actually move the hearing and the trial from san francisco over to texas because he believed that he wouldn't get a fair trial. he was in san francisco because some of those shores may be biased, saying that locally doesn't have the best reputation. but as you can see, it is still happening here in san francisco. happening later on today. we'll continue to keep you updated on the latest coming out of the courtroom as we get more information live this morning in san francisco, michael thomas kron. 4 news. >> all right. thank you very much, michael 603, is the time in the east bay. people who live in pittsburgh. some of them had to be rescued by boat. as you can see here. and it was on harbor street that was flooded out near yosemite drive to greystone place flooded yesterday morning. there are people about 12 homes and 3 apartments who had to evacuate those in the neighborhood that we spoke to say they've never seen anything like this before. >> the house, my house it go.
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that was bay. out of here was and i think they're a fight at here. >> the overflowing water levels in kercher creek are receding now. so they're hoping those will go down to a safe level and people can get back into their homes. the road, however, does remain closed this morning. >> well, on the peninsula, a massive boulder temporarily blocks off a highway one in pacifica for several hours. as a matter of fact, now it's since been removed. the highways back open, but there% are concerns it could be more debris coming down off the hill proper. sarah stinson gives us a look. >> this massive boulder came crashing down from this hillside and into the southbound lanes here on highway one, blocking the devil's slide, north parking lot. this is all right before the tunnel. >> well, caltrans work to move the boulder in debris. the north and southbound lanes on highway one temporary closed on and off monday afternoon.
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this caused the backup in both directions. chp and caltrans work to guide traffic. while crews worked to clear the road. >> people hiking in the area were fascinated by the scene. >> came to hike devil's slide and we've got to see a slide. >> fascinated by geological events and it's part of living on the coast. >> there's a concrete retaining wall covering most of the mountain side. but it stops right before the trailhead parking lot. and that's where the boulder fell from. caltrans says this is an example of effects we're seeing from the constant storms. we get a lot of rain. >> in that area and we get a lot of water seeping through that on out with just a lot of water in that mountain. and so that brings down the earth and the rocks caltrans is now faced with making sure more debris doesn't come down onto the bike or car lanes. >> in this area on highway one, that was jala just looking at it. and we're big trying to make a decision on how we're going to shore up that slow. so it doesn't come
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down again. there's a part of this still overhanging. >> cons of in place along this stretch of road on highway one to make sure that drivers don't head into this area. the north parking lot of double slide, caltrans still working on a solution for this area so that more debris does not fall into the roadway or the bike lane. meantime, pacifica police saying the extra careful when you're driving these north and southbound lanes. i'm sarah stinson reporting in pacifica. back to you. >> 606. let's go to the north bay now where highway 37 in novato is partially open now. it's been closed for 2 days between highway 101 in atherton avenue that a shutdown that area over the weekend because of the flooding kron four's amanda hari has more. >> sunday night state route. 37 didn't have a single car on it. but monday afternoon, things were looking better. caltrans managed to open both lanes eastbound and one of the westbound that's a big success has been closed for almost 2
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days. jeff weiss with caltrans says the nevado creek over topped its levy. >> and the water came flowing on to 37 and he says more water is still coming in. they were going to be working out there. 24 7, at in the near future trying to keep it open. we've been pumping it out. >> and with the little bit of a dry spell. we they've been able to get ahead of the problem. he says the one westbound lane needs to stay closed because that's where their pumps are set up to continuously remove water. >> which allows the eastbound lanes and one westbound lane to stay open. he says to expect delays going westbound for your tuesday morning commute on. i wouldn't recommend it >> we've been very early scheduling. >> plenty of extra time. a good thing to do would be to caltrans quick maps of some other mapping service to find out what the delays are and just expect delays that way. you won't the frustrated if
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you run into some significant delays. >> he will be >> that was. amanda harry reporting this morning. at this point, there's no timeline for one they're going to reopen at last lane. caltrans says that they have to see what happens tomorrow because we're expecting more rain. >> well, president joe biden plans to travel here to california to visit central coast on thursday. wants to get a firsthand look from self and assess what additional federal support is needed to cope with the damage. while exact details aren't final. biden says he plans to meet with first responders and state and local officials and communities in several areas that have hit hard and devastated by the storms that have left at least 20 people dead. president has already issued an emergency declaration for the state and declared a major disaster. former said sacramento and santa cruz counties. >> 608, right now and oh, my god. niners fans are excited for the big game against the cowboys is yeah, we know a plan to get out. now we do the nfc championship game on the
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line. so whoever wins will go on to that dallas advance to the divisional round in the nl left nfl playoffs. >> by beating the buccaneers last night monday night football. brady did not look good, but we have kron four's will tran standby at levi stadium will he's probably toward the storyline. yes, he's toured. will tran famously of the dallas fanned in 9 or country to yeah. good morning. well. >> i accidentally wore the scholars just so, you know, because we were set to do another story. so by all means i am still a cowboys fan, but it should be a good game here at levi's stadium on sunday and just in case you're wondering, of course, the forty-niners heavy favorites going into sunday. they have not lost in 11 games and they losses. brock purdy took over for jimmy g. let me show you quickly the highlights how we got here. tom brady, guys. we might have seen the very last of tom brady. he took to the field yesterday.
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>> jenks. because we know he's really either. so with him coming up. but obviously the bank divisional round matchup between the 2 is this coming sunday, 3.30. and it's going to be a rematch of what happened last year when the niners defeated the cowboys in the wild card round dash their hopes of their looking for revenge. lots of storylines dak prescott versus brock. purdy highs going to come out on top. how to cheer on. yeah. this is something with this kid is going that's a lot to rest on your little shoulders when you're so young and right, he's been such a standout. so amazing and i just i'm excited to see him play. going to see how many fun ways we can. pun purdy purdy. our brock dallas. welcome to the brock like welcome to the wrongs of the owner of the work on it will today right now, that was a
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dad joke. still ahead morning news, the u.s. could be meeting its borrowing limit soon. we'll see what the congress is going to do. >> and one south bay county is welcoming all of the recent rain because the reservoirs are looking good. we'll see how this >> does for the drive. >> everything is green out there. now, look at those hills out in the east bay. you're going to notice it feels a little bit more like spring with that sunshine paired with all of it, sunny and mild afternoon today, highs in the 50's get out there and enjoy talking a chance of rain tomorrow and your forecast and sunny commute is doing our morning drive little. we have a look at those updated drive times on this tuesday. we'll be on this tuesday. we'll be right back after the break.
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smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. >> all right. let's get back to talking about this matchup on county to bat. so they're coming to town we were chatting with will coming up in the last walk. last little connection issue. >> got that. he may talk about the cowboys at that point. so kind of off a good night or nations juju their will. >> now, iowa's like you could be right to play. and then the coach cost time out. time out. time out. so the plane never happened now it's happening and what's going to happen is this is the game that ever america wants its face. it the niners and the cowboys will be good television or good must
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see in person come sunday. and here's how we got here. let's do it all over again, guys. yes, i was talking about the cowboys and they dispatched. tampa bay or should i call it daria, tom, but bay, because that could be the very last that we see of tom brady. 31 to 14. it was just a blowout pretty much early on in the game. and then tom brady threw a late touchdown to make it 14 points. but it was a laugh or all the way through. you might recall. i got, you know, so many texts and just he's for all full year. what happened last year with the niners and the cowboys when jimmy g was the quarterback when they went into dallas last year and they were supposed to lose and ended up winning 23 to 17. remember that laughable play by dak prescott when they had no timeouts and instead of doing something with it, he runs right up the middle and then they run out of time,
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niners win. and of course they go the way to the nfc championship game and almost made it to the super bowl. here's what you need to know. the niners are favorites. they are favored by las vegas by 4 points. so they should win a little bit more than a field goal a little bit less. then a touchdown. they've won 11 straight games. brock purdy has not lost any games since he's taken over. but i and a vast cowboys fan. did you know this chance and daria that the cowboys they have dispatched the forty-niners more than any other team and nfc playoff history. they have a record of 5, 3, and after this weekend, guys, 6, 3, go cowboys. oh, he talked about that. but everybody remembers 1982. and the catch with dwight clark. >> which sent joe montana and then 8 and the niners to the super bowl against dallas. so i'm just saying that's funny. you mention that i was waiting
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for you to do that. jane doe the way if you do you know that today, exactly. 30 years ago today. >> troy aikman emmitt smith and michael irvin went into candlestick. beat them up and then started their dynasty. so i was waiting for that trap. set. >> you >> remember 1995 when we had everybody on the field. and steve he's super bowl beating rivalry. this is why this game is better than having tampa bay come tonight. the forty-niners to because it you can each throw one punch on each hit. okay. now this will continue. we'll see you in a little bit. well, thank well, why and the good guys to keep going on forever. and yes, listen to this to the weather as opposed to the last game where there is threat of sloppy, you know, football, right? the weather is actually looking pretty good. i this coming sunday because we're past with all the stormy so we could have great sunny conditions. >> we could you not that
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you're going go outside all that watching on tv, rooting for exactly. yes. sunday's game is going to be picture perfect. kind of like today's about to be. >> all the sunshine. nice, cool conditions. but paired with sunshine, those mid 50's going to feel really nice. now, the big question is how much rain have we gotten this season? obviously we've seen rain day after rain day after rain day and it all adds up will since the start of the water year, which is october, october, 1st, typically when we really start to see our rainfall packing up for the season areas like can't feel of seeing nearly 30 inches of rainfall. oakland and santa rosa around 25 inches in san francisco 6, the wettest water year so far. 21.7, 4 inches of rain falls. that's quite a lot. obviously, the last 3 weeks did the most for us giving us the vast majority of that rainfall that you're seeing up there now. radar shows no more of it, though. we are clear and dry today from the sierra to the bay area. we do have our next system insight that's going to drop in come tomorrow evening.
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but today, a consistently dry one from start to finish. looking at what we have for tomorrow. today is clear tonight. we also stay nice and dry. and tomorrow we start that way. you're going to another dry day tomorrow. but come the afternoon. we'll start to see showers dropping into the north bay and a line of rainfall pushing through right after your evening commute for the bay area could come along pretty heavy, but very short lived. by the time we reach around 10:00pm. we're pretty much done with that. and then the rest of the forecast is consistently dry. so tomorrow, the only blip in an otherwise consistently sunny, mild and dry forecast. tomorrow's rain will be around a quarter to a 3rd of inch of rain. nothing like the heavier totals we had been seeing because of all the rain. we're still seeing a lot of runoff into low lying areas. coastal flood advisories today through 09:00am. it's a pairing of high tides as well as all that runoff in the low lying areas. we've seen issues on highway 37 low lying spots like that. you may find some standing water on otherwise. temperatures today make for a
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very comfortable one. it's mid 50's pretty much across the board. burlingame at 55 degrees for your daytime high redwood city at 56, san jose. today you'll be at 55 degrees while the east bay looking at temperatures anywhere from the low to mid 50's for you. east bay temps in oakland and san leandro at 55 degrees 53 in santa rosa at 56 for your peak temperature later today. tomorrow i mentioned those evening showers. a sunny start to the day on wednesday, though. and then it's thursday through monday and are nothing but sun and yes on sunday for the niners game. looking great mid-fifties and mostly sunny right now. all right, john, thank you for that. will northbound 17 south of idlewild road in los gatos. >> we do have an accident. so you are seeing a slight delay traveling up north. if you're heading from iowa, one up to 85. it's going to take about 30 minutes to make that drive. meteor lights are on here, but no slick wet conditions. so 18 minutes into the city this morning. our san mateo bridge 80 to 101 puts us at about 14
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minutes as you're traveling across towards the peninsula, 101, in the south bay. 85 up towards menlo park. 31 minutes while to 80 and 82 will still lundy drive and at the limit 8.80, cilantro down to milpitas. 25 minute 6.80, through san ramon on down to signal you're at the limit there and crockett down towards the maze. about 20 minutes darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of >> okay. 6.21. unless congress votes to increase the debt limit, the government could run out of money that they need to pay its obligations. and so they're trying to figure out what they're going to do with this. our dc correspondent alexandra limon is live now to explain. good morning. >> deiah james, good morning. you know, republicans say that they feel that government spending and the national debt are just out of control. and that's why >> they say they're not going to agree to increase the debt limit unless that spending is cut. >> these fiscally. fiscally
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demented. i think, you know. >> i don't quite get it. on monday, president biden slammed house republicans who say they'll block an increase in the debt limit unless their demands are met. the republicans say we're not going to pay our bills means that we're not going to pay people receiving social security in a letter to lawmakers last week, treasury secretary janet yellen warned the u.s. could hit its borrowing limit thursday. she said the government has already started implementing extraordinary measures in order to continue paying its obligations, which include medicare, veterans benefits and military salaries. house republicans say they won't agree to an increase in the debt limit unless government spending is slashed. republicans are largely allotted to get control of reckless spending. hope that the senate. >> how a democrat and republicans will agree to spending cuts. but this has to stop. we cannot continue to operate with these types of
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deficit. democrats say republicans are playing games and the result could wreak havoc on the entire u.s. economy. >> and president biden says he's already reducing the national deficit reduce the deficit last year, 350 billion dollars. and this year. federal deficit is down. one plus dollars. now, democrats also say that the debt limit increase is needed to pay for things that are necessary right now and that congress already voted to approve. and it's not necessarily to pay for future spending. >> live in washington, alexandra limon. >> thank you, alex. we'll take a break here at 6.23. coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news, california working right now on a plan to make driver's licenses. digital. tell you how that might work. it is
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6.26, and soon. california might no longer require you carry a physical driver's license. so the states working right now on a plan to develop digital driver's licenses. officials say there's a pilot program from the dmv now that could start in late spring. the dmv is working with popular mobile wallet. providers like apple and android to play secure mobile driver's licenses in 2, you're from. however, there are some privacy concerns in regards to how much information you share when you show these digital id's. apple, for instance,
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says that its apple wallet will allow users to choose certain information to share from their license. for you would no longer have to present an id that shows a home address. if you're only looking to be identified by a stranger at a bar, let's say or to board a plane, there's some private information you can keep hidden while you share the rest. we'll take a break. it is 6.27 coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news. homeowners forced to evacuate after a mudslide severely damages a home in the east bay. >> tell you why others in the area may also soon be evacuated. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend.
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(co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? you go by lots of titles veteran, son, dad. -it's time to get up. -no. hair stylist and cheerleader. so adding a “student” title might feel overwhelming. what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. it's coming along. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you.
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migraine hits hard... national university. u hit back with ubrelvy. u put it all on the line. one dose of ubrelvy quickly stops migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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>> 6.29 and thanks for tuning into kron 4 with you're watching on the tv or maybe on the mobile app on the mobile app salute lee. and the good news for you this morning is what you're seeing behind us right now. no wind, the trees are still the sidewalk is dry. say it's whole new day. a calm morning here on a tuesday morning job. enjoy it. we've transported back from seattle to normal bay area whether feels like from the weeks of rainfall. now to more consistently dry conditions. we have one last opportunity for rain. that's tomorrow evening. aside from that, though, it's going to be views like this where skies are clear and not a whole lot going on. but at this point we've earned it. >> your golden gate bridge view is nice and clear this morning. nothing get in the way of the commute. as far as mother nature is heading up into the sierra. a great start to get up there. you know, enjoy all that fresh powder we
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saw yesterday, little new powder to borrow. that means if you just spend the rest of the week up there, it's ideal ski conditions, futurecast wind showing our a breezy us of conditions at the coast. well, very calm. elsewhere. the only downside is how cold it is, but just layer up and you'll be good to go. redwood city and livermore at 36 degrees right now, the lady with 35 even oakland's dipping down into the upper 30's santa rosa. you're just above freezing at 33. so definitely a cold start to this morning. but there's no rainfall. so we should have better conditions for commuters. much better conditions today. if you are traveling along 1, 0, 1, 85 up towards part. >> 32 minutes to make that drive. as you're traveling along to 37, no major issues there this morning, the bay bridge. 21 minutes into the city maze to that fremont street exit. our san mateo bridge puts you at about 14 minutes traveling from a 80 to 101, 80's selanne schulte award to milpitas. 25 minutes to make that drive a richmond.
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sandra fell bridge tolls to 1, 1, about 8 minutes there. and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes darya. james, back to you. >> 6.31 and thanks to all the recent storms, california's drug situation is drastically improve. yeah, relief. that's what you have on the big monitor there. researchers, however, stress that we're not out of this just yet. we still have more to go. in fact, couple more years, potentially wet weather to get really caught up. capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look. well, no doubt as it pertains to the drought. the storms are welcome news in california. but researchers emphasize they only mean so much without long-term consistency. >> all of the new rain and importantly. all of the fresh snow made a huge difference in california's drought situation since the start of the new year. a look at the most recent drought monitor update on the right side of the screen. dated january. 10th shows all of the state is now out of the exceptional drought
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category. and most of the state is out of the extreme drought category. still as indicated by the orange much of the state remains in severe drought. short term is very important. yes. >> but long-term is very important as well. that's the message weather specialist researcher and meteorologist jason farhang says california should take away from the recent storms. we definitely got to have consistency. >> for the next several winters. the storm track focus on california and the western u.s.. it's. we do not see that then everything that we've seen. is this going to be a temporary fix, only a fix that so far is looking good for the state. the total sierra snowpack for this time of year is up more than 200% of average. well, key reservoirs, including oroville, could chuma. >> and millerton are above 100% for this time of year. most of those are probably in a better position than they were before christmas. if
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similar patterns continue. this is a great start to arrive. king our drought. still the department of water resources are dwr makes clear. essage to californians and conservation. >> has not changed. dwi believes in this idea of making conservation a way of life because we don't know when the next dry conditions calm. we don't know when the next round is going to happen. >> so we're always encouraging to be smart with their water usage. and so that doesn't really depending on how many storms we see. that's just good practice going forward and help them. >> and good news on river flows. dwr says the majority of rivers across the state have receded below dangerous levels. still, they remind celifornians to always be on alert, especially with more winter weather on the way reporting from sacramento eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, the rain caused some problems in santa clara county, but it was a welcome sight, at least as the county works to improve their drought condition. their proffers justin campbell takes a closer look. >> rushing now is allowing
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kids to make some splash at the banks of the lexington reservoir on one day. it's also a welcoming sight for a retired firefighter victor pioli. >> i was here in january, february was 17% to go from 17%. 100%. he's very dramatic. i don't think i've ever seen that here. >> and almost 70 years. in fact, lin hong, an official with santa clara valley, water says the reservoir is now 103% for and spilling over. hong says there's now enough drinking water to supply 36,000 families for years. santa clara valley water says lexington rose to over 100% during sunday night's rain storm and began spilling over. this marks the first time it's been full since february of 2019. hong says 3 other reservoirs in santa clara county are also full and spilling over. coyote reservoir is at 111% full. you vice president gore is 105% for an outlet than reservoir is 104% full. hong says santa
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clara county still imports 50% of its water. but all of the recent rain is likely to help bring the county out of a drought. rains have been beneficial. we are cautiously optimistic that. >> elite who potentially declaration of no doubt, but that's not term. and yet reporting in san jose, justin campbell kron, 4 news. >> it's 6.36. and check this out in the east bay. a mudslide in the berkeley hills forced evacuations near tilden park. this home, which is above wildcat canyon road. >> right into the kitchen it pushed his way in the city. red tag homes. that means owners can't live there anymore because it's unsafe right now. >> we in fact, we spoke with the homeowner and they say they had just recently completed renovations. >> her and us, we just remodeled our house. we finish the remodel. and to be we've just come back from living.
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we've been living in england for the last 3 years. and we just come back. in june now our house is pretty much destroyed its red tags. and i don't know, you know what we're going to do. we can't get anybody here to move this turn into it. stops moving. >> oh, my gosh, right? >> you could hear the frustration that she was pretty calm. i would say now this is also there are additional homes that are threatened along middlefield road because of this. >> 10 homes in all were evacuated. others have warnings on them that they might have to leave if the slide to get any bigger. >> and over in hayward, another mudslide to destroyed a home there. this one along fare cliff street. the homeowner says it all happened so fast. look at the damage. >> it's pretty because it happened so within like 3, 4 minutes to go out. have the house. what is your creek like cracking? okay, shape through.
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>> and city crews are on site and were cleaning up debris yesterday. the city says it's working right now to get an engineer to evaluate that hillside as residents are worried that more rain forecast for wednesday might cause more that he'll come down. in san francisco. there've been several downed trees in and around golden gate park, including this one that fell into mets in lake. it's a big one pictures coming to us from twitter user urban hiker. they say this was 150 year-old cypress tree. the downed tree office exposed a huge root system underneath. no word on if work will be done to clear if or when that work will be done. you might be able to see if you head to the park here in the next couple days. >> 6.38 right now. and it has been months since the leak of a u.s. supreme court draft opinion revealing the end of roe v wade. yeah. the bombshell revelation led to threats against justice is and nationwide demonstrations and now 8 months later, a new report claims investigators may be close to identifying
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the suspect. the suspected source of that leak in the porter. evan lambert has details. >> more than 8 months into the investigation of the leak of the draft opinion revealing the fall of roe v wade. the wall street journal reports the marshal of the supreme court has narrowed the possible leak or to quote a small number of suspects. they include law clerks, but people familiar with the situation tell the paper investigators haven't identified the person behind the leak for certain little else is known publicly about the investigation and it's not clear if the report will ever be made public. the leak amounted to an unprecedented breach of court secrecy outside of published opinions and a whirlwind of protest outside the court and even in front of supreme court justices republicans expressed outrage over the leaks consequences which included the arrest of a man prosecutors say planned to kill justice brett kavanaugh. and that situation, as we all know, got real serious. >> got real serious with the assasiination attempt on
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justice kavanaugh. they've also push for answers on the investigation. there are many secrets in this town. >> but for some reason, this individual has certainly been absolutely, i think evidence that there are specific people they know who this person is and why they have been identified at this point is beyond me, the leak and the ultimate decision to overturn roe and leave abortion to the states has ushered in a patchwork of abortion laws at the state level. >> according to the abortion rights aligned, good mocker institute and public reporting post road. 24 states have restricted or are likely to restrict abortion. recent polls like one by pew in july's show 62% of the public supporting abortion rights in all or most cases. and that comes as several states either through ballot initiatives or state courts have protected the right to abortion or blocked fans from going into effect. that includes a deep red state like kansas, who's voters chose to protect abortion rights in the state's constitution. and that was at
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lambert reporting for us. >> all right. take a look ahead on the kron. 4 morning news. a driver had a whole oce call with the boulder. >> down and out of that was pretty has or that a close have more on that coming up in a minute. and of course, the niners look at the brock purdy to help lead them to their next playoff win. we'll tell you why. the team's head coach says. >> he's got faith in the young rookie quarterback and waking up to dry conditions this morning. that's the way we stay today. lots of sunshine out there for the bay area. >> couple spots of fog around santa rosa and out towards the central valley. as of right now, expect that to lift the beautiful wen ahead. >> all right. and you're in the roads today. you need to look at your drive times this morning. we are tracking that tuesday morning right back after the break.
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>> 6.44 and take a look at this video catches the moment that this stretch of roadway just breaks away in san mateo county. watch this just slides right before your eyes looks fake, doesn't it? believe it or not? this is a past era creek road near bean hollow road in. okay to down there. now, this portion just broke
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away. and now the section of the road there in pescadero is closed because crews need to repair it. and redwood city, multiple cars had their tires flattened while they were on northbound 101, because of a pot hole in the second left lane on the highway. look at some of the tires that was shredded because of this 2 dozen cars had their tires affected by this. when they drove over at the left 2 lanes near woodside road off-ramp in redwood city were shut down so that spare anybody else. the recent weather has caused lots of pop up potholes to open up. >> witnessing >> get away. yeah, it. can you believe that? i mean, >> it looks like this. 2 people were walking one way ahead of the other and look at how close they came to the side of that road. just chipped away. and then you go back and you see the other person may be too close to the edge. this is a a ravine and
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it just collapsed into the ravine, a man or woman. we're out for their morning walk when this happened. somebody captured it looking from above and disbelief. and james, you are mentioning how, you know, some people like that, the guy in the back, it looks like, yeah, he's is. yeah. >> and well where you go, right? you don't know where you know is right away from horse, the the so that would be a good bet. okay. yeah. i second 6.46, but i'm ok, take a look at this. yeah. of older crushed a car in malibu yesterday happened right along the pacific coast highway and get this. the driver didn't have a scratch on him want one. that's only because he wasn't in it at the time, but he almost was. >> he says he was sitting in the driver's seat moments before these giant boulders came tumbling down the hill and landed right on top of his car. what do we do the part let's take a listen. >> walked out. got a call around back inside. came out and car was just total. i'm really shook up. honestly. i don't think a par here again.
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after that's little traumatized from this whole ordeal. >> so he pulled over and parked there. yeah, just the heart stepped out of his vehicle for just a moment and came back with a sunroof, a bright sun roof. how about that, huh? so nobody hurt miraculously enough. the falling rocks across 4 lanes of traffic. so that jarred things up for that commute. another nearby car also had its windshield busta to because of these falling rocks. but again, nobody hurts. that is in store. incredible. yeah. all call that we've been dealing with, you know, mud and rock slides here too, in the bay area. luckily nobody. yeah. >> another told this morning, by the way to coyotes, briley good-sized outside kron. middle street, everybody stepping out now enjoy the dry weather animals to yet now that the rain is gone, the resurgence you know what it is definitely a forecast that's going to make anyone get outside. speaking of cody's a good one to take the dogs out and just keep them at a
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distance. obviously the weather making it easier to go on the dog. walk to do anything you want to do outside today. we've got the clear skies out there for the east bay hills right here. love to see what's about to be a very sunny day ahead of us. a couple of spots of fog up into the north bay, but especially out in the central valley. if you're heading up to the sierra to enjoy all the fresh new snowfall note that it is very foggy in the valley today bay area about to clear up really nicely. we're seeing that fog showing up in future cast to our east. couple spots around santa rosa to most of us are good to go this morning, though, skies remain clear all day long today and staying dry. most importantly, now tomorrow we start the day dry, but rainfall arrives mid afternoon for the north bay pushes into the rest of the bay area right after your evening commute tomorrow. this is your loan opportunity of rainfall between now and the rest of the month. some very dry forecast. so get there tomorrow night. it's going to be very short lived. and then we're smooth sailing. the rest of the forecast tomorrow evening's rainfall anywhere
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from a quarter to a 3rd of an inch. nothing really that's going back anything up. definitely going to see not a whole lot of impacts from it. a coastal flood advisory still in effect to 09:00am this morning, the pairing of high tides and all that runoff from weeks of rain making for some flooded low-lying areas like highway 37, other spots like that that we've been talking about those issues. high temps today will be in the 50's with oakland at 55 san jose and san francisco. also at 55 tomorrow or evening showers. and that's it. the rest of the forecast, a solidly dry, ample sunshine from thursday through monday. reyna. john, thank you for that. will traffic is starting to build just a little bit along highway 4. >> antioch, into conquered. it's going to take about 26 minutes to make that drive this morning. the bay bridge, the metering lights are now on. 21 minutes into the city. so things are looking good this morning. no water to slow you down. 15 minutes. san mateo bridge 80 to 101. as you're heading across towards the peninsula. 5, 18, 80
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crockett down towards the maze about 24 minutes. it's going to take you a little under 15 minutes. if you're tra-eling along highway 24 walnut creek down to 5.80, 1, 0, one. 85 up toward to menlo park. 37 minutes. no major delays along 2.80, still pretty light. there. silly down towards milpitas. about 28 minutes. and if you're traveling along 6.80, through said no, you are starting to pick up there 5.80, just as you reach in hayward, you are going hit a slight delay. if you're traveling through the maze right now, 8.80, or 5.80, traffic still moving pretty light darya. james, back to you. thanks for 86 50 and let's talk forty-niners. they are feeling good heading into this game against the cowboys. well, sure, they're coming off quite the winning streak so far. >> and everyone is looking to brock purdy to continue those winning ways. we've got kron four's kate rooney with the latest. >> since the forty-niners played their wild card round game on saturday, man, it feels like we've been waiting for ever to find out who their opponent would be for the next round. and we finally have
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answers the dallas cowboys are coming to levi's stadium. so now it's another test for niners qb brock purdy. of course, he'd already beaten the tom brady bucs. now he'll try his hand. it's going against the dak prescott cowboys. purdy continue to prove his mettle in his first playoff game. going 18 for 30 with 332 yards, 4 total touchdowns and a passer rating of 131.5 against the seahawks. but as we learn more about pretty each week. >> perhaps the most impressive thing is that absolutely nothing seems to rattle the rookie, whether it's it's a postseason stage. a shaky start or opposing pass rush. and today kyle shanahan explained that despite his intensity rocks haven't been to his house knows the that, you know, big of a deal to be also. >> isn't going make it more than that brought close playing football looks that way. every time he's out on the field, whether those walks college or practice, he's he's
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got a competitive. this storm that you can see body language because he is extremely competitive also that you love for the game that comes out when you're successful out there. some guys showed a little bit more than others. but there are guys feel that too. >> it does. it has that feeling like he's just a kid playing a game that's little thing. his dream as a rookie coming in thick and you're going to win it all in the super bowl could very well happen. we'll see the niners host, the cowboys at levi stadium this coming sunday kickoff at 3.30 and will continue to cover the niners journey into the playoffs every night on the red and gold zone with kron. 4 sports director jason dumas. >> kate rooney and aaron wilson don't miss it tonight at 10. 45? we'll be right back.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to
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two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> okay. 6.55, to time. look at this. a man in santa cruz turning storm battered beaches in the works of art about that brighton de dan evans, i guess is his last name. he's carved several these beautiful creations. wow, between these recent storms, including one displaying the word preserve. you saw that a moment ago and then will preserve. he does the nevin breaks away for
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hours as quickly as possible while battling the incoming tide. the waves eventually wipe the slate clean every time making way for a new art installation. like a giant natural at your sketch. turns out dan oven is a professional sand artist. he says strong. he's like a big dance for him. wow, cooler. this my favorite thing. i mean, i'm used to sandcastles. i'm not used to seeing this kind of yes. and artists really sure. got to work quick, though. >> yeah, tide time. yeah. but when it's wet, i guess you can carve better. so he's probably a lot of those color differences. pretty neat. 6.56. right now on coming up in the next hour. scary moment for drivers on highway one, a giant boulder comes tumbling down. >> we'll tell you what happened. and elon musk trial is starting over things. he tweeted about tesla. we'll see what the shareholders say. he what the shareholders say. he misled them.
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i was injured in a car crash. what the shareholders say. he misled them. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insurance offers. call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ -seriously? ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. -how would you feel if that was your family? -flashing lights mean "move over."
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-listen up. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning and look at what we're unveiling it's incredible. >> we saw a nice afternoon yesterday after the morning showers have cited which is great. looks like today. we're going to get this all day a little more this and then maybe a little hiccup. we'll see that good morning. yeah, a little hiccup tomorrow night,
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but today consistently dry from start to finish. pretty similar view behind me. but a little bit of a different angle. got the birds flying around. not a lot of movement on the flag out there. >> just all in all a very peaceful start to this day, peaceful but cold. so as you're getting outside to get the day started, you can put the rain jacket awaits those layers on and stay nice and cozy. we are seeing clear skies for most of the bay area. i am watching some very dense fog out in the central valley and a few patches of fog up around santa rosa. to that, i want you to watch out for aside from that, though, we are pretty smooth sailing. radar shows you clear skies all the way up into the sierra today after yesterday's snowfall up there, winds calm for most areas, a bit breezy at the coast. most notably, it's just really cold livermore. you're at 37 oakland at 39 fremont all the way down to 36 degrees in dublin at 34 santa rosa calistoga among our spots that are right at freezing right now. some rural spots up in the north bay. you may actually


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