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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  January 14, 2023 7:00am-8:31am PST

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> area getting soaked and battered by another round of heavy rain this morning. taking a live look now at storm tracker. 4 radar. just look at all that widespread showers and strong winds are expected throughout the day triggering a flood watch for the entire bay area over the next several days. good morning to you. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it is saturday january the 14th. then we have team coverage of the rain for you this morning. camila barco is live outside levi stadium with the forty-niners are getting ready to play a
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playoff game in this wild weather. but let's start by getting a look at conditions outdoors with dave spahr. he's able see. and good morning, 70. good morning, everybody. we do it again with some heavy rain as you can see across most of the bay. in fact, right now. >> the only spot where it's a little lighter is up to the north which got hammered in the overnight hours as well. so upstream, that looks like it breaks up a little bit. the gentle path we have. this is west to east or northeast. >> so you can see that intense rain will now be marching into most locations across the east bay lifting a little bit from the north bay. in terms of the intensity. we zoom in a little closer. you can see that really rough patch there all the way dando extending down to san mateo out towards the coast and including san francisco. another rough patch as well. there's a live shot going on for you. obviously a lot of fog, but the heavy rain that's going on east bay shoreline, the lights lit up. and as you heard earlier, we got the flood watch. this goes through until monday afternoon of that right up there as the russian river, which we're o% watching some flooding occurring there. so again,
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watch out of the hydrology of the system is very charged up. so even modest amounts of rain can cause some problems and watching your local area, you know, some areas that tend to get flooded. so be careful in in travels there and see helping the puddles are another little side issue to with this is that rain that we're watching for sunday night may actually bring some thunder shower action down to the peninsula and the santa cruz mountains on monday morning winds, as you mentioned, we mentioned earlier, this should expire by noon, but it will be breezy all day today. the winds generally coming in from the south, southeast asia will notice that a good clip that's going to continue the next few hours in motion. there you see the heavy rain shield that starts to lift towards our west. so the next couple of hours will be somewhat of a mild improvements. we turn the rain to some scattered showers going on in the put this together a little bit for you coming up in a bit. and there is an end to be seen and we will be telling you about how things will be improving next week, stephanie. all right. looking forward to that. thank you so much, dave. >> and we continue our team coverage of the stormy
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weather. today's rain could have a big impact on the forty-niners in their first playoff game against the seattle seahawks kron four's. camila barco is live for us at levi stadium with more on the conditions the players could be up against. take me a >> good morning, stephanie. well, it is a warning here in the bay area, especially here at levi's stadium. the drive from san francisco to a santa clara is definitely not an easy one on way here. definitely came across a few puddles. a lot of water out on the roads. easy for cards to just slide and on the streets. i want to take a look behind me here. levi save. you can just see the parking you can just see how wet it is here. but that's not stopping fans from arriving early to today's game. we're already seeing some tailgaters and they're not letting this rain put a damper on the celebrations and the festivities for today's game. i want take a look at some of the video of the
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players practicing earlier this week. the team will face the seattle seahawks for the 3rd time this this season. the forty-niners open the postseason in a wild card playoff game against a seattle team. the forty-niners have already won twice against seahawks and now they're looking for another victory. they say 30 times is charm. so we'll see what happens today at levi stadium. and stephanie, i do want to point out that, of course it is rain or shine with this game. but of course, the game could be delayed if there we do see some lightning or thunderstorms. we haven't seen any. why personally have not seen any on my drive here, but that could change later on kickoff is at one 30 pm. of course, if people are coming to the game, bring an umbrella. if you can't, the ponchos, the rain boots. it's definitely going to be a wet one here at levi stadium will send it back to you. alright, camila, thank you so much for live coverage and for braving the elements for us this morning. >> video from the south bay shows the damage caused by the
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storm. and you can see the huge tree landed on a san jose condo. the couple who live there say the eucalyptus tree fell tuesday night right into their bedroom. eric, her chick says he had just gotten up to use the restroom, but his wife, lauren, was in the room when the tree came down. taking a look at that damage there. eric says it was pitch black when he went into this room into the room and heard his wife screaming. you had to pull her out of the branches and debris. fortunately, they both got out of that situation with just a few bumps and scratches. crews do plan to move that treat today. and the mudslide force 19 people out of their homes in marin county. it happened in fairfax kron four's to recess to has the latest on this. around 10 friday morning. the hillside behind 6 duplexes on a lima road in fairfax collapsed. >> mud and larch trees cascaded down causing major damage. you can see here how debris violently pushed through this sliding door and roots of a tree smack through
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the back of a home. emergency crews rushed in and help residents get out. >> back to my >> county officials including soil engineers examined the hillside and homes after review. it was determined all 19 residents could not stay. 2 homes were read tact for yellow tagged. >> she is disabled and they actually are trying to find place there right now. >> so there drastically impacted. everybody is the whole complex. there was family. >> dave tells me his mom and husband heard a loud noise right before the hillside.
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>> okay. we're rolling down my stuff and said it sounds like, you know, it truck crash. and with the big coming out. >> late in the day pg e crews were out boring holes in the street to shut off gas lines. the signs residents, 7 dogs, 4 cats and a guinea pig were removed out of safety concerns. here in fairfax, theresa stasi, oak road for news. >> in los altos page mill road remains closed after public works. crews spent most of friday trying to fix a sinkhole. there. the city says with more rain coming the road closure could be extended. officials are also warning folks to stay away from the creeks, which are expected to swell with this next round of rain. officials are also telling residents if they see a drain covered by leaves or debris to safely remove that debris so the water can drain out and that would help keep the floods or rather the cup help keep the roads from flooding. as we head into the break, we continue to track the movement of this storm sweeping across the bay area.
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>> taking a live look now at storm tracker. 4 radar, heavy rain is already starting to fall across parts of the bay area. and more is expected throughout the morning. stay throughout the morning. stay with us. did you know if you turn to cold with tide you can save up to $150 a year on your energy bill? how? the lower the temp, the lower your bill. tide cleans great in cold and saves money? i am so in. save $150 when you turn to cold with tide. wendy's fries are always hot and crispy. fryday! so toby says everyday is now - fryday. fryday. fryday. - tuesday. - fryday. - wednesday. - fryday. - friday? - fryday. i always remember that one. that's because that's the easy one. try wendy's hot and crispy fries, preferred almost 2 to 1 over mcdonald's.
7:09 am
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coast where flooding concerns kunst continue for parts of monterey county. >> near the salinas river, several communities have
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already been evacuated. experts say the river could reach 23 feet causing water to spread across highway one and 101 which could turn monterrey into an island. and rescue efforts continue in alabama and georgia where at least 9 people have been killed in a powerful storm system which spawn more than 3 dozen tornadoes in the community of selma. tornado blue roof tops from homes tossed cars around and uprooted trees. thousands are left without power. some people return to find their homes are now gone. >> everything yes, right here where we stand. make of it. so >> we could delay is shattering the wind blowing that rain come in. and and, you know, we've just collin at collin out column that got in a just walking around like zombies. and we've been doing it ever since.
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>> one of the victims in georgia was a 5 year-old boy who died when a tree crashed into his parents. car. >> and stormy on the west coast as well as we've experienced last couple of weeks. this is live radar for you. the heavy stuff is pretty much mid day. a little break. looks like it's trying to develop up in the north. they will all get a break this will all get a break this af when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck, that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy has 7 benefits that condition and smooth fibers so clothes look newer, longer. feel the difference with downy. meet three sisters. the drummer, the dribbler, and the day-dreamer... the dribbler's getting hands-on practice with her chase first banking debit card... the drummer's making savings simple with a tap... ...round of applause. and this dreamer, well, she's still learning how to budget, so mom keeps her alerts on full volume. hey! what? it's true! and that's all thanks to chase first banking. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank with tools for both,
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all with no monthly service fee. chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> all right. thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. a live look now at downtown san
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francisco looking so pretty at this hour, we can see a city buildings lit up there, but it is a bit of a great day. we are expecting a lot of rain to continue pouring down across the city in different parts of the bay area. let's head to the weather center now to check in with dave spahr a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. out another stormy saturday we're dealing with and this is what it looks like a little further away to get an idea of where the dividing line is. a breakup there. that's kind of our afternoon. >> a little bit and early tonight, it looks like until again, more showers as we get into tomorrow morning. but nothing like now. so this is probably the biggest event we have until the last one for sunday night. it looks like and then finally looks like might be able retire this for a little while. there's the heavy rain. you'll notice peninsula extending off towards the east bay. it's got a lot of the east bay shoreline involved in there all the way up to concord, as you will see. again, it kind of breaks up a little bit up to the north bay, but of course, they were pretty inundated overnight as much the bay was there. you have it in motion to give you a general idea. the clearing
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patch here, i don't think we're going to see a lot of sun. and if we do, the problem is when you have that daytime heating, it just fills back up again in the sky. so that's problem area, futurecast for as we march forward here to see that break. i just mentioned as we approach around the noon hour, looks like we're getting it starts to subside a bit. maybe in some patches of sun and there which only fills in with a little bit more in the way the few spotty showers working in here as we go into the evening hours. then tomorrow morning, it looks like a line just to greet us. before we get a break sunday afternoon again watching the futurecast rainfall totals. this again stopped at about 7.30. there's the coverage. but yet another dose happening as we get into later and the overnight until get to sunday morning. there you see a little bit better coverage. looks like it's favoring down alameda county in the south bay a bit, not as much up in the north of that second little wave. as i mentioned earlier, the wind. so going to be with us just about all day, that advisory goes only until noon, but even in the afternoon, quite breezy, all the arrows pointing from the south. so
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we're still in the mild sector with everything bit of a shift. looks like a trust happened on saturday, but generally speaking favoring the south. pretty simple for this weekend. we have the heavy rain. the morning showers scattered for the afternoon. that wind advisory expires at noon tonight. scattered showers, breezy tomorrow. still have some scattered showers early that it really breaks up quite a bit for the afternoon. this is probably the best earnest breakup will have another heavy dose happened sunday night into monday. we'll get into that longer forecast for you a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> and now to a story you're only going to see here on kron way back? we've got a first class ticket. what's about? >> hardy nickerson senior and his family are describing what
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they feel was a very an american experience on an american airlines plane tuesday, traveling from charlotte, north carolina, to san francisco after he his wife amy and their son hardy junior were seeded in their first class seats. they say that gate attendant told them they had to move to coach class because someone over fuel this claim. >> and so, therefore, we're to happen. and consequently, the pilot has determined that the wait, there's too much weight in first class. and so we have we're asking you to go back to coax. they say they never were seated in coach to begin with and being the only black passengers seated in first class. amy nicholson says she believes they were singled out because of their race. what about, you know, some kind of >> democratic process about who was not the people over why not? of the other people or whatever it was like pulled
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it off and we did not understand that. how this process with hardy nickerson junior says it became a very uncomfortable situation as other passengers begin to stare and their direction. >> i feel. terrible. i mean, it just made me feel like i was less than many feel humiliated, embarrassed officials at american airlines say when a situation like this occurs, the airline uses an automated system with an algorithm that identifies customers who need to be receded so that the plane can safely depart. >> however, the attorney representing the nickerson family is not buying it. the person who came on board to tell the mood was racially profiling them. >> and it's very clear because there are white passengers in the first section that were not asked >> we reached out to american airlines to give them an opportunity to be a part of this conversation. they sent
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this statement that reads, quote, we aim to provide a positive travel experience for all of our customers and member of our team has reached out to the nickerson family to learn more about their experience and address their concerns, unquote in the midst of the commotion, other passengers volunteered to relocate the nickerson family completed their travel in first class, but not without taking an emotional toll. >> so you've got all kinds of things going on in your. imagine your wait a minute. what do emotions winning back? hardy nickerson senior happens to be the current head coach of bishop o'dowd high school football team in oakland. >> and he's a former nfl pro bowler with a very distinguished career. this situation. >> was unlike any situation ever experience, we don't want anyone else to have to go through this. >> how's met? kron. 4 news. >> all right. a police officer is recovering after being shot during a traffic stop. the
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shooting happened just after 11 thursday night in east palo alto in the area of and purdue avenues. this is a residential area. investigators say an officer pulled over a car for a traffic stop and the driver drove off. that's when officers started chasing the man down the block. police say the driver fired a gun and shot an officer. officers say they did not fire back and were able to get the suspect in custody. the injured officer is a five-year veteran of east palo alto pd. he's been released from the hospital. the suspect, 44 year-old wiley, willie, skews me rather, willie, wiley from east palo alto is in custody. this is the gun. officers say they recovered. they say it's a ghost gun. converted to be fully automatic with a high capacity magazine. in the north, an apartment fire in petaluma forced 15 people out of their homes. it happened at gray lawn and just avenue thursday night crews arrived to see heavy fire coming from the 2 storey big flames there.
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that fire also burned 5 cars. the damage is estimated to be around $500,000. no reports of injuries to any residents. the cause of fire remains under investigation. and someone won a 1.3 billion dollar mega millions jackpot. lucky person. the winning numbers for the drawing are on your screen right now. you can see them on lower half of your screen. and the lottery says the winning ticket was sold in maine. well, here in the bay another winning ticket that d w- matched 5 of the numbers $900,000 prnze. not too bad. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we're taking a live look now at i-280, in belmont. you can see strong winds pushing the camera around. >> and lots of rain making the roads slick so if you must travel today, please do so safely. another wet weather update coming up. and a programming note said coming up at 8.30, this morning here on kron 4, we will be bringing
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you college basketball. you can watch back-to-back games with the first game tipping off at 9. but if you'd like to continue watching us here on the kron 4 morning news, we'd love to have you. and don't worry, we're still going to be here for you. you can find us streaming live coverage on this big storm that's brewing outside on kron on. it's easy to get kronon. just download it for free on roku fire. stick or apple tv. you can stick or apple tv. you can also watch us live at kron 4 music (i swear) jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day...and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first timer. gain flings with oxi boost and febreze.
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san francisco based company insta cart must pay 5 million dollars to some workers as part of a settlement over workplace policies. >> the san francisco office of labor standards enforcement found that insta cart misclassified workers and did not comply with the city's health care and paid sick leave policies. the majority of the 5 million dollars settlement will go directly to instacart workers who made deliveries between february 2017 and december 2020. the rest will go towards enforcement costs. and twitter is looking for new ways to make money. when idea it's reportedly considering is selling user names. sources tell the new york times the company could open online auctions allowing people to bid on twitter handles in a tweet last month, musk said the company would start freeing up more than a billion user names. the ceo adding that inactive accounts would be deleted. musk has been trying to find ways to boost twitter's revenue since his 44 billion dollars takeover of the company in november. you
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may recall the company introduced a revamped twitter blue subscription program that costs a buck sun comes with a blue verified checkmark. all right. we continue to track the rain hitting the bay area. it's really humbling us right now. you can stormtracker 4 radar showing winding up with a lot of yellow and green that yellow indicating heavier rainfall. >> coming down over parts of livermore and fremont right now to stay dr
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> all right. good morning and welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us. start off this half hour now with a look at the forecast, you can probably hear the rain falling outside of your window right now. as you woke up this morning. but let's check in with a real quick. what do you see? well, good morning, 70. good morning, everybody. let's get you caught up. this is what it looks like in stormtracker four's. you've referenced a lot of yellow out there in the east bay lot of tri valley getting heavy rain as we speak. >> it breaks up just a little bit as it gets into the peninsula in the santa cruz mountains. just a touch. but there's more yet to come handing it over to the motion of of the satellite and radar together. there you see that clearing patch up to the north. but that does not mean all clear. at that point. there's not only more to come, but we also have conditions that may fill the skies back up again and can actually generate a little shower in and of itself because we have so much moisture at the ground. you have the cold air upstairs. you can produce some more cloud cover later on.
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even though it does clear up a lot. so our winds coming in from the south. so we're still in the warm sector, at least at the surface here. what we're expecting, by the way, for sunday night into monday is to maybe see a little bit more thunderstorm activity as that system makes way. we'll be talking about more about that in a bit. meanwhile, your flooding concerns the flood watch that's already in place. and this is all the way until monday afternoon. watch out for full extra flooding will happen. we see some up there to the rivers will notice. meanwhile, what will happen again is we see another batch for sunday night into monday. so that's why they're not pulling this just yet. also, there's a some concerns about flooding near water today because the tides are a little higher there. you have the wind advisory. that's until noon. so will keep rain with showers in there. and it does look like it breaks up to the afternoon with ali spotty, scattered shower activity. but don't expect much the way of sun. it looks like a dry week. coming up after we get past monday morning. more on that coming up in just a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> back to our team coverage
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of the rain. the forty-niners are getting ready to kick off their first playoff game. >> in some pretty wet conditions they'll be taking on the seattle seahawks later this afternoon. kron four's camila barco is live for us at levi stadium with more on the conditions that players are up against and camila based on how things are looking in your 5 shot, it looks like they're up against some wet weather. >> yeah, it's been nonstop throughout the morning. it's come down pretty hard. and santa clara just about 30 minutes ago, we probably saw it at its worse right now. it's a little bit of light rain. but stephanie, let me tell you, these forty-niners fans are very faithful to team just here on the side. i don't know if you'll notice it, but right over here, we already have some tailgaters at this hour. tailgating in these weather conditions. like i said, it is raining, but they are out here and they are ready to cheer on their team here at levi i want you to take a look behind me. this is the parking lot here at the
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stadium. what parking it's been raining throughout the morning now. so want you to take a look at some of the video. the players have been preparing for today's match up. here's a look at them practicing. the forty-niners will open this postseason in a wild card playoff game against the seattle seahawks. it's been a wild season for the 49 to say the least after losing 2 of their quarterbacks. brock purdy will make history as the lowest drafted rookie quarterback to start a playoff game. san francisco has already won twice against the seahawks this season. >> and stephanie, now they're looking for another victory. kickoff starts at one 30 pm. but for the people making it to this game, prepare yourselves for some wet weather, of course, got the hat that the raincoat, maybe some rain boots. it is going to be rain or shine for this game. of course, there is some potential for some thunderstorms and for some lightning. in that case, the game may be delayed. but right now the game is set to continue at one 30 this
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afternoon. i'll send it back to you. truly inspiring, if you want to think if we really think about to see those fans out there in these conditions. thank you so much. >> for that live. look there. >> on the peninsula highway 92 in san mateo county remains shut down due to a sinkhole making it difficult for people in half moon bay to get around. one restaurant is stepping up and helping neighbors kron four's gayle ong has that story. >> a restaurant remain closed on friday. so and volunteers prepare meals for the communities impacted by storm. >> we're hearing now, you know, >> christian over on supervisor korea like was busy in the kitchen on friday. we make it >> toto of days. >> 1000 all this thanks to a partnership with nonprofits, world, central kitchen and a loss after a series of heavy rain causing major flooding to the coast and a sinkhole
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shutting down highway 92. these free meals will be delivered to happen. bay and pescadero plant workers. essential workers aren't. >> community that's been hit really hard here. that have been without without ability and folks that are really hurting in the bombing linda hernandez is the founder of latino center, nonprofit. >> well, highway 92 was shut down indefinitely. says volunteers will be able to pastor road closures to bring meals to ranches and farms. meantime, more concerns about flooding this weekend. the national weather service issued a coastal flood advisory saturday through monday warning about high tide, larger swell and runoff from rain just evacuated this woman dining at barbers can strap and happened. they evacuated from one of the areas hit hard by the storms. it's going to flood place baghdad to korea like alina alvarado and his staff plan to stay busy so neighbors can have a hot meal. i want improve. >> well, yes, and that was it
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like that. >> and volunteers will pass out at least 2000 more happened. a and san mateo county officials want people living in the area to know. >> but the highway 92 closure will not affect medical calls. the county's emergency medical services director says his team has deployed additional equipment and medical supplies to the region. the director also saying paramedics and emt's have many alternate route to get to residents who might need that emergency support. and you can stay up to date for the latest weather conditions by scanning the qr code right there on your screen. it's going to take you to a special section of kron 4 dot com with the latest on flood watches and warnings. traffic advisories, sand back pickup spots and much more. so a great resource for you. san francisco city leaders are celebrating the opening of a new outreach center and so much designed to help the homeless. this new clinic is named after maria x martinez, a woman who spent more than 2 decades with san francisco's
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department of public health. she's remembered as a strong advocate for better health care construction on the center on stevenson street began in march of 2020. it will focus on providing care for medical psychological and social needs among the services to drop an urgent care primary care, dental services and treatment for substance abuse. the center also houses the offices of the city's homeless outreach team. all right. and we continue to track the storm, hobbling the bay area this morning live another live look at stormtracker 4 radar. dave sphar will have a nother complete. look at the forecast coming up for you in just a few minutes. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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>> well, people making their way to lake tahoe for the three-day weekend are running into more rain and snow. just look at all that. this was i-80 on friday at donner summit. chp is discouraging people from hitting the roadways over the next couple of days. but some people are x, you know, they think that they can make it through. i have 4 wheels. try it out. >> and we're excited about the weather. so. >> the chp is also reminding drivers to make sure that your car is in good working order. that means checking things
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like the tires before you leave your house. >> just wait until next weekend will be there waiting for you here. stormtracker 4 quite active this morning. a little bit of a break in the north. face's stabts to break up upstream. but to give the some time we'll get all a little bit of a breather on sunday as well. put this forecast. we get together in a bit
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> all right, taking a live look outside at southbound 101, at 2.80. can see a lot of well, not too many cars out on the roadways at this hour, but outages in parts of san francisco to yeah, there's a cluster that's in that area. that's about 6,000 customers that is out right now. we're also looking at other little clusters going rizwan around berkeley. >> that's a much smaller amount. and also up in the north bay valley. that's also a relatively smaller amount to. but, yes, that's the latest we have thus far. also another one around san jose. there's the live camera shot up there it's the thunder summit. i guess that's what it is. one of road here somewhere. but you can see quite busy again for this weekend. we hand over stormtracker 4. here's what we're looking at. another. the swath of heavy snow coming their way with extensive winds. that creates a big problem with all of this to those winds blowing the snow around can create snow drifts. this is until 10:00am on
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tuesday. that's going to cover all of the cells and waves coming through until finally, it looks like we'll put the brakes on this. this what it looks like snow, snow snow than tuesday break starts to make through lower 30's going on for highs and lows. obviously cooler. so stormtracker 4. here's what's happening on the home front. some heavy rain in richmond. a little cluster up here. the north bay far east bay around livermore. there's where the heavy rain is right now. and another package around san mateo and off towards the santa cruz mountains. don't forget up in the mountains there. they tend to get a little bit more as you get lifting going on up sloping that squeezes out more rain to sfo had an hour delay. the last time i checked with this just due to the weather itself, not related to any other issues that may cause a domino effect here. storm tracker, 4 of the long-range pattern. here's a bit of a break trying to develop for us, but we've got to get through all of this weekend traffic first futurecast for there's the afternoon, again, as i mentioned, will be scattered shower activity going on sunday morning. yes,
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into the afternoon. looks like a turns off for a little while, although we'll have some rain greet us in the morning hours. we'll get a break in the afternoon yet again, there's one shoe left to fall. that's where it bring some thunder shower action. it looks like in the peninsula potentially and out of the santa cruz mountains. this will favor if your monday morning commute to the south, an east bay a little bit more than the north bay by monday afternoon. looks like we'll be out of the woods. let's take a look at the longer range forecast cause. there is a little wrinkle in all of about there. maybe wednesday. just want make a note of that. dozen u.s. can hold together. this is very modest and the system will be able recover by that point a little bit. so that's it. and we're going into a dry pattern right into next week and maybe some scattered clouds with all about it next week. and so looks pretty good with all of that. want to go up to tahoe wait to next weekend. all this. all right. your 7 day forecast again. we've got rains tomorrow. still rain for monday, tuesday. that's when we start to dry out a little bit. by the way, the sunshine don't the farm on that. it just means some scattered showers over talk about
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scattered cloud cover wednesday and thursday as we kind of piece together what this all means. notice the high temperatures still in the dropping down to the 30's a little bit dry air. hello. that's your cue to dry us out a bit with 40's as we head into the end of the weekend at the coast. meanwhile, will be into the 40's. but the good news is by monday afternoon, it looks like by that point we're getting out of the woods. stephanie. all right, dave, thanks so much. >> in the east bay, a man has been arrested in connection to 2 separate stabbing incidents in oakland. police say wilbert inchester killed a woman and tried to kill another person. wednesday night police found a woman stabbed to death after getting a report of an assault at 8th and chester a few days earlier, they found another stabbing victim on international boulevard and 34th avenue. that woman survived. no word yet on her condition. the alameda county da has charged winchester with murder and attempted murder. police say winchester is also being investigated in connection to several other violent incidents. in the east
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bay. the alameda county coroner is investigating after a human skeleton was found on uc berkeley campus grounds tuesday. police say they don't know how long the remains had been in the closed building on the clark kerr campus. that is about a mile from the main campus. officials say the building had not been occupied for many years. the cause of death will be determined through an autopsy. officials say more information will be provided once the coroner's report is made available. prosecutors in the south, they say one of the suspects in the kidnapping case of baby brandon quay. lauren san jose is now denying her guilt in the case pleading this. that's despite pleading no contest to all charges 5 months ago. prosecutors say use any of what a ramirez is now claiming her estranged husband forced her to kidnap baby brandon by holding a gun to her head. but deputy da rebecca was says her office has presented significant evidence proving ramirez was behind the
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kidnapping. but now ramirez faces up to 14 years in prison for this case. her alleged accomplice jose por faces up to 5 years. a new sentencing hearing has been set for march. 28. new research says long covid symptoms usually go away after about a year following first exposure, researchers looked at the medical records of 2 million people going back to october 2021, the most common symptoms of long covid recent of long covid researchers say happened 2 months after exposure and include things like trouble, breathing, fatigue, and loss of taste of and loss of taste and smell. well, this study says long covid symptoms clear up within a year. doctors say some people are on a longer road to recovery. and lawmakers are warning that 2 of the largest makers of covid vaccines they are warning those 2 companies rather against quadrupling their prices. both moderna and pfizer are considering moves to charge up to $130 per dose. once the shots moved to the
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commercial marketplace, the federal government currently pays about $30 per dose and distributes them at no cost regardless of a patient's health insurance status. but once the federal supply runs out later this year, the company's plan to shift from an emergency to a more traditional manufacturing model. the white house also commented on this issue. price hike here is hard to understand or to justify. we believe the shot should be affordable. >> for now, every covid vaccine is still free for everyone. in the east bay, the oakland animal shelter continues to make progress on getting dogs adopted out. this comes over concerns of overcrowding at the shelter. oh, my gosh. please adopt them. they look, they don't look for a happy there. officials say they've adopted out 35 dogs and their goal is to hit 50 by the end of this weekend. for the first time since the pandemic, the shelter has contemplated euthanizing dogs. animal shelter has extended their business hours for adoptions. for more information, you can check out their website. you
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can see that information on your screen. there. oakland, animal services dot org. an unusual home has hit the market in los angeles. take a look at this. it's a geodesic dome designed in 1982. by architect william king. it's being promoted by the realtors as the ultimate artists retreat with 3 floors of windows with views of the san gabriel mountains. the rooms inside aren't confined to the typical boxley out. many of them are circular. the top level is a dome with a wraparound deck. the price tag for this one bedroom. 2 bath home is 1.7 million dollars. and a programming note coming up at 8.30, this morning right here on kron 4 will bring you college basketball. >> to watch back-to-back games with the first game tipping off at 9. if you'd like to continue watching the kron 4 morning news. don't worry. we've got you covered. you can find us streaming coverage live on kron-on. just download the free caught on app on roku fire. stick or apple tv. we can watch us live at kron 4
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dot com. we'll see you there.
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>> let's check in on the oakland zoo's new mountain lion there. she is hazel looking really for ski. there. the zoo shared this video on social media friday saying hazel is stable but as teething and likes to gnaw on
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everything. the florida 5 month-old cub was rescued and some pretty rough condition in santa just a few days ago. hazel has been getting a lot of tlc and the zoo says she is doing a lot better. we can see from that energy there seems like she is waking up and a staggering number of ufo sightings have been reported in the past 2 years. more than originally thought. officials say the increase is likely due to less stigma around reporting such sightings. intelligence agencies are set to give congress a new report on the unexplained sightings. >> some of the objects were mentioned. this maneuvering in ways that. easily understood in of the technology is that we possess. and of course, what you would like to noise with a another country has the technology is that the u.s. is not the world. >> the director of national intelligence says since its first report in 2021, the agency is now aware of 510.
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foes and many of them were apparently spotted in protected airspace or near sensitive government facilities. the new report says that many of the new sightings have, quote, unremarkable characteristics. so it does sound like they're trying to downplay this a bit. all right. take a look at this. san jose city hall was clearly lit last night for today's wild card game between the niners and the seattle seahawks. and it's pretty clear who they're supporting. you can see the windows glowing red and gold. >> still ahead in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news. we continue to keep a close eye on the weather as the forty-niners faithful get ready to head to the field. that is expected to be a wet and slippery game today with all of this weather more coming up in our next hour. plus, we're keeping an eye on the roads as you head out this morning. taking a live look now at i-580, in livermore. you can see the dotting the lens of our camera there as we get this live look what you can expect in your forecast the next hour.
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>> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> all right. the bay area getting soaked and battered by another round of heavy rain this morning. taking a live look now storm tracker, 4 radar, widespread showers and strong winds are expected for us throughout the day.
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triggering a flood watch for the entire bay area over the next several days. well, good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it is saturday, january, the 14th and it is a wet one. we have team coverage of the rain this morning. camila barco live for us outside of levi stadium where the forty-niners are getting ready to play a game in this wild weather. let's start by getting a look at conditions outdoors with dave spahr. hey, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. when you got that right, here's how it looks like on radar. looks like a clearing patch try to develop a little bit up to the north bay. just a touch. but >> heavy rains remain in the east bay in the south bay. also to the santa cruz mountains and a good chunk of the peninsula. here's a little closer shot there. look at hayward fremont all getting hit quite hard and also down to san mateo as well. so as we mentioned earlier, this flood watch will be with us through monday morning. we do see some flooding up around the russian river and because rain is in the forecast all the way through monday afternoon bay
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area, why we've got rivers and creeks will be watching out for ponding on roadways, roadways to be careful about and what we get to sunday night into monday. that's kind of the last big hit were looking for the winds. they're going to be around with us until noon, but it'll still be breezy in the afternoon. the wind advisory period, though, covers us to noon. it remains out of the south through the day today and into tonight. there you have the coverage area, the heaviest winds off tumor in the peninsula and also san francisco storm tracker 4. there you see a clearing patch trying to develop it, even if we try to get some clear skies in here because so much moisture at the surface is here. what is going operate in the clouds fill back up again, but at least additional rains. it will be quite spotty this afternoon. it looks like so probably showers as a better descriptor. we have another patch. it looks like into monday morning, but are rather sunday morning. but then sunday afternoon looks like yet another break. maybe not as generous as last week, but apanother break sunday afternoon. give you a breather before kind of the last show will be talking about more about that coming up in a bit. stephanie.
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>> happening right now, thousands of people are without power across the bay area. this is a live look at the pg e outage map. you can see several orange squares on the map. there and those indicate outages impacting thousands of customers. these outages may only get worse as the storm continues to sweep across the bay area here. we will keep you updated throughout our newscast and we continue our team coverage of the rain today. storm could have a big impact on the forty-niners in their first playoff game against the seattle seahawks. well, camila barco live for us now at levi stadium with the latest on conditions out camila. stepping out even know what the camera captures this. but it is just pouring here outside levi's stadium. it's been like this throughout the entire morning. >> but let me just say that forty-niners fans visit the rain. it's not keeping them away from levi stadium. take a look at all of these cars. these cars are out here to not
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only get inside the game, but some of these people are gating. this early in the morning. and they're also tailgating in these weather conditions. we've already spoken to a few of them. one guy said it. he says that this is not just for the season. this is a lifestyle, very dedicated forty-niners fans waiting for today's game. it will be rain or shine. the game will go on. of course, there's a possibility that this game could be delayed if there are some thunderstorms and some lightning. but right now the game it's set to go on rain or shine. if you are headed to levi stadium today, you're going to want to leave early. stephanie, on my drive here. it was not an easy one. a lot of rain. the visibility wasn't that great. and of course, iran it's getting came across to a lot of puddles. the players they're prepared to take on this game today. this is them practicing earlier this week, the forty-niners will open this postseason in a wild card
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playoff game against the seattle seahawks. it's been a wild season for the forty-niners to say the least after losing 2 of their quarterbacks, brock purdy. he will make history as the lowest drafted rookie quarterback to start a playoff game. san francisco has already won twice. >> and now and it got me back out here live. they are just running around in this rain. it is not keeping them away from levi's stadium. the game is set to start at one 30 pm at throughout the morning. we'll just be keeping you updated on the conditions here. >> in santa clara. but for now, i'll send it back to love to see that spirit and that this wet weather is not that spirit of our local sports fans here. >> thanks so much, camilla for that live. look. video from the south bay does show the storm damage caused by a huge tree when it landed on a san jose condo. >> the couple who lives here say that this eucalyptus tree fell on tuesday night right into their bedroom. eric, her
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chick says he just gotten up to use the restroom and his wife. lauren was in the room when the tree came down and you can see the widespread damage that tree left behind there. eric says it was pitch black when he went back into the bedroom. he heard his wife screaming. he had to pull her out of the branches and debris. now, fortunately, they both got out of that situation with just a few bumps and scratches. crews do plan to try to move that tree today. a mudslide force 19 people out of their homes in marin county. it happened in fairfax while force to assist us. you has the latest around 10 friday morning. the hillside behind 6 duplexes on a lima road in fairfax collapsed. >> mud and larch trees cascaded down causing major damage. you can see here how debris violently pushed through this sliding door and roots of a tree smack through the back of a home. emergency crews rushed in and help residents get out.
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>> back to my >> warren county officials including soil engineers examined the hillside and homes after review. it was determined all 19 residents could not stay. 2 homes were read tact. >> for yellow she is disabled and they actually trying to find place there right now. >> so there drastically impacted. everybody is the whole complex. there was family. yes. >> dave tells me his mom and husband heard a loud noise right before the hillside. >> okay. we're rolling down my stuff and said it sounds like, you know, it truck cracking.
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and with the big coming out. >> late in the day pg e crews were out boring holes in the street to shut off gas lines. the signs residents, 7 dogs, 4 cats and a guinea pig. what we moved out of safety concerns. here in fairfax, theresa stasi, oak road for news. >> in los altos page mill road remains closed after public works. crews spent most of friday trying to fix a sinkhole. there. the city says with more rain coming this road, closure could be extended. officials are also warning folks to stay away from the creeks, which are expected to swell with this next round of rain. officials are also telling residents if they see a drain covered by leaves or debris to try to safely remove that so the water can drain out and that can help keep the roads from flooding. as we head to break, we continue to track the rain hitting the bay area. look at that. >> storm tracker, 4 radar showing heavy rain already sweeping. much of it looks like a part to fremont and a
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san jose as well. how to stay safe out there. we'll be right back. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> not of the central coast where flooding concerns continue for parts of monterey county near salinas river. several communities have already been evacuated. experts say the river could reach 23 feet causing water to spread across highway one and 101, which could turn monterey
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into an island. and rescue efforts continue in alabama and georgia where at least 9 people have been killed in a powerful storm system which spawn more than 3 dozen tornadoes in the community of selma. tornado blew rooftops from homes, tossed cars around and uprooted trees. thousands star still without power and some people return to find their homes completely gone. >> everything yes, right here where we stand. make of it. so >> we could delay is shattering the wind it rain come in. and and you know, we've just collin at collin out column that got in a just walking around like zombies. and we've been doing it ever since. >> one of the victims in georgia was a 5 year-old boy who died when a tree crashed into his parents. car.
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>> and on the home front, it's another stormy saturday. there you have where the most action is mostly in the east bay down the south bay and hanging on the peninsula. the north bay, by contrast, getting a little bit of an early break with this. everybody was sharing that welcome
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back to kron. 4 morning news. good morning, everybody to stormy start to your saturday live shot kind of yeah. all that fog and rain that we have
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going on in the background handing over stormtracker 4. >> looks like the tail to different parts of the bay little break trying to develop up here in the north bay. actually a little early. meanwhile, the east bay, that's where the heavier cells are and out of the south bay as well zooming in where most of the action is. give you a general idea where we are probably a line from san francisco points. southeast is where most of the heavy stuff is. and actually it clears up in terms of sky conditions. but even if that's the case and we get that, we still have some colder air aloft. we get the sun out a little bit. that was produced some cloud cover, even some local rain. we're not looking for too much more of a hit from this point on in terms of intensity. this is the pretty biggest hit we're going to have until sunday night, actually closer to monday morning and handing it over to future cast for there's the break we spoke of nice little bit here around noon or so. the afternoon, the redevelopment of some at times, some moderate showers with that. then another break tries to develop late late late tonight and then to greet us early on sunday morning,
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another line tries to develop as well. we got to watch out for to start our sunday and then another earnings break winds there out of the south to southwest a little bit going on. but the key issue is they're all pointing in from the south that second way that i mentioned earlier. that's 2 to get here sunday night. that may carry with it potentially some local thunderstorm activity or maybe even some hail about of the santa cruz mountains because it will be a warm air mass with some colder air trying to filter in and it will be some drier air, heavy rains this morning. the cold showers in the afternoon and scattered at that wind advisories with us till noon tonight. scattered showers, breezy. we'll start tomorrow off with showers. then breaks going on here now, that doesn't mean it will be entirely rain-free in the afternoon, but very, very light and spotty for the afternoon until the big batch develop sunday night monday morning commute. it looks like and that will be the last hurrah for this. what little period we've had sunday. i don't know if see a lot of sun, but we'll see scattered showers on that monday. we go back to the rain. business looks better, though, as we
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get to the afternoon and the 7 day forecast you will like we'll have more on that coming up a bit stepping. all right. looking forward to a day. thank you. >> and now to a story you'll only see here on kron 4 a 5 time and the nfl pro bowler who lives in the bay area says he believes he and his family were racially profiled on american airlines flight to san francisco. he shared his story with kron four's his you can do. >> i said why us? >> why did you start with the first role and maybe work your way back? we've got a first class ticket. what's this about? >> hardy nickerson senior and his family are describing what they feel was a very an american experience on an american airlines plane tuesday, traveling from charlotte, north carolina, to san francisco after he his wife amy and their son hardy junior were seeded in their first class seats. they say that gate attendant told them they had to move to coach class because someone over fuel this claim.
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>> and so, therefore, we're to happen. and consequently, the pilot has determined that the wait, there's too much weight in first class. and so we have asking you to go back to coax. they say they never were seated in coach to begin with and being the only black passengers seated in first class. amy nicholson says she believes they were singled out because of their race. what about, you know, some kind of >> democratic process about who was not the people over there. why not? of the other people or whatever it was like pulled it off and we did not understand that. how this process with hardy nickerson junior says it became a very uncomfortable situation as other passengers begin to stare and their direction. >> i feel. terrible. i mean, it just made me feel like i was less than many feel
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humiliated, embarrassed officials at american airlines say when a situation like this occurs, the airline uses an automated system with an algorithm that identifies customers who need to be receded so that the plane can safely depart. >> however, the attorney representing the nickerson family is not mind the a person who came on board to tell the mood was racially profiling them. >> and it's very clear because there are white passengers in the first section that were not asked >> we reached out to american airlines to give them an opportunity to be a part of this conversation. they sent this statement that reads, quote, we aim to provide a positive travel experience for all of our customers. a member of our team has reached out to the nickerson family to learn more about their experience and address their concerns, unquote in the midst of the commotion, other passengers volunteered to relocate the nickerson family completed their travel in first class, but not without taking an
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emotional toll. >> so you've got all kinds of things going on in your imagineer. wait a minute. what do emotions winning back? hardy nickerson senior happens to be the current head coach of bishop o'dowd high school football team in oakland. >> and he's a former nfl pro bowler with a very distinguished career. this situation. >> was unlike any situation ever experience, we don't want anyone else to have to go through this. >> how's met? kron. 4 news. >> and a police officer is recovering after being shot during a traffic stop. that shooting happened just after 11 thursday night in east palo alto in the area of fordham and purdue avenues. this is a residential area. investigatorsrsay an officer pulled over a car for a traffic stop and the driver drove off. that's when officers started chasing the man down the block. police say the driver fired a gun and shot an officer. officers say they did not fire back and were able to get the suspect into custody. the injured
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officer is a five-year veteran of east palo alto pd. he's been released from the hospital. the suspect. 44 year-old willie wiley from east palo alto is in custody and this is the gun. officers say they recovered. they say it's a ghost gun. fully converted to be fully automatic with a high capacity magazine. in the an apartment fire in petaluma forced 15 people out of their homes. it happened at a lot and just avenue thursday night crews arrived to see heavy fire coming from the 2 storey complex. the flames also burned 5 cars. the damage is estimated to be around $500,000. no reports of injuries to any residents. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. and someone won the 1.3 billion dollar mega millions jackpot. congratulations. the winning numbers for the drawing are right there on your screen. the lottery says the winning ticket was sold in maine, but here in the bay tickets sold at a chevron in burlingame,
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also matched 5 of the numbers for a $900,000 prize. not bad. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we're taking a live look now at the bay bridge from the u.s. asked power just how long this wet
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(vo) wells fargo lets you know where you stand with your fico credit score. what if you knew where you stood with everything? like your future in-laws... (boyfriend) hope you like cats... (hero inner thought) i hope your parents like me... they're whispering. (father in-law) the kitties like her... (hero inner thought) can they tell i'm allergic? (mother in-law) tears of joy... (father in-law) welcome to the family! (hero inner thought) whew! (vo) like knowing where you stand? when it comes to your credit score, you can with wells fargo.
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francisco based company insta cart must pay 5 million dollars to some workers as part of a settlement over workplace policies. the san francisco office of labor standards enforcement found
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that insta cart misclassified workers and did not comply with the city's health care and paid sick leave policies. the majority of the 5 million dollars settlement will go directly to instacart workers who made deliveries between february 2017 and december 2020. the rest will go towards enforcement costs. and twitter is looking for new ways to make money. and one idea is reportedly considering is selling user names. sources tell the new york times the company could open online auctions allowing people to bid on twitter handles in a tweet last month, musk said the company would start freeing up more than a billion user names. musk also adding inactive accounts would be deleted. musk has been trying to find ways to boost twitter's revenue since he took over the company for 44 billion dollars in november. a twitter introduced a revamped version of its twitter blue subscription program that now costs $8 and comes with a blue verified checkmark. temperatures. the
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city leaders are celebrating the opening of a new outreach center in soma designed to help the homeless. the new clinic is named after maria martinez, a woman who spent more than 2 decades with san francisco's department of public health. she's remembered as a strong advocate for better health care construction on the center on stevenson street began in march 2020. it will focus on providing care for medical psychological and social needs among the services drop in urgent care. primary care, dental services and treatment for substance abuse. the center also houses the offices of the city's homeless outreach team. and a programming note coming up next here on kron 4, we will be bringing you college basketball. you can watch back-to-back games with the first one tipping off at 9. but if you'd like to continue watching us here on the kron 4 morning news, don't worry, we've got you covered. you can find us streaming live on kron on. >> it's easy to get. just download the free kron on app
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right now on roku fire. stick or apple tv. you can also watch us live at kron 4 dot com. we'll ave all of your breaking news and weather breaking news and weather coverage. we'll see you there.
8:28 am
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