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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  January 9, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PST

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>> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a wet monday morning. i'm darya folsom. yeah, and i'm james fletcher. good morning. i guess that all depends on how you're dealing with the wet weather this morning. if you're prepared, if you give yourself enough time, you can get to where you're going. hopefully safe. but if you're rushed, if you're anxious out there, yeah, it's a little nerve wracking. and at this 0, 8 o'clock. if russia just say wait a couple hours, if you can, because john says actually, we are going to get a break. let's talk about the storm and where it's headed, john. yeah, we have light at the end of the tunnel and this one and it's going to come this afternoon. we're actually going to see a pretty nice afternoon. >> with some spots of sunshine, peering through those clouds. but this morning, none of that just yet still raining and still pretty windy across the bay area
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quite hour right here. looking great. and we will continue to see those showers moving across the bay area through the remainder of at morning commute. you can see here the atmospheric rivers already showing signs of shifting southward, really impacting the bay down to la. and we will see some really heavy rainfall in la later on this week. as for us in the bay area, starting to dry out in the north bay. nice to see that for areas that don't really need much more rainfall at this moment. that is sonoma and marin counties. we're still seeing wet conditions from center fell down 101 through the golden gate and heavier pockets of rain fall. having just crossed through fremont down to san jose. now exiting up towards the altamonte pass in the mountains above san jose. pockets of heavy rain on the peninsula. still remaining, though, and we've had flooding on some of these stretches. so this is something right here. we don't need to see any more of continuing to see that pocket of heavy rain about to work its way through san bruno and san francisco up to richmond. also some moderate showers there. overall, it is
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a busy morning and want to take it slow or 4. we've been talking about reports of flooding all across the bay area. lot of downed trees, too, due to strong winds. 10:00am right here. heaviest rain continues to push out by noontime today were pretty done with it for the north bay and already starting to see it moving out into the southern part of the state. tomorrow morning. we started the day, though, with more of this heavy rainfall. so we're not working our way out of it just yet. in fact, flood advisories are extended all the way through tuesday night. you see those green areas on the map. those are areas with flood watches. we have flood warnings for the santa cruz mountains in a flash flood warning for the entirety of santa cruz county. we do have reports of some evacuations going on down there. also looking at the russian river where we do have flood warnings, water levels are only continuing to rise there. and we do have reports of some of our flooding right along the russian river. all this rain this morning just means
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water levels are going to continue to raise higher and higher winds have gusted as high as 50 miles per hour this morning where they're at right now is mostly 15, 20 to 30 miles per hour. wind gusts as far as temperatures go. that's the nicest thing about this forecast so far as it is actually pretty mild hayward in concord at 58 degrees. alameda and oakland beach at 57 degrees. so it has been a very wet morning. so far, very windy as well. all this is complicating your travels on in right now. what is the latest that we're seeing on the roads all over? certainly seen a lot of flooding. so. >> southbound to 80 and north of farmville role. you've got some flooding there. one point all lanes are blocked, but they are open right now. you still have some very, very slick conditions. more flooding. northbound 101, north of little redwood city. you can't really escape it. and here as you're traveling along, southbound 2.80, north of bird avenue, san jose, more reports of flooding. now we have a downed tree. this is southbound 13 at moraga avenue blocking the lanes. there are no plans. so that's been a
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problem for several hours. also, some flooding 5.80, westbound, 80 west certainly hit a pocket of water traveling along 80 as i was traveling through in beeville this morning. so certainly slow down. we have high winds across all of our bridges. 25 minutes into the city may so that fremont street exit visibility, not the best. a longer san mateo bridge. 18 minutes. a 80 to 101, a richmond, sandra fell ridge about 24 minutes tolls to 1, 1, as you travel out of richmond, golden gate bridge because of what we're seeing along 101, in the north bay, which more flooding about 36 minutes yet reports of flooding southbound annual t freed is parkway. again, if you're hopping on bart today, a 20 minute systemwide delay. so certainly a rough start. our back to you guys. sure is. let's keep our team coverage going now. the national weather service has issued a flood warning for the guadalupe river in san jose. we have kron four's will tran standing by with a closer look at conditions and will i know i don't have remind you or
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yoli what it was like the last time the guadalupe river overflowed its banks down there. >> it was about 5 years ago. we saw that neighborhood full of water and destroyed millions of dollars worth of property. here's the rupar. i've got a loop a river. you guys talked about it now. i want to show you look at how strong it is flowing, guys and sure enough. here comes another round of good rain. it is going higher up the embankment here and look at all that debris that's coming down. probably so full of certain. all the other things that it's moving along pretty fast now, hopefully it will go down. i know john was talking about maybe a break a little bit later. this is the river in san jose that people keep a close eye on. they did promise that they would not have. i have what they saw 5 years ago when the city was not prepared and that neighbor was so flooded for weeks on and all that property damage
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destroyed. so they did take some steps to make sure that yes, it is rising, but they're hoping that it does not overflow. so take a look for yourself james and our viewers is is not a pretty sight. in fact, it's a pretty tenuous site. >> back to you know, that's scary to see it that high. let's keep our fingers crossed getting higher. thank you will. were also high water conditions and flooding in the north bay. >> also reports of hazards in the roadways. trees are definitely come down depending on where you live. but along the highway, it's been a difficult commute that has kron. 4 sarah stinson has been keeping an eye on what it's been like there all morning long. joining us now with the update. sarah, what's the word? >> yeah, it's been a tough morning for people driving marin county. we've seen cars stuck in flooded lanes on 101. and now we're seeing some of that flooding recede over a more towards lucas valley road. but it was so bad that they did suspend some bus
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services at lucas valley road. so keep that in mind. let me show you what we're seeing here at look. you drive in corte madera. now i'm showing you the southbound lanes are everyone. this is everyone commuting to san francisco and you can see those lanes right? there are very saturated. there's a lot of water on the roads. and at times we've seen up to a foot of water flooding on this roadway one-on-one and then it receives. but you really just don't know what you're up against when you're driving this morning in the bay area. >> things are accumulating much faster because we've had storms in the last week. we may have had a break yesterday, but as soon as that rain hit last night and into this morning, it all accumulated very quickly. now it's made for a very dangerous commute. as i said, we saw some cars stuck in waters, some deep waters earlier this morning. some of them had to be towed. now we're seeing, as you can see people here exit ing looking drive on 1, they're also facing some accumulation on the roadways.
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it's not as bad as it could be here, but that's not to say it's not going to get worse. and i think you can tell my hood was off. i am not wearing my hood anymore. that is because we have a break in the rain right now feels nice to actually be dry for a split second. but we've been seeing a lot of wind gusts started, james. so not only are people dealing with heavy rain all morning long. the heavy wind has picked up. we get a little break in the rain for now. so that's good. but for how long will we get that break? well, that's why we follow meteorologist john shrable. he'll give us the latest for now. send it back to you. no doubt. yeah. there is more incoming. so be ready. sarah. >> 808, is a time. and if your lair near a creek or river, there's a big concern today for along the russian river, specifically. and that surrounding area reaching flood stage, they think in the coming days today or tomorrow, kron four's gayle ong went to guerneville to take a look. >> it was a cloudy, but mostly
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dry sunday in greenville. but a series of storms flooded the entrance of johnson's beach and the cozy cove pat to the russian river. usually it's just a beach for people to come and hang out and yeah, now words seen it full of water. every ferguson lives nearby. her neighborhood is under an evacuation warning. warning back. ready to. yeah. oh, ferguson experience. major flooding when the rising water crested right below the second floor of her home in 2019. well, she doesn't have any plans to leave her home yet. she is prepared to just making sure anything on the bottom unit is moved up so that if it does flood, we don't use as much as we lost last time and then just making sure we have enough food and water so that we don't have to worry about trying to get out. neighbors who live in a vacation beach neighborhood near the russian river say they've learned the importance of being prepared from past floods. the pj could not get to us to fix the power pole because of the flooded road. so you learn to. >> independent, you have
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generators. you have your it will propane cooking stove you. you just do without. you know, when you walk around, you talk to people when there's nothing else to do when you have no power, we have a generator. we have lots of gas for the generator. >> we have food. we have wood for the wood stove. >> we're good. yeah. lot of we have new york. >> this man says he is not worried about the rising river, but the saturated ground and runoff coming from his neighbor's home into his yard my home. he plans to run his water pump all night. >> i like sleep for a couple hours and then i get up in. go check the pump when there was the lightning in stuff, it was down and it came up late for 4 inches. just like that. >> and the swift water rescue team with the sonoma county fire district did some training on the russian river
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ahead of the storm. they have their boats packed and ready to go in case of an emergency reporting from greenville, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> thank you. gayle are also keeping updated on the latest with pg e and the power outages there. we just got new numbers a few moments ago from pg and e unfortunately that number has gone up. we now have more than 19,000 customers without power bay area wide. earlier this morning, it was hovering right around 17,000. so they've gone up by a couple of 1000 in san francisco will start there where we have outages right now that are hovering right around. 83 did actually restored a couple of those customers since our last update. so san francisco fairly fairing well so far with this storm system, the peninsula, it sort depends on where you are. we are seeing a cluster of outages between san bruno in pacifica, anywhere from 500 to 5,000 customers without power there in that area, orange. we're also seeing a cluster down near on tara, just north of half moon bay. the rest of the bayshore of the peninsula. not too bad as you make your way down 101 towards san mateo and down
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towards redwood city. the south bay also seeing, i should say the peninsula before i leave there on in total about 5600 customers without power. the south bay's about 1000. as you can see, it's a lot more sporadic down there. the east bay shoreline and the east bay inland valley as well. also not too bad for the whole east bay, about 1800 customers without power got a cluster near renda. another out near kensington. the hills just outside of berkeley, as you make your way up into the east bay hills and then in the north bay, again, the marin county areas where we have hillier terrain. that's where we're seeing more of the outages in all about 10,400 customers without power for all of them are in sonoma and napa counties. you can see the heaviest of those clusters relevant right along 101, from rohnert park up towards santa rose. a 12 and still looking at some heavy rain out there. this is only going to complicate an already. >> very saturated situation with flooding in many spots all the way from san francisco
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down to the south bay to 80 in 101, are packed with water and looking at oakland down to san jose. also still continuing to see moderate in some pretty consistent rainfall. i'll be tracking all of it as we go. >> and several reports of flooding and a 20 minute systemwide bar delay and accidents sprinkled across our highways. definitely want to
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>> we're back at 8.15 and the national weather service is warning the downed trees. roadway flooding. all of that's going to become a major problem in the days ahead, especially for those living along the coast. half moon bay, for instance, residents there have been dealing with a pretty rough and windy week and a half. some of lost power some for days after last wednesday's storm. and for people like fishermen, pat coyle who work on the water, these storms have had a pretty but in big impact on how they make a living. >> it we've got to out there. beginning your for crab season. have to hear that. >> got out there. we have full year. >> and the flood watches in effect on the peninsula until tuesday afternoon. things are going to be a little rough here for the short term. maybe even the long term yeah. i mean, so john's been telling us this is the 5th >> storm that is an atmospheric river caused event. and then you add to that what you're looking at the future, looks like we're just in the middle of this not even through it. >> yet, not through it yet. in fact, this storm system is
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likely to continue through mid-january ahead of us. i mean, just look at the storm reports we're seeing especially down in the south southern end of our viewing area, santa cruz county. we have flash flood warnings down there right now. heaviest of rainfall shifting out to the central valley and just a lot going up on radar. let's switch back to max. one really quick. and then we'll be able to get to the weather. so i believe up there. we do have yes, what we're seeing right here, which a camera that does not want but we are seeing rainfall shifting further and further south. so from the bay area down to los angeles now, this is where the atmospheric river is really plugged into at the moment is shifting further south, which means that the north bay starting to see things quieting down marine sonoma and napa counties are actually drying out compared to where they were earlier. you should be looking at a relatively calm rest of the day for you. it is still pretty breezy, breezy across our bridges, though. so be mindful of those stronger winds in the spots. futurecast
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rate here is showing those heavier rain still hanging out for the south bay north bay. you're pretty quiet from here on out towards 9.45. starting to quiet down in san francisco, the east bay and pushing out further and further through the rest of the morning by noontime today, we're doing pretty well. a good lunch time outside. if you can delay the drive into work for just a couple more hours, we start the day a little bit later. see a little bit longer because the afternoon looks great, too. a quiet start to the evening and then this happens or next line of showers pushes through right after midnight and starting to see heavy rain pushing back in around 02:00am to 03:00am. 3 right here. heavy downpours across the bay area line sweeps through and pockets of heavy rain continue after that. right in the middle of your morning commute. so we've got a lot going on to start the day tomorrow as well. very busy. start to the day for your tuesday and we will see another wet start to your day on wednesday to so this just keeps going this wet pattern, but nowhere means anywhere. close to being done with it.
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one to 4 inches of rainfall just over the next couple of days. we're going to add up another 3 to even 8 inches of rain across the bay area over the course of the next week. we do have flood watches in effect in green for the entire bay area. we have flood warnings in lower elevations of the santa clara valley. the santa cruz mountains, as well as along the russian river, still under high wind warnings on the east bay peninsula in south bay. up until 10:00am this morning and for the sierra nevada, a winter storm warning wind gusts as high as 70 miles per hour making for potential white out conditions. if you're trying to head up into the sierra and yes, seeing some snowfall up there. high temps in the bay area today in the 50's and we will see those 50's carrying us through the rest of the forecast getting could perspective here and what we have shaping up for the rest of the week. rain today tomorrow and wednesday. thursday is likely to be our driest day and then rain and even heavy rain into the weekend and more to follow that into next week rain. all right, john, thank you for
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that. well, we've got some flooding out there. so. >> southbound 1, 0, one, 80 ec that flooding there. so that's slowing things down. as you heading out into the city across the bridge, a little further down south bound 2.80, north ocean avenue in san francisco at an accident. southbound 101, south of south airport boulevard that down in south san francisco here in the east bay. you can see the map completely covered in red. so 5.80, westbound i-80 west reports of flooding, a downed tree southbound 13 at moraga avenue in oakland that's been there for most of the morning. traveling through the maze is very slow right now. the bay bridge about 25 minutes may so that fremont street exit as you're heading into the city, visibility pretty low across the san mateo bridge about 60 80 to 101, to steal. take it slow as you're traveling. a richmond center fell bridge about 12 minutes heading out of richmond and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 32 minutes. so let's look at the south bay along the peninsula. still reports of
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flooding. so southbound to 18 or the farm bill rhoden wpuld sign. that's why you're seeing yellow and red all across the map because traffic is slowing down northbound 1, 1, north of little avenue, redwood city, a little further down south bound to a north of bird avenue. still have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay. very slow there. darya. james, back to you. thank you, renay. 21 and in national news, president biden traveled to el paso, texas. >> yesterday to assess enforcement operations at the u.s. mexico border. you know, that trip comes just days after his administration announced new restrictions. >> on asylum seekers and that record numbers of migrants that have been attempting to cross the southern border of dc correspondent reshad hudson has details. good morning. this is president biden's first trip to the southern border since taking office. he's faced criticism from a majority of republicans and a handful of democrats about not taking the trip sooner. >> well, in el paso sunday, president biden toured
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sections of the border wall. a lot of resources. >> the border visit was met with criticism from texas governor greg abbott. this nothing but for show unless. >> it begins to enforce the immigration laws. it's the president's first trip since taking office and it comes as he announced new policies including an expansion of a process to allow 30,000 additional migrants per month into the u.s. from 4 countries. cuba, haiti, nicaragua and venezuela. we are dealing with in a broken immigration system that congress has failed to repair for decades. president biden visited migrant service centers and traveling with him was texas congresswoman veronica escobar. >> we had a great with the president solutions ways to work together. going forward. >> president biden is now in mexico city where he will gather with mexico's president and canada's prime minister for a north american leaders
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summit. and this week, a bipartisan group of senators will follow in the president's footsteps and visit the southern border as well. >> reporting in washington, reshad hudson, back to you. >> thanks for shot. a 22 right now. and as we go to the break, let's take a peek at what things are like here on 3.80. >> this is at the junction with one on one. and you can see it is a messy, messy ride. we'll be back with team coverage in just a few coverage in just a few minutes.
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>> we're back at 8.25. and san francisco police are asking for your help ask you to be on the lookout for a man suspected of killing a person in the mission this week identified as 21 year-old christopher aguilar rojas. he's accused of shooting 2 men and 2 women early friday morning. one of the men died from his injuries. the other is in critical condition. as for the 2 women, they're expected to be okay. but police say that rojas is considered armed and dangerous. a warrant has been issued for his arrest. >> on the peninsula, palo alto police are investigating the robbery of an elderly woman who was just sitting in her car. this was friday night on 10 lynn drive near camarillo avenue. a woman in her 70's was sitting in her car when a man came up and started grabbing her purse, she actually struggled with him. but he managed to steal her belongings and then he got away in a waiting vehicle.
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police think that that vehicle is possibly a gray minivan or a hatchback. the woman is supposed to be okay, although she did complain of pain and one of her hands, she refused medical attention when it happened. >> well, here's a quick live look outside at storm tracker. 4 radar showing us a lot of heavy rain widespread around the bay. the north bay getting a bit of a break. but it won't last. we'll have your full
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>> 29 right now and we're
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checking out a storm tracker for the radar which looks a little bit different. we are getting kind of a break. it depends not in san jose but no north of san francisco. yeah. for the moment, let's get the latest details from the weather center. john, break it down for us. what we see out of atmospheric river shifting southward now. so it's bullseye more. so the central coast now. >> and the southern part of the bay area areas that are actually actively seeing a whole lot of flooding. so they don't necessarily need any more of that water where we're sitting at coit tower conditions there still cloudy and we are still looking at some windy conditions, too. let's get a look at where we're seeing that rainfall actively. so, yeah, you can absolutely see that right here. the atmospheric river now shifted just a little bit further south. so los angeles and the south into the bay area, then especially those middle parts of the central coast. we're really looking at the heaviest of rainfall right now. so quieting down a lot in the north bay at this time, we are seeing still some rainfall in san francisco out towards oakland and then especially
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wet, still out towards solano county as well as the east bay. in fact, 6.80, from walnut creek through san ramon, doubling down to snow has some heavy pockets of rain. also looking at heavier areas of rainfall in the south bay as well as on the peninsula. san mateo up to the airport, looking at some really wet conditions further south, we're seeing flash flood warnings for all of santa cruz county and some very much so very wet conditions in the santa cruz mountains, too. where rainfall only continues. futurecast shows the showers pushing out and we do dry out pretty nicely even on towards around 10:00am this morning. most of us already looking at a fairly dry forecast except for the south bay by noontime, you're stepping outside to still mostly cloudy skies. a little bit of sunshine, peeks out this afternoon. tomorrow morning. we're right back to the rain. i'm going to rewind a future cast just a little bit here and you'll be able to see what we have going on into tomorrow morning, which will be that start of the morning right here with that heavy, heavy rain. this is around
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2.45 right here pushing through while you're sleeping and then towards 5.30, to 06:00am still in the midst of those heavier pockets. so definitely an active tuesday, too. flooding risk for the entirety of the bay area. we have flood watches and then those little areas of red. those are flood warnings now for the santa cruz mountains and santa cruz county itself. we have flash flood warnings and for the north bay, we are seeing a flood warning still in effect right along the russian river. there's water levels continue to rise in those spots. winds starting to calm down a little bit. we saw winds gusting as high as 40 to even 50 miles per hour last night. now it's mostly around 20 to 30 miles per hour, still breezy, but not as windy as we were earlier. temperatures are currently in the 50's. that's where we're going to stay all day long today. so we're fairly mild. we're just very windy and very wet. and yes, we have flooding. and of course, the impact from the strong winds too. that all adds up for a rough morning commute what's the latest on this? flooding is no joke.
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southbound want to one 80 east san francisco. >> reports of flooding there along southbound to 80 north ocean avenue, an accident. southbound 101, south of airport boulevard. as you're traveling to south san francisco. so issues all throughout the city and the east bay as well like 5.80, westbound here. we have reports of flooding still traveling along 5.18, 80's. pretty slow. i had a puddle of water driving along 80 this morning. that was pretty scary. that downed tree along highway 13 southbound avenue still there blocking lanes this morning? and it's slow along 8.80. if you're traveling there as well into the city about 25 minutes slick conditions. that's the bay bridge. >> our san mateo bridge about 15 minutes. a 80 to 101 high winds are still a factor across most of our bridges and we still have a 20 minute systemwide bar delay in place. richmond, sandra fell bridge about 9 minutes tolls to 1, 1, as you head out of richmond at 30 minutes. 37 to the tolls that's across the golden gate bridge. you can see here along the peninsula. still reports
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of flooding and pockets of slowing traffic. so southbound to 18 or the farm hill road. that's in woodside. you got one northbound 101, whipple avenue and redwood city and a little further down a lot to north of bird avenue. so today's a day, you definitely want to drive a lot slower. darya. james, back to you. thank you rain. and there's so much concern for those people who live near creeks and rivers. the national weather service has issued a flood warning for the guadalupe river in san jose. as we see the stormy weather today is really hitting the south bay at the moment. kron four's will tran standing by. >> right alongside that river, keeping an eye on the levels there. good morning. well, >> there have been times where we've seen this river just trickle. that is not the case today. look at the guadalupe river and downtown san jose cuts through the city and it is rising by the minute. look at it compared to the trees on the right side of your screen. it goes higher and higher.
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this river gives people a lot of anxiety because 5 years ago when we saw as strong, maybe even stronger rainfall, we saw what it did to that neighborhood in san jose where it caused millions of dollars worth of property damage when it just flooded that neighborhood. look at all that debris that's coming down. the city of san jose. they recently said they learned what happened 5 years ago and they promise not to have that happen again. so i'm sure they doing all that they possibly can you make sure that the water fines a place to go instead of going up and up to the higher places, the park's the neighborhoods. but as the rain continues to go down, it is quite a scary, nervous time. and we do know that the rain will fall be take it a little bit easier in the afternoon. but all that rain keep in mind that comes off of the ground gets squeezed out, gets put into the river well,
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and that will be put back onto the land as well. eventually got to keep a close eye on this. but fortunately, we're not hearing of a major flooding in san jose. at least not yet. back to you. >> tense times as we watch that with more rain still to come this week. thank you. 35 is the time and the san francisco fire department is ready. they have prepositioned strike teams to assist with the storm damage and anything they need to do to respond to that. there are 5 fire engines on each of these teams. there's 3 firefighters and one strike team leader for each and you'll see a front shot with the teams in front of their vehicles. there. those units are going out with clearing downed trees, power lines, helping with flooding issues and they are based in san francisco, but they are available to respond to regional and statewide request for aid. and this is all part of the california office of emergency services. >> in the east bay, niles canyon road will most likely be shut down for at least another week as cleanup efforts there continue. the
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roads still shut down in both directions as caltrans crews have been out there. we captured them on our video of the cameras here picking up debris, picking up guardrails that have been torn apart by the storm. it caused mudslides, landslides, lot of debris there littering the highway. so now's canyon road is shut down between old canyon road in fremont. that's just east of mission boulevard all the way out towards main street in seminole. >> it's a 37 and scary moments for a castro valley neighborhood. a big eucalyptus tree came crashing down on a home on saturday afternoon. yeah. that trapped someone inside. this happened saturday just before 4 in the afternoon on sandy road. alameda county fire crews were able to >> rescue that person and take them to the hospital, be treated for their injuries. and neighbors confirmed to kron 4 that the homeowner is in oakland police officer colleagues tell us the officer's recovering pg and e crews work to remove the debris, get those power lines, taking care of. >> run residents, though, is concerned about other trees holding up.
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>> that, you know, wind was going really strong. and i was just looking at these trees and all sudden it just started falling down. it hit the power. transformers and sparks were coming out. i think a lot of the people around here are going to be. calling arborist and try to have them check other trees, maybe think about cutting some down. >> story that we've been dealing with for weeks, you know, looking at trees, looking at creeks, looking at rivers. these are all turn into big threats. and then again, power lines are really a dangerous situation. so especially if you're out in the early morning hours because we start here at 4 in the morning on the kron. 4 morning news. want to stay tuned. tomorrow's commute is going to be just as messy. it is john. >> yeah, tomorrow's commute is going to be a rough 1, 2, and this one has been really rough. we're seeing a lot of flooding across the bay area. here is a bit of good news for areas in the north bay. you're really starting to dry out. even the peninsula starting a drying process. atmospheric river is shifting further southward. we are hearing
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flooding reports across the santa cruz mountains. santa cruz county and even out into the solano county too. still do have rain in these areas. so please be careful as you're getting outside. keeping you updated through the morning. all right, john, great information there. still seen flooding as you're traveling along 2.80. >> 101, in redwood city, san jose to 18 north of bird avenue. definitely a busy avenue. definitely a busy morning. lots when you find your reason to go on. let it pull you.
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>> we're back at a 42 levi stadium showed love for damar hamlin before the niners and cardinals hit the field this weekend. the forty-niners started out the 1st quarter down by 6 until brock purdy found christian mccaffrey. and there he is taking it all the way to the end zone. it was a battle at the goal line, but he got through niners, take the lead at that point. now the cardinals did put up another score in the second, but it wasn't enough to overtake the niners who quickly took the lead at half. and it kept adding to that score. you see it down at the bottom. the final 38 to 13. another amazing showing for the red and gold. their 10th straight victory to close out the regular season. that's the first time in franchise history. they won that many in a row. the forty-niners now heading to the nfc playoffs as the number 2 seed they're going to face the seahawks this coming saturday in the wild card game that will be at home for the niners. so at levi stadium at one 30 in the afternoon could very well be a wet one, considering how this week has been going weather wise. we'll keep you updated. a 42 the time. we'll be right back. and we're back in a 45
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climatologists in state water. officials say that we're seeing the best start to california snowpack in over a decade. they say january's measurements have some promising signs in them. the snowpack supplies about a 3rd of the states water. and since most of the winter season is only just now beginning, we do have the major reservoir still showing below average amounts
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of water. but some of the smaller reservoirs and the northern part of the state are sitting above average for this time of year and hopefully other reservoirs will catch up as more and more of this rain and snow keeps coming down. yeah, and we're looking at it come down in the sierra right now. you can see the roadway west to 67. >> this is if you want to go to north star, the thing is with this storm, i mean, that roadway looks a little wet. so that's not the kind of snow you want. and then also because it's heavy snow and wind that could make not only travel difficult, but also skiing and boarding might not quite be the if the lips even run. so this is something want to be aware of. and then don't forget this. a chain of storms. so even if you can't get there, one can get back. a lot of things to think about that. yeah, a lot of questions be answered before you start making that trek up there. >> again, we're looking at the potential of more snow all week long. here's a live look out at sfo. we know it's causing delays and the numbers of delays have popped up quite a bit here in the last hour or so. so let's take a quick look. according to flightaware
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san francisco international airport showing 57 flights delayed, 11 canceled so over oakland, 16 flights delayed. one canceled and san jose a little better picture for you. none canceled. but you are looking at about 23 flights to leave. but that's the thing is if i'm playing, i'll take a delay. the cancellations would like know. >> that's really good to come back later in the day or the next day. it's just a pan. it's a mess in the skies. messy on the roads. here is a peek at is my commute to go a coming in just first hit the bridge. >> and i didn't have much company. as you can see. it was like gusty winds at times. i don't know if you can hear him, but >> it was really gusty at times. the rain wasn't too bad, but the wind was really bad. visibility was okay here and this kind of what we're going to deal with today and tomorrow, by the way, the same or worse commute tomorrow. i know john's been talking about that. is mapping out the timing of >> this wave after wave of wet
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weather. john, good morning. at tomorrow morning's going to be a hard one as well. we're looking at some heavy rain and some strong winds again tomorrow morning. >> we're starting to see things dying down for the north bay now, but still very wet for the southern end of the bay area. look at this view at san jose dark clouds still raining and we do have reports of a lot of issues, especially further south in the bay area. now atmospheric river. it's shifted a little bit further southward. so the focus of all that moisture is now right along the central coast. we do still have an impact here in the bay. but as you can see, the north bay is actually fairly quiet peninsula, starting to dry out, even areas like richmond starting to see some drying weather. this is good news because these areas you weren't able to see much more water than we were getting. you're already looking at rising water levels in the russian river and flooding up in solano county. look at this. all these flooding reports popping up for santa cruz county and up into the santa cruz mountains. these are areas right here where we have evacuations taking place for many areas as water levels are rising. and we still
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continue to see rain falling. here's a bit of good news. we see this line of showers pushing out by the time we reach noontime today were pretty done with it for the bay area. and just in time because things were starting to stack up more and more for many areas. the rest of the day does look to remain dry. this is a quite the good news right here towards early tomorrow morning. our next line pushes through and look at this. some heavy rainfall right around 02:00am you'll be sleeping at this point but into the morning commute from early risers to the bulk of the commute itself. we are going to have some pockets of heavy rain and even downpours. this is going to make for a very tough one tomorrow morning on into the late part of the morning. still holding on to the spotty showers middle of the day north bay and that's just the way tuesday's looking spotty showers all day long. wednesday is also going to have rainfall during morning hours, one to 4 inches of rain over the next couple of days out. on top of that, the rest of the week, the weekend into early next week. we'll be seeing 3 to 8 inches of
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additional rainfall in one week's time. this is on top of what we've already seen. flood watches for all the bay area. flood warnings for santa cruz county and along the russian river. and we still do have high wind advisories through 10:00am for the east bay peninsula and south bay. winter storm warnings in the sierra nevada. winds gusting as high as 70 miles per hour up there. these continue through for 08:00pm tomorrow. now, daytime highs today, very similar to where we're at right now, which is 50's. temperatures really won't change much into the afternoon or the rest of the week today. tomorrow, wednesday, always just a chance of showers thursday. that's the driest day of this forecast because we get rainy again into the weekend rain. all right, john, thank you for that. well, we still have all of that flooding like you mentioned. >> 5.80, westbound. i-80 west flooding. there's i was traveling along 5, 18, 80 this morning. definitely hit a huge puddle of water traveling along the a pretty scary this morning. drive slow downed trees. southbound 13 at moraga avenue. that's still there. oakland and 8.80, that
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connector ramp to to 38 in san leandro. flooding reports there down here in the south and along the peninsula, southbound to 18 or the farm hill road and then northbound 1, 1, or the whipple avenue right with city. both reports of flooding traffic has reported on the highway traveling to mountain view along 101, and a little further down to 30 or 2.80, southbound north of bird avenue in san jose. so things are slick and conditions are pretty pretty pretty a dangerous out there. so you want to be cautious. >> heading into the city right now. we still have slick highways. this is down from about 35 minutes. oh, my goodness. a spider the that's that's frightening. 22 minutes traveling to the city this morning. the san mateo bridge, 15 minutes a 80 to 101, visibility pretty low via the san mateo bridge. a richmond center fell bridge tolls to 1, one about 8 minutes. so again, still slick out there, even though does look like it's coming down as harsh there. the golden gate bridge about 29 minutes. and we still have a 20 minute systemwide bar
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delay. that's going to be a problem for most of the morning flooding in the city. southbound 101, to 80 east that connector the year along 2.80, north ocean avenue and the flooding reports just go on and on. so we're staying on top of all of that. i say today is a day that if you can leave in john said a little later in the day. darren james, that makes most sense. back to you guys. ok? thanks for the update. 8.52 in the east bay, the body of a missing 19 year-old named. >> draymond a list b junior of pittsburgh was found saturday near highway 4 between poor chicago and willow pass road in concord. but this is an area that had been searched. his family says that the body was found in an area that they had looked at. officials have gone to several times earlier in the week. and now suddenly it turns up and the clothes that the body was wearing. words, try and clean. so the family is thinking that somebody placed the body there sometime early saturday
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afternoon. >> weather's been pretty bad, horrible. so he was entire 7 days. he's close with that. >> it definitely is very suspicious. a weird that he would be right there with >> we know dry, everything. so they're looking for what happened today. mon if you have any information on this case, you maybe saw something in the afternoon along highway 4. you are asked to contact. >> the concord police or chp. >> it's a 53 and we'll continue our team coverage of the storm after the break. you can see from the radar here that we are getting a little bit of a break ever. most of the bay area except for san jose and all those bubbles mean flooding. so the damage is already done down there. is already done down there. we'll be right back.
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>> welcome back. 8.56. wrapping up the hour. looking at continued rainfall at times. heavy rain pushing into california now the atmospheric river is shifting a little bit further southward. that means the bulk of this moisture is now centered from the south bay stretching down to la and especially the central coast getting hit really hard with rainfall at the moment. now, this is good news that we're drying out in the bay area right now because we're seeing water levels. rising reports of a ton of flooding up in solano county in those low lying areas, especially out towards the delta. starting to see water filling up fields low lying spots, and sonoma counties. also having seen some localized flooding. these
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were 2 0st areas to dry out. this is good news. still a problem in santa cruz county, though, with water still rising and rain still falling. keeping you updated in the 9 o'clock hour. so stay with us.
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better than it was earlier this morning. as you can see on this radar. yeah, the heaviest of the rain beginning to move out of the north bay right now. but this is just day one of what's going to be a week's worth. >> of rain and wind and a whole lot more inclement weather to come. we've got live reports were all around the bay area looking at damage and flooding trees down and >> more on the way. john, good you know what? it's not the end yet. we've seen 5 atmospheric rivers now and we've got more still heading our way. so this is just an active january. we've ever seen one. >> and it has resulted and a lot of issues and especially this morning we're hearing more and more reports of flooded areas for a lot of the bay area. here's a bit of good news. we are starting to dry out for parts of the bay. this is half moon bay right here. those breakers impressively high. still, these storm systems have been packing a punch specially out along our coastlines where we've been seeing power outages in damages from the strong waves. most of the atmospheric rivers moisture has shifted further southward. that means we're seeing are heaviest of


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