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tv   KRON 4 News at 430am  KRON  January 5, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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and of course, the timing, of course, for the morning commute. you have 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock. we've got another round coming as i read, john. yes, still got one last heavy band of rainfall pushing through and following. it is a chance of some thunderstorms. so we are looking at still an active morning ahead of us. but thankful that roadways are looking good, at least as far as our highways are concerned. so that is a nice note this morning. your view outside at dowowsaansco looks all right as well. we dried out over the past few hours for san francisco, although there are some lingering showers elsewhere in the bay area. you can see the system still very well formed. it's made itway a her northward now. so that center of circulation is right here. heavier rainll riglong the north coast. and we've got some pretty good snowfall intensity there in the sierra nevada bay area, comparatively on the quieter side, we do have some lighter showers in moderate showers spots around the santa clara valley on a free month through the tri valley. and then a couple of sprinkles and light showers
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right around the san mateo bridge. you will notice those winds on the bay bridge in the san mateo bridge, especially even the richmond center fell too. now futurecast shows you this line of showers for the rth bay pushing in between the 6 7 o'clock hours. and after that for the rest of the bay area embedded in here are some really heavy areas of rainfall. ts is 7.30, right here in right over the bay bridge will seeg some heavy downpours pushing into areas like oakland and alameda. a line of showers continues to push through through the morning and followed by some isolated pockets of heavier rainfall could come along with a few rolls of thunder on into the early afternoon before we quiet down after that flooding risk. still a concern for some areas. we do have flood advisories for the entire bay area. still in effect, as we do see that last line of heavy rain pushing through least it makes its way through relatively quickly. and that is a bit of good news temperatures right now, mostly in the 50's oakland in san francisco at 58. he word in san mateo at 55 novato napa
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and berkeley. each sitting right now. 57. so i'll be continuing to look at remaining elements of this storm and our next system that pushes through this weekend. still to come right now. all right, john, thank that will i am seeing a report of a downed tree. this is a northbound 2.80, at page mill road right in los altos hills looks like it's blocking a few lanes. the air. so you can still get through. however, they're trying to get that off of the highway there. you can see 101, just adjacent to that. no major issues or delays >> and 82 also moving pretty light through there at this hour. also, we have high winds across all of our bridges this morning from of the san mateo bridge, the bay bridge, richmond, sandra, fell dunbar bridge benicia bridge as you're traveling there. so be careful, be cautious. slow down as you're driving in traveling highway. 84 still closed. that said mission boulevard. that's going to be closed until they can get that mudslide. debris that's been there for the past 5 days now. >> the bay bridge heading into
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the city drive times, not impacted by those high winds. so that's why you've got to slow down your cell. >> 7 minutes mace to that fremont street exit. our san mateo bridge, 80 to 1, 0, 1, 13 minutes heading across towards peninsula. richmond center fell bridge. put you at about an 8 minute drive traveling at a richmond this morning. and let's check on things along 6.80, delon down to fremont about 14 minutes. darya. james, back to you. thanks. a lot of for 33 and the storm turned deadly in sonoma county. a baby was killed in the city of occidental rent. a big redwood tree fell on the family's home and it was around 6 o'clock last night. >> mom, dad, the child was around one or 2 years old. they were all inside. >> when those strong winds brought the tree down, the fire chief tried to help, but it was too late. >> i first arrived on scene household in the child. he was kind of covered in debris. he said my child not a location.
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so my first thought it my and let's get about the main because he's on a driveway father into the truck. >> as i was backing up down the driveway reversed. i was giving him instructions his as we did. we got back the main rescue squad and they may be able to grab the child from the father and started cpr. >> and again, it was too late. they were unable to revive the child. the mother and father are physically okay. >> well, as john's been telling us, there is more rain on the way this morning, the north bay, in probably going to see those rain drops first, getting it right around 6. that's why we've got kron. 4 sarah stinson strategically posted up in petaluma dry so far. looks like at the moment. sarah, good morning. >> yes, so far we're staying dry up here in the north bay. we are starting to see the wind pick up, though, can see some of the trees blowing a
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little bit, but not as much as they were overnight. in fact, overnight, they got some really intense like hurricane like winds. and not seeing that right now. but that very well could pick up because i am starting to feel that pick up yet again in this parking lot near the fairgrounds. also near 101. you can see some of the trees just kind of starting to sway in this area. i really feel like we're on the brink of seeing the storm pick up yet again. that's what our meteorologist john shrable has been saying. that it's going to pick back up around 5.36, o'clock this morning. and so that's what we're looking for. we're going to also here. we've heard a report that there could be a downed tree in petaluma where might go to that scene later. also, some people experiencing power outages around petaluma rohnert park santa rosa but petaluma the actual city seems like not a lot of power outages right now. so that's the good news right now. it is
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very calm, but it's the calm before the storm. we got a lot of rain, a lot of wind overnight in. so that is not going to be good because we're going to see more rain and more rain. and so it only makes for more damage from the storm. so james darya maybe dry right now, maybe only experiencing a little bit of wind, but that's why we're all here to show you. the elements could see this very well pick up by the next time. i see you at 5 o'clock. >> back to you. all right. we'll check in with you later. thanks a lot. sarah. >> and we're also keeping an eye on the power outages, too, because that's the other side of the story that people are dealing with in the aftermath of the wake of this big storm. this is pg e's power outage status page. and you can see some of the areas that are seeing the heaviest outages are actually san francisco in the pilots. in fact, here's some of the latest numbers from pg e as of 11 o'clock last night. so while you were sleeping, we're trying to get updated numbers this morning. so stay tuned for that. but as of last check with pg and e san francisco had more than 6600 customers without power.
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the peninsula overall had more than 44,000 customers without power. so that's one of the hardest hit areas to the south bay. you can see santa clara county also dealing with widespread power outages. in fact, in the south bay 16,000 plus, customers without power right now. and that spans the entire area of the south bay. no one area hit harder than the other. so it's pretty widespread there. the east bay, actually, if you're out along the 6.80, corridor, it's not as bad as it is along that 5.80, 8.80, and 80 corridor there between san lorenzo. let's say all the way up through richmond, san pablo. that's where we're east bay customers a little more than 12,000 of them without power. and then last stop for the north bay will head there where you can see there's pretty widespread outages here as well. not surprising. they were dealing with the rain first and the longest as we're watching the impacts command so in the north. but we've got 23,000 plus customers without power and these colors kind of indicate where it's hardest hit in orange. that's where we
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have 5,000. that's where we have foot 500 to 5,000 customers without power in the yellow, 50 to 500 customers without power. so really along the north bay mountain lions, that's where we're seeing the hardest hit area at this point. no estimate on restoration it from pg and e we'll keep you updated if we learn more. >> thank you. and james in the north bay, the storm took out some power lines, a crown for a viewer captured the explosive moment. take a look. wow. that is from sandra fell. look at the just explosive nature of power outage and multiple transformers were blowing up in that. so that caused a lot of people to lose their power. now, you know why? if you live in that area and i don't live too far from there, and i don't know if those transformers affected my town, but it was the lights were blinking at times. now tears more power lines that
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are down. they blocked the road around bella vista avenue in oakland. and you can hear the wind to and see the camera shaking. this is from the citizen app. those power lines have been down since yesterday afternoon when they came down pg e says at least 50 customers in that area, buildings, homes and the like are without power because of that. and an evacuation warning remains in a place right now for those who live near the russian river in sonoma county. windbeen howling there. we have a map showing the affected areas for this wind advisory and that stretches from healdsburg all the way up to jenner. >> the sonoma county sheriff says the russian river is expected to crest at 33 feet. it's pretty high. the water levels expected to drop sometime this afternoon, but will rise even higher sunday night after this weekend's storms. anyone who is below the 40 foot flood level is asked to prepare themselves now, believe at a moment's notice. have your emergency go bags ready with your in central medications. documents and clothing. all ready to go. residents and business owners
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in san anselmo are keeping obviously a very close eye on the creek that runs through town there because that's the very same creek that has a history of over flooding. its banks. take a look here and you can see just how wild and high the creek is at the moment. business owners that have property literally right above the creek. tell us that they are preparing for the worst. >> we are not really too anxious about it right now. we survived the first atmospheric river here in the 4 o'clock 6 o'clock rain storm. the creeks flowing about 50% right now. it's flowing really fast. so it's a dangerous situation. somebody was to get close to it. we're hoping not much more rain comes. we are really concerned about 4.30, in the morning. tomorrow morning on that one we may have low pressure title activity and we might have a lot of rain coming down. >> well, you see here and they're concerned about the rain we're going to get this morning. the business owners are hopeful that the precautionary measures they've taken our enough, but only time will tell have to wait
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and see. >> a neighborhood in point, richmond is evacuated this morning because of the threat of a landslide. 15 homes i had to evacuate. their families are staying in a shelter right now. crews were up on the hill yesterday working on putting down a tarp because they're afraid that the ground is going to loosen up saturated from the rain. residents were able to grab their belongings before they had all get out. >> the we just don't know. i mean, it could be really bad or minor what we're taking precautions. you should contract for the when going all try to keep water out of the so city richmond has been really pro at this hole about 9 o'clock last night. yeah, the police came around told us that the flashing lights are all part of evaluation
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situation and about police officer a fireman came by and said >> the city is encouraging you to to a vacuum. >> yeah. and why not play it safe? which is what they did a cruise in the in that effort as well to just as a precaution. they shut the water supply off to the fire hydrants because they don't want more water filling up and spilling to that landslide evacuation updates are available on the city's website. if you are one of those affected customers and waking up in a shelter this morning. >> well, 4.42, right now catching a bit of a breather at the moment. it's still windy, but we are seeing calmer rains at the moment aetween 05:36am, heavy rain returns to the north bay towards 67 for the rest of us and a quick hit of heavy rain possible thunderstorms towards the late morning into early afternoon. we'll clear and dry out after that point, though, i've got the full breakdown. still to come. >> and you have those high winds out the air. if you're
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traveling using high profile vehicles or just traveling period, you want to slow down this morning. we
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>> we're back at 4.45. with a live look here at a caltrans camera northbound. 1, 1, at 23rd. and you can see traffic is flowing well, which is great news. the roads, a little drier right now because we're in a sort of a pause between storms. it was raining well into late last night. now we've got this brief break, but there is more rain on the
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way and unfortunately, looks like the time is going to put it right at the heart of the commute this morning. so be ready for that. we have another vantage point to share with you this morning. this airport boulevard and here again, a lot of space between the cars, everybody kind of taking it easy, giving themselves plenty following distance, which is great. and so that's the good news there. again, we're going to keep you updated on the road. conditions with throughout the morning. and john tracking that in coming next round of wet weather this morning. it's not over yet. john. tell us about it. yes, still that one more line of heavy rainfall from this system right here. >> after that, we'll still see some thunderstorms popping up on through the late morning into early afternoon. we can to ease off the gas pedal a little bit towards the close of the day and into friday and the most significant break you're going to see in this forecast because the rest of the forecast just continues to bring pretty unsettled weather. those wet conditions continue where we're sitting right now at the golden gate bridge. it is windy out there. so you are seeing the camera on sutro tower swing just a little bit. you'll notice that
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wind up more. so as you're heading east west because it's moving into the bay from the south, we are seeing a lot of snow up in the sierra still as well as some rain up in the north coast. comparatively quiet for the bay area's low as well as far as rainfall intensity goes, look at right around the central valley right now up into the sierra foothills, heavy pockets of rain out that direction. zooming in on the bay. we do have a cuts of rainfall around san jose on up the great through pleasanton a few showers as well around the dumbarton bridge. but like i said overall, relatively quiet, especially as compared to last night. most of the storm reports we saw from last night were reports of downed trees, including some in san francisco where people had to be rescued from cars at one point highway one southbound in pacifica was closed due to a tree down there. and of course, the trees down in the north bay, too. most of this was a contribution of wet soils and then the winds winds still definitely a factor. daly city in the richmond district do have 32 miles per hour. winds currently very breezy out towards mere beach
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at 37 miles per hour. similar up into the north as you're crossing, the richmond center fell bridge. you'll notice 36 mile per hour winds currently a little bit quieter out on the east side of the bay. also 12 miles per hour. berkeley and oakland nearing that 30 miles per hour mark. and definitely as you move your way up or down or bridges along the bay shore, you'll notice some breezier spots there on the peninsula right now. millbrae and burlingame. 32 miles per hour for your current wind. so still breezy for some of us. and we've got this one last line of heavy rain making its way through its pushing through mendocino and northwest sonoma county right now, we'll continue its truck towards the rest of the north bay through the 06:00am. and then after that, look at this right here at 07:00am heavy downpours in san francisco right across the bay bridge as well and pushes through the rest of the east bay. after that, the good news here is rather than sitting on top of us and resulting in flooding risk. this pushes through really quick. so you will see some standing water,
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but because it's a fast mover, shouldn't see too much of that flooding potential from it. we will see heavy pockets of rain fall after that, though associated with thunderstorm potential lingering all the way into the early afternoon. so you still have a day, at least to start where you want to stay inside. more so than not, i would say after 03:00pm things really start to calm down for most of us. you still have that risk of thunderstorms popping up into the early afternoon but quieting down significantly into the evening and aside from some north bay showers tomorrow, pretty quiet one tomorrow. rainfall estimates for the rest of the day, mostly below an inch, which is certainly nice to talk about. as for with the rest of the forecast, we will continue to see rainfall piling up on into the weekend and next week. flood advisories do still remain in place through this afternoon. this is because we have that last heavy band pushing through those heavy pockets of rain along with thunderstorms. as for our wind advisories, just a few lingering on and mostly our upper elevations and for the sierra nevada, a winter storm
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warning remains through 04:00am tomorrow. looking at multiple feet of snowfall still piling up there today. as for our daytime highs today, we are going to be in the upper 50's and that's the way we stay through the rest of this forecast. not a lot of change. temperature-wise tomorrow, the of the forecast, more rainfall on saturday. our heaviest of rain saturday actually comes that evening into early sunday morning. heavy rain again into monday of next week. and showers continuing into tuesday and wednesday. great. john, thank you for that, ok? well, we an accident. this is a los gatos. so long, 17. >> southbound north of he barroso that traffic collisions. they're not seen any major backups or delays from that. also report of a downed trees, some limbs in the lanes northbound 2.80, at page mill road. this is in los altos hills. so you can get through there, but you're probably going to slow down just a bit. so you don't hit that if you're traveling along 101, or 82 not see major delays or issues. so that's
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good news. we do have high winds across most of our bridgethis morning. a 7 minute ride into the city may so that fremont street exit. how about our san mateo bridge 80 to 101 about 13 minutes heading across towards the peninsula. a richmond center fell bridge. put you at about 8 minutes tolls to 101, and the south bank in the drive. time for you there. 28 minutes up one to one. 85 in to menlo park. daria, james, back to you. thanks. a lot of for 51. and as we've been reporting, the weather has really thrown a wrench. >> and the travel as rain has been talking about on the area roads and also at the airport. there were flight delays and cancellations. this started yesterday morning. as we told you, you're on the kron. 4 morning news now we take a live look at the airport. this is sfo. and according to the faa right now, there are some arrival and departure delays of up to 15 minutes. so that's not too bad compared to yesterday, the airport has 39 delays right now and 16 cancellations. but we are
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expecting to see that go up and get worse as the storm continues today with the high winds that can affect your travel there. and this is exactly what we saw yesterday. the the delays and cancellations really mushrooms in the kind of mid morning hours here on the news. i think it's about 07:00am when they really got. later there. yeah. and she also want to check it over. that's sfo. but oakland has suffered a lot of them. cancellations and delays. san jose to but san francisco's taking the brunt of it. so we'll keep checking on that. caltrans is warning drivers to avoid roadways in general. look at that warning. severe weather avoid travel until 10 night. the hd activated about 1200 of these signs to prepare us for the storm and they also say that you should be aware and ready to move over for emergency crews. so if you are hitting the roads, double check if they're open, i know you wouldn't. normally google year. you know our check a map
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for your normal commute. you're like i know where i'm going do this for 20 years. but today could be a little different. let's take a look now at the wet morning drive in one of our live shots. she the bay bridge that that the incline yeah, tell people are up up. and adam pretty early this morning, taking it slow as you can that you're talking about the wind on the bay ridge. yeah, that's going to be a big concern as you specially across the bay bridge and the richmond, sandra fell in the senate, a bridge, any east west bridge. you're going to have that southerly wind really buffeting you. >> as you try to drive be careful. we'll be right back. it is welcome back. it
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is 4.56 on this thursday morning. you're waking up to some still wet conditions out there. >> but definitely calmer than what you likely went to bed to last night. we've got some heavy snowfall up in the sierra nevada. heavy rain in widespread rain up on the most north coast. comparatively pretty quiet for the bay area. right now we are seeing a few lingering sprinkles here. and there. but don't think that this is the end of the rain because we have a heavy line of showers that's about to make its way back into the north bay within the next 30 minutes to an hour here in for the rest of us within the next couple of hours. now, we do have storm reports from last night. most of these did involve winds and downed trees. you're driving to work this morning, especially in neighborhoods, you'll probably notice areas where branches are in roadways were trees are down. so to take it a little bit slower overall, though,
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the flooding from this system did not measure up like we saw from the last one. so that's a bit of good news. those showers move through rather quickly. so rather than piling up, we saw the heavy rain and then we saw it moving out, which is good winds out. there is a big deal still, we're still looking at 30 to 40 miles per hour gusts on some of our bridges. i'm keeping you updated on all of it. during the 5 o'clock hour. stay with us. sweet pillows of softness! this is soft! holy charmin!
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5:00 am
>> this morning on the kron 4 morning news. the stormy weather turns deadly after tree falls on the north bay home killing a child. plus people had to be rescued from rising flood waters as trees fall on roads all across the bay area and strong winds damaged buildings. more on the rain right away. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news far. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us here on the kron. 4 morning news. we're going to get it through another day of this storm. i've dari and i'm james and we've got a lot to cover this morning. we have damage with power outages. we still have flooding and mudslides throughout the bay area to deal with. the good news is we do have a brief pause right now. >> between the heavy rains we saw yesterday and the rain is coming up for the morning commute. and the good news is everybody had prepared prepared yesterday were preparing it today because like you said, james, it's not over yet. let's talk about


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