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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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our katie nielsen has a look at mitchell's top priorities for oakland. >> reporter: incoming chief floyd mitchell says he is really going to be focused on better communication. not just within the community, but also within the department. community leaders hope he will bring about some necessary change. bob harris has been a resident since 1960. he's also an executive member of the oakland chapter of the naacp. an organization that has been closely watching the selection process of the new chief. >> and the man has finally reported someone. we have been waiting for this for well over a year. >> oaklanders, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. it is my honor to introduce to you our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. >> reporter: the incoming chief got a standing ovation from the crowd in a packed council chamber when mayor sheng thao
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introduced him. the department has been without a permanent chief since mayor thao fired former chief, leronne armstrong, in february of last year. during the press conference, the mayor is confident incoming chief mitchell will provide results. >> he's a smart crime fighter who delivers results. it is what i demand. as your mayor, i demand results. >> reporter: before coming to oakland, mitchell was the police chief in lubbock, texas for four years. he has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement starting in kansas city, where he and his five brothers and sisters were raised biasing l mother. >> my upbringing taught me the importance of community, commitment, working together for the greater good. and these are some of the same traits that i bring with me in my role as police chief in community leader. >> reporter: mitchell says his priority in the first 100 days on the job will be to get to know those in the department and the community. but he says the way the police department
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will be turned around is through collaboration and communication. >> my approach is high visibility, responsible, proactive policing that is procedurally just, data driven, grounded, and evidence based strategies that address our most difficult issues. >> reporter: harris says the local naacp is looking forward to working with the new chief. but simply hiring someone isn't enough. >> it is the first step in that process. but the next step has to be accountability from the city council, from the mayor, and everybody else. >> reporter: as of right now, the new chief does not have an exact start date. he's expected to be sworn in some time around the end of april or beginning of may. and another major challenge. the city of oakland is facing a massive budget deficit. the department of finance estimates the city is facing a $177 million shortfall up until your budget passed
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last fall. the biggest factor, lower real estate tax revenues. also in oakland, a man is on the mission to steer kids onto the right path and away from a life of crime. >> i see them carrying that trauma in that violence, and they don't know how to process. >> coming up later at 5:00, the program making a huge difference for young people in the town. alameda county d.a., pamela price, is reducing the double murder charges against a former sheriff deputy. price's office announced it is dropping an enhancement charge that would have demanded a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. then deputy sheriff williams allegedly shot and killed a married couple, benison and maria tran back in 2022. the shooting was not in the line of duty. an investigation revealed that williams and maria tran had a former relationship. williams turned himself hours after the shooting. the family members
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are speaking up today. >> it is up to d.a. price to bring justice to our family and the community. >> if convicted, williams could be eligible for parole in 25 years. now price saying in a statement, "there is nothing i can say that will relieve the pain and anger for the tran family. but i can say those two counts of murder that mr. williams faces carry with them a minimum of decades of time and potentially a lifetime in prison." okay, turning to weather now on the return of rain. we started the day with a little bit of sunshine. those ominous clouds are now moving in. >> a live look at the driving conditions in the north bay right now, courtesy of photojournalist. >> and getting a bit of a workout. let's check in with darren peck, tracking the rain for us tonight. hey, darren. >> reporter: so far guys, what we're seeing from this system is pretty light. the better rain from it is coming in over the next few hours. let's show you why i would say that as we will look ahead to how the rest
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of the evening will go. look at first alert doppler now. light rain out there for most spots. but when we would switch this putting into the futurecast. you're going to see how the intensity picks up a little bit through the early evening. the time stamp out there has us looking at the 7:00 hour. so we are still seeing the focus in the north bay at that point. everybody would have gotten some light rain by this point in the evening. it's just that this is when some of the more noticeable rain will show up from 7:00, it will take its sweet time. doesn't get into the golden lakes until the 9:00 hour. then we could take that line and just march it south getting down into the santa clara valley before midnight. so the thing with the system, it's already proven to have the ability to drop light enough rain to slicken the roads. that's going to be a factor with this throughout the evening commute regardless. and at least from that evening commute standpoint, that heavier rain for the majority of it is going to wait until most of the traffic is off the
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road. then it will rain heavier through the overnight hours. that's just the start of this because this system loiters around for much of tomorrow. it's just on again, off again, spotty showers with a good example that will get us into late morning with a nice little line of isolated showers. we could pretty much do that throughout the afternoon tomorrow. you'll get more time on thursday when you are not getting rained on than when you are. but there is always the possibility, all the way through tomorrow for an isolated short lived straight shower to pop up. if you look at totals, none of them are big. looking at about a tenth of an inch or so in the south bay. that's pretty much it. this covers storm number one. storm number two will get here on friday. when we get back together again, we'll go through that one in details. perhaps some isolated thunderstorms, and it could impact saturday. see you in a few minutes. back to you. i'm anne makovec following an investigation in pacifica after police shot and killed a
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woman accused of shooting her own son. this all happened just before 8:00 this morning at a home on francisco boulevard just around the corner from the 7-eleven. and when they got there, police say the mom was trying to drive away and that she pointed her gun at them. at least one officer opened fire. that woman died at the scene. police say her son is recovering in the hospital. no names have been released. the san mateo county district attorney's office is investigating. well a shooting in san jose led police down a rabbit hole that ended with several gang related arrests. loads of confiscated firearms and a massive drug bust. it started with a shooting last october that they determined to be gang related. they identified these suspects, linked to the crime. police were able to get a search warrant where they found several firearms. the 3-d printer more than 13 kilos. six kilos of methamphetamine, and two kilos of cocaine and heroin
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each. and in baltimore now, search crews have found the bodies of two of the six men thrown into the water during yesterday's bridge collapse. and within the last few hours, the coast guard announced that the cargo ship that crashed into that bridge was undergoing engine maintenance before it lost power. natalie brand is in baltimore, maryland with the very latest. >> reporter: during a dangerous and intense recovery effort, divers near the collapse, francis scott key bridge made a tragic discovery. >> shortly before 10:00 a.m., divers located red pickup truck, submerged in approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers recovered two victims of this tragedy trapped within the vehicle. >> reporter: crews had been searching for six missing construction workers, but now are shifting from a recovery mode to a salvage operation. >> because of the super
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structure surrounding the vehicles, and the amount of concrete and debris, divers were no longer able to safely navigate or operate around that. >> reporter: the ntsb remains in the early stages of investigating what happened on board the dali cargo ship. the ntsb will begin interviewing personnel and analyzing evidence from the ship including the voyage data recorder. for now the port of baltimore is closed to ship traffic as crews examine the area and then work to clear the channel. >> there are underwater surveys happening. >> reporter: baltimore's port is one of the busiest on the east coast. and the nation's number one hub for importing and exporting vehicles. >> the port of baltimore is an important port. so for our supply chains for all the workers who depend on it for their income. we're going to help get it open as soon as
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safely possible. >> reporter: maryland's governor says the port directly employees about 15,000 workers, and more than 100,000 indirectly. the navy announced it is moving three heavy cranes to baltimore to help clear the debris and open up the ship channel. and still ahead a look inside the california home of sean diddy combs. what we have learned about what may have prompted that investigation. three decades after a bay area woman died from botched plastic surgery. her daughter is determined to make a difference in her memory. how she fought to change a 50-year-old law to help victims of medical malpractice. >> seeking the truth is how i would avenge my mother's death. on the eve of what may be the final opening day for the oakland a's. how fans are getting ready to make their voices heard.
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we are now getting a look inside music mogul sean diddy comb's l.a. mansion moments after the feds raided the want pro. drawers emptied, documents scattered, safes opened and searched. guns, cell phones, other electronics are among the items confiscated by authorities. hours after the raid started, combs was seen walking around the miami airport, where authorities later arrested combs' associate, brendan paul, and charged him with drug possession. >> they decided this was worth a lot of resources across the country. once they have done these searches, they have evidence to follow up on. if they've got it, they'll move on it. >> and even though combs has not been publicly named as a target of the investigation. he says he is now prepared to fight to clear his name. a u.s. military cadet from the bay area was found dead from what officials say was an accidental drowning in florida. 21-year-old haven morris was on spring break, clubbing with his friends when they lost track of him. a police dive team found
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his body near a river where he was last seen. morris was a graduate from amador valley high school in pleasanton and started cadet school in 2020. the superintendent said the entire community sends their heartfelt condolences. as we close out women's history month, women who worked in the shipyards and factories during world war ii also known as rosies were honored today at the world war ii historic park in richmond. and one woman talked about what it was like to work during wartime. >> we worked six days a week. when we would have a sunday off when they didn't need somebody on the swing shift, we would dress in our lady clothes and go out. we found we were walking like walking horses because the shoes had been so heavy. women's shoes are quite light. to not be overwhelmed. i told myself that i'm being honored for all the other ones.
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i mean i'm a representative. so many of them have died. >> well gibson and 29 other rosies will head to dc next month to collectively accept a congressional gold medal. a live look at chase? had where the new women's basketball team golden state will soon be playing their home games. the wnba expansion team announced they are now taking deposits for season ticket memberships. they started at $25 and they have got a fan base. golden state says they received more than 5,000 deposits since the franchise was announced back in october. the new team is scheduled to kickoff next year, or tip-off i should say. in the meantime a new report by deloit finds women's elite sport is expected to generate more than $1 billion this year. that's up at least 300% from just three years ago. okay to baseball now. tomorrow could be the final opening day for the a's in oakland. they host the cleveland guardians at the coliseum. some a's fans are planning to send a message by
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boycotting the game. >> yeah, our intent is not to go to any games whatsoever. you know, john fisher doesn't deserve our money. the a's organization, the front office do not deserve the love. >> so fans who are boycotting plan to pack the parking lot tomorrow with a massive tailgate, but they won't actually go inside the coliseum. by the way the a's lease at the coliseum extends through the season. it is still unclear where they will play after that before likely moving to las vegas. so let's check in with darren peck right now. it could be a bit of a rainout. not a way to spend your opening day? >> not an ideal way. how bad will it get over there, darren? >> well the thing for tomorrow, which is when the opening day would happen. we are in between systems. you might get an isolated shower tomorrow. we were looking at that early. you can't rule that out. but it wouldn't be long lasting. it certainly wouldn't put a damper on not only the game or the parking lots. all right, let's get into this forecast and put this back into the
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forecast. i spent a lot of time talking about the rain for today and tomorrow. there is one other thing about the current system that i do want to address. it's making things look outside here at home. i want to draw our attention to the other side of the state real quickly because it will be a decent snow maker. we're not done with them coming in across california. if we just go to the i-80, highway 50 corridor. this is just tonight into tomorrow. another foot and a half of snow coming to donner pass, snow level down to 4,000 feet. where were all these storms? dropping snow down to 4,000 feet. it is really nice to see. there's a winter storm warning up here. any travel from now until tomorrow morning is going to be rough. this is the most important part. just the first one. another one coming in for the weekend that will make travel more difficult in the sierra. so let's start looking at that one now. we will go to the wide view. when we kind of take in the big picture, we can see the current system right here. the one we've been looking at so far
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in the newscast. but look at this one that will sneak in behind it. and like undercover. by the time we would get to friday, now we've got a somewhat more impressive system sitting off the coast. if you would look at this one cut themselves off from the jet stream and just wobbles off the coast of california. there is a lot about this system to look at, which will make it interesting and somewhat complicated. we will just simplify things in this visit and talk about the most likely time frame for rain first. if we bring it back, now we're looking at 9:00 a.m. the system that has not arrived yet. this is likely a late morning, early afternoon arrival. for some of that widespread rain. we are not going to bracket it too specifically just yet. but only to say like middle of the day on friday. it's when this system will likely provide some of the more widespread steadier rain that it will have to offer. so when we would look at the totals for this, the bulk of it is coming in the middle of the day friday. but look out here. the center will be around
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for a while and start drifting south. the closer we will get to the center of that on saturday, the greater the possibility is for an isolated occasional thunderstorm to get pulled into the bay. notice how messy this is? that will take us through saturday. so the simplified takeaway, widespread steady rain through the middle of friday. then isolated on again, off again, scattered showers with an occasional thunderstorm maybe on saturday. when you add it all up. rainfall totals will bring us up to half an inch of rain, but these are bigger totals to the south. the storm really wants to do the bulk of the work. they will get much heavier rain out of that one. yeah, another good snow maker. now we're looking at the second system. this is just the friday into saturday system. once again, snow levels will come down to 4,000 feet. we are looking at perhaps another foot and a half, maybe two feet of snow in the sierra. and there is likely another winter storm warning that will go along with that one. that is much more important. now we're talking
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about the weekend. we are talking about easter weekend. we are talking about people who are going to want to travel and who maybe aren't thinking this time of the year. you could still have another significant storm come through. i know many people is aware that's a possibility. but so many people have kind of maybe turned that corner on that. that one could be a mess in the sierra. so early heads up on that one. all right, let's go to the seven-day forecast. so we already know the story on this next system. friday and saturday. now if you look passed it, it will be a break that doesn't show up at all. but daytime highs that went against our climbing went back up to 70. by early next week, we're going to turn a nice corner. i don't see any other storms, at least not within the range of like the week and a half time frame where you could look out at these things after the one for this weekend. all right, back to you. >> all right, thank you so much. still ahead here at 5:00, a lucky supermarket in new jersey just sold a mega millions
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ticket worth $1.13 billion. but california didn't come up entirely empty handed. details on the big winners. he called it oakland tribe. how the oakland man
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an oakland man bringing families together to bring the cycle of violence in the neighborhood known for violent crime. >> sharon chin introduces us to this week's bay area jefferson award winner. sharon? >> yeah, andrew park started playing basketball with kids who had nothing else to do in the afternoon school. that was the beginning of oakland tribe. andrew park helps give away
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food to nearly 200 families on this day. he also nourishes the neighborhood spirit through his tribe of hope and belonging. >> just as a small nuclear family is complex and then you multiply that times 100. that's the work. >> reporter: a child of immigrant parents, andrew struggled, growing up in east oakland, headed in the wrong direction. >> folks know it will start in the fourth, fifth grade. you start fighting a bunch. you get into middle school and that is when you start roaming the hallways. that's when a few folks would grab a hold of me. >> reporter: because of those critical mentorships, andrew now walks on a brighter path. he's a pastor who will lead to the tribe. the non-profit he founded in 2007 to tackle the pain and poverty among their young people. >> some of them have experienced harder, harsher type of things. and have gone through juvenile hall or gotten
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shot unfortunately. i will see them carrying the trauma and that violence and they don't know how to process. >> reporter: andrew and his non-profit would serve the youth and his families in the multitude of ways from the outdoor center at san antonio park, oakland tribe not only partners with food banks to give away food, but also offers free services like early childhood play groups, afternoon clubs at local schools, mentorships, paid internships, college visits, summer camps, and community gatherings to build character, confidence, and connection. tribes 100 plus volunteers and 30 staff members serve 50,000 people a year. like april nunes who is grateful the tribe cares for her whole family. >> it is a big difference. they are here in the community. the kids could probably ask for help. >> reporter: in fact tribe ambassadors are out in the community every day to clean up trash and graffiti, build relationships that will lead to
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mentorships and change lives. >> these are zucchini. >> reporter: as the tribe expands, the chief operating officer says it is growing a new generation of change makers. >> they have a unique way of leading, his way of leading is allowing others to lead. >> what will keep you going in this work? >> really it is my faith that will keep me going. >> reporter: so for building the oakland tribe community to help ease oakland thrive, this week's award in the bay area will go to andrew park. >> oakland tribe also reaches out to those touched by neighborhood violence, so-called violence interpreters show up at shootings and other crime scenes to support families. they are supported by government grants. >> what an inspiration. and he spells tribe sort of unusual. it's t-r-y-b-e. what's the reason behind the spelling? >> the y stands for the youth. >> oh. >> perfect. >> helps you remember. >> that's a great way. thanks.
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you can nominate your local hero online on when we come back, how bay area woman event, how a bay area woman avenged the death of her woman through art. a new book of activism by helping change a nearly half century old law. >> that's me leaving a legacy for my mother. and another effort to recall governor gavin newsom has just cleared a major hurdle. the new developments. it's been incredible. it's been a journey and a labor of love. >> how an app from the bay area developer is making lasting connections for
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right now at 5:30, a new effort underway to evict governor newsom from the mansion. the governor accused of attacking nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer. what his attorneys are asking for. a bay area woman channeling the pain of her mother's death into art and helping others. tomorrow evening in san francisco's chinatown, a book reading on how you avenge the death of your mother. >> well nearly 30 years ago, susan lou's mom died as a result of patrick surgery malpractice. she dealt with the trauma through performance and art. >> but the real healing began when she used that strategy to help change nearly a 50-year-old california law that now gives victims a me


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