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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  January 10, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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from cbs bay area ne isthmo od mointo you. we have an active morning on first alert doppler. we have heavy storms pushing through . i will time these out, coming up in the full forcast. we are in gilroy. the lanes on highway 101 her back open. this is after the stretch was completely flooded. i have a live update, coming up. we are here in south san francisco, where a use of the roof has come off of an apartment complex. we have more on the damage, coming up.
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downed trees and thousands without power in the south bay. i am justin andrews, tracking it all. we will track your commute with debris and flooding in the roadway this morning. i have your top traffic trouble spots, coming up. president biden is facing sharp new questions. why his handling of classified documents is getting the attention of the justice department? we have declared another first alert weather day. people are bracing for the chance of more flooding. waterways throughout the bay area are swollen. the latest round of rain has push things over the edge. a loat this. we have some of the most dramatic impacts from the storm here in gilroy. a stretch of highway 101 turned into a rushing river. caltrans has been pumping out water on both sides of the highway. the highway reopened last night. let's show you this pg&e map. we have a lot of people without power here in the bay area. 4500 customers are in the dark
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this morning. most are in the north bay. we have live team coverage with what you need to know to get your day started. jocelyn is liver us. shawn chitnis is in south san francisco is something up to see to believe. justin andrews is in san jose, tracking what is going on there. first, we are with the first alert meteorologist, jessica burch. the big question is, what will we see? >> today's storm is different from yesterday's already. here is what i mean. as we look at first alert doppler, you see the purple off in the distance? that is the front leading edge of a cold front that swept its way through the bay area this morning , within the last four hours. around 2:30, settled into the bay area. if you are a light sleeper, you probably woke up to the severe thunderstorms. i had to wait and go to work because i knew the radar was showing very
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active conditions. i will say this, now that the frontal system is moved through, we are left with scattered showers throughout this afternoon. we have heavy pockets of rain and lightning potential over the coming hours. i went to zoom in closer to home. we have heavy pockets of rain forming near san francisco county. within the next 5 to 10 minutes, the heavy band will push its way through the whole city, and off to the east. we are seeing heavy activity near vallejo, tracking to the east. we don't have a lot of activity going on. we are under a flood watch. we had the potential for severe flooding within the coming hours. this will expire tonight. we have more on that in a bit. does that impact the roads? >> we have closures due to flooding. if you are getting ready to get up early and go out the door for your commute, be careful. it is windy. there
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are some things you want to keep your eyes peeled for. you come up on these trouble spots very quickly. this is a live look at the bay bridge. we are seeing more and more people on the road. we are dealing with slick surfaces. let's talk about these closures. westbound 37 between atherton and 101 going westbound. this is a direction for 101. you have a traffic alert. the san rafael bridge is a good alternate. if you take the connector from 80 westbound and highway 4, we have a trouble spot blocking the . 80 is backed up as you work your way into hercules. this is almost near crockett. give yourself extra time. we have a trouble spot on 87. i have one that in my next report. statement the intense winds are causing downed trees and power lines. shawn chitnis is in south san
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francisco , where the wind played a role in some damage you are seeing there. >> reporter: good morning. we know that the winds are much calmer now. we are noticing changes in the condition, the rain is coming through. overnight, the winds got strong enough. a lightning strike pushed off a piece of lightning that landed here on the street, near multiple buildings. there are four or five here that circle around. as you look at that, you will see almost a tarp like structure with metal sticking out. that piece of the roof, or the pieces of the roof are taking up two or three parking spots. the fire department came through overnight. maybe the case that they were able to push this aside so cars can still move through the area. there are several cars parked in the street, surrounding
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multiple buildings. it looks like all of them were able to avoid any damage. from a neighbor that was walking by earlier, he explained that his understanding is that there are folks that were inside the building at the time. when the fire department came through, they were informed that they were encouraged to evacuate, but they did not have to. since we have been here, we have not seen anyone coming out. it is significant to see such a large piece of the roof sitting on the floor. so far, no one was injured, no additional property damage has happened beyond what came off of the building. back to you. it will be interesting to see if the residents choose to leave, due to possible water damage. it will be an interesting morning for many people waking up. thank you for that report. severe flooding caused a stretch of highway 10 want to be completely shut down for quite some time yesterday. cars were almost completely submerged in water. it was a
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very scary scene for anyone caught in that situation. this was during the afternoon commute. jocelyn is live in the area. the lanes are open. how have the homes been impacted in that area works >> reporter: people were impacted in this area. it was a scary situation, whether you are driv the area before we get into t mentioat gopo ofraabout 10 minuagis sprinklin roadways are wet. this is highway 101. we know it is looking different than it did yesterday. this is a major stretch. a lot of people use it to commute. you can imagine the impact that this had. i want to take you to video now. you can see one home here that was completely submerged in water. cars around it are also submerged. we have more video
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of highway 101, and what it looked like yesterday. you can see why they were forced to shut down and cars were diverted, forced to take city streets, finding those flooded as well. thankfully, home authorities were able to go in and check on residents. they said they safely evacuated. evacuation warnings were issued in this area, even in hollister. we met a family here. they have a horse and donkeys. they headed out when their home and started to flood. >> will most of this a few nights ago. when we bought the property, we raise the levies another 16 inches. we are above everybody else. we never thought it would come in from the backside of us. >> reporter: they said they have never seen anything like this before. they safely got out. it is a scary situation. thankfully, the break in the rain gave people the opportunity to really take care of the flooding in the area.
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we did see some downpours of rain overnight, and into the morning. we saw one right now. as we can see in this area, we have no heavy flooding compared to what we saw yesterday. just driving on highway 101, southbound, there is a lot of debris. we want to be extra mindful of that. samantha did not have the option to use alternates with all of the flooding extending onto the surface streets. there are a lot of super commuters in that area. >> exactly. we can see this morning, people are using these roads. >> people are definitely using those passes. stay with us on this first alert weather day as we deal with damage. you can find us on your phone app, or our website, justly in the video from chopper 5, that was tough. what a scary situation. you are driving, and you come up on all of this flooding in
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the roadway. >> i was in sonoma, and saw how much flooding and ponding that was near people's homes. i don't know how they got out, due to those issues. we will see this for the coming days. we saw a lot of the storms come down. it will not be as bad later on. >> the frontal system came in arnd 2:00 3:00 a.m. what is left is a major pockets of rain. let's take a quick look at first alert doppler. it gives you a good picture is what you are waking up to. we have heavy pockets near
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>> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ fallen trees are causing
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problems, including in the south bay. justin andrews joins us in san jose. justin, we ca see behind you, and how many downed trees are we seeing? >> reporter: our summit just sent us to another location when we ran into this. this was a toppled tree off of the st. thomas expressway. this is an uprooted tree on moorpark avenue. you can see it took out a power line. fire crews put the caution tape up around it to protect it, and protect people driving and walking in the area. the city of san jose wants remind you to be aware of your surroundings. with the soil so saturated, and windy conditions that we are feeling, you will likely see more and more downed trees. he did check the pg&e map. it shows thousands of customers without
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power. at last check, it was 50mecould be ked when they wake up this morning, and realize you don't have power. this is to remind everyone, have your flashlights and batteries, and your phone chargers ready. folks are looking at various rivers. with more rain that we are seeing on and off this morning, you can see the levels rising as well. we have eyes on downed trees and water levels. back to you. >> i saw this in my neighborhood, they are hard to see with how dark it is this morning. we are joined by meteorologist, jessica burge, for why we have a first alert weather day again. >> the wind is stay strong. to add to that, we are seeing plenty of rain . let's look at the wind advisory. this will last until 4 pm. we are saying the wind gusts along the peninsula up to 40 miles per hour. this is dependent on your microclimate. if you live
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in the low lying areas with the mountains streamline toward you, you can see gustier conditions. mount diablo will get upwards of 50 mile-per-hour winds. these are gusts. that is the strongest wind you see during a 10 minute period. it will stay consistent through the afternoon. that is not like yesterday. yesterday, they did let out by afternoon time. today, it will stay strong through the evening hours. as we look at first alert doppler, it is active. earlier this morning, round 2:30, as i was headed into work, we saw major system push its way through the bay. this is off in the distance near the sierra tahoe region. he did bring in plenty of lightning. it was a very severe event. back in the bay, now we are left with all the leftover remnants. this is a very active, convective outlook. we will see heavier storms . right now, near san francisco, all the way off into north beach, we are seeing
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heavy pockets of rain tracking to the east, pushing north of oakland. the storms will stay active. we see heavy pockets south of american canyon, north of vallejo. this will be the trend for us all day long. in the south bay, we don't have a lot of activity. things will change within the coming hours. a flood watch stays in effect , issued by the national weather service. we are looking at future cast. it is a very active day already. we will see this trend through the 10:00 hour, extending into noon with showers and heavy pockets of rain. we will keep you updated on that. it doesn't die down with rain around the corner for the wednesday forecast. we have a lot going on on the freeways this morning. you already have a backup building at the bay bridge toll plaza. you have slick surfaces out there. the metering lights are on. it is windy as well. it might be dusty. use caution on
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the roadways. in the south bay, southbound 87, right at 280, this is completely shut down. this is due to flooding. they issued an official traffic alert through there. you stick with 101 as an alternate in the meantime, or even 17 over toward 280, or 880. we will let you know when those lanes open up. i want to show you the 101. we spoke to jocelyn a few minutes ago. she is out near 101. yesterday, this was not the case. everything was shut down through gilroy. it is open this morning, and traffic is moving at the limit. we do have some road closure south of there into morgan hill. we have flooding reported on watsonville road . also, if you are on monterey street, boalt directions on old monterey road, there is flooding as well. speaking of flooding, let's go up to the north bay. stick with the richmond san
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rafael bridge. we have flooding westbound as you approach 101. outside of the bay area, santa barbara county seems to be getting the worst of the storm right now. nearly the entire town of montecito is under an evacuation order, with areas forced to shelter in place. joining us from ventura , chp close off access into montecito. what are you seeing? >> reporter: i am standing on the 101. that dust just does not happen. the freeway was swamped by the ventura river. you can see the mud that remains here. we are on the edge of this. we do have some pockets of deepwater. we got another heavy band of rain. some of these areas are getting swamped. there were cars that were stuck in this yesterday. fortunately, no one was injured. we have no estimate as to when this will
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open. meeting making matters worse, the alternate routes around this have also flooded. we are seeing mud flows. chp is telling folks, hunkered down, and stay home until the storm moves through. let's go to video from montecito. they were hit extremely hard. evacuation orders have been put into place for this area and others near santa barbara. the concern is more rain headed here today . they already know there is a lot of damage. they were responding to hundreds of calls yesterday of downed trees and properties damaged , and areas that were flooded, and rescues . they had to help folks out of the areas yesterday. they will be watching and waiting, hoping that the bands of rain moving through right now do not cause any other problems. they do say these are life threatening situations. that is why they ordered the evacuations. they continue to keep watch in that
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area. we are giving you another look at the thick mud on the freeway. this will be quite the cleanup effort for folks. this is one of many freeways and roads seeing this in the ventura area. we will keep you posted throughout the day. we did just get some relief. we had a lot of heavy rain for about 30 minutes. hopefully we have some relief in sight later on today. >> that is the main access point. many people try that area every monday. the only time i have ever seen that closedown has been from fires. before we go, do you know how many people are still in montecito at this time? >> reporter: i don't have a good estimate. i did speak with the emergency public officer out there for public safety. he says they are working to try to come up with a lot of these assessments. they do have folks out and about. it will be easier for them once the sun
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comes up. you don't know how many people are out. when i spoke with them, the a lot of people did not heed the warnings. but they are hoping that a lot of people dead. >> we appreciate that report from ventura. is 6:22, open is facing pushback. a judges ruling on the city's most notorious homeless encampment.
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it is the most exact 25, good morning to you. we have top stories to get to. the department of justice is reviewing classified documents, found in an office once used by
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president biden. the records are from his time as vice president. the attorney general has tasked u.s. attorney john laotian, a trump appointee, with determining what is in the documents, and how they arrived there. this is a form policy research center set up after president biden left the vice presidency in 2017. house republicans passed the new rules package on a partyline vote. it restores the rule, allowing any lawmaker to make a motion to vacate the chair. in other words, you can vote on ousting the speaker. the provisions do make the position weaker. kevin mccarthy negotiated the rule changes in order to win over the votes of conservative holdouts to make him house speaker. a federal judge has temporally stopped oakland's plan to clean out the rest of it biggest homeless encampment as the storms come all the bay area. the temporary restraining order will be in place for next week, when they will have a scheduled court hearing.
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we are live in gilroy this morning. cars are moving along . those on the case yesterday. a stretch of 101 was completely flooded. we have a live update. >> reporter: we are seeing the power of the wind here in -seriously? -why do you do it? -you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. -that's my dad. -that's my mom behind those cones. shinlights mean f"move ov" if thayo
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-listen up. now you know. why do you drive so fast?? you're ignoring the and the flashing lights. please slow down. pay attention. how would you feel if that was your mom? flashing lights mean move over. from cbs bay area news,
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this is the morning edition. right now on cbs bay area news at 6:30, we are not out of the woods just yet. we have declared another first alert weather day. people are bracing for the chance of more flooding. waterways are swollen. the latest round of rain push things over the edge. this is flooding neighborhoods. we have new video from the santa cruz mountains with trees and power lines knocked over. this is in the area of scotts valley . authorities closed highway 9. many of the neighborhood , where the powerlines came down, are under a shelter in place order due to safety hazards. the damage stretches from the bay to the beach. there is a lot of cleanup underway on the coast. the damages not from flooding, but from the pounding surf. one pacifica homeowner is dealing with storm damage brought on by huge, powerful waves that flooded his garage. he tells us that the sandbags did not help that
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much. >> the waves started coming in with such force, the sandbags did not have a chance. it was just hunting the blow a little bit. we had water in the garage. to comment on the day, it it was so crazy. i panicked. i had no idea what to do. i had never been so frightened, actually. go and the coastal northbay. let's take a live look at the pg&e outage map. 90,000 customers are in the dark. that is a lot more than earlier today. 65,000 are in santa clara county, along with 14,000 in san mateo county. we have live team coverage with everything you need to know. jocelyn is living gilroy, where it was pretty flooded. shawn chitnis is in
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south san francisco, and justin andrews is in san jose. a lot of this is happening due to the wind, more than the rain. >> exactly. this major frontal system is going in the bay. we have gusty conditions, not just this morning, but this afternoon as well. it is different from yesterday's atmosphere river. today's system is a frontal system. it is a cold front in full force. we have wind gusting up to 40 miles per hour. look at the time stamp during the afternoon hours. this is not letting up anytime soon, not until evening time. let's talk about this rain. that is a big weather story for us. this is a very active weather day here in the bay area, as thunderstorms are starting to form. we have a
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few ingredients that you need to allow for a thunderstorm to happen. you need a lifting mechanism, which we have. we have moisture and instability in the atmosphere, allowing for lightning activity. i went out to the window during my commercial break to get a video of the rain, and lightning happened over the bay bridge. we are seeing this consistently. this will continue to develop this afternoon. north of oakland, we have heavy storms tracking into the east. we will take this live over the coming hours, of what it really looks like on radar. you have a great visual when it comes to the bay bridge views. then i get to be careful. you can see these surfaces. keep your eyes peeled with debris in the roadway. we are seeing a lot of that this morning, with downed trees. we have flooding and ponding as well. let's get to the current traffic conditions. this is busy for commuters coming into san francisco. he be careful as you travel. the outlet pass commute is at 53 minutes. the
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e shore freeway is quite slow. it is 21 minutes from highway 4 to the maze. we have a traffic alert right highway 4, at the connector, affecting getting onto the highway. we have a crash involving major injuries and traffic is backed up all the way to crockett. we have a closure right at 280. a traffic alert has been issued here as well. this is the entry ramp, trying to get onto southbound 280. this is due to flooding in the roadway. flooding seems to be the name of the game . we are seeing a lot of damage around the bay area . the intense winds are bearing the brunt of this. we have downed trees and power lines. shawn chitnis has been in south san francisco, showing us what happened to an apartment complex overnight. show us the damage behind you. >> reporter: yes, it is e better since we
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have of what happened, and how much damage there is. we can hear the wind picking up, we know it was not as bad as it must have been overnight. this is what happened here. a huge piece of the roof, from one of the buildings around us, came off. a neighbor that was in the area was telling us that they believed there was a lightning strike, and the wind picked up, and that is what took this huge piece of the roof down. i will walk up closer to it, see you get a sense of what we are talking about. it feels like tarp, but it is solid material. you can see pieces of metal sticking out of it as well. as want to point out, even though it is dark, you can see that there are smaller pieces as well. they are littered all over the street. not exactly sun met, hopefully we . will get a better sense. we have contacted the fire department to get an official
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count. the neighbor passing by said there were folks living in the building at the time, and they were home at the time. they were encouraged to evacuate, but did not have to. since we have been here, we have not seen any other neighbors. we will remain on scene and continue to get a better sense of what happened to the roof of this particular apartment complex. back to you. i cannot imagine sleeping and having this happen. thank you so much. what a mess. we saw severe flooding in gilroy on 101 that caused the stretch of the highway to be shut down for quite some time. the cars were almost completely submerged in water. look at the video right there. that was a scary scene for anyone caught up in it. jocelyn's live in the area for us. i know that lanes are back open. i checked in with chp and traffic is moving okay. it looks like a lot of homes were affected out there.
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>> reporter: that's right. there are several homes here that were under evacuation warnings in the area. you did mention , when it comes to the commute, this is a busy stretch of highway 101. we have a lot of people use this for their morning commute. thankfully the lanes were open. that was not the case yesterday. i will take you to video, aerial video. you can see there is one home submerged in the water, and a few cars e area as well. we take you to other video there. we have some of highway 101, and what it looked like yesterday. you can see why it was forced to shut down and cars were diverted. some of those streets were also flooded. thankfully for the homes in the area, authorities say they were able to go in and check on residents. they said they had safely evacuated. those in gilroy said they have never seen extensive flooding like this. this woman rushed to cosco during a break in the rain. the normal five minute drive turned into about two hours.
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>> we live pretty high. we saw all of the traffic. we were like, we have to, we have to go get something to eat. we had not eaten all weekend. >> you came to stock up on food? >> if the traffic is like this, we had to. >> reporter: imagine living in this area, and seeing that wedding. she thought to go to cosco and stock up on food, just in case something like this happen, especially wean we expect more rain. this morning, we got a downpour of rain about 30 minutes ago. we are not seen the type of flooding that we saw yesterday, thankfully. those videos are scary to see. what a nerve-racking situation. the fallen trees are causing problems in populated areas, including in the south bay, where justin andrews joins us in san jose. you have been
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moving all around for us. what are you seeing where you are at? >> reporter: we were driving to a different location this morning, and we ran into a huge tree. we are just off of the expressway this morning. this uprooted tree, here on moorpark avenue, took out a power line. there are power outages around this area. the fire crews put up caution tape around it. we did note that the city of san jose reminds you to be aware of your surroundings this morning, especially if you are driving or walking. with the soil being so saturated, and windy conditions, we will likely see more and more of these trees. cars are flying on the avenue. i would not recommend that. pg& e power outage map shows that 5000 customers are without power this morning. some may be shocked when they wake up this morning. make sure you have flashlights and batteries, and extra phone chargers. here's something i noticed drivers doing. they drove
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right through this area, where the caution tape is , don't do that. if there is caution tape or barriers around trees , or around flooding areas, don't drive through it, it is unsafe. we saw cars driving under this power line, this is not safe at all. it is frustrating when you see drivers doing that. your life is more important than trying to save a couple of minutes trying to get your destination. plan extra time, and do not drive through barriers. it will save your life, potentially. my gut feeling wish not to say that, but thank you for sharing that example. don't be a dingdong this morning. that is the ultimate word of advice. stay with us on this first alert weather day, as we do a damage through the bay area. find us on your phone's app, or on going off of that, we are seeing so many issues because people are going into the water. you were saying yesterday, only six inches of water you can lose complete
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control of the car. >> a foot of rain will allow for your car to float off. these are things to think about during the early morning commute hours. you cannot even see outside. justin made a good point with that. >> the barriers are there for a reason. >> way to remind people that. we see people doing that anyway. that is good information. let's look outside. when it comes to the radar, it is a very active morning. let's zoom out toward concord and the tri-valley area.
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enrollment ends january 31st. go to it is 6:44, and here's your money watch report. we have a consumer alert with baby slippers sleepers linked to
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100 baby debts. the rock sleepers from fisher-price relating to more than 30 does. since then, 70 additional depth have been reported. customers are urged to immediately stop using the sleeper, and contact fisher-price for a refund. that is a scary moment for many families. deadly storms are pounding the bay area. thousands of people have been told to evacuate. it has been days of rain have set off landslides and floods. carter evans is joining us live in santa cruz county. thank you so much for joining us. obviously, they are dealing with a lot of flooding there. >> reporter: yes, a lot of flooding, but the good news is, we did expect her to be rain out here this morning. right now, it is dry, windy, chilly. probably that will evaporate some of the water here. we were here yesterday. there was more
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water here. it rained a little bit. for the most part, it is significantly flooded. i do see sandbags around here. people were prepared for this. you never want to see this much water for this long in your neighborhood. >> i don't know if sandbags can help in a situation from that much water. it is not a fun one for your neighborhood. you were there yesterday. you spoke with people in the area. what are you hearing from them? >> reporter: the damage here along the wharf is significant. many restaurants , they were smashed, that was the best term. you know when the peer broke apart, a large piece of timber got tossed into those restaurants , is smashed the windows, right into the dining rooms. we are looking at months and months of repairs for those businesses along the coast. also, where i am now, you look at the houses facing
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the ocean. there is an enormous amount of sand in their driveways and garages. you look at garage doors have been pushed in. they are used to here. they do have storm windows installed. they have windows and doors boarded up in many cases. i drive to tell you, in that particular area, right where faces the ocean, the damage is significant. >> people will be doing cleanup for a very, very long time. we appreciate it. they safe out there. let's bring in our first alert meteorologist, jessica burch. people are going out to get to work right now . what are they looking at? >> it is hit and miss storms all morning long. the wind is the big issue. we are dealing with a high wind warning in effect. i will say this, as we look at the rain, it is hit and miss storms all morning long. you have a heavy downpour and
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gusty conditions. if you are a light sleeper, you likely woke up to this. we have heavy pockets of storms throughout the bay area. for the rest of us, it is a light drizzle or partly cloudy skies. this is what we are dealing with now near lafayette, pushing into concord. we have light conditions for our friends in the north bay with light drizzle in the south bay right now. that will change as we go through the next couple hours. this is a very active storm. we'll see these heavy pockets of rain tracking to the east over the coming hours. if you're going to work within the next couple of hours or to school, be careful if you see one of the dark pockets of clouds tracking toward you. these will track off to the east. you will have an idea of where the storms are heading. we are not seeing it die down
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anytime soon. even through the evening, we have light, scattered showers. by early morning tomorrow, that is when the next batch of rain returns. this is due to major clusters of low pressure offshore. is humming into the bay area right now, allowing for very gusty conditions. you can see wind gusts i was a 50 miles per hour. as we look at future cast, the jet stream is so low, that is a reason why you're seeing storms continue to track in from offshore. i will have more on the timelines coming up in a bit. for now, over to you. we have a lot to get you when it comes to traffic. if you are just waking up, look at this. we are backed up at the bay bridge. we are stacked up with metering lights on. give yourselves extra time this money. let's show you travel times if you are going into the outlet pass. it is 54 minutes over to 680. it is windy. the short freeway is 18 minutes. when you have a traffic alert here that is past the point of where the travel times are. if you come off of here, you will
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be tapping or brake lights as you go westbound toward highway 4. there is a crash affecting the connector route onto 80. we have serious injuries reported in the accident. south 87 over to 280 is completely shut down. we have a traffic alert due to flooding in the roadway. we have hotspots. we are getting reports of flooding here as well, affecting the offramp. 101 is busy as well. we have a lot coming up at 7:00 on cbs mornings, after our show here. gayle king joins us to talk about the start of a new series called it is never too late. i hear you pulled the short straw and had to go first and conquer a big fear. how did it go? >> [ laughter ] it is so funny you should say conquer one of your biggest fears. it is not a fear. it is me learniju kni am
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it. what we do? we going get some of the best in the business to help me. that is stevie mackey, he is a famous vocal coach works with jennifer lopez. we have david foster, that you just saw . david foster is a legendary producer. he has won several grammys working with whitney houston, and i got to work with him. his wife, catherine, you remember her from american idol. we did some voice lessons first, then we did a song. i had the nerve to make a video. it was great fun. i cannot wait for you to see it. >> did we get a preview? >> this was hard to do. >> do we get a preview? >> do we get a preview? >> no, you don't get a preview. you have to wait . the preview is me sitting here telling you all about it. stomach i am my own hype man today. i am so
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excited about this piece. also, i am really grateful that people like david, catherine, stevie, gave up a saturday. when i am up on saturdays, do we want to work? the answer is no. they gave up here saturday and came to work with me. i am very excited about it. i think it turned out really well. >> i'm sure you were fantastic. i look forward to you opening up with catherine, this one as well as i know well. we will see you later. look at her channeling her inner popstar. that will be fun. the 49ers are going to the playoffs with a 10 game winning streak. we are ready for it. george kittle shows it's better to be lucky and good. we have more in the red and gold report. this is the volkswagen red and gold report. it is the seahawks week. for the third time this
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season, seattle comes to town this weekend for a wildcard game against the 49ers. george kittle is hoping his recent success carries over into the playoffs. two more touchdown passes yesterday. that is seven in the last four games. he and his good luck charm, grandma lucky celebrated her 100th birthday over the weekend. she predicted a big day from george. >> she has to come to the playoff games to speak this into existence. she was like you are going to have a great game. i was like thank you, grandma. >> house the mood in the locker room? jimmie ward was showing off a new chucky doll he got for christmas. kyle enjoys interrupting his teammates interviews with pressing questions of his own. >> you are from the south, country boy. what is your favorite southern breakfast? >> eggs and pancakes . sausage
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. just to make shrimp and grits? did you just say that because i brought it up? mech, that is pretty good. i have not had in a while. >> should i try works to make you should try it. stomach with the red and gold support, i am vern glenn. we are going to toronto. [ indiscernible ] agreed to a one-year deal for more than $9 million. he broke into the majors in 2011, pending 12 seasons here in san francisco . his departure makes brandon crawford the last remaining player from the 2014 championship team. we were texting all about that last night. we are sad to see him go. georgia is the first team to win two college football playoff national championships in a row. the bulldogs dominated 65-7 at the title game. in the first half, georgia scored on all six possessions. the quarterback
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ran the ball into the end zone twice, himself. with the powerful rain on this first alert weather day comes fresh powder in the sierra. we will chat with
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let's look at the roadways. it is easy for you or tuesday morning commute. it has been busy for a week, and it is only tuesday. the metering lights are on. it is slow going into the city. look at the travel times. westbound highway 4, if you're going from the antioch bridge over to 80 is nearly an hour. we have a crash trying to connect onto 80. westbound 80 is backed up to the bridge. try to stick with an alternate. you can go over to 24 if you're going toward the bay bridge. the east shore freeway is slow as well. we have the backup
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building due to the crash as you work your way westbound. we have a slow ride. we have areas where we are dealing with flooding , including the south bay. it is blocked for flooding. the major frontal system pushed its way through this money. it is a first alert weather day as under psalms are possible all throughout the morning hours and this afternoon. we have heavy pockets of rain forming offshore. let's zoom into novato, where we are about to get heavy rain. heavy conditions near san mateo. we have like conditions in the south bay. it is wrapping around the mountains and pushing to the east. this is an active storm that will push in even as we extend through the evening hours. it does die down this evening. by tomorrow, the next batch of rain is around the corner. this has been consistent all week long. this will be the case through next workweek as well. >> it makes it tough for commuters. remember, you can
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watch us after this newscast on our sister station. join us on kbcw 44 cable 12 . we will see you there with more ♪ welcome to "cbs mornings," and hello to you, our viewers on the west coast. it's tuesday. i'm gayle king. >> i'm nick burleson. >> i'm vladimir duthiers. >> tony is off. we're in good hands. let's go to your "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. a wave of deadly storms knocks out power and forces evacuations in florida. we're there tracking the damage. in california, more heavy rain is on the way. it is round after round after round of rain. documents marked classified are found in an office used by president biden before he was


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