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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 17, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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right now at 5:00, the latest bay area storm leaving a muddy mess in some neighborhoods and roads closed. ahead, a live report, an up close look at the damage from one east bay mudslide and why some fear the threat is far from over. plus -- this is another example of a two-tier system of justice in america and one reason republicans are so outraged over this whole process. >> new fallout over president biden's handling of classified documents. we're live in washington with growing calls for an investigation and how president biden is reacting to the backlash. this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. good tuesday morning. it's 5:00. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we'll get a look at the roads coming up. first meteorologist kari hall.
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we're getting a little rest from the rain. it's nice and it's been so busy here. we will finally see a day full of sunshine. as we get ready to head out today, it's starting out chilly, all these cars, headlights and taillights there probably blasting the heat because it's only 41 degrees right now outside. we have calm winds, temperatures heading from the low 50s as we do continue with that sunshine for today. as we head to the south bay, los gatos 55 degrees. for the east bay up to about 53 in livermore and 54 in oakland and also seeing some mid-50s redwood city topping out at 54 degrees and 55 in the downtown area of san francisco and north bay temperatures reaching 55 in santa rosa. it will be cool just like this the next few days. we'll throw some rain in the mix one more time.
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highway 92. a reminder highway 92 across the water. it was very rainy for quite some time. heading over to the peninsula. it's the peninsula where we continue the issues. a smooth flow of traffic. niles canyon continues with the closure for 84. 92 is not closed but there's traffic control that remains as the sinkhole it continues to have an issue for westbound lanes. so we'll travel both directions, eastbound, they'll alternate back and forth that will slow you. there's one lane in the westbound direction of 37 closed but both directions are open for morning traffic. back to you. >> thanks, mike. a much-needed break from the rain is finally here, but in some neighborhoods the impact is far from over as the most recent storms led to entire neighborhoods being evacuated. >> "today in the bay's" pete
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suratos is live for us. this area is facing a lot of cleanup. i would imagine landslides the ongoing concern for people in that community and across the bay area. >> reporter: that's right, marcus. i spoke to a resident who said they've dealt with these landslides dating back to the new year's eve storm so, again, this could continue to be a problem. you have so much moisture in that soil along these hillsides in places like oakland and berkeley. you have this cleanup that they have ahead of them. i would expect more crews to be here probably later in the day when we get more daylight but they have a lot of cleanup when it comes to this specific landslide. our crews did speak with a resident who said he was coning off the area. as i mentioned it seems like they've had landslides here dating back to that new year's eve storm. little did he know what was going to happen next. >> while we were setting the cones up the rest of the hillside just kind of came down
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and, you know, the whole trees were going and we were quite worried it would take out the power lines. >> reporter: thankfully no power lines were impacted but definitely a scary moment for that man. over to the berkeley hills, that landslide hitting that newly remodeled home. you can see that huge mound of dirt obviously catching those folks off guard yesterday morning. the home has been red tagged and homeowners are staying with a neighbor for the time being as things get cleared up at that home. i want to look at some of the storm's impact when we look at the numbers. this was put together by "the east bay times." we've had in the past three weeks nine atmospheric river storms. we've all felt it. but that's the number of storms we've seen. we're talking about 24.5 trillioninglies of water so from late december to early january. that could explain all the saturation we're seeing in these hillsides.
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and these are statewide numbers that we're talking about and we're seeing there have been more than 500 landslides. so definitely an impact there. as i mentioned east bay m.u.d. and pg&e have been on site. that cleanup could take several days. pete suratos for "today in the bay." >> a long, hard road. >> it sure is. a similar story playing out for two families on the peninsula whose homes are now red tagged. this started when the hillside gave way saturday in belmont. that road leading into the neighborhood also still closed. no one was injured in the slide. for now the city calls the closure indefinite. president biden will get an up close look at the damage from
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more than two weeks of storms. the white house made the announcement saying the president will visit the central coast thursday. the president plans to meet with first responders, storm victims and government workers to get a better handle on recovery efforts and the kind of federal support now needed. the president's upcoming visit comes with storm clouds of a different kind brewing in the white house. in this case the fallout is surrounding classified documents found in his private office and delaware home. a special counsel is now investigating, and republicans are raising all sorts of red flags. "today in the bay's" brie jackson is live. so far the president is staying pretty quiet on this one. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, laura. sources tell nbc news president biden is frustrated with the ongoing backlash regarding the classified documents found and he doesn't feel the response to the news has been handled well. president biden once again ignoring questions from reporters regarding his handling
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of classified material. >> how do you think the classified documents got into your boxes? >> reporter: despite the silence, republicans are demanding answers. >> are there more documents? is there an inventory of what the bidens have that is still missing? we have no answers to many questions. >> reporter: close to a dozen documents were found at mr. biden's private office in washington, d.c., including at least one document marked top secret. there were also two batches discovered at his delaware home causing republicans to send a letter to the white house requesting visitor logs citing serious national security implications. the white house and the u.s. secret service both saying they do not maintain those records because it's a private residence. >> this is so wrong, a two-tier system of justice in america and one reason republicans are so outraged over this whole process and the hypocrisy of the biden administration. >> reporter: the gop is vowing to investigate the matter. >> we're getting a lot of
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whistle-blowers, by the way. >> reporter: a special counsel is reviewing the storage of records at both locations. president biden's supporters are standing firm. >> i think the president and his administration are cooperating and i trust they will continue to cooperate. >> reporter: the president's personal attorney insisting they cannot release certain details relevant to the investigation while it is ongoing. and the white house is blasting republicans claiming they are politicizing the issue, saying the president takes the handling of classified materials seriously. laura? >> one to continue to follow. brie jackson, thank you. chp looking for a thief who led police on a bizarre chase of a stolen ambulance. this is where paramedics were just about to load up a patient when authorities were forced to
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back off because it became too dangerous. they found that ambulance in oakland. to a live look from caltrans a few miles south of the airport the chains still required here along with interstate 80 between nyack and placer county. you can see here the conditions were difficult for drivers yesterday. some are dealing with outages. >> we were trying to shovel everything out, clean up our doors.
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it came down quick enough. >> meteorologist kari hall joins us now. it looks like the sierra will be getting a break. i wanted to show you this shot. you can see how much snow is weighing down these trees here at palisades. there is a lot going on with our sierra snowpack right now at 247% of its normal amount if we don't get another snowflake we'll still end the season with above normal snowfall. i was checking out palisades, 350 inches of snow this season. they'll get a few more as we go into the next few days. another 6 to 10 inches of snow and at times a little bit tricky
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getting there and back going in the next couple of days. here at home we are also drying out but we do have more rain in the forecast and i'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. mike has a look at where you can fill up before you hit the roads. we're getting back to our familiar gas buddy report and back to the familiar arco on redwood road. mill valley's best, the best in marin county $3.77. san jose leads santa clara with the quick stop at $3.68. the one on pearl is about $3.75, in that area as well. our best in alameda on amador valley. getting out to the roadways is not bad. green sensors dominate. we have the red stretches like highway 84 through niles canyon. that was closed yesterday as well so continued issues as the creek runs through a lot of that portion of the niles canyon and we continue to hear about
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developments. we'll follow that 6830 and then mission boulevard are your alternates. through a similar area 580 out of the altamont pass. still at the speed limit. highway 4, a nice drive out of antioch, over to 242 in concord. we may see more traffic, of course. it's a tuesday and a lot of folks haven't driven in a while. up next on "today in the bay," birds for sale. twitter begins its auction today. plus -- ♪♪ >> oh, the other paris. >> yeah, that's right. everyone is going to have their eyes on paris next year. no, not that paris. when we come back, the star power helping us get there as nbc is getting pumped up for next year's olympics. stay with us. you're watching "t
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(steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago. (vo) caremore health provides advanced primary care wherever you need it, in the hospital, at home, in our clinics, or virtually. (steven) so when i call them over a medical issue, they take care of it instantaneously.
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i'm not afraid to go to the doctor anymore or put off going to the doctor. (vo) call the number on your screen to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood that include caremore. good tuesday morning. right now at 5:15 as we take a look at santa rosa and what to expect, it is clear and only two degrees above freezing right now. we're going to have more frosty mornings at least through the next week, but we do get sunshine today, and i think that will make it feel so much better. as we head into the next couple of days, we have a little bit more rain coming through. we'll talk more about that in the forecast coming up. i love the chill.
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here in oakland, an easy drive on the nimitz. much better condition than the last few weeks. approaching the dumbarton bridge, a new incident. we'll check it out coming up. happy tuesday to you. the numbers on my board are the same as they were yesterday. the markets were closed for the holiday. netflix reports profits later this week. apple expected to announce minor product improvements today. twitter has its auction today starting at 7:00 selling off pieces of its market street headquarters to raise money. twitter signs, office chairs, even the kitchen equipment from the lunch room like this giant cooking pot. back when twitter opened its market street offices and started offering free meals to its employees local restaurants complained because they saw fewer customers. now twitter is getting rid of its kitchen equipment, but that's not going to mean thousands of twitter employees will go to the restaurants because those employees are gone. either laid off or no longer
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working at market street. jury selection begins for the class action lawsuit against elon musk who once claimed he was ready to take tesla private at $420 a share. musk uses the number slang for smoking pot. the judge in the case ruled musk was not telling the truth to his investors. the court hearings will largely be about what to do about that. musk's legal team wanted the trial moved out of san francisco to texas because it claimed it couldn't find 15 people in san francisco who had a neutral or favorable opinion of musk. the judge denied that change of venue. something to watch, china says not only is its economy slowing, its population is getting smaller. it's experiencing more deaths than births. the climbing birth rates are a worry in every country because it means fewer young people paying into the system to support the older generation.
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now america still has a net positive birthrate but it, too, is declining and there's only one thing. if you have a birthrate that's climbing, you cannot convince people to have babies, there's only one way to solve that and it's not popular all the time and that's immigration. you've got to increase immigration if you want to solve that problem. >> right. we'll wait and see. thanks, scott. 5:18 right now. we are 556 days away, who is counting? we are. the kickoff to the 2024 summer olympics in paris which will air here on nbc. the countdown under way there's only one woman that could get the world ready for the games. >> wait. they named it after me? can you believe they named the city after me? love it. right? olympics in paris. >> former reality television star and businesswoman paris hilton helping to unveil the new 2024 paris olympics logo and a new commercial for nbc sports. the clip is from the series of outtakes including some of her
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iconic catch phrases. the 2024 games will take place from july 26 to august 11 next year. >> that's hot. >> i'm like, was that dog real? >> i was thinking the same thing. it didn't look too comfortable in that little outfit. let's get started this morning talking about how much rain we've gotten recently and where we stand with our water year every chance we've been getting a break we've been just seeing where we are so we're, of course, at a surplus with santa rosa measuring over 23 inches of rainfall so far this water year. san francisco has had over 21. oakland also over 21 inches of rainfall, livermore 16 and 8 in san jose. you can see how much that is above what's normal. then when we take a look at it percentage wise, we're at more than double our normal amount of rainfall in san francisco with
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the most in oakland at 244% of normal. we've gotten all of our rainfall for the year over the course of three weeks. now if we don't get another drop, it looks like we're going to be okay but, of course, we don't want that to happen but we'll wait a while before we get another significant rainfall. we are starting out chilly. we'll see the sunshine as our temperatures slowly warm up. we can still see that atmospheric river is out there but it's moving into arizona and then we have another storm track that will be coming in and delivering us some weather heading into tomorrow. milpitas only reaching 55 degrees. a high of 55 in hayward as well as antioch.
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54 in the mission district and north bay 56 in sonoma. most of us dipping down into the upper 30s and heading into tomorrow afternoon into the evening we'll be watching the next system coming in. it first starts in the north bay and spreads across the bay area and then as we go toward wednesday evening most of us are seeing some showers and then it clears out on thursday morning. we're looking at about a tenth to a quarter inch of rainfall. it will move through fairly quickly but it could be as high as half an inch for spots like dublin and ukiah. that could cause more problems we've already seen. now once that moves through, we are going to see dry weather going into the weekend as well as early next week looking much better, so once again just watching out for the possibility of more mud slides going into this next storm system and just keep in mind that threat will continue for days and even weeks beyond all of this rain, even
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with sunshine in the forecast that we'll see for the weekend. mike, you are seeing something happening in the east bay. overall we're seeing things improve. the good stuff out here chp still has the flood logs open meaning they're ready to report anything that may be happening but we have no flooding going on right now. we still have the closure for niles, that's the issue in the tri-valley but here it is slowing as you approach 84 and i did just hear the chp reports a crash going on in that area, perhaps debris on the roadway, maybe a large pothole. the rain eases up so just watch out for anything unexpected. back to you. it is 5:22. moving you forward on the impact from long covid. >> this is why it's so important we get the word across because there are treatment options but we have to capture it early. >> ahead on "today in the bay," the steps you can take today to help lessen the potential damage on your lungs especially for
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those already battling underlyingealth issues. h
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well, the one thing that has not washed away despite the bay area's recent wet weather is covid-19. there are still thousands of new infections across the u.s. every single day, and despite weakening variants and getting it can be deadly especially for those already suffering from chronic long issues. joining me is allergist and
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immunologist dr. juanita mora. dr. mora, let's talk about this. i want to talk about the damaging impact a lot of people who are already suffering from lung issues could deal with if they get covid? >> first of all, thank you for having me. one thing we know we're running this campaign with the american lung association because we want to get across 40% of people who are hospitalized with covid-19 and suffer complications have chronic lung disease. people with asthma, how many of us don't know an asthmatic, cystic fibrosis or copd, it's people with pulmonary hypertension. so this is why it's so important that we get the word across because there's treatment options but we have to capture it early. >> and we covered so much more during that interview. you can watch the entire segment on our nbc bay area streaming app. download it from your roku,
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amazon fire tv or apple tv or at up next, the top stories we're following today including increasing pothole problems. unnerving many. some are big enough to cause serious damage to your car. ahead our consumer team breaks down tips that can get the costs covered. covered. you might nee it in the future.d
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some california lawmakers already hitting the campaign trail with the idea of filling a big hole in the u.s. senate. details in the first campaign event taking place here in the bay area. plus, nbc bay area responds. >> reporter: potholes are doing damage to cars everywhere. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura. we'll show you two ways you might get reimbursed for your repair costs. and a live look outside and this view from san jose and at last that rain is taking a break, but not for long. meteorologist kari hall is tracking one more round of wet weather this week. this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. and a good morning to you on this tuesday. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start with a look at the forecast. what's on our way? >> rain. >> no, a dry day! >> i'm so used to saying that. we're going to break that pattern. we're going to have sunshine,
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cold weather today. yeah, something different for us. you do need to bundle up as you get ready to head out. look at these temperatures this morning. we're at 33 degrees right now in santa rosa. that's just one degree above freezing and we're at 37 right now in dublin and livermore. 41 in oakland as well as palo alto. so san jose as you're stepping out a chilly morning but look at that, sunshine. we're going to see it sticking with us today. clouds tomorrow. rain tomorrow evening. we'll talk more about all of that in the forecast coming up in a few minutes. mike, you are seeing the commute build a little bit. >> looking at emeryville at the berkeley curve going west to the map. tlaels the arrow where we were looking. the bay bridge, no problems yet, metering lights if things go according to a typical tuesday. we'll see as the volume may be returning as the rain, of course, has eased up. one lane of westbound 37 blocked
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but the rest of 37 is open so that might slow down the morning commute. we also have farther north just off silverado trail at 128 one closure up in that portion of the north bay, so watch for that for locals, the rest of the commuters, everything is just fine. 84 still closed through niles canyon because of the hillside that came down again over the weekend. 92 still shows flowing through the san mateo hills because of traffic control. back to you. >> thank you, mike. it's 5:32. a california congresswoman takes her push to become a senator to the bay area. representative katie porter plans to hold her first campaign stop for u.s. senate in walnut creek. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez joining us now. kris, this is considered a bold move in a lot of political circles as the woman she is vying to replace hasn't even announced. >> reporter: katie porter who represents parts of southern california is seeking to replace senator dianne feinstein. maybe you're like me thinking,
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did i miss senator feinstein's retirement announcement? we didn't. she hasn't said whether she plans to return for 2024 session or not. katie porter first announced her plans to launch that bid for the senate claiming in a campaign video that she's running because california, quote, needs a warrior in washington. porter will stop in walnut creek later today for a campaign event and there is just speculation at this point that senator feinstein will retire at the end of her term. again, senator feinstein has not yet said whether she's going to retire, but following katie porter's announcement that she was going to run, feinstein said she would announce her future plans at an appropriate time. at 89 years old feinstein is the longest serving woman senator in the u.s. history. porter is not without competition. long time bay area lawmaker lee
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plans to run for the senate in 2024 if feinstein retires. she talked about the plans in a closed door meeting the day after congresswoman porter announced her intentions to run. several other house democrats also exploring the possibility of running as well with bay area congressman ro khana. surely if senator feinstein decides to retire whoever gets her blessing that will be a big head start. laura? >> no doubt. thank you, kris. happening today the man police believe was targeted by mma star cain velasquez in a shooting tied to a molestation appears in court for a pretrial hearing. one year ago investigators say velasquez shot at a car driven by harry gulart.
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he faces one felony count. velasquez's next court appearance is scheduled for early march. also today the alleged serial killer accused in the deadly shootings of seven people is due in court for a preliminary hearing. investigators believe wesley brownlee shot and killed six people in stockton, one survived. today's hearing surrounds the defense objection to the state requesting brownlee's school and employment records. the trial date has not been set and brownlee has yet to enter a plea. 5:35 and countless bay area storm victims are facing disruptions they never could have imagined just a few weeks ago that includes don martin in castro valley who lost his apartment back on new year's eve. he and his roommate had just enough time to get out through a window with their dog. the amount of mud that filled the apartment. he says he lost everything and has no flood insurance.
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>> at leasteded 25,000 in baseball cards alone and my hot wheel collection and everything i had, my clothes, my car keys, my phone, everything. i'm starting all over again. >> he says he fled his apartment that night and has not been back since and he says he remains hopeful but plans to put his recent misery quickly in the past. during all the recent rain we've been getting, potholes are appearing all across the bay area. >> and if one damages your car, chris chmura has some options to help you get reimbursed for repairs. >> reporter: one quick drop into a pothole can cause a lot of damage. an average of $600 worth according to aaa. who pays? two ways. first, car insurance. the insurance information institute says pothole damage is usually covered provided you have collision coverage. your deductible will apply and that's usually $500 to $1,000
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but you might be able to get that back. more on that in just a minute. if you have minor damage, say $100 or $200 worth, your insurance might not kick in. progressive says in many instances it doesn't make sense to file a claim. one thing that might make sense is seeking reimbursement from the agency that maintains the road where you hit the pothole. for example, all these drivers hit the same pothole on 101. caltrans maintains 101. so they could theoretically all file a claim with caltrans to get paid in full or reimbursed their deductible. download form ld-0274 from the caltrans website. it's only two pages long and has basic fields to fill out what happened, where and when. how much the pothole damage cost you. this is important. caltrans wants either two written timts or one paid receipt. when done, sign it and mail it to your local caltrans district. for the bay area that's district four. don't wait. your deadline to file a claim is six months after the incident.
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mike inouye joins us now. we saw a lot of big pothole problems yesterday. >> one had up to 40. you get the claim information chris gave you. i downloaded apps for oakland, san jose and san francisco, specific apps, 311 apps to get the information out to others. >> pull over first before you use the app. >> yes, that's primary. thank you, laura. always watching out. >> good advice. let me show you what we have. a smooth drive right now. lots of green sensors and some red. we'll talk about what was going on here. southbound 880 which may or may not be pothole related. we heard about a vehicle that lost a wheel. i don't know if there was rim damage. that was south 880 with the crash approaching 84. again, use 311 to report
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anything when it's safe to report it. over here we still have the closure for 84 through niles canyon. we have a smooth drive, a few delays because of mud slides on tracks. traffic is moving smoothly as well. a smooth drive but traffic developing for highway 4 to concord and highway 37. one of those westbound commute lanes blocked, the rest of highway 37 is open. flooding and the potential for more of those mud sloidz as we still have a lot of shifting to do as that water soaks into the ground. right now it's a break from the rain. san jose at 40 degrees and we'll
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see the temperatures reach into the low 50s. 55 in oakland, 55 in san jose and 53 in fairfield this afternoon. more weather like this but we're also going to have a chance of rain so i'll talk more about that in the forecast coming up in a few minutes. coming up on "today in the bay," we break down the facts behind white house and other visitor logs. we'll take a look at that plus -- it's important that you meet someone that is like you so you can help each other through hard times. >> helping teens understand and cope. ahead we introduce to you a bay area teen who is expanding access to support groups of kids across the country whose families have been affected by cancer. 5:40 right now. stay with us. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome.
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right now at 5:43 on your tuesday morning it is a chilly start. keeping an eye on santa rosa where you could see the temperatures dipping near freezing and it's frosty as you head out. then we'll see sunshine today and it stays cool as we get a break from the rain. we'll talk about the next round in the forecast coming up. a look at the bay bridge right now where the volume is starting to eke up a little bit. no metering lights just yet. it's 5:43 right now. traffic should start to build.
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the trouble spots which continues. >> thank you, kari and mike. happening today the man accused in a murder for hire spot that left an oakland woman dead is scheduled to appear in court for a pretrial here. dentist xu was shot and killed in august in oakland's little saigon. the cars driven by her boyfriend who later took his own life in the hours after being arrested. police eventually arrested 33-year-old bason. they believe the boyfriend hired him so he could live off xu's $12 million estate. the white house says it has not kept any records of who may have visited president biden at his private home. >> we should point out no president has. >> i don't either. that is really important
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context. should we, though, even when he's not president? it does sound like a good idea but they don't do that. republicans want the biden administration to release visitor logs where confidential records were found by biden's team itself. they don't have any because they didn't keep any nor would president trump at mar-a-lago. that's not stopping biden's critics. >> the position of the white house is really getting to be almost comical. you cannot claim the residence is purely a private setting when you've used it when it's housing classified documents. >> that would also be true of
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mar-a-lago. we've pointed out before there are vast differences between the biden and trump document issues. that lack of records might be less important if they didn't go home so often. biden leaves the white house pretty much every weekend for delaware. president trump left the white house pretty much every weekend for one of his properties, often mar-a-lago in florida. president biden will visit california's central valley to meet with first responders and victims of the flooding. federal support and money very important to our recovery. we're watching what's happening with both presidents' documents and the discovery of them on social media and answering your questions. on twitter find me @scottmcgrew. a live look this morning at
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the white house. the first time in seven years the warriors will visit as nba champions. the dubs last visited when president obama was in office. they passed on visiting after winning in 2017 and 2018. today's stop will come on the heels of what's been a successful visit to the nation's capital. they celebrated mlk day. then by the time the fourth quarter rolled around steph and the warriors were pulling away beating the wizards 127-118. they are now back at .500 for the season. fans know what their future holds. as for the pride of san mateo, there may be serious thinking to do. so this after dak prescott and the cowboys last night dismantled tom brady's tampa bay buccaneers and the win shuts the door for good on another brady
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super bowl run. and now let the speculation begin. brady will have to decide whether he has enough left for another season or whether it's just time to retire. now the cowboys will now be heading west to rekindle an old playoff rivalry. next sunday they face the niners at levi's and they'll have to be their best to win. the niners have now won 11 straight after taking apart seattle. and happening for you tonight nbc will be saying farewell to "new amsterdamamste" it will conclude after five years with a two-hour season finale. the creators of the show say tonight's episode will be the perfect ending, but some actors may be hard to absorb. >> i don't know what's wrong with me. i feel like i'm going back to
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work next week. it's not happening, is it? i think when i see the series finale, it will feel done. but, you know, we're still here, we're pressing forward. i love it. >> the final farewell. you can watch the conclusion right here on nbc bay area tonight at 9:00 p.m. right after nbc's new hit series "night court" which begins at 8:00 p.m. and then stick around for nbc bay area news at 11:00. 5:49. new this morning an east bay girl scout who lost her parent to cancer is going above and beyond to help others in similar situations. buscho lost her mother after a five-year battle with colon cancer. she found scant attention to those in her situation. she spent $2,000 to create the
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bright club. >> there's a lot of support for families in the first year. it goes away after the first year and it's hard for the kids. >> the club provides kids with activities, resources and time to meet with a therapist. she says it's a good place to meet others in the same situation. how nice. >> important to know you're not the only one going through whatever the you're going through. >> you have support. nice that she's doing that. 5:50 right now. time to get a look at the forecast today, and there is sunshine, no rain in the forecast. >> for today. and we need that sunshine. it's still going to be chilly, a little deceiving if you are looking out the window later today. it looks so nice and warm out there. well, we had 11 storms in 20 days. it seems like it's been forever but let's talk about how much rain we had.
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kentfield over 24 inches of rainfall and a lot of these numbers we got a year's worth of rain over 20 days and in danville it was over 19 inches of rainfall. san francisco measured over 16 inches of rain. redwood city over 14 inches of rain there. for the south bay, anywhere from 4 to 15. about three to five times our average january rainfall. so what did all that rain do for our reservoirs? well, we're at 44% of our capacity for our four largest reservoirs across northern california and we're seeing some of them about halfway full, lake oroville at 57%. trinity lake at 30% of capacity. so it's still very low and we do have to keep in mind that some of that sierra snowpack as it melts in the spring runs down and fills up some of the reservoirs. but we're still dealing with the run-off, and that's the reason why we have the coastal flood
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advisory in effect until 9:00 today. some of those low lying and flood-prone areas may still see some flooding for today even as we have a brief break to dry out. the atmospheric river has taken a big dip to the south. we're still seeing activity to the north with a storm system that will be coming in as we head into tomorrow. today sunny. we're headed for the mid-50s. san jose reaching 56 degrees. we'll see a high of 55 in walnut creek. 53 in daly city. san francisco reaching into the mid-50s. and for the north bay, we'll see temperatures also in the mid-50s for today. look at how cold it will be tomorrow morning, even colder than this morning in some spots like san jose dipping to 37 degrees. also a low of 37 in concord. and then we'll see that rain coming in as we go into the afternoon to evening hours starting in the north bay at about 3:00 to 4:00 and getting heavier around 7:00 in santa rosa, approaching san francisco, moving into san jose tomorrow
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evening at about 10:00 to 11:00 and then clearing by thursday morning. during that time we're mostly looking at anywhere from a tenth to a quarter inch of rain but there may be a few spots that get about half an inch of rain. beyond that, once that quick moving system passes by, we're dry for the rest of the forecast into the week as well as early next week. we do have a lot more sun in the forecast. and, yes, we deserve it at this point. we'll see temperatures in the mid-50s. it is going to be chilly. we are back to winter. yes, it's still january. so we could still see some freezing and frosty conditions. and, mike, you're watching the bay bridge toll plaza for changes. we're interpreting what's out there, kari. we don't just go off the computer. you have kari and me out here. the live shot and the traffic pattern do indicate the metering lights are on. there's the backup and you can expect that to build out of
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oakland. a little slowing to treasure island westbound in your commute direction. no delays down the east shore freeway. one more change since yesterday. over here highway 13 for much of the night had also remained closed. they have reopened. all the clearing reports heading south. i know it's opposite your main commute but it was a big, you yesterday. your commute toward 580, 24 and the maze all move very smoothly now. 84 still closed through niles canyon and 84 into the area out of pleasanton and livermore, still a little bit of slowing, a little build there. that's perfectly normal. out of the altamont pass, no problems. a bigger delay as folks are slowing through the altamont pass and in the south bay we had 101, a little more slowing up past highway 680 but the flooding at dixon landing road, cones are still there but on the shoulder. all lanes are open. back to you. happening now, mountain view is working to help those trying to make it in the bay. city officials are participating in a month long discussion with renters being landlords and
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developers all aimed at keeping residents in their homes. mountain view is one of several bay area cities building new developments. this is amid an increase in the need for more housing. the discussions aimed at developing ways to keep low-income tenants from being pushed out or even finding them an alternative place to live. the first two scheduled discussions take place tomorrow afternoon and focus on property owners and nonprofit developers. a messy divorce taken a little too far. video of a man ramming a dump truck into his estranged wife's home. plus, at 6:00, despite the rain, potential new landslides. we're live with one developing situation in the east bay. stay with us. you're watching "t od
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to learn more about medicare plans in your neighborhood that include caremore. 5:58 this morning. imagine looking out of your window to see this unusual thing. >> back up. back up, back up. >> get over here. [ bleep ] >> what is he doing? >> wow. this happened over the weekend down in south los angeles.
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neighbors say the man in that video was at the same home earlier in the day and plowed his car into the garage. then came back with a dump truck, three vehicles on the street were damaged here. no arrests have been made and deputies have not identified that man, but our sister station learned that the woman who lives there has since filed multiple reports against her estranged husband. quickly approaching 6:00. >> the rest of the hillside just came down. whole trees were going. >> we've seen the mess. back-to-back storms leave a very muddy mess across the bay area. we're live with an up close look at the damage from one east bay mudslide and why some fear the threat is far from over this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. here we go, tuesday morning. a sunshiny tuesday morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington.
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we'll get a check with mike but first want to talk about that sunshiny day. we haven't had that in a while. >> grab the sunglasses. it's been so long since we've had to use them and you also need a coat, so dig that out of the closet, too. we are starting out at 34 degrees in santa rosa. it's 37 in napa. 35 in concord. a chill in the air. we are going to see some sunshine later this morning so we're prepping for that but also the cool temperatures in the low 40s right now. and then our high temperatures for today. into the low to mid-50s. you are seeing changes on two bridges. the crowd s


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