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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 9, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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everywhere and take a look at this in san bruno. the tree came crashing down onto a home and a nearby car. this is near pacific heights and colby way in san bruno. no word on any injuries. growing concern about the guadalupe river and flooding nearby neighborhoods. in the east bay niles canyon road has been continuing the trouble travel spot. shut down due to a landslide. highway 84 between fremont and pleasanton. this will be closed until further notice. a lot going on, live team coverage with reporters across the bay area. meteorologist kari hall leading our coverage. this rain just keeps coming. it does. i'm seeing a lot more in the forecast as well. we are not close to being done with all of this activity and it's been pretty widespread for us this morning. a few pockets of heavier rain moving through marin county, southern sonoma county into napa
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county. we're seeing it pick up in the delta moving over to antioch, bethel island as well as brentwood and byron where we are getting more intense rainfall but we'll start to see the north bay, seeing that activity lightening up a bit. it's going to be pouring from napa to san francisco down to the east bay as well as the tri-valley as well as the south bay. even into noon we're seeing the heaviest rain shifting over into the south bay and we are going to see it tapering off going into this evening but not too long after that the next storm will be arriving early tomorrow morning that could be developing -- that could develop some thunderstorms over our area. scattered showers continue into tomorrow and once again there are not many breaks here as we see rain wave after wave of rain coming through, even going to wednesday, really heavy rain coming through especially for the north bay where we start to
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see some of the heaviest rain back farther to the north after hitting the santa crews mountains quite hard today. mike, you still have more coverage of the tree down on 17. you talked about the santa cruz mountains and that's my concern. we've seen rocks and a tree down. southbound 17 much better flow now. i think they may have cleared at least most of that second rain allowing more access southbound to the summit. folks watching now will be heading down to the santa cruz site over the last 45 minutes. still, again, continued coverage. that rain really pushing through. folks who watch this regularly know this portion of the bay right here tends to see a later build, after 8:00, after 7:00, kari is talking about things intensifying. we're seeing the blue develop around the bay where the puddling and ponding develops as run-off happens and folks are also reporting some lanes blocked here and there.
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we do have the bay bridge toll plaza which sees more traffic. the contra costa county drive over to alameda and the bay bridge is moving smoothly. the backup is starting to form. conditions like at the san mateo bridge are a concern. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 6:03. while you were sleeping president biden approved an emergency declaration that will assist storm-damaged california counties including napa, san mateo, santa clara, sonoma and santa cruz. governor newsom announced the declaration yesterday. it will unlock federal assistance for recent storms, flooding and mud slides and allow fema to mobilize and provide resources. the south bay leaders in the meantime are warning people to leave low-lying areas due to flooding concerns growing more serious with each arriving storm. >> "today in the bay's" bob redell is live along the guadalupe in san jose. the city trying to move unhoused people out of there. they have for about a week now. >> reporter: correct. good morning to you, scott and laura.
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i checked the national weather service for the guadalupe which is behind me for coyote creek which is not too far from here and also alameda creek which runs through niles canyon. no indication there's flooding but over the next few hours, possibly several hours, parts of those water ways could flood or hit some sort of action stage according to the national weather service. city staff with the city of san jose, an outreach group went around a possible flooding hot spot to tell neighbors about numerous resources. staff for many cities have been urging the unhoused who live near creeks to evacuate. we spoke with a man living near coyote creek who says he got the message. >> we're going to get flooded. everything is all muddy because everything here is dirt. i've been here a long time and i'm tired. i can't do it no more. >> reporter: that man said he's going to stay at a hotel paid
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for by santa clara county and will stay in the hotel for a few days. the city of milpitas says it used drones to warn the unhoused about flood risk and to check on them as the storms condition. santa clara countyish upd an evacuation warning for people living in the watershed areas of uvas reservoir and pacheco and residents who live in niles canyon up palomares and kilkare roads to consider evacuating because of the steep hillsides there that can lead to mud slides and also alameda creek possible flooding there. bob redell, "today in the bay." let's look at pg&e out and imagine. just releasing this map, talking about it online, we're about 17,000 customers across the bay
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area in the dark this hour. about 1,700 without power on the peninsula. make sure to download our app to get weather alerts sent to your phone. sources tell nbc bay area two juveniles arrested in connection with the deadly shooting of a security guard in san francisco will appear in juvenile court today for an arraignment. it happened last week in japantown. 40-year-old gavin boston died at the scene. police later arrested a 15-year-old and a 14-year-old. there are some reports the boys may have been kicked out of the mall in the days prior to the shooting. they say three men caught on video will appear for a plea hearing. it happened in late november in san bruno near camino plaza.
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police later concluded it involved members of rival gangs. you can see the rain there on the camera. it could be a tough commute. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall first. we have kids heading back to school, more people getting back to work after the holidays and so it's going to be very dangerous out there especially as all of the storms we see off the coast are just lining up one after another. we can see the swirl of those low-pressure systems that are once again continuing to develop in the pacific. another busy week for us here. widespread rain this morning but there are rockets of heavier rain we've seen in parts of sonoma county moving over to napa county as well. here is what to expect. still some high winds and those high winds at times are bringing
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down trees as they are being pushed with an already saturated ground that makes them fall very easily. we also have the risk of some thunderstorms with damaging wind gust that is could reach 40 to 60 miles an hour. we've been talking about all the storms developing out there and what's ahead. more rain through early tuesday and then on wednesday another storm system will be moving in with some off and on rain. there may be a brief break but saturday as well as sunday into next week we are still looking at the potential of more strong storms coming in and each day that we get more rainfall the possibility that you're prepared with your disaster kit. it's whether you need to evacuate or staying at home with no power, think about that as you get ready to head out for the day.
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>> we have less of an issue as far as visibility but we have more cars we're dealing with and the metering lights turned on now. that's how big the volume is. water kicking up on the pavement, slicker conditions and it is presenting an issue as far as needing the windshield wipers. that rain is still traveling through and left with it this puddling and ponding, 680, el cerrito looks all right. oakland has some earlier flooding. a crash north 80 causing a distraction and slowing. 84 not just slowing. look, folks, niles canyon washed out as we talked about the top of the show between pleasanton and sunol road and mission boulevard over here.
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84 through pleasanton and into sunol is still open and is moving smoothly, a little slower, more traffic likely building off 580 which is smooth out of the altamont. 237 looks like a crash westbound. the build for 87 and 101. i heard the earlier report of the flooding around the 280 interchange and watch that bridge. a lot of trouble spots. thank you, mike. we talked about the rising cost and the plateau in the price of eggs and maybe even lower prices at your local supermarket. ♪ i'd love to be an oscar mayer
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wiener ♪ ♪ that is what i would truly like to be ♪ hot dog. how would you like to get behind the wheel of the wiener mobile? the unique job opening for a lucky few and the qualifications you may need to start working you may need to start working on, well, yester
6:12 am
♪♪ when paiain says, "“i'm he”" ♪♪ ♪♪ i say, " “so arere they.” just o one aleve. . 12 hours of u uninterruptpted pain rere. i say, " “so arere they.” aleve e who do youou take it f?
6:13 am
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we will see this continue the next few hours and the possibility of more flooding really adds up as this rain goes on throughout late morning into the afternoon. we'll have more on the time line and what's ahead for the rest of the week in a few minutes. we're looking at the san jose camera showing you 280 coming toward us as you see the soupy conditions as the headlights glow. water kicking up behind you as you're driving down the roadway that will be a factor on the windshields and the metering lights have been turned on at the bay bridge. the crowd starts to build the backup now. look at the 880 flyover. that's moving just fine. watch those conditions. it's 6:14. wall street set to open with some modest gains following friday's big rally. december jobs report signaled inflation may be easing. wages increased at a slower pace than expected. there may be softening in wages, rate hikes have been high.
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maybe they're starting to accomplish their goal. the dow, nasdaq, s&p posted their best week since november last week. in focus today data on consumer credit. economists say egg prices are expected to drop but it could be a while before you see it at the check-out. the consumer price index says costs were up 49% in november dpard with one year earlier. meanwhile, demand was high during the baking season. it' js wholesale prices are expected to drop. prices at stores may take longer to drop because retail pricing lags behind the wholesale market. trending this morning, only true hot dog fans need apply. oscar mayer recruiting a new class of drivers for its iconic wiener mobile. the year long gig available to 12 graduating college seniors and comes with a competitive salary and benefits. they will travel the country in the hot dog shaped vehicle and serve as brand ambassadors. drivers can apply online anytime
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before january 31st. the company says a bachelor's degree in public relations, advertising, marketing or communications is a plus. >> i've told this story before but i grew up in madison, wisconsin. there are several wienermobiles. i know, right? there are several shamus as well. the oscar mayer was based near my house, and soap i just thought every kid grew up with a wienermobile. it happens all the time. every day. >> there's gary, the wienermobile. >> yeah, exactly. >> no big deal. bay area, i thought we were waking up in seattle this morning. the rain keeps coming. >> and it's looking like it will last throughout the week in the forecast as we are still dealing with all of this and watching those river levels very closely because of all of this rain. we're going to take you to the russian river at guerneville where we look at a graph that shows you where those water levels are now and where it's expected to crest.
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we're looking at it cresting later by early tomorrow morning up to 32 feet, which is minor flooding. and so those areas that are around the russian river need to take action. and then also looking at the napa river downtown napa. it is expected to reach action stage. that means you'll need to closely monitor it because if you do get more rainfall, it could go above that or a little bit less it's expected to stay below flooding. looking at the napa river at st. helena where we expect it to stay just below that minor flooding but it's going to be very close so you do need to continue to monitor it. the san lorenzo river is expecting a lot more heavy rainfall and here we're looking at it cresting at 11:00 this morning at about 20 feet. and so that's when we're going to see the highest of the water levels for today. in the south bay, looking at coyote creek at edenvale, it may get close to minor flooding.
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we're going to see that cresting at 5:00 this evening. let's look at how much rain we've seen so far. some areas have gotten a lot. other areas are still looking at it coming in and adding up. in livermore only about 0.3 of an inch of rainfall. san jose about half an inch of rainfall. you can see what half an inch of rain has done. as you move to the santa cruz mountains to ben lomond, over 3 inches of rain. over 2 inches for the north bay. that's where the heaviest rain has been focused. it's going to start to shift to the south as we see the storm system pushing further to the south as well as we go into today. widespread rain continuing and some of it coming in with some heavier waves and pockets of some of those downpour that is are causing much more quickly street flooding as well as some of the storm drains that are clogged up may have more issues. here we are at 9:30, we're seeing it lightening up for parts of the north bay.
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really good news there. it's still going to be raining heavily for the tri-valley down to the south bay as well as into the santa cruz mountains. and we are only going to see this letting up later this evening, so it's going to be very brief that we do get at least some dry weather for all the bay area before the next storm comes in early tomorrow morning. this is when we could see thunderstorms developing, where we see the yellows, oranges and reds that shows really intense rainfall as well as the potential of some thunderstorms and more energy there and it will continue with some scattered showers and storms into tomorrow afternoon. and then on wednesday the next storm will be rolling in producing widespread steady rain we've seen. there may be some spots that get it heavily as we expect by the north bay at about 2:00 on wednesday afternoon and then a little bit of a break on late thursday. you can see what's happening here. all of the storms that are
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winding up and moving in targeting the bay area with that fire hose that's going to continue into the weekend, even saturday and sunday is looking soggy early next week, monday and tuesday, we are not yet going to see this storm door closing for at least the next week or so. and then looking at how much additional rainfall on top of what we've already measured between now and wednesday, we could see another 1 3/4 for san jose. another 4 inches for the santa cruz mountains and close to 4 inches for santa rosa and over 3 inches for napa. as we extend it out even further, the rain continues. it will be adding up. as each day goes along, the impacts of flooding as well as downed trees, power outages, all that we've been talking about, mud slides especially in the burn scar areas, all of those threats will continue so you want to make sure you're prepared. do what have can you to get your family ready for that possibility as we go throughout the week and, mike, it is really tough driving in these
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conditions. kari, the north bay things have calmed down quite a bit but you see the water on the lens. our camera at north san pedro road down to lincoln, again, slick roadways continue up here and in many parts around the bay. earlier this morning flooding reported right around lucas valley road but that may affect the on ramp. a bigger factor is the volume of the commute as we still hit slick pavement at the bay bridge toll plaza off the overcrossing, all lanes filling in past the end of the parking lot here at the toll plaza out of oakland, through the metering lights and across the bridge. the east shore freeway showing close to a half hour from highway 4 slowing to richmond, the berkeley curve. 580 moves smoothly. we had an earlier tree in the area southbound down to the bend with 13 and 580. 580 itself heading to the bay
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bridge, there was slowing and still is on 24, 680, all these folks coming off highway 4 through walnut creek and concord and over to the caldecott. a lot of rain was a factor there. north 880, marina and 98, still slowing off the castro valley y. >> welcome back to a busy day, mike. some are wondering if prince harry means harm with the revelations in his memoir that comes out tomorrow. we'll be in london this morning. mike has been on vacation. we welcome him back. check out what he posted on instagram. he couldn't escape the rain except on his last day. mike will be posting more pictures from his time off. check him out on instagram, facebook
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facebook >> l.a. ha.s
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geget ready toto say thosose five litittle wo. no, , not “let me geget the pancncakes.” or “i'i'll have alall the ba”" no, , not “let me geget the pancncakes.” we're e talking ababout... rooty totooty fresh h 'n fry
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i'm m going to g get the rooy tooty fresesh 'n n fruity rooty totooty fresh h 'n fry the roototy tooty frfresh 'n n fruity rooty totooty fresh h 'n fry i thinink i'm goining to have e roototy tooty frfresh 'n fruiy yep, it't's back. for a limimited time.. ththe six dollllar rooty t ty fresh 'n'n fruity cocombo. 2 eggsgs, 2 bacon n stri, and 2 fruiuit topped p panca. ththe six dollllar rooty t ty fresh 'n'n fruity cocombo. onlyly from ihopop. downwnload the a app and en free f food with e every ord. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ welcome back. it is 6:25 right now. this morning new revelations coming from prince harry, the duke of sussex. he recently sat down for an interview ahead of his bombshell memoir titled "spare." >> he opens up on his views on the monarchy and the media saying he didn't mean to have
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any intention to harm or hurt his father or brother. keir simmons reports from london. >> reporter: in just 24 hours you'll be able to pick up a copy of prince harry's book in bookstores there in the bay area and, goodness me, it is a bombshell. he takes aim at camila, the queen consort, his own brother, at catherine, the princess of wales, and yet in interviews he says he still wants reconciliation. >> forgiveness is 100% a possibility because i would like to get my father back. i would like to have my brother back. at the moment i don't recognize them as much as they don't recognize me. >> reporter: the book is about the painful time he had after the death of his mom, princess diana. he seems determined to try to rewrite the way royalty has worked in recent decades. the question is, is he going to be able to do it and how is king charles going to respond, guys? >> all right, keir, thank you. if you're a royals follower, you
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know today is the princess of wales' birthday. our coverage of the latest storm continues at 6:30 on "today in the bay" starting with the flooding in the north bay. we'll have updates overnight. >> reporter: i'm emma goss in san bruno where a tree has toppled into a house and on a car. i'll show you where in the bay area the storm has already caused damage. you're watching everyone is making room mom? for the medicine cabinet's new essential. binaxnow -- with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19.
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everyone is making room hm. *coughs* seriously? for the medicine cabinet's new esessential. binaxnow -- with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes.
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a very good monday morning to you. thanks so much for starting your day with us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm scott mcgrew. marcus washington has time off. remember we're streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. we want to get to the top story. as you might imagine, it's rain. drivers once again keep it slow and easy on the roadways. slick roads are a potential hazard and you have strong winds blowing debris. >> allow extra time or just stay in. new video this morning shows some flooding in the north bay from addison ranch apartments in petaluma. the neighborhood is submerged in what looks like at least a foot water. so far a photographer says it looks like the water is not getting into living spaces but we know more rain is expected and things could rapidly change. let's check in with meteorologist kari hall. she is leading our team coverage this morning. it's just not easing up. it's not easing up and every
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day we see more rain like this, the impacts are adding up. it's right now just a steady rain all across the bay area that continues to move in. but we've also seen some pockets of where this rain is a little bit heavier and we've seen that moving over to parts of the east bay where the green is darker indicating heavier rain. also as we go through the morning we're going to start to see the north bay getting a bit of a break but still going to be raining heavily from san francisco on southward into the santa cruz mountains as well. we're still looking at this rain at noon into 1:00 to 3:00 before it starts to taper off. maybe even clearing around sunset, but it won't be that long before the next storm starts to roll in, and about this time tomorrow morning there will be pockets of heavy rain, possibly even some thunderstorms that are going to be coming in with gusty winds. not many breaks here and we do track all of the impacts. we'll talk more about that in a few minutes. mike, you're watching one issue
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on 101. more flooding. it's a continued issue just as the rain continues, we're not going to see this clear up. flooding again reported south 101, lucas valley road. reports of a vehicle stuck in standing water and this entry on chp says the tow system they called, the particular company, said they won't come if the vehicle is stuck in the water. maybe they can't handle that. if you see standing water, again, don't drive through it. you don't know how deep it is, folks. we're looking at puddling and ponding around the bay. that blue registering in contra costa county slowing. minor crashes in many places because of spinouts or loss of traction likely. we're looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are on, slick conditions and all around the bay like here in oakland, we continue to have slowing because of repeated crashes north of 238 on northbound 880 coming into san leandro and oakland. back to you. >> look at that. the latest storm triggering
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problems overnight as mike just mentioned. flooding, downed trees, rock slides. >> "today in the bay's" emma goss is live in san bruno. a large tree came down on a home and nearby car. i hope everybody is okay. >> reporter: scott, laura, no reports of any injuries yet. and you take a look behind me, the tree split in two, situated between two homes on pacific heights bull vrd and then the heavy winds, the strong rain toppled onto this house, damaged the roof pretty badly. also the garage and the car parked in the front driveway. this rain and intense wind is picking up, and we're seeing storm damage around the bay area today. a massive sinkhole took out some 20 feet. we can see a boulder almost nine feet tall on pine flat road in geyserville, the result of a dangerous mud and rock slide caused by aggressive winds and
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rain and the russian river is expected to overflow from the storm later on. but flooding is nothing new to residents and business owners who have already prepared for today's storm. >> once you get educated and things are marked, you can totally have a plan. when it gets to this marker, we do this. this marker, we do this. then you don't have to worry because you have the plan. it's all about planning. >> reporter: the russian river is expected to reach flood level by 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. reporting live in san bruno, emma goss for "today in the bay." >> oh, my goodness. it's just not letting up. thanks for the latest. >> extraordinary. as we are trying to track this storm, you can follow in all kind of places online as we stream but continuing coverage on our nbc bay area app. you go to the latest links and you'll find it on our trending bar. well, this morning happening today the city of oakland is
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going to inaugurate their new mayor. paramount theater will host the inauguration ceremony for mayor elect sheng thao, she won a come-from-behind win in the ranked choice election. she'll be sworn in along with other administrators. the city plans to live stream on its youtube and facebook pages. also happening today in oakland, teams plan to launch final evictions from one of the largest homeless encampments under the mcarthur maze were moved out last fall. the city says there were some holdouts remaining. the city has tried to offer housing alternatives. well, a live look from the camera at palisades ski resort in tahoe. it looks like the falcon going light speed. it's a winter storm remaining in effect for the sierra until early wednesday.
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that's what it sounded like at the palisades yesterday. strong winds howling. the resort posted this video, a roundhouse ski lift at the top and, boy, kari was saying 100-mile-an-hour winds? we've seen that repeatedly with the storms moving through especially in the sierra. that makes visibility at zero. we've been getting some rain here in the bay area. not any kind of wind like that, but as we've looked at the past 24-hour rainfall totals we've gotten about an inch of rain in hayward, a little more in oakland and about an inch in san francisco. the north bay already measuring up another 2 inches of rainfall and over 3 inches in the santa cruz mountains. we know it's still coming down but the storms are still lining up as we see wave after wave of these areas of low pressure tapping into the deep tropical moisture and bringing it right into our area. so as we get a closer look, some pockets of heavier rain, but it's been pretty steady and
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widespread as we start out this morning making the commute very slippery, we are seeing heavier rain just off the coast, and that's going to be moving into san francisco as well as the coastline near half moon bay over the next couple of minutes. we're also going to see some of the heavier rain starting to shift from parts of the north bay into the south bay. look at 10:00, we're starting to get a break here in the north bay, but it still is going to be pouring down for san jose, the tri-valley, at least through noon. and then going into later today, the evening commute is looking much better, but tomorrow morning's commute is just as bad as what we're seeing this morning with even the possibility of thunderstorms moving through and also some heavy rain at times. as we continue to get more and more of this rain, we're expecting more street flooding as well as more rising creeks and rivers and streams and also more power outages. we've seen that adding up. more downed trees. prepare for all of those
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possibilities as the storms continue throughout the week. mike, you are also saying plan ahead for the weather related delays. and it's no surprise, kari, we talked about this repeatedly but b.a.r.t. gave a great explanation last week, they've had to slow trains down because of braking concerns. when they brake during slippery conditions sometimes the wheels slide and cause flat sections on the wheels. they discovered those over the course of these storms and so they're slowing trains down. perhaps up to 20-minute delays for your line. stand by for changes. plan for that. they have changed here. no bus service capitol corridor. trains are moving fine. it's the bus service between auburn and reno because of the weather conditions. it happens frequently when we get snow. we have had an extended portion of time when that is happening. now the extended rain causing an issue as well. a lot soaking into the hillside, slides and slippage reported throughout the morning. we'll continue to follow that. we had a lot of flooding, repeated stalls and cars stuck in the water. lucas valley road.
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116 and 129, the usual suspects throughout that portion of the bay. and around here contra costa county a lot of rain through walnut creek, concord, san ramon. watch those areas and building the commute. coming off 238 and the castro valley y, we did see more flooding possible. a lot of standing water and a couple of crashes. here are the conditions from the east bay over to the peninsula across the san mateo bridge and still wet roads continue throughout the south bay. back to you. president biden is visiting mexico. a ahead the plans and the leaders he will meet with and what he accomplished in his recent visit to the border. people in beach communities holding their breath with each incoming storm, but it's not all negative. how some cleanup crews are finding fun in their recovery efforts.
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good monday morning. at 6:42, another wave of heavy rain moving into the coast hitting half moon bay and it's going to be approaching 280 near wood side very soon. so the rain picking up there, high winds, and this will have an impact to the commute in the morning improving for the aeng commute. but there's still more rain in the forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up. more rain here. san mateo bridge, the haywood side.
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it's continuing to slow across the span. you will not be allowed to drive too quickly because you are down one lane. continuing across the summit here northbound 17 still mud across one of the lanes slowing down as you head north past jarvis. that is a factor as you head in toward silicon valley. the rest of the bay moving well. the closure for highway 84 and mud across lanes at niles canyon, 84 through livermore, pleasanton. there may be patches of standing water and flooding. it's 6:43. president biden is visiting mexico city. he will attend the summit with the president of mexico, the prime minister of canada. it follows his first trip to the u.s./mexico border since taking office. "today in the bay's" brie jackson is in washington. the president is facing a lot of pressure, no doubt, from republicans over this border
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issue. >> reporter: he certainly is. good morning, scott. the number of migrants crossing the u.s./mexico border since president biden took office two years ago has increased significantly. border patrol says it stopped migrants crossing illegally there more than 2.6 million times last year. president biden getting a firsthand look at the u.s./mexico border sunday. inspecting the border wall amid criticism from republicans who blame him for the record number of migrants crossing it. >> republicans haven't been serious about this at all. come on. they haven't been serious about this. >> reporter: the president facing one of his biggest critics, texas governor greg abbott. abbott handing mr. biden a scathing letter demanding that his administration do more to secure the border. >> he should have been down here day one to fix the problems he created. >> reporter: the president's trip comes days after his administration announced a new plan to accept 30,000 migrants a
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month and expel those who show up to the border unauthorized. >> we have resources to address the challenge that is not unique to the southern border of the united states. it's a challenge that is really gripping our entire hemisphere. >> reporter: the president is calling on congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform, something lawmakers have failed to do for more than two decades. >> we need a system for those who want to come to america for economic reasons, for bettering their lives, contributing to their economy, for them to do that in a way that is legal. >> they think this is a political challenge not a policy challenge. >> reporter: immigration is among the top issue on the agenda today as president biden meets with north american leaders for a two-day summit in mexico city. and also on the agenda for that two-day summit in mexico city is tackling the flow of fentanyl into the u.s. according to the cdc more than
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71,000 fentanyl-related deaths here in the u.s. last year and that's an issue president biden is going to address with leaders during the two-day summit. >> we'll listen for it. brie, thank you. a community hit hard by last week's storms is finding some fun dealing with the cleanup. check out this video. a man was riding atop a log. look at that. good balance there. in the process of trying to clean everything up. the area was hit by large swells leaving streets flooded with debris. recovery efforts are under way and there are new concerns now of more damage from this latest storm. we know how saturated everything is. the storms aren't letting up at all. i'm seeing them parading out in the pacific. we expect it to target the bay area over the next few days. we do also have the concern of quickly rising rivers, creeks, streams.
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to the russian river at guerneville. the forecast was higher for this area but we're still expected to reach flood stage later as we go into tomorrow morning right at 32 feet t. could go up or down as this could change. everyone in the area needs to monitor the river stage. it will be peaking below flood stage but we're going to see that possibly fluctuating, so you do need to continue to monitor that as well. napa river at st. helena is going to also, at this point, looking at current forecasts, peak at 17 feet at noon today which is below the monitor stage and then we head to the santa cruz mountains where we're also looking at bigger impacts here, and it is expected to reach moderate flood stage up to about 20 feet going into late this morning. so that's also going to cause a
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lot of problems. you need to move to higher ground. coyote creek at edenvale is expected to stay below minor flooding at the action stage but this could fluctuate as well. that's not expected to reach its highest point until 5:00 this evening. that may be higher. now looking at all of the storms that are developing out there, we can see the swirls, the clouds that are once again in a parade, but it's also tapping into this deep moisture that's coming in from hawaii, moving all the way across the pacific and a lot of heavy rain at times with this next atmospheric river coming in. that's going to at times produce some heavy rain. we've seen it coming in waves. now moving through the peninsula into san francisco, and then it will be pushing over to the east bay within the next few minutes. hour by hour shows the intense rainfall that's going to continue for us as we go into the rest of the morning into the afternoon. as we are looking at the north bay getting a bit of a break here with some lighter rain by late morning, this is going to
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be the target of some street flooding as well as mud slides. really watching those burn scar areas as that heavy rain continues into this afternoon. later this evening looks like we do see a nice little break here. but then going into tomorrow morning, there's going to be more waves of this rain arriving that could possibly produce more thunderstorms by early tomorrow morning into the early afternoon hours. we're still looking at some scattered activity, waves of heavy rain coming through. you can see there's not many breaks here. another atmospheric river arriving on wednesday. that continues throughout the day into early thursday before it does look like this lightens up for at least a 24-hour period which we don't see a lot of in this forecast as we see once again all of those storms coming through. thursday it's held up just off the coast, but then moves in as we go into saturday as well as sunday continuing into monday as well. and then even into tuesday we're
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still looking at storms coming in. now this is giving us a huge boost to the sierra right now at 196% of its normal amount of snowfall, even more than double in the southern sierra. but as we go into the forecast, we are looking at additional snowfall that could reach anywhere from 32 inches at south tahoe to 61 inches at kingvale and also will be windy. we're going to see these storms coming through. the main focus will be today and then again on wednesday we'll see also a new storm arriving on saturday, so it's going to be busy here. we'll keep you up to date as the impacts continue to add up. and, mike, you are also seeing the rain making slick roads. that's right. continuing out here because of the continuing rain and also we're seeing reports of flooding on roadways. solo car crashes oftentimes loss of traction similar to a spinout or skidout. 580 shows lighter traffic now. conditions still water on the
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lens, on the roadway kicking up. rooster tailing behind the vehicles. still moving very smoothly as you head westbound toward the dublin interchange. now puddling and ponding continues in this area of 84 and the closure to niles canyon continues there. but 84 through livermore and pleasanton and into sunol is okay from the eastern side. northbound 880 continues to show slowing. flooding in addition to a couple of crashes on the shoulder. slowing across that san mateo bridge, some folks trying to avoid that backup as they head north. back to you. 6:51. happening now more than just rain falling from the sky. most of the 5,000-pound satellite just re-entered the earth's atmosphere. nasa originally launched it to measure radiation. it was in use until 2005. now it's space junk and started falling back to earth last month. some of the pieces may make it to the ground. the odds of someone being struck
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are about 1 in 10,000. a new round of damage from this latest round of rain. ahead on "today in the bay," a tree collapses onto a home and a car on the peninsula. we'll have an update on this overnight scare. >> reporter: flooding concerns throughout the bay area. the evacuation warnings issued for part of the south bay. stay with us.
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and welcome back. the latest storms still moving through the bay area. it arrived last night and is causing more damage. >> strong winds knocked down a tree in san bruno. a live look at the scene. the tree came crashing down onto a home and a nearby car. this is near pacific heights and colby way in san bruno. no word of any injuries. in the north bay a large sinkhole formed in bdega and a nearly 10 foot boulder sitting in the roadway in geyserville on pine flat road, the by-product of a mudslide caused by the relentless rain. and also just in to our newsroom, the san lorenzo river is now at flood stage. evacuations have started in the
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felton grove and paradise park areas. we're learning soquel creek has reached action stage. the russian river expected to surpass flood stage by early to morning. "today in the bay's" bob redell is near the guadalupe river. how are things looking? >> reporter: good morning to you, scott and laura. we're not seeing that much rain. this morning it's been on and off with regards to flooding, we're not seeing that either. did i check with the national weather service for guadalupe which is behind me here, also for coyote and alameda creek and no indication there's flooding yet. once we're done with the live shot we will be driving around and will check the guadalupe in the southern part of san jose. yesterday the city of san jose and outreach groups did go to
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warn people who live along these creeks especially the guadalupe and coyote creek, talking about unhoused people, there are resources for them and they might want to consider leaving those areas in case these creeks do flood over the banks. they don't want to be caught in that. the city of milpitas sent up a drone to also warn unhoused people of the risk of staying along these creeks. now santa clara county issued evacuation warnings for people living in the watershed areas of uvas reservoir and pacheco pass. alameda county is warning residents who live in niles canyon especially palomares road and kilkare, they want to consider evacuations. they issued this because of the threat of mud slides and, of course, alameda creek, that flooded last week during the big storm on the previous saturday and it obviously shut down highway 84 which is still shut down. reporting live in san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." let's take a look at the latest pg&e outages as of an hour ago. the utility says about 17,000
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bay area customers are in the dark. the vast majority, about 11,000, in the north bay. 3,600 without power on the peninsula. >> that's a great place to go if you have to report an outage. boy, it's just not letting up at all. >> people in the dark and it's just pouring down raining. we're seeing some of the heaviest rain on the peninsula right now, but pretty much all of the bay area is at least getting a steady downpour and then as we zoom in to the peninsula either 101 or 280 are both sloppy. we'll see the rain that's been picking up in the past few minutes for san jose now continuing to move through as we get off and on rain throughout the day. it will start to taper off this evening. the next storm arrives early tomorrow morning. the potential of thunderstorms as well lingers into wednesday. thursday we may have a brief break before more storms come in on friday into the weekend. kari, what you're reporting is what i'm reporting. let's take you out to the roadways where you talked about the rain coming down over the
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peninsula. we do have that hitting 280, the southbound side at farm hill right there with the arrow reporting at least one lane blocked by standing water coming down 280. you see the blue puddling and ponding on 280 itself. slow across the san mateo bridge. that got hit with rain. a lot of puddling and ponding heading down to the tri-valley and into portions of san jose on the eastern side. the north bay as well and the bay bridge toll plaza in addition to all the rain. we have all the lanes backed up. i'm noticing the hov lanes backed up. there may be a new crash. i'll send up the latest on twitter that is unusual. something is going on there as well. >> it really is wet out there. be careful if you are heading out the door. if not sit tight. the bay area deals with these back-to-back storms. you can stream nbc bay area live on roku, apple tv, online, amazon fire tv and of course at
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also make sure to download our nbc bay area news app. can you get weather alerts sent to your phone, scan the same radar we use here. it's a great resource. our storm coverage will continue on nbc bay area news at 11:00. good morning. brazil in turmoil after rioters storm its capitol. >> echoes of the insurrection in washington, d.c., two years ago. what happens next? it is january 9th. this is "today." ♪♪ >> chaos and clashes. thousands of supporters of brazil's ousted far-right president tearing through congress, the supreme court and other government offices fueled by false claims the election was stolen. a scene eerily similar to january 6th. the country's new leader vowing to punish anyone who took part in the insurrection. we are live with complete


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