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tv   Action News 5a  NBC  July 2, 2013 5:00am-5:31am PDT

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oakland with traffic starting to fill up. cars and more cars than usual this early. >> slightly different story on 101 in palo alto where traffic looks light this morning. good morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelley. anthony slaughter in for mike. >> we are still talking about the major issues with the bart strikes this morning. the issue that we are starting to find is traffic starting to pick up especially on 880 on the north and southbound side. you will notice you can see brake lights and heavier congestion. no major accidents right now. keep the head lights on and pack the patience with you because we are starting to see slow downs in the cash lanes at the bay bridge approach. we have more coming up in a bit. >> we will be checking back quite a bit. bart bringing in more charter
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buses. christie smith is live at the west oakland bart station which is serving as kind of a bus transition hub this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. i have to tell you within the last 20 minutes or so buses have lined up here at the west oakland bart station. bart decided to double the number of charter buses from 18 to 36 today. yesterday they had a total of 58 at all of their stations involved. we did choose video from freemont yesterday where people lined up very early to get into san francisco. the buses can only carry so many people. bart carries about 400,000 people each day. the charter buses can only carry a few thousand. a passenger said the charter buses, she is thankful for them but it still takes a long time to get to work. >> reporter: what time would you
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get up to go to work? >> usually i get up at 4:30. i came here at 4:30. >> reporter: the bus takes you an hour. >> yeah. >> reporter: now, the charter buses are running from four other stations. a round trip tickets are first come first serve so passengers need the ticket to get back home in the evening. for as many buses as they have out here maybe we have only seen 30 people or so. so if you are leaving now this would be a good time to come down because the buses keep coming. reporting live in oakland, christie smith. other bart commuters finding different ways to cross the bay.
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"today in the bay's" bob is live in oakland. >> reporter: we are here at san francisco bay ferry terminal, the first ferry doesn't leave here until 6:00. i think commuters are quick learners and showing up an hour prior for a ferry that does not leave until 6:00 in the morning. typically the san francisco bay ferry carries roughly 2,500 commuters from oakland over. yesterday was triple the number, just over 7,800 people making many commuters at least an hour late for work. >> i hope they come to a solution soon and don't let everybody suffer. >> reporter: so, again, if you are thinking about taking the ferries keep in mind there is going to be a lot of extra people on the boats today expected just like yesterday. we are seeing people showing up
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right now. there is probably a handful behind me. the ferries are 6:00, 6:45, 7:30. you go to the strike just isn't impacting commuters. it is impacting the bottom line. the bay area economy is also suffering. council estimates the economy stands to lose more than $73 million a day in lost productivity and commerce costs. the group says that is a conservative estimate that doesn't count for millions of dollars in extra costs like gas while idling in traffic. we will have the lest alternatives all morning long. and we will have live streaming updates on our website,
5:05 am oakland city services said to be back up and running this morning following a one-day strike by city employees. all running on a normal schedule this morning. workers walked off the job this morning. the city and the union plan to be back at the bargaining table next week. the oakland tribune reporting one meter maid crossed the picket line. that worker was ticketing cars telling one reporter he is well-paid and did not support that strike. city leaders telling people there would be no park enforcement during the strike. they say they can't stop workers from crossing the picket line. the city won't say if the tickets will be forgiven. christina loren talking about the heat this week. >> it is on. good morning. welcome back. i want to start with your 24 hour temperature change to show
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you how much warmer it is this morning. ial could use the word warmer. nine degrees in livermore. six degrees warmer in fairfield to start the day. it is going to be a summer time scorcher. i want to make sure you are ready for this because we are starting out so mild high pressure is going to do its job to bring temperatures up rivaling all-time records for the month of july. 73 degrees in livermore. 66 in san jose. look at the wrap around moisture coming in with high pressure. this is what we call monsoonal flow. that is not an area of low pressure. that is a big ridge of high pressure. we are going to see some of the moisture wind up here in the bay area today. what will happen is the clouds will come in and that will limit the sunshine. so taking your temperatures down up there. elsewhere i brought the numbers way up today. 107 in livermore. 102 in santa teresa. 97 degrees in san jose.
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i have your 4th of july forecast. i can tell you when the heat is going to break. could be another rough one out there. >> we are starting to see the slow downs right at the bay bridge approach. right now at 5:07. we were seeing this happen yesterday when we saw backups start to increase here in this specific location. you want to look in the fast track if you are taking this route this week with the bart strike in effect. you will notice slowing. not too bad leaving through richmond. that is good news. we have three accidents keeping things slow. you definitely want to make sure you allow a little extra time for yourself. from another perspective your freeway cam does show traffic picking up. >> a little bit earlier. new this morning oakland
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police investigating a double homicide inside a wing stop restaurant in oakland, happened about midnight near interstate 580. we know two people were shot and killed. police haven't released information about the victims or whether they have the gunman in custody. we will bring you updates as soon as ewe get them. we have a warning for female joggers. police say a man has been hiding in the bushes at a freemont middle school and then harassing women as they run by. we have a look at who police are looking for. >> reporter: good morning. freemont police are working with a pretty vague description of this guy. they are very concerned. ladies, if you happen to use this dirt track here at walters junior high to get your workout in you should pay attention to this story. walters junior high is located
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on logan drive not far from fremont. once the man sees a woman run by he runs with them, he circles around them basically just harass them. witnesses say he never touches the women, never speaks to them but he does absolutely scare them. police say the suspect is a physically fit hispanic man. 5 1 5'10". last week he had black tank, black or red shorts. at one location he was wearing protective elbow pads. both incidents happened in broad day light. one time 11:30 in the morning. come down here to try to find the guy. they haven't done so yet. if you see him it is probably a
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good idea to contact police. >> thank you for that warning. as we begin day two of the bart workers strike another update coming up. a show of solidarity. we'll let you know why some state lawmakers are taking extra care picking out outfits. and the head zynga is out kind of. farmers presents: 15 seconds of smart.
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so you want to save on auto insurance? drive a hybrid. get good grades. lose the bling. go paperless. combine policies. make automatic payments. and of course, talk to farmers. hi ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum♪
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at 5:12 it is day two of the bart workers strike. we are watching the roads for you. this is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. cash lanes are stacking up i believe earlier than they were yesterday already. maybe people trying to get a jump on it. here is a look at the san mateo bridge also expected to see more traffic with no bart trains running again this morning. live to interstate 80 in
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emeryville. ask at the lights. folks find alternate ways to work. interest rates on federal student loans doubling this week but there is still hope for congress to bring them back down. congress left for the 4th of july holiday before taking action on a bill to keep interest rates low on federally subsidized stafford loans. vowing to lower the rate before students start signing loan documents. stanford university the recipient of the largest gift every. the former stanford basketball player and 1960 graduate gave the university $100 million in 2006. university officials say the latest donation will be used for a variety of projects. employees at zynga will show
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up today to a new boss. >> the founder he still owns more zynga stock than anyone else and still sits on the board. you can kind of say he fired himself. a former microsoft executive will now be ceo of zynga. zynga victim to some of the very same things that made it so successful, the changing tastes of facebook users and other companies copying its games. he has been in tech for a long time and he is a bit of a lightning rod. he was there at the earliest days of social networking. here is his friend reed hoffman. >> occasionally people go side ways with him and it is not always his fault. he is very hard driving part of
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the reason he is succeeding. he has a number of really good friends. what a quarter it has been, the third quarter nothing but win after win or at least one seema mody with a look at today's trading. >> good morning. futures slightly higher after stocks kicked off july with modest gains on the backs of positive manufacturing data. stocks closed off the session highs. we get a report on factory orders. the dow rising 65 points yesterday. nasdaq adding 31. nasdaq closing up for a fifth straight day thanks to a lot of large tech. california attorney general has released a study showing nearly half of all data breaches in the state were due to bundling. harris' office looked at unplanned releases of personal information in 2012 and found 45% of them were purely
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accidental. often times exposed due to data on stolen lap tops or consumer data posted to unsecure websites. we will look at the offenders coming up in the 6:00 hour. it is 5:16. check in with christina loren. safe to say another smoker, cooker, just on fire. >> i like that buffet. that is a good place to be. they have the ac wherever you can find it. sizzler every time i see it, sizzler. you know what, this story is so big you will hear al roker talking about our heat wave quite a bit this morning. when you are talking about temperature records in the month of june and we are talking about some of the hottest weather we are going to have to deal with all year long and we are not quite to the hottest part of the summer time.
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this is an indication of a very hot summer we have ahead. 73 degrees right now. that is your current temperature in livermore. you are running nine degrees warmer. that mild start coupled with strong high pressure we brought your temperatures up to very, very warm levels today that we typically don't ever see. we are talking records. that's the reason. heat tips. drink plenty of water especially if you are waiting outdoors for a bus. make sure you are drinking plenty of water. whenever you start to feel that heat really taking over your body slow down if you can seek shade right away and get yourself cool as fast as possible because it is a very dangerous situation. heat is the leading cause of weather related deaths. it is not tornadoes or hurricanes. it is heat. make sure you don't overdo it. 107 degrees in livermore. 77 degrees for san francisco. 92 redwood city 97 degrees for
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san jose. the 4th of july is looking really interesting. we originally thought it would be cooler with more clouds coming in and an area of low pressure. that area is stalling out. going to be just about as hot on thursday as what we are expecting today and tomorrow. friday into the weekend significant cooling. i know a lot of people are looking forward to that. a lot of people in town. they have the bart strike and really hot weather. not great time to have planned a visit to the bay area. >> you really have to maneuver through here. we want to show you 580 right now. this is the traffic we were talking about earlier that was backing up because of three separate accidents. you can see traffic backs up quite a ways. this went all the way back. on the traffic map you can see this. we will do the bay bridge first. traffic starting to back up here, as well. this is about a half hour earlier than yesterday. traffic really starting to pick
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up in certain spots especially approaching the bay bridge toll plaza. you will notice a lot of empty space. if you are moving to the east of 80 eastbound. here is the map. you can see livermore is here all the way through 205 this thing slows. if your commute this morning is 580 through livermore you definitely want to leave early because we are talking about the backup that extends all the way. >> thank you very much. here is an interesting story in southern california. yoga classes can go ahead at a san diego public school district. some filed a looutd saying the curriculum violates separation between church and state. the superintendent says changes have been made to the yoga program remove cultural
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references. the texas legislator whose filibuster made national headlines. you can see a lot of men in the video wearing pink shirts, pink ties. lawmakers put on pink shoes in support of texas state senator wendy davis. davis wore bright pink sneakers. now to an exclusive investigative unit report. it is a list california does not want to be on. we are leading the nation in boating accidents. california one of five states in the nation that does not require operators to know how to handle a boat before they take them out on the water. this is a policy causing serious accidents. since 2007 california and texas have led the nation in boating accidents. texas ranked number three. one family lost their 12-year-old daughter in a
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boating accident because another driver was not paying attention and plowed right into her boat. they believe boater education should be required in california. >> it is like russian roulette with your children and your loved ones. someone is not doing what they are supposed to do. >> tonight at 11:00 we take you to the most dangerous waters in northern california and tell you the leading causes of boating accidents. you can find that tonight at 11:00. the trouble with the new movie "the man of steel" why the national weather service is so upset next. let's take a live look over fremont. traffic slowly starting to fill in. anthony slaughter is in and will help you figure out the best way to get around with day two of the bart strike going on. we are back in about a minute. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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you're watching "today in the bay." welcome back. right now we give you a live look from our chopper over livermore. a series of accidents out there making this really tough for people to get around and get anywhere that they are trying to go. you put that on top of the fact that bart is now going into day two of its strike. it is going to be a mean one out there for a lot of people on their way to work. anthony slaughter is in for mike today. he will be along to help relieve your stress and pain trying to show you different ways and alternative routes to get around. it is 5:24. today the richmond city council considering a new ordinance cracking down on criminal background checks. current law prohibits the city from asking questions about convictions. the ban the box would expand the law to improve all private businesses. the ordinance is intended to
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help reintegrate parolees back into the community. also on the agenda a vote on whether to extend the city's contract with a law firm into pursuing a claim against chevron for the august refinery fire. so far it has been a hit at the box office but weather experts raising concerns about the scene in "man of steel." his dad urging the family to take shelter under a highway overpass. that contradicts safety information put out by weather officials. officials of the national weather service have called this scene, quote, distressing. warner brothers releasing a statement saying the film is a work of fiction and not intended to serve as emergency preparedness advice. >> superman doesn't really exist. this just in. >> not so.
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he is here to save us all. at least from the heat a little bit. >> nice to dream about. >> jon kelley, we see your phone booth in the corner. >> black superman. why didn't they have a problem with that movie "it could happen tomorrow" i have major beef with that one. 68 degrees in sunnyvale. he is also a meteorologist. he is tracking traffic today but i'm sure you had beef with that one, as well. >> i was thinking the same thing. that was so fictional. i don't know if you saw that. don't get us started. we are talking about traffic. right past livermore on the bend. the shoulder is what is causing issues here because there was a car fire earlier. you will note asa lot of emergency crews still on the road. one lane is blocked there and a lot of that traffic trying to squeeze through that specific location. you can see the back up all the way to 205. this is our traffic trouble
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spot. the metering lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. backups continuing to pile up. you will notice there, as well, we are talking about backups. in the meantime -- 5:27. we are following breaking news all morning long. the bart workers are on strike. no trains running this morning. we have live looks at all of the roadways across the bay area. in san jose traffic picking up. folks heading out a little earlier than expected. we will continue to take looks at your morning commute. we will be keeping you informed of commute alternatives, as well. take a look at the ticker on the bottom of your screen. we'll be back in two minutes.
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nbc bay area news begins with breaking news. >> and that breaking news day two of the bart workers strike.
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this is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. it was packed yesterday morning. this morning a lot earlier than expected. first it was just the cash lanes people getting through. all lanes, metering lights are now on, as well. >> clearly people trying to get ahead of the game just packing the lanes. also give you a live look at the golden gate bridge. not nearly as crowded. smooth sailing out there. ferries in the bay expected to be filled up. brace yourselves. it will not be a smooth one, day two of the bart strike going on. >> sorry. >> wish we could help. we can help this way. anthony slaughter here to show you ways to get around it and plan to get your day to a decent start. >> we are watching accident at 580 livermore. you can see from our chopper camit is zooming around trying to get its act together. right around the bend traffic backs up all the way to 205.


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