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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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own history for change to happen, it has to involve everybody. >> california's case for reparations looks at the amount of public support for reparations and whether there is political will in sacramento to pass the legislation currently being considered. watch the abc seven originals documentary, now on abc seven and wherever you stream abc seven news. thanks for watching. getting answers today. we'll be here every weekday at 3:00, answering questions with experts from around the bay area. world news tonight with david muir is next. and i'll see you back here at four. tonight, the eclipse across america. the awe-inspiring images. from mexico to maine. the total solar eclipse. tens of millions of americans witnessing the breathtaking sight. starting in mexico, then
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crossing into mexico, then texas, illinois, maine. 15 states in all. the moon closer to earth, the shadow wider on the ground. small towns and big cities plunged into darkness. dallas, cleveland, indianapolis. all the way into the northeast. in burlington, vermont, one of the final stops here in the u.s., the clear skies making for a stunning view. it really does leave you speechless, doesn't it? >> that was exactly my thought. >> david: tonight, the 350 couples married during the eclipse. the parents that brought their children across the country. the mother and daughter from minneapolis to traveled to mazatlan, all for a sight we won't see across the u.s. for another 20 years. tonight, those spectacular images right here. also, the other major news this monday night, after donald trump repeatedly celebrated the overturning of roe versus wade by the justices he appointed to the supreme court, what he's now saying about a nationwide abortion ban.
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the biden campaign tonight pouncing. also tonight here, the scare, just minutes after takeoff. the flight from denver to houston making an emergency landing. the harrowing images, and you'll see them. an engine cover ripping off the plane. the deadly shooting inside a law office. two people shot and killed. hundreds of workers rushing to safety. tonight, the new warning from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, vowing israeli forces will move into the gaza city of rafah. we have breaking news tonight involving donald trump's first criminal trial, starting one week from today. tonight, trump's efforts for a change of venue and for a delay denied with one sentence from the judge. the country music star morgan wallen, arrested on felony charges. also tonight, after the baltimore bridge accident, there is news this evening about a huge cargo ship losing propulsion near a major new york city bridge. the women's college basketball final breaking records. the most-watched basketball game, men's or women's, in years. and the one moment right
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here during the eclipse we won't forget. it left us speechless. good evening tonight, from burlington, vermont, beautiful lake champlain right here behind me, where under a clear sky we witnessed that rare total solar eclipse late today. millions witnessing the moon crossing between the earth and the sun, blocking its light, casting a shadow. small towns and large cities. and that magical moment of darkness, only the sun's corona lighting up the darkened sky. the eclipse racing across 15 states from texas to maine. more than 31 million americans in the path of totality. but the scope of this was simply extraordinary. scientists say 99% of the country able to see at the very least some hint of a partial e clichs. arlington, texas, among the first spot to see the total eclipse. thousands in the bleachers at the indianapolis motor speedway, looking up to the sky.
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in cleveland, the changing phases of the eclipse. the burst of light, the diamond ring, and then the sparkles of light known as bailey's beads. the slicing of the light shining through the moon's mountains and valleys. clouds rolling over niagara falls, bust parting just in time. the crowd in awe. and here in vermont, right near the end of this journey across the u.s., under a blue sky, darkness setting in, the temperature dropping. we witnessed the extraordinary eclipse right here. even outside the path of totality today, the statue of freedom on top of the capitol in washington, d.c. more than 350 couples exchanging their wedding vows in arkansas. new yorkers gathering in central park. and the shadow of the eclipse moving over the surface of the earth. tonight, the solar eclipse as it passed over norse america and much of the u.s., millions of americans sharing in the moment. across this country today, tens of millions of americans coming together, looking up, witnessing
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that breathtaking spectacle in the sky. a rare total solar eclipse. in small towns and big cities, the sky suddenly going dark. as the moon passed between the sun and the earth, casting that shadow, plunging communities into darkness. from mexico to maine, the eclipse traveling across 15 states. more than 31 million americans in the path of totality. our matt rivers was the first to witness the eclipse in mexico. the beginning of its 4,000-mile journey across north america. >> you can hear it, david, you can hear it, linsey. everybody's very excited, let me just look up here myself, there's just a few seconds left. there it is. complete totality here in -- wow. i've never seen anything like this before. this is my first total eclipse. it is truly, truly stunning. it takes a lot to stun me, i'll be honest. >> david: for so many, they did not expect this.
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it was deeply moving. this woman traveled to mazatlan from new jersey. >> amazing! amazingly beautiful, once in a lifetime. beautiful. >> reporter: you sound emotional. >> tears. >> david: a mother and daughter from minnesota who traveled to mexico to see it. >> the sun, the sky, it's the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. and the white light, it's like -- >> reporter: you have never seen something like this before? >> it's like heaven is calling down. >> david: it crossed from mix coe into texas. the shadow traveling at 1,600 miles per hour. the first state in the path of totality. clouds streaming across the sky, but it was still visible. our mireya villarreal in del rio as the temperatures suddenly dropped. >> i want to be a little bit quiet, david and linsey -- oh, my gosh. wow. that is -- >> david: this his and wife riding their bikes from california to texas.
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it took them a month. but it was worth it to witness the rare wonder. >> a month to get here. was it worth it? >> totally. >> david: whit johnson in cleveland, when he revealed his mother had traveled to mazatlan to witness the eclipse. whit, no pressure here, but if your mom is in mazatlan, reach out to her and try to get her on the air in the next two hours, at least on the phone. i want to hear what your mom thought. we could have done team coverage here. anyway, we can't wait to hear from her. let's hope. >> you got it. >> david: reporting live, whit johnson's mother, sharon. we weren't joking earlier. sharon johnson, are you with us, can you hear us? we understand you're in mazatlan? >> yes, i am, can you hear me all right? >> david: we can hear you loud and clear, first of all, we love whit, we -- and we're going to bring your son in to listen to this interview, he's going to dive in if we ask you anything not proper here. tell us what it was like and thank you for instilling that love of science with whit and the whole family, he talked
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about generations of his family knowing the power of these eclipses. what was it like in mazatlan? >> we had been worrying about high clouds for the last couple of days, and it was beautifully clear in the morning when we woke up, but then we got that high haze coming in. but we beat it, you know, we got the eclipse, pretty clear skies, a little bit of haze that might have blocked some things, but it was beautiful, the sunset colors came out, 360 degrees. birds that hadn't already taken roost just dived out of the sky into the trees. >> david: and we asked whit about his mother reporting in. >> i have to tell you, there's something, hearing my mom talk about this live on the air, i feel connected to her now, 2,000 miles away, she's in mazatlan, i'm here in cleveland, but we're connected through this path of totality -- i'm getting a bit emotional here. i got to be honest. mom, if you can hear me, my question for you, what did you
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feel today when you saw this eclipse? >> i felt the universe. i felt the universe. and whit, i'm feeling you, i'm feeling you and this place in the universe where i'm in mazatlan, you're in cleveland, david muir is probably in new york, i don't know exactly, but it is amazing, and you brought tears to my eyes, also. >> i love you, mom. you made me cry before the eclipse even happened. >> david: whit with our robin roberts in cleveland when the total solar eclipse passed through. >> the bailey's bead! you can take off the glasses now. >> david: whit describing bailey's beads, the slivers of light cutting through the moon's mountains and valleys. named after the astronomer who first noted them in 1836, francis bailey. >> what you told me is not what i was going to see but what i was going to feel. just like your mom said, than's the truth. it's the feeling, it's a feeling that's indescribable. >> i loved feeling it here with you. thank you, robin.
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and everybody here in cleveland, guys, i know we're going back to you, but we're just -- speechless. >> david: our maggie rulli in russellville, arkansas, where 350 couples tied the knot in the moments right before the total eclipse. for each of them, it was their first moment as husband and wife. >> everyone behind me, all these couples just got married. they're going to spend their first moment as life partners entering totality together. >> david: newlyweds in the shadow of the moon. >> it is much more than what i imagined. this is just breathtaking. >> david: in carbondale, illinois, it was their second eclipse in just seven years, which is extraordinarily rare. seven years ago, cheated by clouds, but today, a glorious sight with our ginger zee. >> david, it is the dimness, already, of what it looks like. temperature has dropped five degrees. the meteorological part in our atmosphere has been changing. i got tingles down my elbows
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into my knees. >> david: 50,000 people at the indianapolis motor speedway. our gio benitez was there with the team from nasa. >> what an event to -- oh, my gosh. wow. that is absolutely spectacular. even with the thin clouds that we've been seeing here, you are seeing it crystal clear. >> david: and tonight, look at these images. what made this eclipse so different from the one seven years ago. this path this time was much wider. the moon closer to the earth. the moon's shadow much greater. in fact, 99% of the country saw some form of this, even the hint of a partial eclipse. in new york city, large crowds gathering atop sky scrapers, the empire state building. crowds filling the uss new york's central park. and one of the final places on its run across the u.s., burlington, vermont, on beautiful lake champlain. the total solar eclipse at that
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point traveling at nearly 3,000 miles per hour across the u.s. just a few moments left before it completely disappears. the swell of the crowd, and -- we'll see that corona here moments from now. then, complete darkness. >> we can take our glasses off, i guess, at this point. oh, look at that. >> look at that. >> stunning. wow. >> david: it really does, it leaves you speechless. >> that is exactly my thought, that -- look at the birds. you see the birds starting to fly. >> david: right across the lake here. and to give people a sense at home as they're watching this play out today, this is like the most beautiful post-sunset moment on lake champlain, the mountains and the hills surrounding the lake are backlit right now by what looks like the most beautiful sunset you could imagine. the skies are clear.
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venus and jupter visible, too. venus to the right here. we are definitely seeing venus. >> david: and the diamond ring effect. one of the final slivers of light from the sun suddenly swelling into the shape of a diamond on a ring. there's the diamond ring. >> the diamond ring is beautiful. it's even prettier to witness in person than what we've been seeing. >> david: wow. the people of burlington, vermont, the families who came here, speechless. the backlight hitting all the sailboats sitting here along lake champlain. the water is barely moving, it's like ice. it is really, truly breathtaking here in burlington, vermont. flying in, linsey, i'm not sure if you had the same experience. everybody on the plane was flying in for this moment. >> yes. >> david: and i just feel so happy for all of the people who got on planes and in their cars and traveled with families and loved ones, because first of all, you have to wait another 20 years before you feel this again. but because they wanted to
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experience something today that we can all experience together as a country. truly a spectacular day, and i thank all of our abc crews and partners at national geographic for our special event this afternoon. we'll have much more later here. but we do move on now to the other major news this monday night, and to the race for the white house. after donald trump repeatedly celebrated the overturns of roe versus wade with help from the justices here appointed to the supreme court, what he's now saying about a nationwide abortion ban tonight. the biden campaign pouncing. here's rachel scott. >> reporter: tonight, after months of hinting he would support a national abortion ban, now donald trump declaring the matter should be left up to individual states. >> the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. >> reporter: just last month, trump said he was leaning toward supporting a national ban at around 15 weeks. >> the number of weeks now,
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people are agreeing on 15, and i'm thinking in terms of that. >> reporter: but now, a reversal. today, trump made it clear politics was at the heart of his decision, keenly aware abortion rights has won in all six states where it has appeared on the ballot. including in conservative states like kansas, kentucky, and ohio. >> you must follow your heart of this issue. but remember, you must also win elections. >> reporter: tonight, president biden pointing out 21 states have abortions. >> reporter: biden's campaign seizing on trump's false new claim that both sides of the abortion debate were happy when the supreme court overturned roe. >> i was proudly the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted, and in fact demanded, be ended. roe v. wade, they wanted it ended. >> reporter: today, vice president harris firing back. >> he's proudly responsible that
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1 in 3 women of reproductive age now live in a state with an abortion ban? if he were to be put back in a position where he could sign off on a law, he would sign off on an national abortion ban. >> reporter: the biden campaign reminding americans trump often boasted of appointing the justices who overturned roe, taking away a woman's right to choose. tonight, warning voters not to be fooled. trump says he supports exceptions for rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. he won't say about health of the mother. david? >> david: rachel, thank you. there is another breaking headline tonight involving donald trump. late today, a new york appellate court denying trump's last-minute attempt to delay his first criminal trial now set to begin one week from today. the judge issuing a one-line ruling, writing, "defendant's application for a stay of trial pending the determination of motion for change of venue is denied." trump's lawyers wanted a stay while they attempt to move the hush money case out of manhattan, arguing overwhelming
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pretrial publicity makes it impossible to find and impartial jury. the prosecution saying trump is responsible for generates that publicity. we turn now to the case, the southwest flight from denver to houston making an emergency landing, after passengers looking out the window saw part of the engine cover ripping off the plane. the pilots declaring an emergency, turning back to the denver airport. abc's mola lenghi in denver tonight. >> there it goes -- oh, they're both gone. >> reporter: tonight, frightening video showing part of the engine cover on a southwest jet tearing off as the plane makes an immediate emergency landing. southwest flight 3695 had departed from denver just before 8:00 a.m. on sunday, bound for houston -- >> several of us called the flight attendant, and she was like, oh, my god, and went and got the pilots. >> reporter: the pilots declaring an emergency and requesting an immediate return. >> we got a piece of the engine cowling hanging off, apparently. our engines seem to be fine, but we are structurally damaged. >> reporter: the boeing 737, with 143 passengers and crew on board, forced to return to
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denver just minutes later. in a statement, southwest saying, in part, the plane "landed safely after experiencing a mechanical issue." adding “our maintenance teams are reviewing the aircraft." david, passengers arrived in houston later on sunday, after being put on another plane. and tonight, the faa says it's investigating. david? >> david: mola lenghi, thank you. we turn now to las vegas tonight, where two people were shot and killed during a shooting in a las vegas law firm. police say the suspect is also dead after a self-inflicted gunshot wound. first responders returning into the building to search for victims. officials say it all unfolded during a deposition in a custody dispute. overseas tonight, the new warning from prime minister netanyahu, vowing, quote, there is a date for israeli forces to invade rafah. the city in southern gaza where more than a million refugees have fled the fighting. israel withdrawing its troops from khan yunis. residents returning home to rubble. the israeli military believing to be regrouping and preparing
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to go into rafah. when we come back here tonight, the well-known country music star this evening arrested and charged with felony charges. also, after that baltimore bridge accident, news tonight about a huge cargo ship losing propulsion near a major new york city bridge, in a moment. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. tell your doctor about jaw bone problems,
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before we go tonight, one last image, and there were many. they call it the diamond ring. as linsey davis and i were standing here in burlington, we were speechless. the famous diamond ring moments. we'll never forget it. we'll do it again in 2044. thank you for watching. i'm david muir in burlington. good night. it is just a tremendously complete, visceral experience that total solar eclipse. >> what everyone is talking about today, from mexico to middle america, and even some cool views here at home. >> only a partial perspective here in the bay area, but the excitement of seeing just a glimpse of the eclipse was still high. a rare celestial event,
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nonetheless. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm kristen sze. now we won't see one again for decades. so you didn't want to miss it. millions of people look toward the sky today to witness the rare cosmic phenomenon. this was the view in the path of totality. mazatlan mexico, was the first north american city to go dark as the moon passed in front of the sun. from there, the eclipse moved on to texas, oklahoma, indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, and eventually up to canada. >> the total solar eclipse spanned 15 states, plunging areas into darkness for about four minutes. as you can see right here, it's considered the largest mass travel event in the u.s. so far this year, with millions wanting to catch a glimpse. >> and there it is, complete totality. >> amazingly beautiful. once in a lifetime. >> this is an amazing, magical experience. there is nothing like it. i mean, you feel like it's otheror


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