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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 28, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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yes. >> to time. as a child i felt that way. rolled around in the mud. >> yes, alice, i saw a real life warthog when we went to africa. >> we went to south africa on the safari, which was really cool. but the tracker kept saying pumbaa! and i thought she was just like playing with us because of the movie. but i didn't realize that's why swahili language users call warthogs pumbaa's. and that's how it came about. did you know that? >> i had no idea. >> no. so you can call up pumbaa and you're being accurate. >> that is amazing. >> i was a young warthog. >> was a y >> robin: good morning america. new details in the urgent investigation into the bridge collapse. breaking overnight, new audio from the ship detailing the moments right before the catastrophic collision in baltimore leading to a may day call. what we know about some of the
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victims, as one of the survivors talks about the voice that saved his life. >> as he was moving off of the bridge and saw the bridge fall right after he moved off. >> robin: and what comes next in the operation to get the critical port running again? gio benitez is live on the scene. >> michael: tracking storms on both coasts. millions on alert for flooding. will there be a washout for some teams on opening day? march madness hate crime investigation. police are looking at surveillance video showing the utah women's basketball team right before they say they were racially harassed. >> rebecca: sentencing date for sam bankman-fried, once known as the king of crypto, convicted of orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in history. how much time could he get behind bars? >> robin: good samaritans step up after a wild car collision. how other drivers raced over to help, working as a team, pushing a car back upright to rescue one
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driver. >> michael: new images in the after math of the raid on the homes of sean diddy combs, as we learn the reason for the searches. plus, how cuba gooding jr. could be involved. >> rebecca: housing market reality check. shark tank star barbara corcoran is here. what you need to know if you're buying or selling. ♪ >> robin: the countdown to the sweet 16 games is on. plus, caitlin clark's historic offer from ice cube? and beyonce fans might not only be counting down until her country drop at midnight. ♪ the announcement overnight fans are buzzing about. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. march madness, beyonce. a lot going on.
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>> rebecca: a lot going on. this used to be my favorite day as a kid. i looked forward to it with my dad and grandfather. it is opening day for major league baseball. the stadiums are getting ready to welcome fans back. the storms have affected some of the games. sam is tracking that. >> robin: he is. he's in for ginger. we're going to begin in baltimore with crews are starting to remove the wreckage of the francis scott key bridge. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is there on the scene for us. we're learning new details about the final moments on that ship before the collision? good morning to you. >> reporter: that's right, robin. good morning. yeah, those details are coming from voice and data recorders that were on that ship. those recorders are now in d.c. being analyzed. as you said, those final minutes are now coming into focus. overnight the ntsb gaining access to preliminary data from the voyage data recorder. the agency hearing audio which hasn't been released yet from the ship's bridge, detailing the
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moments before that catastrophic collision. lights on the ship going dark at 1:24 a.m. alarms then ringing out seconds later. within minutes the two pilots calling steering orders, radioing for tugboats to assist and dropping the ship's port anchor. then issuing that may day call. >> it's just utter devastation. >> reporter: the ntsb aboard the ship wednesday finding 764 tons of hazardous materials. >> corrosives, flammables. some of the hazmat containers were breached. we have seen sheen on the water way. >> reporter: after more than a day of treacherous searching, divers recovering a red pickup truck, two victims found inside. 35-year-old allejandro fuentes. officials saying other vehicles have been detected, but have not yet been recovered. >> based on sonar scans, we firmly believe the vehicles
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are encased in super structure and concrete that we tragically saw come down. at this point this moves to a salvage recovery effort. >> reporter: newly released video showing another angle. the lights from the construction crew flashing. >> is there a crew working on the bridge right now? >> reporter: after the may day call, first responders had less than two minutes to shut down traffic on the bridge. >> i'm holding traffic now. >> reporter: one of the two surviving crew members telling the governor it was an officer's voice he heard telling him to move off the bridge saving his life. >> as he was moving off of the bridge and really saw the bridge fall right after he moved off. >> reporter: among the four crew members still missing, miguel luna originally from salvador, and minosis sandoval. his brother martin saying his brother was a fundamental pillar of the family. >> we will rebuild and heal the baltimore way.
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that's together. >> reporter: we're now learning more about that ship. the coast guard saying dolly was under going routine engine maintenance while in the port of baltimore. next the difficult job of removing the ship from the harbor. >> the real critical thing here is as you know, a portion of the bridge remains on the bow of that ship. the vessel bow is sitting on the bottom because of the weight of that bridge debris on there. >> reporter: in the mean time, vessel traffic for the busy port is suspended indefinitely. >> with the amount of cargo that comes into this country, you need to understand how fragile this can be. who would ever think this would happen? >> reporter: we still don't know what caused the ship's power outage. that's gonna take more time. the priority right now is to safely remove that bridge and that ship from the harbor here so that you can safely and eventually reopen the port of baltimore. michael? >> michael: lot of work to be done there, gio.
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thank you for bringing that to us. now to the storms on both coasts. sam is in for ginger tracking the heavy rain. sam, could this storm impact baltimore's bridge recovery efforts? >> it certainly did. there was really tough weather there. you can see the weather is improving. as most of the tough weather. by the way, the whole ship and bridge situation is right there under the e in baltimore basically. all the heavy rain is east, dryer air back off to the west. there's still flood advisories because we're trying to get all that water through that river. remember we just came off a big full moon. so we've got a lot of water rushing through there, some gusty winds earlier. we'll be calmer now. this is an east coast storm from maine to florida. the weather was even tougher down south. let's go to florida, georgia, where the florida rainfall totals were more than 5 inches of rain. georgia 75 mile per hour winds. look at the gorgeous pine trees that came down on top of those homes and just crushed them. there's still flooding going on later today. this is the issue. they shifted the mess right there.
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just because of the rain that will continue there. by the time we get into friday at 7 a.m., that's what we do, time it out, and it will be done. now when we come back we're going to talk about the west coast storm situation. there is more rain, more flooding, more snow. this is gonna be some headlines there. >> rebecca: we hope you'll have your coffee when we come back. thank you, sam. we appreciate it. okay. we turn now to the former king of crypto, sam bankman-fried. he will be in court for master minding a billion dollar fraud scheme. he's potentially facing decades behind bars. aaron katersky has been following this from the start. he is at the courthouse in downtown manhattan. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. sam bankman-fried was convicted of orchestrating one of the biggest financial frauds in american history. he's about to find out how he will be punished for it. once hailed the king of crypto, currency of the future, this morning sam bankman-fried faces sentences for old fashion crimes. lying, cheating, stealing. >> this kind of fraud, this kind
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of corruption, is as old as time. >> reporter: bankman-fried became a billionaire at 30, hiring celebrities to hike his exchange, ftx. >> you just need ftx! >> reporter: ftx collapsed in 2022. bankman-fried siphoned billions in funds. that was to keep a privately controlled hedge fund solvent. prosecutors say he deserves as much as 50 years in prison. his attorneys have asked for a sentence of no more than six years pointing to this interview with george stephanopoulos to argue bankman-fried has accepted responsibility. >> you're ultimately responsible? >> ultimately, absolutely. look, i should have been on top of this and i feel really bad and regretful that i wasn't. lot of people got hurt. that's on me. >> reporter: but prosecutors accuse bankman-fried of gambling repeatedly with other people's money and pushed for a stiff sentence because of his unmatched greed. defense attorneys saying he's quirky, not conniving. sam is not the evil genius depicted in the media or the
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greedy villain described at trial. >> the state is seeking a number of enhancements to his current sentence. what they're saying is he violated public trust. which is an enhancement. he affected more than 25 people significantly in a financial way. >> reporter: prosecutors will tell the judge here today, robin, that bankman-fried defrauded customers out of $8 billion and deserves to go away for a long time. defense attorneys will say, look, he deserves a chance to become a humanitarian and philanthropist. robin? >> robin: we will see what happens later today. thank you. now the investigation into claims that members of the university of utah women's basketball team were subject to racial slurs while traveling in idaho. demarco morgan joins us with the latest. good morning, demarco. >> reporter: this story is disturbing on so many levels. the team had just arrived in town. two days before they were scheduled to play they say they were met with aggressive behavior and racial slurs. this morning surveillance video
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showing the moments before the university of utah women's basketball team say they were racially harassed while in idaho for the ncaa tournament. >> racism is real and it happens. it's awful. >> reporter: police say they are investigating this video captured by a neighboring restaurant showing players leaving the crafted tap house and kitchen. the incident happening off camera. according to the police report, as the players left, two lifted pickups were revving their engines and speeding by. the reports say the trucks turned around and yelled a racial slur towards the group. some of the members african-american. officials say the threatening behavior continued after dinner as the team was followed back to their hotel. >> the same perpetrator now reinforced by others, again, continuing the racial slurs, revving their engines which we believe was a serious threat to the safety of those students.
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>> reporter: the ncaa ultimately moving the team to a hotel more than 30 minutes away. the mayor apologizing. >> all of us stand with you. we embrace you. >> it is really unfortunate and disappointing and upsetting and all the things. when this experience shouldn't be any of those things. >> reporter: the ncaa says they provided increased security for the team until they were able to relocate to another hotel. mean time the local police department handling the case has been in contact with the fbi. the governor of idaho is denouncing this incident saying, we fully reject racism in all of its forms. i was talking to one of our friends yesterday. i said this is 2024 and it feels like we are still in the '60s. >> michael: some people still have that mentality. thank you very much, demarco. gonna turn now and remember joe lieberman, the former senator and vice presidential candidate died yesterday at the age of 82. he was known for crossing party lines and was still active on the political scene in this election year. our chief washington
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correspondent jon karl has more on his life and legacy. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, michael. joe lieberman was an american original, a man of faith, a man of principle, a partisan democrat who turned independent. a man who tried to overcome political differences during our deeply divided times. 2000, joe lieberman came within a few hundred votes in florida of becoming the first jewish vice president in american history as he accepted the democratic nominee that year, he vowed to do everything he could to help his party win the white house. >> i want you to know tonight that i will work my heart out to make al gore the next president of the united states! >> reporter: democrats loved him. lieberman was never one to put party first. just eight years later, he was once again center stage at a party convention. this time the republican convention, endorsing his friend, john mccain.
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>> being a democrat or a republican is important, but it is nowhere near as important as being an american! >> reporter: mccain later said he came close to picking lieberman to be his running mate. joe lieberman served 24 years in the senate, representing his home state of kentucky. he was a progressive on most domestic issues and a hawk on foreign policy. a strong supporter of both wars in iraq. he was a deeply religious man, the oldest of three children in an orthodox jewish family. and was one of the first prominent democrats to denounce bill clinton's behavior after his affair with white house intern monica lewinsky was revealed. >> such behavior is not just inappropriate, it is immoral. and it is harmful. >> reporter: president clinton called him after that speech and told him he agreed with every word. it was lieberman's support of the second iraq war that infuriated democrats. >> this is a battle in the war on terrorism.
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failure and defeat is not an option. >> reporter: lieberman ran for president in 2004 as a democrat in a campaign that never really got off the ground. when he ran for his fourth senate term in 2006, he lost the democratic primary. undeterred he ran for re-election anyway and won decisively as an independent. he retired from the senate in 2012 and remained active in politics supporting both hillary clinton and joe biden in their campaign against donald trump. but this time he has helped lead the effort by no labels. a group he co-founded to run a bipartisan third party ticket to take on both trump and biden. in an interview just last week, appearing a little weaker, but his conviction as strong as ever, he made the case for a bipartisan presidential ticket. >> we'll begin to solve our problems and we'll stop fighting each other all the time which is what the republics and democrats are doing now. >> reporter: joe lieberman was 82 years old.
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in that final interview, lieberman acknowledged time was running out for no label to recruit that bipartisan ticket and, robin, just yesterday, another political figure they had reached out to about running, chris christie, said that he would not run as a no labels candidate, concerned he couldn't win on a third party ticket and the effort would ultimately help elect donald trump. robin? >> robin: jon, thank you very much for your reporting. we're going to turn now to march madness. tipoff for the men's sweet 16 games start tonight. trevor ault is here. you got a preview for us? >> absolutely. little bit of a top heavy tournament. got all the one and two seeds in there. that means really good games. we know that people are looking for a cinderella story. there is one left. that's 11 seed north carolina state. they're taking on marquette. they have a power forward dj burns jr. who is a force. 6' 9", 275. while other players are counting on nil, he's got his own side
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hustle. he owns two vending machines. says he doesn't need the snack, he's too busy dispensing his own buckets. they play tomorrow night. >> michael: off the back board. i was watching him the other night. great player. >> he's a blast to watch. tonight you have superstitious coast dan hurley, uconn, rematch of the championship game from last year. uconn and north carolina state two of the four schools that have both men and women still it in, along with duke and gonzaga. we've got four games tomorrow for the women. top ranked south carolina. >> robin: then saturday caitlin clark and iowa back in action. we don't have to wait for any caitlin clark news. big multimillion dollar offer. >> you never have to wait too much for caitlin clark news. constant caitlin clark news. we actually got this confirmed from ice cube, of all team. he has a league called the big three that has reportedly offered her $5 million to join the league. to be clear, this isn't the nba or wnba. it is basically three on three. lot of retired nba players. caitlin clark is expected to be the first overall pick in the
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wnba draft. she has many, many endorsement deals so she's probably not strapped for cash. but $5 million is $5 million. what clark said she wants is a national championship. >> michael: me and robin could join and be the team of three. rebecca? rebecca? >> rebecca: i don't know if you want me on your team, but i'll play. >> michael: sam? >> sam: i'm in. >> michael: reserve? we'll split it all up. thank you for that, trevor. coming up new images from the raid of the homes of sean diddy combs. the oscar winner now added to one of the lawsuits. >> rebecca: plus the search for america's newest billionaire is not a tech now robin. >> robin: and barbara corcoran is here with tips on upgrading for sellers. first we're going to pass the ball to sam champion. >> sam: i had to do this because i would have dropped it anyway. do i run? it okay. all right. never mind. let's start with some washington
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images. foot of snow, 6 inches here. this is storm one. the storm we're really worried about the storm two from san francisco to l.a. to san diego. this is friday night. look at this. we're talking about flooding in that area for sure. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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we'll be right back. asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens.
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the last over over the years, and was most recently the state comptroller, lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, california superintendent tony thurmond and state senator toni atkins have already entered that race. amanda. how's traffic? >> well, reggie, we're taking you to newark southbound 880 before mallory avenue. a two car crash is blocking one lane there. this is only adding to commute delays from san lorenzo. speeds are down to 11mph. reggie >> thank you. check in with meteorologist
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showers out there this morning. a live look from sutro tower, a mix of sun and clouds. we've highlighted that isolated chance of shower early on this morning, but heading into the afternoon, it's really just a dry afternoon with a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures cooler than average only in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees. now. rain is back in the forecast tomorrow. a level two for strong winds. at times the chance of a thunderstorm and that thunderstorm chance even lingers for the first half of the weekend. >> reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues for everybody else, it's gma >> charged with style, the fully electric audi q4 e-tron exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> scratchers presents playful ways to scratch
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that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention it really, really sticks? salonpas. it's good medicine. >> shop at tsay until april 15th and get up to 30% off thoughtful pieces made by real people to brighten your home. save on lighting, furniture, gifts, and more when you need just the thing to make your space feel like new, etsy has it. >> tropicana may not have invented orange juice, but in 1954, we found a way to bring fresh tasting oj to everyone. fresh tasting oj to everyone. and to this . day, we squeeze hand-picked tropicana pure p. ♪ this ain't texas ain't no hold'em lay your cards down down down ♪ >> >> robin: a catchy tune. cowboy carter countdown just hours before beyonce's new album drops tonight tonight tonight at midnight. the bey hive already buzzing overnight.
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that is coming up. >> rebecca: you're all going to be buzzing about it all day, humming those lyrics in your head all day long. first the top headlines we are following. ntsb has released preliminary data from the container ship that crashed into the maryland bridge. we learned the ship was undergoing routine maintenance in the port of baltimore. the focus is on preparing the site for the safe removal of the wreckage. also right now new york city has become the first city in the country to approve a congestion pricing plan. the metropolitan transit authority board voted to green light the plan to charge drivers a $15 toll for entering some of manhattan's busiest streets. the charge could go into effect by june but it faces several legal challenges. supporters say it will reduce congestion and pollution while raising money to improve the subway system. >> michael: kind of like the bike lanes did. yeah. there we go. and take a look at this car crash in daytona beach, florida.
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two suv's colliding and one of them ended up on its side. but the other drivers on the road stepped in and stepped up coming to this driver's rescue by banding together to push the suv upright again. thankfully, there were no serious injuries. >> rebecca: team work. >> michael: team work makes the dream work. right? glad everybody's okay. we got a lot more ahead including barbara corcoran standing by to give us a housing market reality check. there she is. that's all coming up. now sean diddy comb, the investigation and new images of the raids on the rapper's homes. federal agents reportedly looking for evidence to back up allegations of sexual assault made by multiple accusers. victor oquendo is in los angeles for us this morning. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. we're now getting an inside look at the after math of the raids inside sean diddy combs' homes here in los angeles and miami. also this morning, the fallout of another celebrity listed in one of the many civil lawsuits against combs.
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this morning new video showing the after math of those raids of the miami and los angeles homes of embattled music mogul sean diddy combs, amid the fire storm of sex trafficking allegations. the video obtained by tmz shows the inside of combs' l.a. mansion after homeland security investigators swarmed the home. cabinets and sinks left open, papers strewn. in miami, new photos obtained by daily showing bedrooms turned over, drawers gone through. sources tell abc news gun weres found in both locations and investigators seized multiple electronic devices. combs' attorney calling the searches a witch hunted saying it was a gross overuse of military level force. >> it looks like this case is heading toward a potential indictment. that is if the evidence that they found, namely the electronics and the gun, can be tied to sean combs in any way in
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a human trafficking charges or other charges that he might be accused of. >> reporter: the searches reportedly aim to gather evidence to corroborate accounts from several accusers who spoke with federal prosecutors. ♪ the 54-year-old hip hop record label executive establishing bad boy records in 1993. he's been the subject of multiple civil lawsuits. one of them from music producer rodney lil rod jones who worked on combs' "beloved" abum, accusing him of sexual assault, suing him for $30 million, saying he groped, harassed and threatened him and he was grooming him to pass off to his friends. one of those friends allegedly actor cuba gooding jr. who was added as a defendant to the lawsuit the same day of the raids. >> if cuba gooding jr. is found liable for these claims, just like an investigation seems to be on going for sean combs, a civil lawsuit could also launch
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a criminal case against cuba gooding jr. >> reporter: abc news reached out to representatives for gooding but have not responded. combs denying all allegations against him. his attorney calling it a premature rush to judgment based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. no criminal charges have been filed against combs. he insists he is innocent and will fight every single day to clear his name. michael? >> michael: thank you, victor. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you, michael. we turn now to the search for america's newest billionaire. we know where the lucky ticket was sold, but we don't know who bought it. stephanie ramos is at the lucky store in neptune, new jersey. nice to see you, stephanie. we can predict you did not buy this ticket, considering you are there for us this morning. >> reporter: correct. but i would still keep my job, by the way. i would still work if i won. i think. i mean, that's my thinking now. still no word, rebecca, on who won that billion dollar jack pot.
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it was sold right here in neptune, new jersey. it is the largest jack pot ever won in this state. this morning the identity of the $1.13 billion jackpot winner is still a mystery, but their winnings have been growing since december. >> if you are the winner, i encourage you right now sign the back of the ticket, take a picture of it, make a copy of it, put it in a safe place. >> reporter: the winner who purchased the winning ticket at a shop rite liquor store in neptune, new jersey, can remain anonymous. the store owner gets $30,000 just for selling that winning ticket. >> i decided to donate that to our shop rite partners caring program to the local food bank. >> reporter: this woman sold the ticket. >> i honestly do not remember who i sold the ticket to. so many people came in buying tickets so i have no idea. >> reporter: but if you didn't get the big win, there's still some hope. there are still some tickets that can match five of the six numbers in nine different
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states. >> you still should check your ticket because there's tons of other prizes that come with megamillions. >> reporter: whoever it is that won, it defies the 1 in 302.6 million odds. and even picked the winning numbers. the numbers were chosen by the winner not randomly by a computer. guys, there's still some luck for you out there. there was no big powerball winner last night, sending that jackpot to $935 million. >> robin: approaching another billion dollar mark. all right, stephanie. thanks so much. coming up next, we're swimming with the sharks. shark barbara corcoran that is. what she's saying about buying and selling in the current housing market. come on back. or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check.
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hey, while you're there, ok, well most of this is yours. grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat. de-licka what? delectables. delickables? delectables. delickable delectables. yes, just hurry! hm. it must be delicious. got it. delectables lickable treat. ♪ deliciously de-lick-able delectables ♪
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i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. fine lines? make an appointment with this. hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal. with micro hyaluronic acid. hydrates better than the #1 hyaluronic gel moisturizer. in 2 weeks, lines are visibly reduced. plumping water cream by l'oreal. we're worth it. why is special k so special? the multigrain flakes? oh wait i see, it's the real fruit. oh wait wait, can you go back to the berries? mmhmm. special k. special for a reason.
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>> robin: we're back with a look at the housing market. with mortgage rates up, home supplies down. shark tank's barbara corcoran is here with a reality check for buyers and sellers. always good to talk to you. let's get to it. it is cheaper right now to rent than to buy. that's going to be the way for the next five years. but if you do want to buy a home, what do you say? >> it's cheaper to rent than to buy and in some markets -- excuse me. >> robin: please take your time. >> a cold.
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>> robin: how you feeling? >> feeling fine. >> robin: love tv today. gotta love it. >> let's start again. it is of course cheaper to rent than to buy in every market across the united states. in some market, it's as much as 100% cheaper. so you have to pause and think about that. if you are dedicated to buying a home, there's good news and bad news. the good news is interest rates are coming down by 1% by the end of the year. everyone is agreeing with that. the bad news is when they do come down more buyers will get off the side line and house prices should raise up. >> robin: with the shortage of houses on the market, what is the suggestion? should people kind of like wait or should they lower their expectations or should they wait until there's more supply? >> lot of people are sitting on houses they want to trade down, of course. the interest rate is so cheap. that's an awful hard thing to give up. the smartest thing to do is dedicate yourself to whether or not you really want to rent or buy and get going on it.
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there's not much to be gained by waitle. >> robin: if you've owned a home for a long time. you got that nice low rate, fixed mortgage and everything. what is your suggestion? >> my suggestion is to ask yourself an important question. do i want to live here for the next ten years? most people have a hard time trading down. they really do, for smaller space. but you have to ask yourself if not now, what's to be gained? there's not much to be gained. a percentage point, and that's about it. >> robin: the big national association of realtors settlement. we have a viewer, derian, who has a question for you. >> good. >> i'm looking to purchase a new home and i was curious what this new nar means, how it's going to affect me and also how much more money am i going to have to pay? >> everything is negotiable so how much money or how much less money you want to pay is going to be entirely up to you. i'm sorry. i'm looking at myself instead of him here. okay. but the fact of the matter is you're out looking for a new home.
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i forgot the question. i'm sorry. >> robin: he was asking about the big settlement and how it will affect people. >> there's a lot of confusion about the big settlement. the first fact to know is that commissions are still negotiable. they always have been. that hasn't been changed. that's good for buyers and sellers. the good news for a buyer, for this particular gentleman out there now is that any house he's going to see he'll have to sign an agreement with the buyer broker to understand what services he's actually getting, what services he's actually paying for. there's no secrets any more. that's great for the consumer. the bad news, he's also selling a home. sellers no longer can list the commission on the mls. so there's tremendous confusion in the market as to how to find out if brokers are being paid or not. >> robin: one more question from the viewer. this one asking about selling her home that she's had for a long long time. here it is. >> our home is about 75 years old. what are the things we need to
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prioritize up grading before listing our house? >> you should remember every buyer judges your house within the first 30 seconds. i have seen it my entire life. so what do they see in 30 seconds? the front yard's got to be spotless. the living room and the kitchen. the money you spend making those three parts of your house better is the best money spent for showing your house and getting more money. >> robin: i never thought about landscaping. that's the first impression folks have. all right. hope you feel better. >> me, too. i hope i can keep my mind a little straighter. >> robin: that's a separate issue. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> robin: always a pleasure to have you, barbara. >> pleasure here. >> robin: you can see barbara on "shark tank" tomorrow 8 p.m. eastern on abc. michael? >> michael: thank you very much, robin. and next, let's get in formation, please. what we know about beyonce's new album before i drops at midnight. stay right there. we'll be right back with more gma. my "gma. ♪ ♪
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and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent. (bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect!
7:48 am
he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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♪ this ain't texas ♪ >> robin: back now with beyonce fans buckling up for the release of her new album. it drops at midnight tonight. alex perez is here with what we need to know about collaborations. fans are buzzing about it. great to have you in the studio with us. >> all you have to tell me is we're talking about beyonce and i'm here inside the room, guys. good morning to you. that's right. tonight is the night to lay your cards on down, down, down. at midnight beyonce is releasing her much anticipated new album
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"act 2 cowboy carter." this will be the first album influenced entirely by country music. she's teasing possible collaborations with willie nelson, of course, the one and only dolly parton. the 32 time grammy winner broke the internet when she dropped the album's lead single during a super bowl. the reflective 16 carriages. of course, the song that makes you want to get up and two step, texas holdem. that's not all we can look forward to. stay tune for a potential partnership with uber. check this out. got some news alongside this galloping horse and three emogis featuring a crown, a b and cowboy. >> robin: it's obvious you are a member of the bey hive. that's very obvious. what do you think? >> that's a very good question. we have some clues. could that mean that it's time to park your lexus, throw your keys up and uber your way to a
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new beyonce world tour coming this summer? we're gonna find out more at 2 p.m. i'm still on cloud nine from the renaissance tour. i'm not sure i'm ready. i need to reset and do this all over again if we're going to have another summer of great concerts. >> robin: we have to have you here more often. [ laughter ] >> talking beyonce, i'm here. bring me in. >> robin: thank you so much. >> rebecca: you are our beyonce correspondent. >> robin: thank you. really great to see you. coming up, from beyonce to babs, the internet's favorite grandma is here with some easter food and craft hacks. here with some easter food and craft hacks. ice. but in 1954, we found a way to bring fresh-tasting oj to everyone. and to this day, we squeeze hand-picked oranges, never add sugar, and bring oj to fridges everywhere. so while we can't say we invented orange juice, we could say brunch wouldn't really be brunch without oj, so... we basically invented brunch! and saturday morning. fridge chugging! morning people!
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and we're not done yet. because we're tropicana pure premium! the juice that starts it all. at oofos, we don't make footwear. we make shock absorbers. fatigue fighters. mobility maximizers. this is the science of active recovery. revolutionary oofoam technology absorbs impact and reduces pressure. it's the foundation of every pair of oofos, and the key to recovering faster. this is not a shoe. this is oofos active recovery. activate your recovery with oofos. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back
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of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9.
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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. [ serene music playing ] the #1 pharmacist recommended welcome to the wayborhood. the wayfair vibe at our place is western. my thing, darling? shine. gardening. some of us go for the dramatic. how didn't i know wayfair had vanities in tile? [ gasps ] this. wow! do you have any ottomans without legs. sure. you'll flip for the poof cart. in the wayborhood, there's a place for all of us. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ >> sam: welcome back to >> welcome back to "gma." th >> sam: welcome back to gma.
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there's some cold air. that's minneapolis, where temperatures stay around 18, 14. coming up rebecca yarros best selling author has a big announcement. tory johnson is here. your best weather in the business is coming up right here. cats on the menu and hidden surprises are everywhere for come unwind and just be, with masterpieces served by the glass and an artistic soul is at its heart. carmel by the sea is truly a storybook kind of place. book hotel specials now at
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carmel, >> bet you didn't see that. but if you were an atlas and could detect things in .02 seconds, you would have the atlas with front assist, get 1.9% apr financing or a $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas or atlas cross sport. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary event. >> the epic 9-1-1 episode that left you hanging continues tonight. bobby and athena's cruise ship is missing. >> let's go! we're flying into a hurricane. >> 9-1-1 tonight eight always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's look at your thursday commute. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> let's take you to the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are on there. and you should also know about a stalled bus after treasure island. it will take you 32 minutes from the toll plaza into the city. >> reggie i'll take it. amanda. we'll go to live doppler seven
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this morning. we do have one lone shower that has really been slowly crossing the peninsula. we'll just zoom on down a little bit closer into it. it's essentially over the airport right now. also along the coastline in montara, approaching the san mateo bridge. so just a brief downpour expected in this area. and we'll highlight that chance of an isolated shower through about 9 a.m. after 9 a.m. it's just a mix of sun and clouds today, and temperatures on the cool side upper 50s to the lower 60s. rain back here in a big way tomorrow. level two moderate storm with those thunderstorm chances lingering into saturday as well. >> reggie drew thank you for streaming us on the abc, abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla la la la >> grocery outlet bar and
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market. >> every baby deserves a happy start. joann mancini, sleep world and the ticket to dream foundation in providing everything a baby needs through donations of baby essentials. drop off your donations at any mancini sleep world location or donate online at sleep . >> this is your invitation to experience a feeling only found in a lexus suv. yeah, how could girls blowing out? >> we never stop. >> tell me what you want. tell me what you want. tell me what you want. >> experience the versatility of the lexus line of suvs and some of the best offers of the year on select models. at the invitation to lexus sales event, lease the 2024 rx350 for 499 a month for 36 months. >> morikawa on 18. >> he is really boxed in here. >> not a good spot. the comcast business man into the vending area. oh, not the fries. where's the ball? anybody see it? oh
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wait. there it is. back into play and oh no it's in the water. >> wait a minute alligator. are you kidding me? you gotta be kidding me. >> rolling towards the cup and it's in the hole. >> what an impossible shot. >> brought to you by comcast business is a leaky roof turning your home into a nightmare. >> i know why you haven't fixed that roof yet. it's a frustrating process. who can you trust? personally, i'm sick of fly by night contractors who spend more time at the bar than working on your roof. you know the type. i have the solution. my waterlogged friend semper solaris is here to rescue you from this sopping wet nightmare. semper solaris is local and veteran owned. they are california's reigning champion of roofing. and yeah, they got the hardware to prove it. as a owens corning platinum preferred contractor, they offer 50 year warranties on owens corning roofs. that's half a century of worry free protection with semper solaris, you are getting top quality materials along with
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world class technicians to install them. with one phone call, you can keep the rain and sketchy contractors out of your house. call semper solaris now and let us protect your family and your investment by turning your home into the weatherproof fortress. you deserve. koura. yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla yalla >> grocery outlet. bargain market >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. new audio from the ship detailing the moment the ship collapsed in baltimore and what comes next in the operation to get the critical port running again. gio benitez is live on the scene. >> rebecca: pregnancy and drug use for weight loss. with some taking medications like ozempic to get healthy
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before conceiving. what we know about the potential risks. plus the women claiming they've gotten unintentionally pregnant while using them. dr. ashton join us live to break it all down. >> robin: advocating for yourself in the medical system. one mom of two who was surviving and thriving after being diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer. how she's hoping to empower other women. and we've got some breaking book news. from fantasy master mind rebecca yarros. >> good morning america. i can't tell you much yet, but i can tell you the title. >> robin: the super star author behind fourth wing an iron flame announcing the next book in her blockbuster series, only on gma. ♪ >> michael: everyone's favorite soccer grouch. how ted lasso's brett goldstein is showing off his singing chops. ♪
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and get egg-cited. the internet's favorite grandma is here. >> whether you make your own cake or take the short cut, no one will ever know. >> michael: she's showing us her favorite easter hacks. she's saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. yes, i said it. egg-cellent. i heard you go, he did not say that. [ laughter ] i did say it. good morning to babs, who is here with the best hacks and tips for easter food and fun, of course. that's all coming up. >> robin: so excited she's here. >> rebecca: we love babs, yes. also ahead, the new study about women, heart disease and alcohol. we are breaking that down for you as well. >> robin: first a look at top story breaking at 8, starting in baltimore, where crews will start to remove the wreckage of the collapse from the francis scott key bridge. let's go back to gio benitez on the scene for us. good morning again, gio.
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>> reporter: good morning, robin. we are now learning that first responders had less than two minutes to shut down traffic on that bridge before it collapsed saving so many lives in the midst of this tragedy. overnight the ntsb gaining access to preliminary data from the voyage data recorder. the agency hearing audio which hasn't been released yet from the ship's bridge detailing the moments before that catastrophic collision. lights on the ship going dark at 1:24 a.m. alarms then ringing out seconds later. within minutes the two pilots calling steering order, radioing for tugboats to assist and dropping the ship's port anchor. then issuing that may day call. ntsb aboard the ship wednesday finding 764 tons of hazardous materials. >> mostly corrosives, flammables and some miscellaneous hazardous materials. some of containers were breached. we have seen sheen on the waterway.
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>> reporter: after more than a day of treacherous searching, divers recovering a red pickup truck. two victims found inside. 35-year-old allejandro fuentes. and 26-year-old cabrera. officials saying other vehicles have been detected but have not yet been recovered. >> based on sonar scan, we firmly believe that the vehicles are encased in super structure and concrete that we tragically saw come down. at this point this moves to a salvage recovery effort. >> reporter: there are four crew members still missing. miguel from honduras. sandoval's brother saying his brother was a fundamental pillar of the family. and we are all thinking of those families this morning. of course, the port of baltimore is still closed indefinitely. the goal right now is to clear out that bridge and that ship to
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get the port back up and running. michael? >> michael: you said it best, gio. it's just heart breaking. thank you very much for that. now airports across the country bracing for what is expected to be one of the busiest travel days of this record spring break season. erielle reshef is here with more. good morning. >> good morning, michael. today is set to be one of the busiest travel days of the entire spring break season. the faa preparing for more than 50,000 flights in the sky during what is already a record breaking period. united airlines says that during the spring break season, they are seeing a record 21 million travellers. of course that's just one airline. right now storms are battering the've and west coast. so far there's no major delays or cancellations. some good news there. the end of spring break converges with the solar eclipse. experts predicting next thursday and friday will also be some of the busiest days on record. if you are traveling along the eclipse path, keep in mind that at some airports you may encounter delays because of the high volume of aircraft and drones attempting to catch a
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glimpse. pack your glasses. >> rebecca: or don't travel that day unless you absolutely have to. okay, erielle, thank you very much. we turn now to a new study just out this morning that links heart disease and women who drink an excessive amount of alcohol. most alarming the study says it's seeing cardiovascular issues even in younger women. rhiannon ally is here with more. >> reporter: it's no secret excessive drinking can lead to health problems at any age. this new study could be eye opening for women who might think they're too young to have heart troubles. the study out of northern california looked at the drinking habits of nearly 200,000 women ages 65 and younger. here's the break down. binge drinkers are considered those who have at least four alcohol drinks per day. heavy drinkers are those who drink eight or more per week. heavy drinkers had up to a 51% higher risk of developing heart disease than those who drank moderate or even low amounts.
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binge drinkers had up to a 68% higher risk. it is important to point out though the study is very preliminary. it is going to be presented at medical conference next month. but it has not been published in a medical journal nor independently analyzed. for those who would like to continue enjoying their glass of wine or margarita, u.s. dietary guidelines suggest no more than one drink a day for women, guys. for the men out there watching, it's no more than two drinks per day. >> robin: thank you very much for that info. coming up in our gma morning menu, many women are using weight loss drug to improve their health before trying to get pregnant. dr. jen ashton has more on what you need to know. >> rebecca: rebecca yarros is announcing her next book. >> michael: plus tory johnson is here with deals and steals that will make you look and feel great. all at least 50% off. and sam, got a fun trio with him.
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hey, sam. >> sam: what's not to love about us? babs, joey king, logan. when i asked logan if he was a peeps person, what did you say? >> am i a people person? yeah. >> sam: he's like, yes, i am very much a people person. no, peeps. that and more easter hacks when we come back. stay with us. gma is still rolling. , i let my. get fast, reliable coverage, in every room. then you can watch your shows in here. (mom) nice. (tony hale) and she's off... get your game on down here! is that how you kids say it? (daughter) we never say that. (tony hale) no? ok. and up here you can socialize all your medias. nailed it. and back here for some 'we time.' (dad) don't you mean 'me time?' (tony hale) no, you heard me. scoot. scoot, scoot. (vo) switch to verizon home internet. with whole-home wi-fi included. plus, switch now and get a 5-year price guarantee. only on verizon. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in? -you need astepro. -astepro? it's faster, bro. 8x faster than flonase.
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it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's faster, bro! it's mom to you. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. astepro and go! when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free. my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪ my hair was thinning all around my hairline. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol. it's 100 % drug—free and clinically tested.
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my hair is longer, thicker. nutrafol is life—changing for me. get growing at (♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] ontario has all the partners you need to make the electric vehicle of the future. with one of north america's largest i.t. clusters. 65,000 stem graduates per year. and all the critical minerals to make electric vehicle batteries. ontario. your innovation partner. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments.
8:11 am
if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. ♪(music playing)♪ (♪) (♪) born in roma fragrances. and the new born in roma green stravaganza. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting.
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what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. >> robin: we are back with our gma cover story on drug used for weight loss and pregnancy. with some women turning to medications like ozempic to help get ready before conceiving. eva pilgrim is back with more. good morning, eva. >> it is not uncommon for a
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woman to be advised to lose a few pounds while trying to get pregnant. as we all know, dropping a few pounds is easier said than done. some are turning to weigh loss drugs to make it happen. since january, anna parker has been taking monjauro, a diabetes drug often used off label for weight loss. >> i spoke to my gynecologist. she agreed that i could take it and hopefully quickly lose weight. >> reporter: parker said her goal is to get healthy before she starts ivf. >> so far i have lost about 12 pounds. i'm really looking forward to making a smooth transition to implanting the baby. >> reporter: she says she worries about the effects of these medications while trying to conceive. doctors are cautious because there is little data. >> we do not know exactly what the effect is going to be on the fetus. so for that reason there is a general recommendation that women stop taking the medications for at least two to three months prior to the time
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they conceive. >> reporter: the maker of weight loss medication wegovy suggests stopping the medication at least two months before a planned pregnancy due to how long the drug stays in your system. pregnancy doesn't always stick to a timeline. one woman from florida said she struggled with fertility for years and started taking monjouro. >> after years of trying to conceive to no avail, we got pregnant after starting mounjaro, two weeks after starting it. >> reporter: romero discontinued the medication when she discovered she was pregnant, but worried about any possible side effects. >> there's not enough information. >> reporter: she welcomed her healthy daughter in september. >> she's very happy, very lively all the time. >> reporter: experts are hopeful these medications, when properly used, can help women when trying to get pregnant. >> losing weight, however that
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can be done, can make a significant difference. we have a medication that works. i think that's a very positive development in the world of medicine and reproductive medicine in particular. >> reporter: here's the thing. we don't know a lot yet about the possible effects these drugs could have on a baby. there are animal studies that found there could be risks but more research is needed. that's why, guys, it is so important to talk to your doctor about what makes sense for you. >> michael: without a doubt. robin? >> robin: we're going to talk to our doctor. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton. this is your wheel house. >> yep. >> robin: you are board certified in obesity medicine and ob/gyn. what are the factor here? >> for big picture, we're focusing on the women who are overweight or obese prepregnancy. i want to be crystal clear. extremes of weight on either end negatively impact our reproductive ability. in ob/gyn, we will oftentimes
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take a woman who is either very overweight or underweight and say, lose weight, gain weight, it will improve your chances for fertility and pregnancy and make that pregnancy a healthier pregnancy. >> robin: we just heard from eva. what are the risk factors? we don't know so much. >> first of all, when you talk about women on these medications which absolutely can do very positive things for their overall health because we know the risks of obesity during pregnancy. they can make contraceptives less effective and therefore increase the risk of an unintended pregnancy. as eva said in the piece, we just don't have data on the use of glp1 in a pregnant population. we always err on the side of caution, in terms of looking at the risk of birth defects. again, any time a woman loses weight, she can spontaneously ovulate and conceive. >> robin: what about women who
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have issues with their weight and during pregnancy and they can't take these medications? >> 30% of women go into pregnancy in this country obese based on their body mass index so it does make them a higher risk pregnancy. we do follow them differently, in terms of that pregnancy. they have an increased risk for gestational diabetes, so they're screened early and often. increased weigh gain during pregnancy is safe and possible. obviously attention to their food and being physically active. then prenatal fetal and maternal testing very important. >> robin: i know you will be talking about this on gma3. now pop news with sam. >> you bet. >> robin: now pop news with sam. >> sam: it is time for pop news. hey, pop newser, don't let anyone tell you you're just gorgeous. you're smart, too. you're plenty smart. our gma fans love to read. we know you also love author rebecca yarros with titles like
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fourth wing and iron flame. her millions of fans have been waiting to see if there's a third book in the series. right now she has some exciting news that she's sharing exclusively with us on gma. take a look. >> good morning america. i'm excited to finally announce that the third book in the imperial series will be released january 21st, 2025. i can't tell you much yet, but i can tell you the title. onyx storm. there will be politics, new adventures, old enemies and, of course, dragons. the book is up for preorder now. can't wait to share more details later. >> sam: thank you for sharing those with us. you can now call me onyx storm. we cannot wait. you can keep reading along with us at gma book club. also this morning during women's history month, we're celebrating some amazing colleagues at abc news. why? because 49th annual awards celebrated them. the alliance of women in media, it honored abc news with an astonishing 13 wins, guys.
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it's the highest number of any individual network, of course. our friends at gma3 have won for their trail blazing women's series. deborah roberts is taking home the gracesy for news magazine on air talent. the gracie awards honoring programming created by women, for women and all about women in all facets of the media with this year highlighting the theme of feminine strength. all of the award winners will be celebrated this may in los angeles. now to everyone's favorite soccer grouch. you know who i'm talking about. think about it for a minute. brett goldstein who rose to fame as roy kemp in ted lasso. even i loved this sports show. it turns out, he's a massive fan of the muppets which makes him super cuddly as well. he's set to appear in season 2 of fraggle rock. back to the rock. he's showing off his singing chops for first time in this entertainment clip.
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get ready to see brett fragglefied. ♪ ♪ >> sam: goldstein will voice price, a new character who introduces the idea of bartering. you know what bartering is. i'll trade you some pure joy for season 2 of fraggle rock. back to the rock begins streaming tomorrow on apple tv plus. finally the prediction that no one saw coming because it hasn't happened in 138 years. we're talking about new family the next generation of weather predicting rodents is here, ladies and gentlemen. punxatawney phil and his wife, of course, phyllis, just giving birth to two ground hog pups. seriously, it's never happened. they didn't know it could happen in captivity because it never has before. whtm spoke to phil's caretakers
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who said the birth came as a total shock to them. now, their eanding family does call for a home expansion. i believe that's going to be a show. phil and phyllis and the pup, they're not yet named. should be a p name. i can't think of any. >> rebecca: pammy. >> sam: i like pammy. i don't know the gender even yet. [ laughter ] maybe pammy. great predictions for generations to come. and that is pop news. >> robin: how about onyx storm. >> rebecca: i was gonna say -- >> sam: it doesn't follow the p thing. >> robin: oh, sorry. >> rebecca: not only gorgeous, but great at the weather, sam. take us away after pop newsing us. >> sam: we've had a mess from washington, d.c. into new york and maine. i'm showing you the better looking skies around washington, d.c. this morning. look at the cherry blossoms still there. this is new york though. going to take time. western areas will be dryer. eastern areas will be in the rain all day long.
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that's why they shifted the mets opener to tomorrow. look at all the rain that's still working its way into the northeast. i can't do that with a straight face. michael just looked at me like, you just said opener with a straight face. >> michael: i'm just thinking about pammy. [ laughter ] >> sam: all right. that's the weather around the nati >> michael: oh, it is that time, for deals and steals. tory johnson's here, focusing on self-care, which is very important.
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good morning to you, tory. we're going to get started. >> we brought sam in for this one. we know he is always up for a good foot massage. you could do ankles, calves. just give yourself 15 minutes a day. that's all you need for that restorative comforting relaxing massage. you choose. depending on how much time you have. what's awesome about this, about four compression pads, four massages. just the most incredible feel to it. this is no joke. this is the real deal. it will feel like the real thing which is what it's all about. today it is slashed in half. it's $90 and free shipping. >> michael: you just stay there, sam. helps for a good night sleep. >> we brought in sal to help us with this. what's awesome about this is that it uses the power of this therapeutic deep touch pressure. look at this one. feel how lightweight this is.
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right? it's incredibly lightweight. just pop into this. kind of cocoon like. it's not restrictive. it is incredibly stretchy and lightweight. you can move around. your body can do whatever you need to do. you get that gentle hug that you sleep with all night long which helps you to go asleep, stay asleep, feeling refreshed in the morning. we've got kids and adults. these were on shark tank. these are made in america. 50% off. >> michael: sal looks very comfortable. >> feel how cool this pillow case is. this is the chill cooling pillow case. you're already laughing. we love that. >> michael: feels cool. >> cooling nicely you tkpwelt with this one. if you go to sleep with your hair wet, what's great about this is it's dual sided. terry cloth on one side to dry then this really soft fabric on the other. >> michael: genius.
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>> we also have the silk cooling pillow cases as well. depending on your preference for your best night sleep, these start at $20 and free shipping as well. >> michael: now a scan. >> this is hair care. making its deals debut. we've got a variety of collections. one of the things they are most known for is their volume collection. we've got repair, coloring. we also have treatments for hair loss for men and women. what's great about the treatments, they're no rinse, nongreasey, nonoily. this is a plant based hair caroline that is beloved. i'm excited that they're debuting with us today. flash. we've got two of their most popular devices. dermaplaning device right here. that's to remove that little layer of peach fuzz and dirt so that makeup glides on effortlessly so that your skin looks fabulous. and then we also
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have their dermal pore plus, which is designed to help extract pores, blackheads, dirt, all of that. again so skin is fresher, cleaner, more fabulous. 50% off and free shipping. free shipping. one more for skin, right? yes, this is ahava £0.03. we've got three decades of delivering transformative skincare from ahava, one of their most popular deep wrinkle cream. they're also very well known for their gold face masks, something for every specific skin care concern here. all 50% off starting at $19. and then michael today a bonus. yes, there's a bonus. it's our first discover the deal box of 2020 for 19 full size products. no sale, full sizes in that box. great for discovering new products or sharing if you wish all the details online. >> all right. sam's not happy that this is over. he got kobe beef calves over there right now. just massaged up. all right. thank you tory. we partnered with these companies on these great deals. you can
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get them on our website. and coming up bass costello is here sharing her favorite easter hacks. we'll be right back tomorrow. >> so kick off your weekend with the one and only sheryl crow live! do have some fun. let's have some fun tomorrow on gma's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. big trauma coming in to the back lot. >> jaws of life are on the way. you can get me out of this, right? >> you told her that you stopped doing research, but you're still doing it. tell me why you're actually here. no, no, w. >> welcome. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi erin from abc seven mornings. and here's a look at traffic. >> good morning kumasi. we're going to start you off at hillsboro southbound 280. something to think about right now is there's an overturned crash. this is before black mountain road speeds are down to
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nine miles per hour. another crash in oakland. this is westbound 580 before seminary avenue. a multi-car crash moved to the shoulder. there. expect heavy delays from san leandro. >> meteorologist dew team has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup starting at just $197, call one 800. got junk next. >> next stop. we got it. >> no. >> keep going again. next. if you don't pick one, i. am i keeping you from your job? next stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. >> your electric future customized the fully electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> last year in california,
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there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes firm now for your free consultation. the barnes burn injury attorneys. >> call one 808,000,001. >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room, one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk? >> hey. bay area live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with maura tierney. plus ego nwodim from saturday night live joins us. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in about 30 minutes. live doppler seven. we're showing you one line of
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showers that is slowly progressing through the peninsula, and parts of the east bay will go down to street level on live doppler seven. so we certainly have a quick moving downpour from san mateo down through belmont into redwood city, stretching over into the east bay, into union city. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge, where you can clearly see that quick downpour is moving through right now. we'll keep that chance of an isolated shower in the forecast through the next hour. after that, we're done with the wet weather for the day. the afternoon is cool upper 50s to lower 60s kumasi. thank you drew. >> we'll abc have another abc ss update about 30 minutes. you can always find our the latest on >> robin: can you believe it? 25 years of breakfast in bed, surprising moms across america. >> oh my goodness! >> oh my goodness! >> robin: and for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet.
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>> an extravaganza like you have never seen before. >> robin: go to good morning or scan this qr code to find out how to enter a deserving mom you love for breakfast in bed. i know. it is almost time. one of our favorite events. breakfast in bed. we are marking, can you believe 25 years? celebrating women. we want you to tell us why your mom, or mom you know, deserves the surprise of a life time. scan the qr code or go to our website to enter. michael, rebecca? >> michael: we are looking forward to that, robin. looking forward to easter. we have some great hacks for fun and festive holiday celebration. internet's favorite grandma and author of "celebrate with babs" join us this morning. babs, welcome back to gma. [ applause ] we love having you here. >> thank you. >> michael: how do you celebrate easter with your family? >> we get together with the kids before easter. we get ready for the easter egg hunt. they help me make my grandmother's easter bread,
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that's right there. these are some of the things we do. i also have an entire chapter on easter in my cookbook so check that out. >> michael: you're going to show us some hacks for dying eggs. one of the things i was surprised is a whisk. use it to mix the eggs up. >> exactly. for the little one, this works great. you just put an egg on your whisk. think about the little kids. just dip it right in, roll it. mix it around. guess what you get? these fabulous colored eggs. and clean hands. kids love it. >> rebecca: easy cleanup. the moms love it, too. >> they can do it by themselves. >> rebecca: go ahead, michael. this is so interesting. keep making some whisk eggs. this is interesting because you can use this together with the color and make a speckled look. >> exactly. make sure it's uncooked. white rice.
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we don't want cooked rice. you could add two colors if you like, one. just mix that in. >> rebecca: how much are we doing? >> whatever. >> rebecca: okay. >> there's no right or wrong, right? and then close the bag and mix that color in with your rice. then we're going to drop an egg in and see what we get. rebecca, here's an egg for you, egg for me. let's roll that baby around. >> rebecca: this is cool. >> you know, it's going to give you more of a speckled look like this. >> rebecca: that's cool. i did okay. >> you did great. >> rebecca: thank you, babs. >> there you go. i did an all over look. >> rebecca: good call. >> michael: it sounds fancy, but it's simple. >> it is. it's almost therapeutic. just get decorative napkins. cut out a design. a brush. just brush on some of this after you've cut up your design.
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right on there, see the little bunny? how sweet is that. little bit over that. let it dry. they will think you are this fabulous artist. you can add as you go along. you can do entire eggs, up to you. >> rebecca: super cute. you also have a hack if you don't actually get around to making the cake. something store bought but making it look like it. >> no one has to know. last minute company. short on desserts. here's a store bought cake. what you're going to do, skim off with your brush, all the decoration. you're going to reimagine this cake. if you don't have time to make butter cup frosting, pick up a couple cans and add blue food coloring and little bit of green to make robin's egg blue. then refrost that cake.
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you're going to use a little lazy susan which is your microwave tray. put that on a cake stand. when you're frosting you can spin it around. >> rebecca: how did you get speckles? >> good question. so here i have two teaspoons of cocoa and vanilla extract. i am dipping a basting brush in. step aside. you're gonna be fine. i'm going to flick it. i flick it and we are making the little robin speckled eggs. >> rebecca: that job, my 5-year-old, that's the job for her. she wants to splatter it. >> you'll have the best time. >> michael: you said robin's blue. robin reacted back there. you liked that, didn't you? [ laughter ] >> now, rebecca, you're going to make a little nest for us right here. >> rebecca: okay. >> we have toasted coconut. you're just going to sprinkle and form a little nest. then we're going to put a couple robin's eggs right in the middle. >> rebecca: they're safe eggs.
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>> few of those, michael. put them in. >> rebecca: happy easter. >> michael: happy easter. finally, you have two fun ways to decorate the table. >> yes. do you know what? and use whatever napkins you have, as long as they're square. just make bunny ears. you put the pointed edges in the middle, fold up the bottom twice, fold up the top twice. smooth it out. one more fold. guess what you have? you have a pair of bunny ears. just get some twine or ribbon or whatever you have and make a little bow. and then, michael, i have a special job for you. >> michael: okay. >> because these are also going to be used as your place cards at the table. here you go. here's your little bunny. little egg that says michael. pop that right in. this will be your place setting. look at that. how cute is this? >> michael: unbelievable.
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>> rebecca: the way you folded that reminded me of a swaddle. swaddling a baby. now you just swaddled a michael egg. what do we do with these carrots? >> don't spend a fortune on center pieces. pick up carrots. use with or without the greens. or with the carrot greens. get a clear vase, fill it with water, carrot, tulips, fabulous. >> michael: bunnies love carrots. you're unbelievable. thank you very much. you make it happen for us. >> you guys are the best. >> michael: coming up we have a young mother of two sharing her story. her message for other women. we're going to stay with babs until we come back.
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>> robin: back with our series shouting from silence, giving voice to women advocating for themselves through the medical system. this morning eva is back, has a story for colorectal cancer awareness monthed. good morning. >> good morning again, robin. after a string of misdiagnosis, sara was told she had terminal cancer. but the mother of two refusing to give up. sara is a wife and mother of two who lives life to the fullest. >> i feel incredibly blessed. incredibly lucky to be where i am. >> reporter: but her health journey has been tumultuous starting with a visit to her urgent local care. >> one day i was sitting at dinner. i told my husband something doesn't feel right.
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i felt bloated. i had some pain that was really unusual for me. >> reporter: doctors initially diagnosing her with a gutted infection, but sara was spectacle going to another doctor who suggested she had appendicitis. that's when she decided to get answers. >> there was no talk of anything really wrong other than there was this infection that was growing because of the perforated colon. the next thing i know i'm waking up with tubes sticking out of my abdomen. >> reporter: sara was diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer. >> i was a young active busy mom and professional. definitely not even thinking, at 33, that i would be diagnosed with colon cancer. >> reporter: the second most common cancer in the u.s., colorectal cancer is disease where polyps form in the colon or rectum but in time some growths may turn cancerous.
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>> there was no talk of timelines. there was no, you're only going to be alive for two to five years. the oncologist told me, you're treatable. you're not terminal. >> sara was such a young woman when she presented with this cancer, that the symptoms she had at that time could easily have been attributed to other things. it was only when she really presented quite ill that her diagnosis was made. >> reporter: the now 37-year-old is beating the odds. >> it's also important for me to share that knowledge with others. i do that actively through social media, and also through the support group that i have online. advocating for yourself is incredibly important. i think a crucial part of my treatment and crucial part of why i am still here 5 1/2 years later. >> we are seeing a rising number of colon cancer cases among younger people. sara hopes her story will encourage other people to get checked.
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just to remind you to advocate for yourself. if something doesn't feel right, you need to keep asking questions. >> robin: when you advocate for yourself and you have early detection, it becomes more treatable than terminal. doesn't always happen that way, but it increases your chances. this was a great series. thanks so much. sam? >> sam: i love it. she said, i'm not done. all right. let's get going with, this is quarter size hail. looks like a gorgeous snow ball. look how much hail is falling in austin texas from that storm. i want to show you millsap. just outside dallas/ft. worth. looks like i am showing you really bad video. i wouldn't do that because we're good morning america. that's hail falling while you see a rainbow. it looks like bad old film video. here's the spring outlook. we're gonna show you what it will look like the next couple months. april starts next week. we are getting out of that cooler pattern to a much milder pattern. i'm afraid that's the way summer is going to run as well.
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that's the weather aroun anybody up for baseball? let's play ball. [ laughter ] robin is yelling. all right. opening day for major league baseball. teams across the country, stadiums are gearing up to welcome their fans back. baseball fans are not just hungry for a win. they are apparently hungry for food. this is the executive chef steven maak. welcome, my friend. >> thanks for having me, sam. >> sam: this is a big deal. >> it is a big deal. >> sam: people need to have great food. >> first and foremost ballpark food cannot be boxed in. it's unique, traditional, cool. three things levy does well with ballpark food, it's approachable, creative and most importantly it's local.
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>> sam: apparently takes five people to handle. this is huge. tell me what we've got here. >> we have a couple great items. let's start with the cubs. classic wrigley field. this is a classic traditional nacho. many layers. >> sam: michael and robin are not coming over for any of this? nothing? >> shareable dish. the best thing about this dish, when you're done eating it, the kid puts the helmet on his head. >> sam: it's a helmet. >> it's rainy outside so put it on your head. second, a traditional iconic item from the dodgers. this is a carne. this is where l.a. and southern california meet together on a sandwich. can't go wrong. >> sam: mmm. that meat is tender and wonderful. >> super tender. >> sam: all right. what else do we have on the table? >> white sox. we're paying homage this year to our very first deli that levy started out with. white sox was our very first stadium. >> sam: get outta here. >> look at that sandwich.
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look how big that is. >> sam: that thing is huge. i have got one right here. take a good closeup of this right here. i'm so glad you were here to share it with us. >> one more great item from the diamondbacks. the xl dog. half pound dog that you can see. look at those grill marks. got crispy pork belly, mayo and mustard on top. >> sam: all the stadium food news go to our wb site. catch all the opening day action when the texas rangers take on the chicago cubs at 7:30 on where? espn. i got all of that right. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you, sam. only thing better than catching a foul ball is eating the food. coming up we have a great segment.
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>> rebecca: you know our next guest from hits like percy jackson and the olympians and
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the kissing booth. now they are starring in "we were the lucky ones" based on a new york times best selling novel about a jewish family trying to survive world war ii. take a look. >> what is wrong with you? >> what's wrong with you? you were rude. >> that woman used to sew all our mother's dresses and now she refuses to come into the shop. >> maybe she's a snob. >> no. the snobs love us. unless they are snobs who hate jews. >> rebecca: joey king and logan lerman are here to chat. congratulations. so nice to see both of you. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> rebecca: this is personal for both of you. joey, talk about that. >> we both come from jewish families and jewish backgrounds. so doing a show where we get to play jewish people who are real people, there's nothing quite like that feeling of having that personal connection. obviously, the best part about acting is you get to play different people that you might not have anything in common with. this one hit home for us. >> rebecca: logan, it is really
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personal for you. your grandfather escaped nazi germany? >> yeah. my grandfather was a german jewish refugee who went on a long journey with his family and ended up in china. grew up in shanghai. my character, who is the author of the novel "we were the lucky ones" grandfather, was a refugee as well. that was one element of the story that really resonated with me. i haven't seen the jewish refugee story told before. finally we get to explore it. >> rebecca: you're exploring it as siblings. this is your second time playing siblings. are you a package deal here? >> we might as well be. [ laughter ] we love hanging out together. last time we worked together only thing we had was me sitting in logan's space as he was laying there dead. this is a little more fun this time. we have some scenes together. >> yeah. >> he's alive. >> that was fun, too. i loved that.
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>> rebecca: we were just talking off camera. you have a beautiful ring. logan, you just got engaged. >> thank you very much. >> rebecca: how are you feeling about everything? >> great. now it's just wedding planning. >> rebecca: i don't know if that's the fun part. >> it's going to be stressed about anything, it might as well be the beautiful occasion af your wedding. >> rebecca: i like that attitude. have you been sharing tips with logan about marriage and what that whole journey is like? >> marriage is great. in terms of wedding planning, i have been giving lots of unsolicited advice. he's like, yeah, i appreciate that and i'm not going to do that. >> we want to just copy your wedding. >> rebecca: what is the number one thing you want to copy? >> location and vibe. it was just perfect. >> the vibes were immaculate. >> just keeping it in a beautiful location. that's the best part.
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you have a great place, venue. >> not the love or anything. >> just getting everybody together. >> rebecca: are you writing your own vows? >> not yet. but, yeah, soon. >> rebecca: i wrote my own vows but did it very close to the wedding. how about you, joey? >> that's such a good question. i like that we are talking about this. the minute we got engaged i started making notes. i was really stressed. i wanted them to be perfect. i was like, this is arguably the most important speech of my life. i was focused on it. >> rebecca: and here you are today so happy about it. you both started in this business at such a young age. a commercial early on? >> yeah. my first job was a life cereal commercial when i was 4 years old. >> i watched that. >> and there she is. >> rebecca: so cute. >> i started in commercials, too. i did two commercials. one was like a cabbage patch kids commercial. >> rebecca: do you remember what you said? >> yeah, i do remember.
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i remember being like a terror to the director. director was like, please do what i'm asking you. i was like, nope, not gonna do it. >> rebecca: what were you supposed to say? >> i was in a pool. it was like a cabbage patch like pool toy. i don't know. i don't remember it very well. i was like, i'm not gonna go in. i'm not gonna dunk my head. i was tempermental. >> rebecca: here you are. your tempermental ways didn't hurt you. here we are. so nice to see both of you, joey, logan. it is fantastic work. i hope people will watch it. "we were the lucky ones" starts streaming on hulu this morning. we'll be right back.
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
8:55 am
hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪) guarantee you can count on the job being done right the first time. that's a guarantee i make with every installation
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the floor store, your bay area flooring authority. >> bet you didn't see that. but if you were an atlas and could detect things in 0.0 two seconds, you would have the atlas with front assist get 1.9% apr financing, or a $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas or atlas cross sport. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary event. >> tomorrow, kick off your weekend with the one and only sheryl crow live. wanna do? >> just have some fun. >> let's have some fun tomorrow on gma's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> you were singing i was something. >> go. hey, we want to thank you for watching us on this thursday morning. have a great day, everybody. >> there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning and that's why at good morning america, we're right here and we got you, we got you, we got you. >> what are the questions every couple should ask and answer before jumping in to marriage,
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owning a home and having children next week on gma. oh yeah. we're going there before you take the leap next week on good morning america. >> interrogations are a slow burn question after question, hour after hour. >> you can see the click click click click. >> when he finally broke it was surreal. >> the interrogation tapes premieres monday on abc. >> enter for a chance to win $1 million or other prizes during the mancini sleep world spring sweepstakes. take a comfort test at any mancini sleep world location. get the best prices free next day delivery and in-home setup at mancini sleep world. eyes on me. >> brand see. it's time, it's time. it's on my teeth. brand new whip is what they see in my bag. >> like a bunch of groceries. all these cheese and greens just come to me. freedom. you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep . >> there's only one right now. well qualified lessees can lease
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how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. >> what's the quickest, easiest, most affordable way to transform every room in your home? if you have old, ugly, or cheap hollow interior doors, one day doors and closets can replace them in just a few hours with absolutely no messy construction at your home, something's not right. >> when your doors aren't nice, a nice interior door just elevates the house. >> and right now, with one day doors and closets by any five doors and get another five doors, absolutely free. but this offer is only available for a limited time schedule your free in-home consultation today. >> always live abc seven news starts right now >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to take a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi kumasi. we're keeping our eyes on that mess in hillsboro. this is southbound 280 before black mountain road. an overturned crash there. it's blocking two left lanes. emergency crews are on scene, and traffic is backed up from
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larkspur drive. drew. hey, amanda. >> let's go to live doppler seven. we have one isolate shower that is slowly pressing through the peninsula, the east bay, on its way into the south bay. so a little bit closer near fremont. right now we are seeing a downpour or some light showers around redwood city and east palo alto. this will move into the south bay in the next 90 minutes, so we'll keep the chance of an isolated shower in the forecast early on this morning. the afternoon. it's all about cooler temps and a mix of sun and clouds. tomorrow it's a level two for heavy rain and gusty winds in the afternoon. kumasi and mark and we'll deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. ♪♪ today from the series american rust, broken justice, maura tierney. plus, saturday night live cast member, ego nwodim. also, rugged and refined vehicles, as we continue live's auto week.


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