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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  March 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> this is just the beginning. live doppler seven is tracking the first round of wet weather with more days like this to come, i'm j.r. stone and i'm dan ashley. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. today's storm is a light storm. it ranks one on the exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale, but a stronger storm is coming later this week. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking it all. sandhya? >> yeah. and j.r. and dan, let's take a look right now at a live picture from our santa cruz camera where the raindrops are falling on the beach at this hour. as we take a look at live doppler seven, you will notice where we are seeing some pockets of showers right now, right across bayshore brisbane highway 101. there the bayview district. very light stuff, but it is going to impact the commute. petaluma across 101. also seeing some wet roadways along with penngrove and from the santa cruz area to gilroy. seeing some
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light to moderate showers. right now it is a level one storm that we are tracking, and this storm is going to stick around through tonight with some spotty showers lingering into tomorrow. so starting you off with 7:00 tonight, the showers increasing in coverage becoming moderate in pockets. and at times it may be even briefly heavy as we head towards tomorrow morning's commute. those spotty showers will remain with us continuing into the early afternoon. winds are gusty right now. 30 miles an hour. oakland hills 32, big rock ridge 34 mount diablo. it's a one on our storm impact scale for tonight. showers spreading, moderate to heavy at night and breezy to gusty conditions. friday storm brings a threat of thunder that is a stronger storm. i'll be back with a closer look at that as we head towards easter weekend. jr. >> sandhya thank you so much. track the rain anytime with the abc seven bay area app. you can access the same live doppler seven radar. our weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store and download it now. >> former vice presidential
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nominee and us senator joe lieberman has died at the age of 82, his family announced today that he passed away in new york city due to complications from a fall. lieberman served as a senator from connecticut from 1989 until 2013. he was the first orthodox jewish senator in us history. he was also al gore's running mate, you may recall, on the democratic ticket in 2000. lieberman later became an independent and was founding chair of the no labels party. his funeral will be held friday in his hometown of stamford, connecticut. >> pacifica police shot and killed a woman today after her son called 911, saying she had shot him. it all happened at an apartment complex on francisco boulevard at clarendon road, right next to highway one, neighbors told abc news reporter lena howland what they heard only in the last couple of hours, the car that the man's mother tried to leave this scene in was towed from this area. >> now, investigators are
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focused on the apartment complex where they lived to try to piece together what led up to this incident. tragedy in pacifica as police investigate a shooting, investigators say a man was shot by his mother inside of the apartment they shared early wednesday morning. and when she attempted to leave, pacifica, police say she pulled the gun on responding officers. they shot her and she died at the scene. neighbors said. it was so loud they originally thought it was construction work. >> i've never heard gunshots in my life so i was expecting. everybody says it's a pop, pop, pop like a firework. this was not a pop pop, pop. it was more like a bang, bang, bang. like dropping the heavy equipment that they use. you know, below me. and i was like, what are they doing this morning? >> just outside of the beach bungalows apartment complex, one ford escape could be seen with at least five bullet holes in the driver's side door. the driver's side window shattered. >> i heard about 5 or 6 gunshots, i thought, but then again, i was like thinking, well, maybe it's fireworks because we get a lot of
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fireworks here. >> neighbors say it's usually a quiet area. >> i've lived here 13 years and we've never had this type of action. and we live on a very busy street. we've got the beach right down the street. >> police say the man who was shot is expected to survive. the san mateo county district attorney's office is now starting their own independent investigation in pacifica. lena howland, abc seven news. >> lena, thank you so much. oakland's new police chief pledges to bring about change. floyd mitchell was introduced today as the 13th chief in oakland. in the past 20 years. chief mitchell says he will lead the department with data driven, proactive policing. he says he will meet with the federal monitor to craft a strategy to get out from under federal oversight. mitchell also wants to build a relationship with the community. >> my approach begins with strong community engagement and collaboration. i'm here to work with the citizens of oakland. he's a smart crime fighter who delivers results, and it is what
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i demand. >> mitchell spent more than 20 years on the police force in kansas city. he then went to serve as police chief in the texas cities of temple and lubbock. mitchell is expected to start in late april or early may. chief floyd mitchell will face his share of issues when he takes the helm of the department . abc seven news insider phil matier joined us on getting answers today at 3 p.m. to point out some of the challenges is the emphasis is going to be on public safety, and that means more police on the streets. >> the question is whether oakland even has the money right now to put more police on the street in the numbers that may be needed up to a 90 police officers are up for retirement this year. they've only got 700 officers, and the recruiting classes aren't going to match that. so not only is he going to be have possibly fewer patrol officers, but also some of the command staff is looking at the door as well. this is not a great time to become oakland's new police chief. there are a
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lot of challenges, not the least of which is the politics of oakland, which have never stopped rumbling or never know unexpectedly what might happen. >> phil matier thinks mitchell is making a good first impression and says a key to his success will be connecting with the community. >> developing news now with yesterday's terrible baltimore bridge collapse, where the ntsb just provided an update a few moments ago on the investigation, we carried that live at five. we do know that two people are dead. divers found their bodies this morning in about 25ft of water. they were in a truck. four others remain missing and are presumed dead. they were part of a construction crew working on the francis scott key bridge when it was struck by that cargo ship, the ntsb has the ship's data recorder and sent it to a lab investigator. voters already have a timeline of what happened. the ship's alarms went off at 1:24 a.m, then five minutes later, it struck the bridge. they also revealed this could turn into a possible environmental disaster.
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>> he was able to identify 56 containers of hazardous materials. uh. of hazardous materials. some of the hazmat containers were breached. we have seen shear or sheen. sorry, sheen on the waterway say the ntsb says the bridge was inspected in may of last year and was in satisfactory condition. >> getting the port of baltimore open remains a priority. it's a major port right now. ships are not allowed to go in or out of one of what is the busiest ports in the country. this is a live look at the scene. we can show you right now the coast guard working on a plan to remove that massive cargo ship. look at that as you watch live. that just disaster still unfolding. the investigation just getting underway in earnest. and as we learn more about what happened with the baltimore bridge crash and collapse, we'll update the story here and on abc seven
6:08 pm >> housing is a key part of building a better bay area. but in san francisco, the board of supervisors overrode the mayor's veto in order to keep housing development restrictions in place in several historic blocks . abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to the president of the board of supervisors about this decision, and has more loose. >> that's right, jr supervisor aaron peskin sponsored the legislation and said they received hundreds of emails from san franciscans who said they wanted to preserve the historic areas targeted in this legislation. now, experts are categorizing this as a huge political loss for mayor breed. >> the ordinance is approved over the mayor's veto in a historic vote, the san francisco board of supervisors overturned mayor breed's veto of a controversial housing bill. san francisco is such a special place, and it's grown for centuries, and it can continue to grow. but there's a right way to do it, and there's a wrong way to do it. >> this veto is technically
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putting the brakes on the construction of high rise developments along the northeast waterfront and in jackson square , two historic areas in the city. it all started last summer when supervisor peskin worked with mayor breed and the planning department to rezone that area to allow for new housing. but then state laws created what he called a loophole for developers to supersize luxury towers that would have allowed historic buildings in one of san francisco's most special areas. >> the largest collection of gold rush era buildings in jackson square to be demolished and replaced with 270 foot high luxury condo towers. the board of supervisors got it right. >> mayor breed calls the board's vote a setback on housing. in a statement, she said in part, i will not let this be the first step in a dangerous course. correction back towards being a city of no. we will not move backward. state senator scott wiener said he was disappointed over the board's decision and
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called it anti housing. >> what this ordinance is doing, it's reducing the amount of new homes that can be built. i think that that is bad for housing policy. we're we're in a real disaster in terms of the cost of housing in san francisco. >> san francisco has approved 82,000 new homes by 2031, a goal that experts say will be hard to achieve. >> we don't build housing and we don't build housing across vast stretches of the city. we build housing in the tenderloin, we build it in soma, but we build it in bayview. vast stretches of the west side of the city pacific heights, the marina. we don't build any housing and that has to change this veto is a neighborhood issue, but could translate into a political opportunity. >> if supervisor peskin decides to run against mayor breed. there also potentially going to run against her? >> listen, if i run or i don't run, i will always stand up for good legislation that protects san francisco's treasured history and that continues to allow us to be pro housing.
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>> and this is the first time the board of supervisors has overridden a veto from mayor breed. the mayor blames the current housing shortage to decades of what she called bad policy decisions. luz pena, abc seven news. >> luz, thanks so much. >> there's now an all women board of supervisors in napa county, and you know what? there's only one other place in california that can say that. >> and still to come, the massive investment by amazon in artificial intelligence, it means billions for a san francisco company
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over assemblyman evan low. they they're vying to face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november's general election. but it has been just so razor thin. close all of this time. now simitian with a five vote lead. all right. now to some history in napa for the first time ever, all of the members of napa county's board of supervisors will be women. the new terms starts in january. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn has a look at what this means for local leaders. >> this second gentleman is actually very special to me. this is my second great grandfather. >> liz alessio is following in her great grandfather's footsteps. >> he was a county supervisor from 1901 to 1904. >> alessi is one of the newly elected supervisors in napa county, along with newcomer amber manfrey. incumbent bella ramos also won reelection. >> we're all coming in as very well qualified and very hard working candidates. >> this is a photo of the
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current board. two male supervisors are retiring, starting next january. all five supervisors in napa county will be women. >> it says a lot about napa county and how progressive we are here. >> yeah. big picture. i think it's demonstrative of the many talented, women who are and working here in napa county. any time you get a new board of supervisors, you get new people added to the board. it's an exciting time. >> the supervisors have varied backgrounds. they include working with nonprofit and community based organizations. there are several attorneys and a scientist. many sin women boay is a big win for gender equity. >> there's been so much discussion about glass ceilings and the difference in pay and equity issues. and, you know, i do think this is, you know, it's symbolic, but it's a it's a step, it's a step in the, in the direction of, of good representation. >> our constituency chose who
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they believed were the most qualified people. they just all happened to be females. and it's incredibly exciting that we get to do this together. >> napa county is actually the second county in the state to have an all women board. it follows los angeles county well, it's an exciting moment and i'm really grateful to be a part of it in napa county. suzanne. fawn, abc seven news. >> well, yeah, that is pretty cool, the rain has started. i don't know if i should get out my easter bunny slippers at this point. >> i hope it. i hope the easter bunny has won. >> meteorologist sandhya patel is here with a forecast for the holiday weekend. >> yeah, and dan and j.r, you know what? most of the action will be out of here before easter, but there might be a lingering chance of a shower or two. >> let me show you live doppler seven right now as we take a look at the storm. the main low is off the pacific northwest coast, but right now we are seeing northern and central california ahead of the cold front in this rainy, snowy pattern. so we're going to get yo in the street level radar
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where we are seeing some light to moderate rain right now in the north bay around fort ross road, jenner guerneville area. you will notice sebastopol, graton, windsor highway 101. seeing those wet roadways. also seeing those showers right around the east bay. so if it takes you if your commute takes you through lafayette highway 24, san francisco, daly city, pacifica, san bruno, then watch out because here is the view from our mount tam cam. it gives you sort of that poor visibility. rainy, breezy view, mid 50s. santa rosa, napa, fairfield 57. along with livermore. today's high temperatures below average for this time of year. and from our emeryville camera, the clouds are pretty much stacked up upper 50 san francisco, oakland, san mateo, half moon bay, 55 degrees, and an hayward. right now it is 60 degrees. the view from pier 39 looking pretty tonight. showers gusty in the hills friday. stronger level two storm comes in with a thunderstorm possibility and on easter there is a lingering isolated chance. but for the
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most part the weather begins to improve. so light level one for tonight. scattered showers, moderate to heavy at night and breezy to gusty conditions. 7:00 tonight you see the pockets of moderate rain moving through here. briefly heavy at 8 p.m. it's not going to be all night long. we're going to start to notice that the steadiest of the rain starts to switch over as we head towards tomorrow morning. very spotty showers at 4 a.m, so if your commute is an early one, there will be still some damp roadways. 8 a.m. spotty showers continuing and this trend carries over into the early afternoon before those showers taper. rainfall projections anywhere from about a 10th of an inch to a half an inch is what we're expecting. this is not going to be the stronger storm. the stronger one comes in on friday. i'll show that to you in just a moment. here's a look at the winter storm warning until 11 a.m. tomorrow for the west slope of the sierra. it's a winter weather advisory for the tahoe side, but for that winter storm warning, up to 30in for the peaks. gusts to 50 miles an hour. definitely be prepared for
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chain controls as they're already chaining up a live view at the mountains zephyr cove, and definitely snow on the ground up there right now. statewide, snowpack is at 101% of average 30s to 50s in the morning. there will be some spotty showers around, and those showers remain spotty for the afternoon. you'll even see some sun breaks tomorrow. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. now we're going to look ahead to friday's system. winds will begin to pick up friday morning. they get stronger as we head into the afternoon. over 30 to 35 mile an hour gusts. and this is going to get even stronger for the higher terrain. of course, friday night it's still pretty windy. and then this is the storm that's coming in for friday. it will bring us heavier rain friday afternoon. going into saturday, we'll see those showers, snow in the sierra and that system moves into southern california where they're going to get 1 to 3 plus inches of rain. but notice sunday afternoon it wants to wrap some moisture back around. by monday, we start to dry out as high pressure builds in, so
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we'll go with the one for tomorrow. a two on friday, thunderstorm possibility friday, and saturday. level one easter is looking okay for the most part. other than that isolated chance. and then we'll bring on the warmth monday through wednesday. so dan and jr, i think it's just a little touch and go until we get closer to sunday time period okay. we'll have a better idea by the time we head towards. >> i've heard of spring showers, but it looks like a storm on that radar. i mean, it's okay. >> that's not a real it's a course model, okay? it's not a fine tuned model. >> thanks, sandy. thank you so much. >> hercules is one step closer to becoming the bay area's newest transit hub today. congressman john garamendi awarded the city $850,000 to make that a reality. they plan to build a bayfront transit hub within the next five years. it will include a train station and ferry terminal, along with retail and living space. leaders say it will help alleviate some of the traffic at the connection between highway four and interstate 80. >> we have a lot of great
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opportunities for people to stop and shop and eat, so we're happy about that, but we want to make sure that we keep the traffic flowing, and that's why that's what brings this project to our city. >> hercules is looking to build the train station first. they are still working to secure additional funding for the ferry terminal. >> all right. coming up next, new tools to help see what's invisible. it could make a difference in fighting climate change and help build a better bay area. stay with us are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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last week. new research is uncovering much higher levels of methane being released into the atmosphere than previously believed. >> abc seven news weather anchor spencer christian has a look at the expanding system designed to spot those leaks. >> reporter well, it may be invisible to the naked eye. the greenhouse gas methane could soon have nowhere to hide. a new generation of satellite based detection systems will soon be going online, with the goal of spotting methane leaks from space. >> we can detect the invisible fingerprints of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and not just detect it, but generate an image of it so we can make it visible. >> riley duren is ceo of the nonprofit carbon mapper. his organization helped pioneer an airborne detection system for
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methane and co2. it employs a spectrometer specially designed by nasa jpl in pasadena. mounted inside and aircraft, the system is able to capture the signature of methane leaking from a variety of sources, from dairies to oil and gas operations. but in a few months, carbon mapper plans to launch a new satellite based version with the help of san francisco based planet labs, which specializes in image capturing from space. >> so they can be deployed on a reasonably small satellite. you know, something about the size of a washing machine. but initially, the instruments are becoming more sensitive and the need could be more urgent than first believed. >> using current carbon mapper data, stanford researchers found the average level of methane gas release in areas around the country was three times government estimates. evan sherwin is the lead author. >> these emissions are equivalent to about $9.3 billion in climate damages, and liftoff.
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>> earlier this month, a spacex rocket carried a similar methane detecting satellite into orbit, backed in part by the environmental defense fund. the methane set would have a view on wide areas, coupled with the precision optics on the carbon mapper satellite. experts believe it could create a global early warning system. >> so imagine it being like a pair of bifocals or a different set of lenses that you use for different, different parts of the problem. >> and they believe what can be seen can be fixed, with many companies potentially losing millions of dollars or more from destructive leaks they didn't know were happening. fixable with repairs that could also have a profound impact on the release of greenhouse gases in san francisco, spencer christian abc seven news. >> just to underscore that opportunity, stanford researchers found that just a small fraction of leaks are responsible for huge percentages of the methane released, so-called super emitters. a lot more coming up, a white house forum on artificial intelligence hosted by san jose today.
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>> next, a look at the future of ai. >> plus, the long lasting impact from that baltimore bridge collapse. nearly a dozen big ships are stuck in the
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impact across the country. we're talking about the impact on the supply chain vessel traffic through the port of baltimore is suspended for the time being. >> ten large ships are stuck in the port cargo ships, car carriers, even an oil tanker. reporter ivan rodriguez looks at the economic impact. >> baltimore ranks number one among us ports for cars and light trucks. some economists say that the bridge collapse also threatens to disrupt logistics, especially when it comes to traffic all up and down the east coast. car carriers, cargo ships and cruises halted indefinitely from traveling into and out of the port of baltimore. >> this has a significant and a seismic impact economically, not just on baltimore, but on the entire state of maryland. the ship that collided with the key bridge early tuesday was carrying cargo, and maersk, the danish shipping giant that
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chartered the vessel, has suspended service in baltimore for the foreseeable future. >> baltimore ranks the ninth largest u.s. port for international cargo. it handled some 52 million tons last year, an impact that maryland governor wes moore emphasized. >> we're talking about $191 million a day of economic activity, 8000 jobs that are directly related to this. >> the city ranks first among u.s. ports that process autos and light trucks, handling a record 850,000 in 2023. that's not just cars, by the way. >> that also includes a lot of farm equipment, which is a very important export for the american economy. >> consumers may see an increase in shipping costs, but one leading economist says the goods will be moved through other ports, so the disruptions aren't expected to have much impact on the wider economy. the secretary of transportation is worried about the livelihoods of port workers. >> if goods aren't moving, they're not getting paid. so we're very concerned for them.
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>> maryland's governor is already focused on the ports future. >> we are going to focus on making sure that we can have an economic recovery that really honors the work that was taking place with the port. >> approximately 14,000 workers are directly impacted in about 140,000 are indirectly impacted, according to maryland's state government, now part of the issue in determining the potential added cost when it comes to shipping is not knowing when this port will reopen in atlanta. i'm ivan rodriguez >> a three day losing streak for the dow is over in dramatic fashion today. the dow gained 477 points, closing at 39,760. the nasdaq went up 83. the s&p added 45 to close at a new record high of 5248. amazon is increasing its investment in artificial intelligence, the tech company announced today. it's adding another $2.75
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billion to its investment in anthropic. the san francisco startup is considered a leader in generative generative ai. excuse me, and has created its own chatbot to compete. compete with openai and chatgpt. today's announcement brings amazon's total investment in anthropic to $4 billion. >> i was the topic of a forum for white house officials and cities around the country, hosted by the city of san jose, in the heart of silicon valley. of course, abc seven news reporter zach fuentes looks into how artificial intelligence is being used in federal and local government. >> artificial intelligence continues to grow at an extreme pace, while ai comes with concerns, it also comes with many benefits that even government agencies are taking advantage of. >> we're on the cutting edge of transforming government services to better serve everyone. with the limited public dollars we have, the city of san jose hosted city, county and state governments from across the country.
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>> each were part of the gov ai coalition. the goal is to promote responsible and purposeful ai in the public sector. >> we want to do it safely and responsibly, of course, but we have a lot to gain from leveraging ai and machine learning and other kind of newer and emerging technologies to better serve our constituents. >> two white house officials from the office of science and technology policy joined wednesday's call, elaborating on how some agencies like the social security administration are already using ai. >> ai to help speed up disability determinations. so they get a lot of basically applications for disability benefits. and what they're doing is not making the determinations using ai, but instead using ai to surface potential relevant medical documents that can help them speed up processing for disability discrimination. >> the conversation over the use of ai in government isn't just centered around the federal level. >> president biden and vice president harris have been clear from the start that we must manage ai's risks so that we can seize its benefits, and that's especially true in local
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government, where i can so directly impact the lives of citizens. >> together. the ai coalition has developed a strategy to get more accountability from businesses selling ai to their agencies. still more has been called for by tech leaders from the federal government. biden did sign an executive order last year that aimed to safeguard against threats posed by ai. on wednesday's call, white house officials said we could now see another new major development that could bring clarity in the use of ai we are planning on imminently. >> finally issuing, that policy on the federal government use of ai. so look out for that coming very soon. >> we're very excited about that in the south bay. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> coming up here, gray whales were dying in large numbers along the california coast, including here in the bay area. what happened? why it slowed or even stopped and how they're still at risk, though. stay (gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear.
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i'm in 138 years. the punxsutawney phil groundhog club is welcoming children. the groundhog that now bears the name of the weather predicting rodent just became a father of two with his wife, phyllis. groundhog club made the announcement on social media. it
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says the births came as a surprise, but added both babies are healthy. the earth will lose a second of time thanks to climate change experts say polar ice is melting due to hotter temperatures and that has sped up the planet's rotation. this means we will have to subtract a whole leap year second from the global clock in the coming years to keep up with the earth's orbit. leap change has already been delayed from 2026 to 2029. >> well, after seeing an alarming number of gray whales die and wash ashore in recent years, scientists say they believe the event that caused it may be over. let me warn you here, some of the images in this report are a little hard to watch. abc seven news reporter tim johns found that there are still risks for the whale population. as our climate continues to change. >> for the past several years, the number of gray whales dying and washing ashore on the west coast has hit alarming rates. but now, after first declaring an unusual mortality event or,
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back in 2019, scientists believe it's finally over. >> i wasn't surprised by the closure because we've been collecting the data and we've been involved in all of the meetings discussing, the decline and then the stabilization of the population. >> mo flannery works with the california academy of sciences and was one of the local scientists who would do necropsies on dead whales that washed ashore. mo and her partners at the marine mammal center say they think climate change was one of the main reasons driving the boom in the arctic, where there's been all this change in the amount of ice coverage and warming there, it's looks like it has affected their food supply. researchers think with less food available for the whales and their normal feeding grounds, many didn't have the strength to make their annual migration and ultimately died recently. though they say the whales have adapted. >> we saw for the first time gray whales switching their prey and feeding on fish.
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>> the, may be over, but local experts say there are still risks to the gray whale population. they tell me things like ship strikes remain a real and dangerous threat to the creatures beyond ship strikes. scientists say the risk of the, reoccurring is also a possibility. that's why they'll continue to monitor the animals and be on high alert for any changes we've moved from the unusual mortality event into the coast, or post unusual mortality event monitoring phase. the high numbers have decreased, but we will likely still see dead animals in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> coming up next, an updated look at the rain in the forecast for the rest of the week. see what the weather will be like for easter
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>> we were the lucky ones as the story of a polish jewish family ripped apart during the holocaust and the journey of family members to find their way back to each other, i gotten the absolute privilege and opportunity to play so many different kinds of people, but i've never gotten to tell a story that is about this subject matter necessarily. >> and that is, you know, i'm a jewish woman and i'm playing a jewish woman, and it's like it was just a really special feeling. >> we were the lucky ones is based on real life events chronicled in the book of the same name. the cast said it felt the responsibility of doing the story justice. >> we just really connected on a in a really, genuine, wholehearted way. and it set the foundation for the show and, and, and set us on our individual journeys as characters, as, as actors portraying these, these real people with such, you know, a great foundation and, and love for each other. >> the writing of this show is,
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is so deep and sad and beautiful, and to portray these characters, felt, very, very, very special. >> it felt like a labor of love in the truest sense of what that means, the attention to detail, the investment of all of from every of every department in terms of the, the writing. >> there's a lot of emotion and a lot of sadness surrounding a show like this. but i also want to make sure i touch on like, the joy of bringing this family story to life. >> i feel like i sort of live fuller after the experience of doing that show, just because you are. >> yeah, that's a nice thing to say. >> finding the light. finding the light in the dark. >> george pennacchio for abc news. >> it's good happening today. hulu launches on disney plus. that means bundle subscribers can stream hulu content directly in the disney plus app, providing access to thousands of additional titles without having to move between apps and the
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disney bundle plans. starting at $9.99 a month are available at disney bundle .com. disney is the parent company of abc seven. check that out when you can. well, the gladd media awards will be coming to hulu on friday. >> some of hollywood's biggest stars recently celebrated the 35th anniversary of the awards. on the red carpet, myself, michelle fisher has a preview. >> juno temple, the cast of good trouble and sharon stone were just some of the big names hitting the carpet in los angeles when you try to do good in the world, people notice oprah winfrey was on hand to receive the vanguard award for her work on stamping out discrimination. >> it all boils down to such fear, and i have been in incredible situations where people are doing and saying really horribly mean things, but it's because they are so saturated and have been marinated in fear and ignorance. >> there's a lot of different communities out there, but this particular community is as
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inclusive and you know, wants to have their freedom and are still fighting a really important fight in a very emotional moment, niecy nash betts received the prestigious stephen f kolzak award. >> it represents, being seen by one of the most amazing communities, and i just love the fact that the way i live my life can inspire, can encourage age, can can, shine a light on on how other people may want to live their lives. >> michelle fisher for abc news. >> you can watch the gladd media awards this friday, march 29th, streaming on hulu. >> do check that out. all right, let's turn our attention now to all things weather as we head toward easter. >> sandhya patel is breaking down the weather. >> yeah, and j.r. and dan, we have some showers right now. let's look at live doppler seven, and you will see that we are getting some pretty steady rain across parts of the north bay. now. light to moderate
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woodacre kentfield san rafael in the east bay we go. and as you will notice, across highway four, across pacheco vine hill, we are seeing some lighter showers, a wider perspective. this is a level one storm and as it moves in our direction, we will continue to see those showers spreading. 7:00 light to moderate. there will be brief pockets of heavier rain. 10 p.m. still going and then it switches over to spotty or showers for your thursday morning into the early afternoon before this system winds down in a stronger storm. gets in here tomorrow afternoon, i'd have your shades handy and your umbrellas because we'll still see some pop up showers. 50s and 60s. a look at friday and saturday. that's the stronger storm and it will bring windier conditions, rainfall anywhere from a half an inch to almost two inches. there in the santa cruz mountains. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a level one for tomorrow with those spotty showers thunderstorms possible both friday and saturday. friday is a two, saturday is a one. and then, although on easter things start to improve, there's still
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an isolated chance of a shower. i don't think it's going to be a washout for the holiday, but i would just keep the umbrellas close by and monday through wednesday we're going to bring you spring warmth. dan and j.r. we're looking at 70s larry's kind of now we're talking. >> yeah, yeah, well, the holiday weekend, but i guess it's a holiday in the sports world. >> oh, it sure is. sports director larry beil is here, man. the warriors pressure city. >> yes. you're used to seeing me do this a lot around here, but when you see steph curry do it, you know he's really frustrated. and why is he so frustrated. draymond green even with a very early exit tonight in orlando. did they win without him o for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham.
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on the back end of a back to back. one thing cannot happen. this this draymond green cannot get himself ejected. but that is exactly what happened early tonight in orlando. steph curry that is exasperated steph. this was less than four minutes into the game. and green gets tossed for arguing with the official two teas. klay thompson look what i found three off the broken play. warriors up by double digits when andrew wiggins plays hard like with authority. he's a problem dubs by eight at the break. and this is without kuminga. also saw a 23 for wiggs. curry only six of
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18. but look at the shooter's bounce. soft touch. warriors hanging on to their lead. still in the third quarter here moses moody putting joe ingles on skates. oh down goes ingles. down goes ingles. whoops. yeah that'll be on twitter all over the place. under three minutes left in the fourth cole anthony turnaround. jay the dubs lead down to one run. but steph basically wills them to victory. first he hit a layup. then the night night three to seal the deal with 33 seconds left. curry finished with 17 points and he was exploding with emotion. i don't like your furniture either. warriors win 101 93. this is all really relevant because the rockets trail the dubs by a game in the standings. visiting okc. rockets have won nine straight jeff green for three and houston was up by 14 early. but the thunder came roaring back isaiah joe attacking the rim like it owes him money. that that was that
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was the funny line. uh- thunder leading by five in the third quarter. there stanford introduced their new men's basketball coach kyle smith. today tremendous hire for the cardinal. smith was an assistant at saint mary's years ago, most recently leading washington state to the ncaa tournament. five years with the cougs. but taking this job as more than just about hoops for smith, he was touched by the opportunity to have more support for his autistic son, beau. >> he put us in touch. i think i want to say it, writes antonio jourden, who's a uh- stanford autism center. like i said, i hard not to cry, but to have that opportunity for, our family, my son, to have maybe more resources. did, just honored and thankful and, so and the no chance not crying. so you guys will know. you guys will know. and it's a joyous cry. i promise you.
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>> nearly more than just about basketball. after spending three number one picks to get trey lance, 40, niners head coach kyle shanahan knows he struck gold with brock purdy. speaking at the nfl owners meeting, shanahan said he's thrilled with how purdy has gone from last pick in the draft a couple of years ago. then fought his way through, came back from elbow surgery and now we'll have an entire off season to focus on getting better. >> brock, who's been unbelievable in these two years, getting us to the nfc championship, getting us to the super bowl. and when you do that, just the standard changes. so right when people see you in that club then they're going to try to see where in that club you are and really never stops. he's done a week and a week out. he's come back from a really tough injury in his first year, had a hell of a year this year, really hasn't had an off season yet with us. i'm pumped to coach him. >> all right. abc seven sports, sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. so i don't think there's anybody happier with the result of the warriors game tonight than draymond green for sure. to his credit, since he got suspended and came back, he has walked the very fine line between
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protesting. he's been he's been good. but you have to reckon you can't get thrown out four minutes into the game tonight. you know every ref is going to have a different line of demarcation. and then he realized he was over the line a little bit too late. and steph and everybody else andrew wiggins bailed him out. read the room. yeah exactly. yeah thanks. >> and quick prediction. will the a's sell out tomorrow. >> the a's i think that's it's opening the parking lot is going to be crowded but not inside. all right. >> all right. got to go tonight on abc seven at eight the conners followed by not dead yet back to back episodes of abbott elementary, then 911. and stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right, tom. that's it for abc seven news. they're telling me the time is up. >> all right. for jerry stone sandhya patel larry biel, all of us here. we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening. we'll see you again at
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is the... ♪♪ let's welcome back today's contestants-- a writer and tv personality originally from jamaica, new york... a wine-tasting consultant from dowagiac, michigan...
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and an online trivia league host from tulsa, oklahoma... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings. [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny. and welcome back to the quarterfinals of our first ever "jeopardy" invitational. the last three games of this tournament have all ended in a runaway victory. yesterday, david madden was our most recent player to punch his ticket to the semifinals that way. and today alex, jennifer, and brandon are here hoping to seal the same fate. good luck to all three of you. let's get to work in the jeopardy! round. here are your categories. first up, you're... then we have... a little bit of... then... and... alex, what'll you have? trending, $800.


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