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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  January 26, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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>> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> the level of have experienced, the psychological trauma, they don't want to go back. >> i want them to feel safe and to trust the right people doing the right thing. >> tonight, concern for farmworker community just days after the deadly shooting and half moon bay. community advocates shining a light on workers in deplorable living conditions. >> thank you for joining us. tonight, as the coastal community continues to mourn the deaths of seven people, we are
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learning new details on about the conditions of those mushroom farms, and a previous shooting at one of the farms. >> zach fuentes begins our continuing team coverage. >> those new details continue to come in as this community continues to grave. this is also going to be the site of one of the official vigils hosted by the city. at as plans for that continue, the attention continues to be focused on the location of the tragedies. half moon bay still looks as beautiful as it always has with the people who make up the heart of the city continuing to grave. >> it is hard to wrap your head around these kinds of events, especially around here. >> locals like rosemary anderson continue to visit this growing memorial on main street, bringing flowers and other tributes to the lives lost and their families. >> we are still processing it. it is sad.
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each day, i feel it is a little bit sadder as it sinks in. >> is this shocked community continues to mourn, details coming out about a location of the shooting. california tara gardens sight of another shooting in july 2022. the da says the suspect and victim in that incident were both managers. they lived in trailers on the farm and had ongoing work-related tensions between them. the das office says the victim was in his home on july 1 when he heard the suspect banging on his front door, threatening to kill him and his family. the suspect fired a gun through the glass door. deputies later arrested the suspect who they say smelled of alcohol and denied the shooting. these shootings involved different people in different circumstances. but they may have had in common was tensions between the employees. no motive has been given by the district attorney. investigators say the suspect
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was taunted with an offensive nickname that may have fueled his anger leading up to the attack. local leaders are investigating the working conditions of the farms. as more details come in, the main focus of locals continues to be helping one another and healing. >> it is a small community. i think everyone supports one another. you just -- we do have to move forward and get back to how we were. >> happening tomorrow at the farms, the archdiocese of san francisco has confirmed the archbishop will be going to each of them for prayers and blessings. that is happening tomorrow afternoon. that is some of the tribute happening to the bay area to honor the victims and their families. zach fuentes, abc 7 news. >> thanks very much. we are learning more details about the conditions workers were living in at the mountain mushroom farm in half moon bay. we spoke with an official who
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inspected the grounds of where the shooting took place. the conditions, he says, are deplorable. >> living conditions looked grim with multiple trailers and mobile homes in a makeshift community. up close, san mateo county supervisor says it is worse. what did you find? >> horrible, horrific, deplorable conditions. we saw basically what looked like sheds, storage containers that people were living in. no insulation, no running water. nowhere you would ever want to prepare food. >> the supervisor visited the farm this morning and confirmed the county will have to read tag every unit. >> no one will be going back to live there. >> tuesday, the governor said he was told about the deplorable living and working conditions of the farm workers at the shooting site. now his office is investigating. but the company that owns the farm says the governor's comments are inaccurate, and all
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the homes are equipped with kitchens, bathrooms, and shower facilities, and addition to standard living communities. eight families lived on the property, paying about $300 a month. they confirmed that workers are -- the firm is not in operation at this time. >> they had porta potty's for restrooms. they lived in trailers that were similar to camper styles. it was muddy, rodents, having to cook outside. >> california tara garden has owned the mushroom farm since march 2022 and says the state inspected the mobile homes. >> i would like to see those permits. who reviewed those permits? half moon bay's vice has reviewed the sissy -- the area multiple times. into labor and workplace safety
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and health violations for the worksites in half moon bay with the mass shootings took place. there is also concern on wages. the mushroom farm says they pay workers up to $24 an hour. $11 an hour. >> did they offer health insurance? >> nothing. >> [speaking spanish] >> no insurance, no vacations, nothing of that. >> the county is considering further action. >> we will declare state of emergency, i am hoping. >> san francisco leaders announced a new citywide strategy today to prevent hate crimes. it is an initiative that starts with reallocating money from the budget of the -- the city's budget. some will be dedicating to providing resources to hate crime victims. it includes a citywide summit on hate crimes.
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the city attorney and district attorney are working closely with the police chief on ways to prevent hate incidents. >> today's announcement builds on work by everyone here to address what has been an incredible spike of hate motivated violence as started in the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, fueled by racist and xenophobic rhetoric and behavior by national leaders. >> leaders applauded the effort of the san francisco-based group called self-help for the elderly. it provides escorts for seniors to get to doctors offices, run errands, or take walks. the city pledged $30,000 in may 2021. since then, self-help for the elderly has safely aided more than 1400 seniors. >> administrators at san ramon valley high school are apologizing for a racist remark made by students during a basketball game tuesday night. according to a statement from the principal, the students used racist language toward a member of the dublin high school team
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while he was shooting a free throw. she added, "i want to be clear that in no uncertain terms racist language or racist slurs will not be tolerated, whether our students are in school or elsewhere." cattrall says disciplinary action is being taken. >> today's bart board of directors voted to center director john mcpartland and remove him from committees for an indefinite amount of time. this comes after he made a racist comment in response to a presentation on bart's racial equity work this month. during today's meeting, he repeated his apology. he has been a part director since 2008 and is also a member of the naacp. >> today's bart board discussed the transit agency's financial crisis. a grim picture if more money doesn't come in. cornell barnard has more. >> this crisis is upon us and we need to have a vision. >> parts board of directions getting real about its financial future. >> we are going to start having
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consider austerity measures. >> the issue is ridership. since the pandemic, it is still not on track. >> some of it seemed pretty dirty. >> bart says ridership is increasing,eiting daily -=-- rig writing daily. >> the ridership is pre-pandemic levels, and that is because the bay area has embraced so much the work from home culture. >> they have received more than $1 billion in federal aid to help sustain service, but that funding is excited to run out by 2025. if that happens, the transit agency is predicting consequences like fewer trains, stations which open later and close earlier, station closures, and line shutdowns. no weekend service and mass layoffs.
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negative impact on traffic and climate, and a populations rely on transit who could be impacted. or no bart servi -- or no bart service at all. >> it is a very real possibility when the federal emergency funds run out and there is no more money and people are still working from home that drastic service cuts will happen. >> bart says plans to ask the feds and the state for more funding, even though the governor has proposed slashing the budget. the scott senator is an ally for bart, writing to his colleagues in sacramento for support, tweeting, "i am optimistic we will make progress on transit and the budget." bart says it may take the issue to the voters as a transportation measure. some say bart is their only lifeline. >> it is important to have bart because we need a green option. we don't all need to be driving our cars all over the place. >> cornell barnard, abc 7 news. >> after the break, a camera
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store employee shot during an armed robbery in the south bay. what police are now saying about the case. >> plus, optimism in the east bay. which mayor says the city's police department is expected to reach full staffing by the summer. abc 7 news
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>> five suspects were arrested after an armed robbery shooting in campbell yesterday. it happened at san jose camera and video before 11:00 a.m. it is a family owned business on south winchester boulevard. an employee working at the time was shot multiple times. police say the victim was taken to a local hospital and is in stable conditions. they say the suspects stole thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment. >> from what we can tell, they stole thousands of dollars with the camera equipment. this was motivated purely as a robbery for profit. >> all suspects were found by
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oakland police department yesterday afternoon, hours after this happened. they were booked into santa clara county main jail on armed robbery, attempted murder, and other related charges. >> city officials in antioch say their officials to amp up recruiting for their understaffed police department are working. mayor lamar thorpe says he is optimistic the department will reach full staffing of 115 officers by this summer thanks to the 30,000 dollar incentive program passed by the city council last year. >> since the incentive program went into effect, we have seen a 51% increase in candidate interest and a 44 percent jump in overall applications. >> right now, the department has 98 officers on staff, but 20 one of those are on paid administrative or medical leave. eight antioch officers are under federal investigation for alleged misconduct. >> coming up, gearing up for philly. we will take you to levi's stadium as the 49ers get ready to hit the road for this to hit the road for this weekends nfc championship
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to or high blood potassium. two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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>> the countdown to the game between the 49ers and the eagles continues. >> chris alvarez will be in philadelphia this weekend. before then, he spent time at his second home, levi's stadium, as the niners took the practice field today. >> not a bad way to spend your time, if it is getting ready for an nfc championship. four teams left in the nfl, the 49ers are one of them. they have had 12 straight wins and they look to go to philly. the nfc championship on the line, one win away from the super bowl. what a beautiful, sunny day at practice for george kittle and all of his friends. remember how much it has rained the last few weeks? first things first, the trip to philadelphia. philly known for being one of the toughest sports towns in all of america. those fans are passionate and they will get on the road team.
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they understand there will be a hostile environment in they are ready to match the intensity. >> i have been a philly almost every year of my career, so it is a little bit more than just the noise coming from that place. philly they yell at they do't stop. >> not making it bigger than what it is. we understand the. stakes, understand where we are we are think to be playing at this time. we also understand we have to go out and execute and play really good football on sunday. we have to be the best team within that three and a half hours. >> every team at this point will be playing physical and giving everything they got. i think dallas did a good job of that. we have been tested a lot this year, and i think this will be as big of a test as there is. >> we know it is going to be allowed, but no stadium is as loud as ours at the end of the day. they are at home, and i they
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will be riled up. we do not feed into that. we put the pads on and go to work. >> some notes from the injury report. christian mccaffrey did not practice for a second straight day. he is dealing with a calf situation. he was asked if there is any chance you will miss the game and he said no. the niners need all the help they can get, taking on a very good philadelphia team. i checked the weather, 50 degrees, a low of 38, with plenty of cheesesteaks. >> [laughs] as long as there is that. >> thanks, chris. let's get a check on the weather. >> sandhya patel is here. >> it will be in the low 50's, beautiful weather for the gametime. some improvement in our drought in the past week. this is good news as we take a look. the category, the moderate category went from 92% last week to 90% today. the severe category from 43% statewide to 33%.
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we are seeing some minor improvement. santa cruz county in the dry category,. which is the lowest category.that also an improvement. statewide, the snowpack is at 216% of average, so still a healthy snowpack. this is a look at zephyr cove, where you can see the snow on the hills. we are expecting more snow, but not until sunday. if you are traveling in the hills tomorrow night, partly, sunny on saturday, and temperatures going from 15 to 42 -- from 50 to 42. it will definitely be windy. high-pressure in control of the weather with the offshore winds. we have experienced another moderate day. mount diablo gusting to 30 miles an hour sustained. those winds brought one record today, breaking the old record. sfo, 61 degrees.
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70's around santa rosa, cloverdale. 70 in redwood city. still pretty mild outside. temperatures in the take a look at live cameras. beautiful views from all of our cameras with clear skies, but that will be changing. much cooler morning with areas of fog. temperatures lower through the weekend, and there is a chance of showers with chilly days heading into next week. mid 40's to start the morning. there will be some fog around, notches near the coast but in the north bay valleys. keep that in mind as you get going. mid-50's to the low 60's. certainly more cloud cover out there. tort sunday, a cold system drops down. very limited in moisture. for us, the chance of a few light showers. when you take a look at the rainfall projections, anywhere from nothing to about a few hundredths of an inch.
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the seven-day forecast, a cooling trend for friday through the weekend, not morning chance on sunday. definitely chillier conditions. morning and nights are very cold and below average numbers in terms of the afternoons right to the middle of the week. the next opportunity for rain will not be until next thursday. >> for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> the names of 49ers players and coaches from years past create an image of success in history in the minds of the faithful. >> but one artist found a way to take that image and make it into a real piece of art. here is dustin dorsey. >> if a picture is worth a thousand words, what is something like this worth? >> i would say easily about 2500 words. >> meet a one-of-a-kind artist motivated by what could be another super run by the 49ers. he has created a work of art, what he calls word art, highlighting the legendary teams of red and gold past. >> super bowl teams, every owner, every coach. i couldn't forget about the hall of famers. i wanted to make sure they get
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as much attention as well. >> names like steve young, jerry rice, joe montana, bill walsh, and many more. the artwork is done completely by hand, each name to gillis lee etched on the blank canvas over a span of a month and a half that turns out to be a master piece. >> i added a hidden feature, which is a glow-in-the-dark feature. >> how were you able to do that? >> a little magic, but it worked. >> all of his paintings are magical and different ways, but. if you stand out in particular a dedication to the late great kobe bryant, featuring every teammate and words from vanessa bryant's tribute from his funeral, as well as a 9/11 memorial with the names of the victims who passed away. he sells his artwork on his at cph but it is never about the money. >> it is to touch people's hearts and minds with my artwork. never do i see anyone do anything handwritten, so that makes it that much more special. >> with this word art complete,
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he hopes to get to work on a new piece come february with the names of the 20 niners roster signifying a six super bowl title and another championship for his hometown bay area. >> it brings it home. i feel it the bay area for me is home. it would be nice to represent the areas of where i grew up and the cities i lived in. it represents them in my artwork, so i think it would be pretty cool. >> dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. >> it is pretty cool. the latest bay area sports hall of fame class is filled with stars. former giants catcher buster posey leads the way. former linebacker patrick willis. boxing champion andre ward is going to be inducted. oakland's own gary payton, the glove, who had an 18 year career in the nba. julrounds out the class. the ceremony will be at the end of may. >that is an extinguished -- that
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is a distinguished group. >> let's go to karina nova for the look at the stories coming up. >> another name just added to the hat in the race to replace senator dianne feinstein. phil matier will join me to talk politics from the national headlines to the leadership in oakland. plus, mental health, living conditions facing farmworkers, and how the community is healing. we will hear from a san mateo county supervisor about the work that lies ahead in the wake of this week's deadly shooting. join us for those stories and more at 5:30 at abc 7 bay area streaming tv. >> you can download the abc seven app or head to with more local news. >> if you are watching us on to become a world news tonight is next. for all of us here, think you for joining us. >> we appreciate your time. we will see you and a half an hour for abc 7 news at
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new retinol overnight means the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. tonight, breaking news as we tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. authorities describing the police video, calling it appalling and criminal. five former police officers now charged with murder in memphis. the officers surrendering to authorities, accused of viciously beating tyre nichols after he ran from a traffic stop near his home. he later died in the hospital. graphic body camera video expected, and the police chief calling it inhumane. tonight, president biden calling for calm, and elwyn lopez is in memphis. also tonight, the one-time prominent attorney, husband, and father on trial for the murders of his wife and son. alex murdaugh sobbing in court today. what an officer described when arriving at the house. eva pilgrim in that courtroom.
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in new york city, the verdict tonight in the terror attack, that truck plowi


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