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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 26, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: ntsb to hold a news conference any minute from now from the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore overnight and it closed in 1:00 a.m. a cargo ship ramped into a major bridge support, causing it to collapse in seconds. we will hear from jennifer, the chair of ntsb and they sent a go team come a panel of technical experts designed to help in the event of any sort of catastrophe catastrophe. a shocking moment, you won't believe these images caught on camera and we have learned new details about the collapse over the last few hours. eight people were on the bridge when the ship crashed into it. two of them have been saved, one in intensive care, six meanwhile still missing. the crew on the ship issued a made a call just before the crash. that made a call saved many lives we heard from governor kathy hochul who
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offered support and pete buttigieg on the phone early with the mayor there in president biden with his statement that he convened senior members of his team for a briefing and directed his administration to ensure every federal resources available. hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered" and i am kayleigh mcenany. my cohost, harris faulkner and emily compagno's, and fox host, dagen mcdowell and nyu medical center and fox news contributor, dr. marc siegel. we begin in baltimore, griff jenkins on the ground since early this morning. he has the latest, griff. >> hey, kayleigh, that is right all hands on deck because what we know at this hour is there are six people believed to be construction workers working on potholes on the bridge behind me when they went into the water unaccounted for. it is all hands on deck. maryland's governor, wes moore spoke about that a little
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earlier in a press conference. take a listen here. our diapers, our air assets and people right now working to save lives and are doing it because of the state asked for a preliminary investigation that points to an extent. we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. >> take a look at these images, kayleigh, the baltimore rescue posting these close-ups and the ship's name was dali a thousand foot long shipping container with baltimore heading overseas when it struck a central column that brought that span down. you can see the debris of the remnants of the bridge in the water. that is why there are two parts of the story, kayleigh, the immediate acute search and rescue for the six individuals. then there is the larger question of how they can get this bridge rebuilt and get that debris moved because right now until further notice, shipping
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lanes and vessels into baltimore, in and out of baltimore, has been seized here that is a big question we hope to learn ntsb press conference we expect within the hour to get answers on that. and of course why this happened. it appears the report wasn't terrorism as you heard from the governor. it was an accident and the shipping vessel lost propulsion control, meaning likely a power thing. is drifting into the bridge. what is significant, kayleigh, we talked on the air about where they are in the individual citizens driving on the bridge 1:30 in the morning that might have been unfortunate that plunged into the water? they said the maryland transportation doesn't know if but they are investigating traffic cameras that they are looking at. they do believe they saved countless lives because when the mayday call went out from the ship, they coordinated with maryland transportation officials to halt all traffic on
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that ranch. perhaps we will get more details out of this next press conference as we wait to find out how something like this could have happened. it is a tremendous impact not only an baltimore area but nationally, because it is one of the nation's largest sports bringing in a lot of shipping containers every single day with things we use. impact, baltimore number when shipping and things like trucks and cars, kayleigh. >> kayleigh: chris, keep us updated, thank you very much. i want to play this video for those who have not seen it. this is a time-lapse video at 1:30 when you see this happens. you see these cars going by. you will see two semi trucks. you see right there, that large ship approaching. to the naked eye, you will appear at lights going on and off and perhaps some sort of mechanical failure. we don't know exactly what yet, but you see these cars going by. the reason i'm pointing this out
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is because if you were a second earlier or a second later when this happened, your life was saved. that made a call may have saved lives but how tragic as we lay those six to see and we don't know if they were workers or passengers. >> harris: we hope that is the case that they saved many lives. that bridge spans 146 miles and not as fast to spans the entire bridge and a couple of seconds. however, maybe it kept some people off of the bridge. but in the time you were talking, there were people who didn't make it from one end to the other, not yet with the length of time. so, we are prayerful about what was happening with people on the bridge and certainly about the six people they are still looking for 48-degree weather appear the air temperature has warmed up above freezing now. that is a good thing for those trying to do the rescuing. but it is the water temperature and the length of time. we are going on ten and a half
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hour since they have been in the water, those six people. it would take a miracle for them to still be alive. and while we believe in theft, we know people endangering themselves to try to get them and those people are heroes today. i would say with the ntsb, you mention possibility of mechanical failure. i had two guests on that had similar questions about the redundancy systems on the ship and whether or not you have the right person behind the controls. we will find all that out hopefully with an investigation. the reason you ask that, what checklist before they took off? they were going on a long journey, 30 plus days. where they really ready for that? power was gone, what happened to the generators? what happened to the backlog of things that should have kept people going for the system? >> kayleigh: emily come a lot of questions, two outstand to me, first from a conversation about infrastructure and the latest bridge and the last time i could find this happen was in
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tampa st. petersburg, florida, . in 35 people died. it was the same situation, a ship is a support being pure at however, in this case weather, side-by-side images. he talks about historic bridges, when they built the bridge, the foundations have large concrete island's dolphins built around each of the six peers to absorb ship impact. so as we look at infrastructure in this country, real questions about averts a ship in the case of mechanical failure. >> emily: we know the bridge was up to code so that begs the question, kayleigh, what does that code mean? does that include dolphins and up code nomadic the code in the state of the maryland account fr potential tragedy when a large ship hits this theme? something pink calibrated or
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compliant, the question is, wha? i have to point out the reason why the mayday call resulted in lives being saved is that the workers, the authorities on the bridge quickly shut down traffic for the maryland governor. that is what saved lives. i have to point out, per the navy seal on "america's newsroom" earlier, jake, he pointed out these ships are billed for gas efficiency. they were built not for the propulsion of a ferrari, but they are built to cover long-distance fear of the point is it takes a mile and a half to stop. it takes about 5 miles for them to turn around. when we picture a mayday call and slamming on the brakes gnomic breaks, there is no such thing with professionalism and fulfilling duties with the maydl mitigating any potential disaster, calling off of the bridge was excellent step and remains to be seen what that code means and whether there is anything we can learn from this horrible tragedy. >> kayleigh: dr. siegel i
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spoke with charlie, former ntsb accident investigator and he told me he had an idea when he was in ntsb and essentially put in a radar system to detect the geometry of a ship and determine if a ship is going to hit the bridge or go i don't want to play it and because ntsb press conference starts. basically we do have technology that could be mandated to send out mayday alert not by humans in real time but two people here that may be something we need to look into, ntsb coordinator. >> and with artificial intelligence on the scene, that is something you can do instantaneously where someone may be the ship is alerted away from the pilot. to emily's point, we don't know what kind of shape this was in. they are a recall for repairs on the bridge, by the way and the other issue the people in the water come i want to say it is a miracle. if somebody goes in the water, imp is 45 degrees and that's not bad, but you actually bring out 25 times more of youre
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error. how far did they poll question worked at that person have fractures? >> harris: 185 feet. >> dr. siegel: 185 feet is usually a veil and maybe they per gnomic fell from other parts of the bridge that was down. but if he survived 185-foot all, a miracle. >> kayleigh: we hear from the president of the united states, joe biden with a lot of questions and cushions on infrastructure and support. a huge area of economic activity, not just for baltimore but for the country. >> dagen: in terms of the port, i know the shipping companies, admitting baltimore all surfaces for the foreseeable future and is avoiding aiding ships on the water in the port of baltimore. the central question for congress, washington, will be allocation of federal dollars to rebuild this bridge, to ensure that the traffic can resume.
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chad pergram points out in 2007, i-35 west bridge over the mississippi bridge in minneapolis collapsed under its own weight. and that jim oberstar was chairman of the oversight committee of the time even though the bridge was not in his district. he muscled through one quarter of a billion dollars to the state department of transportation to start rebuilding that bridge. the bridge was open and a little more than a year after the collapse, but it begs the question of what are our priorities? congress allocated $8.7 billion for humanitarian assistance overseas and we are running $1 trillion in interest on the national debt every year. >> kayleigh: the president sent to address the nation and 28 minutes. we will take you live. former president trump's truth social media company sores in the first day of trading after some had hoped he would face financial doom. that is next. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: it appears president biden they need to rethink his latest campaign strategy of name-calling. a reuters reporter recently shared this biden campaign email calling former president "broke dawn." it appears the joke may be on joe biden. president trump's net worth skyrocketed after his truth social on the trade market. and $6 billion right now eric trump has joined the list of the worlds richest people but bro media already have a problem with trump making of stock debut appear they are calling it a scam, watch. >> it sounds like pump and dump. if you go buy the stock, let's
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say from him, you are actually buying from him and it goes down. you actually sell it, you will have a tax loss. you can actually turn what could have been a political contribution into a taxable -- a tackles loss. >> i think the value if they went to market and try to sell $3 billion, the value of the stock would go to zero. practically immediately. >> harris: wow! hyperventilating without oxygen or numbers. that was really confusing. we already know we can't do anything with this for six months anyway, da taken. >> dagen: the the stocks started today with president trump's initial and it is up 33% at the moment. that added an additional this is the back of the envelope calculation, and added an additional $1.3 billion to his net worth. he is at the moment worth about
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$8 million? it is just -- >> harris: i can't touch that. >> dagen: he can't sell the shares for six months, and my understanding he can't borrow against them either. just a reminder, this was born out of censorship. this was the self-appointed speech police could not shut up or shut down president trump by kicking him off twitter or facebook. so, he started truth social. the supporters of president trump but also the haters have helped make him richer because this is where they had to go. they were forced to follow his messages on truth social. i will shut up. i could go on about what he experience yesterday in court as well. but people call it law fair, but i don't think that elucidates what is at work here. this is abuse of our law and judicial system as a weapon of political war, and that is how it should be. >> harris: dr. siegel, it is fascinating this was over
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free speech. remember he and elon musk even wanted him to come back formerl. he's got his own thing going, and this is working for a former president trump. >> dr. siegel: absolutely. what is the stark market based on? it is based on excitement, on an idea that maybe there is an alternative to the tried and true, somewhere else, right? and the comet, one of the comment that was made, that is not what is happening. that would mean, by the way, pump up the stock to sell it and sell it off. this seems like a real excitement that would drive the stark market gnomic stock market and taken as an expert on this. but it is an alternative to one dimension. >> harris: you know, emily, i think of the type of period we've had where attorney general letitia james salivated at the thought wiping away trump's legacy. the names and brass and gold all around the city of new york. this is a legacy point she can't
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erase that. >> emily: the lies, what a vendetta this is pure to win have you seen conviction out of attorney general or this attorney general about someone who committed a crime and thoses morning one of them pushed a commuter to his death he would have many more examples do we have to say? please, please sir, please ma'am, putter tax resources. but they are more interested away from the building and assistant attorney general on mainstream media msnbc and a gross miscarriage of justice. i don't know what the judges arrived to this conclusion, but it doesn't even matter. actually, sir, it does. it is cold just a spirit of final quick point, it is laughable the biden and harris administration tried to steer trump safe convicts on his -- look in the mirror with his son, do not cast stones. >> kayleigh: this was a day yesterday that you have the media actively rooting for him
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to declare bankruptcy. he was never going to do that but the media wanted him to do that. i really do this, but i will allow the media to speak for me for my point, i go to, that they prompt, his net worth $6.5 billion making him one of the worlds 500 richest people. that is a bloomberg heddle and pure donald trump's business empire was supposed to be in peril like never before monday but instead, it turned into the single greatest day on record for the former presidents how is that for irony, thanks for bloomberg. >> harris: they can, you a higher 2021 and a 41 seconds on this tuesday afternoon. >> dagen: he is up 1.3, $1.5 billion. >> emily: i love it. >> harris: this is a real -- to the left to deprive trump of assets to run his campaign. to that we say, bless your heart. [laughter]
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coming up, homeland security raids two homes belonging to hip-hop mogul, sean diddy combs in connection with a sex trafficking investigation. that developing story next. ♪ ♪ well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards -unnecessary action hero ... the nemesis. -it appears that despite my sinister
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slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. ♪ ♪ >> emily: homeland security officials raided two homes belonging to hip-hop mogul, sean diddy combs yesterday in connection to ongoing sex trafficking investigation. jonathan hunt live right now in los angeles with more details on this developing story, jonathan. hey, emily, it is unclear where sean combs is and whether he is in direct target of what we have been told is a sex trafficking investigation. what we know for sure is property is connected to homes in l.a. and miami were rated by heavily armed agents with homeland security investigation. and his mansion in the late the wealthy on the hills
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neighborhood, those agents seen escorting several people from the property, at least two of whom appeared to be zip ties for handcuffs. just a couple of hours after the raids, combs was spotted according to the report of tmc and you see here at a small executive airport in miami or cotmz said the video they posted shows combs strolling around the airport waiting for other members of his party who appeared to be talking with officials at that airport. sean combs has been the target of several lawsuits alleging sexual abuse just in the past six months. the first of which was filed by his former girlfriend, cassandra ventura. that suit was settled the day after it was filed. but it was followed by others that claimed forced drugging of women and sexual assault. in february, male music producer
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also filed suit claiming he had been abused by combs. combs has denied the allegations against him. the attorney representing two of those who filed suits against combs told us in an email statement, "hopefully, this is the beginning of a process that will hold mr. combs responsible for his depraved conduct" pure lawyers were combs have not responded to comment since his homes were rated, emily. speed to thank you, jonathan, bringing the conversation back to the couch as jonathan describes several lawsuits have been filed. several allegations in the past year or two and it resulted in a few decisions by diddy to step down from cable tv company or spent a lot of time restructuring behind the scenes where he has no sort of divested himself of a lot of high-profile positions of assets and company that he used to front. >> dagen: indeed. and jonathan went through this,
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they were four female plaintiffs filed lawsuits against combs accusing him of rape, sexual assault and other alleged abuses. we should note that sean combs not named as a target or suspect in these raid, these two raids. however, it is the producer who filed a federal lawsuit against combs last month accusing him of harassing and threatening him for over a year that might be at play with these raids. because in that lawsuit, it reads as follows, "mr. combs possesses compromising footage of every person that has attended his recall of parties and house parties. upon information and disbelief, treasure trove of evidence he has in possession, combs believes he is above the law and untouchable. combs all your called the allegations untruthful.
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but if there is evidence in those homes, that is clearly what they are looking for. >> emily: you know where we so allegations of that, epstein, remember? the treasure trove of evidence to use. >> harris: that is exactly where the people who were trying to follow him were thinking, too, maybe that is why they went to the airport to seek a place of extradition. none of that turned out to be true as of today that we know of. but things were coming up, where would he go, that sort of thing? so all we have factually is that video. had it he still have access to his private jet if they knew -- i mean, were they watching the guy? i have a lot of questions. with that special treatment or what was that? >> emily: and kayleigh, for a lot of us, it explained the pressures and the subtleties that are actually very powerful in that industry. young, influence a bull people wrapped up allegedly into this
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environment that is absolutely d of the day, they are being bowled over by these guys empower. >> kayleigh: it paints a disturbing picture and we don't know if he is the target of the investigation yet but new york federal prosecutors are taking a lead on this according to "the new york times" or they were coming in fact, interviewing several months some of these individuals and several lawsuits compared to one who is involved in the investigation and bolstered by "the new york times" in order to have a search warrant. you have to have probable cause that a crime was committed. and reasonable suspicion is not enough. suspicion or dealt. a lot to learn here, is he the target or is he not? a lot of questions. >> dr. siegel: i have a little bit to add in the background of psychiatry, his father was murdered. he was called of and has a child. he has a long history of disturbance, obviously but his girlfriend accused him of rape. there is a lot on the table and
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celebrities sometimes feel they are larger-than-life and larger than other people. and this came from that. >> emily: coming up more coverage on the baltimore disaster continues. president biden said to give his remarks any moment now so stay with us. the ntsb will give an update 1:00 p.m. eastern. plus, new video out of el paso, texas, shows a migrant using bolt cutters to illegally cross the border. that is next. ♪ ♪ help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. feeling claritin clear is like...
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into fox news from the same area. you can see a migrant using bolt cutters to make a hole in the wire. once the hole is big enough heat escorts illegal immigrants through though opening. and the texas department stepped in. mexico's president said the flow of migrants won't stop, not list the u.s. spends to his demands including sending latin american countries $20 billion in aid. >> if they don't do the things that you said need to be done, then what? speak with the flow of migrants will continue. >> emily: sounds like a threat to me, hear us but interestingly under the trump administration there were not threats at all, compliance, participation and collaboration between the mexican president anna here there was no flow across the border. >> harris: how would we know what the truth is other than to go and cover it ourselves?
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do we want to depend on an administration how they cannot figure out how to use an executive order? no. i don't call them migrants unless they go to a checkpoint and asked for asylum. these are illegal border crossers. they are breaking our very first law. they are criminals! they are! and how do we know? because they are men with guns to get them to go back. toured mexico here for that is what it takes to get these people to turn around you or they need a w of force because they don't care about our laws. so, that is two, by the way, two waves of penetration they are going through because there is a fence line and razor wire. governor abbott has laid down the law and lead down razor wire and fencing in some places, also saw on cargo containers. he's doing everything he can instill caravans of humanity come. we are having a warm winter. the left can't have it both ways, you can't have global warming and too cold to come to america.
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those things are not true. what governor abbott is doing is working. >> emily: doctor, i don't see too many women and children in there. maybe my eyes deceive me. >> dr. siegel: i think the political messaging is the most disturbing of all. to harris' point before we came on here, which is they were coming deliberately with box cutters and guns. they are planning on asylum ward. to me, salem ward would be one by one thing. my family and everyone on this couch came by immigration where we had medical issues too, by the way. they are bringing medical problems, public health emergency. >> emily: meanwhile, new york city paving the way for noncitizens to vote. that is right, the city council has asked the state's highest court to revise recently struck down law, which would allow over 800,000 noncitizens to vote in local elections. the council claims the move would work "strength in new york city."
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what say you, kayleigh mark >> kayleigh: noncitizen voting, my memory is long enough to go back to last thursday or wednesday when don limit asked elon musk you claim biden is opening the border to get more votes but undocumented cannot vote in elections and elon said, oh, wait they are part of the census bureau that changes the number of electoral votes. this is not a federal election but is it a first up in new york city? now we will give noncitizens credit cards? now green card holders can vote. elon musk was exactly right, exactly right. footnote the story. >> dagen: this involves people who are here with green cards, but this is the left's game. people know this is the game all along. if you look at that footage of the people rushing the border that we showed from el paso, so, let's just go back. this is an invasion. and then they run up to the border wall. walls do work, and the plan all
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along is to turn red states blue and ensure that a republican never gets elected to the white house ever again, which is what i said about texas. they can turn texas blue, no republican will ever reside in the white house. >> emily: i wonder if this was a reaction from the last election where the republicans would have historical victories in the terms of the amount of people voting for them here does the democratic party scare the way new york is turning perhaps? >> kayleigh: to add to that story, you have the democratic front runner who wants the senate suggesting that we should have illegal immigrants become citizens, certain classes of them. does that lead to voting? this is a suggestion and not such a subtle one we see from the democratic party. at a time when nypd officers were assaulted in times square and when a man long island head into anti-semitic thing said to him and his flag trampled on by
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someone who flipped him the bird appear the same thing times square. it is tone-deaf in an election that could very well -- >> harris: i think about the person who was hanging the posters at the very beginning of israel/hamas were hit in the back of the head here and are giving their lives, trying to walk out freedom. and absolutely right it's never been subtle. when they are eric adams was running, he promised as a candidate that he wanted to usher in voting for people who were not u.s. citizens. he made that part of his platform. it wasn't until recently former republican eric adams realized that it is kind of a problem to have thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants all over your streets and you are kicking other people out of resources. yeah, that is a problem politically. so what does the city council do? they pick up the mantle and run with that without the mayor and he won't have to say a word. politics are protected. the two i know this, harris, you
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were remember this adams fought strongly against city council pg a law that required every police officer to documeny had on the streets, remember that? and too cumbersome and about face, many argue at the end of the day, city council though ignored him. >> harris: exactly. >> emily: i wonder to your point if the mayor changed his mind but city council said not -- >> harris: there is a deal. >> emily: right. >> harris: the key, mayor adams, this burden financial is on hisn't want to t worse. >> kayleigh: we have a fox news alert, we will hear from president biden on the baltimore bridge collapsed. we are waiting for the status of six individuals missing. we will see life the roosevelt room you are looking out at the white house. you heard from pete buttigieg who has a statement out. we heard from alejandro mayorkas and president biden himself pure this morning senior members of my team for a briefing on the
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collapse of baltimore francis scott key bridge and i directed my administration to ensure every federal resources available to assist search and rescue efforts. at any moment, he could be coming out. emily, it is at moments from these you want to your from your president as consoler-in-chief. i have no doubt he will console the families with status of their loved ones. but you want to hear from the president going forward. is this a commission or a task force? this is something that very clearly should not have happened. and we want corrective action in the future and how we can come together as a country to ensure that it does not. >> emily: well said. a hallmark of a true leader in tragedy is one with a servants heart and one that has a righteousness about him that isn't going to say to everyone, "i know exactly how you feel." answer personal experience. i am so deeply sorry for your loss. i stand for you in this tragedy. here is how i resolved to make
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it better. i hope there is no attacks on someone with a political party. i hope it is a true uniting and oriented speech. i hope there is empathy without insertion of his personal space in there. my fingers frankly are crossed. >> harris: in other words, you want him to be different than the palestine disaster. >> kayleigh: i am hoping we will hear perhaps radar technology that can be used to prevent future situations like this. it hasn't happened in 40 years. >> dr. siegel: we talk about infrastructure, it has to be a real discussion not about the bill but how to fix something like this. emily's point about empathy is huge. we haven't that from this present battle. how did you speak to victims? how do you speak to people that are survivors? very important. >> kayleigh: we have seen and will hear from him in any moment. more from this press conference more from this press conference when we come back in a moment.
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. and the u.s. coast guard units were stationed nearby, thank god appeared they were immediately deployed with emergency personnel. and the coast guard's response both support representatives from the highway administration, the fbi, the department of transportation and the army corps the engineers. and the police and fire appear they are all working together to coordinate an emergency response
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your coofficials that i have seen estimate eight people on account of or still, not still, were unaccounted for. that number might change to a rescue and one without injury. and the rescue operations continue for all of those as we speak. i spoke with the governor moore this morning as well as mayor baltimore, county executive and the united states senators and the congressman. my secretary of transportation is on the scene you're quite told them, we are going to send all the federal resources they need in response to this emergency and i mean all federal emergencies. we will rebuild that port together. everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident. at this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there was an intentional act here. personnel on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department of transportation but they lost control of a festival as you all know and have reported appeared as a result, we will close the bridge of trac
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before the bridge was struck. which undead and the glee our prayers are involved in this terrible accident especially those of loved ones right now. and every minute of that circumstance feels like a lifetime. just terrible. we are incredibly grateful for the rescuers who are at sea and to the people of baltimore who want to say, we are with you. we will stay with you as long as it takes. and like the governor, you are maryland tough, baltimore strong, and we will get through this together. i promise, we are not leaving. here is what is happening now, the search and rescue operation is our top priority. traffic and the port of baltimore suspended until further notice. we will need to clear the channel before the ship traffic can resume. army corps of engineers is on the spot and is going to help lead the effort to clear the channel. the port of baltimore is one of
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the largest shipping hubs and i have been there a number of times as a senator and as a vice president. it handles a record amount of cargo last year. it is also the top port in america with imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. 850,000 vehicles go through that port every single year. and we will get it up and running as soon as possible. 15,000 jobs depend on that port. and we will do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers. the bridge is also critical to travel. not just baltimore but the northeast -- over 30,000 vehicles on a daily basis and is virtually the most important element for the economy in the northeast and the quality of life. the transportation secretary is there now as we are told more. and my team will head to the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible.
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and we will work hand-in-hand with the support of maryland and to support maryland whenever they ask for it. we will work on the part of congress to make sure the state gets the support they need. it is my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of the reconstruction of that bridge. and i expect congress to support my effort here this will take some time here with the people of baltimore can count on us though to stick with them at every step of the way until ther is reopen and the bridges rebuilt. you know, you're not leaving until this job gets done there and we not leaving. i just want to say, god bless everybody here at everyone harmed this morning and their families and the first responders who many have risk their lives. and i'm not going to take a lot of questions because there are remaining issues opened to determine what will happen in terms of rescue mission and all
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of that. >> do you plan to go to baltimore and if so how quickly? because i do and how as quickly as i gam. >> i'm curious, is this a ship that appeared to be a pulpit is there any reason why they should be held responsible? >> president biden: we will not wait for that happen but we will pay for the bridge to be rebuilt and reopened. >> reporter: what about the decision not to attend the meeting this week? >> we will have plenty of time to talk about that. >> thanks, everyone. thanks, everyone, thank you. >> kayleigh: that was president biden. he offered his prayers. he offered his heart to the first responders currently working around the clock to try to rescue anyone if that is a possibility that exist. president biden and we will rebuild the bridge together, we will reopen the port as quickly
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as possible. hugely important he talked about 100 of thousands of cars i go through there in 15,000 jobs with commuters across the bridge you're at and also whether congress will step up and help as we heard from the president. one of the key takeaways, excuse me, dagen, congressional support for this effort. he wants congress to step up and help rebuild this bridge. of course, rebuild that port. >> dagen: it is not unthinkable that you will see a special appropriation, as i was mentioning, at i-35 west bridge minneapolis collapsed and relatively quick appropriation of about a quarter of a trillion dollars. and chris van hollen, the democrat of maryland said today, "we are quickly working to address the situation." and that will be the sole focus of what congress can do in
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response to the tragedy. that bridge was rebuilt a little more than a year. >> kayleigh: harris, will you be going to baltimore? as come as quickly as i can. >> harris: so quickly east palestine, ohio, was dealt with. you had untold amount of victims from that with initial chemical asked quote from explosion to the water being contaminated, contamination in the air, you could smell it, tasted, an end people had long problems. we were on they are saying how bad it was. no one was there. that was february last year and the president just recently went february of this year. so expeditiously, he will go to baltimore, expeditiously he did not go to east palestine. i want to point this out because i think this is going to be like the line that is remembered today, "i do not have time to talk about the rafah crossing." i do not have time to talk about rafah. i told you, 110,000 uncommitted
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votes across michigan and minnesota, are they listening? yeah, this is politics for this man. you don't have time to talk about the one thing where people are protesting you? amazing! i know it is not on point, but he answers questions all the time, he says. >> kayleigh: i mentioned this to be a press conference, dr. siegel. perhaps it was presumptive because he did take two poll questions at the end. >> dr. siegel: but as harris said, alluding innovating for most of question on everyone's mind about the rafah crossing into gaza. this bridge, of course, he will use that for political points across the bridge every year. and it told me become a huge, huge problem. it is a skip and jump from the white house the white house. >> kayleigh: emily, he reiterated this was not intentional so we not intentional act, of course as we have been hearing all day and we are waiting ntsb press conference. >> emily: that is right and in the interim, our prayers and
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>> he will go as soon as he can to baltimore to the site of the spirit and also said there will be a time to talk about the rafah crossing and meanwhile, big news from the presidential race, independent canada rfk jr. is expected to announce his choice provides gnomic vice president 2:00 p.m. eastern. rho quickly, it could be nicole shanahan's attorney and entrepreneur appear they will do it from oakland, california, perhaps and that is because that is the area still by their her where she is from but we will call the balls and strikes as they >> john:


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