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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 15, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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maria: good thursday morning, thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm hope you're having a good morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is thursday, february 15, 8:00 5*78 ton east coast. the house impeachment probe of of president biden hitting a crucial phase, lawmakers hearing explosive testimony from tony bobulinski yesterday, he testified that hunter once referred to joe biden as the chairman in text messages with business partners working on a chinese energy deal while former hunter biden associate rob walker told lawmakers joe biden once met with the chairman of cefc. republicans on the oversight committee saying that joe biden interacted with nearly all of hunter's foreign business associates. one week from today, the president's brother, james biden will apeer before lawmakers before his closed door deposition. hunter biden is set to testify one week later on february 28th. joining me to get ahead of it
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all is kentucky congressman james comer, the chairman of the house oversight committee. mr. chairman, great to see you. thank you for being here. >> good morning, maria. maria: i want to get to the testimony of tony bobulinski. first, let's get to breaking news that you have. i know that you were sending out subpoenas this morning. tell me who you're subpoenaing and why. >> we're subpoenaing several credit card companies you through the interviews and depositions we've conducted thus far. we've learned that there were several credit cards that were used by various members of the biden family. we believe for personal expenses and we believe these credit cards were being paid by cefc or through cefc funded affiliates so this is something obviously we need to investigate and it's something that today we finally took the steps to issue the subpoenas. maria: are you saying that the schemes involve using credit cards that they were spending
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money and china was paying for the bills? is that one way that they were being paid? >> well, we know that there was a pretty extensive money laundering school. laundering scheme. they used a complex series of transactions through what i consider a shell company. a shell company as your viewers know full well is a company with no assets, no known purpose and this was a complex way to try to deceive the irs and operate in the shady manner that they operate in. one of the things you'll notice on all of the bank the things y notice on the bank statements is payment to credit cards and they were various credit cards. we will subpoena the credit card company. they had dozens of credit cards and bank accounts but what we have been narrowing it down to his specific credit cards that were used by the biden family
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so we've taken all steps necessary to be to the point we are issuing a subpoena that will win in court. we are subpoenaing sensitive information, personal information from the biden family at the beginning of this investigation nobody felt we would be able to obtain that information but we've done everything of a right way and we are winning, we are in a position we can win in court and we can obtain the credit card information. maria: are you subpoenaing companies like visa, mastercard or the major banks like bank of america, jpmorgan, who are you sitting subpoenas to? >> major credit card companies like american express. companies like that. maria: american express. so you sent the spanish-american express this morning? >> yes. maria: let me get your take on what you learned yesterday, boba zelenskyy is going after jamie raskin today for calling
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him a political upon. mister chairman, we are hearing from the lawyer who writes this. mister bobaza belinsky has the facts and receipts and no amount of character assassination will change that. your thoughts? >> he continues to be dishonest with the american people and tony boba zelenskyy is not paying about it. i don't blame him and his lawyers should issue a letter as quick as we can get everyone to approve the transcript we will release the transcript and he will be vindicated and once again jamie raskin will be proven to be a liar. when jamie raskin has lied so many times about the evidence and the testimony from people we've brought in. i've lost him. obviously he is upset, he should be upset. he's the one honest, credible guy that was involved with the bidens which he was so honest and so credible hunter defrauded him because he didn't want to be in business with
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someone like him, he wanted in business with people that will allow them to continue to commit financial crimes and operate with our adversaries around the world and tony bobaza belinsky is not wanting to do that. he is the one good guy in all of this. he did a great job under risk from the democrats on the oversight committee. i've never seen people behave worse than jamie raskin and dan goldman did, they try to intimidate tony boba zelenskyy but they didn't, he provided good, solid, credible evidence and our investigation moves forward. maria: when we look at this, no matter what side you are on, obviously if the commander in chief is taking money or has taken money from foreign adversaries that becomes a national security threat. i don't understand why you and your colleagues would not see this the same way. why would dan goldman and jamie raskin try to knock down
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information that relates to the national security of america? >> that's a great question. i don't think my constituents would tolerate public corruption. i don't think my constituents want our president to be on the tank, for our president to allow his family to peddle his office to our enemies around the world but jamie raskin and dan goldman defend the indefensible, they continue to serve as legal team attorneys and it is counter to everything congress should be about, go to the watergate hearings, you had bipartisan cooperation among republicans and democrats questioning richard nixon and his administration about different accusations. this is totally different. not only has one democrat never
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asked a substantive question about the biden schemes but they continue to defendant intimidate and the to their friends in the mainstream media and spread disinformation. what they are trying to say as biden did know about it, left the report where president biden continues to lie and play the dementia card and everything else. what we've learned from tony boba zelenskyy and devon archer is president biden was the central figure. he's what the bidens were selling, he's how bidens took in tens of millions from our enemies around the world and i think most americans are not happy with that. maria: it's discouraging and disappointing to see elected officials try to water this down and not acknowledge if the biden family has accepted millions of dollars from our
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adversaries just like the poster child of 2016 which was adam schiff, running around with hair on fire russia russia russia trump colluded with russia and it is in plain sight, the american people are sick and tired of elected officials playing politics with something so important as the national security of america, you are sending subpoenas to credit card companies. are they going to respond? do you get the data you are looking for? you had a hard time getting bank records from bank of america and jpmorgan or whatever the other banks. ultimately if they did send you the bank records, you think american express will send these records? >> we will find out. when i issue a subpoena jamie raskin get a copy of that, the ranking member, he runs to the white house and shows the subpoena. the white house will immediately call the financial
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institution or the individual being subpoenaed, and encourage them to not cooperate with the investigation, we have evidence of the white house doing that and witnesses we are bringing in for interviews, discourage them from coming in, we will see if these financial companies will continue to work with us and what they do in the beginning when they get a call encouraging them not to work with us they meet with their legal team and figure out that we have created a path to win in court. we will get those financial records one way or another but like everything else it takes a long time because we are obstructed by the biden legal team, by the white house, the department of justice and -- maria: you've threatened to subpoena the justice department if they do not hand over the full transcript of president biden's interview with robert her by february 19th is the day
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you put in place, asking for full access to the documents that biden was willfully holding onto. have you heard that from the department of justice on this? do you expect to get that transcript? >> we will get those transcript like we've gotten everything else but it's going to be a battle because what we are interested in isn't necessarily where he talked about president biden's mental state, we all see president biden's mental state play out on a daily basis. our concern is those documents, specifically the documents he mishandled from countries like ukraine and china. countries where the bidens have taken in tens of millions of dollars. we need to know where those documents, used as a central part of the biden influence, were these documents -- was taking and sending and handing over to our enemies around the world in return for payment because we believe there's a chance that happened. if you look at the email on the
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laptop hunter biden sent some sponsorships emails officially to ukraine that look like government documents that meet the criteria of what would be considered a classified document so this is why we are concerned about receiving the transcript and the video. it's not about the president's mental state, we know what the president's mental status. it is about which documents president biden used with respect to china and ukraine, those documents that were classified. maria: could have shared those documents? >> there's a scenario where we think that's a possibility especially with ukraine. that's why we need those transcripts. a central part of evidence in our investigation. maria: if they are accepting this money, the biden family, from china, ukraine and other adversaries across the world, would that money be on their tax returns. i know you are also looking to
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investigate the irs over its, quote, lenient treatment for lean ago groups. tell me about the irs and how it is involved in influence peddling scheme if that is what it is or everything under a loan, should they have to report is the irs and their tax returns? what about these? >> with respect to the taxes owed, the majority of the money hunter biden and we believe jim biden but we will know more about jim biden and away, the majority of the money hunter biden received, through the adversarial, suspicious transfers from countries to the shell companies he didn't pay a penny of taxes on them. the taxes that he owns are based on income, he still owes millions and millions of dollars on the influence peddling tea money, they need to take, after the irs went in and investigating biden plaster
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money laundering and tax evasion, from irs whistleblower's, from that point on it changed the way they were taking money in, now they started taking money and claiming it as a loan because you don't have to report a loan to the irs. if you get a loan and never pay it back, that is income. i can make a strong argument on your show today that the president's son and brother owed millions of dollars to the irs for the money they took in from the influence peddling schemes. where they disguised as loans and loaned off expenses from their shell companies so this is a problem, this is a big part of our investigation and then you look at president biden, he took an 1/4 of $1 million, made a quarter of a million dollars from influence peddling, no question about that. he never paid taxes on that. we've got a lot of tax evasion concerns in this investigation and trying to track down.
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maria: we had a meeting yesterday where the smoking gun is in terms of president biden's involvement and his family's influence peddling and i wonder what you view as the smoking gun. is at $40,000 that went directly to president biden and that would be 10% of the overall $400,000 that came from china or something else? what is your smoking gun that proves president biden was involved? >> we tracked those two payments, cordova million dollars he received from the family influence peddling team, no question about that. we've trashed the money to have the bank memorandums to prove how that money went from the influence peddling schemes to president biden's back pocket but you look at all of this and all the money his family took in and it's a clear violation of the practices act, that's clearly defined in the legislation is what constitutes a bribe and a bribe to family members is certainly
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essentially a bribe to the politicians. that's one of the violations. i think you are going to see at the conclusion of this investigation, there were a lot of crimes committed by many members of the biden family including president biden. maria: what are you exciting to reach in the report? >> on february 28th, we will have a public hearing and hopefully turning on that report after that. maria: we are watching your work, appreciate your time. james comeer joining us in dc. we will be right back. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪
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>> are you subpoenaing companies like visa, mastercard or the major banks like bank of america, j.p. morgan can you give us clarity on who you are sending subpoenas to. >> major companies like american express. >> companies like that. >> time for the hot topic of hour that was james comer breaking news moments ago he
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told me today he sent a subpoena to american express as well as other major credit card companies demanding more from the bank records, credit card companies biden family members, he is alleging that biden family members were using annex cards and chinese companies were paying the bills. he also said a moment ago that the white house may obstruct this investigation as soon as the subpoena goes out, pick up the phone, call american express and bullying them not to send the data to the oversight committee. >> that would be par for the course how this justice department and the white house treated the investigation this far. the white house and justice department were aware hunter biden plan to defy his own congressional deposition and they stood back and watch and let it happen. it's clear that the biden white house does not want this to come to light, what is going to happen were going to see a clear
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money trail between the biden family, the chinese firms and with joe biden himself which would be damning for his reelection campaign. maria: american express has the data, can release the data but will see what the biden administration does to bully them to stop. >> they have been sneaky, it's very possible that the ccp was paying the bills but did they do so by paying james biden who did a loan repayment. one of the llc. >> the complexity issue which is great as it is there going to subpoena the records from american express, who knows what complexity the complex spiderweb of transactions and llcs are set up to hide what was really happening. >> he said he sent the subpoena today we will watch that and see how they respond. we'll be right back.
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the yield on the ten year is pulling back it's down four basis points sitting at four-point to 1%, federal reserve vice chairman of supervision michael barr says the central bank needs to see more good data on inflation before cutting rates, he supports a powell's careful approach to rate cuts, were awaiting the january retail sales report any moment we will have those numbers shortly, expectation call for decline in retail sales down one tenth of 8% month over month but up to tenth of 8% when you strip out auto sales, will get the ppi tomorrow morning the housing starts and building permits tomorrow morning, let's get how do vagabonds group founder and managing partner david bahnsen the author of dividend café.com and author of his new book of full-time work and the meaning of life, great to have you, thank you for being here how do you want to allocate capital as we watch an economy slowing? >> we are big believers that dividend growth equity is a better way to allocate capital
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regardless of the season but particularly when you're dealing with the border than we are now, not only economic questions but ongoing monetary instability, fiscal responsibility, geopolitical tension but the biggest issue to me is evaluations and the index is become so dependent there soon good be calling the magnificent seven the magnificent two or three and a few of those names are falling off and there's a couple that are continuing to move higher that cannot carry the whole index we have a historical precedent for this and we believe in consumer staples and energy and financials in certain dividend growing names that are well valued and reasonable and you're getting the growing cash flow as you go. >> are you saying you would sell into any rallies for the magnificent seven. >> if i owned them i would i would sell them but i would now wait for rally yesterday today or tomorrow but we don't own
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those we are permanently attached evaluations that we can be comfortable with it the risk mitigation and some of those have done incredibly well, some of them are still not back to where they were and 2021 so you're looking at a choppy market that i think will stay range bound for a long time, big appears like last year end down years like the year before. i think you might wake up three or four of five years with a modest return with the index with. >> seven, is a historical precedent. when you buy things at 50 times earnings. maria: jumping, i love you take on dividend paying stocks, i'd think there's a tremendous opportunity. when i look at the performance of the dividend aristocrats, it's up 1.4% versus the s&p up around 20.4%, however, we were going through. with a very high risk free rate it seems that rates are going to be coming down, i would think
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that's going to be a positive or dividend paying stocks over the course of the next year or two, what do you say about that. >> i think that dividend growing stocks did even better under bigger advantage that was our story post financial crisis, even though you were going to the decade that did so well we did extremely well with dividend growth and i think it was a fact the delta between the current yield and where the tenure was, not to mention the s&p yield is only yielding one and a half, 1.3% in its used to yielding over the hundred years for 5%. were trying to get half of the return from income because we think that does not go negative whereas prices can go up and down. i agree the risk-free rate matters and also the fundamentals of a company that managed themselves to consistent cash flow of a better run. maria: i wonder what you feel the macro story for credit earnings and economic data,
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retail sales coming out any moment were watching markets to see a change, the market is rising right now it's up about 90 points, 95 points on the dow industrials as retail sales are about to hit the tape we want to see how strong the consumer is in terms of the retail sales numbers, that's what were waiting on this as a reaction to the numbers coming out right now with this market rally and were getting into cheryl shortly on this, what you have. >> the retail sales is what we care about, that's what the stories going to be for the market right now the month over month expectation we would get a headline number down 1.1% and became a much worse than that we came in down .18% that's a little bit of a rough or read in the autos came in negative we were looking for a gain of 2.% of x autos and became a negative .6% that's a rougher story also
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jobless claims, 212 on jobless claims that's what we expected in the hot job market, with the claims and we have new york fed crossing as well, that's another manufacturing story let me get down to import and export prices, that the key data point i was looking at and this is what we call data dump. getting to the import export prices for january we have a gain of 8% for import prices and we were looking for a flat number, that's a little bit different, export prices at .8% and then retail year-over-year coming in again pretty weak. let me finish up with import export, those came in about stronger than expected which we were looking at this, the import was supposed to be flat, import 1.8% export was supposed to be down it came in back to the year-over-year retail number again, this is pretty surprising it came in up .6%.
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maria: down not up. >> the year-over-year retail came in up 6.%. last month was up 5.6%, think about that, a couple of things i'm going to send it back for reaction, a lot of data that goes through here. i will say this this is seasonally adjusted number for january retail sales to be clear and bad weather in the month of january. we knew that. this is the numbers everything i got so far. maria: the year-over-year number was up six tent ever-present. >> which is what were looking on the screen. >> month over the month it was down eight tent ever-present and we were expecting down one tent ever-present, david bahnsen your reaction to these numbers. >> unfortunately we cannot care less ever about the retail number, consumer, consumer
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confidence we already know something that everybody ought to know permanently about the american consumer the only time they stop spending is when they run out of money and brought out of credit that's it and you saw the lumpiness of the numbers, 5.6 in december, down a little in january and when you're spending less at gas stations and convenience stores that makes the numbers lumpy, there is so much noise month over month at the data and we look at trailing quarterly numbers and the american consumer loves to spend is ingrained in the culture all i care about for economic growth is production. maria: i wonder if the month over month number of down eight tent of 8% is one reason that the market is rallying and perhaps until the federal reserve has the move. >> the one piece of economic data lately that says they have room, the interesting thing i would like to see whether or not the pullback in retail spending in january led to consumers
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paying down the credit card debt that they accumulated during the fourth quarter. >> january season, good point to make. stay with us. we'll be right back. thank you. you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪
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maria: will come back one of the migrant teens arrested after attacking cops in times square in the 19-year-old is facing robbery and larceny charges after he and three other suspects stole hundreds of dollars worth of clothes from macy's, they also assaulted an employee there, first he tries to assault the cops, then he goes and steals an assault somebody in macy's, the only migrant that saul jail cell for the attack at the nypd officers is back on the street and
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activist brooklyn priest posted the 15000-dollar bail, nypd chief of patrol john shall join me on this program to discuss the migrant crime wave in new york city. watch. >> we have migrant trends and crime affecting our city as we speak as it relates to assault on a screen, motorbike crime robberies and purse snatches mob like activity in stores where they're going to macy's or bloomingdale's in there stealing what they get their hands on from pickpockets in the street to pickpockets in the subways, there's gotta be consequent as for the actions and if there's no consequences that will keep on happening we will never corrected, we are to get practical people at the table practical conversations is not how to solve this. >> that was a practical answer. new york city police commissioner the ceo of guardian group back with us, it's always a pleasure to see you, thank you very much for being here, thank you for having me. >> what you make of all this it is heartbreaking to see the
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illegal migrants beating up the nypd officers, how should the u.s. in the city of new york be dealing with this. >> obviously we need a lot of help with the border the people are coming from the police commissioner of new york and said the city is a wave migrant crime and certainly seems to be the case, there's one gang and particular that they've written about called peacock in there from venezuela but they have been around for about 12 years and they've done this type of thing robberies, phone snatchers in south america for over 12 years, they've taken the whole operation in moved to new york cops are overwhelmed quite frankly, the police department short of police officers no question about it having difficulty hiring them is a very difficult time to be a cop in new york city these days.
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and i don't see it getting any better anytime soon, quite frankly. maria: continue. >> with attorney bragg letting people go without bail, there is no reason to do that they had no addresses no roots in the community yet he let them go and they were all across the country. it's very frustrating for the cops as well and of course everyone has to be on their toes they have to be alert and looking around because you could be the victim of these crimes very easily they are using scooters and fleet footed young men to take purses and it's not ending anytime soon unfortunately. >> we see a lot of people with masks on writing scooters in new york city, i see it all the time in the venezuelan gang has it down to a science stealing
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people's phone if you're holding your phone or purses what else can you tell us about the venezuelan gang. >> we know that they are established in several south american countries and they have been there for a while for at least 12 years they only recently moved to new york, they move the whole operation in their mo of stealing phones and sending it back to columbia and then sold. a lot of money offered through the years and it looks like they're making money here in new york and there stealing bags from women riding on scooters and they will pull up next to them, take the bag and take off and they're gone in a flash those are the two primary ways that they have been making money in the city but there also involved in human trafficking
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and drugs so there probably likely to expand they could enter curtail what they're doing now, it's a real problem for the city and for the police department. maria: the nypd is telling us in the fbi telling us to be aware of the certain tattoos that the gang members have indicating that the part of the gang was there anything else average citizens should be doing to be on alert so they don't fall victim to this? >> they have to look over their shoulders, they gotta be aware of their surroundings and be aware on darkened streets. if you look at the roosevelt hotel which is the center for migrants in the city these days, there are scooters all around the hotel it's ready available for them to go and do their crime. you have to be aware and you have to be alert, it is a dangerous time unfortunately in new york city particularly in
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midtown. maria: he was giving them the scooters, how are they getting access i heard a story the other day that in the apple store, family of migrants came into the apple store and they wanted to buy five ipads and five phones and they wanted to buy the apple 15 phone and they paid for with a card that they had is the city issuing those cards. >> i have established people who are here for instance peacock, they have been here the core group of people but now the migrants came in large numbers and are using them. it's not exactly newcomers they have been here, they have been established in other countries and all indications they are expanding their operations unfortunately. they have money and they have roots here. maria: unbelievable, the new york post editorial board writes
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this the documented presence of the brutal venezuelan gang and the engine embedded in the bed enter big apple demands they appeal state and local laws that stop nypd from teaming up of the federal integration counterparts to take the criminals down, what can be done in terms of getting the nypd more power to take on these groups. >> exactly what i said there joined with ice and their powerful federal agency but this is the sanctuary city so they're not dealing with ice cutting off your nose despite your face and makes no sense in doing those sorts of things but the city government won't do it they keep new york is the sanctuary city but still new york is considered to sanctuary city. we did the federal government out in the federal agencies out and were not getting an adequate amount by any means.
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maria: subway guidelines is also surging in the big apple, transit crime up 22% plus over the last year, yesterday less than a 24 hour period a 16-year-old boy was stabbed, and mta worker and a good samaritan punched by homeless man in the subway musician was attacked with a metal bottle, what are we going to do about this. >> the mayor drastically cut back over time for the transit system, i assume that money is being taken for migrants, that made a big difference in the subway much more of a uniform presence in the subway system. that pretty much ended, we have to free up the money, get the cops back in the subway, the subway is the lifeblood of new york city, if we don't have that commerce is really going to grind to a halt. we have a lot of things coming together here in new york city
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that are problematic, no question about it. maria: much of it originates at the southern border, the wide-open border. >> absolutely. absolutely, we have now 170,000 migrants in new york city and we had about 8 million across the border in three years, there is no vetting going on, people are coming in and coming in from all over the world not to south america, the coming from europe, iran, middle east. maria: and china by the way, chinese nationals look like navy seals, they look like real military aged men. it's always a pleasure thank you for the info. >> former commissioner at the nypd, auto insurance up better than 20% over the last year fox business jeff flock is live with that story. >> adverted if you think grocery prices are high you have not
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been to the auto repair shop lately, that's where we are, cost increase expected to be the highest sentence been since i was in high school. we will give you the wise and just a moment ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back, the hotter than expected january cpi showing auto insurance is up better than 20% better than a year ago, jeff flock is outside of a car dealership and do oils town pennsylvania with more. , jd auto repair this morning this is the paint area where there fixing the front end of a subaru, i'll tell you, the cost have gone crazy, take a look at the numbers, this is the cost of auto insurance that is driven by auto repair cost, take a look at this, cost on average if you get full coverage for your auto about $2500, that is this year the estimate, that is the largest one-year increase 26%, larger sense 1976, that is crazy, part of that is a result
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of technology, i have josé ordonez with jd auto body you and your wife a mom-and-pop shop, the technology, the sensors of a new bumper on a car, now you have sensors. >> like the collision center with a minimum scratch in the front bumper. i would give folks a number, it's an average repair it's now over $4000, it's very back onto gas powered car and for an ev, greater about $6000. crazy times out here but your food cost a lot, how about your car. maria: everything cost more, that is true, thank you. we'll be right back, you're watching "mornings with maria",
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family members were using am-ex cards and china was paying hair bills. here is comer with me earlier this morning. are you subpoenaing companies like visa, mastercard or the major banks like bank of america, jpmorgan? can you give us some clarity on who you are sending subpoenas to? >> major credit card companies like american express. companies like that. maria: got it, all right. american express. so you sent the subpoena to american express this morning? if. >> yes. finish. maria: all right. let's get reaction. this is an explosive story and breaking news, kaylee. your reaction. >> we've already said this would, for sure, establish the money trail that comer has been trying to pin down and identify. and, again, it just goes towards this pattern of hunter biden never paid for anything himself. he was getting all of his bills paid for by his sugar brother, by his dad, by his uncle. everyone was paying for hunter biden. the question is, why? he was making a significant income from these business
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ventures with foreign companies, so why did he seem to never have any money of his own in why did he rack up so much debt? and why were these companies paying for him? maria: yeah. we all know why. remember there was an e-mail to his daughter saying, you know, i'm paying the family bills. so he's taking in this money from adversaries, and then he's paying the family bills. >> and it'll be interesting to see if there is a direct link between that money and, obviously, the american express bill. i found it was very interesting, maria, when you asked visa, jpmorgan, bank of america, he specifically said american express. maria: we're waiting to hear how they respond if, rebecca. >> i hope they cooperate because, obviously, they've had to push them before, they've eventually gotten cooperation by making a subpoena and what have you. just cooperate and let's get this information. we need it before the election. maria: all right. mark tepper, kaylee mcghee white, thank you, everybody. "varney & company" pix it up. :


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