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tv   Gov. Moore Sens. Van Hollen Cardin Hold Press Conference on Baltimore...  CSPAN  March 27, 2024 5:52pm-6:27pm EDT

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for years there has been a problem with planes shaking so violently that the bolts will a similar example in the movie hidden figures. when the rocket shook so bad the shutters came off and burned the person inside the rocket to death. i think there is another problem with boeing. at one point, several parts come from several courii mean, sabotg problem if that is true. host: what you mary? guest: she makes a great point. ever space has changed. in years past boeing at other over the years there has been bankruptcies of various aerospace manufacturers,
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aviation manufacturers, and buyouts and, you know, we have come down to just a few manufacturers. but, she is right. over the years what has■/ happed is it instead of most of the parts and maintenance and assembly and everything happen in the united statesit happens all over the world. on any aircraft you can have suppliers on that plane coming -- and parts on tha from 50-100t countries. ■j
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>> good evening today we transitioned from search-and-rescue to recovery. need to bring closure and comfort to the families. we take that very seriously. to all the i say [speaking spanish]. less than no one -- less than e ho after the collapse we had divers in the water at 2:25 a.m. to begin search-and-rescue. this morning we had divers in the water starting at 6:00 a.m. for search and recovery. this is not a conclusion. a continuation. we take this phase just as seriously and personally as we
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took the last phase. and i want to thank is always all our first responders, the maryland state police, th■ke cot guard, the natural resources police, the baltimore city police department, and baltimore county, baltimore city, and prince georges county fire partments and everybody that was involved in part of this work. i can tell you that over these past days we have heard an of thoughts and prayers coming in from all around the world. from baltimore, from maryland. for the victims and for their families. to everybody sending out those prayers, i want to say we have felt them. we have been comforted by them. to everybody that has shared appreciate the words and kind gestures you have shown. we want to let everybody know this.
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forward, we will need your support. the collapse of the key bridge s. the collapse of the curie -- the key bridge is a global crisis. the national economynd depends e port of the port handles more carsng- the port of baltimore. the port handles more cars and farm equipment than any other port in the country. last year the port handled $80 billion of foreigntj cargo, the largest in the country. the last 24 hours, we have had a chance to work with the navy to mobilize major resources all around to be able to make sure we are getting things moving. this has hi was informed they al assessing the area and organizing with a thorough plan of action.
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÷gthis afternoon i also had the chance to meet with the maryland department of transportation and by exec -- my executive team mental the leaders there to talk about how we will continue to bug but i's assets at all levels of government and society to make sure we are moving forward collectively with our response. today also maryland submitted our request to the biden/harris administration asking for emergency relay funding to assist in our work going forward. the opportunity to speak to the president again today by phone. i am thankful also we are here joined by tom. wonderful to see you. thank you for your continued support and work. >> what we know i don't know att the total cost will be. i do not yet know what the full timeline will be.
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but, what i do know is the task in front of us will be real, ■tdaunting, but despite the task ahead of us being daunting i can tell you right now our resolve is unshaken. we will get to completion. we will do it together. the work will take time. but, we will make sure we will leave no one behind. we will take care of our people. at leastdocks have jobs that han directly affected by this collapse. wed are supporting them in this moment. and we need to make sure we are getting them back on the job. the same goes for many others that have been affected by the crisis. both directly and indirectly. we will move forward together. that is what we do. ■because we are maryland to love
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and baltimore strong. -- tough and baltimore strong. toner -- now i turn it over to colonel butler from the maryland state police. >> thank you, governor. i am the superintendent of the maryland department of state police. this morning, as the governor said, we have moved from search-and-rescue to search and recovery. thestate police along with the underwater recovery teams, supported by state, local, and federal partners made a tragic■ finshortly before 10:s located a red pickup truck submerged in approximate water e middle span of the bridge. divers recovered two victims of this
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vehicle. the victims were identified as hydr --alejandro hernandez fuentes, and a 26-year-old. their family members were notified over one hour ago in vqolice personnel with crisis intervention personnel present. knowing the gravity of this, we've provided them with a list of resources they can refer to emre further friends and family too. at this point, based upon the conditions, we are now moving from a recovery mode to a salvage operation. because of the superstructure surrounding what we believe are the vehicles, and the amount of concrete and debris, divers areó no longer able to safely
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navigate or operate around that. we have exhausted all search efforts in the areas around this wreckage, and based on sonar scans, we firmly believe that the vehicles are in the superstructure and concrete that we tragically saw come down. at this point, as this moves to a salvage recovery effort, the maryland police will continue to support the unified command as the u.s. coast guard reviews additional information regarding what to expect and possibly how long this could take. but i will tell you now, there is no definitive timeline on this. please be patient. please keep the family members in mind.
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in coordination with our fbi partners, we've determined the countries of origin of those that are presumed deceased to be mexico, gtemala, el salvador, and honduras. the notifications of these individuals family members and loved ones outside the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with their established protocols. again, i encourage you all to think about these people and those that they love and they lost. they are going to need your love and support. now i will handed it off to the admiral. >> good evening. first, i want to say our deepest condolences go out -- and sympathy goes out to the families of the impacted individuals. i also want to announce that the coast guard, along with our
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federal and state and local agency partners, have stood up a unified command. our number one priority in that unified command is to reopen the waterway so that we can safely move commerce in and out ltimor. that's our number one priority. to do that as soon as possible and as safely as possible. so that's what we are doing from thank you very much. >> evening. i'm secretary of transportation. i want to update you on the efforts we are doing to move brd earlier by the governor, we have applied for the federal dollars that are available for this type of purpose letter earlier this
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morning, i just got off a phone call with the federal highway administrator and we intend to receive some federal dollars quickly to start that process. then we will come up with a time to replace that bridge as quickly as possible to get the port and the community back up and running. >> senator ben cardin. the families of the victims of this horrible tragedy. i also want to personally thank all the i've had a chance to see firsthand some of the activities and it was extremely challenging, to say the least. we know that the quick action of our first responders saved lives by keeping vehicles off the bridge before it collapsed. so i really want to congratulate
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our first responders. when you have a catastrophic event like this that i"affecttae that is critically important to our community and to our region, the federal government comes to your help. and we are asking the federal government to help us in this crisis. president biden has responded in a very direct very confident that we will get the immediate attention that we need, thanks to the biden administration and our federal partners. we also will need the help of the congress. senator van hollen and i will be working with our entire congressional delegation to make sure that necessary authorization, support and resources to make this recovery complete, and that we can move as quickly asmistake ar top priority is to get the shipping lanes open. we recognize every day it is closed, the impact it has, not just on baltimore, and our
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economy, but our country, and it affects the global supply chaino opening the channel. we are also working today on replacement bridge so that we can also have those plans in place and have the tools and resources available so that we can reconstruct the bridge as quicklythe first priority, opene shipping lanes, replace the bridge, and we appreciate the fact that the federal government is with us every step of the way. senator van hollen. sen. van hollen: i want to start where the governor, senator cardin and others have been saying to the families of the six lost in this tragic accident, that our hearts go out to you, and we as the maryland family will dorovide you with rs that you need in this very
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difficult time. it is also a solemn reminder of both the contributions and the sacrifices that our immigrant families make in our community and around the country. i also want to thank our first responders, for first of all, the search-and-rescue operation, d now the recovery operation. thank you all for the hard work that you are doing. we have two priorities, the most urgent priority is to open up the port of baltimore, because as the governor laid out, it is essential to the livelihoods of people herin and maryland, and in fact, the economies of the region, and will impact people around the and around the world. the port of baltimore is that important, and the 8000 peop who are working there directly and the tens of thousands of people whose economic livelihood
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is tied up with the port. so i want to thank theq( presidt of the united states, who called many of us yesterday and then spoke to the nation. he is already delivering on his promise, he has ordered army corps of engineers to do everything necessary to clear the channel, so that we can reopen those shipping lanes. we have to open one first, and over a period of time, i think we will do whatever we can to we will do whatever we can to passing through as soon as possible. the army corps of engineers, the federal government will pick up the cost for that, and those funds will be available. the bottom line is the army corps will pick up the cost. i want to commend the governor and his team for their fast action in putting forward the notice that they are going to apply for the federal emergency relief fund, part of the federal
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department of transportation's we will be working very closely with the governor, the secretary and others and their team as we process that, just to give you all a sense of what that means, immediately for some of the costs of diverting traffic and other immediate costs to adjust to what happened in the short term. and then going forward, that relief find provides a strong will be 90/10 in terms of the federal share. cardin and i will be working very closely with the president and our colleagues in the congress to make sure that we meet president biden's pledge to do as much as possible to make sure that the federal government
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picks up the cost.some have aske shipowners themselves, obviously as the ntsb conducts its review, we will have a better idea of exactly what happened, and if ie or wrongdoing, you can be assured that we will be pursuing those as part of the cost share. from the congressional point of view, we will be pursuing, as i say, what we ho wl be about 10% of the total cost through the legislative process. we will push to increase -- make emergency federal fund, and again, put forward legislation. senator cardin and i are in procof rching out be a phone call to speaker johnson, because we think this is something where americans shou come together. this should not be a question of republicans or democrats.
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this is an american challenge. we are a great american city here in baltimore and all of our colleagues will come together and join us in making sure we rebuild the bridge, because as the governor said, we do this together, and we hope that will also be true in the united states congress. so thank you to everybody who has been part of this. i'm now going to turn it over to the mayor. i'm sorry, to tom perez, another great maryland or who is now at the white house doing wonderful work with the president. tom perez. >> thank y sod evening. i have the privilege of serving as a senior advisor to president biden, and president biden, like the nation, grieves or these victims. he is no stranger to tragedy in thank you so much for your leadership throughout this
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challenging situation. it has been■uwe are all in this. when president biden first heard about this yesterday morning, he summoned everyone who had a relevant stake in the game to come together to make sure that every federal resource is put so we see the coast guard, we see the army corps, we see the national transportation safety board, we see the department of labor. the president directed us to make sure that we are doing everything possible. success occurs when everybody working together. that's exactly what is happening here. i met with the families earlier today, and it is really, really tragic, and we will get through this. we have no doubt about it. and the president has directed us to move heaven and earth -- those aren't my words, those are his words -- to make sure we are
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helping the remarkable people of the great state ofand we will -, i can inform you with confidence process your request promptly, because the situation calls for prompt action. ■@[speaking spanish]
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we will continue this work, whether it is the department of labor, whether it is the colleagues who are here today, we will do that together, because that is what teamwork is about. thank you for being the captain of the team, governor. and we ll continue to move forward. speaking of other members of the team, it is an honor to present to you the mayor of the great city of baltimore. >> good evening. first, and■m most importantly, o each of the families, know that my heart and the heart of the entire city of baltimore is with you and will be with you■1 forer . to every first responder,
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whether you are from baltimore fire, baltimore police, maryland state police, or the coast guard , our county partners, thank you for being fearless and selfless for putting your life at risk to save otheras you did yesterday, today, and each and every day. to baltimore, we moment that wee baltimore. the city of baltimore cannot be broken. wentinue to work with our federal and state partners through this. we will not be broken. but weas you heard, we will reoe channel as quickly as possible, but it is just important that it is done the right way. i am also asking for folks to have arespect. don't spread misinformation,
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don't play bridge engineer online media. remember that these are people's family members who lost their lives, simply trying to make transit better for the rest of us. we are strong. our spirit and our city is strong and cannot be broken. we will rebuild and heal the baltimore way, and that is together. thank you. i will turn it back over to the governor. >> thank you all, we are going to take some questions. >> we've had a lot of reports that the shi had failure -- what do you know about the state of the ship as it was pulling ■oout?>> we are still under investigation as to what exactly happened. we don't have a declarative answer as to whyrechallenges anr issues. the thing that we do know is that we have documented that
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there were power challenges as the freight was ming up tbridgl was coming in, the mayday call was coming in because of power issues and the lack ofbility th. >> i just wanted to follow-up on that and say, by power challenges, do you mean ports that it st power before it left the port, and can you confirm that one of inspector? >> yes, one of them was an inspector. actually it was a contractor with the firm that was doing the work. not the people doing the work on the bridge. [indiscernible] there's another engineering company, i will get you the
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name. that was the construction manager overseeing the work. =e>> as far as the engine goes,e were not informed of awe were ie going to conduct routine engine maintenance on it while it was on board, and ththing we were ie vessel in that regard. >> can you say anymore about what the power issue was? there are conjecture that maybe fuel was involved. >> what we know at this time is that we don't have a confirmed answer as to what exactly the power issue was. we know the power issue connected with the inability for there to be proper steering and proper adjustment of the vessel, but we do not have any further details as yet until further investigation is complete. [indiscernible] >> were construction workers able to be notified?
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>> refer -- the responders were able to both move toward keeping additional cars from coming on the bridge, and also began to notify some of the workers on the bridge that they needed to move off the bridge. who i had the opportunity to speak with him a one of the things he mentioned to me was as he was moving off of the bridge and literally w the bridge fault right after he moved off, it was because it was a first responder who was telling him to move off the bridge. >> how are they able to communicate with the crew? >> when theymove to keep cars fg on, they were also notifying people on the bridge they needed to move off the bridge. >> how did they notify them, cell phone, radio? >> we will find out via the
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investigation what really happened. i spoke with said it was audible that the officer was telling him to move off. >> [indiscernible] >> do you support the proposed port act -- >> i have not gone through the port act in detail. the thing that iwill work in coh the general assembly with the response. we will work -- a delegation uns in the white house as well and we know the response we are going to have with the state is one that needs to be coordinated, and one that we ll do together. >> can you confirm that the two people that were recovered today were construction workers that were part of the cw?and can youa timestamp for when workers were in the water --
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>> i can speak to the first question. your first question, shortly after 10:00 a.m., the divers located a vehicle. it took them a while to secure that vehicle properly, lace airbags around the vehicle, then it waserslow traveling to tow that vehicle to the shoreline. at some point they realized the water's depth would not support towing it all the way in it was at that point the seats were removed from the beat -- the deceased were removed from the vehicle and brougo and plaf the medical examiner's office. the second part of the question was -- they were both working for the construction company. one of the individuals was identified by the drivers license in his pocket. the other individual was identified by ngerprint. >> [indiscernible] >> the in water searching
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stopped at about 4:00 today. the divers did exhaust the search area around that to ensure that they couldn't get in there. the sonar supports the conclusion that the divers all reached. you had divers working from multiple jurisdictions and the sonar simply said that area becs fully encased in the superstructure. once that salvage effort takes place in that superstructure is removed, the same ■bdivers willo back out there and bring those people closer. >> [indiscernible] >> the information we have as of right now is that there were no additional viclethere will still investigation conducted, but we have no information right now that shows there are additional vehicles.
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>> this shows mr. ella hydro■g n baltimore, but was from mexico. mr. cabrera is from guatemala. which one would you like first? alejandro last name fuentes. second victim, dorlian, his two middle names ronial castillo, and the last, cabrera.
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[indiscernible] do we have any updates on the medical condition of the survivor who was hospitalized? the survivor who was hospitalized was released earlier today. >> what kind of interview do you expect to get from that person? >> are looking for any information pertaining to this tragedy. he has been interviewed, there will probably be follow-up interviews concty police and nb as well as federal partners. at this juncture i would be remiss if i wentnto what is going on in the ongoing investigation. >> on barges with cranes
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underway, i know there is no timeframe for getting things reopened. do you have a timeframe -- >> i don't have a timeframe on the actual lived yet. we are■■n putting those plans together. we do have barges on the way and the crane barges as well, they're coming as we speak now, sir. >> we will take o■ne final>> wee past that cargo ships were tugged through the bridge but that stopped several years ago for various reasons. are there any plans to reinstitute that and have ships tug out? are there plans to change the
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protocol? >> we will look to the ntsb and some of their recommendations and we will int- view -- review the entire process. >> thank you, everyone. >> is c-span's online store. browse through our latest collection of c-span products, apparel, books, home decor and accessories. there's something for every c-span fan and every purchase helps support our nonprofit operation. shop now or any time at >>


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