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  Al Gore Campaigns with Hillary Clinton in Miami Florida  CSPAN  October 12, 2016 1:11am-1:17am EDT

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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2016] >> ladies and gentlemen, he just set a record with 10,000 inside the park and 10,000 outside the park, now introducing the next president of the united states, dr. donald j. trump! ♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free i won't forget the men who died hat gave that right to me ♪ [applause] mr. trump: thank you very much, everybody.
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thank you. a lot of people. lot of people. thank you very much. hey, fellows, can we move over a little bit? fellow, fellows, can we move over a little bit please? we need room. come on. thank you. could you move over please. we want the people to be able to see. e all love each other. we want room, right? well, it's great to be in florida , my second home. i live here, i stay here. i love this place. i want to tell you, so i guess have like 11,200 here and outside, outside we have over 10,000 people. would anybody like to switch places? you're great. there's no place like being at a trump rally. no place. [cheers and applause]
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no place. thank you very much. days, we're going to win florida and we are going to win back the white house. we're going to win them back. i'd like to begin tonight by extending our thoughts and prayers to those recovering from the tragic aftermath of hurricane matthew. and i watched, unfortunately, it took a little bit of a turn to the right, to the east, we got a little lucky but it was still very bad. so to everybody, our thoughts and prayers are with you. thank you. due to the hurricane, voter registration has been extended. did you hear about this? through tomorrow. so register. you've got to go and register or we've really -- you know, we're doing something that's incredible. it's a movement. but if we don't win, all it is is a little ast risk in history.
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there's never been anything like this. go and register. make sure you get out and vote. november 28. if you've already registered, request an absentee ballot today and vote really early. we've got to win. the hillary clinton documents released today by wikileaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in this election. so much corruption. this election will determine whether we remain a free country in the truest sense of the word or we become a corrupt banana republic controlled by large donors and foreign governments. the election of hillary clinton would lead to the destruction of our country. believe me. it will lead to the destruction of our country. today we learned, amazingly, that the department of justice fed information to the clinton
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campaign about the email investigation so that the campaign could be prepared to cover up her crime. hat is going on? rudy giuliani said it. this is co-lution and corruption of the highest order and is one more reason why i ask my attorney general, i will ask, to ppoint a special prosecutor. [applause] we have to investigate hillary clinton and we have to investigate the investigation this was a disgrace. this was a disgrace. hillary breached and deleted 33,000 emails after congressional subpoenas.
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can you imagine that? they got a subpoena from the united states congress and then they deleted everything. if you did that in private life you'd go to jail. and then destroyed her phones, some with a hammer, boom, anybody destroy your phones before with a hammer? anybody? no? anybody? no? and people have gone to jail for doing far less. she also lost, think of this, she was secretary of stating ost as much as $6 billion in taxpayer money while she was running secretary of state. now some people say it was misplaced. oh, billions of dollars misplaced. these wikileaks emails confirm what those of us here today have known all along. the vessel ofn is a corrupt, tpwhrobal
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establishment that's raiding our country and surrendering the sovereignty of our nation. this criminal government cartel doesn't recognize borders but believes in global government, unlimited immigration, and rule by corporation. it also believes in no borders, just come on, folks, come on in. speaking in secret to a foreign bank,