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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  March 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> get >> you are in the cnn newsroom. i'm alison camerota in new york right now, a tough day already underway for recovery teams in baltimore at the site of that collapsed, francis scott key bridge, the six missing construction workers who were on the bridge when a container ships slammed into one of its support columns are now presumed dead. dive crews are back in the water this morning and investigators from the national transportation safety board will return to the ship. they went on board the ship briefly late last night. and here's what we just heard from the
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chair of the ntsb right now, we do have the data recorder, which is essentially the black box. we've sent that back to our lab to evaluate and begin to develop a timeline of events that led up to the strike on the bridge and we hope to have that information to share with the public later today >> okay, so let's go to the scene right now. we have cnn's gabe cohen reporting for us. so gabe, what is going to happen today? >> yes i it's really critical day for investigators. there are two dozen of them from the ntsb that are here that a boarded the dali that a massive container ship they are speaking with the crew and as you just heard, the chair of the ntsb say they have this data recorder, this black box from the ship. it is now oh, at a federal facility, it is being analyzed and they are hoping by later today, they're going to be able to put together a much clearer timeline of what led up to this catastrophe, what
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caused that near total blackout. you could see on the video the collapse, the ship, the the lights on the ship flickering. we know that the pilot lost steering that they have lost power, and that ultimately led to the crash and the collapse of the bridge. so we're hoping to get much more information in the hours ahead though the ntsb has said they really don't at this 0.1 to speculate, we know that the coast guard is also monitoring the potential for more than 1 million gallons of hazardous waste, hazardous material feel that has potentially poured out of the ship into the taps go river of because of the crash and then of course that doesn't even begin to talk about clearing the bridge away so they can reopen the harbor. so a very busy de here, allison and gave i've read about how challenging this situation is for the divers who have gone back in the water to look. sadly for the victims. what makes it so challenging >> well, the weather conditions aren't helping it is cold, there's going to be quite a bit of rain today. choppy
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waves, bad visibility, there's dark out there, not to mention because of the current the area that they're searching has only gotten wider and wider. and so as of now, i just spoke with the governor's team. he was heading over to speak with some of those rescue crews as of now, they haven't found anything and conditions really aren't making an any easier for the divers who are trying to figure out where to look and there's a lot of debris out there as well, making it tough >> yeah. i know that that makes it particularly dangerous. so gave now, at this hour, what do we know about the ship being in distress right before hitting the bridge? >> well we know that there was this mayday >> call that went out as this total blackout was unfolding, as they were losing power and losing the ability to steer of. fortunately police were able to get that mayday called quickly enough where they could stop traffic, stop more cars from being on the bridge. allison. unfortunately, it was a matter of seconds and minutes. they knew there was a construction crew up their radio traffic
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shows that police wanted to go reach them. they just couldn't get there within a matter of seconds. the bridge collapsed and what do we know good about the victims >> what we're learning much more about them today, these six construction workers who are presumed dead, many of them have lived in maryland for many years. i can tell you we're learning about miguel luna. we've just gotten a photo into cnn of miguel luna. he was a father of three from el salvador who had lived in maryland for more than 19 years. we've also learned about 38 year-old mayner sandoval and immigrant from on duress. he's lived in maryland in the united states, i should say for the past 18 years he was married, a father of two of an 18 year-old boy, and a 15 that's miguel luna, i should say on your screen just just to clarify the photo that we just got in. but as i was saying, mayner sandoval has an
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18-year-old son, a five-year-old daughter, and just speaking with people and that's mr. sandoval on your screen now speak kim with people within these community communities in baltimore, friends family acquaintances of the victims that people are heartbroken and they're shocked because of how this has unfolded over the past 36 hours at this point, it is a brutal time for so many people here in baltimore soon as we're learning more and more about their stories. >> yes. understandable gabe cohen, thank you for the reporting joining us now, israeli hood for her transportation secretary in the obama administration. secretary, thanks so much for being here. so let's, let's just start with the ripple effect of all of this the regional, or even the national impact of halting traffic and a shipping hub of this size >> so let me just start by saying, this is such a sad de, four for our country and all of
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us need to remember the families of those that have been lost and during this easter week offer our prayers to the families and to the victims. this is a terrible tragedy. and it's a real dilemma for our system of delivering goods around the world. baltimore is, if not the busiest port in the ports in the us, it's certainly one of them. i think it's probably the busiest port has ben for delivering goods in and out of our country also supply chain issues are going to come into effect here because there, there are cargo ships that were waiting to leave following the one that crashed into the into bridge and brought the bridgetown that we're ready to leave. the port of baltimore. they haven't been able to do that. you have all of the
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workers that are employees of the of the baltimore harbor and they're wondering about their their near-term future in terms of work and certainly the people that have used the bridge for many, many years are not able to use it. so this is a tremendous, terrible impact on transportation all throughout the baltimore, washington region and around the world also putting your right the repercussions of this we have yet to feel the full impact of so how long will it take to get this port fully functioning again? >> i think i think in terms of getting the port open, that's obviously going to happen sooner rather than later clearing the debris from the bridge will take some time once that's done, then they can
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begin to open up the channels for the boats to get in and out i know that secretary buttigieg and his team are looking to other ports to be helpful, but baltimore, such a huge pork you can't replace it really we have to the team had dot and others have to get the panel open and get that port working again in terms of rebuilding the bridge, i have no doubt when congress returns, they will step up like they have done in so many other occasions when funds are needed and when corrections need to be taken to really begin to to plan for the rebuilding of this bridge it'll cost an enormous amount of money millions and millions of dollars congress is going to have to appropriate that money. and i believe they'll handle
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it. and the way they've handled other crisis around the country, whether it's fires or tornadoes are hurt gains when additional money is needed, congress steps up and i i'm i'm confident having served in congress for 14 years and then having served as dot secretary i've seen what what congress can do very quickly and i believe they will well that's comforting secretary, because as you know, times have changed a bit since the time that you were serving in congress. i'm in recently, some gop lawmakers have resisted approving disaster relief or emergency spending for blue states. and as you say, you were republican in congress so what would you say to any of those republicans who might try to fight against this >> this is a tremendous impact on the economy of the united states, not just on baltimore not just on washington, dc. the closing of this port and
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rebuild building of the bridge impact people all over the country and all over the world. and congress needs to do what it's always done. step provide the money provide the leadership with the biden administration, work together, and get moving on. operating the money and get moving on plans to rebuild the bridge and reopen the port. this is critical for our country >> yeah. >> secretary, the wall street journal was able to interview one of the crew members on board and he described hearing the engine before this impact was coughing. those are his words. one of the engines coughed and then stopped the smell of burnt fuel was everywhere in the engine room and it was pitch-black so does that tell you anything investigative li of where they'll start looking for the cause you know, allison, i think that we all should take
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comfort in the fact that in our government we have the ntsb an >> independent agency, not not a part of dot, not a part of dhs. they're independent and i can tell you this having served as secretary for four-and-a-half years, they have some of the most professional investigators professional people. they will get to the core, to the bottom to really figure out what happened. and how oh, perhaps it could could, could be corrected in the future. but i have great, great confidence in the ntsb. i think they have great leadership and and they they will help america figure out what what happened and what steps need to be taken in the future >> well, real hood, it's great to be able to rely on your experience this morning. thanks so much for being here thank you allison
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>> okay. soon a courtroom showdown in california. this is over the fate of hunter biden's bellamy tax indictment potential impact this could have on the election check. >> your >> nothing. >> a space shuttle >> accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia? the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on congrats carroll, your youngest finally popped the question, but now you're really going to have to get those new dentures after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time let's for you, and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest. if paid in full and 18 months, helping mothers of groom's look their best it's one more way. aspen dental is in your corner?
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>> hey, allison, it's kind of a big day for the president's son, his attorneys will be in a courtroom in downtown la later today to try to get this case thrown out. >> he's >> facing nine criminal counts that were filed by special counsel, david weiss as part of his long running investigation. a few of these are felonies, including alleged tax evasion filing a false or fraudulent tax return and it could carry prison time. very serious stuff that's why hunter's team is trying to get the case thrown out there, attacking this from many different angles, but i'll just break a few of them down for you here they've argued that he was granted immunity. they have argued that the venue is not proper, and they say that he's being politically targeted remember last year when there was that attempted plea deal with the special counsel on hunter biden, part of that arrangement included a immunity provision and hunter's team is arguing that that is still active. they've also made the case that these
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charges can't be brought in california because he wasn't living in california at the time. but most important part here and what i'm looking forward today in court later is the arguments about the political angle. they say that special counsel weiss, who is a trump appointee, they say that he caved to pressure from republicans. and the only reason why he's bringing this case is because of that political motivation. the special counsel has pushed back on it completely he has taken flack from both sides. he's been angering democrats and republicans along the way, but he's pushing back hard on this alice, and let me read for you what he wrote in a court filing earlier this month he says that to quote, to state an obvious fact that the defendant continues to ignore former president trump is not the president of the united states. the defendant fails to explain how president biden or the attorney general, or the special counsel are acting at the direction of former president trump or
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congressional republicans. allison, the special counsel is saying, we didn't charge this because of trump. we didn't charge this because of politics. we charge you because we think you're guilty so is there any way to know how these charges against hunter are going to play into the election. and in particular, the impeachment inquiry against president biden. >> well, it's interesting because so much of this case involves the money that hunter biden made overseas from china and from ukraine and that's exactly what the house republicans have put at the center of the impeachment inquiry back in dc. but the indictment does not back up there allegation that hunter and joe were in business together corruptly making money overseas. allison marshall cohen. thank you very much for that update >> so >> donald trump is under a gag order in his hush money trial. the judge blasting the former president for quote, threatening inflammatory, denigrating statements against people at all levels of the justice system, including
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jurors the order prevents mr. trump from criticizing his former attorney, michael cohen or adult film star stormy daniels. both are expected to testify during the trial. attorney seth berenzweig joining me now. seth, thanks so much for being here. so what is donald trump allowed to say and what can he not say? >> well, mr. trump's certainly lit a match yesterday. did the situation with his incendiary comment on social media attacking the judge in his daughter promptly after that, they were two orders that were entered. the first-order was a gag order. >> it states that >> mr. trump cannot make negative comments or any thing up an aggressive or threatening nature with respect to witnesses, jurors court personnel, court staff, he is allowed to mention alvin bragg, but it is otherwise a broad prohibition. it's also interesting to note that shortly around that time also, judge merchan entering it in other order, and it was short
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and sweet, but warned everybody, including the attorneys in the case, that they must abide by all court orders and anyone that does not do that risks criminal contempt. so clearly judge must sean is sending a message. there's a new sheriff in town and he's going to apply this very strictly. >> donald trump's lawyers are not commenting on the gag order, but his campaign called it quote, unconstitutional, saying basically that quote, american voters have a fundamental right to hear the uncensored voice of the leading candidate for the highest office in the land. how about that argument? >> well, that's essentially a first amendment argument for freedom of speech. and the courts summarily rejected that. certainly there's a balancing that occurs in this sort of thing. and there is a need for the efficient expedition of justice and criminal defendant of a very high level cannot engage in actions that would
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prejudice the proceedings or interfere with the smooth administration of justice. so that first amendment argument was considered by the judge. it was rejected, and this is really also non appealable. they can try to fight this, but this is set in stone. judge, more sean is not going to handle this case as judge engoron did also in new york, this is going to be applied very strictly and he's made a very specific warning that there will be criminal contempt consequences waiting in the wings if someone crosses the line >> here's another thing. >> the judge merchant said. he said he was unpersuaded by donald trump's lawyers, that the former president it has refrained from commenting on this case compared to others. >> so >> basically the judge reviewed donald trump's public statements in other cases when he was deciding whether to impose these restrictions, when you think of that well i think that judge merge, sean is demonstrating that he is taking a balanced and holistic review of the record and he's being very
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>> careful looking knows that this is going to be one of the most intensely watched legal unfolding developments in dramas of the year. this is going to be the first criminal trial. who knows it may be the only trial he knows that everything is going to be placed under a microscope. i think that he balanced this under the first amendment and a very careful, inappropriate way. this is really more of a common way where the court is very careful to ensure that when the proceeding most forward that there's nothing that interferes with the administration of justice. so this was a strong signal. and i believe that is he made it very clear. he will enforce it very strictly >> said, i want to get your take on what becomes of donald trump's attorneys so as you know, some of the lawyers, they're involved in the 2020 election fight. john eastman, he was known as the architect of the plan to halt. congress has certification of joe biden's presidential victory. he's facing possible disbarment and he's one of
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more than a dozen trump allies to be charged in the georgia election interference case so i should say he's pleaded not guilty, but you know, it's it's sort of an occupational hazard at this point. what are your thoughts? >> well, i think that it's really interesting to note that donald trump relied very heavily on the lawyers of course, john eastman who is about to have an announcement from california any our nile, where i believe that it will probably lead to an announcement of disbarment. you've got jeffrey clark who is disbarment hearing in washington do you started yesterday >> mr. >> trump relied upon the attorneys to wave a false flag of legitimacy for the attempt to overturn the election and specifically the eastman memo laid out the false electoral scheme, which was infamous and that led to his famous mug shot as well as all the others in georgia this, is going to be an important message sent by the state disciplinary bars who really have the authority to
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basically execute what is tantamount to a death penalty from the professional world for attorneys, that this is a an intentional alleged fraud that was committed not only relative to his representations in that case, but really a palm the election in general. so i believe that any our now we will likely hear that he will be disbarred. he will appeal the appeal will be unsuccessful. jeffrey clark and all the others that you've mentioned probably are facing a similar fate. and this shows a message that at least there's some kind of an internal mechanism for enforcing this meant four rules and ethics within the professional bar, for attorneys in the united states, >> really interesting, set fairness while i thank you >> all right >> coming up, it's one of the busiest ports in america. now, everything from cars to sugar to cruz's are affected after this baltimore crash. >> what this means for you >> anderson cooper 360 tonight
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related services. now, those workers are facing the threat of having their hours cut or even being temporarily laid off. >> and >> baltimore is a key part of the supply chain. this is a major port. it's the number one port when it comes to sugar imports. number two for coal exports, farm and construction machinery imports. and it's also really critical when it comes to autos 850,000 vehicles went through this port last year alone. that was a record and a lot of major companies are gonna be impacted because they either rely hi on the port or they did rely on the bridge or both. we've already heard from a number of companies on the auto space, for gm stellantis. i'm carnival, they're moving their cruise ships to virginia. we know that fedex and honore or home depot, they have a presence also, domino sugar, they have a sugarcane refinery that is really a look landmark in the baltimore harbor, but it's also the biggest sugarcane refinery in the western hemisphere. and
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allison during and right after covid you and i spent a lot more time talking about supply chains than we ever imagined we would, and we learned that when something breaks in one part of the supply chain, there are shockwaves elsewhere for a long time mat, as you and i can attest because of all of you are reporting and so i know it's early, but can you calculate what the impact will be to the us at large? >> well, so i think the early assessment here is that yes, this is going to deal a significant blow to the local economy, but that the national economy is likely going to be spared significant damage. and that's because when you look at the map, there are other options here along the east coast. there are major ports where cargo can get redirected, including the port of virginia, port of philadelphia, new york, and new jersey. and in fact, we're already seeing that happen. now we do have to pay attention to what the ripple effects are there, right? because we could be looking at some port congestion at some of those east coast ports that could cause also it's going to cost money to get all of the
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cargo. shipped by truck to those other ports. so that could add to cost as well. >> but right now, we're not hearing major alarm, major concern from economists. they're not down reading their growth forecast are not warning of price spikes. jpmorgan put out a report saying that even in the auto sector, there's probably just going to be a minimal impact when it comes to car prices. but alison like everything else, you know, the longer this disruption last, the greater the impact and us officials are warning that nothing about this is going to be easy or straightforward okay. that egan. thank you. >> thanks, president biden says the federal government will pay the entire cost to rebuild the francis scott key bridge. moore joined me now on that end, more is democratic senator chris van hollen of maryland, center. thanks so much for being here. i know what a busy and sad day it is in your state so you spoke with president biden yesterday. what do you need exactly from the federal government right now >> well, you're right,
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allison, it has been a tragic time in baltimore and maryland and we are still mourning the loss of six construction workers we're missing in there now, presumed dad and so we're working to help. they're their families at this difficult time. i want to thank president biden. i did get a call from him before he addressed the nation and we are going to be working with him and my colleagues in the congress on both sides of the aisle to get the funds to replace this bridge. it's a long bridge, 35,000 vehicles a day across this bridge. and so we're going to need to get it done. but as you're reporting just indicated, are near-term priority is opening up that channel that the ship this blocking. so we can reopen the port of baltimore for business and tender. are you >> confident that congress will agree to pay for all of this
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reconstruction the entire price. i mean, you know pardon the skepticism, but some of us have seen that congress can get a little stuck in the weeds >> well, i think people will come together, party lines as americans. we have come together in the past with major disasters like this, like the one in minneapolis back in 2007, 2008, and i think this is one of those moments that people recognize that we've got to help states when they are really hurting through no fault of their own. so we may be able to recover of course, some funds from the shipping company ultimately, we obviously are waiting being the report from the national transportation safety board. i talked to the chair of the board yesterday. so there are other sources of revenue that could support the bridge be rebuilding effort. i will say allison that on this immediate issue of clearing the
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channel. the president is already ordered the army corps of engineer to begin work. they're working with the coast guard. they'll probably bring in some navy assets that obviously needs to happen very quickly for all the reasons that you just reported in terms of the economic impact on workers in baltimore? the region and then the ripple effects beyond that >> transportation secretary pete buttigieg was on cnn earlier this morning and he talked about the economic consequences of this event. so here's what he said. >> the impact of this incident is going to be felt throughout the region and really throughout our supply chains were talking about the biggest vehicle handling port in the country that is now out of commission until that channel can be cleared. and a bridge that took five years to build. this is going to be a big, long and not inexpensive road to recovery >> so is there something that has to happen for the local economy in particular right now
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>> well, the most important thing is getting this channel weird because as you're reporting indicated right now, the port of baltimore has stopped operation since i believe there were four ships in port when the when the bridge collapsed, there were 20 waiting to get into the port. they'll have to be diverted elsewhere, but that is that is the issue. i mean, they're bad at billion dollars worth of cargo that comes into the port of baltimore every year 15 allison direct jobs over anymore beyond that. so clearing that channel >> this is >> a dredge channel. it's a deep channel to take these super tankers. i mean, this ship was about, more than three football fields long so that has got to be the priority for the economy of baltimore, maryland and the region. so getting the army corps
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engineers in, they're getting evaluated quickly, that has to be the priority as we do the longer-term work, rebuilding the bridge. and i want to thank secretary buttigieg there's a fund to alison called the emergency relief fund. it's within the federal highway administration the state is going to be taking the urgent steps to access those funds right away. >> let's talk about what caused this. so as you know, the ship that struck the bridge was held actually in chile last year over a propulsion issue, something was wrong at that time with the propulsion so do you think that congress needs to investigate this? >> well, first and foremost, and the national transportation safety board that needs to investigate it. that's an independent body will obviously be overseeing that effort, watching very closely what the conclusions are. because as i said earlier, it may very well turn out that the the, ship
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owners are are liable and that would help cover some of the costs. but again, it's too early for me to know exactly what happened. the ship did lose our somehow they were reports that it actually lost our weiss in other words, it was out of the inner harbor lost power, regained it, got it back again. all of this needs to be subject to further investigation. >> and >> then plowed into one of the peers supporting columns of the bridge. so this is why the ntsb will be conducting an investigation, but we will obviously be following that closely in yeah >> also, the owners of this ship, the synergy marine group, they've had other ships that have apparently been involved in at least three deadly accidents since 2018 so is that red flag for you >> well, this is part of a
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pattern of past problems and violations. and again, all of this has to be subject to confirmation, but that obviously is a red flag. and that will go into the assessment of a false and of course, ultimately boo, has to pay some of the costs here. but in the immediate term, i'm really glad president ordered the army corps to clear this channel. so baltimore port operations can resume and then ultimately, of course, is the president also said rebuild this bridge that carries over 35,000 vehicles a day, right now vehicles, commercial vehicles that have hazardous material i have to be rerouted it along the outer beltway in baltimore because they cannot go through the tunnel the baltimore tunnel, which would
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be the other ways to get get through this this harbor area underwater so obviously, lots of disruption. we're gonna be dealing with that in terms of diverting traffic. but again, priority right now, clear the channel, reopen the port of baltimore >> yes. and i'm sure we'll get some more answers from the ntsb today as well. senator chris van hollen. thank you. very much. great to talk to you >> who to talk to you >> a source tells cnn investigators briefly detained the music mobile p. diddy as he was leaving for a spring break trip with his kids. we have details on that and the latest on the raids of his homes and what they turned out >> i'm rafael roma, the georgia state the capital in atlanta. this is cnn >> everybody wants super straight super white teeth. they want that hollywood white
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represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial collis. now new this morning, a source close to the wrapper, sean diddy combs says the music mogul was briefly >> detained by law enforcement agents on a florida airport tarmac on monday? that's the same day that homeland security teams rated comes as hoh houses in miami and los angeles as part of a federal sex trafficking investigation cnn entertainment correspondent or was with wag meister joins us now. so elizabeth, what happened when it was stopped by police? >> hi, allison. i am hearing from a source close to diddy that he was traveling with his two twin daughters. they are 17 years old and they were on their way to a pre-planned vacation out of miami. where did he owns a home when he was briefly stopped by authorities? he cooperated with them and then and was released. now,
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there were no arrests made and as according to diddy's attorney, they think that this was a completely overzealous operation. i am hearing from this source close to diddy that they were shocked by the scope of these raids on his homes and we have a statement from his attorney. i want to read part of that to you allison. he says, quote, yesterday, there was a gross overuse of military-level force as search warrants were executed at mr. combs residences. there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated. now they go on to say that mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name. they are calling this a quote, witch-hunt, and they believed that this was a coordinated effort. i hear that dds team believes that the media was tipped off on the raid on his los angeles home
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because there was a local news chopper hovering over the home before the breach into dds property. now, of course, as this investigation is going on in, this comes at a time that dethie is facing five different lawsuits. this all started back in november 2023 when the finger cassie, who is diddy's x, they were in a long-term relationship. she sued him in november. now, they settled overnight, but then soon after there were two more lawsuits that came and now diddy is facing five suits total. now he denies all of the claims in these suits, but they are very serious. cassie has accused him of rape and sex trafficking, among others so again, very serious claims that diddy is denying >> okay. elizabeth, thank you for the latest and we'll be right back >> sanity needs to save space >> you have a show were right
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credit, build credit bill savings still dreams >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> new developments out of gaza airdrops they're turned deadly after palestinian authority say at least 12 people drowned this week while trying to retrieve parcels that landed in the sea hamas is now calling on countries to end the airdrops, saying their quote, inappropriate and useless cnn's melissa bell joins us now melissa, these airdrops contains supplies the palestinians urgently need, like food, water, medicine. so of course, people are risking their lives to get them that's right. and it's not the first time the tragedy is struck. >> allison >> with regard to these aid drops, we'd seen earlier this month, five palestinians killed when some of these parcels landed on them in the camp that they were seeking refuge in
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hamas. now calling for these airdrops to stop, it wasn't just the united states that had been dropping some of these parcels if it goes on monday, many other countries as well egypt, the united kingdom, amongst those trying to get some of that aid. so desperately needed by the 2.2 million gazans that un reckons are now at risk of famine. but what hamas says that these deliveries or offensive, useless and inappropriate. and of course even beyond that, alison, we've been hearing from the humanitarian aid organizations about the fact that the amounts of aid that can be gotten in this way are simply nowhere near enough. and what needs to be focused on is getting much more aid through the crossings. israeli authorities pointing the fact that the food aid that's been getting and has doubled in the last month from 100 trucks to 200, but that is of course, nowhere near what is these and i think these images coming to us from the waters of gaza yesterday, a really important measure of just how desperately that aid is needed >> indeed, melissa bell, thank you very much. the next hour
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