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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  March 26, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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to pass deadly disasters involving america's bridges. i 40 bridge, weber's balls, oklahoma, mate 2002, 14 people killed nearly a doesn't hurt after freight parch is being transported on the arkansas river, struck a peer supporting the bridge, a 580 foot section of road collapsed, sending vehicles careening into the water. queen isabella causeway, port isabel, texas, september for 200018, people lost their lives when a tug boat and barge struck the causeway 11 people drove into the opening below the three survived big bayou cannot near mobile, alabama, september 1993 people died and more than 100 injured. and what was seen at the time is one of the worst disasters of its kind. i didn't the united states, it happened after barges being pushed by a tow boat in dense fog hit the bridge, causing an amtrak train carrying 220 people to derail
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minutes later, rescue crews pulled victims from the partially submerged buckled train cars. >> we are so bad at learning from our mistakes and preparing for future instances. we need to assess our infrastructure collisions, not the only cause of tragic bridge collapses. take what happened at the fbi, you footbridge, miami, florida march 20, 186 people were killed after a pedestrian bridge near the campus of florida international university suddenly collapsed. the 170 foot long newly installed bridge had been under construction, i35 w bridge, minneapolis, minnesota, august 2007 13 killed 145 injured. a major interstate at a standstill after the 35 west bridge collapse during rush hour federal regulators blame the accident partly on support plates, which they said were half as thick as they should have been hyatt regency sky walks, kansas city missouri,
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july 1980, 114 were killed when the walkways on the second and fourth floor of the hyatt regency hotel collapse due to a design flaw. it was known as one of the most devastating structural failures in us history. so much tragedy there experts tell us when things like this happen. it's an opportunity to once again take a hard look at the country's infrastructure. if you think about this in these terms across the country, there are more than 617,000 bridges in the country. 42% of all bridges are at least 50 years old. and so experts say once again, this is an opportunity not only to take a look at protection for bridges, whether it be in the water, but also maybe that means updating them as well in terms of their infrastructure. jason, thank you. >> thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now happening.
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>> now, breaking news the maryland governor says an active search and rescue mission is ongoing at the site the baltimore bridge collapse, at least six people unaccounted for after a huge cargo ship rammed the bridge and destroyed it. the baltimore fire chief joins us this hour with an update also tonight, the fate of a widely used abortion pill is now up to the united states supreme court after oral arguments today, for and against a nationwide ban, we're going to tell you what the justices appeared to signal about their eventual decision. and robert f. kennedy jr. names a wealthy tech lawyer as his vice presidential pick working to hype the tension on his independent presidential bid as top democrats portray him as a spoiler that to help donald trump got elected welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, a urine the situation room the skis cnn
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breaking >> news, let's get right to the breaking who's on the baltimore bridge disaster? the investigation now beginning into how and why a cargo ship slammed into the bridge, sending pieces of twisted metal into the water cnn's brian todd has been on the scene for us all day long. he's lived joining us now for baltimore harbor and brian authorities, i taken our focus again on the search and rescue operation. that's ongoing. give us the latest they are indeed wool from this unique vantage point, you can see the point of impact where this vessel, the dalai, this massive container >> ship, struck the francis scott key bridge. you can see the point of impact right behind me with the tangled metal, the concrete still draped over the bow of the vessel there. you can also see rescue boats and other recovery boats swarming all around this vessel tonight, we are told that six people remain unaccounted for as the rescue mission continues and the
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investigation just gets ramped up >> this is a this is this is not just not just unprecedented from what we're seeing and what we're looking at today. it's heartbreaking. >> the middle of the one-and-a-half mile long, francis scott key bridge plunged 185 feet into baltimore's potassiums go river early this morning. >> hey, advise the entire bridge, entire key bridge? in a harbor >> did for the other side are the bridge is down we're going to have to get somebody on the other side animal metallica, my screen appearance traffic coming northbound on the bridge, a container ship billowing dark smoke was moving at about eight knots near the bridge when the ship lost power, according to maryland's governor before the bridge collapse, that 127 in the morning, the ship's crew called in a may day when it became clear there'd be a collision despite having dropped its anchor. >> what do you guys on the south side, why do you guys on the north side hold all traffic on the key bridge there's a
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ship approaching has just lost their steering a move officials say saved lives were thankful that between the mayday and collapse, that we had officials who were able >> to to begin to stop the flow of traffic. so more cars would not have on the bridge. many of the vehicles were stopped before they got onto the bridge, which which which saved lives, national transportation safety board and fbi teams are on the scene. >> we are standing back to allow the coast guard and search and rescue to continue their search and rescue operations >> authorities on the ground say they have a tough task ahead. the >> bridge itself it does present a challenge. it presents a challenge as we navigate on the surface, but more likely a greater challenges subsurface and underwater. >> in addition to a search from the air officials had about 50 divers operating in the harbor hours after the bridge came down, the water is frigid here right now, we believe this to be about a 60 foot dive. makes
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these makes us an extraordinarily difficult challenge for our teams. >> officials have said they have tracked a few vehicles that they believe fell into the water from the bridge and you can see the distance if they might have dropped from the height of the bridge there into the water because it's going to take days just to get floating cranes and other heavy equipment here in order to start the salvaging operations and an order to remove some of the remnants of the bridge here. and once they get here, they have to chop these remnants of the bridge into smaller pieces just to remove them. president biden says he's directing federal resources to help with recovery and rebuilding. >> i've direction my tin move heaven and earth three, open the port and rebuild the bridge soon as you humanly possible >> now, all major ship traffic has been halted coming into and out of baltimore harbor indefinitely. and that's going to cause significant economic disruptions. and i can give you do an example of that. if you see that large green vessel right there, that's called the karman, that vessel carries cars and light trucks into the
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port of baltimore right now, that vessel cannot move and that's a seat seen repeated throughout the baltimore harbor here. baltimore is a major hub for cars and light trucks coming into the united states on these ships it handled about 850,000 vehicles at this port last year that has come to a sudden stop. wolf and i can tell you another thing that's going to hamper rescue efforts tonight. there's a rain system coming in, so that's going to create some poor weather conditions in the hours ahead all right. brian typedef for us in baltimore. brian, thank you very much for joining us now, the chief of the baltimore city fire department, james wilson. chief. thank you so much for joining us. first of all, our hearts go out to your community on this very, very painful date. can you first update us on the active search and rescue mission right now for the six people who where are listed as unaccounted for chief, i'm
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going to interrupt for a second. we've lost audio with you. we're going to fix that in a moment. let me go back to bryan todd for a moment. brian, as you and i well, now, we've been to baltimore, both of us on many occasions. i've gone over that bridge so, many occasions never dawned on me that god forbid, something like this could happen. but give us a sense of what you're feeling right now as someone who has traveled that baltimore beltway and knows that bridge well right? >> well, for many of us have been up through this quarter for many years going up and down the east coast. this is a major hub for vehicular traffic. and what makes this bridge unique is that this is the bridge, the main bridge in this area that can handle traffic that carries hazardous material has mats because hashmaps are not allowed in the baltimore tunnels that go underneath baltimore harbor of course, those tunnels are the venues with it where the major major, the rag, the regular auto traffic, moves through
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usually, but the has the trucks and other vehicles carrying hazmat. well, they have to go through this bridge. they have to go over this bridge as they're going up and down the east coast. obviously, that has all come to a stop upright now and that's going to be halted indefinitely as least at least as far as this bridge is concerned. so that's going to be another major logistical headache for officials who you're trying to figure out how to get hazmat shipped to and from various points in the east coast going up and down. these highways here. and again, we can just give you a broader look at how we have a second camera here, by the way, that can kind of train in on the on the vessel itself or the dot l-y, that which impacted that bridge at a little before 130 this morning just take a look at just this huge swath of the bridge that is just now vanished. it's missing, it's in the water. you can see some of the stanchions in the water and some of the other things there that are some of the rescue vessels that are around that area. it's going to take days for again, four heavy equipment to get in place here
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to be able to remove some of this. and of course that can't take place until the rescue effort is complete. welfare. baltimore is a >> huge, >> huge airport for so much traffic coming in and out of the united states are brian, we're going to get back to you standby, right now. we've reconnected with the chief of the baltimore city fire department james james wallace, chief. thank you once again for joining us. first of all, can you update us on the active search and rescue mission that's underway right now for the six people who are unaccounted for yes, sir. >> and thank you so we are still in an active marine search operation at this point what that means is we have boats on the water. we have divers that are in the water, and we also have aircraft overhead we started this mission with approximately eight dive teams, 50 personnel mission has grown and the amount of resources that we've,
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we've dedicated to it but we continue to actively search the waters in and around the actual collapse site and we're going to continue to do so over the next hour or so, and we are grateful to all those who are trying to find help locate these individuals i know chief, you told cnn earlier that you believe you found five vehicles already in the water, three passengers for vehicles, a cement truck, and one unidentified vehicle is that the latest count or have you found any more vehicles >> we just started an incident brief on this side of the river as a 05:00. so that was the latest information i have. they did so via sonar operators missions, and have marked those vehicles for future reference. >> but >> i have no update to that at this point. it's probably going to be another other half hour or so before we'll have that updated information over here, we'll stay in close
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touch with you. >> do >> you have any sense chief on how many vehicles and possible passengers? it's actually on the bridge at the time of the collapse >> so that the passenger number that we're >> working off for now is eight >> we know that >> we had a patient that was transported to a local trauma center. this morning um, that patient is at serious condition we had another individual who was part of the party on the bridge who refuse service was actually on it? so with those two accounted for right now, we're still searching for six. >> that's how we find that you guys find them the coast guard says it detected and oil sheen on the water near the wreckage what can you tell us about that and how does that potentially impact the mission? >> so an oil sheen or fuel sheen on the water is indicative of a fuel leak. i know that they've gone out and they've placed harbor
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containment boom around the vessel itself. and it does appear to be holding the last aerial videos that we had. we saw that as well. and it does appear to be holding so the containment boom that you would see around the vessel itself would would be just for that to contain that chain early this morning, we did smell a strong odor of diesel fuel on the water was still dark. we couldn't see it. but as the sun came up we had seen light sheen or evidence of a light sheen out there as well. i think we're at this point, we're grateful that so far we've not had a massive release of fuel, but as the coast guard stated, we are seeing some indications of some sheen moving away from the wreckage. >> chief james wallace of the baltimore city fire department. thank you for joining us and thanks for all your men and women are doing right now. how appreciate it very, very much coming up. we'll take a closer
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look at the major ripple effects of the baltimore bridge collapse. and those effects could have a huge impact on the us. we will tell you why plus the us supreme court hears arguments on banning a widely used abortion pill. stay with us. you're in the situation when dry eye symptoms keep kelvin bad, inflammation might be to blame >> over the counter wide drops can by temporary relief, sani dry can provide lasting relief. he targets inflammation. they can cause dry eye to drug treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease because if allergic disease, dre, common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, or blurred vision when applied in unusual taste sensation. why we ask your dr. about a 90 day prescription and pay as little as zero so dollars mnajdra knew from real, real view maps now feature precise heat wind, and air quality ratings on every home listing trust the
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in >> we talk on the phone hands-free. go hands-free to turn on our lights and now there's hands-free footwear, revolutionary sketches slipping. we just slip in in their on try sketches, slip ends the fate of a widely used a portion abortion bill is now in the hands of the united states supreme court. the justices seemingly skeptical of a nationwide ban on the drug during today's oral arguments cnn's jessica schneider is on the story for us. jessica, walk us through the key issues we heard today. well, interestingly, wolfe, this case was actually first brought by doctors anti-abortion doctors in 2022, trying to argue that the fda just didn't go through the proper procedures when they approved this pill and 2000 and then also ease some restrictions in later years, the justices seemed very skeptical that these doctors even had the legal right or the standing to even bring this lawsuit in the first place. and that's because of some of the arguments from the fda lawyers, the government lawyers, and also the drug manufacturers, lawyers they really said, look,
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the doctors are bringing this case because they believe that they might at some point maybe have to treat women who appear in the emergency room because of potential complications from mifepristone, the justices seemed to indicate that maybe that sort of injury was just far too hypothetical to bring a suit. and then we saw interesting comments from the chief justice and also neil gorsuch talking about the fact that, you know, why did they did a handful of doctors have the power really to get a lower court opinion that would have banned this pill nationwide or at least taken back some of the restrictions on it. and here are the justices >> this case seems like a prime example of turning what could be a small lawsuit into a nationwide legislative assembly on on, on an fda rule or any other federal government action >> thoughts. >> i guess, your honor, i
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again, i have to say that i think it's impracticable to to raise a conscious objection, but but even spotting that, >> and jessica want attorney raised concerns that judges aren't necessarily experts on scientific data. listen to this you have a district court that among other things, relied on one study that was an analysis of anonymous blog posts. you have another set of studies that he relied on that we're not in the administrative record and would never be because they post-state the fda decisions here. they have since been retracted for lack of scientific rigueur ed for misleading presentations of data. those sorts of errors can infect judicial analyses precisely because judges are
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not they are not experts. ad is why fda has many hundreds of pages of analysis in the record of what the scientific data node and courts are just not in a position to parse through and second guessed that >> so jessica, what can you tell us about that? >> i mean, there really isn't much data to support this idea that they're all these side effects from mifepristone. in fact, if you look at the data here, what it does show is that the likelihood of death for mifepristone is actually much less than other common medications or drugs like penicillin, even viagra, wolf. so the fda stance was you look, we followed the proper procedures. there's really no great harm in this and that's why this drug has been out there since 2000. but the supreme court here might not even get to that broader issue. they might end up tossing this this case on the standing is shared will see what happens. >> jessica schneider. thank you very, very much for more on today's arguments. i want to bring in our senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic,
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joan reading between the lines on the questioning, but that we all heard today, how do you expect the justices eventually to handle this? >> sure. wolf and it really was a compelling set of arguments at the court they were asking really piercing questions to all three of the electors who lawyers who took the lectern, one of them was a woman by the name of erin hawley who happens to be a very active anti-abortion advocate, who's married to josh hawley. he was there in the courtroom as four other officials, including the attorney general of new york, letitia james just shows the stakes of this for the state's, for people on both sides because wolf, as you know, this is the first big abortion case since the justices in 2022 reversed roe v. wade. and in that time, just to point up the stakes more women have relied on medication, abortion to end their pregnancies. and the other issue here is the fda's authority to use its own scientific review and expertise
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to decide what jugs should be approved and when you cut right through what the justice's questions, where i think with key justices who had voted to overturn roe asking very skeptical questions of the challenges here. i think they will find that these anti-abortion lawyers who say that they have been harmed by the fda approval of mifepristone and easy access to the drug that they cannot prove they've been harmed and therefore do not have legal standing and i'll just refer to two justices in particular wealth, who voted to overturn roe two years ago. brett kavanaugh and amy coney barrett and both of them suggested by their remarks that they do not think there was sufficient harm to bring this case at one point, brett kavanaugh even said just to confirm on the standing issue under federal law, no doctors can be forced against their conscience is to perform or assist in abortion, correct. and the lawyer had to say yes, correct. interesting as you just mentioned, joe and this is the biggest abortion
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case that the court has considered since overturning roe v. wade how does that inform things, right now? >> it really does woolf because just think of how much the reproductive rights landscape has changed since 2022. you know, about 14 states have now banned abortion several others have put a lot of restrictions on abortion. so that's why access to this medication has become so crucial across the country. so that's one aspect. and then the other aspect is just, you know, the whole healthcare situation that we've seen so many other state laws have been challenged in our working their way up to the court. so this is going to be part of a whole new set of chapters at the supreme court you're absolutely right. joan biskupic. thank you very much. up. next, we're going to get more on the baltimore bridge collapse and the impact on the economy that could extend far beyond that city central
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don't wait, scan the code now and ask about the bosley guarantee >> my fellow sessions >> you need to be better when you're not normal inmates b12 to be dead so be better being on good streaming exclusively on macs >> we're back with a breaking news out of baltimore, the stunning and total collapse of a major bridge after it was hit by a cargo ship. an urgent search is ongoing right now for six people who are missing, believed to be workers who were on the bridge when the disaster unfolded. cnn's kristin fisher is following all the new developments for us. kristen, you're there on the scene. what's the latest on the search and recovery effort? >> well, we'll 16 hours in an official say that this is still very much an active search and rescue operation. and all day long, we've seen these divers
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having to contend with really cold, deep waters, strong currents, and just a mess of mangled metal well, as they tried to find these six construction workers who were on top of the key bridge just filling potholes when this container ship struck the bridge and the bridge collapsed. and so the ntsb is now taking the lead on this investigation, but the ntsb says they've actually taken a backseat today and allowed the coast guard to really be the dominant player here and allow them to do their job and try to find these six unaccounted for workers that were on the bridge and likely went into the water wolf. >> but when the >> ntsb is allowed to board the vessel but when they do that, they decided not to do it today. when they do board the vessel, what they're really trying to find is the voyage data recorder that's essentially the black box of these types of ships. and we know that the crew on the ship issued a mayday call and said they were having power issues,
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but the ntsb says they still need to firm that that was indeed what took place. so that's one big piece of the ntsb investigation figuring out exactly what happened on this ship. but the ntsb says they're also going to be looking at the structural integrity of the key bridge itself. and you have the governor of maryland, wes moore coming out earlier today and saying that the bridge is or was up to code. but the ntsb says they still need to independently investigate that. and then i'll just kinda end by saying, look at what the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg said earlier today. he said, i just this he called it a really unique circumstance saying, i just don't know if any bridge could withstand a direct hit from a container ship of that size, wolff? yeah. important point. kristin fisher reporting for us. thank you very much. also tonight, the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg, is warning of the economic impact from the bridge collapse after visiting the scene in baltimore, listen
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there is no question that this will be a major and protracted impacts to supply chains it's too soon to offer estimates on what it will take to clear the channel reopen the port. >> i want to bring him cnn business editor at large, richard quest is joining us from london right now, richard, what will happen to the ships that were scheduled to go into the port of baltimore a valuable question. they will be rerouted. in fact, mask and many other of the shipping lines have already said that they all going to shift because one of the positives of the sense is that there is spare capacity at the other major ports along the eastern seaboard, bearing in mind that diva i'd already been to norfolk and new york before going to baltimore. so if you look at the map, you can see there's the potential for norfolk. you can see philadelphia, you can see, for instance, new jersey, new york, all suddenly, new york, new
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jersey, and virginia are much larger ports and then bonus two more and they will be able to pick up the slack of those ships that are heading in the direction of the eastern seaboard for those ships that are on the other side of the bridge, wolf, they're going to be stuck there until the channel is open and there's free passage. they'll probably have to be unloaded and their cargo shifted to one of them. the other ports yeah, good point. walk us through richard specifically, what type of cargo normally goes through the port of baltimore? >> the eighth or ninth largest in the united states well, it is cause trucks, light trucks. in fact, it is the number one destination for cars and light trucks in the united thanks or in terms of coming in, it's mercedes, it's vw and the japanese and the south korean manufacturers, they say there'll be able to cope, but look at the number of cars and trucks hundred last year, 2023,
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850,000 again, you can move them elsewhere. you can send them to other ports on the eastern seaboard, but that will take longer. mercedes tonight, basically saying, yes, it's going to take longer to get cars in its real take longer there will be further road delays the big suffer in all of this is of course, baltimore itself unfortunately, the port, while the ports an extremely important part of the economic vibrancy and life of the city. billions of dollars worth of trade goes through the port. the number of jobs involved as well, over 10,000 wasn't and if you take how it's going to develop, it could be years before that port is fully up and running again. even with the extra money that the federal government will bring in as promised by president biden today richard quest reporting for us. thank you very, very much important information just ahead israel's defense minister visits the united states for
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key meetings with top us officials. will the trip ease the growing tensions with the biden administration? >> when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice, except the trade-offs of treating or push through the pain and symptoms we view rally. >> there's >> another option one, dose, quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treated anytime anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late hey do not take with strong cyp 3a4 inhibitors allergic reactions to draw that can happen. most common side effects are nausea and sleepiness migraine pain relief starts with you good, about, you've ralphie, learn how abby could help you save belly. >> i need help with a clicker >> one second, grandma, disguise going to buy my car. >> are you still there? did >> you need carbonic what's your plate number? >> boss mov vehicle features? no accidents, right >> no good >> generating offer. guard mana
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israeli >> defense minister, you have gallant is in washington today for key meetings with top biden administration officials. defense secretary lloyd austin, and national security adviser, jake sullivan, sitting down with golan amid very growing between israel and the united states. cnn's for reads a curry is joining us right now with some analysis. he's also the author of a brand new excellent must read new book, just published today age of revolutions, there's the cover progress and backlash from 1,600 to the president for raid. we're going to get to your book shortly, but let's talk a little bit about what's going on right now. you and i have covered us-israeli relations for many years, very important meetings today between the us and israel here in washington, the defense minister meeting with us defense secretary and the president's national security adviser. how does this increasingly tense relationship between the biden administration and then attacked? anyhow, government complicate requests from
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netanyahu's government for more us weapons >> i think it's an inflection point really, it's a big, it's a big watershed moment in us-israeli relations because this is a fight that bibi netanyahu has almost brought upon himself you almost wonder at some level whether he was spoiling for a fight because the biden administration has and most israelis feel this way has been more supportive of israel in this conflict, than virtually any previous administration has in israel's other moments of crisis. so the biden administration has supported them militarily materially, morally but they have kept asking for certain concessions. pay more attention to civilian casualties let humanitarian aid good through allow for temporary ceasefire. so you can have more of that aid go through. and now this issue of rafah weathering not you really need to go through. >> and i >> think bibi netanyahu almost once this fight, he has a very extreme right-wing coalition
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>> it >> he seems to be your kind of zealously defending the hardline position and doing all this but by doing this, what he's doing is he's wrecking the trust that has built over decades between israel and the united states. and what he's doing is creating an idea that the united states can be pro israel without being pro bb israel can be a close ally, but bibi netanyahu might not be a close ally. >> important points you're making. i want to turn to your brand new book, age of revolutions, in which you write this. and i'm quoting you now in the book you're right when you consider the multitude of dramatic changes in the world today, we are living through one of the most revolution missionary ages in history, lay that out for us for read. >> what think about what we've gone through. >> we're living through it. so w don't realize it. but in the last 30 or 40 years, we have gone through a massive expansion of globalization,
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where something like two-and-a-half billion, 3 billion people have joined the the world trading system. that's all of china, all of india, moos of latin america, large parts of africa suddenly all become by. they're all playing the same game. now, you look at the technology world. we've created a brand new digital world. i mean, think about what the world looked like before that, we are now living in a world where the biggest companies in the world are all these new companies that didn't exist 2025 years ago think about the reality of the identity revolution that is taken place. take one piece of it. women. women have been emancipated two, from being second-class citizens which they were for thousands and thousands of years. and all this has happened in the last 30 or 40 years. >> so we're >> going through the acceleration, the disruption that all that causes but we're also going through in this is what i talk a lot of it in my book about the backlash that the feeling that this is all going too far too fast and
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there are a lot of people who say don't worry, i'll stop the world. you can get off. i'll take you back to when you are more comfortable. >> the most important >> word in donald trump's slogan is make america great. again, i'm going to take you back when it was safe and you didn't have to you then feel so disoriented? >> it's interesting because in your new book, age of revolutions, you're also write about the rise of populism. and you're right this and i'm quoting you now one sign of a revolutionary age is that politics gets scrambled along, along new lines. what kind of revolution have politics here in the united states undergone in recent years? and as that happening elsewhere as well. >> so the most powerful indication of this is think about what the republican party stood for under ronald reagan. you and i both remember those days, ronald reagan stood for limited government balanced budgets free markets, free trade, spreading democracy
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abroad, great pride in that >> and >> very, very open and receptive to immigration think about what donald trump's republican party stands for literally every one of those things i said. trump is basically the opposite on almost all of those. he's a protectionist. she doesn't like free trade. it doesn't like immigrants. he's four big government. he spent more money than anybody in his, in his four years. so that's the transformation we're going through. and it shows you that the old left, right categories no longer apply. we're in a new age >> important twice fareed zakaria. thank you very, very much. thanks for writing this book. be sure to, to our viewers, be sure to check out freed's new book. there you see the cover once again, age of revolutions must read, as i said coming up, robert f. kennedy jr. adjusted his running mate for his third party presidential bid. we're going to tell you who she is and how his choice could shake up the race potentially for the
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white house space shuttle columbia, the final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn. >> okay. someone just did laundry. how i add one light. so the question is really last yeah, most set of sub gives me a headache, but this is just right and i don't like anything. but i like this >> get a lake since it lasts with no heavy perfumes or dies >> so we're in norway first trip together and it's going pretty well. but are wedded to this troll theme to town. we get into a dumb argument. >> i just stay >> mad when you're literally surrounded by trolls and a place called trolls stieg in, but we manage it that's when our tour guide steps in. we hear voice float out from behind a troll statue saying fight little ones. normally seen the view >> ever missed a view since my nap, over 300,000 experiences you remember? do more with via tour? >> i was stuck unresolved. depression symptoms were in my
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>> we have to be very concerned why do you think he's doing this? and can he be talked out of it >> do >> you think he's guilty >> the lead with jake tapper weekdays it for on cnn >> today. robert f. kennedy jr. announced nicole shanahan as his running mate for his independent presidential bid shanahan has a very wealthy attorney an entrepreneur, who has a long history of making large donations, had candidates, including the man, they're running against, namely president by cnn's eva mckend is joining us now live from oakland, california. so eva, what did kennedy, first of all, say about his pick? >> wolff, he believes that she can appeal to young voters. we know, of course right now president biden facing some vulnerability with that constituency, some young voters feeling disillusion for a number of reasons sees young voters that voted for him in 2020 while he believes that at 38 years old that she can help
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bring some of those voters into their camp, but also her personal story. she grew up here in oakland on in poverty on welfare, on food stamps and now she is a woman of significant mean. she went on to become a silicon valley attorney. i started her own business. she is formerly married to the billionaire co-founder of google. and so it is going to be those significant mean so that perhaps will be most consequential in the weeks ahead is kennedy fights to get on the ballot in every state. take a listen to how shanahan is thinking about this >> please. >> listen to bobby kennedy in his own words. >> take a look >> at his vision for america it is a vision that i share two as i said in the next seven months of my life, getting him on each and every ballot in this country and wolf, although many
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people might know kennedy for his anti >> vaccine, skepticism or his vaccine skepticism important to note that the people that we speak here showing up talking about a range of issues, many of them citing his position on war being anti-war as a reason that they are attracted to his campaign will even maken in oakland, california for us eva. thank you very much to see how this potentially impacts the 2024 race. let's bring in cnn political commentators, bakari sellers and scott jennings. scott kennedy is polling and double-figures. now nationally. but shanahan has an unknown with no real political experience so did he do himself that he favors with this pick >> well, she's got the most important currency in politics for him, and that's actual currency. she is a very wealthy person and he needs money. and she talked about helping him get on the ballot today. i.
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don't think the vice presidential pick usually makes a big electorial difference for the kennedy ticket. she brings a lot of money to the table and also she shares a lot of his liberal views, so they mesh well there, but really this is about cash getting some into this campaign. and when they get it, i think they can make a difference with it. >> so big curry, how concerned should the biden? dmb that he will oppose support from people who might otherwise vote for the president >> there is a concern about a third-party candidacy, but the concern is not because of who he chewed, chooses as vice president. nobody knows her. now, nationally she is a very wealthy woman from palo alto or oakland, or that silicon valley area. i'm not sure why anybody have good common sense actually takes on the role of being vice president for robert f. kennedy jr. we know that there are a lot of people who were asked and she finally said yes, which makes you question why she's doing this. ego comes to mind,
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but also it sets you up for future failure to be associated with somebody who's disassociated from their own family, somebody who has these anti-vax views somebody who is out of the mainstream of moos thought processes and then i you know, me and scott and you wilf will be sitting here one day and reviewing a debate that has ms shanahan, kamala harris and maybe somebody like tim scott on the same stage together. and if there's one person who sticks out, that is not prepared for that limelight, who is not prepared to swimming those deep ward is it would be her and so it just ruins all of the years of of of goodwill that you have achieved through your business career. >> you know, scott kennedy also has at least some appeal from some on the right maybe because of his anti-vax views, is it possible that he actually could pull more support from trump then from biden that's not what i see in the polling. and i think when the campaign unfolds and people really focus in on who kennedy is. i mean, he has
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been a tried and true liberal and i've really fringe liberal. i mean, he has espoused some cookie views over the years. but look, there are people who are attracted to that and he's picked a very liberal running mate. so i think as the king campaign unfolds, if you're a trump supporter and you want to get donald trump one more chance to beat joe biden. i doubt you're going to be flouring with kennedy, but i do think and you can see the way democrats are reacting today that there's real concern on the left that this satisfaction with biden on his progressive flank may drive some people out of a third door just as a protest vote interesting. scott jeni's bakari sellers, guys, thank you very much. there's breaking news. right now. attorneys for sean diddy combs have just issued their first statement since yesterday's federal raids on his properties in miami and los angeles, let's bring in cnn's elizabeth wagmeister. she's getting the latest developments. elizabeth update our view hi wa fia, so we just got a statement in from diddy's attorney and they are maintaining his innocence and
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they are calling >> these rays yesterday on his homes in los angeles and miami, a witch hunt. when we read this too and full wolff, we just got this in from his attorney, erin dyer, who says yesterday, there was a gross over use of military level force as search warrants were executed at mr. combs residences. there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated mr. combs was never detained, but spoke to and cooperated with authority bernie's despite media speculation, neither mr. combs nor any of his family members have been arrested, nor has their ability to travel been restricted in any way. the unprecedented ambush paired with an advanced coordinated coordinated media presence leads to a premature rush to judgment of mr. and is nothing more than a witch hunt based on meritless accusations made in civil lawsuits. there has been no finding of criminal or civil liability with any of these
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allegations. they end by saying, mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name interesting, very interesting. elizabeth wagmeister thank you very much for that update coming up. we'll have more on the breaking news, the baltimore bridge collapse, what we're learning about the moments leading up to the catastrophic collision we're, building >> a better postal service all, parts working in sync to move your business forward with the streamlined shipping network and new high-speed processing and delivery centers. for more value, more of a liability and more on-time deliveries the united states postal service is built for how you business and how you business is with simple, affordable, and reliable shipping usps ground advantage, millions of people have lost weight with personalized plans from new like evan, who lost 50 pounds. >> i've never really was a
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