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Full text of "Hardcore Computist Issue #60"

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For The Serious User Of Persoiial_CginButerg_ 


Issue 60 

October 1988 

USA $3.75 Canada & Mexico $7.00 All Others $8.75 

# RDE3I '■=s^<%ex^ 

Reading from Protected Disks-By bui Jetzer 
EDASM Transfer Utility-oy m.m. McFadden 
Amper QuickOraw II Routines-By m.m. McFadden 
Slow Speeds for Arcade Games-By jotm Bishop 

A Patch for Copy II PluS-By Mate Satchelor 

The Product Monitor-By Jeff Huriburt 

Low Cost Alternate Languages-By Michael j. Parii 

Another Copy-Protection Scheme for DOS 3.3-By Stanley pianton 

Change Appleworhs Cursor-sy Jack r. Nissei 

■■■^r-c- «-. fjn. 

# RDEX S^OLteB^^MfAz 

Ace Programmer * Aesop's Fables (GS) « Apple GEOS v2.0 « Artie Antics * Creating the Constitution * Crossword Magic 
4.0 « Death Sword «Dome Bookkeeping « Essential Data Duplicator III (EDO 3) « Garfield Deluxe Edition « Gauntlet 
llgs «J & S Gradebook « Kings Quest llgs « Kings Quest 1 <GS) <t Lazer Maze « Leisure Suit Larry « Magical Myths 
« Mastertype v2.1 * Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing * Mind Prober/Mind over Minors « NATO Commander vl.2 * Paperboy 

* Pegasus * Pinball Construction Set # Pool 1.5 * RAD Warrior * RaUroad Works * Road Rally USA «Robomath « Science 
Tool Kit « Search and Rescue « Showoff « Social Studies Vol 1 « Social Studies Vol 2 « Solo Flight « Space Quest 
m springboard Publisher « Spy vs Spy 111 * Star Fleet 1 v2.1 * Tales of Fantasy: The Dark Tower and Frog & The Fables 

* Tapper * Troll Courseware: Maps & Globes - Latitude & Longitude * Type! « Ultima V * Wagons West A Zorro 

= Sofikey: ■ Clipper IDoubleDOS vl.O ILoadCalc v4.13 BMind Prober 

^/ o Postage 


Tacoma, WA 
Permil No 269 

You have a 


to an unlocked 
backup copy 

of your 



Our editorial policy is that we do NOT condone 
software piracy, but we do believe that users are entitled 
to backup commercial disks they have purchased. 

In addition to the security of a backup disk, the removal 
of copy-protection gives the user the option of modifying 
programs to meet his or her needs. 

Furthermore, the copyright laws guarantee your right 
to such a DEPROTECTED backup copy: 

..."It is not an infringement for the owner of a copy of 
a computer program to make or authorize the making of 
another copy or adaptation of that computer program 

1) that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an 
essential step in the utilization of the computer program in 
conjunction with a machine and that it is used in no other 
manner, or 

2) that such new copy or adaptation is for archival 
purposes only and that all archival copies are destroyed in 
the event that continued possession of the computer program 
should cease to be rightful. 

Any exact copies prepared in accordance with the 
provisions of this section may be leased, sold, or otherwise 
transferred, along with the copy from which such copies 
were prepared, only as part of the lease, sale, or other 
transfer of all rights in the program. Adaptations so prepared 
may be transferred only with the authorization of the 
copyright owner." 

United States Code title 17, §117 


Editor: Charles R. Haight 

Circulation: Karen Fitzpatricic 

Advertising, caU: (206) 474-5750 
Publislier: SoftKey Publisliing 

Printing: Vaico Grapliics & Printing 

• Address all advertising inquiries to: 
COMPUTIST; Advertising Department; PO 
Box ll08l6;Tacoma, WA984II 

• Mail all RDEX letters to: 



POBox II0846-K 

Tacoma, WA 984 1 1 

• COMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial 
material. The entire editorial content consists 
of information submitted to COMPUTIST for 
publication in the shared interests of all 

• Unsolicited material (manuscripts, letters 
to the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, 
questions, etc.) are assumed to be submitted 
as letters-to-the-RDEX-editor for publication 
with all and exclusive rights belonging to 

• Entire contents copyright 1 988 by SoftKey 
Publishing. All rights reserved. Copying done 
for other than personal or internal reference 
(without express written permission from the 
publisher) is prohibited. 

• The volunteer and paid editorial staff 
assume no liability or responsibility for the 
products advertised in the magazine. Any 
opinions expressed by the authors are not 
necessarily those of COMPUTIST magazine, 
its staff or SoftKey Publishing. 

• Apple® is a trademark of Apple 
Computers. IBM® is the IBM trademark. 

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Rates (for 1 2 issues): 
U.S.-$32 U.S. lstClass-$45 

Canada/Mex.-$45 Other Foreign— $75 

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• Issues missed due to non-receipt of change 
of address may be acquired at the regular 
back issue rate. 



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Why type those 
l-o-n-g listings when 
you can just Upgrade 
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Mail to; COMPUTIST PO Box I 10846-T Tacoma, WA 984 II (206)474-5750 




^ftr'Ai^Jfi „-':S, 


Jim Bancroft 31 

Mark Batchelor 24 

John Bishop 23 

Ken Bumell 8 

Eric Delbridge 8 

Paul P. Dillon 35 

Ron DIppold 21 . 

Doodlebug 7 

Andrew Grogan 7 

Dan Halfwit 36 

Brian Hatch 8 

Rosalie Beals Huntley 8 

Jeff Hurlburt 27 

Bill Jetzer 10 

The Pirate King 26 

Ryan Lanctot 31 

Stephen Lau 9, 1 7 

Mike Maginnis 7 

M.M. McFadden 14 

Blaine C. Miskell 31 

Nathan Mourfield 7 

Jack R. Nissel 21,34 

Michael J. Paris 29 

David L. Perez 23 

Stanley Planton 32 

Dr. George Sabeh 8 

Scott M. Simon 22 

Michael Smith 16 

Swampfox 24 

Edward Teach 17 

Gary Verbuch 33 

Bill Wilson 25 

Alan Zimbard, M.D 16 

18MISM1BMIBMI3ML.:;. .?- '• ■ •. 

David Kazuba 44 

I First the bad news 

I just recieved issue #8 of Apple Assembly Line. On the first page is a notice that it will be 
the last issue I receive. No, my subscription hasn't run out. It's the last issue that anyone will 
receive. Apple Assemble Line is no more. It's income has fallen to the point where Bob Sander- 
Cederlof can't continue to publish. He is going to work for Applied Engineering. 

I'm sorry to see AAL go, but I understand about the drop in income. We've been hit just 
as hard. With us, it's an especially funny joke. (Black humor.) I've talked on the phone and answered 
letters from people who are non-subscribers. I've asked them why they haven't subscribed. The 
usual answer is that they haven't gotten around to it. (Huh!) I've also been told, by numerous 
people, of wholesale copying of COMPUTIST by clubs or other groups. So here's the joke; if 
COMPUTIST goes the same way as AAL due to lack of income caused by non-subscribing readers 
and excessive zerox copies. Well, maybe it's not fiinny to you but the software companies would 
split a gut. 

I For Toddlers 

Kathleen Herrman (Computing for 1-3 year olds, COMPUTIST #58) wrote to let us know 
that the program she refers to in her article is available for $10 from; Peter Vasilev, 370 Calle 
La Montana, Moraga, CA 94556. Those of you with toddlers who have outgrown the "carpet 
commando/sticky-fingered curtain climber" phase may want to give this some serious consideration. 

I Rumors 

I'm interested in starting a rumors & propaganda page. I know that the RDEX open format 
allows you to write anything you want but I thought it would be neat to sift out the rumors and 
such and put them all in one place. With all the people who read COMPUTIST (including those 
who don't subscribe), we should be able to come up with some interesting tid-bits. It should make 
good reading and may even generate some controversy. So, if you hear something or read something 
or even know something, send us a postcard with all the details. You don't have to sign the postcard 
but do send it. 

I Ultima V and Bard's Tale III 

We've gotten a lot more input on these two adventures. I'm going to have to bend a rule that 
already has a number of kinks in it. I try to limit my editorial meddling in RDEX to some occasional 
help with spelling or grammar. But with the number of near indentical letters that I've recently 
received, I'm going to have to get out my razor and do some hacking and chopping. I apologize 
in advance for any hurt feelings but I'm going to combine the letters about Ultima V into one 
and the letters about Bard's Tale into another. I think it's better to have all the pertinent data in 
one place. It's certainly more useful. I'm ignoring the comment from the volunteer editor on the 
comer workstation (who shall remain nameless for his own protection) to the effect that I should 
spread the data thoughout the issue and make it hard on the non-subscribers who just make copies. 
Because of the necessary editing, you won't see the combined tables and charts until the next issue. 

I Format errors 

I apologize for the great number of text and other strange format errors in COMPUTIST #59. 
(The key icon with the dash at the bottom of the first column on page 33 is the strangest.) Eight 
corrected pages somehow didn't make it into the final layout. My fault for trying to do everything 
myself. (Where were the rest of you when that issue was being finalized?) Also, the authors list 
should have included four more names; Don Westcott, Bob Igo, Brian Hatch and Richard (Gramps) 
Pirong. I guess I answered my own editorial question from COMPUTIST #59. 

I Etc... 

Mike stopped by and updated our COMPUTIST Shopper Ad. Lots of new stuff. Check it out. 

COMPUTIST #56, page 19. Softkey for Railroad Works - In step 6, C600G should be 


COMPUTIST #56, page 20. The controller for Pitfall H - Add this line: 1005 POKE 47426 , 24 

COMPUTIST #56, page 25. Super Sunday Football General Manager - In step 6 the the BSAVE 


COMPUTIST #58, page 13. Infocom Decoder Revisited. See Ryan Lanctot, page 31. 

■imv<im^m'ii- u-^m 



Table Of Contents 



Ace Programmer 22 

Aesop 's Fables (GS) 22 

Apple GEOSv2.0 26 

Artie Antics 22 

Creating the Constitution 34 

Crossword Magic 4.0 7 

Death Sword 13,31 

Dome Bookkeeping 34 

Essential Data Duplicator III 

(FDD 3) 12 

Garfield Deluxe Edition 33 

Gauntlet Ilgs 9 

J <fe 5 Gradebook 24 

Kings Quest Ilgs 9 

Kings Quest I (GS) 22 

Lazer Maze 21 

Leisure Suit Larry 8,9 

Magical Myths 19 

Mastertype v2.1 17 

Mavis Beacon Teaches 

Typing 18 

Mind Prober/Mind over 

Minors 23 

NATO Commander vl.2 25 

Paperboy 18 

Pegasus 34 

Pinball Construction Set 7 

Pool 1.5 35 

RAD Warrior 23 

Railroad Works 21 

Road Rally USA 34 

Robomath 22 

Science Tool Kit 31 

Search and Rescue 34 

Showoff 9 

Social Studies Vol 1 34 

Social Studies Vol 2 34 

Solo Flight 36 

Space Quest 9 

Springboard Publisher 10 

Spy vs Spy III 22 

Star Fleet I v2.1 37 

Tales of Fantasy: 

The Dark Tower 

Frog & The Fables 22 

Tapper 16 


Troll Courseware: 

Maps & Globes 

Latitude & Longitude 36 

Type! 22 

Ultima V 20 

Wagons West 23 

Zorro 18 

Kid Niki Radical Ninja 35 

Lode Runner 8 

Space Quest He 8 

Thexder 18 

2400 A.D 7 

Captain Goodnight 31 

Space Quest lie 8 

Defending the Crown with "Visit 


Formatting extra tracks 34 

Merging controllers 

with Super lOB 36 

More on Tower of Myraglen 19 

Needs help with Alien Mind 18 

Needs help with 

Crossword Magic 4.0 17 

Some notes on Electronic Arts. . . 19 

Some notes on Epyx 20 

Tips for cracking 

Ilgs 3y2" disks 10 

ii a a VOTE!!! 1^ A ir 29 

I 6M So^ik^d: 

Clipper 44 

DoubleDOS vl.0 44 

LoadCak v4.13 44 

Mind Prober 45 

Editorial 4 

Bugs 4 

Most Wanted Softkeys. 37 

Reading from Protected Disks 11 

Here's what all those pokes and patches to ignore headers, trailers and checksums are, and 
some neat charts showing where they are. 

EDASM Transfer Utility 

A quick and easy way to move EDASM into the /RAM disk. 


Amper QuickDraw II Routines 15 

Add super-hires graphics capability to Applesoft with these ampersand commands. 

Slow Speeds for Arcade Games. . . 

Slow those hyperspeed arcade games so your toddler can play too. 

A Patch for Copy II Plus 

Makes it a little easier to initialize more than one disk. 




The Product Monitor. 

More notes from our master wordsmith. 

Low Cost Alternate Languages 29 

How to try your hand at programming in some other languages without going broke. 

Another method for... 

Copy-Protecting DOS 3.3. 

Change Appleworks Cursor... 

From blinking underline to blinking apple in one quick patch. 



New COMPUTIST readers using Apple lis 
are advised to read this page carefully to avoid 
frustration when attempting to follow a soflkey 
or entering the programs printed in this issue. 

What is a softkey, anyway? 

Softkey is a term which we coined to describe 
a procedure that removes, or at least 
circumvents, any copy-protection on a 
particular disk. Once a softkey procedure has 
been performed, the resulting backup copy can 
usually be copied by the normal copy programs 
(for example: COPYA, on the DOS 3.3 System 
Master disk). 

Commands and control keys 

Commands which a reader is required to 
perform are set apart b y being in boldface and 
on a separate line. The IhetohnI key must be 
pressed at the end of every such command 
unless otherwise specified. Control characters 
are speciaUy boxed. An example of both is: 

g lBPl 

Press |T]. Next, place one finger on the (^3 
key and th en press [p]. Don't forget to press 


Other sp ecial combination keypresses include 
ISRKSKTI or KSBHKSKTi . In the former , 
press and hold down (^E) then press iRESETl . 
In t he lat ter, press a nd hold down both (=3 
and I ci I then press IhksktI . 

Softwara recommendations 

The Starter Kit contains most of the programs 
that you need to "Get started". In addition, we 
recommend that you aquire the following: 

• Applesoft program editor such as "Global 
Program Line Editor (GPLE)". 

• Assembler such as the "S-C Assembler" 
from S-C software or "Merlin/Big Mac". 

• Bit-copy program such as "Copy H Plus", 
"Locksmitii" or "Essential Data Duplicator 

• Text-editor (that produces normal sequential 
text files) such as "Applewriter H", "Magic 
Window 11" or "Screenwriter H". 

• "COPYA", "FID" and "MUFFIN" from 
the DOS 3.3 System Master disk are also 

Super lOB and Controllers 

This powerful deprotection utility (in the 
COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various 
Controllers are used in many softkeys. (It is also 
on each Super lOB Collection disk.) 

Reset into the Monitor 

Softkeys occasionally require the user to stop 
the execution of a copy-protected program and 
directly enter the Apple's system monitor. 
Check the following list to see what hardware 
you wiU need to obtain this ability. 

Apple II + , //e, compatibles: 1) Place an 
Integer BASIC ROM card in one of the Apple 
slots. 2) Use a non-maskable interrupt (NMI) 
card such as Replay or Wildcard. 

Apple II + , compatibles: 1) Install an F8 
ROM with a modified reset-vector on the 
computer's motherboard as detailed in the 
"Modified ROM's" article (COMPUTIST #6 
or Book Of Softkeys III ) or the "Dual 
ROM's" article (COMPUTIST #19), 

Apple lie, lie: Install a modified CD ROM 
on the computer's motherboard. Cutting Edge 
Ent. (Box 43234 Ren Cen Station-HC; Detroit, 
MI 48243) sells a hardware device that will give 
you this important ability but it will void an 
Apple //c warranty. 

Apple //gs: If you have the 2.x ROM, there 
is a hidden classic desk accessory (CDA) that 
allows you to enter the monitor. In order to 
install the new CDA, you should enter the 
monitor before running any p rotected p rograms 
(CALL -151) and press "# IretuhmI ". This 
win turn on two hidden CDAs, Mem ory Peeker 
and Visit Monitor. Thereafter press Ids ESC } 
to go to the Desk Accessories menu. Select 
"Visit Monitor" and there you are. Use |BY| 
to exit. 

Recommended literature: 

• Apple II Reference Manual 

• DOS 3.3 manual 

• Beneath Apple DOS & Beneath Apple 
ProDOS, by Don Worth and Pieter 
Lechner, from Quality Software 

Keying in Applesoft programs: 

BASIC programs are printed in a format that 
is designed to minimize errors for readers who 
key in these programs. If you type: 


The LIST will look like: 


...because Applesoft inserts spaces into a 
program listing before and after every command 
word or mathematical operator. These spaces 
don't pose a problem except when they are 
inside of quotes or after a DATA command. 
There are two types of spaces: those that have 
to be keyed and those that don't. Spaces that 

must be typed appear in COMPUTIST as delta 
characters C). All other spaces are there for 
easier reading. NOTE: If you want your 
checksums (See Computing checksums) to 
match up, only type spaces within quotes or 
after DATA statements if they are shown as 
delta C) charactors. 

Keying In Hezdumps 

Machine language programs are printed in 
COMPUTIST as hexdumps, sometimes also as 
source code. Hexdumps are the shortest and 
easiest format to type in. You must first enter 
the monitor: 
CAU -151 

Key in the hexdump exactly as it appears in 
the magazine, ignoring the four-digit checksum 
($ and four digits) at the end of each line. When 
finished, return to BASIC with: 


BSAVE the program with the filename, 
address and length parameters given in the 

The source code is printed to help explain a 
program's operation. To enter it, you need an 
"Assembler". Most of the source code is in 
S-C Assembler format. If you use a different 
assembler, you will have to translate pieces of 
the source code into something your assembler 
will understand. 

Computing checksums 

Checksums are 4-digit hexadecimal numbers 
which tell if you typed a program correctly. 
There are two types of checksums: one created 
by the CHECKBIN program (for machine 
language programs) and the other created by 
the CHECKSOFT program (for BASIC 
programs). Both are on the "Starter Kit". 

If your checksums do not match the published 
checksums then the line where the first 
checksum differs is incorrect. 

CHECKSOFT instructions: Install Checksoft 
program. Press I h I to get the checksums. 
Correct the program line where the checksums 

CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor 
(CALL -151), install Checkbin at some out of 
the way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, A$6000), 
and then LOAD your program. Get the 
checksums by typing the Starting address, a 
period and fe e En ding address of the file 
followed by a I BY I . 

Correct the lines at which the checksums 
differ RDEXed 




writing a 
letter to the... 

nveX edUoK 

RDEX stands for: 

Reader's Data Exchange 

That means that when you send in 
articles, softkeys, APTs, etc., you are 
submitting them for FREE publication in 
this magazine. RDEX does NOT 
purchase submissions nor do we verify 
data submitted by readers. We print 
what you write. If you discover any 
errors, please let us know. 

• Remember that your letters or parts 
of them may be used in RDEX even if 
not addressed to the RDEX editor. 
Correspondence that gets published may 
be edited for clarity, grammar and space 
requirements . 

• Because of the great number of letters 
we receive and the ephemeral and 
unpredictable appearance of our part- 
time staff, any response to your queries 
will appear only in RDEX, so it would 
be more appropriate for you to present 
technical questions to the readers and ask 
for their responses which will then be 
placed in the Apple-RDEX. 

• Whenever possible, send your articles 
and letters on disk as standard text files. 
When we get your letter-article in a text 
file, it is immediately uploaded into the 
most current RDEX file. We will return 
your disks, whenever possible, with the 
current library disk copied onto it. 
Conventional letters must be typed in by 
us... when we have the time. 

• When you send your material on disk, 
try to use a disk formatted for Apple 
DOS 3.3. It makes things a lot easier for 
us . 

• Address your letters, articles, to: 


RDEX Editor 

PO Box 110846-K 

Tacoma, WA 98411 


I 3 I Make the following sector edits to the 
copy you just made. 

f Softkey for... 

Crossword Magic 4.0 


Use the Sword of Kadash controller from 
COMPUTIST #27. When the controller asks 
which side, use (B) BACK. The controller is 
also on the Super lOB Collection, Volume 2. 

Nathan Mourfield 

I have some information for you. I loved 
Danny PoUak's character editor. Then I found 
that the character editor was on the Britannia 
disk. That was all right except it didn't work. 
Most of his adventure tips didn't work for me 
either. Except for that, I'm fine with Danny. 

The word of passage is VERAMOCOR, I 
think. Also, you can see additional clues in the 
program, like the 13 question of the code. 

If anyone with an Apple needs help on 
Ultima I-IV, just write. 

Andrew Grogan 

I have made my very first crack which was 
actually easier than I thought. I would like to 
share my joy because I am very pleased with 
your magazine. It is now my turn to pay back 
all of the other RDEX contributors out there. 
This worked for me. 

Softkey for... 

Pinball Construction Set 

Electronic Arts 

■ Requirements 

n Blank Disk 
D Sector Editor 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 System Disk 

I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum and 
epilog errors and run COPYA 

POKE 47426,24 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$03 $06 $4A-4C ?. 


The title screen of this program is on tracks 
$04, $05 and can be loaded using Keith 
Parker's Picture Loader (COMPUTIST #54) in 
the forward mode. 

<2) Does anyone have a crack for 
Lode Runner and Championship Lode Runner. 
Also, why doesn't turning off the checksum and 
epilog errors not work? 

Mike Maginnis 

Playing lips for... 

2400 A.D. 


• Confiscated equipment is stored in the only 
open box in the storeroom at the Social Rehab 

• Buy at least three items from Wes and say 
bye. Talk to him again and you'll get the broken 
plasma rifle. 

• Hugo will fix the plasma rifle. 

• The passcard number for the blueprints room 
is: 6435. 

• Les will build the field disperser. 

• The door to get the Transporter Guidance 
Device is off the railroad tracks of the South 
Station. The passcard number to get through 
the door is: 569 A. 

• To get through the protector robots to get the 
guidance device, use a Direct Override on them. 


• From the back of the City dump on the path: 
2N, IE, IN, 2E, IN, 3E, 3S, IE, 3S, 3W, 3S, 
IE, 2S, 2E, 2S, 5W, 2N, 3W, 2N, 4W, IN, 
5W, IN, 2W, 2S, 3W, 2N, 3W, 3S, 5W, 2S, 
IE, 2S, 4E, 2S, IW, 6S, 2W, 2N, 2W, 2N, 
4W, 2N, 6E, 2S. 

• 07, 18, 09, 12, 15 

• Lower, lower, lower, upper, lower 

necessarily in that order) 

• The Guidance Device is on the south counter 
of the third room. 

• Maze to IQ & energy boosts: take the comer 
doors until you get to the room with 2 comer 
doors— one leads to the IQ boost, the other leads 
to energy. REMEMBER the way back. 



Rosalie Beals Huntley 

I use Copy n Plus v8. 1 and an EDD 4 Plus 
card and backup 70% of my software. I need 
to know how to backup the other 30 % . I have 
no programming knowledge so I really need 
step by step help at the start. Any suggestions 
would be useful. 

C2) I have a few questions: (sorry if 
they seem dumb) 

1. Should I use a ProDOS manual instead of 
a DOS 3.3? I don't use DOS 3.3 software. 

2. Would Beneath Apple ProDOS be better than 


3. Is Multiscribe GS or Appleworks 2.0 a text 


4. Is the GS Utility with fast copy ok or do I 
need COPY A? 

5. With EDD and Copy 11, I can change 
parameters and do a disk scan, do I still need 
a sector-editor, disk-search utility and 

6. How do I back up a 3.5 disk for my GS that 

is protected by the "key disk" system? Do 
any of your back issues address this? 

Thank you for your help. I am sure once 
I get started I will enjoy your magazine and all 
it has to offer. 


IS2. Ves, learn how to use ProDOS. When 
you are familiar with ProDOS then DOS 3.3 will 
be easy. 

3. Yes, and much more besides. 

4. It is better to stick with the exact program calls 
in a softkey procedure. Sometimes another copy 
program may be used but usually the procedure 
will tell you that also. (IE. Use COPYA or any whole 
disk copier.) 

5. Copy II Plus comes with a sector editor and disk 
scanner (Read the documentation.) An assembler 
is only necessary if you want to assemble your own 
source code as would occur if you wanted to make 
your own changes. We always print the hex code 
to simplify entry of binary programs. 

6. Key disk protection must be removed on a 
program by program basis, although sometimes 
a procedure for one program will work on other 
programs by the same company. Write to RDEX 
with the name (^thepn^ram that is troubling you. 
If we don't have a softkey, we'll put it on the Most 
Wanted list. RDEXed 

Ken Burnell 

Since I'm writing a letter anyway, I would 
like to say that I like the "new" format with 
lots of softkeys and, especially, the new covers. 
I never did like those [expensive] flashy covers 
that you went to back in'83. I support your 
adding IBM RDEX's, I think it's a good 

survival idea. And, if you have to cut some 
more like down to six issues a year, I'd support 
that too. Anything to keep COMPUTIST alive. 

By the way, since I have mostly old games 
(own four Apple II's - no Ilgs yet) and am not 
into Adventure games, I have to admit that your 
API's are just about the most interesting diing 
in the magazine to me these days. I would like 
to see more of them. I particularly appreciated 
the one for Marble Madness. How about an 
APT for the Amiga version of Marble 
Madness? Now that we know how to get into 
the Water Maze, how in heck do you cross it? 

Keep on publishing. 

Eric Delbridge 


Space Quest He 

Sierra On Line 

Mathew and John Paul Ownby's Space 
Quest ngs APT in COMPUTIST #53 for 
editing your buckazoids did not work on my 
Apple lie version, obviously. To change your 
buckazoids to 255 on the lie version, simply 
save a game in the 'a' position on your save 
game disk. Save the game after you have the 
thirty buckazoids from selling the skimmer. 
Then take out a sector editor and read track 
$00, sector $03, byte $06. Change the byte 
to $FF and write the sector back to disk. Here 
are some more playing tips if you are stuck after 
changing into a Sarien (these work with Ilgs and 
lie versions.) 

1) Instead of getting into the trunk, you can 
move the trunk, take jetpack off, open trunk, 
put jetpack in trunk, close trunk, get on the 
trunk, and open the vent. Then enter vent and 
go up the tube on the ladder. Kick the stuck vent 
and remove it; you wiU be in the laundry room. 

2) Once you've become a Sarien, exit the 
laundry and take the elevator on the left. 

3) Once out of the elevator, go left until 
you see an up elevator. Get in. Get off on the 
upper level. Go right until you get to the armoiy 
where the droid is. Show him your ID Card, 
and while he is getting your pulseray, take one 
of the gas grenades, then take your pulseray. 

4) Go left one screen. Get direcdy over the 
Sarien Guard. Drop grenade. He will be 
knocked out! 

5) Backtrack to the star generator. Search 
guard. Take remote. Press button. Walk up to 
the generator. Look at panel. Move the arrow 
to the numbers '6858'. Move the arrow to enter. 
Leave the room. If the security droid is in the 
next room, you cannot kill it. Go right to the 
generator room, then go back. He will not be 
there. If you encounter another Sarien, shoot 
him as soon as he appears or he will fry you. 
Get on the down elevator. Take the elevator to 

the right. Enter the pod. Press launch. That's it! 

<2> HELP! Does anyone know how to 
get a cab in Infocom's Sherlock Holmes 
mystery, the Riddle of the Crown Jewels? 

(^ Does any reader know how to edit 
number of planes and bombs, etc. on 
Broderbund's Wings of Fury? 

Dr. George Sabeli 

I recently purchased Sierra On-Line's new 
issue of Leisure Suit Larry for Apple n series 
computers. I looked through the back issues of 
COMPUTIST for a softkey. I could only find 
one for the Apple Ilgs. This led me to review 
the back issues for other software by Sierra. The 
softkey by Jean-Micheal Georges in 
COMPUTIST #30 contained the information 
I needed to deprotect the program. Now in 
cookbook fashion here is the softkey. 

softkey for... 

Leisure Suit Larry 

Sierra On-Line 

■ Requirements 


D Sector Editor with search 

D Five blank disk sides 

I 1 I Copy an five sides using any fast copy 
program such as COPYA, Locksmith fast copy 

2 I Search for the sequence 20 00 FF (JSR 

SFFOO). I found this on track $02, sector $08, 
starting at byte $OD. You need to search the 
Boot side only. Change this sequence to EAEA 
EA. This should give a COPYA unprotected copy 
of the game. Now you can enjoy the program 
without fear of crashing. 

I hope this information wiU be of some 
assistance to your readers. Keep up the good 
work and consider me a permanent subscriber 
to an excellent magazine. 

Brian Hatch 

Warning: The following APT's will only 
work on a cracked copy of Lode Runner. 

While making my own boards for Lode 
Runner, I often wish to borrow a board from 
the original, modify it, and save it on my data 
disk. But Lode Runner responds with "USER 
MASTER DISKETTE". If you search the disk 
for CC CF C4 C5 A0 D2 D5 CE CE C5 D2 FF (Which 
spells "LODE RUNNER" with a delete after 
it) and change the FF to 00 it will fix that 




I found it at track $0C, sector $0F. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$0C $0F $FF FF 00 ~ 

This sector also contains the Hi-Score 
board. Each name takes up 8 bytes. For 
example, if the Hi-Score was by BOO, who 
reached level 10 with a score of 00053545, 
the first eight bytes of the sector would read 
C2 CF CF 0A 00 05 35 45. The first three bytes are 
the name, the next is the level in hex, and the 
last four contain the score. To change the name 
to BRI on level 79, score of 99999999, enter 
C2 D2 C9 4F 99 99 99 99 at byte $00 of the sector. 

Stephen Lau 

A couple of Ilgs programs just came out, 
and it's time to get "cracking" again. I'll try 
to show how I find the protection, so that 
novices to Ilgs cracking can crack some of their 
own programs in the future. Again credit should 
be given to my friend, Danny, for his 

*IIgs Softkey for... 


Broderbund Software 

■ Requirements 

D Apple ngs with 512K 

n Sector Editor (such as Copy H Plus) 

Showoff is another winner from 
Broderbund Software. Anyone can easily make 
a slide show within minutes. I recommmend this 
program to any Ilgs user. 

A fast copy yields no errors at all, but the 
program instructs you to insert the program disk 
just before it starts. Um . . . sounds like a nibble 
count again. Since many Ilgs programs use the 
same nibble count protection, and on the same 
track (20 and 21), I try auto nibble count on 
track $20 and $21 with Copy n Plus and it 
works. As pointed out by Brain Troha in 
COMPUTIST #54, the protection code is 
similar for any software that counts track $20 
and $21 (the guy who developed it must have 
sold it to several companies). So I tried 
searching for A2 20 A0 01 and came across it on 
block $17C. 

69 LDA #$0000 
6C STA $001E1A 

70 PHP 

71 SEP #00110000 

73 LDX #$20 track and 

75 LDY #$01 side to count 

77 JSR $0057 count nibbles 

7A BCS $1091 carry set = bad sectors 

7C JSR $0076 check the no. of nibbles 

BCS $1091 

branch any error to $91 

P^r¥^*l**ll"Hr f^^ 


right before hearing the sync check. I then 


LDX #$21 

track and 

searched through the memory for any jumps to 


LDY #$01 

side to count 

$9000 (the start of level 8) and came across 


JSR $0057 

count nibbles 

one at $8799. 


BCS $1091 

carry set = bad sectors 


JSR $0092 

check the no. of nibbles 

$8799 JSL $009000 check sync 


BCS $1091 

branch any error to $91 

$879D CMP #$0002 2 = not original 



Wf^e BEO $87A5 



return to caller 

$87A5 JMP $80D5 continues execution 


routine to tell user to 

$87A7 hangs up 

insert program disk 

Pretty simple? Since this routine remms to 
the caller after a succesfiil check, we can simple 
put a RTS at byte $70 and bypass the whole 
protection scheme. And that's it! The program 
now works like a charm. 

Make the following sector edits: 

Block Byte(s) From 


$17C $70 

IE2 30A2 20 60E2 30A2 20 

*IIgs Softkey for.. 

Gauntlet Ilgs 

Mindscape, Inc. 

■ Requirements 

a Apple ngs with 256K 
D Joystick recommended 

Yes, Gaundet, as seen in the arcade, is now 
on the ngs. But don't hold your breath. If you 
think that it will be as good as the arcade, since 
it's a Ilgs specific version, don't buy it. The 
graphics of the title screen and the menu is 
great, but when you play, uh... 

I don't know how the folks at Mindscape 
could come up with such a thing for the Ilgs. 
The Atari ST version (for those who don't 
know. Atari ST has only a 512 color palette as 
opposed to Ilgs 4096) is so beautiful on the 
back of the Ilgs package that it convinced me 
to buy it. I was deeply disappointed with the 
graphics quality. 

Well, enough complaints. When I set out 
to deprotect it, I only got an error on block $07. 
When I tried to bit copy it, the program would 
boot a litde fiirther, and then hang up again. 
It couldn't be a nibble count. Frustrated, I took 
a peek at the catalog of the disk and noticed a 
file called LEVEL 8. Strange, why is there no 
LEVEL 1 or 2 or 7, but only LEVEL 8? I 
BLOADed the file and scaimed through it. I 
came across some routines that looked like a 
synchronize protection. Sure enough, I booted 
the original and there is a quick movement of 
track head before it runs. They are coming out 
with synchronize protection for the Ilgs! 

I tried copying it with Copy II Plus with 
sync option, wasted an hour, and it still would 
not boot. This time I placed a BRK right at the 
start of LEVEL 8 and the program bombed 

So I tried replacing it with LDA $009000 
and BRA $87 A5, and it worked! Later, I 
examined how it checks the disk. It seeks to 
track $00, reads the bad block, and then 
immediately seeks to the next track and reads 
the sector that it first came across. If it is not 
the same sector to be read, it proves that it is 
not the original disk. Otherwise, it continues 
to check the next track. This protection is rather 
sophisticated. I wonder why they didn't invest 
as much on making the program as they did on 
protection. They could have come out with a 
program as good as the one on the Atari ST. 

Make the following sector edits: 

Block Byte(s) From 


$17C $199 22 00 90 00 C9 AF 00 90 00 80 
02 03 

*Hgs Softkey for... 

Kings Quest Ilgs 

Leisure Suit Larry 

Space Quest 

Sierra On Line, Inc. 

■ Requirements 

n Apple Hgs with 512K 
D Sector editor 

Excellence is simply the best word to 
describe Kings Quest for the Ilgs. Along with 
the traditional On Line 3-D animation and 
humors, this program has exceptional sound 
effects not found in older Sierra releases. From 
the door you open, the stone you moved, the 
goat, anything that you do has great digitized 
sound. I hope that any following Ilgs games 
would be of this quality. 

Tradition dictates Sierra protection, this one 
has a bad block on $634. 1 quickly copied both 
disks and searched for the protection code that 
Sierra has used in its earlier releases. I did the 
edit and it worked like a charm. Since many 
have already discussed Sierra protection, I will 
not explain it further. I have come up with a 
generalization on backing up any Sierra 3-D 
animated adventures. 

I t I Copy the disks and ignore any errors 
on block $634. 



m Search for 22 00 00 00 C9 01 00 F0 04 22 
00 00 00 22 00 00 00 AE 00 00 and change the last 
22 00 00 00 (before AE 00 00) to AF 00 00 00. 1 found 
it on mine at: 

Block Byte(s) From 


$A0 $BB 



I have tried this procedure on Leisure Suit 
Larry, Space Quest, and Kings Quest. So far 
they have all worked. It may work with further 
Sierra releases. 

A quick note. I have just acquired Police 
Quest and was surprised that it has no 
protection. Is Sierra dropping protection on all 
their further releases? 

Softkey for... 

Spimgboard Publisher 

springboard. Inc. 

■ Requirements 

D Apple Ilgs, ne, lie 
D 128K minimum 
D RAM disk recommended 
D Unidisk (for 3V4" version) 

This program is really high quality. 
Springboard Publisher does most things that 
Pagemaker does on a Mac. Though the program 
is quite slow, it is acceptable on a Ilgs with a 
large ram disk, and the company promises to 
release version 1 . 1 later with faster speed (free 
to owners of 1.0) and later a Ilgs specific 
version. The program comes with free artwork, 

A quick inspection reveals a bad block on 
$63F and can easily be copied by Copy n Plus. 
It doesn't work with Diversi Cache, which has 
to be turned off during the protection check. 
The program, like other Ilgs programs, takes 
a long time to load, and it's even longer if you 
use the ram disk since it copies the program 
onto it. That is where Diversi Cache came in 
handy which sped up disk loading as much as 
3 to 1 with a S12K cache (I think it belongs to 
every Ilgs users library). So I set out to 
deprotect it and make it conq>atible with Diversi 

Since the disk is supplied on a ProDOS 8 
disk, the bad block could and should be checked 
through the ProDOS 8 MLI subroutine, which 
is 20 00 BF. The command forablockread is 8(9. 
So I broke into the monitor with Diversi Cache 
when it told me to insert the original disk, and 
searched for 20 00 BF 80. Bingo, I found it at 
$7778. Searching for the call to this routine 
reveals the following. 

76E9 JSR $77EF setupprefixs 

76EC BCS $7726 and other routines 

76EE JSR $772E 

76F1 BCS $7726 

76F3 LDX #$96 

restore narker to 96 

76F5 JSR $778B 

76F8 BCS $7726 

76FA LDX #$06 

block $63E 

76FC LDY #$3E 

76FE JSR $7778 read 

7701 BCS $7726 

if error tlien not original 

7703 LDX #$06 

block $63F 

7705 LDY #$3F 

7707 JSR $7778 read 

770A BCC $7726 

if no error then not original 

770C LDX #$D6 

set marker to D6 

770E JSR $778B 

7711 BCS $7726 

7713 LDX #$06 

block $63F 

7715 LDY #$3F 

7717 JSR $7778 read 

ink BCS $7726 

if error then not original 

771C LDX #$96 

restore marker 

771E JSR $778B 

7721 LDX #$00 

clear accumulator 

7723 RTS 

7726 LDX #$96 

restore marker 

7728 JSR $778B 

772B LDA #$FF 

set FF in accumulator (fail) 

772D RTS 

Since it expects a zero in accumulator on 
returning, simple enough, we can just put CLC, 
LDA #$00, RTS at the start of the routine and 
it should work. I sector edited it but it doesn't 
work! What have I missed? I entered the 
monitor again and found that the code CLC, 
LDA #$00, RTS that I had put in had been 
scrambled. Incidentally, I found that the code 
is self-relocatable (just like Ilgs programs) and 
any locations with direct memory addresses are 
changed before it is executed. Such as the first 
instruction has been changed to JSR $77EF 
instead of $8122 on disk. So, this time I put 
the patches at $76FA, since these instructions 
do not address memory directly and so will not 
be changed. And it now works! 

Make the following sector edits: 

Block Byte{s) From 


$2B9 $14B A2 06AD3E 18 A9 00 60 

Tips for cracking Ilgs Z%' disks 

If you want to crack 3W disks, first try 
fast copying it. Notice any errors. Then boot 
and see what disk operating system it used 
(ProDOS 8 or 16). If it is PRODOS 16 and has 
a bad block, search for 22 A8 00 El 22, the 
command for block read through ProDOS 16. 
If it is ProDOS 8, try searching for 22 00 BF 80. 
The program might read the block through a 
direct smart pott call, but that's very unlikely. 
If you don't have any errors, this must be a 
niU>le count. (Except some EA stuff like Instant 
Music or Deluxe Paint that use bit insertion) 
Try searching for A2 20 A0 01 . Hope this helps. 

I have a very severe problem with my Ilgs. 
When I first bought it, I had the old ROM 

(version OO). Last year I bought Wordperfect, 
and it works well. In January, I received an 
update to 2.0 that used the standard Ilgs 
interface. However, it doesn't work. The 
program needs the new ROM and I promptly 
contacted my dealer, they said they don't have 
the new ROM right now, and they have to get 
it from Apple. Fine. I can wait. During this 
time, I noticed some problems using Sierra 
adventures with Diversi Cache on the old ROM, 
the program crashed when a particular sound 
is generated. Three months later, no answers. 
I call back my dealer and they say they haven't 
got it yet. It is very true what the RDEX editor 
said in COMPUTIST #54, that "Apple dealers 
are uniformly unhelpful unless you want to buy 
some software or hardware at their inflated 
price". Well, if anyone knows how to get a new 
ngs ROM without going through local dealers, 
or if I can substitute an EPROM, let me know 
through COMPUTIST. Has anyone got the 
same problem? If any more programs come out 
that do not work on the Ilgs old ROM, I wUl 
bomb my dealer. Any suggestion is greatly 

<2) Lastly, so many readers are 
recommending Senior Prom that I have some 
comments. What should we Ilgs owners do? Be 
jealous of He and He owners? I urge any Ilgs 
owners to write to COMPUTIST crying for a 
ngs Senior Prom and hope that Cutting Edge 
will come out with one so that we Ilgs owners 
can also benefit fi°om it. 
Happy cracking. 

Bill Jetzer 

I have discovered a bug. The bug is either 
in the May or June issue. In the Ma y issue, the 
RDEXed told J. D. Tischer to use IcSBESC I 
when activating the 2 hidden CDA's on the 
AGS. In the June issue, Guille rmo C astano de 
la Sema says you must press iKSCi . He says 
nothing about the Open-apple key or the Ctrl 

By the way, I personally don't care if you 
include IBM or Macintosh softkey s in RDEX, 
as long as they are kept in their own section. 
I am referring specific^y to Daiyl C. Keppler's 
letter in the June issue. He says that he won't 
accept your publishing IBM material and he 
doesn't like your {wblishing Macintosh material 
either. The way I see it, it's just more for his 
money. The cost of subscription hasn't gone up, 
and there's still the same amount of Apple n 
softkeys and programs. If, in the future, he is 
asked by a business or school to deprotect IBM 
or Macintosh software, he will be glad to have 
the information readily available. 

C2) I have a He with the enhanced 
ROM and when I'm in the monitor and press 
[be! IhktomiI , I get something like this: 




What does the M stand for? It's not even 
mentioned in the Apple He Reference Manual, 
and changing its contents seems to have no 
effect upon anything. 


The correct keys are ItfSHKSETl . As to 
the "M=00", You've got me. Anyone out 
there have any ideas? 

Reading From Protected Disks 

■ Requirements 

D Super lOB 1.5 

One of the most popular techniques for 
deprotecting software is the swap controller. 
Although it can be relatively easy to use, and 
if you are a novice it might be your only 
alternative, it can be frustrating if you don't 
have a convenient way into the monitor. Also, 
the RWTS subroutines take up an additional 10 
sectors of disk space each. So I decided to find 
a better way. After disassembling DOS's 
RWTS subroutine and reviewing The DOS 
Alterer (COMPUTIST #37), I have come up 
with a series of pokes that will eliminate the 
need for most swap controllers. For E>OS 3.2 
(13-sector) disks, however, you must use a 
swap controller in order to get the copy into 
DOS 3.3 format. You can use the pokes with 
RWTS. 13 in a swap controller as shown at the 
end of the article to avoid having to capture the 
protected disk's RWTS. For a particular poke, 
refer to the tables at the end of the article. 

Ignore Address/Data Prologues 

It is possible when reading from a disk to 
ignore one or two address and/or data markers. 
This is useftil for disks whose markers differ 
from track to track. A good example of this is 
General CSiemistty #8, whose softkey appeared 
in Computist #54. The first and thiixl address 
and data markers are different on several tracks, 
requiring over thirty separate data lines in the 
controller. Instead, you could tell DOS to ignore 
die first and third address and data markers, and 
it should do just fine. 

You can safely tell DOS to ignore any one 
of the three address or data maricers, or the first 
and third, or the second and third. You may 
not ignore aU three, or the first and second. 

WARNING: It seems that DOS 3.2 is more 
picky than DOS 3.3. Apparentiy, it only works 
to ignore address and data markers 
"sometimes". Also, in the sample DOS 3.2 to 
DOS 3.3 controller, in line 1010, ST and LS 
should both be set to 12 instead of IS. 

Ignore Address or Data Checksum 

Checksums provide DOS with a way to be 

sure the data and address has been correctly 
written to or read from the disk. Protected disks 
will sometimes alter these checksums, thereby 
preventing normal DOS fxota reading the disk. 
You can, however, tell DOS to ignore the 
address or checksum or both, usually with no 
problem. You should be carefiil when ignoring 
checksums, as it may allow erroneous 
information to pass as valid data. General 
Chemistry #8 dso uses this as a form of 

Ignore Address or Data EpUogues 

Some disks use epilogue bytes that deviate 
from the normal DE AA, as a means of 
protection. Some disks set them to a particular 
value, but some ignore them altogether. You 
can ignore either the address or data epilogues 
or both, with no harmfiil side effects. This is 
yet another one of General Chemistry #8's 
protection schemes. 

Ignore Read Errors 

This is probably the most widely used 
method of reading protected disks. By telling 
DOS to ignore any read errors it comes across, 
it will ignore bad epilogues, so you need only 
one poke instead of two. However, it will also 
ignore all other read errors. If you know there 
are bad epilogues and you use this technique, 
but the disk still can't be read, use the "Ignore 
Epilogues" pokes instead of this, and then try 
otfier pokes to counteract the other errors. 

Ignore Track 

Sometimes, a protected disk will modify the 
track values after the address markers. A good 
example of this is Lords Of Conquest. On track 
$6, the values after the address markers would 
indicate track $5. You can tell DOS to ignore 
the track value, and the track can then be read. 
In this case, the track contained no vital 
information once the disk was deprotected, but 
only made writing the controller easier. But 
there's no reason why another program 
wouldn't put usefiil code on a track such as this. 

Standard RWTS Locations 

I have included a table of standard RWTS 
locations to be used with a sector editor to make 
modifications to WORKING BIT COPIES 
ONLY. Never modify an original disk! There 
are two blanks in the tables: writing the address 
and data checksums. This process involves 
more than just one poke, and I don't know a 
lot about it. If someone reading this has any 
information, I'm sure it could be of use to 

Example Controllers 

If you have Lords Of Conquest, type in the 
controller at the end of the article and save it. 

Install it into Super lOB 1 .5 and run it. I know 
that a softkey for Lords Of Conquest appeared 
in Computist #53, but my subscription started 
with Issue #55, so I don't know what that 
controUer looked like. I made up this one 

Also included is a sample swap controller 
for converting a disk from DOS 3.2 to DOS 
3.3. It first loads in RWTS. 13 in line 10010. 
In line 1011 , it swaps the two RWTS routines. 
Modifications are made in line 1012, and the 
two RWTS routines are swapped back in line 
1013. At that point, the copy process continues 
normally. You could also convert all the DOS 
3.2 pokes to their relocated (start = $1900 
instead of $B800) addresses and skip lines 
1011 and 1013. 

I have talked about General Chemistry #8 
quite a bit, but I don't have it or the article 
accompanying its softkey. I got all my 
information fi'om the library disk which was 
sent to me by the good people at Computist 
because some of my softkeys appeared in that 
issue. I won't even attempt to write a new 
controller without the original disk to 
experiment with. 


1020 POKE 48584,71 : GOSUB 490: GOSUB 610 
1030 PORE 48584 , 36 : GOSUB 490 : Tl = TK : TK = PEEK 
(TRK) - 1: RESTORE : GOSUB 310:TK = Tl: 
GOSUB 610: IF PEEK (TRK) = LT THEN 1050 
1040 TK = PEEK (TRK) : ST = PEEK (SCT) : GOTO 1020 
5010 DATA 3,9,239,96 
5020 DATA 12,4,221,7 


- J356B 1050 - JEAFD 

1010 - $2544 5000 - $1BC6 

1020 - $BCF7 5010 - $BF6C 

1030 - $DC83 5020 - $8D69 
1040 - $A65A 





1020 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 460: GOSUB 610 

1030 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 460: GOSUB 610: IF PEEK 

(TRK) =LT THEN 1050 
1040 TK = PEEK (TRK) : ST = PEEK (SCT) : GOTO 1020 
10010 PRINT CHR$ (4) "BLOAD'RWTS,13,A$1900" 




Reading from protected DOS 3.3 disks 

Description Hex Decimal Description 

Hex Decimal 

Address Marker #1 



Address Marker #2 



Address Marker #3 



Address Checksum 



Address Epi logues 



Read Error Flag 























Data Marker #1: 

Data Marker #2: 



Data Marker #3: 

Data Checksum: 

Data Epi logues: 



Track Checker: 





















Standard DOS 3.3 RWTS Locations 

Description Hex Decimal 


Dec i ma I 

Address Markers: 

Address Checksum: 
Address Epi logues: 

Data Markers: 

Data Checksum: 
Data Epi logues: 











Reading from protected DOS 3.2 disks 

Description Hex Decimal Description 

Hex Decimal 

Address Marker #1 



Data Marker #1: 













Address Marker #2 



Data Marker #2: 













Address Marker #3 



Data Marker #3: 













Address Checksum 



Data Checksum: 













Address Epi logues 



Data Epi logues: 















Read Error Flag 



Track Checker: 















I was surprised when I looked through 
COMPUTIST back issues section and couldn't 
find a softkey for EDD HI. Here is my softkey. 
I have also included a small program which will 
allow the user to decide whether or not the disk 
being copied must be write-protected. 

Softkey for... 

Essential Data Duplicator III 


■ Requirements 

D 128K Ap^ple 

D 1 disk with at least 62 sectors free 

Recently, a teacher at my school gave me 
his copy of EDD HI, saying tfiat he had no use 
for it. I looked through the back issue section 
of my latest COMPUTIST to see if someone 
had already deprotected it. I found several 
softkeys for EDD IV, but none for EDD m, 
so I took it upon myself to remedy the situation. 

The Protection 

The protection was quite good, as you 
might expect from a copy program. When I 
booted the disk, the hi-res title picture was 
loaded almost immediately and the disk arm 
made a series of rapid movements— halftracks 
no doubt. However, after the program was 
loaded, it was completely loaded. It never read 
anything else from the disk. The best route 
seemed to be to convert it to a BRUNable file. 

I tried using a small machine language 
controller with EDD HI which was to leave me 
in the monitor as soon as the program was 
loaded, but it didn't work. It seems that EDD 
in trashes all the memory not occupied by the 
program. I tried hiding the controller in the 
language card, but that didn't work either. 
Although it only requires 48K, EDD in also 
turns off the language card in case the computer 
has 64K. Finally, I booted it into the auxilliary 
memory of my He, moved the data back into 
main memory, and saved it as a binary file. 

The Procedure 

I 1 I First, boot a disk with at least 62 
sectors free: 


— tables continued on next page — 

I 2 I I don't have XFER.BOOT, but with 
a little help from an enhanced lie programmer's 
guide, I came up with the following routine. 
The disassembly shows what you have entered. 


300:A9 00 8DEDe3A9C68DEE03382C58 




standard DOS 3.2 RWTS Locations 





Dec i ma 1 

Address Markers: 





Address Cliecksum: 
Address Epilogues: 

Data Markers: 




47261 , 173 

Data Checksum: 
Data Epi logues: 





0300 LDA #$00 Put $Cm into $3ED.3EE 

0302 STA $03ED 

0305 LDA #$C6 

0307 STA $03EE 

030A SEC Ser /or Wain -Card 

030B BIT $FF58 Set V flag to use m stack 

030E JMP $C314 Go to the KFER routine 

I 3 I Turn on your SO column card (He 
users can skip this part). 

3 fBPl 

rT~| Boot the EDD HI disk. 
6 [bp1 

I B I Once you hear the beep (He users will 
also see the serial number/copyright page) press 
IBHB8KTI to regain control. EDD IE is now 
in auxiliary memory. All you have to do is 
move it into main memory. 


300:18 AO 00 4C 11 C3 

3F8:4C 00 03 


0300 CLC Set for Aia'* Main 

0301 LDY #$00 Opthndonllc 

0303 JMP $C311 Go to AUmOVE routine 
03F8 JMP $0300 Point Ctrl-Yveaor to our routine 

I 6 I Make the program jump to the 
copyright notice when BRUN. 

800:60 OC was F2 26 

I 7 I Put the last used slot into $FF for 

CA4:AD E9 B7 85 FF 

was CD 36 IC D0 37 

I 8 I For some reason, when an error 
occurs, flow of the program goes to $3EE8 
where a message appears telling you to insert 
the EDD disk to verify a file and then the 
computer hangs. An RTS at the beginning of 
this routine stops it: 

3EE8:60 y^as 84 

I 9 I You can now save EDD in as a binary 
BSAVE EDD in, A$800, 1.$3800 

You now have a deprotected version of 


I didn't include the hi-res picture as part 
of the file, as loading it would only increase 
the file size to 90 sectors and increase loading 
time greatly. 

If you use EDD III a lot, you must have 
a steady supply of write-protect tabs; it requires 
the origind disk which you are copying to be 
write-protected at all times and won't let you 
proceed until it is. For this reason, I have 
written a small utility that lets you turn this 
feature on or off. Type in the listing at the end 
of the article. Make sure you save it before you 
run it because it modifies the starting location 
of the APPLESOFT program and then re-runs 
itself. When you run it you will be prompted 
to insert the disk with the deprotected version 
of EDD in. Then you will be asked if you want 
the original disk to be required to have the 
write-protect tab. Answer "Y" for yes, or press 
"N" or <RETURN> for no. The program will 
then make the proper pokes to the file and 
prompt you to insert a disk for saving the 
modified version. Press any key to save the 
resulting program. 

By the way, I found something interesting 
at the back of the manual (which dates back to 
1984). Under the heading "General 
Reconunended Reading" was the name and 
address of Hardcore Magazine. (COMPUTIST) 

EDD in UtUity{X} 




4 REM* 

10 IF PEEK (104) <> 64 THEN POKE 104,64: POKE 

103,1: POKE 16384,0: PRINT CHR$ (4) 


20 CALL - 1220: HOME : PRINT CHR$ (21) : TEXT 
30 VTAB 1: HTAB 13: INVERSE : PRINT "EDD' 1 1 1' 

50PRINTCHR$(4) "BLOADEDD' 1 1 1 " 


PROTECTED?'NO" CHR$ (8) CHR$ (8) ; 
70GETA$: IFA$ = "N" OR A$ = CHR$ (13) THEN PRINT 

: POKE 2079,76: POKE 2080,104: POKE 

2081,8: GOTO 100 
80 I F A$ = " Y" THEN PR I NT "YES" : POKE 2079 , 48 : 

POKE 2080 , 71 : POKE 2081 , 32 : GOTO 100 
90 GOTO 70 

100 PRINT :GOSUB 130 
110 PRINT CHR$ (4) "BSAVE' EDD' III, A$800, 

120 END 



CONTINUE" :WAIT49152,128: POKE 49168,0: 



1 - $97CE 

60 - 


2 - $F48B 

70 - 


3 - $B8EC 

80 - 


4 - $3E53 

90 - 


10 - $4DC0 

100 - 


20 - $2A83 

110 - 


30 - $1FAD 

120 - 


40 - $2F7C 

130 - 


50 - $ADA3 

140 - 


Softkey for... 

Death Sword 


■ Requirements 

n Super lOB 1.5 
n 1 blank disk 

D A normal ProDOS disk with BASIC. 

SYSTEM and a file copier 
D 1 ProDOS formatted disk whose volume 

name is /DEATH.SWORD 

The protection used on Death Sword is 
fairly simple. First, it uses altered epilogues 
which stop a whole disk copier firom reading 
it. Second, it uses a "nibble find" routine which 
searches tiie disk for a pattern of bytes which 
are located somewhere on track $0, probably 
somewhere in the large sync byte area at the 
beginning of the track. If the pattern isn't found, 
the disk reboots. 




To deprotect Death Sword, type in the 
controller at the end of the article and save it. 
Install it into Super lOB l.S and run it. 

Death Sword is under ProDOS format, and 
it incorporates the nibble finder into the 
ProDOS boot loader blocks. A two byte sector 
edit is performed by the controller to jump over 
the nibble finder: 

Trk Set Byte{s) From 


$0E $04-05 A9 1 

F0 79 

If you would rather have the game in a 
completely normal ProDOS format, follow this 

I 1 I Boot the Death Sword disk. 

I 2 I After the ProDOS message is 
displayed, watch the disk drive light. When it 
flashes off and then on again, hit CTRL-RESET 
and you will be left in the monitor. 

I 3 I Insert a normal ProDOS disk and start 
your file copier by executing the ProDOS quit 


i 4 I You will be asked for the volume 
name of your disk, type it in this format: 

I 5 i You will be asked for the next 
SYStem program you want to use. If your file 
copier is a SYStem program, (such as 
UTIL.SYSTEM fi-om Copy H Plus v6.0 and 
up), type in its name. If your file copier must 
be run from BASIC, type in BASIC.SYSTEM. 

I 6 I Copy all the files from the Deadi 
Sword disk onto an already formatted ProDOS 
disk whose volume name is /DEATH.SWORD. 

I 7' I The ProDOS used on Death Sword 
has been modified to ignore epUogue bytes. It 
can easily be converted to a the normal Apple 
version. First boot a ProDOS disk and get into 
BASIC. Load the file: 


Make the changes: 
5SED;D0 was 90 

55F7;D« was 9® 

56CC:38 was 18 

Save the file back to the disk: 

A Few Notes 

Death Sword's "nibble find" routine 
searches for the following sequence: FC EE EE 
FC E7 EE FC E7 . There must be something magical 
about that sequence, because I found that same 
pattern of bytes on Animate by Broderbund, and 
World Karate Championship by Epyx. 

That's all for now. Now go out there and 
dismember some barbarians! (Don't worry 

about the mess; the gremlin will clean it up). 



1010TK=0:LT = 35:ST=15:LS=15:CD=HR:FAST=1 
1020 POKE 47426,24: GOSUB 490: GOSUB 610 
1030 POKE 47426 , 56 : GOSUB 490 : Tl = TK : TK = PEEK 

(TRK) - 1: RESTORE : GOSUB 310 :TK = Tl: 

GOSUB 610 
1040 IF PEEK (TRK) = LT THEN 1060 
1050 TK = PEEK (TRK) : ST = PEEK (SCT) : GOTO 1020 
5000 DATA 2'CHAN6ES 
5010 DATA 0,14, 4, 240 
5020 DATA 0,14, 5, 121 


- $356B 1050 - $9114 

1010 - $2544 1060 - $FEE3 

1020 - $B5FB 5000 - $AFE0 

1030 - $BB1C 5010 - $BE26 

1040 - $C168 5020 - $5A51 

IVI.M. McFadden 

EDASM Transfer UtiUty 

■ Requirements 

n EDASM (ProDOS version) 

One of the more popular assemblers these 
days is the ProDOS version of the old DOS 
Toolkit assembler, EDASM. It is available 
through Apple as ProDOS Assembly Tools. 

Even though it operates under ProDOS (or 
perhaps because of it), EDASM can be rather 
slow at times - especially when creating more 
than one code file from a single source file. 

Every time EDASM creates object code, 
it must check to see if there is an old file with 
the same name, delete it if there is one, create 
a new file, and begin writing. On most disk 
drives, this takes a little bit of time. Although 
the time span is much shorter than it used to 
be under DOS 3.3, it is still annoying. 

A much better idea is to load EDASM onto 
the built-in RAM disk, and use it there (you 
must have an extended 80-col card on a He. 
The He and Ilgs have it built-in). Complicated 
disk accesses are accomplished in fractions of 
a second. Ilgs owners have an added bonus: 
while the Ilgs fast mode cannot enhance floppy 
drive speed, it will cut /RAM disk access time 
in half. 

If we transfer BASIC.SYSTEM (so that we 
can return to BASIC and test our program) and 

the three EDASM fUes, we wiU stiU have 43 
blocks left - more than enough for most 
programs. It is recommended, however, that 
you store your source files on more permanent 
media. It should be possible to select files as 
"/mmm/trans.f ' while your prefix is "/ram", 
allowing you to save files to a disk but assemble 
to RAM. 

But it would be a real pain to break out 
Copy n Plus or the Filer every time we want 
to assemble something, so there must be a better 

Here is a quick and easy solution: a 
program which automatically copies the four 
files from the currently prefixed disk to /RAM. 
In fact, this program will copy just about 
anything that fits into memory, since all 
essential data is preserved. 

TRANS will copy these files: 

EDAiSMwas Edasm. System, I renamed it 
to make it easier to type. 

EDASM Transfer uses the ProDOS MU 
(Machine Language Interface) directly to copy 
the programs. Look at the assembled listing. 
Every JSR MLI is followed by a one byte 
command code, and a two byte pointer to a 
parameter list. 

When copying the files, several different 
steps involving seven different MLI calls are 

1) TTie source disk's PREFIX must be read. 
Then the main loop begins: 

2) The PREFIX is set to read the source 
disk. Here the parameter lists are set to point 
to the filename. 

3) A GET FILE INFO call is made to read 
in informations such as file type, creation type, 
and other goodies. 

4) The source file is OPENed (prepared to 
be read). 

5) A GET EOF call is made to find out the 
file length. 

6) The file is READ into memory at 

7) The source file is CLOSEed. 

8) The PREFIX is s« to the destination disk 

7) A new file is CREATEd on the 
destination disk, with the same characteristics 
as the original. 

8) The destination file is OPENed. 

9) A call is made to WRITE the file, and 
then it is CLOSEed. 

Control is finally returned to BASIC, with 
the prefix set to /RAM. Occasionally, an error 
will occur during processing. The program will 
stop, a two digit hex number will be printed, 
and you will be dumped unceremoniously into 
the monitor. 




Possible error codes 

$27 - Generic I/O error. Check disk drive. 

$2E - Volume switched. Leave the disk 
alone during copy. 

$42 - Too many files open. Close a few, 
and try again. 

$45 - Volume not mounted. Make sure that 
the source prefix is set to the disk you are 
reading from (NOT "PREFIX.Dl"), and that 
there is a /RAM volume. 

$46 - File not found. Make sure all of files 
are there. 

$47 - Duplicate file name. Some or all of 
the files are already on /RAM. 

$48 - Disk full. Too much stuff is on 

$49 - Volume directory full. See above. 

There are others, but they are unlikely to 
appear. Consult one of the manuals listed at the 
end for further reference. 

If you type in the hexdump, BSAVE 
TRANS, A$1000, L$164 when you are done. 
(If you use the source listing you will notice 
something odd... it's written in Merlin 
assembler format. I switched assemblers a short 
while ago (Merlin is SO much nicer), but there 
are veiy few changes required (the STR opcode 
just puts the length byte before the string; the 
REV opcode puts the string in backwards). 

X Source code is available on the library disk 
for this issue. RDEXed 

To use, type "-TRANS". It will tell you 
what files are being copied. Note that the prefix 
MUST be set to the source disk. 

For more information on ProDOS and 
ProDOS MU calls, see the ProDOS Technical 
Reference Manual (from Apple) or, better yet, 
Beneath Apple ProDOS (from Quality 


A9 00 85 02 2000BFC7 



2E11A0 0DB9 561120 



EDFD8810F7 20 00BF 



C6 2B11A5 02 0AA8B9 



DA10 8D0E118D1A11 



8D3A1185 00B9DB10 






1185 01A0 01B100F0 



08 09 80 20EDFDC8D0 



F4 20 8E FD 20 00 BF C4 



1911A0 04A2 04B919 



119D0D11C8E8C0 08 



D0 02 A0 0E C0 12 90 EE 



20 00BFC8 3911B0 64 






11 20 00 BFDl 51 11 AD 









1120 00BFCA3F11B0 



3B20 00BFCC4F1120 



00BFC6 311120 00BF 



C0 0D11B0 27 20 00BF 



C8 3911AD3E118D48 



1120 00BFCB4711B0 



13 20 00BFCC4F11E6 



02A5 02CDE210F0 03 



4C1510 60 20DAFD4C 



59 FF E3 10 Fl 10 F8 10 



021104 0CC2C1D3C9 






00 05C5C4C1D3CD00 






C4 0009C5C4C1D3CD 



AE CI D3 CD 00 07 00 00 



C3 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 



00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 



0000 00 00 00 00 0000 



0000 00 0100 03 0100 



03 01 34 11 04 2F 52 41 



4D 03 00 00 00 18 00 04 



00 00 20 00 00 0000 04 



00 00 20 0000 00 00 01 



00 02 00 00 00 00 8D BA 



E7 EE E9 F9 F0 EF E3 A0 



F7 EF CE 8D 


Amper QuickDraw 11 Routines 

■ Requirements 

D Apple ngs 

A while back I wanted to do some quick 
super-hires graphics fix)m Applesoft on my Ilgs. 
Since I didn't have a program that would let 
me do this, I decided to write one myself. 

When you BRUN AMPERQD, tfie file will 
set up the ampersand vector at $3FS to point 
to itself, and then start up the QuickDraw 
toolbox. If you BRUN it again, it wUl realize 
that QuickDraw is running and exit without 
doing anything. 

You will then have the following 
commands at your disposal: 
& HGR Clear screen to current super-res color 
(320 mode). 

& HGR2 Like HGR, but in 640 mode. 
& ON Turn super-res on. 
& TEXT Turns super-res off. 
& HCOLOR = im set color to nn (O - IS). 
& HPLOT aexprl, aexpr2 
& HPLOT TO aexpr3, aexpr4 
& HPLOT aexprl, aexprl TO aexpr3, 
aexpr4 (TO aexpr, aexpr...) Plot a point at 
xx,yy, or a line if two or more points are given. 
The syntax is exactly the same as the Applesoft 
HPLOT statement. 

While it doesn't support fancy box or circle 
drawing, it does provide the same rudimentary 
commands that BASIC programmers have 
come to know and love. 

Notes on AmperOD 

The code runs from $7000 - 7 IFF. 
QuickDraw uses a buffer which runs fi-om 
$7200-$74FF. 32K at $El/2000 - $E1/9FFF 

is used for screen memory, and an additional 
SK or so is set aside for various uses. Note: 
if the direct page buffer (OO/720O - 00/74FF) 
gets mangled, C^ickDraw will probably hang 
after the next call. 

Despite assurances to the contrary, the 
QDShutDown call does NOT fi«e up the Super 
Hires graphics memory. This makes it 
hazardous to shut C^ickDraw down, because 
it will refuse to restart if the screen memory 
is in use by anyone. The memory must be freed 
first, but the Memory Manager has conspired 
with QuickDraw to prevent this from 
happening. (A DisposAll call returned without 
errors, but the Memory Peeker CDA showed 
it to be still in use!) 

If you munge the buffer or manage to shut 
down QuickDraw, the only way I know of 
restarting it M to clear the memory handles with 
IdSMgETl . Note that it IS possible to 
BSAVE a good copy of the direct page buffer, 
and then BLOAD it if damage occurs. 

If you would like to try ficeing the memory 
yourself, AmperQD always uses UserlD 1080 
(the 128th ID issued to an application). I chose 
to use a constant UID because of the spasms 
C^ckDraw had regarding who was using the 
Super Hires page. 

The code was assembled with Merlin 16, 
although any assembler that supports macros 
and the ftill 65816 instruction set will work (i.e. , 
ORCA/M). The code is fairly straightforward, 
using Applesoft to parse the options and Ilgs 
toolbox calls to draw lines, change colors, etc. 
Note that the toolbox calls do no range 
checking, and neither do I. 

I have included a brief BASIC program that 
shows off AmperQD 's features. While 
AmperQD may not be as fancy as other similar 
programs, it is the most intuitive and probably 
the shortest (410 bytes or so). 


As always, to conserve space, the source code 
is not printed here but is available on the library 
disk for this issue. RDEXed 




120 REM try &hgr2 also! 

130 FOR A = TO 319: IFA/20= INT (A/20) THEN 

& HCOLOR= A / 20 
140 & HPLOT A, TO A, 199: NEXT 
150 & HCOLOR= : & HPLOT 1 , 1 TO 318 , 1 TO 318 , 198 

TO 1 , 198 TO 1 , 1 : & HCOLOR= 7 : & HPLOT TO 

318 198 
160 FOR DL=1 TO 1000: NEXT 
170 & TEXT :& ON: GOTO 170 



- $3AAC 140 

- $6A01 150 









Save the following code after you enter it. 

7000: A9 4C8DF5 03 18 FBC2 
7008: 30 A9 93 70 8D F6 03 F4 
7010: 00 00 A2 04 06 22 00 00 
7018: El 68 F0 03 82 43 01 A2 
7020: 01 02 22 00 00 El A2 03 
7028: 02 22 00 00 El F^4 00 6D 
7030: F4 00 00 F4 00 00 AD C0 
7038: 70 48 A2 04 02 22 00 00 
7040: El 90 46 F4 00 00 F4 00 
7048: 00 48 A2 0B 2A 22 00 00 
7050: El 68 8F 82 70 00 68 8F 
7058:84 70 00F4 00 00F4 6D 
7060: 70 A2 0C 20 22 00 00 El 
7068: 38 FB 4C 59 FF 51 44 53 
7070: 74 6172 74 55 70 20 45 
7078: 72 72 6F 72 20 77 61 73 
7080: 20 24 00 00 00 00 0D 0A 
7088: 00 A2 04 36 22 00 00 El 
7090 : 82 62 00 AE AD 70 CA 30 
7098:33DDAE70D0F8 20B1 
70A0: 00 18 FB C2 30 48 8A 0A 
70A8: AA68 7CB4 70 06 9190 
70B0: B4 89 92 93 CF 70 D4 70 
7068: EA 70 F5 70 00 71 29 71 
70C0: 8010 00 00 00 00 00 00 
70C8:00 00 00 00 4CC7DEA9 
70D0: 00 00 80 03 A9 80 00 48 
70D8: A2 0416 22 00 00E1AD 
70E0: C2 70 48 A2 04 15 22 00 
70E8: 00 El A2 04 0A 22 00 00 
70F0:E182 6E00 60A2 04 0B 
70F8: 22 00 00 El 82 63 00 60 
7100: 38FB20F8E6 8A8DC4 
7108: 70 0A 0A 0A 0A 18 6D C4 
7110: 70 8D C2 70 8D C3 70 18 
7118: FBC2 30ADC4 70 48A2 
7120: 04 37 22 00 00 El 82 39 
7128: 00 E2 30 B2 B8 C9 CI F0 
7130: 23 C2 30 20 65 71 A2 04 
7138: 3A 22 00 00 El AD C6 70 
7140: 48 AD C8 70 48 A2 04 3C 
7148:22 00 00E1E2 30B2B8 
7150:C9C1D0 0E38FB20B1 
7158: 00 18 FBC2 30 20 65 71 
7160: 80 E3 38 FB 60 68 8D CA 
7168: 70 38 FB 20 67 DD 20 52 
7170: E7A5 50 8DC6 70A5 51 
7178: 8D C7 70 20 BE DE 20 67 
7180: DD 20 52 E7 18 FB C2 30 
7188: A5 50 8DC8 70ADC6 70 
7190: 48 AD C8 70 48 AD CA 70 
7198:48 60 

Alan Zimbard, M.D. 





















































Here are some answers to the questions 
posed by Dorothy Dow in COMPUTIST #55. 

Q. Do I need DOS 3.3? 

A. The Ilgs (or any Apple II for that matter) 
does not need a Disk Gyrating System (DOS) 
to function. If you turn on your computer 
without a disk in the drive all the instructions 
in ROM still load normally and you can dither 
away to your hearts content writing programs 
etc. , but you will not be able to save any of your 

The Disk Operating System, whether DOS 
3.3 or ProDOS controls the way your computer 
deals with peripherals like disk drives, printers, 
modems etc. Without the System your computer 
doesn't know these things exist. Apple's DOS 
(whether DOS 3.3 or ProDOS) does not reside 
in ROM and must be loaded in from disk in 
order to be active. The Ilgs is neither a DOS 
3.3 or ProDOS machine but runs under 
whatever operating system has been loaded into 
its memory. ProDOS, however, is the only 
system that will take full advantage of the Ilgs' 
awesome capabilities. 

Older applications (games etc.) that used 
DOS 3.3 have a copy of this DOS on the disk. 
All you do is boot the disk and you're off and 
running. Your Ilgs, with few exceptions, will 
be able to run any DOS 3.3 application. You 
do not need to understand the way the operating 
system works. As with ProDOS everything is 
taken care of for you. 

ProDOS was developed through an 
evolutionary process to improve DOS 3.3. All 
the patches and improvements individual 
programmers made to the old DOS were 
incorporated into ProDOS. Unless you plan to 
write programs that will operate under the rules 
of DOS 3.3 there is no need for you use it. 
ProDOS and DOS 3.3 are actually more alike 
than different and if you're going to take the 
time to learn programming you might as well 
be current and learn to use ProDOS 
conventions. If you want to study DOS 3.3 for 
historical interest a copy of the DOS 3.3 
SYSTEM MASTER disk (containing DOS 3.3 
plus a variety of utilities) is available from 
APPLE CO-OP, 290 Southwest 43rd ST. 
Renton, Washington 98055. (206) 251-9798. 
Another excellent source on DOS 3.3 is "The 
DOS-Talk Scrapbook" by Tom Weishaar 
(accompanying disk also available) publisher of 
Open-Apple. The address is Open - Apple, P.O. 
Box 11250 Overland Park, Kansas 66207. 


When following a soAkey procedure that calls 
for DOS 3.3, it's best to stick with the requirements 
list. At least until you know enough about 
programming to be sure that any substitutions mil 
work RlXXed 

Q. What is GPLE? 

A. GPLE is the Global Program Line Editor 
by Neil Konzon published by Beagle Bros. 
Software 6215 Ferris Square, Suite 100 San 
Diego, CA 92121 (619) 452-550O. It is a utility 

which allows editing of BASIC program lines 
much as you would do on a word processor, 
avoiding Apple's tedious "Escape Mode" 

A It is only necessary if you intend to do a lot 
of BASIC programming. There are other utility 
programs that do much the same. .... RDEXed 

Q. Do I need a CD ROM to enter the Monitor? 
A. As far as entering the Monitor, there is no 
need to purchase a CD ROM to have this ability 
on the ngs. If you have the latest (2.©) ROM 
upgrade (you will see ROM VERSION 01 on 
the screen during booting) do the following: 

I 1 I Turn on your computer. You do not 
need a disk in the drive. 

I 2 I Press |BRESET| to get the Applesoft 

CALL -151 to enter the Monitor 

» Shift-3 

I 3 I Now bring up the control panel by 
pressing IdBESCl . You will see two new 
CDA's (Classic Desk Accessories) caUed Visit 
Monitor and Memory Peeker. Choose Visit 
Monitor and there you are! These two new 
CDA's remain accessible until you power- 
down. This method cannot be used with certain 
protected programs that run with interrupts 
disabled, meaning you can't get to the Desk 

A second method which I use, while not 
cost free, has the advantage of working with 
all programs plus the ability for making hard 
copies. The Fingerprint GSI, from Thirdware 
Computer Products, 4747 N.W. 72nd Avenue, 
Miami, FL 33166, (305) 592-7522 is a printer 
control card for slot #1 designed to give you 
additional control over Ilgs graphics by freezing 
any program and t ^dng c ontrol of the computer 
until you press lESCl . When the special 
"Fingerprint" key is hit the program halts and 
a menu screen appears. From here one 
keystroke takes you to the Monitor. You can 
dump the screen to a printer anytime you want. 
Hitting the escape key returns you to the 
original program. I have found it to work with 
all programs, protected or otherwise. 

I hope this information has been helpful. 

Michael Smith 

Softkey for.. 

■ Requirements 


D Sector Editor 

n One Blank Disk 


coMPunsT tno 


An examination of the orginal disk reveals 
that the epilog bytes have been changed from 
DE AA to AA DE . All that needs to be done is to tell 
DOS 3.3 to ignore epilog errors, copy the 
orginal disk with COPYA, and normalize epilog 
checking on the backup disk's DOS with some 
sector edits. 

I 1 I Boot DOS 3 . 3 , tell it to ignore address 
and data epilogues. 

B988:18 60 
B925:18 60 

I 2 I Use COPYA to copy the disk. 

I 3 I Make the following sector edits on the 
backup disk. Be sure to write the modified 
sector back to the disk. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $03 $99 AA 


$00 $03 $A3 DE 


$00 $03 $F5 AA 


$00 $03 $FF DE 


Have fun with your new backup disk. 

Edward Teach 

Softkey for... 

Mastertype v2.1 


■ Requirements 

n Apple He or He with 128K 



Charles Taylor was just a little quicker then 
1 was on this disk, but his softkey was a great 
help to me. The problem that he was having 
was in trying to place a faster DOS on the disk. 
The secret to this protection, other than that 
already discussed in issue #55, is that the read 
translate table has been altered. Setting this back 
to an abnormal value allows the disk to be 
cataloged. To fix this disk do the following: 

m Run COPYA and wait till the 
Slot/Drive prompt comes up, then press iBCl . 








Now let COPYA do its thing. After it gets 
done type CATALOG and the files that did not 
appear before will now be readable. When 
entering the sector edits from Mr. Taylor I did 
not use the flashing characters. BRUN, 
BLOAD and CATALOG were typed just as 
they appear on this page. (Unless of course you 
see flashing letters on your page). Since the 
HELLO file is an EXEC file type: 





30 7 CHR$(4) "BLOAD DM" 
40 POKE 41868, PEEK (43634): POKE 41869, 

PEEK (4363S) 

The only problem remaining is that the 
program will run, but will not catalog itself 
from within the program. This is not a major 
problem since you can now catalog the disk. 
If you select catalog from the screen prompt, 
the disk will tell you to reboot, but it will at 
least now run under a fast DOS. Also, using 
a normal DOS means that you do not have to 
swap between a data disk and the program disk. 

Crossword Magic 4.0 by Mindscape 

This is really a request for help. This disk 
has been making me nuts for about six months. 
Have you ever worked on a disk and knew what 
the protection was, but could not figure a way 
around it? 

Crossword Magic 4.0 is really inventive 
in the way it is protected. There is no DOS used 
to load the program into the memory. The entire 
disk is loaded by the BOOT ROM, using track 
$00, sector $00. This is the reason that all 
the tracks have a track number of $00. It also 
slows down the examination of the code on the 
disk. However, I hope that giving the 
information I have discovered about the disk 
will allow someone out there to suggest the next 
step for me to try. First things first. My initial 
step is always to make a COPYA version of the 
disk to examine the code. This duplicate will 
not boot into track one, but lets make a copy 
anyway. Add the following lines to Super lOB 
1 .5 and EXEC in any simple controller to make 
a copy: 

525 I F CO = RO AND ET = 1 THEN GOSUB 710 

526 I F CD = WR AND ET = 1 THEN GOSUB 730 

527 I F CD = RD AND JH = 1 THEN POKE 47426 , 24 

710 POKE 48621,76: POKE 48622,16: POKE 

48623,190: RETURN 

730 POKE 48621,164: POKE 48622,46: POKE 
48623,204: RETURN 

CHR$(8): HOME: VTAB12: GOSUB 450: GETA$: 

CHR$(8) : HOME: VTAB12: GOSUB 450: GETA$: 

What these changes do is poke DOS to 
jump past the verify track routine (line 710), 
then restores the track verify (line 730) and then 
allows any data checksum or epilogue to be 
ignored (line 527). Answering the two new 
questions "Y" Oines 10115 and 10116) allows 
the Super lOB to copy the disk. I have installed 
these modifications in my permanent copy of 
the Super lOB since many disks simply need 
the epilogues ignored. This, with any generic 
controller, copies most disks. 

Now that we can read the copy of the disk. 
Read track $00 sector $00. Starting at byte 
$59 and going through byte $7F is the loader 

0859 A9 09 
085B A2 09 
0850 20 82 08 

0860 20 00 09 
0863 20 82 08 
0866 A9 55 
0868 A0 01 
086A A2 0B 
086C 20 B2 08 

LDA #$09 Set page 9 

LDX #$09 

JSR $08B2 Load page 9 

JSR $0900 

JSR $0882 

LDA #$55 Set page 55 

LDY #$01 

LDX #$0B 

JSR $08B2 Load page 55 

It goes on to load pages $04, $02 and $07, 
the text pages and the keyboard buffer. All of 
this with the BOOT ROM and direcdy accessing 
the stepper motor. Now the really fiin part. 
Search the disk for occurrences of C08C (disk 
access). Most of them look like a normal DOS, 
however, at track $02, sector $0B and track 
$0E, sector $00 are some sort of signatore 
check. (Read a few bytes store them in specific 
memory locations). Such untrusting people at 
Mindscape! I tried placing "00" (break) at 
various locations and then saving the code 
(0860:00 00 00, move page 9,boot a DOS, 
save page 9) the problem with this is that as 
soon as I try to reload over the screen locations 
the code gets trashed. My next try was to move 
C600.C6FF to 9600 and try to modify it to 
ignore track numbers (if Christopher Dean can 
do it why can't I). This resulted in another 
failure. I am about to officially give up on this 
disk and admit defeat. So tell me, does 
Mindscape get to win this one? 

Stephen Lau 

Just after I sent a letter to RDEX, I received 
COMPUTIST #56 and was wondering why the 
Goonies softkey doesn't work for Jack R. 
Nissel. Well, I have to apologize. Jack, I 
carelessly omitted the info on how to make a 




Datasoft RWTS which is needed by the 
controller, and also I left out line lOOlO in 
the controller which loads the RWTS. The 
controller in the softkey used the RWTS we are 
supposed to create to read in data. Since the 
RWTS has now been omitted, the controller 
will bomb. Also, the reason that you drop into 
the monitor when you used the copy you made 
with the controller in Computist #44 before 
writing is that you have a Ilgs, and that you have 
the new ROM. I just got the new ROM from 
the dealer and verified that the routine that I 
used in the controller to make the patches is not 
there now in the new Ilgs ROM. 

So, if you want a backup of Goonies, do 
as Jack says in COMPUTIST #56. 

To apologize to Jack and all other 
COMPUTIST readers who tried the softkey, 
here is the Zorro softkey that Jack requested. 

Softkey for... 



The softkey for Zorro by Clay Harrel is 
incomplete. Since Jack asked for a softkey for 
Zorro, I examined the one in COMPUTIST #44 
closely. Yes, Qay Harrel defeated the signature 
check, but he did nothing to the flags for 
checking! These flags are later checked by the 
program, your disk will still boot as though it 
passed the test, but whenever you pick up 
something, it falls, which makes the game 
impossible to complete. So, here it is, Jack, 
hope that softens some of your frustration due 
to the Goonies softkey. 

I 1 I Use the controller for Goonies & 
Zorro (from COMPUTIST #44), answer Z to 
Zorro & Goonies. 

I 2 I Make the following edits to the copy. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$0C $07 $6D 

A5 07 

A9 00 



Sierra On Line 

For those Ugs Thexder owners who are 
about to smash their monitors for the game over 
message, do the following sector edits: (to a 
backup of course!) 

Block Byte(s) From To 

$586 $27 F8 38 ADAS 59 F8 38 ADAS 59 
F0 80 

And now you have infinite shields and 
energies! ! ! So crash into anything and waste the 
master computer. 

Alien Mind 

I'm glad that the quality of Ilgs games 
continues to improve. By this time you should 
have already seen (if not owned) Alien Mind 
and Defender of the Crown. I was suprised to 
find that Defender of the Crown is not protected 
(as far as I can tell), and that Alien Mind is 
severely protected. 

Alien Mind is the only Ilgs program that 
is not supplied on a PRODOS 8 or 16 disk. The 
disk has normal block/sectors fix)m track $00 
through track $02 side 1 , the rest use a address 
header of D5 AA AA and 4 & 4 encoding to 
read in stuff. Since the loading of the operating 
system (usually PRODOS 16) is completely 
bypassed and most of the program is stored as 
4 & 4 encoding, the program loads in lighting 
speed. The screen appears in about 3 seconds, 
and the sound in about 10 seconds. 

Deprotection will require a program 
utilizing extensive calls to smart port to read 
in each track and write them in normal format 
(kind of like Super lOB swap controller). The 
program has to be modified to read blocks. 
Numerous other minor things make this task 
very difficult, if not impossible. The only 
solution seems to be to use Copy n Plus to bit 
copy it. However, no one realized that the 3^^" 
bit copy program of Copy n Plus was so poor 
before the release of Alien Mind, since no 
program required a bit copy of so many tracks. 
If you bit copy a normal disk with Copy n Plus, 
you will find more bad block errors on the copy 
than your fingers and toes can count. Even with 
specific headers and carefiil manual bit copying, 
the disk will hang at some place (probably a 
bad block). To make things worse, there seems 
to be a synchronize protection too Quckily, the 
routine responsible for the check resides on 
track $00, and so is modifiable if needed). 
Well, I'm giving up. Any Ilgs expert's help is 
greatly appreciated, how about Mr. Brian 

*ngs Softkey for... 



■ Requirements 

D Apple Hgs with 256K 

D Copy n plus or any block editor 

More junk from the famous Hgs junk 
maker. This time a friend of mine bought it and 
so I'll help him to make a back up. The 
protection is similar to that on Gauntlet (see 
page 9) and has a read error on block $007. 
The disk bombs after the title page is shown. 
I cataloged the disk, hoping to see a level 8 file. 
Well, no luck this time. Tracing through the 
program, however, I was able to find the 
offending code. 



REP X00110000 

LDX #$2142 

LDY #$0000 

JSL $009000 



STA $2145 


ADC #$98 

STA $21CB 


clear carry flag 
switch to native mode 


set carry flag 

switch back to emulation mode 

store result at 2145 

clear carry flag for adding 

add 98 

store at 21CB 

return from subroutine 

Notice that the code is very similar to that 
on Gauntlet. A look at the subroutine finds that, 
upon a successfiil check, it returns with the 
accumulator holding $02 (same as Gauntlet). 
So I overwrote the subroutine with the following 

LDA #$02 

STA $2145 

ADC #$98 

STA $21CB 

The disk works now and seems to have no 

I 1 I Copy the disk and ignore the error on 
block $007. 

I 2 I Sector edit: 

Block Byte(s) From 


$D0 $128 1SFBC2 30A2 A9 02SD45 21 
42 21 A0 00 00 18 69 9S8DC6 
22 00 21 60 

Softkey for.. 

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 

Electronic Arts 

■ Requirements 

D Apple n, ngs with 512K 

n Copy n Plus or any other block editors 

Mavis Bacon Teaches Typing is a very 
good program that teaches, of course you know 
from the title, typing. The graphics are very 
nicely done, witii guide hands and car racing 
to help you to type fast. A fast disk copy reveals 
some errors on track $4F and the protection is 
not compatible with Diversi Cache. I booted the 
disk and was prompted to insert the original 
disk. I bombed into the monitor with Diversi 
Hack (or you could use visit monitor) and 
scanned for a read block command, \22 A8 00 
El 22\<n/0 . FFFFP, where n is the bank number 
you are searching. 


coBapunsT /rao 


Bingo, I found one at $03/D5E6. Tracing 
back, I found the subroutine starts at $D5BB. 
However, this routine does not check for any 
read errors, so this must be done at the main 
routine. This time I searched for \22 BB D5 

This time I found three occurences at 
$043F, $046D and $049A. Tracing 
backwards, I found the subroutine starts at 
$03A0. Since the routine is quite long, I won't 
list the code. However, you could follow my 
procedure and list the code yourself at your 
leisure. A search for the call to $03A0 turns 
up $6C9F. I replaced the call with a LDA 
instruction and bingo, it works! So, disk copy 
the disk and make the foUoing sector edits. 

Block Byte(s) From 


$3B3 $8D 

F4 3A 06 F4 01 
00 22 00 00 00 

F4 3A06F4 01 
00 AF 00 00 00 

Softkey for. . . 

Magical Myths 

Unicorn Software 

■ Requirements 

D Apple II, Ilgs with 512K 

n Copy II Plus or any other block editor 

Magical Myths is an educational program 
that teaches Greek Myths. The program 
employs very nice graphics and crystal clear 
digitized voice that tells you "That's right" , 
"Whoops!", "Please type in your name", etc. 
A fast copy yields no error at all. Hmm, 
probably a nibble count. A search for A2 21 A0 
01 found the offending code: 


save data bank 


save status bank 


save program bank 



JSL $006A66 



SEP %0011000ia 

LDX #$21 

track 21 

LDY #$01 


JSR $6A3F 

count nibbles 

BCS $1191 

if read error bombs 

CPX #$B0 



SBC #$1D 

BCC $1189 

CPX #$78 


SBC #$1E 

BCS $118D 

LDX #$20 

track 20 

LDY #$01 


JSR $6A3F 

count nibbles 

BCS $1191 

if read error bombs 

CPX #$40 count 

SBC #$1F 
BCC $1189 
CPX #$08 

SBC #$20 
BCS $118D 


Since the subroutine returns to the caller 
if the count is successful, I placed a RTL at the 
start of the subroutine, and it works! 

Block Byte(s) From 


$1EE $141 8B08 4BAB48 6B08 4BAB48 

More on Tower of Myraglen 

As requested by Jim Hart, I am listing a 
disassembly of the protection of Tower of 
Myraglen. But please note that the code is quite 
scattered and includes some other set up 
routines to confuse the cracker. So I ignored 
some parts of the code and you should also 
ignore any code without comments. You could 
disassemble it yourself by first diskcopying the 
disk, ignoring the error on block 7. Boot the 
copy and when it says "Boot from orig inal 
disk", eject the disk and press |BRKSET| two 
times. When the "Ch eck start up device" 
message appears, press |BRESKT| once more. 
You should be in BASIC. Enter the monitor and 
type 1/81EFL. Then just fool around. 

The main call is to this subroutine: 


clear carry flag 


native mode 

REP #30 


save registers 




JSL $018302 

BCS 8211 

JSL $8216 

JSL $018307 


LDA $87C7 


A disassembly of the call to 8302 yields: 


store program bank 



store device name 


store device name 

JSL $E100A8 


20 00 

20= get device number 

BC 87 01 00 0187BC = addr of parm table 

BCS 8327 

error bombs 

LDA #$000043 

AND #00FF 


LDA $87C0 

store device number 

STA $85A6 
STX $85A8 

Thus the first call is only to get the device 
number, which is needed to issue a read block 
command. The second call to $8216 sets up the 
screen. The final call to $01/83D7 is really 
messy, through some subroutine calls (JSR) and 
branch instructions, control is passed to $8894: 


set data buffer 

STA $8A9D 

LDA #$00 

STA $8A9C 

REP #$30 

JSL $E100A8 


22 00 

22 = read block 

99 8A 01 00 

$01/8A99 = addrofparmtbl 

REP #$10 

SEP #$20 


manipulate result 

A look at the parm table list: 

8A99: 0100 device^ from 1st call 

AA00FF00 data buffer 
07 00 00 00 block to read 

Thus the program set up (through some 
confusing jumps) a read block $007 command, 
and the result should be a read error. The 
routine finally returns with a value of $0B in 
the accumulator. In the softkey I changed the 
compare accumulator with #$OB, branch if not 
equal instructions into a load accumulator with 
#$OB, branch always instructions. Hojje that 
helps, Jim. 

Some Notes on Electronic Arts 

I would like to clear some confusion over 
the protection on Electronic Arts (EA) 5 1/4" 
disks. Please note that for all Apple drives, if 
you write something on a specific track, the 
signal will bleed over to the adjacent half-tracks. 

Most EA programs before Legacy of 
Ancients have a read error on track $06 using 
fast copy. This was often incorrectly referred 
to as a nibble count by COMPUTIST 
contributers. Track $06 gives a read error 
because it has an image of track $05 written 
on it. Tracks 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75 and 6 all have 
an image of track 5 (probably written with a 
special extra wide head). 

Earlier EA stuff (like Seven Cities of Gold 
& Adventure Construction Set) only check the 
sectors on track 5, 5.5, and 6, and expect all 
tracks to have no read errors and a track mark 
of 5. You cannot just copy track 5, 5.5 and 6, 
since if you copied track 5 and then 5.5, the 
signal at track 5.5 will bleed over to track 5, 
making it unreadable. But it is possible to copy 
these disks by bit copying track 5.25 and track 
6, since the two tracks we wrote this time are 
separated by three-quarter tracks, it is far 
enough to prevent the two from interfering with 




each other, and since track 5 and track 5.5 are 
only .25 track from 5.25, both 5 and 5.5 will 
have a valid image of track 5 by just writing 
5.25, therefore track 5,5.5 and track 6 will all 
be readable. Later EA disks (like Sky fox) check 
all tracks (5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75 and 6) making 
them impossible to bit copy. 

Some Notes on Epyx 

On almost all Epyx programs from 
Summer games to Arctic Antics, a protection 
known as Prolok is used. This protection is also 
used by many other firms (like Broderbund in 
Wings of Fury and Where in Europe is Carmen 
Sandiego). The disk (usually track $00) has 
a sector with about $5B bytes of 96 followed 
by 100 bytes of E 7. The first few E 7s following 
the last 96 have a specific number of zero bits 
following each of them, and the protection 
checks for them. This bit insertion protection 
for a series of bytes is impossible to copy with 
normal bit copiers, since bit copiers cannot 
determine the exact number of zero(es) after 
each byte, let alone determine the exact number 
of zero(es) after a series of bytes. You can only 
copy it with EDD or Copy U Plus by using very 
advanced parameters. You can just bit copy it 
with EDD IV Plus if you happen to have enough 
bucks to buy it. EDD IV Plus has a hardware 
card that enables it to read the extra zero(es) 
after each byte. 

The read routine usually looks like this: 

2012 LDA #$80 

set up no. of tries 

2014 STA $67 

2016 LDX $6B 

load slot no. 

2018 DEC $67 

201A BEQ 207A 

201C JSR $B944 

read address header 

201F BCS $207A 

error bombs 

2021 LDA $2D 

get sector no. 

2023 CMP #$05 

should be 5 

2025 BNE 2018 

else re-read 

2027 LDY #$00 

max. no. of nibbles 

before data header 

2029 LDA $C08C,X 

read a byte 

2020 6PL $2029 

202E DEY 

202F BEQ 207A 

2031 CMP #$D5 

find data header 

2033 BNE 2029 

if not retry 

2035 LDY #$00 

should find E7 in $h 


2037 LDA $C08C,X 

read a byte 

203A BPL $2037 

2030 DEY 

203D BEQ 207A 

203F CMP #$E7 

find first E7 

2041 BNE $2037 

2043 LDA $0080, X 

read second byte 

2046 BPL $2043 

2048 CMP #$E7 

should be E7 

204A BNE $207A 

else bombs 

2040 LDA $0080, X 

read third byte 

204F BPL $2040 

2051 CMP #$E7 

should be E7 

2053 BNE $207A 

else bombs 

2055 LDA $C08D,X 

clears the latch 

2058 LDY #$10 

max. no. of errors 

205A LDA $0080, X 

read a byte 

205D BPL $205A 

205F DEY 

2060 BEQ $207A 

2062 CMP #$EE 


2064 BNE $205A 

2066 LDY #$07 


2068 LDA $0080, X 

load a byte 

206B BPL $2068 

206DOMP ($1E),Y 

IE contains 80 and IF 

contains 20 hence it is 

206F BNE $207A 

comparing the bytes to 

2071 DEY 

bytes at location 2080 

2072 BPL $2068 

2074 JSL $130A 

2077 OLC 






A legal byte always has its hi-bit set (1). 
You don't see a nibble dump with bytes less 
than 80, do you? To understand the routine you 
need to know how the disk drive reads a byte. 
The drive has a latch, and the latch is eight bits 
wide. When the drive reads a byte, the highest 
bit (7th) of the data byte enters first into the 
lowest bit position of the latch. The next bit 
(6th) then enters into the lowest bit of the latch 
pushing the first bit over to the next bit position. 
This continues untU the highest bit of the data 
(7th) has been pushed into the highest bit (7th) 
of the latch, then the BPL intruction (test to see 
if bit 7 is not set) of the read loop is not taken 
and so a byte is read. Then when the latch 
holding a byte detects another set bit (1) coming 
(the 7th bit of the next byte), it clears itself to 
$00 (8 zero bits) and lets the 7th bit enter into 
the lowest (Oth) bit of the latch and the whole 
process is repeated. Any extra zero bits after 
a byte are not read into the latch. The byte in 
the latch is simply held longer than usual as the 
latch waits for the next set bit (1) of the next 
byte to be read. The following example shows 
a bit stream consisting of a FF 96 loading into 
the data latch. 

00000000 11111111 10010110 The latch clears 
itself as it detects a 1 bit coming (from 
the 7th bit of FF), assuming it just read a 

00000001 11111111 0010110- 7th data bit 
enters latch as bit 0. 

00000011 11111110 010110- 6th data bit 
enters, 7th data bit shifted left to bit 1 
of latch. 

00000111 11111100 10110— and so on.,. 

00001111 11111001 0110 

The 7th data bit entered the 7th bit position 
of the latch, the BPL instruction is not taken, 
the accumulator then holds FF, the byte is thus 

If the next byte is 96, then when the latch 
detects the first set (1) bit of the 7th data bit 
of 96 (1001 01 10), it clears the latch and the 
whole process is repeated, got it? Suppose the 
2 extra zeroes. When the latch reads all of the 
bits of the FF byte (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1), it then reads a 
O bit, and it does nothing, the latch still holds 
the FF. It then reads another bit, which is also 
zero, and so it does nothing again. Then it reads 
a 1 bit (from the 7th bit of the next data byte), 
and it clears itself and repeats the whole load 
and shift process. So, to a LDA C08C,X and 
BPL instruction, sync bytes and normal bytes 
are the same, only that sync bytes stay in the 
latch longer. 

Traditional nibble copiers used this kind of 
command to read nibbles, hence it is impossible 
to determine the number of zeroes after each 
byte, they simply don't appear in the latch. So 
nibble copiers have to rely on the user and make 
intelligent guesses as to where the sync bytes 
are. More advanced copiers like EDD use 
another kind of read routine enabling it to 
determine the number of zeroes after each byte 
with high accuracy (but not 100%, that's why 
EDD cannot copy Prolok protection). That is 
the reason why EDD is so powerful, but 
discussing it's read routine is out of the scope 
of this article. 

Prolok protection uses a different I/O 
technique, using LDA C08D,X to deliberately 
clear the latch before the whole byte is read. 
One thing to notice is that the series of E7s 
have 1 , 2, 0, 1 , 2, 0, 1 , and 1 zeroes after each 
of them respectively. (See box below.) 

Now look back into the subroutine, after 
finding the data header, the routine looks for 
the first E7, then it reads two more, thenit clears 
the latch\ At this time, the first 3 bits of the next 
E7 have already entered the latch, asAare cleared 
by the LDA C08D,X command . Thus the 2nd 
bit of the fourth E7 becomes the 7th bit, the 1st 
bit becomes the 6th bit and the Oth bit becomes 
the 5th bit, the extra zero becomes the 4th, the 
7th bit of the next byte becomes the 3rd, and 
so on until the 4th bit of the next byte becomes 
the Oth bit. The byte read becomes an EE, 
instead of E7 in the nibble dump. Notice that the 
extra zero after the first E7 is read into the latch 
as part of a bit of EE . In this way , the pattern of 

I E7+1 I I E7+2 I I E7+0 II E7+1 I I E7+2 I I E7+0 II E7+1 I I E7+1 I I E7+0 I 
Al I of the remaining E7s are normal (without extra zeroes) . 


coMPunsT mo 


extra zeroes after each E 7 can be determined to 
be 1, 2, O, 1, 2, O, 1, and 1 by making sure 
that the bytes read after clearing the latch are 
EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE. If this all sounds too deep 
for you (its rough water for the novice), try 
reading Beneath Apple E>OS, and Disk and Disk 
Hardware in Copy n Plus menu appendix A. 
Hope this solves the conftision. 

For Mr. Ron Balewski: The Locksmith 6.0 
auto boot code tracer, traces disks by emulating 
the 6502 CPU. Since emulating requires much 
more time to run the same program, your 
computer will not be able to keep up with disk 
access as usual. Everything, including disk 
reading, will be slowed down. In order to make 
disk access possible, the designer reads the 
whole track into a buffer, and whenever a byte 
is to be read, the tracer returns a byte from the 
buffer. This makes tracing possible. When you 
use it to trace Arctic Antics, however, it will 
still return bytes from the buffer whenever a 
byte is to be read. So even if the clear latch 
command is taken, the byte read (expected to 
be EE) will still be a E7, since that is what the 
tracer read into the buffer well before the 
protection routine is running. Got it? 

Well, enough of this for now. See you next 
time. Happy cracking. 

Ron Oippold 

Softkey for.. 

Ultima V 


Ultima V provided another clear example 
of copy protection coming between the user and 
the program. The computer that I use most of 
the time is an Apple Ugs with the old Disk II 
drives, on which Ultima V runs perfectly. 
However, at times I have to move to a Ilgs with 
a DuoDrive, and the game will not even boot 
at all on this computer. A call to Origin only 
revealed that "Ultima V will not work with 
DuoDrives. " I don't know if that's totally true 
or not, but it certairfly was valid in my case, 
so the only thing to do was to break Ultima V. 

Here, we are in luck. Of the eight disk 
sides, only the boot disk is protected, and the 
protection is pitiful. Ultima V was seven months 
overdue, and my guess is that they didn't have 
the time to put a decent protection on the game. 
With that background, let's take a look at the 
boot disk. 

With a nibble editor (Copy II Plus, etc.) 
or some other utility, it can be seen that tracks 
$00, $01, and $02 are not protected at all, 
which makes the job that much easier. Now, 
examine track $03. Predictably enough, the 
checksums and epilogues are altered. However, 
there is one more tricky detail. The sectors are 
not numbered from $00 to $0F, but from $11 

to $20! And that's the whole protection. 

There are a couple of easy ways to fix this, 
but I chose one that most people could relate 
to: Super lOB 1.5. We wUl modify RWTS to 
read the Ultima V disk. Luckily, the elimination 
of one of the routines to check the epilogues 
will leave just enough room for the code to 
translate the sector numbers. I realize that the 
code that I have provided for the controller and 
the RWTS routine are lengthier than necessary, 
but they are easier to understand. 

I 1 I Boot a normal DOS 3.3 disk. 

I 2 I At the Applesoft prompt, enter the 

CALL -151 

rrn Make a copy of RWTS. 

I 4 I Disable some checking. 
1A2D: 18 60 

I 5 I Disable the rest of the checking, and 
translate sector numbers. 

1A88: AO 00 38 AS 2D E9 11 85 2D A9 AA 18 

Here's what you just entered: 

A0 00 LDY #$00 preserve original exit value 

38 SEC 

A5 2D LDA $2D 

E9 11 SBC #$11 

85 2D STA $20 

A9 AA LDA #$AA preserve original exit value 

18 CLC 

60 RTS 

I 6 I Save the RWTS to disk for Super lOB 
to use. 


I 7 I Use Super lOB and the Ultima V 
controller to copy the boot sides. 

I 8 I Copy the rest of the sides any way you 
want to. 

That's all! There shouldn't be any "hidden 
protection" popping up later, as I have 
completed the game with no such problems. It 
is, by the way, an excellent game, and well 
worth the money. 




1010TK = 0:LT = 3:ST=15:LS=15:CD = WR:FAST = 1 

1020 GOSUB 490: GOSUB610 

1030 GOSUB 490: GOSUB 610: IF PEEK (TRK) = LT 

THEN 1050 
1040 TK = PEEK (TRK) : ST = PEEK (SCT) : GOTO 1015 
1050TK = 3:LT = 35:ST=15:CD = WR 
1060 GOSUB 360: GOSUB 490: GOSUB 610 
1070 GOSUB 360: GOSUB 490: GOSUB 610 

1075 IF PEEK (TRK) =LT THEN 1100 
1080 TK = PEEK (TRK) : ST = PEEK (SCT) : GOTO 1060 


1000 - $356B 1060 - $A448 

1001 - $7F4B 1070 - $2104 
1010 - $3D93 1075 - $C4E7 
1020 - $337B- 1080 - $78EA 
1030 - $DDCB 1100 - $ABA7 
1040 - $44DE 10010 - $8E3F 
1050 - $2404 

Jack R. Nissel 

Softkey for... 

Railroad Works 

CBS Software 

Softkey for... 



■ Requirements 

D A blank disk for each title 

D FID from your DOS 3.3 system disk 

□ A way to reset into the monitor 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. 
Insert a blank disk in the drive and INITialize it. 

mrr HELLO 


I 2 I Boot the original disk and when the 
Applesoft prompt appears reset into the 

I 3 I Remove the original disk and insert 
the initialized disk. Move the RWTS to a safe 
place and boot your initialized disk. 

I 4 I Put the disk with FID into the drive. 
BLOAD nD,A$803 

I 5 I Follow the prompts and copy all files 
from the original to the blank disk. When asked 
for the file name enter " = " and when asked 
if you want prompting enter "N". 

You can put a fast DOS on your copy but 
for Railroad Works use Pronto-DOS since 
Diversi-DOS will not allow the copy to boot 


coMPUTisT jrao 



Softkey for.. 

Ace Programmer 


Both of these titles can be deprotected by 
using the softkey for Mindplay software in 

*Ugs Softkey f or... 

Kings Quest I (GS) 

Sierra On-Line 

■ Requirements 

□ A blank 3.5 disk 

n Any fast copy program that can ignore errors 

D A sector editor 

j t I Copy the original disk to your blank 
disk and ignore a read error if one is 

I 2 I Scan the disk for 00 F0 IE 22 00 and 
change the F0 to 80. 1 found it on block $073, 
byte $1D7. 

Block Byte(s) From 


$073 $1D7 F0 

I 3 I Write the sector back to the disk. 
*ngs Softkey for... 

Aesop's Fables (GS) 

Unicom Software 

■ Requirements 

D 2 blank 3.5 disks 

D Any fast copy program 

D A sector editor 

I ^ I Copy both of the original disks to your 
blank disks. 

I 2 I . Make the following sector edit to 
disk 1. 

Block Byte(s) From 


$316 $1B0 F0 

I 3 I Write the sector back to the disk. 

Scott M. Simon 

Type! by Broderbund has been on the most 
wanted list for quite a while. This krack was 
right under our noses, so let's get started and 
get a readable copy from the original disk. 




■ Requirements 

D Apple II and up 
D Editor 
D Disk 

I 1 I First, let's use COPYA and DOS 3.3 
minus some error checks. Boot a DOS 3.3 
system disk. 






B925:18 60 



I 2 I When COPYA is finished get outyour 
sector editor (like COPY H Plus) and sector edit 
the disk to wipe out the nibble count routine. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$00 $0A $2D-2E 20 00 01 EAEAEA 

Softkey for.. 

Tales Of Fantasy Series: 

The Dark Tower 
The Frog & The Fables 


■ Requirements 

D 64K Apple H and up 
D Copy II Plus 
D Blank Disk 

The Tales of Fantasy series by Microzine 
is quite good for a story book game. The disk 
is fairly simple to deprotect. Upon examination 
of the copied disk, I located a IMP to reboot 
(4C OO C6). I then examined the disk and 
changed a LDA command to load track $06. 
That enabled me to catalog the disk. After 
looking at the catalog. I noticed a couple of hello 
programs and experimented to find the right one 
to load. I then used the rename feature of COPY 
II Plus and renamed the startup file to HELLO. 
The disk still did a disk check but I found that 
all that was need was to change one command 
from 83 to A0 on track $0 1 , sector $07 . That was 
it and it works for both programs. 

I 1 I First, let's use COPYA and DOS 3.3 
minus some error checks. Boot a DOS 3.3 

system disk. 






B92S:18 60 



I 2 I When COPYA is finished use COPY 
II Plus to sector edit the disk to wipe out the 
nibble count routine and change the startup 
program to HELLO. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$00 $06 $42 

$0C $49-4B 
$01 $07 $72 


4C 00 C6 




Softkey for.. 

Arctic Antics 
Spy vs Spy in 


■ Requirements 

D 64K Apple II and up 


D Sector Editor 

n Blank Disk 

This disk was a little more difficult. I want 
to thank Glen Craig for his assistance and 
Willem Moolenaar COMPUTIST #50 for the 
right routine to insert and get this Epyx disk 
working. Basically all I did was to get the disk 
in a readable format to find the nibble count 
routine. Then I listed the machine code for that 
track and knocked out any branches that would 
pass the nibble routine. With the routine that 
Willem provided, I was able to get the disk to 
load and run. So my thanks to both of you. Here 
is what I did. 

I 1 I First, let's use COPYA and DOS 3.3 
minus some error checks. Boot a DOS 3.3 
system disk. 






B92S:18 60 



t 2 I When COPYA is finished get out your 
sector editor (like COPY II Plus) and sector edit 
the disk to wipe out all branches as listed, then 
change the nibble count routine to a load 



Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $0B $51-52 




D0 4C 



D0 43 





Insert Willem Moolenaar's 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 



$00 $0B $7A-87 A0 07 BD 8C C0 
10 FB 99 F0 00 
EA 88 10 F4 

EA EA A9 FC 85 
F0 85 F3 A9 EE 
85 Fl 85 F2 

David L. Perez 1 


RAD Warrior 


■ Requirements 

n Apple He 
D Disk Drive 
D Blank disk 
D DOS 3.3 disk 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system Disk. 

I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum & 
epilog errors and use COPYA to copy the 
original to your blank disk. 

POKE 47426,24 

I 3 I Make the following sector edits to the 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$00 $05 $43-44 


85 FO 85 F3 A9 EE 85 Fl 

85 F2 

Softkey for.. 

Mind Prober/Mind Over 
Minors (the Teaclier's edition) 

Human Edge Software 

This program is the equivalent of Mind 
Prober, i.e. it asks whether the person you are 
assessing is friendly, out going, quiet, etc. Then 
aftei- answering agree or disagree to 65 
questions, the program assesses the responses 
and outputs a report on the subject to screen 
or printer. The Teacher's Edition is very helpful 
in explaining what tact the teacher might take 

with some students. I deal with many behavior 
disordered children and have found this 
program very usefiil. However, it writes the 
assessment when complete back to disk. I was 
apprehensive about writing information back to 
the original, so I set out to back it up. I had 
a difficult time, so after I had a bit-copy, I 
decided to unprotect it. 

I found I could COPYA it but it wouldn't 
run. When I cataloged the directory I found a 
couple of interesting things. First was a file 
called Runtime. Runtime is short for Runtime 
Library. It is the pre-emptive program used with 
BASIC programs that have been compiled into 
machine language. I knew that in loading the 
main Mind Over Minors program I would first 
have to have the Runtime Library program in 
memory. I then tried to BLOAD/BRUN a 
couple of the other files on the disk. Then I 
decided on the obvious, which was to load and 
list the Hello program. In this loader they first 
wrote my own loader then saved it as my Hello 
program to the COPYA copy of my Mind Over 
Minors. The program now runs fine minus the 
protection scheme. 

I 1 I Use COPYA to copy the program disk 
and disks #1, #2 & #3. 

I 2 I Put the program disk in the drive. 

I 3 I Enter this short hello program and 
save it to the program disk. 
CHR$(13) CHR$(4) "BRUN GR.OBJ." 

You're done! 
"1; Softkey for... 

Wagons West 

Focus Media 

The softkey for American People by Focus 
Media (COMPUTIST #56) also works on 
Wagons West. 

John Bishop 

Slow speeds for Arcade Games 

So you've got yourself some nice games 
to play with on your computer. But while you're 
blasting away at the aliens or driving furiously 
through the mazes, your little brother or sister, 
or your young child, just sits and stares. Sure 
the games look fiin, but they're just too fast for 
the little kid's reflexes. So what do you do? 
What any good computist would do: jump into 

the code and slow the game down. 

Although it might seem at first like a 
monumental task to dig through the two 
hundred or so sectors of data in the typical game 
just to try and slow it down, it really isn't very 
hard. It took me just twenty minutes to complete 
the process the first time I tried it. There are 
a couple conditions that the game must meet 
before it can be patched. First, it must be 
deprotected. Fortunately, with back issues of 
COMPUTIST, this isn't too hard. Second, the 
easiest modifications are done to single load, 
single file games. "Slow-ups" can be done to 
whole disk programs, but these are more 

The general idea behind the modifications 
is that you want to add a bit of code to the 
program that does nothing but waste time. The 
simplest way to do this is with a five byte loop: 

A9 XX LDA #$xx 

where xx is any number ($00-FF) with 
higher numbers producing longer delays. The 
trickiest part is finding somewhere to put the 
loop. Every game that uses the joystick 
pushbutton must address either $C061 or 
$C062. If the game uses the joysUck it must 
use location $C07O. And every game that uses 
the keyboard must address location $C00©. 
By searching the file for one of these locations, 
and then replacing it with a jump to your delay 
loop, you can slow down the whole program. 
An extremely useful utility for doing this is 
Enrique Gamez's Crucial Code Finder (CCF) 
found in COMPUTIST #6. If you don't have 
this handy utility, any file ZAP program should 
work. Let's go step by step through the process 
on the old classic Galaxian. 

I 1 I First turn on the computer and 
immediately press iQRESETl . then zero all 
RAM memory. 


I 2 I Now boot the disk with Galaxian on 
it, and BLOAD the file. Search through 
memory for empty spaces . Stay away from the 
hi-res pages ($2OOO-$60OO) because they 
often get written to and moved about during the 
game. The best places to try are very high and 
very low memory locations. When you find a 
suitable place, write it down. For some reason 
I usually use $BA69, I don't even remember 
why any more. 

I 3 I BRUN your ZAP program, or if 
you're using CCF, BRUN it. If you're using 
CCF, be sure to note the BLOAD address of 
the game by checking locations $AA72 and 
$AA73 before you BRUN the utility. The start 
of the game is stored here in lo/hi format. For 
my copy of Galaxians, it was $1FDC. 

Now search the program for the bytes AD 
61 C0. You might find these bytes more than 




once. Write them down. If you're experienced 
in poking through games, you'll quickly 
recognize which one is the pushbutton reference 
that is important. Otherwise, trial and error with 
modifying each reference should quickly 
produce the proper one. 

I 4 I When you fmd the bytes (I found them 
at $2AA5 with CCF) change them to a JSR to 
the free space in memory you found earlier: 

2AA5:29 «9 BA 

If ywi're using a ZAP program, you'll have 
to write this sector back to disk and continue 
the rest of the process by hand each time you 
BRUN the game. 

I 5 I Now insert the delay loop, add on the 
pushbutton reference you overwrote earlier, and 
RTS back to the main program: 

BA69:A9 n 20 A8 FC AD 61 CO 60 

I 6 I Check out you're handywork by 
starting up the game: 

The only flaw to this is that you have to 
add the mod to the program each time you play 
it, and this can get tedious. One way to solve 
this problem is find out where the game starts, 
count backwards $09 bytes, and put the delay 
loop there (don't forget to tell the program to 
JSR there instead of $BA69 if you do this). 
Then count back $03 bytes before the delay 
loop and add a jump to the start of the program 
(4C DC 1 F) . BS A VE the whole game back to disk 
with a starting address $OC bytes less and a 
length $OC bytes more. This doesn't always 
work though because many games go through 
several memory moves after they are loaded, 
and you're mod might get overwritten. Another 
place to squeeze the loop in is where the game 
changes the reset vector. If there's a couple 
extra bytes to this code you can often put the 
delay loop there. Other places are at Ihe end 
of hi-res pages and where copy protection 
routines used to be. 

Don't save the modified file over your 
original. Make a backup for safety in case it 
doesn't work. 

Here are modifications for some of the 
games I have. Be careful when you do these 
because the locations might be different for your 
copy . Remember: "xx" isa number you select 
to set the delay. Larger numbers are longer 
delays and make the game run slower. Enter 
a number for the "xx" when you make these 


B40:20 OO 90 

9000:A9 xx 20 A8 FC AD 00 CO 60 


Genetic Drift 

43E0:20 69 BA 

BA69:A9 xx 20 A8 FC AD OO CO 60 


Buzzard Bait 

79E©:20 69 BA 

BA69:A9 xx 20 A8 FC 2C 70 CO 60 



216C:20 69 BA 

BA69:A9 xx 20 A8 FC AD 00 CO 60 


Spy's Demise 

69DE:20 69 BA 

BA69:A9 xx 20 A8 FC AD OO CO 60 


A.E. Stingray 

This slow down mod is my favorite because 
it allows for variable speeds. By holding down 
pushbutton 1 (the one that doesn't shoot) you 
can slow down the game. Just release the button 
when it gets to the speed you want. If you 
overshoot and make it too slow, keep holding 
down the button and the speed will slow all the 
way down and then jump back up to normal. 


Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$13 $05 $24-26 AD61C0 20 6103 

$06 $09-0B AD 61 C0 20 61 03 

$07 $E5-E7 AD61C0 20 6103 

$02 $04 $65- A9 00 F0 14 A9 4C 59 FF AD 62 

01 D0 10 A9 02 C0 10 03 EE 6A 

D0 0C A9 03 D0 03 A9 01 20 AS 

08A9 04D0 04 FCAD61C0 60 



sure to write all these sectors back to 

Swampfox 1 



J & S Software 

■ Requirements 

D Apple n. He, Dgs 

D /RAM Disk with at least 150K 

n Apple System Utilities Disk 

Note: When I refer to /RAMS use the name 
of your /RAM Disk. 

I 1 I Boot the J & S Grade B ook disk . 
When the title page comes up press IrksktI . 





I 2 I Boot the Apple System Utilities disk. 
Format a blank disk with the volume name 
"TEST" and copy ProDOS 1.1.1 to /TEST. 
(Not enough room for a newer version.) 

I 3 I Copy the following files to /RAM5. 

I 4 I Quit and exit to BASIC. 

I 5 I Put J & S Grade Book in drive 1 and 
copy all files from J & S Grade Book to /RAM5 
except PRODOS and SWITCHI.l. 

I 6 I Boot the Apple System Utilities Disk. 
Copy all files from /RAM5 to /TEST except 
UTIL.l, and UTIL.2. Quit to BASIC. 

I 7 I Change the startup program. 
100 POKE 768,96:POKE 771,96 

All done. 

Marc Batchelor 

A Patch for Copy II Plus 

v6.?, 7.?, 8.? 

It seems strange to not be writing in with 
a softkey, but I do have a quick and dirty 
modification to Copy 11 Plus v8.3 that relieves 
a lot of irritation. As the program stands, it is 
great. It has a lot of utilities, and its bit copy 
routines are among the best available. But there 
are some irritating facets about the program that 
can really drive you batty. 

For example, the format disk routine; 
When you want to format a disk, you simply 
choose the FORMAT DISK option, and after 
selecting the operating system under which to 
format, you also must select the disk drive. You 
are then prompted to insert a disk, and you must 
press " Y" saying that you are ready to format. 
After the format is over, you are prompted to 
press return (although any key wUl do) and you 
are returned to the main menu from where all 
this began. Now, this is fine if you only want 
to format one disk. However, I buy my disks 
in bulk (quantities of lOO or more), and I like 
to get them all formatted at once. This business 
of returning to the main menu every time is 
ft^strating. I have to press return through 
several options and press that one "Y". But 
there is a fix for this. 

$9390 is the start of the formatting routine. 

$93 A 1 is the bulk of the formatting code. 

$636B is the message printing routine. 

$6C7C-755A are all of the messages. 

A little explanation of the message printing 
routine is in order. If you load the accumulator 
with a value, and then perform a JSR to $6B6E, 
one of the messages (stored between $6C7C and 


coMPUTisT #eo 


$755 A) will be printed. This is the best way 
to compact code and minimize run time. So to 
try it, type: 



You should see the message "FORMAT 
COMPLETE". If not, you did something 
wrong, and should try it again. Any way, this 
is the message that we want to find as it is the 
end of the formatting routine. So, halt Copy II 
Plus during execution and search for: A9 65 20 
6E 5B. Didn't work did it? I tried the very same 
thing. The problem is that there are two (2) 
messages printed at the end of the formatting 
routine. Message 1 being "FORMAT 
COMPLETE" and the other being "PRESS 
RETURN TO CONTINUE". Search memory 
for: A9 65. Success, we find an A9 65 4C 08 7C at 
$948C. At $7C08 is a JSR to $6E6B followed 
by an LDA and then another call to $6E6B. This 
is the ticket. All we have to do is re-route the 
call to the beginning of the formatting routine, 
and we are set. 

I 1 I Use a disk searcher to locate A9 65 4C 
08 7C and change it to 4C 90 93 EA EA 

You are done! Now, instead of telling you 
that the formatting process is complete and 
returning to the main menu, the program says: 
TO FORMAT?". Just press 'Y' to format 
another disk or 'N' or escape or anything else 
to escape. 

Bill Wilson 

Softkey for. . . 

NATO Commander vl.2? 


■ Requirements 

D Blank Disk 
n Sector editor 
D Apple He 
D One disk drive 

NATO Commander is an older (1984) 
game published by MicroProse and simulates 
a World War III battle for Europe on an 
operational level. As with most MicroProse 
software, they have abused and insulted the user 
by installing incredibly pervasive copy- 
protection on NATO Commander. I ended the 
title of this crack with a question mark, since 
MicroProse is infamous for having yet another 
undiscovered layer of protection. As it stands, 
this softkey will at least allow a user to get into 
the main game routine. I have not extensively 
play-tested beyond this point, but would not be 
surprised if, at some point in the game, all 

Warsaw Pact units turn into full-strength 
armored divisions or something similar. Note 
that this is only conjecture on my part. 

Let's take a look at the protection I found 
and disabled on the disk. MicroProse avoided 
obvious measures such as changing address and 
data marks on the disk, so the disk will copy 
easily with a copy program that will ignore the 
errors on track $22, such as the Locksmith Fast 
Copy. How very considerate of them. Any 
catalog attempt will only generate a "Disk 
Full" message. The game uses DOS 3.3 (or 
something very similar) and the catalog track 
is located on track $07. If you wish to be able 
to catalog the copied disk, copy track $07, 
sector SO, to track $11, sector $0. (An empty 
sector on Vl.2 .) Additionally, the DOS is 
copied into RAM at $DDOO - $FFFF. I suspect 
the motivation here was to make more room for 
program code, however, this move of DOS will 
no doubt confuse would-be disk crackers if 
they've never heard of the "high-DOS" 

The "Hello" program is binary and fairly 
obviously named "HELLOPROT.OBJ". Its 
function is to make a nibble count on tracks 
$21.5 and $22. If it likes what it sees, the 
address $DB3A (the Applesoft interpreter entry 
point) is stored in reverse-byte order at $02O0. 
Here is another cute little twist. The program 
loads on memory page 2, which is the keyboard 
buffer. Any attempt to control-reset into the 
monitor and examine it will "plow" several 
bytes of code, since keystrokes were made. This 
is beatable in this case by loading the program 
from disk (using normal DOS 3.3 booted from 
another disk) into an address like $O80O so 
it can be examined at leisure. If the nibble count 
goes well, the accumulator and Y-register are 
loaded with bytes that point to a command (in 
ASCII at $02A9). The command is "Ctrl-D 
(alert DOS a command for it follows) RUN \ 
Ctrl-M (Return key)". Then it jumps indirectly 
to the address pointed to by $020O. "\" is the 
name of the initial Applesoft file to be run. Of 
course, the effect of this is to run "\". 

All of the Applesoft programs on disk are 
also protected! They have an anti-list capability 
built into them that works in this manner. Every 
few lines, there is a REMark statement followed 
by eight control-H's (backspaces to cover the 
statement from prying eyes), eight spaces, a 
control-M (carriage return), a control-D (to 
signal DOS), and the command "FP". When 
listing, the Applesoft lister prints characters to 
the screen or printer. By outputting the control- 
D, DOS is alerted and the FP (similar to the 
"NEW" conunand) command is executed. The 
FP is followed by $00 's which indicate an end 
of program. This is infuriating protection, since 
the A/S programs can only be listed for one or 
two lines before the FP command is executed 
and trashes the listing. If you wish to list the 
A/S programs, scan the entire disk for the bytes 

"04 46 50". Change the "04" in each case 
to "20" (space). Without the "04" (control- 
D), the FP will be ignored by DOS and the 
program will list normally. Why doesn't this 
protection blow out the A/S program when it 
is running? When the program is running, the 
FP won't stop it since it is inside a REM 
statement. The A/S interpreter ignores all lines 
starting with REM. It is not necessary to change 
the 04's for this crack, however, it should be 
done if you want to examine the program logic. 
The next layer of protection I discovered 
involved the process of chaining the A/S 
programs. The program "C" (for Chain, I 
imagine) is used to chain A/S programs. C loads 
at $0208 (again where it is hard to examine) 
and is activated by an A/S call to $03C1, the 
entry point for C. This code follows: 

03C1 4E 22 02 LSR $0222 

Change byte at $0222 from $91 (STA) to $48 (PHA) 

03C4 A4 0A LDY $0A 
load value $9Ffrom he $0A into Y 

03C6 30 02 BMI $03CA 

Always branch over next two bytes that are there only to conjuse the 


03C8 AD 2D A9 LDA $A92D 
looks legitimate, but not used 
03CA A9 BB LDA #$BB 
get 1st byte of 'jump through stack' address 

03CC 0E CF 03 ASL $03CF 

modify^ the byte in $BCFfrom $A4 (LDY) to $48 (PHAj this pushes 

the 1st byte of the 'jump through stack' address onto the stack 

03CF A4 LDY 

before modification 

03CF 48 PHA 

after modification 

03D0 4C17 02 JMP $0217 

go to next part of code these three bytes are not in the Cfile-they 

are placed at this address by earlier program instructions 

0217 AD83C0 LDA $C083 
access specific higher memory banks 

021A AD83C0 LDA $C083 

021D 98 TYA 

xfer value of$9Fpom Y to accumulator 

021E 69 02 ADC #$02 

add $02 to $9F to get $A1 in accumulator 

0220 05 D6 ORA $D6 

logical-OR value $A1 with value $82 stored at address $D6. This results 

in $A3 being stored in accumulator 

0222 91 8D STA ($8D),Y 

original value at $222-changed by action at $3C1! 

0222 48 PHA 

push second byte of jump through stack address onto stack, leaving 
a return address of$BBA3 after next RTS is executed 

0223 8D 25 02 STA $0225 

modifies instruction, but is only present to camouflage- the actual 
instruction sequence 

0226 60 RTS 

jump through stack to $BBA3 




At SBBA3, the program "P" (for 
protection, doubtlessly) is called at RAM 
$D©00. This program executes more nibble 
counts and stores the values 00 F9 DO 07 DO 
07 OO OO OO OO starting at address $0026 
if the nibble counts succeed. If the nibble count 
is good, the accumulator is loaded with $00, 
if not it is loaded with $FF. "P" then returns 
to the routine at $BBA3. The $BBA3 routine 
checks the accumulator. If the accumulator is 
not zero, it pushes an RTS opcode into $BCCF, 
thus rendering that subroutine disabled. If the 
accumulator is zero, a LDX immediate ($A2) 
opcode is pushed into $BCCF, rendering it 
functional. Then, a jump is made to $0208, 
which is the first byte of "C". The chaining 
process goes on normally from there. 

How did I find all of this? I made a bit- 
copy of NATO Commander so that the nibble 
counts would succeed. Then I modified the A/S 
code on disk with a sector editor. The 
modification turned on the text screen and 
jumped to the system monitor at $FF59. The 
modification was placed in the instruction that 
preceeded the A/S instruction to CALL 961 
($3C1). I booted the disk and was rewarded 
with a "beep" and the monitor prompt. Once 
in the monitor, I scanned the code following 
$3C1 at my leisure. 

To defeat this, I made sector edits to "C", 
"S.2" (this has the SBBA3 routine), and "P". 
These follow: 

03C4 A0 9F LDY //$9F 
alwm load Y mih wlue $9F 
03D0 4C 17 02 JMP $0217 
ensure these insimctiom are present 

(Sector edits are at the end of this article.) 



remove branch instruction that disables 

routine at $BCCF 

D000 A0 09 LDY #$09 

prepare to move ten bttes 

D002 B9 28D4 LDA $0428, Y 

from $D428-$D431 

D005 99 25 00 STA $0026, Y 

to $26-$2F 

0008 88 OEY 
adjust loop counter 

0009 10 F7 BPL $0002 
loop until ten bvtes moved 

D00B A9 00' LDA #$00 

force accumulator to be zero 

0000 60 RTS 

return to routine at $BBA3 

0428- 00 F9 00 07 D0 07 00 00 00 00 bytes stored b\ good 

nibble count 

This completes the modifications to NATO 
Commander. As I said before, I offer no 
guarantees that this is a complete deprotect. 

Here are the sector edits (and cookbook 

1 1 1 Copy 

NATO Commander with a 

copier (such as 

Locksmith Fast Copy) that will 

ignore errors on track $22. 

1 2 1 Sector Edit: 

Trk Set Byte(s 

From To 

$04 $0A $07 

A9 17 80 01 03 A9 3A8D00 02 

A9 02 80 02 03 A9 DB 80 01 02 

A9 . , . A9 82 85 D6 4C 


$00 $0A $C0 

A4 0A A0 9F 


00 00 00 4C 17 02 

$0B $03 

C8 CB 

$03 $09 $05 

18 90 0F 9A 96 A0 09 B9 28 04 

21 01 60 05 AA 99 26 00 88 10 

96 DE AA 05 F7 A9 00 60 

$0E $47 

D0 08 EA EA 

1 3 1 If you 

want to be able to catalog the 

disk and load its programs from DOS 3.3, copy 
track $07, sector $00, to track $11, sector 


I 4 I Ifyou want to list the A/S programs, 
search the disk for all occurences of 04 46 50 
and change the 04 to 20. 

Let me know via letters to the Apple RDEX 
editor if you discover further protection in the 
game. Thanks. 

I have play-tested the game a bit and found 
to my chagrin that if you don't have the 
"countercodes" asked for by the program, the 
game map will not update unit movement after 
turn one. I left the instructions for the game 
packed away at my parent's home 2,000 miles 
away! This seems to be yet another protection 
measure: if you don't have the game 
documentation, you can forget playing beyond 
turn one! Can anybody send me the 
codes/countercodes via the RDEX editor? 
Please! That's another one I owe MicroProse. 

The Pirate King 

Softkey for.. 

Apple GEOS v2.0 

Berkeley Softworks 

■ Requirements 


n A sector editor 

D Eight blank disk sides 

The Lock 

The origional GEOS boot disk has a hidden 

bit pattern on one of its tracks. This pattern 
cannot be sector copied because it is not in any 
of the sectors. It also cannot be bit copied 
because part of it is written as sync bytes (extra 
zeros in the bit stream). Instead of trying to 
analyze the pattern I decided to remove it. 


The first stage of boot is located on track 
$00. The main portion of the GEOS code is 
then loaded from tracks $Oi through $OD. The 
code of both sections on the disk is 
"scrambled", making it impossible to search 
the disk for code. I decided to make my search 
in RAM. 

After booting each section into RAM, I 
studied the code and found two subroutines that 
checked for the bit pattern. At the end of each 
routine I found two exits: one for "pass", and 
one for "fail". I decided to modify each "fail" 
exit to indicate "pass". 

Further Security 

The first boot section was written in such 
a way as to make it difficult to analyze. Most 
of the code is "protected" with a checksum 
check. This means that if the code is modified 
the sum of the bytes will change, causing the 
execution to bomb. It turns out that swapping 
two bytes preserves the checksum. The other 
routine was not protected in this way, so 
changing a single byte worked fine. 

The Patch 

Since a disk search was impossible, I had 
to study the code in RAM to find out which 
sectors loaded where in RAM. This helped me 
to determine which sectors needed to be 
modified. Each byte in the sector is 
"EXCLUSIVE-OR"ed with some value 
(different for each byte, I think) while being 
loaded into RAM. I didn't care what this value 
was for each byte, but I knew some facts from 
Boolean algebra. I was able to determine what 
to change the disk byte to. After making the 
changes to the disk I soon had GEOS up and 


As with all software this softkey may not 
work on all versions of GEOS. Ifyou run into 
any other version of GEOS, let me know. 

nr~| Copy all GEOS disks using COPYA 
or any sector copier. 

I 2 I Apply the following sector edits to 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $05 $BD C6 

$C0 57 

$04 $03 $FC 7F 




coMPUTisT mo 



Jeff Hurlburt 



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TimeOut from Beagle Bros 

■ Requires: 

D "Appleworks" 2.0 or later 
D 128K Apple 11 series 
D one 3W or 5 '4" drive 
n 512K Apple Ilgs and two 3'/2" drives 

One might suppose that, being the most 
widely used word processor in the known 
universe, "Appleworks" would leave little 
room for improvement. Well, how about 
printouts in multiple Ilgs/Mac fonts, spelling 
checking, on-line thesaurus, custom macros, 
word counts, and file encryption?— for starters! 
These and other most-wanted enhancements 
come to you via Beagle Bros's "TimeOut" 

"TimeOut" is a collection of separately 
packaged units (e.g. "TimeOut SuperFonts", 
"TimeOut DeskTools", etc.), each of which 
comes with its own manual and software on 
both 3V4" and 5V*" media. Whether you add 
just one or all (thirteen or so) units, 
"Appleworks" will boot about as quickly as 
before and, in fact, look and act much the same. 

Except for a mod so that RESET now 
returns you to the main "Appleworks" menu, 
and a set of handy OPTION key commands 
from "TimeOut UltraMacros", "timeOut"s 
features are accessed via a special menu called- 
up when you enter CMD-ESC. You have, so 
to speak, stepped out of "Appleworks" (hence 
the notion of "time out"), into a world of 

related applications. Suppose, for instance, that 
you are editing a document and wish to check 
your spelling. If "TimeOut QuickSpell" has 
been added to your copy of "Appleworks", 
then entering CMD-ESC and selecting 
"QuickSpell" loads TO.QUICKSPELL; and 
the routine checks your spelling and lists 
'unknown' words — all in about 15 seconds for 
a lOK document on a Ilgs. Following standard 
protocol, one or more ESC's gets you out of 
a "TimeOut" application and back into 
"Appleworks" . 

Naturally, the kind of power boost 
represented by "TimeOut" comes with a price 
tag beyond mere dollars and cents. Your 
souped-up "Appleworks" will cost some 
memory and a fair chunk of disk space — how 
much depends upon the number of units you 
'tack on'. Another expense is greater system 
complexity, especially on 5 W " and single-drive 
3'/4" setups. Basically, the more memory and 
disk space you have on-line, the simpler things 
become. On a two-drive, 1 .25 Mbyte Ilgs, even 
a comprehensive "TimeOut" implementation 
(e.g. seven or eight packages) is nearly 
'transparent'; but, for the ne/5 'A " user, running 
a big "TimeOut" setup is likely to be the 
decisive experience in a move to the Ilgs. 

'Getting a handle' on "TimeOut" and 
assessing tradeoffs is easy once you identify the 
main components. First, there is the system 
'glue', TIMEOUT itself. This is a patch to 
"Appleworks" which locates and hooks up 
your '^TimeOut" applications, presents the 
menu, and launches selected fiinctions. Any 
"TimeOut" package can handle the patching; 
and, unlike some "Appleworks" add-ons, it 
need be done only once. 

At the second level are the applications, 
files with names like TO.THESAURUS and 
TO.FILEMASTER, which do the actual work. 
Often these must access font, dictionary, 
synonym, and other support files. The typical 
"TimeOut" package also includes a BASIC 
program to handle installation plus 
TO.UTILITIES, a 'housekeeping' application 
which lets you "configure" other applications. 
Finally, there will usually be one or more 
example files referenced in manual tutorials. 

When you first patch "Appleworks" you 
tell the BASIC installer program where 
TIMEOUT is to look for the application files 
(e.g. a pathname) and whether or not to expect 
more than one diskette during startup. Later, 
via the "Utilities" function, you configure each 
application. That is, you tell "QuickSpell" 
where to look for its dictionaries, "Thesaurus" 
where to find its synonyms file, etc. . You may 
also specify that an application (not just its 
location) be loaded upon booting. This 
"memory-resident" configuration option lets 
a fimction respond more quickly, but at the 
price of additional memory and longer boot 
times. As illustrated in the earlier "QuickSpell" 

example, non-resident applications are fast 
enough for most situations; AND they use 
almost no memory except when actually 

In principle, "TimeOut"s approach is both 
flexible and simple; but things become a bit 
dicey when it comes to simplifying the business 
of user installation. Rather than just listing and 
describing each application file and each support 
file; and leaving it up to you to decide where 
to move what; Beagle Bros wants you to depend 
upon its in-package BASIC installers. 
Unfortunately, some of these will transfer 
applications files, but no support stuff. Many 
will insist upon taking you through TIMEOUT 
patching, whether or not "Appleworks" is 
already patched; and some installers work just 
fine. The manuals, excellent in other respects 
(tutorials, hints, etc.), are similarly 'spotty'. 

Happily, setting up your "TimeOut" stuff 
IS easy. The secret is Apple user common sense 
and a dash of 'hacker' nerve. The common 
sense says; "Use 'Copy II Plus' to move any 
needed files the installer omits". Hacker nerve 
says: "I may forget something; but, what the 
heck!" Indeed, if you do forget something, 
"TimeOut" will let you know without bombing 
your diskettes—- this is a very forgiving system. 

In the long run, unless you are running a 
hard disk, the REAL challenge is 
ARRANGING all those nifty "TimeOut" files. 
(Everyone knows that hard disk types have 
infinite capacity, right?!) For 3'/2", two drive 
systems, the most convenient BIG setup is to 
put all the applications files and 
smaller support files on the same diskette as 
"Appleworks". Larger support blocks (e.g. 
"QuickSpeir's dictionaries, "SuperFonts"s 
font files, etc.) can go on your 'standard' startup 
data disk. This way, "Appleworks" startup 
time is increased only a few seconds. 

Beagle Bros claims that its "TimeOut" 
products will be compatible with 
"Appleworks" version 2.0 or later. No doubt. 
Beagle has some kind of commitment from 
Claris; but it doesn't take a marketing whiz to 
see that "Appleworks" is a much more 
attractive product now, than it was last year. 
Whatever additional improvements Claris may 
introduce, I suspect "TimeOut" compatibility 
will be staunchly maintained. It took Beagle 
Bros and "TimeOut" to drag dear old 
"Appleworks", 'kicking and screaming', into 
the Ilgs era. 

The Packages 

This month's focus is upon what I consider 
to be the 'basic two' "TimeOut" units. Other 
members of the series include "QuickSpell": 
a spelling checker/corrector with provisions for 
customized dictionaries and word counting, 
"Thesaurus": a synonym finder, "Graph": for 
creating bar, pie, etc. charts from spreadsheet 
data, "UltraMacros": to add ready-made or 




custom commands, "DeskTools": for an on- 
line calculator, calendar, notepad, etc., and 
"SideSpread": a utility for lengthwise printout 
of many-columned spreadsheets. 

by M. Somonsen 
$69.95 Beagle Bros 

Of all the "TimeOut" packages, 
"SuperFonts" has to rank as THE essential 
"Appleworks" enhancement. Now you can get 
proportionally spaced printouts in one or more 
Ilgs/Mac fonts (including nearly fifty on- 
diskette files) in character sizes ranging from 
6 through 127 point. 

After setting options for Page Setup (i.e. 
y/n for "Tall Adjusted" and "50% 
Reduction") and Print Quality ("Draft", 
"Standard", and "High"), just about 
everything else is in-document programmable. 
You sjjecify font, size, and style (e.g. regular, 
italics, outline, shadow, and inverse) via simple 
"< >" commands. For example, 
"<l=times.l2>" and "<2 = new.york.l2>" 
at the start of a document, load in the two fonts 
and assign reference numbers. Subsequent 
"<2>" and "<1>" entries in the text then 
switch between the fonts during printout, with 
"<OB>" (for "Outline Begin"), etc. to handle 
style shifts. Similarly, "<pl =FROG.PIC>", 
"<p2= GAME.MAP>", ... load in and tag 
hires or double hires PICTURES! As with font 
changes, a simple command (e.g. "<pl>") is 
all you need to printout the picture. Supporting 
virtually every popular Apple compatible 
printer, if "TimeOut" can be said to have a 
'flagship package', "SuperFonts" is it! 


While "Appleworks"s built-in file- 
handling capabilities are usually adequate, this 
is small comfort on those occasions when 
something more is needed. Well, "FileMaster" 
is not "Copy II Plus-in-'Appleworks' "; but 
it comes close enough to earn a few cheers. For 
any on-line disk, files may be cataloged, copied, 
compared, renamed, locked/unlocked and even 

rearranged. Of course you may also copy, 
compare, and format disks, as well as create 
and copy subdirectories, and use "erase" to 
quickly produce data diskettes. 

"FileMaster"s way of doing things does, 
admittedly, take some getting used to. For 
instance, assigning Disk and File activities to 
separate menus means that, occasionally, one 
must enter CMD-RETURN to specify a 
"current disk". Yet there is no on-screen 
prompt for this option, nor for any of the 
"special" file commands. Among the latter is 
"View Files", a very handy way to look at 
(CMD-V) or printout (CMD-H) a full-screen 
listing of up to 100 names in the current file 
list. "Arrange Files" (CMD-A) lets you 
arrange a file list alphabetically or by size, type, 
or date. Finally, while "FileMaster"s standard 
file listing is slightly more informative than 
"Appleworks"s own; it's too bad Beagle 
passed up the opportunity to build-in a for-real 
CATALOGing function. Still, 'warts and all' 
the first time you NEED one of "FileMaster"s 
new fiinctions, you will be mighty glad it's just 
a CMD-ESC away. 


by Atari Games 
$39.95 Mindscape 


■ Requires: 

n 256K Ilgs 

D one 3'/2" drive 

D joystick optional 

Direct from the arcade parlor to you, 
"Gauntlet" is a blow-away-the-monsters, top- 
view maze adventure with at least one unusual 
attribute. For the lone player, controlling a 
single hero, the premium is squarely upon quick 
response and accuracy, joystick control is 
indispensable, and a speedy demise is all but 
assured. BUT, should you (or, better, another 
player) opt to bring a second character into the 
fray, the game becomes ridiculously easy. 
Controls are responsive and so simple (mainly 
movement and 'fire') that keyboard-only 
direction of the second hero poses no great 

Listing a choice of four characters (warrior, 
Valkyrie, elf, and wizard), a few well-defined 
monsters, and numerous power-enhancing 
items— all in a many-leveled dungeon of multi- 
screen mazes— "Gauntlet" documentation 
promises an interesting strategy challenge. 
Regrettably, as usually happens with gaming 
parlor retreads, the promise goes unfulfilled. 

Sound, just 'passable', and graphics are the first 
casualties. In double hires color, the tiny hero, 
monster, and item figures emerge as blocky 
splotches, often against a vast expanse of gray 
maze floor. You are assured that the "animation 
of the arcades" is right there "on your home 
screen'; but, at this resolution, who can tell? 

Still, the more imaginative adventurer 
might tolerate such deficits, were there 
something resembling a real challenge and/or 
a solid goal. "Gauntlet", however, urges you 
to "go as far as you can" and to score the 
maximum points. Since, as long as one hero 
is alive, the other can always regenerate, getting 
to 'Level whatever' of the dungeon is no great 
feat. True, his/her points are reset to zero; but, 
with no High Scores record, why should anyone 

As might be anticipated, being virtually 
immortal and supplied with inexhaustible 
supplies of ammunition (hammers, arrows, 
etc.), does tend to 'wash out' the alleged special 
attributes of your heros. Indeed, "Gauntlet", 
itself, is a wash-out. Somehow, we got to Level 
25 before falling victim to the only really 
dangerous 'monster' in the whole dungeon: 

Fast Frames, Updates, etc. 

Softswitch Replies 

Responding to the June review of Roger 
Wagner Publishing's "SoftSwitch", both Roger 
Wagner and Ken Kashmarek (the author) have 
zeroed-in on my comment to the effect that 
saving 133K seems like overkill for 64K or 
smaller programs. Roger Wagner notes: "The 
main reason we always save 133K chunks in 
saving programs is to reduce not only the 
amount of potential confusion to the user, but 
also the likelihood that his program would crash 
if he were to ask to save an incorrect memory 

Ken Kashmarek comments: "If SoftSwitch 
was to be successful, there is every compelling 
reason to switch the entire 128K. There were 
too many failures when this was not done. We 
cannot accurately determine, under all 
circumstances, what memory in bank 1 was or 
was not being used. Most users don't know, so 
they could not make the correct selection. The 
memory options you suggested were all tried 
and discarded as prone to failure." 

' 'While you felt we were saving too much 
memory, some SoftSwitch critics felt we were 
not saving enough. The 133K includes 5K of 
IIGS Desk Manager saved areas that belong to 
the running application. We did not include the 
shadowed hires, double hires, and super hires 
areas (a whopping extra 48K)." 


COMPU'nST #60 


As to my questioning of the decision not 
to switch ProDOS 16 programs, Ken observes: 
"Of the commercial applications available, 
none stay within 512K. Even code from Apple 
Computer cannot load in a bare bones 256K 
anymore .... Thus, for the expanded memory 
card within the budget of most IIGS owners 
(one megabyte size), it is not possible to switch 
one ProDOS 16 application." 

Defending the Crown 

In Cinemaware's new ad venture/ wargame, 
"Defender of the Crown", crunching the 
opposition takes a lot of practice. You can take 
it on the chin for however many sessions it takes 
to 'learn the ropes'; OR you can employ a touch 
of Realtime Situation Control to make those 
'practice games' into victories! 

As usual, the "Visit Monitor" CD A (or 
some equivalent) must be installed before 
booting the game. During play, press CMD- 
CTRL-ESC to call up the CDA menu, select 
"Visit Monitor", and enter O3/BC00.BC2F 
(RETURN) to view the main status bytes for 
you and your five rivals (arranged in six-byte 
sets). Whether "Wolfric the Wild" or some 
other Saxon, your parms are always first in each 
($03/BC0F), JOUSTING ($03/BC15), 

For long play, with plenty of opportunity 
to practice jousting, sieges, and sword fighting, 
all you really need is a big army. This you 
obtain by juicing-up your treasury (e.g. 
$03/BC2D: FO). Of course, you will certainly 
want to try your hand at raids and fair maiden 
rescues(!); so, just boost your sword fighting 
skill (e.g. $O3/BC0B: IF). Thusly imbued with 
truth, justice, and raw power, you are ready 
to hone your technique AND to guarantee that 
the Crown of England doesn't fall into the 
wrong hands! 

Bootable Backups 

Regarding Brian Troha's fine "Multiscribe 
3.0 Ilgs" exposition (COMPUTIST #56): why 
not just $0F6: 82 47 OO (in block $538) and 
hop over everything? 

i; ^ i: a VOTE!!! i^ ^ ^ ^ 

To celebrate the '88 elections, it seems only 
proper to stage an Official Computist 'Best New 
Stuff vote. Sections are 1. Best Game, 2. Best 
Adventure, 3. Best Sports Simulation, 4. Best 
'Productivity' Package (e.g. painters, word 
processors, etc.), 5. Best Utility (e.g. copiers, 
DOS enhancers, etc.), 6. Best Music Package, 
7. Best Miscellaneous (i.e. whatever). 

Rules: To qualify, a 'candidate' must be 
a 1987 or 1988 release for the Apple lie or Ilgs. 
You may vote in any or all sections. You may 
list up to three products per section. Each list 

should be headed by the section name followed 
by titles in order of preference, (i.e. First 
listed= "1st Place", etc..) A product may be 
listed in more than one section, if it fits. Be sure 
and note version (He or Ilgs), if it matters. Feel 
free to jot down any comments; but try to keep 
everything, ballot plus comments, to no more 
than two sheets. 

Each voter gets just one ballot. However, 
up to four voters may send their ballots in a 
single envelope, as long as each ballot is signed. 
Ballots should be sent to me at 7814 Santa 
Elena, Houston, Texas 77061. The deadline is 
November 30, 1988. The results should be in 
print by the January issue. 

Don't miss this chance to support the 
products YOU like. VOTE '88!!! 


Beagle Bros.: 6215 Serris Square, Suite 100, 
San Diego, CA 92121 (800-345- 1750, in 
California call 800-992-4022) 
Cinamaware: 4165 Thousand Oaks Blvd., 
West Lake Village, CA 91362 (805- 

Mindscape: 3444 Dundee Road, Northbrook, 
IL 60O62 (312-480-7667) 

Michael J. Paris 

Low cost alternate Languages 

I suspect that there are a number of people 
who are interested in learning new computer 
languages but who can't justify the cost of the 
high priced packages. I wish that I had known 
about the sources available when I first started 
exploring new languages. 

Here is an sample of what can be obtained 
for a reasonable sum (under $50) and what 
source(s) can be used. 

FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal, Forth, C, 
and BASIC are all languages that are well 
known and are fairly common. Furthermore, 
most of them are popular on microcomputers. 
Even though FORTRAN and COBOL are more 
often thought of as belonging on mainframes, 
they are also available for many small 
computers, including Apples. 

There is a problem, however. How can 
someone who is interested in learning one or 
several new languages develop a feel for them 
without mortgaging the old homestead to 
purchase the latest and greatest version of each 
one? It is not unusual for the price of a language 
system to be several hundred dollars. 

It doesn't seem to be well known, but there 
are a number of sources of low cost languages 

and even though they may not all be full- 
featured, they can easily provide a good taste 
of the essence of the language. In fact, some 
of the low cost versions are (or claim to be) 
complete sets or even supersets of the standard 
language. Some, of course, are only subsets. 
Even so, they can provide enough of a base in 
the language for a budding programmer to 
decide whether it is worth the additional money 
required to move up to a full implementation. 
Quite a few of the versions available will 
only run under either MS-DOS or CP/M. Since 
the only way that I am aware of for running 
MS-DOS programs on an Apple is with a 
$500 -(- Applied Engineering Transporter 
setup, I am going to concentrate on the CP/M 

There are a variety of sources for CP/M 
cards. I bought mine from a discounter who sold 
the Applied Engineering Z-80 Plus which 
comes with its own operating system (a CP/M 
work-alike called CP/AM). I have seen ads for 
it recently for around $10O. That is the largest 
single expenditure required. The language 
systems are all much less expensive. 

If you already have a Gold Card or a PCPI 
card or any of the other CP/M adaptors for your 
Apple then you will not need to worry about 
obtaining either the hardware or (probably) the 
system software since you have some kind of 
workable setup right now. If you are lucky, 
your system includes the CP/M utilities like 
PIP, DDT, ASM, and several other handy 
(though not absolutely necessary) files. 

It is also possible to get CP/M cards for 
under $40. The main problem with these is that 
they rarely come with an operating system. 
There are some public domain CP/M-type 
systems around but you will need a friend who 
has a running system to get yours up and going. 
CP/M is very different from either DOS 
3.3 or ProDOS. On the other hand, if you have 
any experience with MS-DOS you will find that 
the conversion is pretty simple. MS-DOS was 
a take-off of sorts on CP/M. Your best bet is 
to get a few good reference books at your local 
bookstore because the documentation that 
comes with the CP/AM system is rather sparse. 
Some other systems may be better documented 
so it may pay to wait until you know for sure 
what your system is like before you get too 
many books. On the other hand, a couple of 
good references (such as CP/M Bible by Waite 
and Angermeyer) might be a sound investment 
in any case. 

There are some additional things that you 
may want to include that will make things 
considerably easier even though they are not 
required. A 64K machine seems to be sufficient 
for most, if not all, of the languages I have 
found. For the sake of convenience you may 
want to have some extended memory. Even the 
64K that you find on your eighty-column card 
if you have an Apple He will be helpful when 




used as a RAM drive. I prefer to transfer most 
or even all of the files that I am going to be 
working with onto a RAM drive and do all the 
editing, compiling, and linking from there. It 
saves wear and tear on the disk drives and 
speeds everything up by a marked amount. 

I like to use a 3 '/2 " drive for most of my 
work because it stores things more quickly and 
I can put all the related files on the same disk. 
The newer CP/AM system allows its use and 
I can keep an entire language system together. 

Now to the languages. The ones that I have 
found that run under CP/M are Nevada 
FORTRAN and Nevada COBOL from Ellis 
Computing (5655 Riggins Court, Suite lO, 
Reno, Nevada 89502). C from MIX Software 
(1132 Commerce Drive, Richardson, Texas 
75081). Turbo Pascal from Borland 
International (call 1 -800-255-8008 for orders 
or the dealer nearest you). 

There also a number of others available that 
I have not had a chance to work with. For 
example, Ellis publishes a version of Pascal, 
a version of PILOT and a version of BASIC 
along with an editing system. All of these run 
under CP/M as do a variety of public domain 
languages such as ACTOR, BASIC-E, PILOT, 
FELIX, and others too numerous to list. 

Nevada FORTRAN v.3 is a subset of 
FORTRAN IV. It sells for about $40 and 
comes with a manual of which roughly 170 
pages are devoted to the language and the way 
it is implemented under CP/M. An additional 
50 pages (approx.) cover the assembler module 
and use thereof. This version of an 808O/Z-8O 
assembler is included with the FORTRAN 
package. No tutorial is supplied although there 
are several example programs listed for both 
the FORTRAN section and the assembler 
section. If you want to learn FORTRAN with 
this package you would do well to get at least 
one good textbook/tutorial for the language. 
This version includes several extensions to the 
ANSI standard and also omits several ANSI 
standard components such as double precision 
and EQUIVALENCE statements. 

Naturally, you do not expect full 
mainframe capability on a 64K system. On the 
other hand, this package provides a great deal 
of power for the money and when you master 
the system you will not need much additional 
work to feel at home with a lull implementation. 
That, after all, is the reason for getting a $4© 
system instead of a $400 system that requires 
more memory than you can shake a stick at. 

The assembler module can be used to 
assemble some of the source files found in the 
public domain programs that abound. Be careful 
though, some assemblers that operate under 
CP/M require slightly different formats and you 
may find that a file needs to be edited before 
it will assemble correctly. This is not a problem 
that is confined solely to Z-80 and related 
systems. It is also true for 6502 assemblers. 

Try assembling an S-C assembler source file 
with the Merlin assembler and you will see what 
I mean. The situation is not necessarily bad, you 
just need to be aware that different 
programmers have different priorities and 
therefore will produce assemblers that handle 
source files in a different manner than others. 

Nevada COBOL is similar to Nevada 
FORTRAN in a way. It sold for about $40 but 
unfortunately has been discontinued. It may be 
possible to obtain it from a vendor who still has 
it in stock or a used software dealer. It appears 
to me to be a subset of COBOL 74. The 170 
page (approx.) manual contains a brief 
introduction to the language, a short primer, and 
several example programs. Once again, you 
will be best off if you get a good 
textbook/tutorial to use wifli this version. Quite 
a number of commands are not available but 
can usually be worked around without too much 
trouble. COBOL is a verbose language and it 
is not surprising that something had to be left 
out to make it fit into a microcomputer. 
Nonetheless, the compromises that had to be 
made seem to be well chosen and, for the price, 
you will be getting a lot of useftil experience 
with the language. 

Ellis publishes a book of applications 
programs for their version of COBOL; it is 
about 75 pages long and contains four packages 
for budgeting, personal finance reporting, 
labeling, and a PRECOBOL processor. 

If you are going to use the Ellis packages, 
you will want a text editor of some kind. Ellis 
sells an EDIT program that is considerably 
better than the primitive editing programs that 
come with the CP/M system (ED or TED). 
There are other editors that I prefer, but this 
one is not at all bad, and there are several very 
desirable features. 

Turbo Pascal. When it comes to Pascal, 
everyone has heard the name of Turbo Pascal. 
It is a very good, fast, forgiving system. I don't 
suppose that it is the very best that there is, but 
for the money (or even a lot more) it can't be 
touched. It frequently sells at discount for less 
than $40 although the latest prices that I have 
seen are slightly higher. It comes with a 375 
page reference manual (some of which is given 
over to IBM-specific commands) that covers the 
Turbo system (including the editor), the Pascal 
implementation (with numerous examples), 
CP/M information, differences between Turbo 
and UCSD Pascal, and several appendices 
covering such topics as installation for specific 
hardware systems, compiler directives, errors, 
and so forth. 

The editor that comes with the Turbo 
Pascal system is good enough to use for a lot 
of things, not just writing Pascal programs. I 
have used it instead of the Ellis editor for 
FORTRAN and COBOL. It is Wordstar based 
so if you are familiar with that command 
structure you will feel right at home. If you 

don't like the key mapping, you can change it 
to whatever you want. I left it just about the 
way it came except for mapping in the arrow 
keys. Since Wordstar and Turbo both use the 
Ctrl-K as a prefix key and that is the up-arrow 
in the Apple, I made some simple changes in 
the installation so that the up-arrow would work 
as expected, moving the cursor up instead of 
putting me in a command mode. 

C. If you want to learn C, I really doubt 
if there is a bargain to match the package 
availiable from MIX. For under $40 you get 
the language, linker, and compiler system; the 
split-screen editor system; and the ASM 
package. If you are buying the system to use 
on an MS-DOS machine or with the 
Transporter, you also get C-trace, a source code 
debugger. Unfortunately, C-trace does not work 
with CP/M. Even so, the deal is unbeatable. 
The system comes with a 430 page manual 
which includes a tutorial along with the 
reference section. It claims to be a full featured, 
standard implementation of the Kemighan & 
Ritchie C compiler suitable for development 
systems used by beginning to intermediate-level 
programmers and I have no reason to doubt that 
this is so. There are a few extensions to the 
standard and only one restriction. 

You can't possibly go wrong with this 
system. There is even a money back guarantee. 
The editor is so good that I use it for all the 
programs that I write under CP/M. It has even 
more features than the Turbo system and also 
follows the Wordstar protocol. In fact the whole 
package would be worth the price for the editor 
alone. While there are probably other editors 
that can do more or even do it more easily, I 
would be amazed if you could find one at this 
price and then have a fine C system thrown in 
too. This system was voted a Best Buy by 
Computer Shopper magazine and with good 
reason. It would be worth buying a CP/M card 
just so you could run it. 

What about languages that don't require 
CP/M to run? There are several in the low cost 
range that are available. Along with several 
versions of BASIC there is Forth. 

Forth is a strange language, at least it is 
to me. Nonetheless, it is very interesting and 
very powerfiil. Best of all, it is practically free. 
A version called FIG-Forth is available from 
several public domain sources. I bought mine 
from the Big Red Apple Club (BRAC) (423 
Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701) for the 
cost of the disks ($3.50 each). It is written to 
run under or froin Integer BASIC. I don't know 
how it does that, but that is where you start — 
right from the ">" prompt you call up the 
screens that Forth is built with. 

FIG-Forth comes on a pair of disks with 
all the documentation contained on the disk. It 
is pretty sparse information though. As before, 
I recommend getting a good textbook/tutorial 
before tackling too much. 




BASIC. As far as dialects of BASIC are 
concerned, there are a whole host of them 
running from some of the public domain 
versions such as those available under CP/M 
to the ones that sell for a fortune. Of the 
versions that can be obtained for reasonable 
cost, those from John Blankenship (DOS 3.3 
or ProDOS) are useful. They provide named 
subroutines, mixed high-resolution text and 
graphics, and easily structured programs. The 
cost has been about $25 for either version or 
about $40 for both. 

Sometimes Z-BASIC can be purchased for 
about $50, a little above the range that I have 
been considering here but a BASIC that has 
received good reviews. 

Several versions of BASIC exist that I 
would like to try out. Applesoft just doesn't 
have all the neat things built into it that I want 
and trying to attach everything using the 
ampersand hook eats up memory like crazy, not 
to mention blowing the portability. Of course, 
I can always dedicate an entire disk to a 
particular version, but that doesn't seem like 
a very good solution. On the other hand, with 
a different system or dialect, I run into the same 
problem anyway. So maybe it all comes out 
about the same in the end. 

There are other languages and versions of 
languages around that I don't know about which 
are in the price range I have limited this letter 
to. I am always looking for new horizons and 
I wish that companies like Borland would 
continue to publish their languages in CP/M 
compatible formats. I would love to get my 
hands on Prolog. I have seen RPG advertised 
but I have no idea what the price is. I expect 
that it is far above what I am willing to pay but 
maybe I would be pleasantly surprised. It is 
usually found only on mainframes and maybe 
some mini's. That is where I was first 
introduced to it. It is a fun language to work 
with and I wish I could get an Apple version. 

A final thought, you may want to transfer 
text files from one system to another for various 
reasons. If you do, you will want to get the 
Universal File Converter from Quality 
Software. It allows you to move text files 
between CP/M, DOS 3.3, ProDOS, and the 
Apple Pascal environment. 

For a minimum inital cost you can explore 
a host of new languages. If you enjoy mapping 
new territory, if you want to root around in the 
world of computer languages, or if you just 
want to keep your hand in with some of the 
languages you once learned and have nearly 
forgotten, now is the time to get started. 

Ryan Lanctot 

In COMPUTIST #58, I submitted a 
program called Infocom Decoder. 
Unfortunately, several errors cropped up 
which, I fear, were entirely my fault. Add or 

change the following lines: 
210 GOSUB 850: Rem... 
570 ...:GOSUB 1000 
580 ...: GOSUB 940 
Delete line 900 

Also, in the text reader modifications, there 
should be a colon after the POKE in line 390. 

To appologize and make up for this, I have 
a hint for readers: 

Playing Tips for... 

Captain Goodnight 


To get rid of the irritating "balloon", edit 
side #2. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$0E $09 $32 


Blaine C. Miskell 

Softkey for.. 

Deatii Sword 


A friend just recently purchased Death 
Sword by Epyx, and wanted to find a softkey 
that would work. We started looking at back 
issues of COMPUTIST figuring to find a 
previous softkey that would work. 

We came across the World Karate 
Championship softkey in COMPUTIST #50 
and noticed that the protection scheme was 

Starter Kit and checked track $0O, sector $0E, 
and found the bytes to be changed were 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. 

I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum and 
epilog errors and use COPYA to copy the disk. 
POKE 47426,24 

I 3 I Make the following sector edits to the 
copy you just made. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $0E $24 



I 4 I Write the sector back to disk. 

C2) Help wanted for: Auto-Duel by 
Broderbund. How do I load Auto- Duel onto a 
RAM card. I have a 512K RAM card by 
Applied Engineering and can get the program 
to load into RAM but the program will not 
recognize the RAM drives 1 & 2. The Auto- 
Duel disk has already been changed using the 
softkey from COMPUTIST #36. 

Jim Bancroft 

f Softkey for.. 

Science Tool Kit 


COMPUTIST #46 contained the first 
softkey for Science Tool Kit from Broderbund. 
COMPUTIST #49 had a description of a 
version which used a different distribution of 
data in its boot. Apparently the distribution 
described in COMPUTIST #49 is the current 
distribution in use by Broderbund, but the 
author missed something about it. He says that 
there are still six (6) pages of data in 4&4 
encoding on track $01 but there are only two 
(2) pages of data there (pages $10 and $1 1 of 

What this means is that the current version 
will be even easier to softkey. 

I 1 I Follow steps 1 and 2 of the 
COMPUTIST #49 softkey (or use an NMI card) 
to capture and modify the track $01 code. Then 
in step 3 use an L$200 not $600 as listed. 
This will give you the needed code from track 
$01, and you will not have unnecessary code 
to deposit onto your copy disk. 

I 2 I Use Super lOB with a modification of 
the controller in COMPUTIST #49. Change 
line 1020 to read <9 rather than <15. Then 
insert: 1040GOSUB430 : GOSUB100 : ST=ST+1 : IF 
ST<1 1 THEN 1040. Be sure you initialize the blank 
as volume #1. 

Even if you found the "bug" correcting 
1O40 in an issue after COMPUTIST #49, use 
the line 1040 1 have listed above since it is not 
necessary to have any code whatsoever written 
to sectors $0B through $OE. 

You now have a normalized disk which 
needs sector editing in order to read itself (while 
still being able to read the Tool Kits accessory 
modules) and to disable its nibble counting of 
track $01 . The Zap editor of Bag of Tricks 2 
or Tricky Dick of the CIA have the best search 

I 4 I Force the loading of memory pages 
$1© & $1 1 of the two aditional sectors of code 
which we captured from track $01 . We are not 
loading physical sector $OE (logical sector $08) 
because it is only read while initializing data 




disks and it will be read into memory when you 
carry out that function later. If you want to 
personalize data disks, sector edit the text of 
sector $08 on your copy. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


Trk Set Byte(s) 



$00 $00 $62-65 

FF 0E 0C 0A 


nibble count 


1 5 1 Kill the 

Trk Set Byte(s) 

during boot. 


$00 $09 $08-0A 

20 0011 


I 6 I Search the disk for the string SB D0 A4 
18 60. Change the A4 to 00 so that the disk can 
read its new normal epilog (AA) while still being 
able to read BB epilogs on accesory modules 
which may not yet be deprotected. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $06 $6C-70 BB D0 A4 18 60 BB D0 00 18 60 
$08 $08 $6C-70 BB D0 A4 18 60 BB D0 00 18 60 

We will not kill the code at $946 in memory 
by editing memory or by editing byte $46 on 
track $00, sector $01 . This is the original code 
for the boot-up read of track $01. This code 
is apparendy harmless, so let sleeping dogs lie. 
Our new disk format is unreadable by that code 
anyway. The boot continues on its way and 
jumps to $1000 in memory just like it should. 

I 7 I At this point your disk would work the 
same as one from COMPUTIST #46 or 
COMPUTIST #49 would have. It is actuaUy a 
little better because this can read either nortnal 
or protected epilogs (AA or BB.) What both 
authors missed though was that the softkeyed 
disk could not write to itself. So, you could not 
change the working setup and save it. Finally, 
I have found out why. 

Search for the string A9 BB 8D 9B 99 which 
changes the write epilog to BB for writing in 
program disk format. Change the BB to AA 
because you changed the program disk format 
to normal. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$04 $0B $06 
$0C $02 $56 


I 8 I On track $OC, sector $08 at byte $57 
is a nasty piece of code (A9 BB 20 B8 98). 

Purpose: Change the second data write 
prologue byte to BB if the user tries to write with 
normal epilogs onto a program disk. 

Net effect: You will destroy track $00 
sector $02 of your softkeyed program disk, thus 
making boot-up impossible. 

This code's only purpose was to destroy 
normalized disks whenever this subroutine is 
called. Change the BB to AA and it will neutralize 
this deadly little mole. 

$0C $08 $58 


I 9 I Now the disk works great. But let's 
speed-up the boot by eliminating the delays 
which leave us admiring the credits. Search for 
the string 2C 10 C0 38 A9 96 . Put 60 in place of the 
2C and the delay is gone. It boots like lightning. 
Do a comparison boot with the original. The 
difference is fantastic. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $0A $69 



There are still two routines on the disk 
which are code to do a read of Track $01 . They 
are recognized by the BD 8C C0 followed by C9 
D4 or C9 E7. They seem to be uncalled routines, 
or perhaps we neutralized their caller or the 
location ttiat they return their values to. On my 
disk, they are sitting on track $08, sector $05 
at byte $9B and track $0C, sector $03 at byte 
$84 just waiting to do nasty things to me some 
day. For that reason I am keeping this disk 
write-protected whenever possible. Once they 
try to show-off their bad habits I can kill them. 

For the life of me I can not understand why 
Broderbund went to such lengths to protect a 
disk which is totally useless without the 
interface which comes with the program. I 
guess it prevents purchasing a "replacement" 
interface by someone who hasn't purchased the 
program or purchasing "replacements" for all 
your friends, but an exchange procedure would 
have been much more friendly. When you take 
your one and only original into a chemistry lab 
and pull it out of tfie drive to put in another disk, 
you will lose it in the first chemical spill. For 
that reason I have been advising people not to 
buy this program; since, there are oflier more 
friendly data aquisition packages around such 
as those from HRM or the Vernier Series. 

Hopefully this addition to the 
softkeys will make the Science Toolkit more 
usable by other teachers. 

Stanley Planton 

Another copy-protection 
scheme for DOS 3.3 

■ Requirements 

n DOS 3.3 System Master 

n DOS Boss (suggested) 


n Sector editor (COPY n Plus or equivalent) 

D Disk drive with variable speed 

D Locksmith 6.0 (suggested) 

Some of the major goals of copy protection 
are: to prevent the easy copying of an entire 
disk, to prevent the transfer of files to other 
disks, and to prevent the user from frnding out 
what's going on or to lead him astray. We can 
fairly easily meet most of these goals by a 
combination of programming and misdirection, 
in the assumption that most non-hackers won't 
be able to easily defeat our methods. 

The following is an example of how we can 
move the disk's catalog track to track $23, and 
mess around with the disk's formatting and 
DOS's internal instructions enough to meet the 
above goals. Most of these methods were 
obtained by "reverse engineering" copy 
protection methods used by commercial 
publishers; I kept on wondering "how did they 
do THAT?" and trying different techniques 
from COMPUTIST until I could replicate the 

In the following we will make gradual 
changes to a "source" disk, then copy this disk 
to a bulk erased blank or a brand new 
unformatted disk, using EDD IV to write out 
a non-standard format to this "target" disk. I 
am presenting steps to follow in a fairly 
arbitrary order: some operations could be 
combined, or your own additions, 
embellishments, and modifications substituted. 
The reason for using a magnetically wiped disk 
is that we probably won't want to copy unused 
tracks, and the presence of unreadable and 
unverifiable magnetic "garbage" on a few 
tracks of the copy will drive some non-hackers 
to distraction as they try to copy the disk! 

I 1 I Boot your "System Master" disk. 
Enter your program to protect. 

I 2 I Using Phil Goetz' technique from 
COMPUTIST #30, modify DOS for an added 






I 3 I Insert a blank disk in the drive and 
initialize it. Label this disk "Source". The 
result of this operation will be to produce a disk 
with a normal catalog track $1 1 (17), but with 
an added track $23 (35). 


or whatever 

I 4 I Boot the disk you just INIT'ed. 
Everything OK so far? 

I 5 I Let's get rid of the ability to 
CATALOG the disk from its DOS. 

POKE 42350,76 
POKE 42351,0 
POKE 42352,198 
POKE 42353,170 




Another useful approach is to use DOS 
BOSS to rename and/or reroute DOS 
commands and error statements. I've been fond 
of renaming CATALOG "DOGALOG". You 
might also try rerouting many commands to the 
INIT handler. If you make changes with DOS 
BOSS or any similar program, the preceding 
edits will be nullified, however, so be careful. 

I 6 I At this point, let's instruct DOS to 
accept either a 04 AA 95 pattern or the standard 
D5 AA 95 pattern in its address header. With the 
source disk in the drive, enter: 


B954:4A C9 6A DO EF 


INIT HELLO or whatever 

Remember, if you RESET out of your 
program and CATALOG, the disk will 
reboot. . . We'll use these DOS instructions later 
as we change address headers on the disk. 

I 7 I Now let's move the catalog track out 
to the new track $23 (35). (To complete this 
action, you'll need an abilty to read sectors on 
track $11 (17) and to write each sector out to 
track $23 (35) with modifications.) 

POKE 44033,35 

The first sector of the catalog track should 
now reside on Track $23 (35), sector $00. You 
should check this with a sector editor. 

I 8 I Now we want to move the rest of the 
old catalog track $11(17) out to track $23 (35) 
to follow sector $00, and make appropriate 
changes so that the catalog track will work 
correcfly in its new location. Use a sector editor 
(Copy II Plus v6.0 or higher works well) to 
READ sector $0F of track $11. Note the data 
present at bytes $01 and $02 of this sector: 11 
0E. Change the 11 to a 23, and write the changed 
sector to track $23, sector $0F. Do not write 
it back to track $11. 

The 0E value in byte $02 of sector $OFmo5f 
remain the same if you want your catalog track 
to work right: sector $0F refers DOS to sector 
$OE, sector $0E refers to $0D, etc. Each 
sector of the catalog track refers to the next 
lower sector on the track. 

Confinue for the other sectors of track $11; 
READ them from track $11, change the track 
number to a 23 , and WRITE them to track $23 . 
In each sector, the value of byte $01 will 
become 23, followed by the number of the next 
sector of catalog data, so they'll read 23 0E, 23 
0D, 23 0C, and so forth, when you're done. It is 
theoretically possible to reroute the catalog track 
to different tracks and sectors on the disk; if 
you feel REALLY creative, some 
experimentation might be called for. In this 
example, let's stick to track $23 (35). 

44033,17 to restore DOS' ability to read files 
from a normal disk, load the file(s), POKE 
44033,35 to return DOS' attention to track $23 
and SAVE the files as normal. If you used DOS 
BOSS to lobotomize SAVE and BSAVE, you 
might be regretting it. 

I 10 I Assuming that you have no further 
need for a RESET function on this disk, use 
your sector editor to read track $00 sector 
$0D. If the DOS you are using is a normal DOS 
3.3, start with byte $50. You should see a 
pattern of bytes that reads something like this; 
a different value). Change the sequence to read; 
50 4C 00 C5 4C 84 ID instead and write the change 
back to the sector. This will reroute the RESET 
handler to $C600, the address of the disk 
controller card, forcing a reboot if someone 
presses RESET. 

The 4C 00 C5 that you substituted for the BF 
ID pattern tells DOS to always jump to the disk 
controller on a RESET. 

I 9 I Now, how do you transfer new files 
to the disk? You can boot this disk, POKE 

piFI Dig out COMPUTIST #51 (January 
'88), and follow my instructions using EDD IV 
to copy the disk you just produced to a very 
slow drive (290-295 rpm). Copy only tracks 
that are used for your programs or for DOS and 
the new catalog track $23 (35). Change address 
headers on every other track to D4 A A 95. 
Assuming that track $11 (17) now serves no 
useful purpose, either don't copy it, or copy a 
catalog track from some OTHER disk to your 
target disk. (We don't want to make things easy, 
do we?). 

When finished, you might want to 
CERTIFY unused tracks using EDD IV or 
Locksmith 6.0, or use Locksmith to FORMAT 
half-tracks in an unused area of the disk. For 
example, if tracks $03 (3) through $10 (16) 
aren't in use, you can probably format tracks 
$3.5 through $OF.5 (15.5), as long as you stay 
more than 'A track away from all used tracks. 
The reason for this is that the wide read-write 
head on the drive tends to "bleed" data into 
adjoining areas as it writes to the disk. The 
minimum safe distance is 3/4 track separation 
between a "half-track" and the nearest 
"whole" track. 

These efforts will keep many "expert 
copiers" out of mischief for a while as they try 
to replicate "nibble count tracks" and 
"synchronized halftracks" that serve no other 
purpose. If you feel really creative, you might 
use a sector editor to embed "helpful hints" 
or other snide remarks in some of these half- 
tracked areas, or use Locksmith 6.0 or EDD 
IV to write comments for would-be copiers into 
sync gaps or onto any certified tracks. Since 
a certified track looks like a "nibble count" 
track, having one of these is a good deceptive 

The end result of this should be a disk that 
is fairly hard to copy with a bit copier, and one 

which should resist file copying, as well. The 
presence of areas of "garbage" on the disk 
works fairly well to simulate nibble count 
tracks, and addition of a few "half-tracks" in 
an otherwise unused area of the disk can drive 
many sophisticated disk copiers to despair as 
they try and retry to copy these correctly. If the 
whole disk is produced at an exceptionally slow 
speed, it will be almost impossible to replicate 
on a drive that is spinning at 300 rpm. 

Of course, this is only one approach to copy 
protection; I am sure that many COMPUTIST 
readers can improve on these techniques! How 
about it? Can someone show me how to PUT 
a nibble count on a disk? 

Gary Verbuch 

Softkey for... 

Garfield Deluxe Edition 


■ Requirements 

n Sector Editor 
n Blank Disk 

About three months ago I was asked by a 
friend to make a copy of Garfield for him. 
Apparently he tried quite a few of the popular 
bit copiers with no results. 

The first thing I did was use a nibble editor 
to check for format alterations. Since the disk 
uses a normal 3.3 format I then made a copy 
with COPY A to avoid using an original. 

Since the DOS is a normal format I scanned 
the disk for any unusual disk reads or calls to 
the RWTS. Seems that approach won't work, 
nothing showed up from a disk scan so the disk 
read has to be self modifying code. 

When I booted the copy a screen displaying 
appeared. Since the disk check appeared to be 
quite some time after booting I decided against 
a boot code trace. 

By the way, the DOS used by Garfield 
Deluxe Edition is ProntoDOS, and if you don't 
already have a copy of this fast DOS I 
recommend using it as a replacement for 3.3. 

Getting back to Garfield, as s oon as the 
prompt appeared during a boot I hit iQRESETl 
to try cataloging the disk. Fortunately, all of 
the DOS commands were not tampered with 
and I was able to load the Hello program. The 
Hello program sets Maxfiles to 1 and proceeds 
dissasembling both files I found no offensive 
code in either. It's time for a process of 
elimination. The first file after START and 
MENU is LO so thats where I proceeded. L0 
loads at $60O0 and seems to have quite a bit 
of garbaged code. I don't own an NMI card so 




interupting a file during a run seemed futile. 
The first thing LO does is JMP to $6EE9 so 
I followed the code from that point hoping to 
find a way to circumvent the disk error screen. 
The process from this point took almost an hour 
and I never did find the actual disk read. 
Fortunately, NOPing a JSR to $6FF2 bypassed 
the disk check and produced a working copy. 
I stepped thru all the menus of Garfield and 
found everything to work properly. The 
protection is only on the boot side of Garfield. 
Follow these steps to deprotect Garfield 
(Deluxe Edition only). 

I 1 I Make a copy of the original with any 

I 2 I Using a sector editor, scan the disk for 
20 F2 6F. NOP these bytes and write the sector 
back to disk. Put away the original. 

Trk Set Byte(s) 



$15 $0E $FB-FD 

20 F2 6F 


Softkey for... 



■ Requirements 

D Sector Editor 
D Blank Disk 

Pegasus is a fairly good hydrofoil 
simulation. To deprotect this ware, use any 
sector editor and change the following: 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$01 $06 $08 
$0E $07 $75 


22 0121 



Make sure you write these changes to disk. 

Softkey for... 

Dome Bookkeeping 

Great American Software 

■ Requirements 

n Blank Disk 

In COMPUTIST #57 there is a softkey for 
Dome Bookkeeping using Super lOB. Mr. 
Shireman mentions some protection on his copy 
other than alternating address prologs (05 AA96 
and D4 AA 96). The three copies I've come across 
had no other protection than format alterations. 
I'm including this softkey for the readers who 
do not have Super lOB. Concerning the 
problem with changing the year after it was 
saved to disk, make another copy of the 

m Boot a DOS 3.3 disk and use COPYA 
to copy the disk. 

ignore read & checbum errors 
ignore the address prolog 


POKE 47426,24 

POKE 47444,41 



Ihjt the original away. 

Formatting Extra Tracks 

I was asked recently how to format a DOS 
3.3 disk with 36 or more tracks. All of the apple 
drives I've tested have no problems with 
formatting and using track 36. There are some 
high quality drives capable of formatting up to 
50 tracks (half and quarter tracks not included). 

Although there are quite a few methods to 
add an extra track I'll include the simplest. This 
patch will work for up to 50 tracks. 


I 1 I Boot a DOS 3.3 disk and enter the 
following POKES. 
POKE44725, T*4 
POKE46063, T 
POKE48894, T 

T reflects the amount of tracks you want. 
If you want 36 tracks then T*4 is simply 36*4. 
Now you can initialize the disk. The VTOC will 
reflect the additional track or tracks. 

Jack R. Nissel 

Softkey for.. 

Search And Rescue 

HRM Software 

■ Requirements 

D 1 blank initialized disk 

D Demuffin Plus 

D A way to reset into the monitor 

I 1 I INITialize a disk. 

I 2 I Boot the original Search And Rescue 
disk. When the Applesoft prompt appears reset 
into the monitor. 

I 3 I Move the RWTS to a safe place. 

I 4 I Put in your blank initialized disk. 

I 5 I Put in your Demuffin Plus disk. 




^JMCW^ 1 V ^fc:= 


If you hear a beep ignore it 

1 6 1 Put in your original disk and copy all 
of the files to your blank initialized disk. 

Softkey for... 

Social Studies Vol 1 

Sodai Studies Vol 2 


■ Requirements 

D I blank disk for each title. 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. 

I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum and 
epilog errors and use COPYA to copy the disk. 

POKE 47426,24 

That's it. 
Softkey for. . . 

Creating The Constitution 

Educational Activities 

■ Requirements 

n 1 blank disk. 


D A sector editor 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. 

I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum and 
epilog errors and use COPYA to copy the disk. 

POKE 47426,24 

I 3 I Make the following sector edit to the 
copy you just made. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$00 $03 $42 



Softkey for.. 

Road Rally U.S.A. 

Bantam Publishing 

■ Requirements 

D I blank disk. 


D A sector editor 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 system disk. 




I 2 I Tell DOS to ignore checksum and 
epilog errors and use COPYA to copy the disk. 
POKE 47426,24 

I 3 I Make the following sector edit to the 
copy you just made. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From To 

$00 $03 $42 




Kid Niki Radical Ninja 

Data East 

For unlimited men make the following 
sector edit to side 1. 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$08 $0B $34-36 CE4A08 


Change Appleworks Cursor 

This is from the August 1988 issue of 
AppleWorks Forum, which I recommend, 
(along with Open- Apple), to AppleWorks users. 
Here is how to change Appleworks inset cursor 
from the blinking underline to a blinking 

I 1 I Get into BASIC. (You can get into 
BASIC from any TimeOut disk or from the 
System Utilities Disk that came with your 

I 2 I Insert a copy of your AppleWorks 
Startup Disk in drive 2. 

POKE 11681,40 2DA1:40 


If you use UltraMacros, type APLWORKS 
.SYS instead of APLWORKS. SYSTEM. 

Paul D. Dillon 


Pool 1.5 

Innovative Design Software 

■ Requirements 

D Apple He or n series 

n Super lOB 

D DOS 3.3 System Master 

In Computist #50 Mr. Dennis Gaunt 
requested help with an old game called Pool 
1 .5. It is an excellent pool simulation game and 

would be a good "oldie" for some software 
company to revitalize. 

My copy of Pool 1.5 was in DOS 3.2, 13 
sector format. Trax, from Bag of Tricks, also 
showed altered data q)ilogues and an occasional 
altered address prologue. The data epUogues 
were D3 AA EF (normal DE AA EB). The last byte of 
the data epilogues changed continually through 
EA, FA, ED, etc. 

My first break with Pool 1.5 was 
COMPUTIST #47 with Mr. Mike Newliep's 
deprotection of Championship Golf. I ran his 
controller and the disk was deprotected and 
worked, however there was a problem with the 
ball action. They occasionally stuck together. 
As Mr. Gaunt says. Copy II Plus hi-res disk 
scan showed tracks 16 through ID and track 
22 to be garbage. I then took Copy n Plus (v 
8.3) and used the Manual Bit Copy option to 
copy tracks $00 through $15 and tracks $1E 
through $21. Although still copy protected, the 
disk copied and worked without the garbage 
tracks. This showed that these tracks are not 

Next, I followed the instructions on the 
COMPUTIST Starter Kit disk and captured the 
Pool 1.5 RWTS. I then used the Swap 
Controller from these same instructions and 
copied tracks $03-15 and $1E-21. The Swap 
Controller was also modified to copy 13 sector 
DOS 3.2 and to ignore errors. This I pulled out 
of the Super lOB article in COMPUTIST #32 
and Mr. Newliep's controller. The program 
then functioned properly and was deprotected. 
After booting the disk and receiving the DOS 
prompt, type ' 'BRUN HELLO' ' to start and run 
the program. 

I used Copy n Plus v5.5 (DOS 3.3 version) 
and copied Pronto DOS to the disk and this 
increased the speed of the boot process. Later 
versions (PRODOS Versions) of Copy Plus 
wouldn't access the dq>rotected disk to perform 
this function. 

Follow these steps to deprotect Pool 1.5 

I 1 I Boot your DOS 3.3 System master 
and make two slave disks. Delete the Hello file. 


I 2 I Now we need to capture the RWTS 
from fee Pool 1.5 disk. Boot the original and 
press IbmEtI after the DOS pro mpt appears. 
On my disk, I pressed IhesktI between the 
time that the prompt appears and before it leaves 
the screen. 

I 3 I Enter the monitor and move the 
RWTS to a safe place. 


I 4 I From the monitor, boot one of the 
slave disks and save the RWTS. Note: If you 
leave the name asRWTS.XXX, you don 'thave 

to change anything hi line 10010 in the 


BSAVE Rin8.]BX,A$1900,L$8M 

I 5 I Merge the Swap Controller with 
Super lOB and run it. Make sure the slave disk 
containing the captured RWTS is in Drive 1 
when you run the merged Super lOB. Put the 
other slave disk in drive 2 and follow the 
prompts and copy the original to this slave disk. 
Be sure and enter NO when Super lOB asks if 
you want to format before copying. Formatting 
here would destroy the DOS on the slave disk. 
While copying tracks $1E-21, the Apple makes 
a grinding noise as it resets to track $0O for 
each sector. It takes a little over 4 minutes to 
copy these tracks, and if it bothers you to hear 
these strange noises, this is a good time for a 
coffee break. 

Pool 1.5 should now be deprotected and 
able to function properly. Boot tfie disk and at 
the DOS prompt, enter: BRUN HELLO to run 
the program. 

I made the following changes to the Swap 
Controller listed in the COMPUTIST starter 

1 . Changing values for TK (starting track) 
and LT (last track) (These values must be in 
decimal format in the controller & LT needs 
to be one more than the last track that you want 
to copy; hex $21 = dec 33 so LT = 33.) 

2. Adding MB =130 (Maximum Buffer, 
should be changed to 13© only when a 13 sector 
disk is read or written.) 

3. ONERR GOTO 55© (Subroutine 55© 
in Super lOB ignores unreadable sectors & is 
usually Used with DOS 3.2.) 

4. DOS = 13 (DOS specifies the number of 
sectors to read and is initialized to 16, 1 needed 
it set for 13 sectors.) 

5. Changed line 1©50 and added line 1055 
in order to skip over the intervening tracks. 


1000 REM POOL 1.5 

1010 TK = 3:ST = 0:LT = 34:CD = WR:MB = 130:008 

= 13: ONERR GOTO 550 
1020 Tl = TK: GOSUB 360: GOSUB 490 
1030 GOSUB 430 : GOSUB 100 : ST = ST + 1 : I F ST < DOS 

THEN 1030 
1040 I FBF THEN 1060 

1050ST = 0:TK = TK + 1: IFTK = 22THENTK = 30 
1055 IF TK<LT THEN 1030 
1060 GOSUB 360 : GOSUB 490 : TK = Tl : ST = 
1070 GOSUB 430 : GOSUB 100 : ST = ST + 1 : I F ST < DOS 

THEN 1070 
1080ST = 0:TK = TK + 1: IFBF = 0ANOTK<LTTHEN 

1090 I FTK<LT THEN 1020 





1000 - $356B 

1010 - $5F96 

1020 - $5406 

1030 - $4207 

1040 - $FE1E 

1050 - $B57A 

1055 - $CC28 

060 - $DE8E 
070 - $D68B 
080 - $22C0 
090 - $EBAC 
100 - $8B29 
0010 - $746D 

Softkey for.. 

Solo Flight 

MicroProse Software 

■ Requirements 

D Apple He or II series 

D Sector Editor 

D Disk Copier that ignores errors 

n 1 blank disk 

Solo Flight is an excellent flight simulator 
game. You can see your aircraft on the screen 
as you fly in various states in assorted weather 
conditions or fly in a mail run game. It's a 
slower pace than the jet simulators and a lot 
easier to fly than Flight Simulator II. The letter 
in COMPUTIST #56 by the Overlord and 
Nimrod opened my eyes to another source of 
deprotection, Copy II Plus Parms. I strongly 
agree that anytime this is used, the source 
should be recognized. 

I had been trying to deprotect Solo Flight 
but had been unsuccessful. I did have a backup 
made from Copy II Plus (v 6.5). I looked at 
the parameters for Solo Flight in Copy II Plus 
(V 8.3) and only sector edits were used. I took 
my original and made a copy with Locksmith 
6.0 Fast Copy and then made the sector edits 
from the Copy II Plus parms using the Copy 
II Plus sector editor. The disk was then 
deprotected and functioned properly during use. 
There was also an alternate parm listed using 
only one sector edit, however this parm did not 
work with my copy. 

I 1 I Use Locksmith 6.0 Fast Copy or any 
copier that ignores errors and copy the original. 

I 2 I Use a sector editor and make the 
following sector edits: 

Trk Set Byte(s) From 


$00 $02 $2A 

$00 $03 $A4-A5 

38 86 27 8E AD 78 04 C9 0D 

78 06 BD BD C0 B0 13 C9 09 90 

BD 8E C0 30 7C 0F A5 2A C9 0D 

AD 00 BC 85 26 B0 09C9 09 90 

A9FF9DBFC0 05 AD 78 04 85 

1DBCC0 48 68 2AA5 2ACD78 

EA A0 04 04 60 

CD 78 04 20 2A B8 

The alternate sector edit that didn't work 

with my copy was to edit track $11, sector $09, 
byte $8B and change 8Bto 11. 

I would also like to make a brief comment 
regarding the Big Blue deprotections. I think 
one point that is being overlooked in many of 
the objections to the IBM RDEX is the 
continued existence of COMPUTIST. I am sure 
that software companies would love to see this 
publication fall by the wayside. We subscribers 
need to pull together and support anything that 
will increase the subscription base and help 
COMPUTIST. I am still quite inexperienced 
and learn something new from each issue. The 
by-products of deprotection are knowledge of 
machine language programming and good 
practical use of the logic thinking process. I am 
thankful that there are people willing to work 
as a volunteer staff and continue publishing one 
of the finest educational and practical computer 
magazines on the market. One softkey that I 
would like to see on the IBM RDEX page is 
one for the new version of Lotus 123. 

Softkey for. . . 

Troll Courseware: 
Maps & Globes ■ Latitude 

Troll Associates 

■ Requirements 

n Apple He or II series 
D DOS system master 
D 1 blank disk 

Maps & Globes - Latitude & Longitude is 
an educational series for young children. It 
introduces a child to global geography, 
including latitude and longitude. 

I have read in COMPUTIST that it is better 
to be lucky than smart. This was the case in 
this deprotection. All attempts to back up this 
disk using the normal modes with Copy II Plus 
(V 8.3), Locksmith 6.©, and EDD IV (v 4.8) 
failed. I then checked the disk with Trax from 
Bag of Tricks. Some tracks were readable and 
showed address epilogues changed from the 
normal DE AA to AF AF and also to other 
combinations such as AF AE and AF AD. A raw 
nibble dump of the unreadable tracks showed 
address headers changed from the normal D5 AA 
96 to D4 AA 96. Trax is an excellent utility in that 
it lists all headers and epilogues on a track and 
highlights abnormalities. It will also give you 
a raw nibble dump of an unreadable track, 
allowing you a visual check of this track also. 

After investigation of the disk with Trax, 
I then used COPY A from the DOS system 
master, telling COPYA to ignore the first byte 
of the address header and to ignore both bytes 
of the address epilogue. The disk copied and 
was totally deprotected by COPYA. Both disk 

1 and disk 2 can be copied in this manner. 

I 1 I Boot the DOS System Master and tell 
DOS to ignore the first byte of the address 
header and to ignore both bytes of the address 
epilogue, then run COPYA. 
CALL 151 Enter the monitor 

B954:29 00 Ignore first byte of address header 

B988:18 60 ignore both bytes of address epilogue 
3D0G go bad to BASIC prompt 


Your copy will then be totally deprotected. 

Merging Controllers with Super lOB 

When I first subscribed to Computist, I had 
problems merging controllers with Super lOB. 
The starter kit now alleviates that problem. 
However, If someone who is new to 
COMPUTIST wants a simple alternative, this 
is my method: 

Make a bootable DOS 3.3 disk and copy 
the following files to it. 


Write and save your controllers to this disk. 
To merge programs, boot the disk and: 


LOAD your. controller 

&H 'his holds your controller 


&M this merges the two programs 

RUN & follow the prompts 

Csaver is a program published in 
COMPUTIST #13. 1 did not see it listed on the 
catalog of the starter disk that I have. It may 
be on newer copies. The other programs are 
on the starter disk. To check your entries against 
the published checksums, ente r: BRUN 
CHECKSOFT, then press [*] IreTORNI . 
You can edit and save the controller to this same 

Dan Halfwit 

Before I begin, I wish to make one 
comment regarding SILENT SERVICE and 
F-15 STRIKE EAGLE. Everyone is going nuts 
trying to crack them, but did anyone ever try 
to copy them? It's so easy to make a 100% 
reliable copy of these games (and possibly other 
earlier releases from MicroProse) that it's a 
joke. And it works with ANY Apple Ile/IIc 
version. Simple fast copy tracks $©-$21 and 
quarter-track the last track, $22.25. For Copy 
II Plus users: 
T0-T21, Sector Copy 

and that's it. No mysterious mine fields or 
mutating ships. 




Softkey for.. 

Star Fleet I v2.1 

Interstel/Electronic Arts 

■ Requirements 

n Any fast copier 
n A blank disk 

Star Fleet I is a great game. It's sort of two 
games in one. One with iii-res graphics, or one 
in 8(Z)-column mode. And not even any copy- 
protection! (Then why am I writing this?) 

Good question. The answer is that, even 
though they are starting to trust us (the honest 
end user), they still haven't quite let it go all 
the way. There's a large manual (exactly 1O0 
pages long), and the game prompts the user to 
enter a word from the book at random. This 
is a big pain, and no real protection scheme. 
Perhaps they never heard of a photo-copier. Just 
something else to annoy us. 

Anyway, here is how we get around this 
little problem. There are a lot of ways to start, 
but I selected this one. It was a little tedious, 
but it worked. I scanned both sides of the disk 
for every occurrence of LDA $COOO. For 
those of us who think in hex, AD 00 C0. 1 found 
them in some very interesting places. So, 1 by 
1, 1 replaced them with a JMP $C60(Z). When 
it scanned the keyboard at a given point, it 
would reboot the disk instead, giving me a 
visual clue as to where I was in the program. 
Crude, but effective. Anyway, the next to the 
last one I tried was the correct one. After using 
Copy II Plus and the disk map option, we find 
this to be in a file called PARTI . After a while, 
we find that parts of the file are encrypted. Why 
am I not surprised? That's no problem however. 
PARTI loads at $4000. At the very beginning 
we see: 

4027 LDA #00 
4029 STA $9506 
402C JSR $539C 
402F CPX #01 
4031 BEQ $4036 (+03) 
4033 JMP $40FA 
4036 LDA #01 
4038 JSR $4318 

Password Screen 

Check Result 

Did ii pass? 

No, Insull the user. 

Slan the program 

I found out the above comments by loading 
the program and executing them by hand. At 
first, I NOP'ed the JMP $40FA. I just entered 
any password and proceeded. But I was still 
called a spy. So I NOP'ed the JSR $539C. Same 
problem. So what did I miss? Being blessed 
with a Ilgs, there is a built in memory search 
routine, "xx xx xx < start. end P" where xx 
are the bytes in question, and start and end are 
the range to look at. Don't forget the P. 

We find this jump at $4144 and $4278. 
NOP them and no more problems! (Imagine my 
surprise.) So it appears that if you enter the I 

password, it loads the X-register with a 1. I'd 
rather NOP the JMP's and be safe. I played a 
full game with no surprises. For the curious, 
there is a lot of space used by the encrypted 
junk. You could erase it and replace it with 


I 1 I Copy both sides onto a blank disk. 
I 2 I Boot the second side. (To load DOS.) 

loci to get a prompt 


CALL -151 enter monitor 

4033:EA EA EA 

4144:EA EA EA 

4278:EA EA EA 

402C:EA EA EA 

foci back to BASIC 




And you're done! Put a faster DOS on the 
disk or, at least, put normal DOS on the disk. 
Relax with a pizza and forget the manual. 



ABM Muse 

Agent U.S.A. Scholastic 

Airhearl Broderbwid 

Algebkster Davidson & Associates 

Algebra I hitelligent Tutor 

Alien Mind PBI 

Anhk Datamost 

Apple Super Pilot 1 

Ariificial Intelligence Scholastic 

Batmce of Power Mindscape 

Bandits Sirius Software 

Bank Street Filer Broderbund 

Bank Street School Filer Sunburst Communications 

Barron's Computer SAT .' 

Battlegroup SSI 

Battlewne Aiarisoft 

Brain Bank The Obser\wor\' 

Burgertime ? 

Captain Goodnight ? 

Caverns of Callisto Origin 

Certificate Library Vol. I ' 

Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer Electronic Arts 

Colossus TV Firebird 

Creature Venture Softsmith Co. 

Cross Clues Science Research 

Cross Country Mly Softsmith Co. 

David's Midnight Magic ? 

DB Master V4.0 Stoneware 

Deathlord Electronic Arts 

Epidemic S.SI. 

F-15 Strike Eagle Microprose 

Fay: The Masked Woman Didatech Software 

Fay's Word My Didatech Software 

Fortress S.SI. 

Fun Bunch Unicorn 

Galaxian Atarisoft 

Galactic Gladiators S.SI. 

Game Show Advanced Ideas 

Gemstone Heder SSI 

GradeBusters 1-2-3 Gradebusters 

Gutenburg Jr. Micromotion LTD 

Handicapping System Sports Judge 

Impossible Mission Ep\.\ 

Jigsaw Microftin 

Joust Atarisoft 

Killed until Dead Accolade 

Legacy of the Ancients Electronic Arts 

Little Computer Peaces House on a IMsk Aaivision 

Lollipop Dragon Society for Visual Ed 

Cursor Control Adventures 

Plotting & Programming Adventures 

Letter & Number Key Adventures 

Function Key Adventures 

Mapc Spells Tlie Learning Company 

Maxi Golf Thunder Mountain 

Micro League Baseball Micro-league Sports 

Microme HIS Scholastic 

Mr. Do Datasoft 

Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit Mindscape 

Ms. Pac-Man Atarisoft 

Never Ending Story Datasoft 

Odin Odesta 

On Balance Broderbund 

Peeping Tom Microlab 

Pensate Penguin 

Personal Finance Manager (PFM) Apple Computer 

PES File & Report Hgs Software Publishing Corp. 

Pirates Microprose Software 

Prime hotter Primesoft Corp. 

Principals Assistant Library Mindscape 

Print Master Vnision World 

Pro-Football Sports Judge 

Publisher Springboard 

Puzdes & Posters MECC 

Quiz Castle Didatech Software 

Rescue On Fractalis Epy.v 

Rttski Duck Softsmith Co. 

Scrabble Electronic Arts 

S.E.V.I.S. S.SI. 

Smart Eyes Addison Wesley 

Snaggle Broderbund 

Space Eggs Sirius 

Space Journey Mindscape 

Spare Change Broderbuitd 

Stellar 7 Penguin Software 

Stellar 7 Soft^vare Entertainment 

Success with Typing vl.2 Scholastic Software 

Super Factory Sunburst 

Think Tank Living Video 

Tower of Myraglen H (Hgs) ? 

Toy Shop Broderbund 




COMPUTIST back issues 

To order, Use the back issue order form on page 42 

IM* Features: •Bool lie Utilities on any 
compatible 'Help with Ultima V •Convert Printmaster graphics 
into Print Shop graphics 'The lnvincil)le Bard (ill) •The 
Deprotection Game •Patching ProDOS 1.1.1 •The Product 
Monitor •AppleWorks and the ImageWriter II ftSoftkeys: 
•APBA Major League Players Baseball •Better Worldng: 
Spreadsheet •Better Worl(ing: Word Processor •Beyond Pinball 
•BoulderDash Construction Kit •Calendar •Calendar Crafter 
•Callfomia Games •Championship Baseball •Clip Art Collection 
vol 1 'Cours Et Gagne v1 .0 •Dazzle Draw •Everbody's Planner 
•GATO v1.3 •GoldFlnger •Jumpman •King's Quest 
•Management Edge •Movie Monster Game •MultiScribe v3.0 
•Negotiation Edge •Nightmare Gallery 'Patchworks •Picture 
Phonks •Printographer •Reader's Treasure Chest •Real Math 
•Sea Strike •Shifty Sam •Simulation Construction Kit •Snoopy's 
Reading Machine 'Snoopy's Skywriter Scrambler •Snoopy to 
the Rescue •Songwriter •Spell It! •Stickybear Reading 
Comprehension •Super BoulderDash ^APTs: •Bard's Tale 
III •Super BoulderDash •Ultima V tt Playing Tips: •Alternate 
Reality •Auto Duel •Ultima V •Where in the World is Carmen 
Sandiego /MSoftkey: •Chartmaster v6.04 •Clout vl.O 
•Copywrit •Graphwriter •Signmaster v5.04 

im* futures: •Mixing ProDOS with Thexder 
•Infocom Decoder Revisited •Cracking on the lie •Might & Magic 
Revisited 'Might & Magic Character Editor •An indepth guide 
to Ultima IV •Computing for 1-3 year olds 'The Product Monitor 
4Sofflceys: •A.I. •BoulderDash •BoulderDash Construction 
Set •DeathSword •Design Your Own Home: Architecture 
•Design Your Own Home; Interior •Design Your Own Home: 
Landscape •Pacemaker •Gauntlet •Kings Quest II •Mastery 
Arithmetic •Mterozine #26 'Muppet Slate vl.O •PFS: Graph 
•Polywriter 1 .2 •Rad Warrior •Rings of Zilfin •Seaspeller •Smart 
Eyes •Spell It! •Wings of Fury ^lAPTs: •Castle Wolfenstein 
•Marble Madness llgs •Might & Magic •Ultima IV •Ultima V 
* Playing Tips: •Coveted Mirror 'Deathlord •Might & Magic 
•Oo-Topos^lJltimalV *yVotes; 'A better way to print Starter 
Kit DOC's •Curing Fatal System Error #091 1 •Realtime Situatkin 
Control using CDAs •Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 
•IBIMM^f •Help Wanted! 

\Mii Features: •Electronic Art's Protection 
Language •How to find hkiden code with EOR DiskScan •Here's 
another look at •Lower Case & Infocom Games •Monsters of 
Might & Magic •A Character Editor for Rings of Zilfin •A Single 
Data Disk for all your Print Shop Graphics •The Product Monitor 
liSo/tkeys: 'American Challenge 'Arctic Fox 'Bard's Tale 
II •BoulderDash Construction Set •California Games 
•Championship Wrestling •Chief of Detectives/Drawing 
Conclusions •Deep Space •Dome Simplified Bookkeeping 
System 'Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex •Earth Orbit 
Stations •Factory •Galaxy Search/Predicting Outcomes •Game 
Maker 'Hacker II 'Hardball llgs 'ikari Warriors •Labyrinth 
•Marble Madness •Master Diagnostics He •Math Blaster 
•Mtekey's Space Adventure •Micro<kimputer Learning Games 
•Mk;rozine #14 •Mbrozine #24 •Milliken Math Series •Mind 
Prober •M - ss - ng L - nks •Morning Star Spelling •Mountain 
CMng/Cause and Effect •Movie Monster Game •Pond •Race 
Track/Reading for Detail •Reading Comprehension Main Idea 
& Details •Rings of Zilfin •Roadwar 2000 •School 
Days/Inference •Ski Crazed •Softswitch •Sub Mission •Time 
Capsule/Reading Skills •Tuesday Morning Quarterback 
•Typewriter 'Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego 
•Wortgefecht •Xevious tAPTs: •Deep Space •H.E.R.O. 

•Moebius •Rings of Zilfin 'Roadwar 2000 *Plapng Tips: 
• Arcticfox 'Castle Wolfenstein 'Conan 'Donkey Kong •Ultima 
IV IBM MIceys: Symphony v1 .00 •TK! 

im* Features: ^Apple llgs Secret Weapon 
•5 second fastboot into Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy 'The Product 
Monitor •Taking the grind out of Championship Wrestling 
•Making some improvements to The Nibbler 4StMe}s: ^2400 
AD '40' Graphics Studio •Accolade Comics •Aesop's Fables 
•American People •Animal Hotel •Applewriter He •Arcade 
Album #1 •Arctic Anfics •Ballbiazer •Bard's Tale II: The Destiny 
Knight •Bard's Tale llgs •Cat'n Mouse 'Championship Wrestling 
'Chariie Brown's 1 ,2,3's 'Cobra Cavern 'Cotor Me •Create With 
Garfield •David Winfield's Batter Up! •Destroyer •Disk Optimizer 
II •DragonworW •Electronic Arts Software 'En Vacances •En 
Ville •Fantavision gs •Fight Night •Forbidden Castle •G.I. Joe 
•Garfield Double Dares 'General Manager 'Goonies 
•GraphicWriter 2.0 'Gutenberg, Sr. 'Hacker II 'Hardball 
•Hardball gs •Infiltrator •James Bond 007: A View to a Kill 
•Keyboard Kadet •Kids on Keys •Lazer Maze •Le 
Demenagement •Le Francais par Ordinateur: •Leisure Suit 
Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards 'Les Sports •Lion's 
Workshop •Microzine #21 •Microzine #22 •Milliken Word 
Processor •Millionair II •Multiscribe v2.0 •Multiscribe v3.0 
•Multiscribe llgs v3.01c 'Paris En Metro 'Pitfall II 'Racter 
•Railroad Works •Rambo: First Blood Part II •Realm of 
Impossibility •Same or Different 'Sea Dragon •Sea Strike 
•Shanghai •ShowOff •Shutterbug •Silent Seme llgs 'Snoopy 
to the Rescue •Snoopy's Reading Machine •Snoopy's Skywriter 
Scrambler 'Space Quest I •Space Station •Spy Hunter 'Spy's 
Adventures in Europe 'Spy's Adventures in North America 
'Stephen King: The Mist 'Story Maker •Street Sports Basketball 
•Sub Battle Simulator •Super Sunday Football •Talking Text 
Writer •Type! •Un Repas Francais •Voodoo Island •Where in 
Europe is Carmen Sandiego •Winnie the Pooh •Winter Games 
•Winter Games gs •Wordzzzearch • Worid Games gs « APTs: 
•2400 AD •Kung-Fu Master •Lady Tut •Ultima V i^ Playing 
Tips: '2m AD •Deathlord •Space Quest •Ultima IV •Ultima 
V •Wrath of Denethenor KM So^eys •Execu-Vision •MS Word 
•PC-Draw •Zork I & II tit Notes: •Not too happy with Copy 
II Plus v8.1 •Data disks cause Appleworks crash 

May im* Features: 'A Utility to Save the 
Lower 8 Pages of Memory •Bard's Tale Effects Locator •How 
to Capture Phantasie Screen Maps •Alternate Reality Character 
Editor •Updating the ProDOS Block Editor •Loading Rashcalc 
onto your RAMcard •A Copy-protection Scheme for ProDOS 
•The Product Monitor •Autoduei Car Editor tSoftlceys: 
•Alphabet Sequencing •Animal Alphabets and Other Things 
•Arctic Antics •The Boars' Store •The Boars Tell Time •Career 
Focus •Castle Wolfenstein •Charlie Brown's 123's •Charlie 
Brown's ABC's •City Country Opposites •Coveted Mirror 
'Create With Garfiekl 'Crypt of Medea •Customized Alphabet 
Drill •Customized Flash Spielling •Dig Dug •Digital Paintbrush 
System •Estimation •Fay: Word Hunter •Fix It •Focusing on 
Language Arts •Fundamental Capitalization •Fundamental 
Punctuation Practice •fundamental Spelling Words in Context 
•The Hobbit 'Homonyms in Context 'Individualized Study 
Master 'Inskle OutskJe Shapes 'Inside Outside Opposites 
'Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards 'Master 
Diagnostics II & II + 'Mastertype v2.1 •MathematKS Series •Mr. 
and Mrs. Potato Head •Paper Models • The Christmas Kit 
•Peanuts Math Matcher •Peanuts Maze Marathon •Peanuts 
Picture Puzzlers 'Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin 
Murder •Railroad Works •Random House Library •Management 

Programs •Rooky's Boots v.4 •Sensible Speller 'Snoopy's 
Reading Machine 'Snoopy's Skywriter Scrambler 'Snoopy to 
the Rescue 'Snoopy Writer •Spelling Demons •Stock Market 
Simulation •Story Builder 'Story Starter 'Studk) II 'Test Maker 
'Think Quick vl.O 'Tournament Bridge •Tutorial 
Comprehension •Typing is a Ball, Charlie Brown •Under Fire 
•Word Blaster •Word Count •Word Mount •Your Personal Net 
Worth *APTs: •Under Fire IM Feature: •Flight Simulator 
RGB Modifications 

April 1988 *fea/i//es.- •Picture Loader 'How 
To Make DEMUFFIN PLUS 'Convert Print Shop graphics into 
Print Master graphics 'lower case letters For Your Apple II Plus 
•The Product Monitor •Apple He Paddle Fix •Softkey for Daisy 
Professional 'Most-Protected' Award •DOS EOR Maker 
tSoftkeys: A2-PB1 Pinball 'Animate 'Bank Street Music 
Writer 'Boulderdash Construction Kit 'California Games 
•Countdown to Shutdown •Coveted Minor 'Create with Garfiekl 
'Daisy Professional 'Destroyer 'Donkey Kong 'Expedition 
Amazon •General Chemistry Disk #8 •Graphics Studio •Green 
Gkibs & Graphic Equatkms •Kalamazoo Teacher's Record Book 
2.® •Kids on Keys •Marble Madness •Math Blaster 'Maxwell 
Manor 'Peanut's Maze Marathon 'PetroOalc 'Police Artist 
'Practkial Grammar 'Rendezvous •Ring Quest •Roadwar 
Europa •Roadwar 2(M)(D •Rocky Horror Show 'Sesame Street 
Electric Coloring Book Series 'Sesame Street Letters for You 
'Sesame Street Numbers 'Seven Cities of Gold 'Snoopy's 
Reading Machine •Spy's Adventures In Europe •Spy's Demise 
•Super Sunday Football •Talisman •Tellstar II •Top Draw 
vl.CIA •The Amerkan Challenge •The Dam Busters 'The 
Science Professor •Tubeway •Vocabulary Adventure I •Winter 
Games •Wizards' Crown •Zero-Gravity Pinball 4 APTs: 
•Expedition Amazon ^Might and Magic t Playing Tif^: 
•Beauracracy •King's Quest II 'Lurking Horror 'Maniac 
Mansion 'Stationfaii \M Feature: 'Introduction to IBM Disk 
Format, Ai^ess, and Copy-protection 'Putting Sargon III on 
harddisk WASoltkeys: •Prokey 3.0 •R:base 400 •Time 

Martfa 1988 1 Features: 'Modify Super lOB to 
read/write every other track 'APT for Rings Of Zilfin: Turn 
yourseff into a lean, mean fighting Machine 'More Softkeys for 
M.E.C.C. software ( 1987 ) 'How To Use The Electronk; Art's 
RWTS 'APT for Realms Of Darkness: Realm's Wrecker! 
•Putting Super Boulder Dash onto a hard disk € Softkeys: 
•240® A.D. •Age Of Adventure •Apple's Core II •Arcade Boot 
Camp •ArctK Fox •Aztec •BallWazer •Bard's Tale llgs •Blue 
Powder Gray Smoke •California Games •Championship 
Wrestling •Colonial Conquest •Comprehension Skills 1,11 
•Conquering Whole Numbers •Coordinate Math •Countdown 
To Shutdown •Dataquest: The World Community •Destrojir 
•Dream House 'Dream Zone 'Earth Orbit Station 'Equation 
Math 'Forecast: Your At-Home Weather Station 'Fraction 
Concepts Inc 'Fraction Munchers 'Fraction PractkM Unlimited 
•GBA Champnnship Basketball 'Genesis 'GFL Football •Ghost 
Rider •Goonies 'Grade Manager v2.3 •Great American Cross- 
country Road Race •Hardball llgs •Ikari Wan^ior 'Jenny's 
Journeys 'Kid Niki Radical NInja 'Kung-Fu Master •Learning 
To Tell Time •Leisure Suit Larry •Let's Learn About Money 
•Let's Learn About The Library •Letters For You •Lords Of 
Conquest •Magic Spells •Math Blaster •Money Worics •Maps 
& Gk)bes: Latitude & Longitude •Marble Madness •Mcrozine 
18,19,20,21,22,23 •Mist •Morning Star Math •Movie Monster 
Game •Multiplication Puzzles •MuHiscribe v3.0c •Murder On 
The Mississippi •Music Made Easy •Mystery Sentences 




COMPUTIST back issues 

To order. Use the back issue order form on page 42 

•Number Munchers tNumbers Count •Odell Lake •Operation 
Frog •Opposites Attract 'Oregon Trail v1.4 'Phonics Prime 
lime: Blends & Digraphs 'Phonics Prime Time: Vowels I, II 
•Puzzles & Posters 'Quotient Quest •Reader Rabbit 'Reading 
Style Inventory 'Realm Of Impossibility 'Sesame Street 'Crayon' 
series 'Shanghai 'Sons Of Liberty 'Space Quest v2.2 'Story 
Book: Pixelworks 'Story Tree 'Subtraction Puzzles 'Super Huey 
'Super Wordfind 'Tass Times In Tonetown 'Those Amazing 
Reading Machines 111, IV 'Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror 'To 
Preserve, Protect and Defend 'Tower Of Myraglen 'Troll's 
'MicroCoarseware' series 'Webster: The Word Game 'Word 
Munchers 'Words At Work: Compound It 'Words At Work: Suffix 
Sense 'WorkJ Games 'Worid's Greatest Baseball Game 'World 
Karate Championship 'Writer Rabbit 'Zoyon Patrol €APTs: 
'Buck Rogers 'Ikari Warrior 'Kung-Fu Master 'Leisure Suit 
Larry ligs 'Marble Madness 'Realm Of Darkness 'Rings Of 
Zilfin'^ce Quest llgs 'Super Boulder Dash * Playing Ti[s: 
*2i/X> A.D, 'Donkey Kong 'Infiltrator 'Space Quest llgs 'Spy 
Hunter 'Swashbuckler 'Thexder 'Ultima II ' \MSoftkeys: 
•EasyWriter 1.0, II 'Zork III 

Febniaryl988 ^Features: 'The Product 
Monitor 'Unprotecting The Unprotectable: Macintosh Softkeys! 
'A.PT. Cornucopia 'APTAIternate Reality-Dungeon: Create A 
Super-human 'Softkey for SSI's RDOS disks: 1 .ProDOS RDOS, 
2.RD0S Transfer Utility 'Making Cracked II Plus Disks Work 
On The lie ^i Softkeys: 'Apple Gradebook v2.6 'Award 
Maker Plus •Black Cauldron 'Black Magic 'California Games 
'Car Builder 'Cotor Print Shop 'Computer Ambush 'Concepts 
In Science 'Disney's Comic Strip Maker 'Elite 'Empire I, II 
'European Nations & Locations 'Fooblitsky 'Grid Designer 
'H.E.R.O, 'Ikari Warriors 'Infiltrator II 'Le Francais par 
Ordinateur 'Little Computer People's House on a Disk * Main 
Street Filer 'Master Diagnostics He * MegaFiler • MegaMerge 
'Microzine 23 'Might & Magic * Millbnaire 'Mindplay software 
•Music Construction Set •Nibbler •Operation Market Garden 
•Phantasie *Planetfall •PrintMaster Plus •Print Shop 
•Questron •Regatta •Ring Quest •Ringside Seat •Rings Of 
Zilfin •Shanghai •Silent Service •Snooper Troops •Spy's 
Adventure in N. Amerka 'Super Print 'Tass Times In Tonetown 
'Think Quick tTransylvania 'Ultima I re-release 'Where in the 
USA is Carmen Sandiego 'Worid Games *Zori( I [kUaclntosh 
softkey) *AP.r.s: Alternate Reality: The Dungeon 'Arctic 
Fox 'Bard's Tale II 'Beyond Zork 'Black Magic 'Cavern 
Creatures 'Drol 'Goonies 'Ikari Warriors •Zorro t Playing 
Tips: •Beyond Castle Wolfenstein •Championship Lode Runner 
•Conan •King's Queen II •Lode Runner •Luridng Horror 
•Station Fall •Ultima IV •Zork MA Softkeys: •Lotus 1-2-3 
•Right Simulator •PFS Report IBM AFs: •Bard's Tale 

^^ JL January 1988 feaA//i?5.- •The Crypt-arithmetic 
Helper •Using EDD IV to Modify Tracks And Sectors •Bard's 
Tale APT Dungeon Mapper Revisited •RAMfactor mod for Laser 
1 28 •Ultima IV APT edit-tables •The Product Monitor •Get Better 
Sound by using the cassette jacks •Making A Fast Boot Disk 
•Might & Magk; APT edit-tables Softkeys: •2400 AD •Aliens 
•Alphabet Zoo •Amnesia 'Bag Of Tricks •Bard's Tale I 'Bard's 
Tale II 'Battle Cruiser 'Beach-head II 'Below The Root 'Black 
Magic 'Body Awareness 'Bridge 4.0 'Carriers At War 'Catalyst 
3.0 'Centipede 'Championship Boxing 'Championship 
Wrestling 'Chessmaster 2000 'Combining The Elements 
'Commando 'Creative Contraptions 'Einstein Compiler 'Fat 
City •Fight Night •Right Simulator v2.0 •Fun with Direction 
•6BA2-0n-2 Championship Basketball •GraphicWritervl.IRA 
•Growing Up Small •HouseK)n-a-disk •Intrigue •Jet •Jungle 

Hunt •Kindercomp •Knowing Numbers 'Kung-fu Master 'Law 
Of The West 'Learning Well series •Letters And Words 'Little 
Computer People 'Make Your Own Murder Party 'Manic 
Mansion 'Master Diagnostics 'Movie Maker •Music 
Constructron Set •Pinball Constructton Set 'Pitstop •Print Shop 
Graphics Library Holiday 'Print Shop llgs •Rendezvous 
•Shapes And Patterns •Silent Service 'Sorcerer 'Spy vs Spy 
I & II 'Stargate 'Stellar 7 •Stkikybear ABCs •Stckybear Drawing 
•Stickybear Numbers •Stickybear Printer •Stickybear Printer 
Library I & II •Stickybear Townbuilder 'Super Boulderdash 
'Temple Of Apshai Trilogy 'Tomahawk 'Thexder 'Walt 
Disney's Card And Party Shop 'Walt Disney's Cartoon Maker 
'Wings Of Fury 'Word Maze 'Worid's Greatest Baseball Game 
'Zork HI Bard's Tale 'Lode Runner 'Might & Magic 
'Ultima IV 'W. Disney's Card And Party Shop •Wizardry III 
•Wizardry IV Playing Tps: •Autoduel •King's Quest •Manic 
Mansion •Summer Games 'Tass Times In Tonetown 'Thexder 
•Where In the Work) is Carmen Sandiego? 

December 1987 Features: •Super Boulderdash 
APT-writer •Softkeys to Activision/ MECC/ and PFS ProDOS/ 
software 'Double F-8 ROM space w/o motherboard surgery 
'Ace-Apple bimodal Switch 'Using Sider hard drives 3W, 
800K drives, & 5Vt" drives in DOS 3.3 Si^keys: 'Aliens 'Alter 
Ego 'Alternate Reality 'Amazing Reading Machines 'Amazon 
'American Challenge 'Arcade Album #1 "Arithmetic Critters 
•Award Maker 'Baseball Database 'Bard's Tale II: Destiny 
Knight 'BC's Quest for Tires 'Bop & Wrestle •Champ. Boxing 
•Champ. Wrestling •Clock Works •Commando •Computer Prep 
for SAT •ConflKt In Vietnam •Counting Critters •Crisis Mountain 
•Dataquest 50 States •Deluxe Paint II •Dino Eggs •Disney Card 
& Party Shop 'Disney Comic Strip Maker •Draw Plus •Eidolon 
•Electric Crayon ABCs •Expedition Amazon 'Pacemaker •Rrst 
Letter Fun 'Fish Scales •Fun From A-Z •Game Maker •GBA 
Champ. Basketball •GFL Champ. Football •Graphicwriter 
1.0R/1.1R 'Great Road Race 'Hacker II 'Hardball 'Infiltrator 
II 'Instant Music 'James Bond 007: A View To A Kill 'Jenny's 
Journeys 'Kung Fu Master 'Little People 'List Handler 'Manic 
Mansion 'Mastery Arithmetic Games 'Market Place 'Master of 
Lamp 'Math Rabbit 'Microzine #17 'Might and Magic 'Mission 
In Solar System 'Moebius 'Music Construction Set 'Music 
Studk) 'Number Munchers 'Paint With Words 'Paintworks Plus 
'Path Tactics •pfs:Rle 'pfs:Graph •pfs:Plan •pfs:Report 
•pfs:Write •Phonics Prime Time •Portal 'Principal's Assistant 
'Print Shop ProDOS 8 v1.4 'Print Shop Holiday Edition 
'QuickflashI 'Reader Rabbit 'Realm of Impossibility 'Robot 
Odyssey I v.2.0 'Rocky Horror Show 'Rocky's Boots v4.0 
'Saracen 'Shanghai 'Silent Service 'Skylab 'Sound Tracks 
'Speedy Math 'Spindizzy 'Street Sports Baseball 'Sub-Mission 
•Super Boulderdash •Tass Times in Tonetown •Thexder •Top 
Fuel Eliminator •Word Handler •Word Munchers •Words at 
Work •Worid Karate Champ. 'Writer's Choice: Elite 'Zardax 

November 1987 Features: •Eliminate some 
ProDOS erroneous error messages •Date/time without a clock 
card •Sector surgery: recover lost files •Generating Applesoft 
programs 'on-the-fly' •Product Monitor reviews »PLUS: How 
to convert List Handler files into standard text files •How to make 
GRAPHIC.GRABBERV3 run on the llgs •Laser 128 'absolute' 
PESElPlayir^ Tips: •Bard's Tale II 'Conan 'Donkey Kong 
•Hacker I •Hard Hat Mack •Ortjitron 'Print Shop Companion 
'Spellbreaker 'Spy Hunter 'Ultima 4/1./'. T.s: Infiltrator 'Lode 
Runner 'Montezuma's Revenge 'Swordthrust series Softkeys: 
'Addition Logician 'Animate 'Arcade Boot Camp 'Arctic Fox 

'Bard's Tale II 'Cat'n Mouse 'Counting Critters 'Dam Busters 
t 'Destroyer 'Draw Plus v1 .0 'Dr. Ruth's Comp, Game Of Good 
Sex 'Echo 1.0 'E.D.D. 4 'Gamemaker 'Hard Ball •Infiltrator 
•List Handler f •Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy t 'Magic Slate 'Math 
Critters 'Millionaire 'Mind Mirror 'One On One 'Paintworks 
Plus v1.0 'Paintworks Plus vl.i'PHM Pegasus 'Portal 
'Quotient Quest 'Reader Rabbit 'Saunder's Chemistry CAI 
•Science Toolkit •Shanghai •Strip Poker f •Super Bunny 
•Super Sunday •Swordthrust series t 'Term Paper Writer •Thief 
•Top Fuel Eliminator •Typing! f 'Up-n-Down •Willy Byte 
•Writer's Choice Elite v1 .0 •Writing A Character Sketch •Writing 
A Narative 

October 1987 Features: •Dungeon Editor & 
Encounter Editor for Ultima HI •APT for Shadowkeep 'Softkey 
for Shadowkeep 'Softkey for Apple Business Graphtes Softkeys: 
•816 Paint GS •Amnesia •Arctic Fox •Award Maker Plus 
•Bard's Tale II •Bettemiorking Word Processor •Beyond Castle 
Wolfenstein •Black Magk) •Bookends Extended •Bop & Wrestle 
•Chess 7.0 •Chessmaster 2000 •Deluxe Paint GS •Destroyer 
•Hacker II 'Hacker II GS 'Hardball 'Infiltrator 'Instant Music 
GS 'J-Bird 'Mabel's Mansion 'Marble Madness 'Mean 18 GS 
GoH •Megabots •Might & Magic •Miner 2049er II •Mouse Word 
•Music Construction Set GS 'Music Studio GS 'New Oregon 
Trail 'Paintworks Plus 1 .0 GS 'Paintworks Plus 1 .0 GS 'Paul 
Whitehead Teaches Chess 'PHM Pegasus 'Poetry Express 
'Print Shop color version 'Rambo: First Blood part II 'Rocky 
Horror Show 'Sargon HI* 'Shanghai GS 'Spindizzy 'TelePorter 
'Temple Of Apshai trilogy 'Top Draw GS 'Transylvania 'Ultima 
I 'World's Greatest Baseball Game 

September 1987 Features: •Infocom-text Reader 
Enhancement •Color Ultimapper mod to Ultimapper IV •Towne 
Mapper utility for Ultima IV •Dungeon Mapper utility for Bard's 
Tale Hardware Corner: Interrupting Your Apple •Softkey for 
Chariie Brown's \,2,2& Softkeys: 'Guitar Wizard 'Gemstone 
Warrior 'Notable Phantom 'Micro Wine Companion 'Stickybear 
Printer 'Note Card Maker 'Starcross 'Wishbringer •Dinosaur 
Dig •Dam Busters 'Pirate Adventure 'Infiltrator 'MECC 
software 'Banner Catch 'Turtle Tracks 'PFS RIe 'Microzine 
#12, #13, #14 'Marble Madness 'Writer Rabbit 'Arcticfox 'Age 
Of Adventure 'Might And Magic 'Space Station 'Alternate 
Reality 'Mindshadow 'Gemstone Warrior •Strip Poker 
•Lucifer's Realm •Manuscript Manager •Bank Street Writer III 
•Kids On Keys 'The Missing Ring •Graphic Solution •Empire 
1, 11 'Champ. Golf 

August 1987 &/?*?>«■.■ 'Advanced Microsystems 
Technology programs 'Word Attack 'Star Blazer •Science 
Toolkit •The Color Enhanced Print Shop •Video Vegas •The 
Handlers •K.C. Deals On Wheels •Law Of The West •Break 
The Bank Blackjack •Foundation Course In Spanish •OGRE 
•Puzzles And Posters Features •The Shift Key/Lower Case 
Option For II + 'Amazing Computer Facts 'Shape Magic utility 
Review. Multiscribe 

July 1987 Softkeys: 'Mouse Calc 'Sands of 
Egypt 'Number Farm 'Agent U.S.A. •Wavy Navy •Kindercomp 
•Right Simulator Update •Raid over Moscow •Crime Stopper 
•Key Perfect 5. •The Final Conflict •Miss Mouse •Snoggle 
Features •Write Protecting the Microsoft RAM Card •Keys to 
Success on the Franklin Ace •Modified F8 ROMs on the Apple 
/// Core •Owner's Review of Copy Master II 


coMpynsT #60 


roiUPllTlST back issues 

June 1987 Softkeys: 'Arcade Boot Camp 
•Goonies •Zorro •Coveted Mirror •Crimson Crown 
•Compubridge •Fleet System 3 •Microwave •Escape 'Catalyst 
3.0 •Number Farm •Alphabet Circus •Joe Theisman's Pro 
Football •Black Cauldron •Intern. Gran PmFeatures •Making 
DOSIess Utilities •Pixit Printer Drivers Review: Z-RAM Memory 
Expansion Board •Reading the Joystick 

May 1987 Softkeys: •Graphics Expander 

•Information Master •Certificate Maker •Elite •Catalyst 2.0 and 
3.0 •Murder On The Mississippi •Temple Of Apshai Trilogy 
•Troll Associates programs •Spell It •Regatta •Cdex Training 
programs •Think Fast Features •How to Write-Protect your Slot 
Zero •Capturing Locksmith 6.0 Fast Copy •Revisiting DOS to 
ProDOS and Back Core 'Computer Eyes / 2; a Review 74/^5 
•Sword of Kadash & Rescue Raiders •Ultimaker IV 

Apriil987 5o/?te>'5,-^LightSimulator^Beach- 

Head •Monty Plays Scrabble •Racter •Winnie the Pooh 
•Infocom Stuff, Kabul Spy, Prisoner II •Wizardry 1 & 2 •Lucifer's 
Realm •The PFS Series •Dollars and Sense 'Strip Poker 
•Coveted Mirror •Wizard's Crown 'The Swordthrust Series 
•Axis Assassin •Manuscript Manager •The Crown of Arthain 
•Address Book 'Decimals 3.0 'Dragonfire Features •Auto Duel 
Editor •Wizard's Crown Editor •Questron Mapper Core: •The 
Games of 1986 in Mm Adventure Tips •Ultima IV 

4 1 March 1987 Softkeys: •The Periodic Table 
•Gemstone Warrior •Inferno •Frogger •Story Maker •Adventure 
Writer •Mummy's Curse •Zaxxon •The Quest •Pitfall II 
•H.E.R.O. Features 'A Two-Drive Patch for Winter Games 
•Customizing the Speed of a Duodisk •Roll the Presses Part 
Two: Printshop Printer Drivers •The Games of 1986 


Februarj' 1987 Softkeys: 'Adventure Writer 'E-Z 
Learner 'Mychess li 'Raster Blaster 'Cranston Manor 
'Ghostbusters 'Designer's Pencil •The American Challenge 
•Encyclopedia Britannica Programs •Crime Wave Features 
•Taking the Wiz out of Wizardry 'Adding a Printer Card Driver 
to Newsroom Core: Games of 1986 

January 1987 So/?A-e>s,' •MIDI/8 + 'Homeword 

v2.1 "Borrowed Time "Amazon •Speed Reader ][ 'Discovery! 
•M-ss-ng L-nks series 'Donald Ducks's Playground 'Mastering 
the SAT 'Copy ][ Plus 4.4C 'Master of the Lamps 'One on One 
•Bridge Baron •A.E, 'Great American Cross-country Road Race 
•Computer Preparation for the SAT •Castle Wolfenstein 
•Luscher Profile 'Skyfox 'Silent Service 'Echo Plus 
'Swashbuckler 'Randamn Features 'Electronic Disk Drive 
Swapper 'Abusing the Epilogues •Print Shop Companion's 
Driver Game Core: •Keyboard Repair 'Fixing the Applesoft 
Sample Disk 

'Breaking In; tips for beginners 'Copy ][ Plus 6.0: a review 'The 
DOS Alterer 

Castle Wolfenstein (part 2) 

December 1986 Softkeys: 'Cyclod 'Alternate 
Realty 'Boulder Dash 1 & II 'Hard Hat Mack (Revisited) 'The 
Other Side 'F-IS Strike Eagle 'Championship Lode Runner 
•Gato V 1.3 •!, Damiano •Wilderness •Golf's ^{Features: 
•The Enhanced/ Unenhanced lie •Looking into Flight 
Simulator's DOS Core: •Appavarex •Installing a RAM disk into 
DOS 3.3 

November 1986 So/i'fe;®.- •Under Fire 'Pegasus 

11 'Take 1 (revisited) 'Flight Simulator II v1.05 (part 2) 'Magic 
Slate 'Alter Ego 'Rendezvous 'Quicken 'Story Tree 'Assembly 
Language Tutor 'Avalon Hill games 'Dark Crystal Features 
•Playing Karateka on a lie •Track Finder 'Sylk to Dif Core: 

October 1986 5o/?/(re/s.' 'Flight Simulator II v 

1.05 'AutoDuel 'Critical Reading 'Troll's Tale 'Robot War 
'General Manager 'Plasmania 'Telarium Software 'Kidwriter 
v1.0 'Color UeFeatures 'Screenwriter meets Flashcard 'The 
Bus Monitor 'Mousepaint for non-Apples Core: 'The Bard's 
Dressing Room /l/T 'Championship Lode Runner 

September 1986 5o/?te/5.- 'Olympic Decathlon 

'Hi-res Cribbage 'Revisiting F-15 Strike Eagle 'Masquerade 
'The Hobbit 'Pooyan 'The Perfect Score 'Alice in Wonderland 
•The Money Manager •Good Thinking •Rescue Raiders 
Feature: Putting a New F8 on Your Language Card Core: 
•Exploring ProDOS by instaling a CPS Clock Driver 

August 1986 SoUceys •Crisis Mountain 'Terripin 
Logo 'Apple Logo II 'Fishies 1.0 'SpellWorks 'Gumball 
'Rescue at Rigel 'Crazey Mazey 'Conan 'Perry Mason: The 
Case of the Mandarin Murder 'Koronis MFeature: 'More ROM 
Running Core: 'Infocom Revealed 

July 1986 5o;?te>« 'Word Juggler 'TinklTonk! 

'Sundog v2.0 'G.l. Joe & Lucas Film's Eidolon 'Summer 
Games II 'Thief 'Instant Pascal 'World's Greatest Football 
Game 'Graphic Adventure #1 'Sensible Grammar & Extended 
Bookends 'Chipwits 'Hardball 'King's Quest II 'The World's 
Greatest Baseball Game Feature: 'How to be the Sound Master 
Core: 'The Mapping of Ultima IV 

June 1986 Softkeys 'Revisiting Music 

Construction Set 'Cubit 'Baudville Software 'Hartley Software 
'Bridge 'Early Games for Young Children 'Tawala's Last 
Redoubt 'Print Shop Companion 'Kracking Vol II 'Moebius 
'Mouse Budget, Mouse Word & Mouse Desk 'Adventure 
Construction Set Feature: 'Using Data Disks With Microzines 
Cwe; 'Super lOBvl .5 a Reprint 

31 May 1986 5o/?fe/s 'Trivia Fever 'The Original 
Boston Computer Diet 'Lifesaver 'Synergistic Software 'Blazing 
Paddles 'Zardax •Time Zone 'Tycoon 'Earthly Delights 'Jingle 
Disk 'Crystal Caverns 'Karate Champ Feature: 'A Little Help 
With The Bard's Tale Core: 'Black Box 'Unrestricted 

April 1986 5o/?fe>s 'Millionaire 'SSI's RDOS 

'Fantavision 'Spy vs. Spy 'Dragonworld 'King's Quest 
'Mastering the SAT 'Easy as ABC 'Space Shuttle 'The Factory 
'Visidex LIE 'Sherlock Holmes 'The Bards Tale 'Feature 
'Increasing Your Disk Capacity 'Core: 'Ultimaker IV, an Ultima 
IV Character Editor 

March 1986 5o//teys 'Threshold 'Checkers 

v2.1 'Microtype 'Gen. & Organic Chemistry Series 'Uptown 
Trivia 'Murder by the Dozen 'Windham's Classics 'Batter Up 
•Evelyn Wood's Dynamic Reader 'Jenny of the Prairie 'Learn 
About Sounds in Reading 'Winter Games 'Feature 
•Customizing the Monitor by Adding 65C02 Disassembly 'Core: 
•The Animator 

February 1986 Softkeys •Ultima IV •Robot 

Odyssey •Rendezvous 'Word Attack 8i Classmate •Three from 
Mindscape •Alphabetic Keyboarding •Hacker •Disk Director 
•Lode Runner •MIDW •Algebra Series •Time is Money •Pitstop 
II 'Apventure to Atlantis 'Feature 'Capturing the Hidden Archon 
Editor 'Core: 'Fingerprint Plus: A Review 'Beneath Beyond 


coMPUTisT mo 

January 1986 Softkeys 'Microzines 1-5 

'Microzines 7-9 1 Microzines (altemate method) 'Phi Beta Filer 
'Sword of Kadash 'Another Miner 2049er 'Learning With 
Fuzzywomp 'Bookends 'Apple Logo II 'Murder on the 
Zinderneuf 'Features 'Daleks: Exploring Artificial Intelligence 
•Making 32K or 16K Slave Disks 'Core: •The Games of 1985: 
part II 

Softkeys •Cannonball Blitz •Instant Recall 

•Gessler Spanish Software •More Stickybears 'Financial 
Cookbook 'Super Zaxxon 'Wizardry 'Preschool Fun 'Holy Grail 
'Inca '128K Zaxxon 'Feature 'ProEdit 'Core: 'Games of 1985 

Softkeys 'DB Master 4.2 'Business Writer 

•Barron's Computer SAT •Take 1 •Bank Street Speller •Where 
In The World Is Carmen Sandiego •Bank Street Writer 128K 
'Word Challenge 'Spy's Demise 'Mind Prober 'BC's Quest 
For Tires 'Early Games 'Homeword Speller 'Feature 'Adding 
IF THEN ELSE To Applesoft 'Core: 'DOS To ProDOS And Back 

__ _ Softkeys 'Electronic Arts software 'Grolier 
software 'Xyphus 'F-15 Strike Eagle 'Injured Engine 'Mr. Robot 
And His Robot Factory 'Applecillin II 'Alphabet Zoo 'Fathoms 
40 'Story Maker 'Eariy Games Matchmaker 'Robots Of Dawn 
'Feature 'Essential Data Duplicator copy parms 'Core: 'DOS- 
Direct Sector Access 

Softkeys 'Choplifter 'Mufplot 'Flashcalc 

'Karateka 'Newsroom 'E-Z Draw 'Gato 'Dino Eggs 'Pinball 
Construction Set 'TAC 'The Print Shop: Graphics Library 
'Death In The Caribbean 'Features 'Using A.R.D. To Softkey 
Mars Cars 'How To Be The Writemaster 'Core: 'Wheel Of 

^ ^ Softkeys 'Miner 2049er 'Lode Runner 'A2-PB1 
Pinball 'The Heist 'Old Ironsides 'Grandma's House 'In Search 
of the Most Amazing Thing 'Morioc's Tower 'Marauder 'Sargon 
III 'Features 'Customized Drive Speed Control 'Super lOB 
version 1.5 'Core: 'The Macro System 

Softkeys 'Sargon 111 'Wizardry: Proving Grounds 

of the Mad Overlord and Knight of Diamonds 'The Report Card 
VI. 1 'Kidwriter 'Feature 'Apple ][ Boot ROM Disassembly 
'Core: •The Graphic Grabber v3.0 •Copy 11+ 5.0: A Review 
•The Know-Drive: A Hardware Evaluation •An Improved 
BASIC/Blnary Combo 

S(7/?te>« •Rendezvous With Rama •Peachtree's 

Back To Basics Accounting System •HSD Statistics Series 
•Arithmetickle •Arithmekicks and Eariy Games for Children 
'Features 'Double Your ROM Space 'Towards a Better F8 
ROM 'The Nibbler: A Utility Program to Examine Raw Nibbles 
From Disk 'Core: 'The Games of 1984: In Review-part II 

5o/i'te>s 'Sensible Spellerfor ProDOS 'Sideways 

'Rescue Raiders 'Sheila 'Basic Building Blocks 'Artsci 
Programs 'Crossfire 'Feature 'Secret Weapon: RAMcard 
'Core: •The Controller Writer •A Fix For The Beyond Castle 
Wolfenstein Softkey 'The Lone Catalog Arranger Part 1 

1 Softkeys 'Data Reporter 'Multiplan 'Zork 'Features 
'PARMS for Copy 11 Plus 'No More Bugs 'APT's for Choplifter 
& Cannonball Blitz ''Copycard' Reviews 'Replay 'Crackshot 
•Snapshot •Wildcard 


Out-of-print back issues 

To order, Use the back issue order form on page 42 

Due to popular demand, these sold-out issues are available now as 'zeroxed' copies, full-sized and center stapled. 

^S JL USoftkeys: "DB Master version 4+ 'Dazzle Draw •Archon 
•Twerps UReaders ' Softkeys: 'Advanced Blackjack 'Megaworks •Summer 
Games •College Entrance Exam Prep •Applewrlter revisited MFeatures: 
•Demystifying The Quarter Track ■ Core: •Proshadow: A ProDOS Disk 

1 cS MSoftkeys: •Scholastic Version of Bank Street Writer 
•Applewrlter lie •SSI's Non-RDOS Disks UReaders' Softkeys: •BPI 
Accounting Programs and DesignWare Programs MFeatures: •Installing 
a Free Sector Patch Into Applewrlter //e •Simple Copy Protection ■ Core: 
•The Games of 1 984: In Review •6'iCO'l Chips Now Available •Checksoft 

1 ~^ USoftkeys: •The Print Shop •Crossword Magic •The Standing 
Stones •Beer Run 'Skyfox •and Random House Disks MFeatures: 'A 
Tutorial For Disk Inspection and the Use Of Super lOB 'S-C Macro Assembler 
Directives (reprint) ■ Core: •The Graphic Grabber For The Print Shop •The 
Lone Catalog Arranger Part Two 

1 ^> MSoftkeys: •Mastertype •Stickybear BOP •Tic Tac Show 
MReader's Softkeys: •Th? Financial Cookbook •Escape from Rungistan 
•Alien Munchies •Millionaire •Plato MFeatures: •MREAD/MWRT Update 

■ Core: •A Boot from Drive 2 •DB Master's Data Compression Techniques 

■ Whiz Kid: •DOS and the Drive • Part One M Adventure Tips: •Time 
Zone •Mission Asteroid •Enchanter •Zork I •Ultima • Ultima II 'Death 
in the Caribbean •Gruds in Space •Zork III •Starcross 

MFeatures: •Super lOB v 1 .2 Update •Putting Locksmith 5.0 
Fast Copy Into a Normal Binary File 'Batman Decoder Ring •A fix for 
DiskEdit MSoftkeys: •Seadragon •Rocky's Boots •Knoware •PES Software 
•Computer Preparation SAT •MatheMagic MReview: •Boulder Dash 

1 ^S MSoftkeys: •Laf Pak •Beyond Castle Wolfenstein 
•Transylvania •The Quest 'Electronic Arts 'Snooper Troops (Case 2) 'DLM 
Software 'Learning With Leeper 'TellStar MCore: 'CSaver: The Advanced 
Way to Store Super lOB Controllers 'Adding New Commands to DOS 3.3 
'Fixing ProDOS 1 .0. 1 BSAVE Bug MReview: 'Enhancing Your Apple 
MFeature: 'Locksmith 5.0 and Locksmith Programming Language. 

1 \9 MSoftkeys: 'Arcade Machine 'Bank Street Writer 'Minit Man 
MReader's Softkeys 'Senible Speller IV 'FDD IV ''Krell LOGO 'Canyon 
Climber MFeatures: 'The Controller Saver 'Examining Protected Applesoft 
BASIC Programs 'Crunchlist II MCore: 'Applear - Voice Aynthesis 
'Introducing the 65SC802 and 65SC8 1 6 Chips 'Review • Dino Eggs 
MAdventure Tips: 'Cranston Manor 'Zork I 'Planetfall 'Mission Asteroid 
•Time Zone •Suspended •Critical Mass •Zork II •Castle Wolfenstein 

^9 MSoftkeys: •Sensible Speller •Sierra-On-Line Software •The Visible 
Computer: 6502 MReader's Softkeys: •Visidex "Music Construction Set 
•Gold Rush •Visiterm •Cosmic Combat ■ Features: •Super lOB 
MAdventure Tips: •Pirate Adventure •Mask of the Sun •Colossal Caves 
•Transylvania •Death in the Caribbean •Zork II BCore: •Word Search 
Generator •ProDOS to DOS •ProDOS on a Franklin Ace 

«S MSoftkeys: •Robotron •Legacy of Llylgamyn •The Artist "Data 
Factory v5.0 • FDD IV MReader's Softkeys: •Spy Strikes Back •Hayden 
Software •Apple LOGO MFeatures: •Review of the Bit Copiers MCore: 
•COREfiler •ProDOS Data Encryptor MAdventure Tips: •Ulysses and The 
Golden Fleece 'Serpentine 'Ultima II 'Castle Wolfenstein 'Death in the 
Caribbean 'Zork I 'Zork II 'Gruds in Space 'Enchanter 'Infidel •Serpent's 
Star ■ Miiz Kid: •How Data is Stored on Disk 

M MSoftkeys: 'Zaxxon 'Mask of the Sun •Crush 'Crumble S Chomp 
•Snake Byte •DB Master •Mouskattack MFeatures: •Making Liberated 
Backups That Retain Their Copy Protection •S-C Assembler: Review •Disk 
Directory Designer MCore: •COREfiler: Part I •Upper g Lower Case 
Output for Zork 

^9 MSoftkeys: 'Pandora's Box 'Donkey Kong 'Caverns of Freitag 
'Visifile MFeatures: 'Program Enhancements: Quick. Bug 'Personalizing 
A Program 'Modified ROMs MReview 'Essential Data Duplicator 'The 
CIA MCore: 'Data Bases 

^9 MSoftkeys: 'Homeword 'Aztec 'tBag of Tricks 'Egbert II 
'Starcross 'Hard Hat Mack 'The Home Accountant MReader's Softkeys: 
'Dark Crystal 'Screenwriter II 'Visifile 'Lancaster 'Bill Budge's Triolgy 
of Games 'Sammy Lightfoot 'Amper-Magic 'Buzzard Bait MFeature: 
'Getting on the Right Track 

1 ^S MSoftkeys: 'Zoom Graphix 'Flip Out 'Lion's Share 'Music 
Construction Set MReader's Softkeys: 'Hi-Res Computer Golf II •Suicide 
•Sabatage •Millionaire 'Time is Money 'Type Attack ■Feamre^ .Pseudo- 
ROMs on the Franklin Ace ■ Core: 'Psychedelic Symphony 'The CORE 
Disk Searcher 'The Armonitor MAdventure Tips: 'Cranston Manor ' 
Enchanter 'Kabul Spy 'Colossal Caves 'The Witness 'Pirate Adventure 
'Ultima Ill-Exodus 'Adventureland 

1 JL MSoftkeys: •Sensible Speller •Exodus: Ultima III MReaders' 
Softkeys: •SoftPorn Adventure 'The Einstein Compiler v5.3 •Mask of The 
Sun MFeatures: •Copy II Plus v4.4C: Update Of An Old Friend •Parameter 
List For Essential Data Duplicator MCore: •Ultimaker III 'The Mapping 
of Ultima III •Ultima II.. .The Rest Of The Picture 

^ft MFeatures: Ultima II Character Editor MSoftkeys: •Ultima II 
•Witness •Prisoner II •Pest Patrol MAdventure Tips: •Ultima II g III 
■ Copy II Plus Parms Update 

<•!• MSoftkeys: •Bag of Tricks •Multiplan MReaders' Softkeys: 
•Visiplot /Visitrend •Sneakers •Wizardry MFeatures •No More Bugs: The 
Sequel 'Hidden Locations Revealed 'Map Maker MA.P.T.s 'Choplifter 
MAdventure Tips 'Cranston Manor 'Strange Odyssey 

^S MSoftkeys: 'Magic Window II 'Multiplan MFeatures: 'Parameters 
for Locksmith 4.1 'Page Flipper 'String Plotter 'Three-D Wall Draw 
MCore: Checksums MInput: 'Reviews of unprotected commercial software 




Saul tlitte 'mm edlm likaiuj duiu: 


59. . . 

58. . . 

5-7 . . , 

56. . . 

55 . . . 

54 . . . 

53. . . 

52 . . , 

51 . . . 

50. . . 

49. . . 

48. . . 

4V. . , 

46 . . . 

45 . . . 

44. . , 

43. . . 

42 . . . 

41 . . . 

40. . 

39. . 

38 . . 

37. . 

36. . 

35. . 

34. . 

33 . . 

32 . . 

3-1 . . 

30. . 

29. . 

■A- 28 

2V. . 

26. . 

25. . 

24 . . 


■ 21 . . . 

^ 19 . . . 

^18 . . . 

^17 . . . 

-A^16 . . . 

■ 15 . . . 
^ 14 . . . 

■ 13 . . . 

■ 12 . . . 

■ 11 . . . 

■ lO . . . 

■ 9 . . . . 
■18 . . . . 

Core 3 . 

■ 6. . . . 

■ 5. . . . 

■ 4 . . . . 

Core 2 , 

■ 2 . . . . 


Core 1 , 

Mag Disk Both 
$4.75 $9.95 $12.95 



















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But of Hardcore Computing. . 

Only the disk is available 

Core Special Combo $10 EH • • 

(All three CORE magazines; no disks) 

Some disks apply to more than one issue and are stiown as taller Inxes. 
Special "Botti disk & magazine combination orders apply to one issue 
and its corresponding disk. 

■A- Limited supply: first-come-first-serve basis. 

• Not available. 
O Out-of-print; only 'Zeroxed' copies for sale. 


back issues and library disks are 
frequently referenced in current issues. 

Back Issues and Library Disk Kates 

• US, Canada and Mexico back issue rate - $4.75 each. 

• All other Foreign back issue rate - $8.75 each. 

• US, Canada, Mexico library disk rate - $9.95 each. 

• All other Foreign library disk rate - $11.94 each. 

• "Both" disk and magazine rates for: 

US, Canada & Mexico - $12.95 each combination. 
All other Foreign - $18.95 each combination. 

What us a 2ibfiafus diisk? 

A library disk is a diskette that contains programs tiiat would normally have to be typed in by 
the user. Documentation for each library disk can be found in the corresponding issue. 

• Library disks are available for all issues of COMPUTIST # 1 thru 60. If you wish to purchase 
a library disk not listed on the left (under the DISK column), used the out-of-print back issues 
ad on page 42. 

CC^I^E 3 Games: constructing Your own joystick* compiling Games* G/1M£«£W£H'5.- 
Over 30 of the latest and best* Picl< Of The Pack: All-time TOP 20 games* Destructive Forces* EAMON • Graphics Magician 
and GraFORTH* Dragon Dungeon 

CrC^RE 2 Utilites: Dynamic Menu* High Res: Scroll Demo* goto label. Replace* Une 
Find* Quick Copy: Copy* 

Cr^#I^E 1 Graphics: Memory Map* Text Graphics: Marquee* Boxes* Jagged Scroller* Low 
Res: Color Character Chart* High Res: Screen Cruncher* The UFO Factory* Color* Vector Graphics:Shimmerlng Shapes* 
A Shape Table Mini-Editor* Block Graphics: Arcade Quality Graphics for BASIC Programmers* Animation 







Country . 

. Phone . 




• US funds drawn on US bank. • Most orders shipped within 5 working days, however please allow up 
to 4 weeks delivery for some orders. • Most orders shipped UPS, so please use street address. • Offer 
good while supply lasts. • in Washington state, add 7.8% sales tax. •Send check/money order to: 

COMPUTIST PO Box 110846-T Tacoma, WA 98411 (206) 474-5750 




the COMPUTIST shopper 

Software Package lie 

816 Paint $45.«)Oa 

Alternate Reality: The Dungeon $28.00 D 

Alternate Reality: The City $20.00 D 

Appleworks $190.00 D 

Artie Fox $28.00 D 

Bank Street Writer 64K $46.00 D 

Bank Street Writer Plus (128K) $46.00 D 

Bard's Tale $30.00 D 

Bard's Tale II $35,00 

Bard's Tale IH $35.00 D 

California Games $26.00 D 

Certificate Maker $25.00 D 

Championship Karate $14.00 D 

Chessmaster 2000 $28.00 D 

Clip Art Library (for Paintworks Plus) . . 

Copy n Plus v8.0 $23.00 D 

Create with Garfield $2000 D 

Create w/ Garfield Deluxe $28.00 D 

Crossword Magic $32.00 D 

Dark Lord $16.00 D 

Dazzle Draw $40.00 D 

Deathlord $28.00 D 

Draw Plus $52.00 D 

F-15 Strike Eagle $24.00 D 

Fantavision $34.00 D 

Flight Simulator n $36.00 D 

Force 7 $15.00 D 

Halls of Montezuma $28.00 D 

Hardball $22.00 O 

Hitchhiker's Guide $2000 D 

Jet $29.00 D 

Karateka $24,00 D 

King's Quest $32.00 D 

King's Quest U $32,00 D 

King's Quest m $32,00 D 

King's Quest IV 

Knight of Diamonds $23.00 D 

Legacy of the Ancients $28.00 D 

Legacy of Uylgamyn $26.00 D 

Leisure Suit Larry $26.00 D 

Lode Runner $24.00 D 

Macroworks $20.00 D 

Math Blaster $28.00 D 

Math Blaster Plus 29.00 D 

Math Rabbit $27,00 

Math Talk 

Marble Madness $25,00 

Mean 18, Ultimate Golf $28.00 O 

Merlin 8/16 $80,00 

Millionaire II $40.00 O 

Mousewrite $99.00 O 


$45.00 D 

$26.00 O 

$20.00 O 
$23.00 D 


$28.00 O 
$28.00 O 

$32.00 O 
$32.00 D 
$32.00 O 
$32.00 O 

$26.00 O 

$29.00 O 

$35.00 D 
$25.00 O 

$99.00 O 

$66.00 D 

$12000 O 
$65.00 D 

$40.00 O 

Softwm Package lie II gs 

Multiscribe 3.0 $48.00 D 

Music Studio 2.0 $52.00 O 

Newsroom $38.00 O 

Paint Write Draw 

Paintworks Plus 

Paintworks Gold 

Pegasus $23,00 

The Print Shop $34.00 O 

Print Shop Companion $27.00 O 

Print Shop Graphics Library: 

Disk One $16,50 

Disk Two $16,50 

Disk Three $16,50 

Pro-Byter $32,00 

Reader Rabbit $27,00 $34,00 

Silent Service $23.00 O 

Space Quest $32.00 O $32.00 O 

Space Quest n $32.00 O 

Star Fleet $35,00 

Star Trek- The Kobayashi Alternative . . $27.00 O 

Star Trek 11- The Promethean Prophecy $27.00 O 
Stickybear Series: 

ABC's $24,00 

Math I $24,00 

Math n $24,00 

Numbers $24.00 O 

$24.00 D 

$24.00 O 

Typing $24,00 

Ciposites $24.00 O 

Thexder $23.00 O $23.00 D 

TimeOut Superfonts $42,00 

Tomahawk $23.00 O 

Topdraw $66.00 O 

Type $30.00 D 

Typing Tutor IV $32,00 $32,00 

Ultima V $40.00 O 

Visualizer $53.00 D $59.00 D 

Where in USA is Carmen San Diego . , , $30.00 O 

Where in World is Carmen San Diego. $30,00 

Where in Europe is Carmen San Diego $30.00 O 

Wings of Fury $26.00 D 

Winter Games $25,00 $27,00 

Wizardy $32.00 D 

Wwd Attack $28,00 

WordPerfect w/ Spelling Checker- $95,00 $95,00 

World Games $25,00 $27,00 

Writer's Choice Elite $6000 O 

Writer Rabbit $24,00 

Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer $28.00 O 

is proud to 
offer these 
LOW software 
prices* for 
Apple II and 
llgs software 

* Prices subject to 
change without notice. 

Because we do not 'stock' but 
order only the software needed, 
the COMPUTIST Shopper keeps 
operating costs to a minimum 
and can pass the savings on to 

In most cases, your order is 
shipped within two weeks. The 
COMPUTIST Shopper will NOT 
cash your check nor charge 
your credit card until your 
software is ready to be shipped. 
If the software you ordered Is 
not available, you will have the 
option to cancel your order, or 
make an alternative selection. 

How To Order 

• US orders: Check the box for 
your selection. For Apple Ilgs 
softw^are, check the box in the 
right-hand column. 

t Please add $3 per order for 
shipping & handling. Orders over 
$200 receive free shipping. 

• Most orders shipped UPS, so use 
your street address. 

• Washington state, please add 
7.8% sales tax. 

• Offer good while suppUes last. 

• Foreign Orders: Please inquire 
as to appropriate shipping fees 










SoftKey Publishing PO Box 110816-T Tacoma WA 98411 


• Software 

• Plus 
(see above) 

• WA residents 
Sales Tax _ 



COMPU'nST #60 


David Kaszuba 

X These softkeys were sent in by David 
Kaszuba. They are mostly from BBS's. If included, 
the softkeys are attributed to the proper 
"handles". RDEXed 

This softkey is from the Lone Victor. 

Softkey for. . . 

Here is how to remove the Softguard 
Superlok 2.03 copy protection from Clipper 
Winter 85, on the file CLIPPER. W85 105984 
bytes. It will only work with this file. So if 
it doesn't work, you probably have a different 

With this text file you should find a binary 
file CLIPPER.BIN. You will need this file, 
ALTER, DEBUG, and your Clipper System 

Install your copy of Clipper on a hard disk 
as normal. Using ALTER or a similar utility, 
un-hide and copy the CLIPPER. W85 file. 
Next, hide the file again and Un-Install 
Clipper. Put your system disk away for safe 

Now, using DEBUG execute the 
following commands: 




debug response 

CX 1000??? 

debug response 



Writing 19C92 bytes debug response 


You now have a complete working copy 

Softkey for... 

DoubleDOS vl.O 

These instructions show you how to 
bypass the SoftGuard copy protection scheme 
used on DoubleDOS version 1.00. This is 
the same scheme used for FrameWork v 1 . 10 

and for Wordstar 2000 vl.OO. Wordstar 
2000 V 1 . 1 does not use a copy protection 

I 1 I Using your valid, original 
DoubleDOS diskette, install it on a fixed disk. 
Softguard hides three files in your root 
directory: CML0200.HCL, VDF0200. 
VDW, and DOUBLEDO.EXE. It also copies 
DOUBLEDO.COM into your chosen 
DoubleDOS directory. DOUBLEDO.EXE is 
the real DoubleDOS program, encrypted. 
When you run DoubleDOS, the program 
high in memory and runs it. CML decrypts 
itself and reads VDF02O0.VDW. The VDF 
file contains some code and data from the 
fixed disk FAT at the time of installation. By 
comparing the information in the VDF file 
with the current FAT, CML can tell if the 
CML, VDF, and DOUBLEDO.EXE files are 
in the same place on the disk where they were 
installed. If they have moved, say from a 
backup & restore, then DoubleDOS will not 

I 2 I Second, un-hide the three files in the 
root directory. You can do this with the 
programs ALTER.COM or FM.COM found 
on any BBS. Make copies of the three files, 
and of DOUBLEDO.COM, into some other 
directory. Hide the three root files again using 

I 3 I Following the DoubleDOS 
instructions, uninstall DoubleDOS. You can 
now put away your original DoubleDOS 
diskette. We are done with it. 

I 4 I Next we will make some patches to 
CML02OO.HCL to allow us to trace through 
the code in DEBUG. These patches will keep 
it from killing our interrupt vectors. 

change the 2A to 4A 





F6.16 (/ any of these numbers don V show up 


E9.09 it's not working. 





E 73C 97 FA FA F4 Fl 7E encrypted call to 


I 5 I Now copy your four saved files back 
into the root directory and hide the 
CML0200.HCL, VDF020O.VDW, and 
DoubleDOS.EXE files using ALTER or FM. 

m We can now run DOUBLEDO. 
COM using DEBUG, trace just up to the point 
where it has decrypted DOUBLEDO.EXE, 

then write that file out. 


R write down the value ofDSfor use below 

A 0:300 we must assemble some code here 

pop ax 


mov [320], ax 

pop ax 


mov [322], ax 

push es 

mov ax, 20 

mov es,ax 

mov ax,0 


imp farptr[320] 







Gs 559 569 

G = 571 857 DOUBLEDO. EXE has been decrypted 

RBX length DOUBLEDO.EXE = 04800 bytes 

:D set BX to 


:48D0 set CX to 4800. 

NDOUBLEDO name of file to write to 

W XXXX:1DD where XXXX is the value of DS that 

you wrote down at the begining. 
Q quit debug 

save return address 

set up Slack the way we need it 

jump to our return address 
now we can trace CML 

this stuff just traces past some 
encryption routines. 

wait while reading VDF & FAT 

I 7 I Last, unhide and delete the three 
root files CML0200.HCL, VDF02OO. 
VDW, and DOUBLEDO.EXE. Delete 
DOUBLEDO.COM and rename 
the real DoubleDOS program without any 
SoftGuard code or encryption. It requires only 
SYS files to run. 

Softkey for... 

LoadCalc v4.13 

by the Lone Victor 
■ Requirements 

D Copy II PC 

Even when copied with Copy II PC, the 
LoadCalc disk spins in the A drive without 
running. Here's the procedure to use: 

I 1 I Make a backup copy with 

I 2 I Rename the Loadcalc.exe file on the copied disk. 





copy protection. Be sure to do this to a copy, 
and not to the original disk. Use the DOS 
COPY command to make a copy onto another 
floppy, or to move a copy to your hard disk. 
Then perform the DEBUG steps to the copy. 

1 1 1 Rename the file. 



This is supposed to be a forum for 
readers to exchange info and ideas 
about IBM computers. 

So let's get with it and make this 
work. If you've done something neat 
with your IBM or solved some 
problems or just have something to 
say, write to the IBM RDEX editor and 
let him know. 

Tell your friends about the IBM RDEX. 
Put messages on all the bulletin boards 
you frequent. 

Get the word out! 

Send all contributions to: 

IBM-RDEX editor 


PO Box 110846-T 

Tacoma, WA 98411 

1 3 1 Put the DOS disk in drive A, in drive B. 


5 CStOlOO FFFF 7F UTwo numbers will show up: 

E XXXXiYYYY You will see XXXX:YYYY 7F. 

EB type this after the period 




1 2 1 Get Debug on line. 

The backup copy will now run. JNote: this 
procedure will NOT allow LoadCalc to be 
moved to a hard disk, just allow a back-up 
copy to be made. 

Softkey for... 

1 3 1 SOFeeOCD13 

Note: Two locations should be found, at 
xxxx:70DC and xxxx:70EC. If they are not 
at these two addresses then stop, you must 
have a different version than I. The values 
xxxx are unimportant.) 

E 70DC 90 90 90 90 
E 70EC 90 90 S9 EB 

Note: A 'Writing DC3A bytes' should be 
displayed. The above Edit commands tell the 
Mind Prober program to not bother looking 
for the bad sector located on the diskette.) 



You should have a non-protected copy. 

Mind Prober 

by J. R. (Hacker Jack) 

The operation to remove the copy 
protection is very simple. An added benefit 
removing the copy protection is the ability 
to put Mind Prober on your hard disk, without 
the need to have the original disk in Drive A: 
at startup time. 

Follow the steps below for removing the 

Create pro-ams with super hi^ re«olutioii graphics in up to 256 colors at 

once, prot shapes and text fonts in color, produce animated effects and more, 

with ICONK. 

Sample and record your own sounds, compose music in up to 30 voices, create 

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Trace and locate files, recover deleted files, create a mouse-driven program 

launcher and much more, with DISC COMMANDER. 

With "nePoiver Trio"kom So What Software, 

now you can create your own BASIC software pro- 
grams using the full range of graphics and sound 
power of the Apple IIG's. 

Create colorful animated programs using the super 
high resolution power of ICONK. Orchestrate 
compositions through the full sound and music en- 
vironment of SONK. Or trace and locate files with 
the powerful disk editor, DISC COMMANDER, 
and much more. 

Easy-to-use and very affordable, "The Power Trio" 

will turn your BASIC programs into FANTASTIC 


hands-on favorites! 

Call us today, at (714) 964-4298 






\Bnd Prober— $9, Practicalc— $9 
Jingle Disk— $1, Cardware— $2 
PFSiWrite, File, Report— $45 
Postpaid. Byron Blystone, P.O. 
Box 1313, Snohomish, WA 9829©. 

Trade your unwanted software. 
Send your list of programs to 
trade. I have over 7(Z) originals to 
trade. Byron Blystone, P.O. Box 
1313, Snohomish, WA 9829®. 

APPLE IIGS 3.5" disk versions of 
"Ruins of Keledoor" emd "Trivia 
Pyramid" are now available! 
You've seen my ads here before. 
Now get these FASTER 
RUNNING 3.5" versions for your 
APPLE IIGS - both games for 
$9,951 The original released 
APPLE IIE 5.25" versions are still 
available - both games only $8. 
Game booklets included. Send 
check or M.O. to Mark 
Whitehurst, Box 485, Franklin 
Park, IL 60131. All orders rushed 

International Apple 11 Club. One 

ti|ne membership fee of $20. 

Please make all checks out to 

Wayne Zurow and send them to: 

Wayne Zurow 

Attn: Cyclotron 

K.F.S.H. Box 3354 

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 

In return you will receive our 

latest literature. 


Plus more!!! 
laxZ/s of disks. lOXZXD's of PRINT 
SHOP grahics, APPLEWORKS fUes, 
UTILITIES, plus much more. 
School purchase orders welcome. 
Send $1 for catalog to Continental 
Software Co., Box 1511, So. Glens 
FaUs, NY 12803 

How to place an Unclassified Ad 

For short ads, use this order form. For larger ads, submit typed copy with appropriate 
instructions. Use every character space, up to 30 characters per line, we will adjust 
word wrap. $5 for the first line, $1 per line after that 

Special Graphics Instnictioiis: The first three words of the first line are printed in bold 
for fi:ee. If you want other words bolded, use two spaces per letter and circle the entire 
word. (Bold letters count as two letters.) If you want a line centered, write CENTER 
next to that line. There is no charge for centering any Une. 






. $10 

Country . 




Total Number of lines: . 

Run my ad number of times. Each rim that I pay 

for now will cost me only Vz the total initial cost. $_ 

Total $_ 

♦Washington orders add 7.8% sales tax. $_ 

Final Total $_ 



Send this form and a check or money order (funds drawn on US bank only) 
for the entire amount to: 

COMPUnST iinCLASSIFIEDS PO Box 110846 Tacoma, WA 98411 



THE Super Expanders! 

S.E. llgs OK Now $49 

S.E. lie *0K Now $59 

S.E. lie *OK 1/88 $69 

S.E, 11+ * OK 3/88 $79 

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* FREE Appleworks RAM 
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llgs No Audio Noise $25 

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914 E. 8TH ST., Suite 109, National City, CA 92050 

(619) 474-3328 10AM-6PM Mon-Fri 




The Hacker's UHimte Copy i Deprolection Utiliiy 

Super lOB Collection ! 

ALL of our Super lOB controllers (through March 1988) in 'ONE' package! 

COMPUTIST developed the ultimate copy program 
to remove copy protection from software: 

The Super lOB program. 

Since the introduction of Super lOB, COMPUTIST 
has used this flexible program to deprotect (or partially 
deproteet) dozens of commercial programs with far 
ranging protection schemes. 

Super lOB deprotects disks by using a modified RWTS 
(the subroutine in DOS which is responsible for the 
reading and writing of disk sectors) for reading from the 
protected disk and then using a normal RWTS for writing 
to the deprotected disk. 

This package contains: 

► Three disks (supplied in DOS 3.3). Each disk contains 
at least 60 Super lOB Controllers including the standard, 
swap, newswap and fast controllers. Also included is 
version 1 .5 of Super lOB, the Csaver program from 
COMPUTIST No. 13, and a Menu Hello Program that 
lists the available controllers and, when you select one, 
automatically installs it in Super lOB and RUNs the 
resulting program.* 

^ A reprint of Disl( Inspection and the Use of 
Super JOB, from COMPUTIST No. 17. This article 
explains how to write your own Super lOB controllers. 

► COMPUTIST No. 32, which contains an extensive 
article detailing the hows and whys of Super lOB vl .5 
and at least 5 articles using the new Super lOB program. 

• Several of the controllers deprotect the software 
completely with no further steps. This means that some 
programs are only minutes away from deprotection (with 
virtually no typing). 

• The issue of COMPUTIST in which each controller 
appeared is indicated in case further steps are required 
to deprotect a particular program.** 

♦Requires at least 64K of memory. 
**Although some controllers will completely deprotect 
the program they were designed for, some will not, and 
therefore require their corresponding issue of 
COMPUTIST to complete the deprotection procedure. 

The SUPER lOB Collection 

Volume 1 of the Super lOB collection covers all the controllers from COMPUTIST No 9 through No 26 
Also included are the newswap and fast controllers from COMPUTIST No. 32. The followinq 60 controllers 
are on volume 1 : 

Advanced Blackjack, Alphabet Zoo, Arcade Machine, Archon II, Archon, Artsci Software, Bank Street Writer 
Barrens SAT, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, BSW //c Loader, Castle Wolfenstein, Computer Preparation- SAt' 
Dazzle Draw, DB Master 4 Plus, Death in the Carribean, Dino Eggs, DLM Software, Electronic Arts, F-1 s'strike 
Eagle, Fast Controller, Fathoms 40, Financial Cookbook, Gessler Software, Grandma's House, The Heist In 
Search of the Most Amazing Thing, Instant Recall, KIdwriter, Lions Share, Lode Runner, Mastertype Match 
Maker, Miner 2049er, Minit Man, Mufplot, Newsroom, Newswap controller, Penguin Software Print Shop Graphic 
Library, Print Shop, Rendezvous with Rama, Rockys' Boots, Sargon III, Sea Dragon, Shiela, Skyfox Snooper 
Troops, Standard controller. Stoneware Software, Summer Games, Super Controller, Super Zaxxon Swap 
Controller, TAC, Ultima I & II, Word Challenge, Xyphus, Zaxxon ' 

Volume 2 of the super lOB collection covers all the controllers from COMPUTIST No 27 through No 
38. The following 65 controllers are on volume 2: 

Alice in Wonderland, Alphabetic Keyboarding, Alternate Reality, Autoduel, Checkers, Chipwits Color Me, Conan.prog, CopyDOS, Crisis Mountain, Disk Director, Dragonworld, Early Games Easy as ABc' 
F-1 5 Strike Eagle, Fantavision, Fast controller, Fishies, Flight Simulator, Halley Project, Hartley Software (a)' 
Hartley Software (b), Jenny of the Prarie, Jingle Disk, KIdwriter, Kracking Vol II, Lode Runner LOGO II a) 
LOGO II (b) Masquerade, Mastering the SAT, Microfype: The Wonderful World of Paws, Microzines 1 , Microzines 
2-5, Miner 2049er, Mist & View to a Kill, Murder on the Zinderneuf, Music Construction Set, Newswap controller 
Olympic Decathlon, Other Side, Phi Beta Filer, Pitstop II, Print Shop Companion, RDOS, Robot War Spy vs 
Spy, Standard controller, Sundog V2, Swap controller. Sword of Kadash, Synergistic Software, Tawala's Last 
Redoubt, Terripm Logo, Threshold, Time is Money, Time Zone, Tink! Tonkl, Troll's Tale, Ultima IV Wilderness 
Word Attack & Classmate, World's Greatest Baseball, World's Greatest Football 

Volume 3 of the super lOB collection covers all the controllers from COMPUTIST No. 39 through No 
53. The following 89 controllers are on volume 3: 

2400 A.D., Alternate Reality: The Dungeon, Address Book, American Challenge, Apple Gradebook V2 6 Arcade 
A butti #1 Arcade Boot Camp, Aztec, Bard's Tale II, Beachhead, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, Black Magic 
Blue Powder/Grey Smoke, Borrowed Time, Castle Wolfenstein, Cat-N-Mouse, Catalyst 2.0 & 3 ffl Centipede 
Championship Golf, Championship Wrestling, Charlie Brown 123'S, Colonial Conquest, Comprehension Skills' 
Computer Preparation for the SAT V3, Coveted Mirror, Coveted Mirror RWTS Capture, CPU68000NV 4Q2' 
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