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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  October 14, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> pelley: tonight, a federal court blocks a key provision of the toughest immigration law in the country. but the court lets another provision stand and mark strassmann reports that has many hispanics living in fear. new york city's confrontation with occupy wall street protes protesters comes to an unexpected end. we have a series of reports on the growing protests around the country. dean reynolds on teen drivers. why they're so dangerous and what's being done to make them safer. and steve hartman with the ice cream man. a real softy. >> i'm part of the society and when you belong somewhere, you have to give back.
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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening. alabama has put itself on the front lines of the battle against illegal immigration with a tough new law. but that law is being challenged as unconstitutional. today a panel of federal judges in atlanta weighed in on the most controversial parts of the law. the law requires schools to check the immigration status of students. the judges have suspended that. the law requires legal immigrants to carry papers proving their legal status. the judges suspended that, too. but the provision that allows police to detain anyone they suspect is illegal, the court let that stand. the law took effect six weeks ago and has had swift and dramatic effects in alabama, so we asked mark strassmann to show us what it all means. >> reporter: liz betancourt is scared to leave the house in florence, alabama. >> i'm illegal.
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i'm not from here. >> reporter: her family moved from mexico to the u.s. when liz was an infant. she's now 19 but has never applied for citizenship or a green card. under the state's new law, if she's picked up by police, she could be deported and during that process-- which can take months-- there's no legal guaranty her daughter born in alabama and a u.s. citizen would stay with her. but the widespread perception among illegal immigrants is deportation would split families apart, although any deported parents would be allowed to take their children with them. >> we just came here to work. our parents, those that have children, they just come here to give their children a good education. >> reporter: even a routine trip to the store has many illegal immigrants here worried they'll end up getting arrested and in case they're deported, some parents are signing papers turning over the legal care of their kids to someone else. if betancourt's deported, her aunt, a u.s. citizen, would care
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for the baby so she could stay here. fear of deportation is spreading through families living here illegally. in albertville alabama's public schools, 81 of 1100 hispanic students have dropped out in the last two weeks. >> we can't survive without them. >> reporter: alabama employers like farmer keith smith are also feeling the effects. smith needs 20 workers to harvest his sweet potatoes. most mornings he's lucky now if nine show up. >> they're just putting me out of business with this law and if things don't change, if they don't come up with something better people like me, we're just... we're a has been. >> they are displacing alabama workers. and our goal is to have as many alabamaians as possible working. >> reporter: scott beason is the republican senator sponsoring the law. he points to the unemployment rate in alabama, just under 10%, and the estimated $290 million alabama spends educating and
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caring for illegal immigrants. has the impact been on what you expected? >> i think so. all the focus has been on the illegal alien and the challenge they may have for being here illegally. people forget the people who has not been able to start a business or lost their business because the competitor down the road hired an illegal alien. >> reporter: today's decision by the 11th circuit court of appeals in atlanta is temporary. its final decision could be months away. scott, liz betancourt, the woman we interviewed on our story, she was fired by her cleaning company right after she spoke with us. >> pelley: mark, what's coming up next in this court fight. >> well, today's decision conflicts with the ninth circuit court of appeals decision about a similar provision in arizona's law, the provision that focuses on whether a local police agency or state police agency can check the immigration status of someone simply because they're suspected of a crime. because those decisions conflict, legal scholars now say it's much more likely this issue will reach the u.s. supreme court. >> pelley: mark, thanks very much. those protests against wall
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street are continuing into the weekend all over the country in 103 cities and in 36 states. we have correspondents tonight at three of those protests. first, jim axelrod in new york where a feared confrontation with police today was averted. jim? >> reporter: well, scott, the scene here tonight is just like it's been for most of the last four weeks: mostly calm and civil. but for a few hours this morning it seemed like things were about to escalate and boil over. just before dawn, the crowd of demonstrators swelled in this privately owned park, defiantly daring the police to evict them. the park's owner, brookfield properties, had asked police to clear it out so it could be cleaned. >> riot police are coming! >> reporter: protesters thought it was a ruse to remove them for good. the police warned that at 7:00 this morning they were coming in. >> sure, that was showdown. the city made it into a showdown. >> reporter: sherry wolf, about to lose her job as a copy
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editor, was here when word spread the company had put its cleaning plans on hold and called off the police. >> i think the fact that they blinked, that they were forced to retreat in the face of thousands of working people and students standing together is absolutely going to grow the side of the 99%. >> we are are the 99%! >> reporter: inside the park, the tension evaporated almost instantly. ♪ the eclectic mix of ages, races, and income levels launched into celebration. >> occupy wall street! , i it wasn't all peaceful. >> i don't want you behind me go. back that way. >> reporter: the man was walking with a group of demonstrators who left the park to march to wall street, ignoring police warnings to stay on the sidewalks. his leg appeared to be run over by a police scooter. when he kicked back, he was arrested, one of 14 total. new york's mayor bloomberg was not happy with local politicians who called for the cleaning to be postponed saying that
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emboldened the demonstrators. >> reporter: this afternoon, heavy rainfall started to fall if lower manhattan and more storms are forecast for tonight but so far, scott, the rains haven't diminished the size of the crowd at all. >> pelley: jim, thanks very much. these protests against wall street are not actually on wall street. that park where the protesters are hunkered down is on liberty street three blocks from the new york stock exchange. as jim mentioned, the park is privately owned and can stay open 24 hours a day. most public parks closed a dusk. no matter hour, the police have a perimeter set up near the park. there is little chance that the protesters will get anywhere near the trading floor. the protesters claim that they represent 99% of americans against the wealthiest 1%.
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in los angeles, bill whitaker is finding protesters from nearly every walk of life. bill? >> reporter: scott, it's day 13 of occupy l.a. about 600 people are here most days, more on the weekends and they come for many reasons. some people are unemployed, they're students who can't pay back student loans, people who need health insurance. but what unites them is a frustration, even anger, over an economic system they see as stacked against them. everyday now, 49-year-old patricia sanchez gets up, has her morning coffee, scans the computer, then, with husband tyrone, heads 15 miles downtown to the occupy l.a. campsite outside l.a. city hall. >> i'm putting the brakes on the destruction of this country. >> reporter: she man it is first aid tent each morning before work. , camps out here on the weekends. her husband is disabled with spinal damage. sun joseph joined the marines
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when cash-strapped community colleges cut courses he needed. sanchez earns just $34,000 a year as an occupation therapy specialist. >> we are below the poverty line. for the first time in my life i have debt. i'm more concerned for my son and my nieces and nephews and their children because if i'm having trouble, if i'm struggling, what's it going to be like in ten years? >> reporter: so she comes to add her voice to protests here day and night. her demand? an economy that works for those at the bottom as well as the top. >> enough is enough. i hope that we wake people up. >> reporter: scott, sanchez admit there is' no coordinated game plan to bring about economic reform, but to come out here, exercise their right to speak out, and hope america listens and acts. >> pelley: bill, thanks very much. elaine quijano is talking to those protesters who are acting
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in boston and she's found some people who you would never expect to be unemployed. elaine? >> reporter: well, scott, here at the occupy boston protest where an evening prayer service is just getting under way, many of the demonstrators we've seen are either college students or recent college graduates. in fact, there are some 30 colleges and universities in the city of boston alone. >> i was the first person in my family to go to college. >> reporter: at age 27, josh eaton thought he could rise above his family's working class background. >> i've been working temp jobs, part time jobs, unemployed a lot of the time. and i'm really afraid that we no longer live in a country where that kind of upward mobility is possible. >> reporter: he's still unemployed more than a year after graduating from harvard with a master's degree. he has $60,000 in student loan debt. >> just the idea of having a
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full-time job with benefits, being on the 9:00 to 5:00, that's aspirational and, you know, in some instances sort of... seems almost unreachable. >> reporter: relief from student loan debt is one of the top concerns of protesters here and, scott, according to a group that tracks student debt, 67% of people who graduate from four-year colleges have student loans and owe an average of $24,000. >> pelley: thank you, elaine. in another developing story tonight, we were surprised to get word today of a new overseas deployment of u.s. troops. president obama has ordered american forces into another war zone, central africa. 100 combat-equipped troops are being sent to advise and train local forces who are battling rebels terrorizing four countries including uganda and south sudan. in a letter to congressional leaders today, the president said the americans will not be
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fighting unless they're fired upon. for the first time, an american catholic bishop faces criminal charges in a sex abuse scandal. danger on the road. what's being done to make young drivers safe drivers? and saturn as we've never seen it before. when the "cbs evening news" continues. here's why beano is different than these gas relievers. these you take after food gives you gas, you take beano before, so you don't get gas. and if you don't get gas, maybe you don't need these. take beano before and there'll be no gas. it's your fault. naturally blame the mucus. try advil congestion relief. it treats the real problem, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. [ male announcer ] advil congestion relief.
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>> pelley: an american catholic bishop has been indicted for failing to report sexual abuse of children. in missouri, bishop robert finn and the diocese of kansas city st. joseph were charged today with sheltering a priest whose laptop was allegedly filled with child pornography. we asked michelle miller to look into it. >> to my knowledge, a charge like this has not been leveled before. >> reporter: the indictment announced by peruor jean peaters baker is unprecedented in the history of the catholic church here in thites. kansas city bishop robert finn is accused of not telling police he knew about hundreds of sexually explicit pictures of children on the computer of a parish priest. that priest, reverend shawn ratigan, was charged last spring with possession of child pornography. parishioners also raised concerns that ratigan was behaving inappropriately around
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children. >> this is about protecting children. >> reporter: authorities say bishop finn knew as early as december of 2010 that ratigan possess it had photos and kept that information from police for five months. ratigan was arrested in maw of this year. the diocese of kansas city st. joseph issued a statement saying: >> we think it send a very encouraging signal to victims. >> reporter: david clohessy is with snap, the survivors network of those abused by priests. >> this is a new era in which prosecutors will go after not just the pedophile priests but the catholic bishops who enable and conceal their crimes. >> reporter: this indictment comes nearly ten years after the nation's catholic bishops pledged to report suspected abusers to police. if bishop finn is convicted, he could be sentenced to a year in prison. >> pelley: michelle, thank you
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very much. the district attorney in orange county, california, said today he will seek the death penalty for n yesterday's mass shooting at a beauty salon. scott decry is charged with eight counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. his ex-wife was among those killed. they are some of the most dangerous drivers. what states are doing to teach teens to drive more safely, coming next. taste-free and dissolves completely. so you can put it in whatever you like, even water. benefiber. makes taking fiber easier. mushroom smothered beef burgers. hearty chicken and noodle casserole. so easy, you just need campbell's cream of mushroom soup to make them and a hungry family to love them. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. what's in the mail? well, it just might surprise you.
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>> pelley: motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for american teenagers. now a study out today says what most importants already suspect: teens are most at risk in the first weeks after their get their license. a.a.a. says that they are 50% more likely to have a crash in their first month of driving than they are a year later. what can be done to make kids safer? we asked dean reynolds to find out. >> excellent. >> reporter: 16-year-old joe horn berger is finishing up drivers ed. >> line up the car nice and smooth. >> reporter: he's polishing his parking skills and tooling along chicago's lake shore drive in preparation for getting his license. >> i don't think my mom will let me leave the house if i'm not cautious. >> reporter: he and his mother have good reasons to feel that way. according to the new a.a.a. study, 730,000 drivers between 15 and 18 were in police-reported crashes in 2009. 57% of crashes involved speed, failure to yield, or
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inattention. justin mcnaull of a.a.a. >> once a teen has a license and he's out there on his own, there's a whole lot for the teen to take in and process. >> we get a phone call, we check it, our favorite song is on the radio, turn it up. so i definitely think there are more distractions now. >> whoa, don't hit me! >> reporter: this a.a.a. video of new young drivers should concern any parent worried about turning over the keys. there they are using cell phones. >> okay. thanks. >> reporter: driving unbelted or running red lights. >> are you checking your speedometer occasionally? >> reporter: crash rates improve with experience which is why, during the 1990s, many states began graduated driver licensing program which is include learning, intermediate, and full privilege stages. though the restrictions vary across the country. in illinois, teen driving deaths have declined 50% from 147 in 2007 when that program was adopted here to just 73 last
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year. joe horn berger will be getting his license this winter. a.a.a. says he should keep practicing, drive at night only when he has to and limit the number of teenage friends he gives a lift. dean reynolds, cbs news, chica chicago. >> pelley: it was 14 years ago tomorrow that nasa put the cassini spacecraft on the road and it has sent back spectacular images of saturn. in this one, the planet appears in silhouette, its icy rings back lit by the sun. cassini also captured the largest of saturn's 62 moons, titan, and one of its smallest. it also revealed powerful thunderstorms on the surface, helping scientists better understand this mysterious planet. he made it in america and now he is sharing his good fortune. steve hartman's "assignment america" is next. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker...
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♪ [ female announcer ] mini™ meets berries. kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats cereal with a touch of fruit in the middle. helloooooo fruit in the middle. >> pelley: it was 50 years ago this year that a new young president called on his fellow americans to ask what they could do for their country. in tonight's "assignment america," steve hartman
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introduces us to a man who never stops asking and never stops doing. >> reporter: when most people think of the american dream, they imagine all this country has to offer them. >> have a wonderful evening. >> reporter: but for 40-year-old hamid chaudhry, a pakistani immigrant and owner of this dairy queen in reading, pennsylvania, that dream isn't just for the taking. >> i'm part of the society and when you belong somewhere, you have to give back. >> reporter: a few years ago, after becoming a u.s. citizen, hamid moved to reading with his wife, a doctor. they have two children. for most people, that would be enough responsibility. but hamid wanted more. he began with cumru elementary, offering his services to school principal james watts. >> and i looked at him like, wow. here's a guy, i mean, truthfully, business nen this
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day in age are not coming to schools and saying "what can i do for you?" >> reporter: what what hamid offered was to host the school fund-raisers. he eventually began fund-raising for other organizations as well. >> a lot of ice cream for every kid! >> reporter: soccer teams, crime stoppers. every night it seemed hamid was sponsoring a different charity. he split the proceeds 50-50. beth stanislawczyk is is former president of the cumru pete owe. >> a lot of times, too, he is extra generous in what he gives you because you think "now, how did we make that much money tonight?" >> reporter: he gives you more than you made? >> yeah, he's been known to do that several times. >> reporter: do you have a problem saying no? could you say no? >> i can but i prefer not to. >> help yourself! >> reporter: all told, hamid has said yes to more than 100 community organizations, and that's not even counting his individual acts of charity. >> i wasn't even thinking that anybody was going to help me in my way, i was thinking i'm not going to be able to pay for my
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husband's funeral. then he steps up and does something like that. >> reporter: when alecia pagerly lost her husband kyle, a deputy sheriff in the line of duty a few months ago, hamid was the first to step in, throwing a fund-raiser to cover all her expenses at the time. >> he gives you hope. people like hamid definitely helped me to believe there's still good people. >> reporter: and yet hamid is convinced he's the lucky one here. >> i'm making an honest living. i'm part of the society. i'm raising my kids. i'm practicing my faith, being a muslim. i'm able to do all those things in this great land of ours and when i say god bless america i mean it from the bottom of my heart. i mean it, god bless america. >> pelley: steve hartman in reading, pennsylvania. that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night.
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captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access g . this is wusa 9 news. protestors clash with police on wall street today as that demonstration entered week number 7. we have also seen arrest in the occupy protests right here in d.c. including at a capitol hill hearing. our delia gonclaves delia gonclaves went down there. >> reporter: an action and arrest on capitol hill. >> i was charged with simple assault. >> reporter: saying momentum is building and the movement is growing. >> for the first time in


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