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tv   9 News Now at 5pm  CBS  September 17, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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couldn't keep track of two lies. who told you to have kids? no one, sir. oh, you just did it. you just did it. was -- did nobody love you? you had to make somebody to love you? why two kids? one wasn't good enough? what's so good about your filthy children? and i looked him in the eye and i said they are very kind, sir. he mocked me a bit. you are going to have them sterilized, right? my legs are shaking. i am trying to hold my feet to the floor while not looking at him in the eye. i was looking at the bomb thinking okay, what is it? what are these cylinders and realize that they were propane cylinders. at that point, i got very upset. i started crying. i just started thinking this is it. this is how i'm going to die. you know, i had looked at that bomb. i was looking at it strapped to
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him. it's on a dead man switch. all it takes is for him to let go of it a little too far. something to click or not work or a wire to break or something, s.w.a.t. to shoot and this whole lobby is going to be gone. >> i always knew i was blessed. i knew i had a wonderful wife and beautiful children and a wonderful family and good friends and a good job. but you take all that for granted. and i don't anymore. i don't. >> jim and christopher say both of their lives are changed for ever. it was their extraordinary teamwork and courage that helped them get away from that gunman, james lee, who was shot and killed by police. tonight at 6:00, you'll hear when the hostages knew it was time to make their get away and just how they managed to escape. >> unbelievable stories. what about the security guard? >> interesting. by all description, his actions were heroic, but he does want to remain unanimous.
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he stood near the gunman throughout the ordeal and described as a calming force. he helped negotiators speak with the gunman and played a critical role in the hostages escape. >> thank you so much. there has been a terrible tragedy in the northwest park section of silver spring this afternoon. a 1 1/2-year-old boy was found tangled in drapery cords inside his family's apartment and that little boy did not survive. scott broome is live at the home on north hampton drive where this all looks like a tragic accident. scott. >> it does look like an accident. they haven't identified the child to us yet and neighbors describe an awful scene. right before noon today, a mother outside screaming for help. the first police officers arriving here quickly hustling the child and his father into a police car, racing him away to the hospital near here, but it was too late. >> it was the cords on a set of window shades that apparently strangled the child. inside the ground floor apartment at 901 north hampton,
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an incident shocked neighbors. >> it's like a chain cord. the baby got tangled inside it. we weren't there. we saw the helicopter, the police took the baby. and the detectives are here. it's crazy. >> police did not wait for an ambulance. an officer immediately got his boy in a washington hospital just 2 1/2 miles away. >> they have three children. three boys and they are all small. they go to elementary school. the one died is a year and a half. >> police investigating the incident believe it was an accident. most apartments in this complex are outfitted with shades that open and close with a wand that's impossible for children to tangle in. but some residents have old blinds that come with cords and some parents said it's a hazard they never considered. >> strangled in the blinds, i never considered anything like that. little deals and the sockets
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and make sure they don't play with fire, but i never thought the blinds would strangle a child. >> in fact, just last year, the product safety commission recalled millions of roman blinds after five deaths last year. so it's a serious issue and we learned again today tragically that it does happen. lesley. >> all right, scott, and tragically, we have covered this story before. we told you about blinds and let me just kind of fill people in a little bit about this. blinds that have been recalled over cord concerns and what happens is, that loop gets around the child's neck and they literally suffocate themselves. so the consumer product safety commission is urging parents who have children to go cordless if they can. they are also urging the industry to try to eliminate the hazard to children by making blinds that are cordless or by covering those loops so that they are not accessible. since 2008, we know of four
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children in our area that have died because of these corded blinds. anita. >> thanks, lesley. right now as we speak, the fda is reviewing the use of a drug called avastin. for patients with advanced breast cancer. many women swear it saved their lives, but new research calls into question how effective is this drug really? it costs a lot and do the benefits outweigh the risks? >> cristie may have end stage breast cancer, but the mother of four isn't at the end of her life, thanks she says to the cancer treatment called avastin. >> this has given me my life back. >> used successfully in colon and lung patients. the fda gave temporary approval. it works by cutting off the tumor's blood supply. but recent studies found it wasn't affected and there are life threatening side effects like internal bleeding. >> it seems that evastin did not approve the overall
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survival of the life expectancy of women with breast cancer. >> the approval for breast cancer be revoked. while research shows it doesn't work well in many patients, there are doctors that say the drug has been vital to some. >> the reality is, i have patients that have kept alive for years. >> cristie believes it kept her alive and she helped get thousands of people to sign a petition, asking the fda to keep the drug availability to patients like her. >> i want to see my grandchildren. i want to see my daughter graduate and get married. >> okay, so at last check, no decision at this hour. the company that makes it believes the drug should be out there as an option for women battling breast cancer. if the fda revokes the approval now. insurance companies could stop paying for the $8,000 a month drug, even among women who are using it right now. security is top on the minds of patients at several
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local hospitals. more than half of the 3465 health workers questioned by the emergency nurses association last year said they had been hit, spat upon, or physically assaulted while on the job. nearly a quarter said they experienced 20 or more acts of physical abuse in the last three years. medical centers we contacted today were hesitant to talk about their specific security measures. baltimore police say this can be a learning experience. >> we do exercises. we do planning. but it's important to go back and critique what we did and how we might improve for the safety of all baltimoreens. >> coming up at 6:00, we're going to be talking to the head of security at a local hospital about their procedures for keeping doctors, staffers, patients all safe. we are attempting to learn more about the man shot by capital police this morning. this happened at the bottom of capitol hill. officers say they shot that man
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when he pointed a gun at them. the wounded gunman was taken to the hospital, but we do not know about his condition or his name. the officers involved in the shooting were not hurt. police have determined a rash of robberies in northern virginia are connected. the spree began in july 26 with the holdup of a cash and carry store. the crimes continued this month with robberies of a taco bell and haircutlies in centerville and ashburn. in each case, the suspect brandished a knife and removed cash from a register. that suspect is described as a white male with dark blond hair believed to be in his late 20s to early 30s. prosecutors say they are filing more charges against a suspected serial killer. police believe elias, stabbed and killed five people in michigan. he is also a suspect in two stabbings and a hammer attack in leesburg. most of the victims were black. so far, abdul is only accused of trying to kill a 26-year-old
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man. prosecutors in michigan are expected to lay out additional charges next week. >> we are still waiting to hear tonight whether governor mcdonnel will grant clamency. they are all but certain to put teresa to death next thursday night. ministers and a novelist are pleading for mercy. >> along a driveway in pennsylvania county, it was by all accounts a horrible crime. someone blasted father and son jullianne and cj lewis repeatly with a shotgun and teresa lewis waited 45 minutes to call for help for her dying husband. >> he was in agony. he was conscious, and he was able to say as his last words, my wife knows who done this to me. >> teresa lewis admitted to police that she plotted with her lover and his friend, rodney fuller to murder her husband and his son for cj's
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life insurance. but while a judge sentenced sheldon burger and fuller to life for pulling the trigger, he sentenced to teresa lewis to death. her lawyer insists the plot was shellenburger's idea. >> he found she was an easy mark and somebody he could use to get money. >> lewis would be the first woman to be put to death in virginia in nearly 100 years. reverend lynn lispfield was her prison pastor. >> i think what is happening to teresa is unjust and as a result of the misconception of her intelligence. >> lewis' iq is just 72, barely above mental retardation. her supporters include john grisham, who says there are other cases where a wife and lovers scheme to kill for money and there is no precedent for the wife to be sentenced to death. >> she is not a genius.
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she is smart enough to be held accountable for her actions. >> i didn't pull the trigger, but i did do wrong, lewis told an interviewer in prison. she is now likely to die for it. bruce leshan, 9news now. the last woman executed in virginia was a 17-year-old girl named virginia christian, lek tri electly cuted back in 1912. it is scheduled to stay closed until 8:00 monday morning. pedestrians and people on bikes will not be able to use that bridge either while it is shut down. all right, so it's time for a check on the evening rush. patranya. >> that's right. gorgeous looking friday out there as you can see. but on the topside of the capital beltway on the other side will be close to 90 minutes right now. not much beetedder, about 10 to 15 minutes faster.
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on the 270 corridor, it's going to be slow in stretches, but all lanes are wide open from 495 all the way up to clarksburg. it will be slow. ladies, back to you. >> all right, s.w.a.t. teams swarm in full body armor with guns drawn. this is no drill. we'll tell you what it is coming up at 5:30. top. a beautiful evening. now we'll talk about high school football weather when we come back. also the redskins forecast and we'll show you great pictures from igor from space. stay tuned. conservatives rally the troops in washington with big hopes of taking back control of congress. i'm joel brown. i have that story coming up.
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jewish people around the world are about to start a one- day -- in israel, security has been beefed up, which starts sun down. the isreali army sealed off all
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west bank crossings. they will remain in place until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. six weeks before the midterm elections. today, some of the stars of the movement were in dc. joel brown spent the day at a local hotel. he joins us live from the capital. joel. >> lesley, it has become the fifth year the values voters summit. it has become the can't miss event for conservative politicians. the big thing this year, taking back power here on capitol hill. conservatives are getting charged up to win back control of congress. and in this room, it's just a matter of time. >> i am so eager for november to come. i can't wait. how about you? >> with their sight set on winning control of the house and even the senate, the midterm elections were a main focus at the annual values voter summit in washington. it's a convention of largely
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christian conservatives of republicans showcase for potential 2012 white house contenders and the latest tea party celebrities. > the small elite don't get us. they call us wacky. they call us wing nuts. we call us, we the people. >> in this year of the tea party, a will the of the social conservatives that you hear at this event has been replaced by anger over the healthcare law and anxiety about government spending. >> we are on the downhill course with this country. we are saying that government, back off. we don't like how much you are spending. we don't like how much you're regulating. >> but these conservatives and gop leaders don't agree on everything. there's concern among some establishment republicans that hard line tea party candidates could turn off moderate voters, and many are loudly voicing concerns with republicans they don't think are conservative
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enough. until november, they are vowing to put aside their own differences, concentrating on taking back power in the capitol. but one notable conservative no show today was sarah palin, the former vice presidential candidate is headlining the annual reagan dinner in iowa. with that speculating more about a possible 2012 presidential run. live on capitol hill, i'm joel brown, lesley, back to you. rod stewart and steven cober are coming. dualing rallies on the mall next month. >> it is happening, people. it is happening. it is happening. a real gathering. we will gather. we will gather on the national mall in washington, d.c. >> on october 30, 2010, i am
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calling for the nation to join me on the washington mall for the march to keep fear alive. >> park service confirms it has received applications for real for these rallies, but a decision has not yet been reached. >> one wants to keep you sane and one wants to scare you. lovely. >> restore truthness. we need the forecast right now. >> we need pictures of that hurricane, too. >> these are pictures from space. these are only from 200, 300 miles above the earth. this is igor. you know, little change in terms of the overall pattern of the clouds, but he decreased in intensity. that is good news, especially for those who know someone or are living in bermuda. let's go to the computer now and we'll show you the satellite picture. you can see a pretty clear eye. kind of comes and goes. it will flow, you know, it's a
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complicated life cycle of the hurricane as it begins to pull more to the north. this actually is julia and she will kind of fade out into the distance. all right, igor, category 2, winds are 105 right now. a little over 600 miles south, southeast of bermuda and by 2:00 on sunday, it's going to be, you know, crazy over in bermuda. the good news if you look carefully, this is bermuda here and this is the track. now we are still 600 miles away. it's hard to dissect it like this. if this were to happen, the highest winds would stay away from the islands. the good news, everything is there. bad news is, back in '03, knocks down power lines and trees, it takes weeks to restore power. so this could be repeat of sabien. we will have pictures taken next week. and remember, our effect, much like danielle will be big swells along the coast. if you are trying to squeeze
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out one weekend, watch for currents. all right, tomorrow, great. 80 degrees, sunshine. for sunday, some clouds come in. 83, but warm. maybe a sprinkle. 78. beautiful on monday. redskin forecast, mostly cloudy, warm, a light shower possible. not affect your tailgating, will not affect your game. game time temperatures 75 to 82. winds light at 10. 76 by lunchtime. 80 by evening. just another spectacular day, as this is our last official weekend of summer. right now, 81 downtown. 70s pretty much everywhere else. 77 in leesburg and in frederick and 77 in manassas. still 82 in fredericksburg. skies to return clear. great for high school football. we are talking about temperatures now generally 65 to about 73 during the game time temperatures for high school football. eventually lows to low 50s and
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60s. and sunsets at 7:13. tomorrow morning, mostly sunny, a cool start, 50s and 60s. winds out of the north at 10. by afternoon, mostly sunny and pleasant. a beautiful day. high temperatures around 80 and winds turn out of the east at 10. okay, next seven days. 80 tomorrow. sunshine. a low 80s on sunday. again, not a big deal. some sprinkles possible late. maybe during the game. won't effect anything. low 80s. a weak cold front comes through sunday night. briefly cooler on monday, back in the upper 70s. then it warms up again. low 80s on tuesday. upper 80s wednesday and mid 80s thursday, upper 80s next friday and fall officially arrives 11:09 on wednesday, but it's going to feel a tad more like summer late next week. >> sure is. thank you. coming up next, taking the pledge. we'll show you where girls were signing up to hang up when they are behind the wheel. oñoñ
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hundreds of girls and women took a pledge today not to drive while talking on their
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cell phone. the girls took part in a rally on washington sponsored by 17 magazine, aaa, and the department of transportation. the girls signed what they call hot pink pledge cards. say that fast. the cards call for the drivers to take two seconds to turn off the phone before they drive. as long as you hang up, that's all that matters. in today's great hangup segment, the generational divide when it comes to driving and multitasking. many of us think we are good at multitasking. >> today we sent one of our most tech savvy multitaskers to the police department and boy did they put her to the test. >> i'm part of the generation that believes we can do anything and everything at the same time. and i can't wait to show off my skills on a close court with officer joe moore. he kept changing the radio station. i had to change it back. i had to talk to his friend on the phone, even read him
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directions. take the exit toward memorial bridge. make a slight right. >> all while driving, parking, even backing up. i'm happy to report i did not hit any cones while doing this. >> you did pretty well. >> and here comes the but. >> you may not have to hit a car or a pedestrian. with your driving behavior, coming to complete stops when you shouldn't be. failing to use your turn signal. >> obviously i would have made my fellow drivers pretty angry. next, driving while reading e- mail. >> see the alarming results. and then returning an e-mail. i couldn't do it. >> texting while driving can be deadly. >> the illusion of being able to do everything and drive has faded. not only is it dangerous, police are beginning their campaign cracking down on distracted driving. >> so if your driving behavior is indicative to distracted
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driving, it is a fine. >> i'm lindsay, 9news now. >> lindsay does not hold her phone and talk while driving. everyone here at 9news now has been issued a hands free device and employees are not allowed to text and drive. if you've been affected by a distracted driver talking on a cell phone, we want to share your story on the air. you can tell it to us by going to the great hangup page or you can call 202-895-5960. coming up next, new at 5:30. what does it take to be better than the criminals? a lot of times it starts here at the fairfax county shooting range. i'm suray chin. s.w.a.t. teams compete to be the very best. [ male announcer ] today, scrubbologists reveal
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how the automatic shower cleaner really works. [ bubbles landing ] scrubbing bubbles combine with the water left on your shower walls. ♪ then they clean as they slide down. removes mildew stains and soap scum. cleans a dirty shower in days. then keeps it clean. scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner. we work hard so you don't have to! go to for money-saving coupons. [ female announcer ] sc johnson.
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a family company. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross. we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. right now, new at 5:30. putting taste to the test. a look at dc tap water versus what you find in the bottle. crews working to reach 33 trapped miners make amazing progress. but first, at johns hopkins university, local s.w.a.t. teams want to make sure they are ready for whatever comes. those recent threats by gunmen
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have really put s.w.a.t. teams on notice. new at 5:30, suray takes us by hind the scenes for a look at a s.w.a.t. team's training competition. >> pinpoint accuracy drills today. >> you are only as good as your training. >> threatening lives and promising blood. these men have to be prepared for the worst. >> you cannot be scared. you cannot hesitate. and that all goes back to training. >> there you go. over. >> that's what montgomery county were trained to do when they face the man when they took hostages two weeks ago. >> i mean, that was a situation. we dealt with it and prepare for the next one. >> they can't talk about details, but the team received widespread praise for their quick action, shooting the hostage taker dead. >> our mind set was, hey, we did our job. thank god all three hostages
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went home to their families. >> just this morning, capital police shot a man who pointed a gun at them. their colleagues were among the competitors. where s.w.a.t. team members are competing to be among the very best. but when it comes to a real threat, they have to be better than the criminals they may or may not face to shoot and kill. >> do you want to get your heart rate up, know how to breathe properly. know how to control your heart rate. >> there is no room for error. it's all in a day's work and a test that has proven innocent lives can be saved including perhaps their own. suray chin, 9news now. >> this is the fourth year of the regional s.w.a.t. team competing against each other from across the region, including the fbi and capitol police. don't be alarmed if you see a lot of emergency vehicles along with smoke and fire at reagan national airport tomorrow. that is going to be part of a drill staged on saturday from
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9:00 to 11:00 a.m. they will simulate an aircraft accident and test the operations plan. there will also be river rescues, too. these exercises will not affect the normal operations and the drill site will be closed to the public. a dill that would create the world's biggest airline cleared a major hurdle. now it's expected the deal could be sealed in two weeks time. there are still labor issues to will resolved and passengers probably won't notice many changes for some time. news of that merger didn't seem to have an impact on wall street. the nasdaq closed at 12 and the s & p 500 rose almost 1 point for the week of trading. >> dc mayor, adrian fenty will not accept the republican nomination for mayor. he lost the democratic primary. his office issued a statement this afternoon saying he is
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humbled by the nomination, but he will not accept it. >> as for the democratic nominee, vincent gray, he started making the rounds on the radio this morning. he appeared on two stations to talk about his victory in this week's primary and what he needs to do to unite dc voters come november. >> we want to do everything we can to unite the city. i committed myself to having eight town hall meetings. we are going to do all of those before the general election. i want to get out and talk to people. >> gray won 53% of the vote, but the election seemed to come down along racial lines. mayor fenty won in white areas of the city, while gray won strong with black voters. >> virginiaens didn't go to the polls on thursday, but they can cast ballots today. in person, absentee voting started today. people in arlington can take
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part. they can cast ballots until 5:00 p.m. on august 30. loudoun county needs 21 more schools, that's the word from the superintendent. dr. edgar hatrick. the county will need to accommodate 92,000 students, one of the stories making headlines where you live. for more, go to to check out where your community is, click on it. got a story or a news tip for us? we want to hear it. contact us and be part of the where you live team. a woman who drew worldwide attention claiming acid was thrown on her face admits it was a hoax. bethany storro made several media appearances talking about the alleged attack. police in vancouver, washington, now say that storro actually threw the acid on herself. >> from the very beginning, her story had a lot of holes and red flags and as we
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developed more and more information, it was very clear that this was probably a self- inflicted act. >> storro could be charged with filing a false report. she could also face fraud charges if she spent any of the money that people donated to help her. inside a west virginia coal mine, that mine was the scene of the deadliest mine explosion ever. federal officials say those samples contained highly explosive coal dust. 29 miners lost their lives in the explosion at the upper big branch mine back in april. so far, the mine's owners aren't commenting on these new test results. >> there is some encouraging news where 33 miners have been trapped since early august. a drilling hole has now reached the miners. still officials say the hole must be widened, that could take some weeks. it is hope the men can be freed by early november. the national weather service is investigating whether a tornado touched down
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in new york city. a fierce storm yesterday knocked down trees and ripped roofs from homes and killed at least one person. amateur video shows what appears to be funnel clouds in the sky. tornado warnings were posted for three of the city's five burros. >> i saw branches snapping like a big branch snapping like, you know, they were nothing. look like somebody -- >> a woman was killed when a tree fell on her parked car in queens. thousands of people on the nation's largest commuter rail, the long island railroad were left stranded when the company suspended service because of those downed trees on the tracks. fortunately, nothing like that to worry about around here. meteorologist, topper shutt is out on the terrace where it just couldn't be prettier. >> this day is actually, you know, what we had after the front. we had the same front go through yesterday that went through new york city. we were lucky, we had light showers. you are out and about tonight,
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couldn't get much better. sunshine, temperatures in the upper 70s by 6:00. sun goes down at 7:13. and then temperatures go back down into the low 70s to mid 70s by about 8:00 and then in the low 70s by 10:00. so really perfect high school football weather mainly in the low to mid 70s. pretty good deal. ready for your county closeup. we'll start in fairfax. looking at sunshine across the board tomorrow. 80 in fairfax, maybe 81 in lorton and 81 in alexandria. downtown, 81, 82, cleveland park, capitol hill, full sunshine. a gorgeous day. montgomery county, 79. we'll keep alany and bethesda around 80. we'll come back and talk about the weekend. the redskins forecast. >> thanks, topper. you probably heard of yogi bear, but what about yoga bear? that story is up next. >> coming up new at 6:00, details on how some of you can get paid for those old
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appliances sitting around your house. >> and don't forget, we are always on at stay with us. we'll be right back here on this friday night. ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild?
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why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation where you're free to do anything you want. which may be nothing at all. royal caribbean international. visit today.
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well, some fans of the cbs show as the world turns are sad today. that show ended its 54 year run today. the daytime drama debuted on cbs in 1956. went on to be a huge hit. it also became a launching pad for stars like martin sheen, dana and jullianne moore. now just six daytime soaps remain. to finland next and real life yogi bear. a mom and siblings like to stretch in poses that resemble
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yoga. a visitor noticed the animal's unique talents and sent photographs to local newspapers. a bear appears to be in some pilates as well. one of her favorite moves is grabbing both her feet and leaning back. good for the abs. trust me on this one. >> we are going to be stretching on the road trying to get home tonight. >> plenty of time to be doing ab exercises, especially on i- 95. slow in certain stretches from fairfax county parkway to lorton. you'll be wanting to add extra time for this get away friday. and also if you are headed eastbound on route 50, maybe for a late summer get away to the beach, you won't be running into any accidents or incidents. everybody going below speed. it will be slow past bowie to the beltway and to annapolis and it will be really slow there getting to the bay bridge. lesley, back to you. all right patranya. coming up, it's a big high school football night and one
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local player is receiving plenty of national attention. find out why one member of his own family nearly prevented him from ever playing a down. top. >> we'll talk about what the weather is going to be for the high school football game tonight. we'll show you right now, the pollen count. it has a break in some respects. grasses went down to low range. weeds and mold spores are back in the medium range. go to go to allergy update for the breakdown. we'll break down the weekend next. also controversy over fat fighting drugs. do the benefits outweigh the risks? a couple cases making headlines right now. you'll want to see it next. i've got power pain can't mess with.
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(announcer) new icy hot power gel. relief that's icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. and no mess. new icy hot power gel. don't mess around with pain. an update on the debate over evastin. we told you the fda is considering revoking the drug's approval for breast cancer. we learned the fda is going to delay this decision. new research pointed out it may
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not be as effective as they thought, but many patients have been lobbying to keep it on the market with this approval. we will be following this story for quite some time. all of us have been touched by biotechnology in our lives whether we know it or not. medicine, food, the environment. we have a new show, biocentury this week and it premiers sunday morning at 8:30. they are tackling a topic straight from the headlines and our host joins us now. you are talking diet drugs. >> that's right. we are going to be talking about some of the risks and benefits of drugs and talking about the recent decision about locastrin. >> this is a new obesity drug that did not get approval. why didn't it? >> it comes down to benefit and risk. the advise panel wasn't impressed with it. >> there's a push to find medications as we are dealing with an obesity epidemic and we saw a split decision on
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maridia. again, tied to some heart risks, we saw that happen. >> yes, benefits and risks. that one is clear, it does help people lose weight, but they found out in a five-year study that it increases the risk of cardiovascular events and most people think a diet drug is going to reduce heart attacks and strokes. > you would hope so. now who are your guests going to be to give us insight on this equation you are talking about? >> we are going to start out interviewing the woman who actually was responsible for preventing it from coming under the market 50 years ago. a drug that caused terrible birth defects in europe. then we will talk to an fda official responsible for bringing it back on the market. >> it is interesting to see how it was so devastating in one way, but useful in a different venue. >> they are not black and white decisions. we are also going to talk with representative barb who
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believes the acne drug, accutane is responsible for her son's suicide. >> lots packed into your first show. we look forward to it. you can watch biocentury this week debuting sunday morning at 8:30 right here on wusa9. all right, so will it be tap water or bottles? some thirsty citizens around the district took the taste test challenge today sponsored by dc water and those participants were asked -- and the result, it was a tie. organizers say 350 people preferred the bottled water while another 350 said the dc tap water tasted better. to wonder which you are paying for. the babies are healthy and probably female. that's the latest from a national zoo vet regarding the four lion cubs born at the zoo on august 31. how cute is that? all weigh between 4 and 7- pounds. the vet should be able to
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confirm the cub's gender for sure at that time. >> you know what? they won't be that small for long. >> oh no. >> we have been talking about an active season. this is a busy season for hurricane season. >> 36% of all hurricanes form this month and 19% form in october. we aren't done with it next month. i tell you what, unbelievable. three hurricanes at one time. we will show you what happens with mexico. hurricane carl moved to shore at noon today as a category two. the winds were about 110 miles per hour and produce anywhere from a 10 to 15-foot storm surge and caused a lot of damage. a lot of power is out. a few fatalities, but a few folk were evacuated. it caused one of the -- only have one nuclear power plant in its path and they closed that down during the storm. so it now moved inland. it will be a big story this weekend in mexico.
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it will flood mexico city. let's talk about our forecast here. the next three days, fantastic. tomorrow, 80. sunshine, 83 on sunday. yeah, we have a cloud and sprinkle in there. we'll talk more about that in a minute. and nice on monday, we are back to the upper 70s with sunshine. all right, redskin forecast, some clouds. mostly cloudy, warm. maybe a light shower, maybe a sprinkle. temperatures 75 to 82. it will not affect your tailgating and you won't notice a shower for one reason or another. saturday break down, sunshine, 65 to start in the morning, which means 55 in the suburbs. 76 by lunchtime. 80 by everyoning. all with shine and a nice light breeze. right now temperatures primarily in the 70s. 81 downtown. 73 in leesburg and 73 in gaithersburg. for tonight, clearing skies and cooler. great for high school football. lows 53 to 63. sunsets tonight at 7:13. by morning, mostly sunny with a
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cool start. 50s and 60s. winds out of the north at 10. winds not much of a factor. by afternoon, mostly sunny and pleasant. high temperatures around 80. winds easterly at 10. a gorgeous day. zone forecast only in the 60s tomorrow and oakland, but 75 in comperland. 79 in leesburg. go further out to bluemont. the fair saturday and sunday. it is great fun for the entire family. 79 by the water. the winds below small craft advisory. next seven days, 83 on sunday. maybe a sprinkle. cooler on monday, briefly and then it gets warmer again. low 80s on tuesday and back like summer, upper 80s wednesday, mid 80s on thursday. fall officially arrives at 11:09 wednesday night. >> nice stretch there. >> thank you. >> that's right. we got some special players under this friday night light. >> that's always great on
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friday. not only the game, but profile the players as well. the bulldogs won't complete many deep passes. the mustangs have a special player roaming their back line of deference and he's making up for lost time. what do i mean by that? well, greg explains. >> the safety can't wait to take the field. >> a lot of people like the game. i love it. >> set -- good. >> nikko loves football, maybe because he had to wait so long to play it. his mom didn't allow him to play until his freshman year. >> i'm a momma's boy. >> once he started playing, he excelled. >> once he makes up his mind, he is gone. >> the coaches weren't the only ones who recognized his talent, by the end of last season, the scholarship offers started pouring in by major
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division one schools, starting with nc state. >> i feel special. i feel very blessed. >> after nc state came 15 other offers from major programs, including maryland, west virginia, and iowa. at 6' 2, he has size, speed, and loves to hit. >> that's it. inside out. >> what makes him so good is his physicality. he can take somebody's head off. >> more impressive than his body is his mind. he wants to go into premed and is thinking about becoming a neurologist. >> i understand body parts and things of that sort and i also love math. >> a student who works hard and is coachable. it all adds up to a great future for nikko. >> i'm a competitor. i strive to be the best. that's what i want to be. >> in forestville, maryland, 9sports now. thank you. i'm sure mom is happy she let him play now. >> absolutely. you know you never know what
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they'll do. i met an astronaut today who was a football player before he became an astronaut and i like him talking about math and science. love it. doing something great. up next, a place where teenage moms and their babies have been turning for 150 years. our fridays hero segment is just ahead. >> and coming up new at 6:00 -- >> hospital violence is on the rise. what one local hospital is doing to prevent a tragedy like the murder suicide at johns hopkins. !% oñoñ
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looking at our friday's heros. infant and maternity home tries to make life comfortable for babies and teenage mothers to be who otherwise might have nowhere to go. it's located just over the dc line in hyattsville and they have been doing it now for 150 years and they have a whole host of services, especially for those teenage girls. >> our first task really is to make them feel at home, make them feel like they are where they belong. we provide them with the basic necessities of a home, their own bedroom, furniture,
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clothing, anything that they need. and in addition to that, we provide them with an education. >> some of the children that we care for have been either abused, neglected, and sometimes abandoned. usually it's more than neglect that brings the children here. they are placed in our home for a short while, while it is determined where they are going to be living long-term. they are entering the foster care system for the first time most often. >> there is even a high school inside the building providing great one on one attention for all those students. they are holding a gala tomorrow night celebrating its 150 years of service and of course they would like to raise a few dollars as well. for a link to this organization or if you want to find out more information about any of the charities we profiled on friday's heros, go to our website, and click on the hero central link. >> great work going on. thanks for joining us for 9news
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now at 5:00. 9news now at 6:00 starts right now. from the first local station with news in high definition, this is 9news now. >> right now, things are returning to normal after yesterday's shooting and then murder suicide at johns hopkins hospital in baltimore. the doctor shot is on the mend, but what may be just as disturbing is that the hospital says all their security procedures were in place. tonight, delia takes a welcome at just how safe we are when we go to the hospital for a visit. she joins us live from howard university hospital in northwest dc and delia, have the security procedures changed there since what happened there yesterday in baltimore? >> not necessarily a change, but they are at increased emphasis on what they have been doing. they are evaluating and analyzing the situation that happened yesterday. security officers tell us while it rarely escalates to the level we all


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