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tv   FOX 29 News at Five  FOX  October 29, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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even in the city. good evening i'm oh yann page. >> i'm lucy nolan. in shock over that word. our weather top of mind for the next few days. we begin with scott williams. break it to us. busy weather authority lucy and iain. right now we're looking at light showers with a cold front that's moving through. temperatures have been dropping. right now around center city dodging some of those showers moving back toward the media area into south see injuries see around glassboro looking at light rainfall around trenton and levittown. take look outside of our studios. windshield wipers are going. folks have the umbrellas up and temperatures are dropping in the 50s right now after a high today of 70 degrees. here's that cold front moving through with the thin ribbon of showers. so as we progress throughout the evening we'll continue to see temperatures droppin dropping we threat for showers. look north and west. already in the 50s. 40s in the pocono mountain still low 60s right now down the sho shore. so light showers at 7:00 o'clo 7:00 o'clock. a leftover sprinkle by 9:00.
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turning cooler into the low 50s by 11:00 o'clock tonight. but coming up we'll have the timing of a weekend nor'easter rain and wind and, yes, the potential for some of that rain to change over to some wet snow. we'll tell you where coming up. >> all right, talk to you then. you can track your weather any time by going to myfoxphilly.c click the weather tab at the top of our home page for the latest forecast and live radar images. rocket bursts into flames right after launching from have a v the explosion as you can see massive. well now investigators are trying to figure out what went wrong. >> the capsule of the rocket was carrying was only a supply ship unmanned and the fiery debris hurt no one on the ground. now that cargo headed for the international space station of course is a total loss. also destroyed though a very special science experiment belonging to some local high school students. >> the ocean city high school students were selected out of hundreds entries to be part of the experiment. fox 29's bruce gordon picks up the story live in ocean city tonight.
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bruce? >> reporter: iain, you're right. there's was among 18 student experiments heading into space chose season by nasa as you say from among hundreds of entries from around the country. of course, it never made it. teaching these kids a valuable lesson when you are attempting to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge, nothing is easy. >> oh, my god! >> student video shows it all. more than a year's worth of planning and preparation calculations and concentration gone in a matter of seconds. vanished in a colorful cloud of debris. >> this loud boom that resonated and it made its way across the water, and i was terrified. i was so scared. >> reporter: six student team members from ocean city high school returned from wallops island virginia still shaken by what they witnessed. first hand tuesday night. their micro gravity scientific experiment was aboard a ferry
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craft headed for the international space station and excitement was high. >> when do you ever have a chance of really going to nasa and conducting experiments to go into space? >> reporter: the experiment involved a small tube carrying e cole lay bacteria small patch of lettuce and a formal did he hide fix tiff the goal was to test how space impacts bacteria as it attaches to astronaut's intestine. >> there's bad bacteria associated with if he can. how are those bad bacteria going to behave in space? going to taj to astronauts in what ways? how will they infect them. >> reporter: sick seconds after lift off something went terribly terribly wrong. >> like the boom that just came towards us. we were so scared. i was scared that like things would come at us like if maybe the wind was blowing towards us it could have reached us. >> reporter: nasa officials were quick to point out no one was aboard the craft and no one on the ground was hurt. but it's back to the drawing board for the students at ocean
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city high with help from their teachers and mentors. >> we'll never be told no. it's always, we'll find a way to do it. >> reporter: of course, the students were never in any real physical danger they're viewing station was across a body of water about 1.7 miles away from the launch site. the kids have been promised by officials at nasa they will get another shot at getting their experiment into space on a future launch and that could come perhaps within the next several months. iain, they'll be waiting with baited breath after this incredible experience. >> i'm sure. let's hope they get another chance. bruce, thank you. earlier today a successful rocket launch this one by the air force at cape can nav val. it was made by united launch alliance a joint venture involving boeing and lockheed martin. >> happening right now in burlington county new jersey moorestown police are investigating a report of a man in a car who exposed himself to children on a schoolbus. fox 29's sabina kuriakose live in moorestown. sabina?
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>> reporter: lucy the bus was headed here to moorestown upper elementary school yesterday just before 8:00 o'clock and i want to show you just how close to school this incident happened it was actually at that intersection over there in the distance of borton landing road and westfield road just a stone's throw away from the school when 24th grade boys look out their schoolbus window and made eye contact with man in a gray sedan that pulled up next at the schoolbus. police say the man acknowledge the grade schoolers then proceeded to pull down his pants and expose himself to the young kids. the boys told their parents about it and police were notified. knee less to say people here are horrified and police now actively hunting for this alleged predator. >> looked up at them and seemed to acknowledge them. they observed him pull his black sweat pants down and expose himself. so he obviously knew what he was doing. obviously we're very concern.
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detectives sent out to area departments to see if anybody else has similar offenses with a similar subject. we haven't heard anything back as yet. but we're asking for the public's help in getting this guy -- get hmm off the street obviously it's disgusting behavior. >> reporter: now moorestown superintendent tim ream tells us district is aware of the situation and working closely with law enforcement officials much the school did notify parents. so far it appears only the 24th grade boys witnessed the act. that schoolbus was full of grade schoolers all head to do school that morning. now the suspect is described as a man in his 30s or 40s driving a gray honda or acura. if you have any information, iain, call police. back to you. >> sabina, thank you. >> start dag the department of homeland security is beefing up security at more than 9500 federal buildings across the cup tree. that includes right here in philadelphia. homeland security says the added protection comes because of recent terror incidents in
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canada and new york. officials say terrorists with isis and other groups have taken to the internet to try to insight westerners to carry out attacks inside their own countries. the former mayor of new york city says the added security is being done as a precautionary measure. >> i can't tell you this is specific information or just being done based on the fact that we don't know that much about isis. >> department of homeland security secretary johnson says the united states is more prone to a lone wolf style attack. 40 people including a camden county police officer have been busted on drug charges. they're accused of of distributing her row win and crack across the south jersey suburb. prosecutors say the operation involved drug sales valued at more than million dollars a year. fox 29's thalia perez live at the camden county prosecutor' office tonight. thalia? >> reporter: well, iain, investigators say ashley bailey she abused her position of trust by providing her co conspirators
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with confidential information. they also tell us that they began investigating her after they discovered that her husband was part of the drug ring. >> oh, my lore. >> reporter: neighbors on south tenth street in camden say they're stunned that ashley bailey their new neighbor and a camden county police officer were among 40 people busted in a major drug trafficking ring. >> we was happy we had a policeman on our block period. but, um, that, no. we don't condone that. >> reporter: investigators were calling it operation southern district and say the drugs reached south jersey suburbs, too. >> this network is believed to have supplied heroin and crack cocaine to lower level dealers in camden and atlantic county. >> what do you have to say about her being arrest justin drabick. >> no one at her home today wanted to speak with reporters. police tell us bailey was assigned to the patrol division and on the force less than year before she was caught.
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>> particularly accessing police reports to running tags and things of that nature. report roar police say bailey, her husband edwin he know link, her brother-in-law nathan one of the alleged ringleaders were all busted tuesday morning. 8,000 bags of heroin were among the drugs seized during the raid. neighbors say they don't want drug activity anywhere near th them. >> it's quite here. we look out for each other. this is one big family. >> reporter: and bail system facing numerous charges. she faces 30 years behind bars if convicted of all charges. lucy, we'll send it back to you. >> thank you very much, thalia. it is a two year anniversary of super storm sandy just wreaked havoc across new jersey and new york. 182 people died in its wake, $65 billion in damage. and one of the hardest hit areas long beche land in ocean county and that is where fox 29's dawn tim money knee is live tonight. dawn, two years later, still has a heart ache eased?
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>> reporter: well, luce zoo, for some but for others the heart ache and the frustration continues. take look at this beach front property in holgate. still battered from super storm sandy. awaiting repairs as is the house across the street and another one down the street. it has been a tough road back for lot of people. it's still overwhelming when bill and ellen care think back to the amount of water they came rushing into their west harding of a home two years ago today. >> there was 62-inches on the ground here. we had close to 40-inches in our front house. >> hurricane sandy hi hitting holgate on long beach island particularly hard. >> it came in the back of the house under the house. >> reporter: couple retired here back in 2009. never imagining sandy would leave their beautiful home at the beach in ruins. >> it was just like surreal. we could not believe it. and the mud and the muck. >> reporter: also kind of surreal for the couple they're
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still not back in their home. >> two years. two years. >> you shed a lot of tears during the whole time period because you don know what you're going to do and how it's going to happen rt report they've lived in five different places and have been renning the house next door from friends for the last year and a half. >> you sleep on a rented bed. you sleep -- sit on rented chair. you cook in rented pans. you don't have any of your own stuff. >> reporter: they've been waiting for federal money to come through because their house has to be demolished and rebuilt. >> it is time consuming and it's paper work and red tape. >> you wait and wait and you wait and you wait and you don't understand why it takes so long. >> finally some good news yesterday. ironically, one day before the second anniversary of sandy, news that their funding has finally gone through. >> now, at least we have a vision and it's i think it's going to happen now. and so we're optimistic.
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but it's been very frustrating. >> reporter: it has been frustrating for a lot of people. the cares are not alone. coming up at 6:00 o'clock meet a guy who's putting the pieces of this family's beach home back together all by himself. iain? >> i'll take it, dawn. we'll talk to you at sick. hard at work at a local home. all to make a veteran's life. >> connecticut school refuses to let a little girl come to class because of. bowl la fierce. now her parents are fighting back. howard? >> the eagles are also trying get healthy. injuries have not been good for the most part and that's just the most part. but players look like they're very close to coming back.
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> house in camden county heavily damaged tonight after a fire ripped through it. you can see the smoke pouring out of that cresmont terrace home in collingswood this afternoon. nobody is hurt and no word on how that fire started. smoking in public snuffed out tonight in wilmington delaware. the mayor signed an executive order banning smoking in all city parks, playgrounds, public plazas and transit facilities effective immediately. earlier this month, the city council voted down the ban. the mayor's executive order means that ban kicks in any way. jefferson health system in abington health move one step closer to merging. leaders from both organizations
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signed a letter of intent to work toward a final agreement today. the two taking part in a special ceremonial signing this afternoon at abington memorial hospital. if the two health organizes complete the deal, it would create the largest health system in our region. >> abington and jefferson share the same philosophy and culture of service and commitment to patients, physicians, faculty, employees, students and the community. jefferson split from mainline health a few months ago. both health systems plan to complete the merger sometime in 2015. >> we have good news tonight the unemployment front in the steve philadelphia. city controller says the monthly unemployment rate is at its lowest since 2008. it's now less than sick% with about 45,000 people looking for jobs. here the key. consumer and business spending are up. along with manufacturing growth and that is seasonal highering search. it is a big day for a world war ii and korean war veteran from
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new jersey. he got a heart warming surprise today. his home was taken over by other veterans to give him a new lease on life. 88 year old ray ross old has not left his home in gibbstown gloucester county for eight months. the main reason he's in a wheelchair and he has no way out. well not any more. home depot built a ramp and sections last neat and it was installed today by members of the organization veterans helping vets. oswald meeting with veterans affairs leaders says he's grateful for the chance to breathe some fresh air. >> when you see this, people coming in like this it's a god send. >> it gives you faith in america, does it. >> it does give you faith. >> there's good people out there still. >> oswald was also given brand new motorized wheelchair to take for ride when he does get outside. to the latest now on our nation's ebola response. president obama says mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from africa is a bad idea but the military is taking
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a very different approach for us troops. here's fox's mike emmanuel. >> reporter: president obama thanks doctors and public health workers at the white house and tries to gain more input from those fighting ebola on the front lines. the president maintains us policies on ebola need to be driven by science and facts. >> we know that the best way tour protect americans from ebola is to stop the outbreak at its source. >> reporter: while the president maintains ebola quarantines are a bad idea, his secretary of defense chuck hagle just authorized a 21 day quarantine for all military personnel serving in places like liberia, sierra leone and guinea. the policy recommended by the joint chiefs of staff creates a separate set of rules for military members than what the white house is pushing for civilians working in ebola infected regions. >> this is also a policy that was discussed in great detail by the communities.
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by the families of our military men and women, and they very much wanted a safety valve on this. >> reporter: politicians are under fire for how they are reactioning to the ebola threat. the backlash came after craig spencer a doctor who had been working in guinea was diagnosed with the virus after he returned home to new york. since his hospitalization, there have been back and forths between state governments on whether or not to impose mandatory quarantines. the obama administration is concerned that harsh confinement policies for health care workers will discourage them from going overseas to help. as it is the world bank estimates that west africa needs another 5,000 health care workers to help fight the ebola outbreak. in washington, mike emmanuel, fox news. >> rain, cold, possibly even some snow in your fox 29 weather authority. scott is laughing because it will be a crazy few days for chief meteorologist scott williams. a lot of weather changes taking place over the next
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several days. but we're not looking at accumulating snow. don't worry about that. 54 degrees right now in center city. streets are wet. we've been looking at some spotty showers across the area with a cold front moving through right now. it's dropping the temperatures across the area as well as providing light showers around levittown moving toward trenton, willingboro, voorhees, down to tabernacle and medford lakes. but the high temperature will be coming in today at 70 degrees. but we'll talk about numbers in the 40s for high temperatures with that seven day coming up. >> all right. talk to you then, scott. at first this story might not sound terribly interesting. a dog brings home a bone. it's what happened afterward that is quite a mystery. investigators say that bone is from a person. still ahead. >> a robber pick the wrong store in oklahoma. the clerk puts up fight. the beer delivery guy gets involve the would be crook is real until trouble. >> imagine taking a pill that
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would alert you to many different health problems before they get worse. it could be reality very soon. the companies working on it.
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>> people on hawaii's big island are holding hope lava will slither past their homes. officials say lava that burst out of the volcano in june is not far from a main road and a reasonable area now. the molten rock picked up some speed last week. the us geological survey says 50 to 60 homes are in its path. >> i think it's pretty scary. the anxiety is building up and it's like a slow torture. >> pretty heartbreaking. it's pretty sad, yeah. we don't know what's going to happen from now on. business owners say with lava on the way there's been a rush of tourists visiting the tear get glimpse of it. retailers plan to stay open until evacuation orders become mandatory. >> former major league slugger jose canseco recovering tonight after shooting off his finger. police say he accidentally shot himself in the hand and it happened yesterday inside his las vegas home.
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investigators say he was cleaning his gun that he thought was unloaded when it fire. canseco's fiance' did not know that gun was loaded at all. he love his middle finger. he's a right hasn'ted batter who hit 462 career homeruns and was a six time all star. >> police say a dog in atlanta brought home bones to its owner which they say are human remai remains. the man says he noticed the dog gnawing on a huge bone and it look like the leg bone of a human. short time later the dog brought home two more bones so the own are in called police. certainly search of the area turned up a badly decomposing body in the woods. police are now trying to identify the person and determine how they died. >> death investigation would be to find out who that person is to try to bring closure to the family as well. >> police say there was no id near the body and the remains were so badly decomposed they have few clues. you have may have just rolled your eyes at your mother's couldn't stap reminders to stop slouching and stand up
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straight. >> you would never do that, though. i would not. >> you're a nice guy. why you probably want to start listening to her because, moms, we know a little something here and there. rescue in new york city. this little guy permed up on telephone pole stuck for hours how crews finally saved him and fox' charlie leduff taking to us california. >> this week we're in san juan keen valley california. this week we bring you these americans. who aren't exactly americans. they want to be. illegal immigration and congress that does nothing about it next.
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>> however you feel about the 11 million immigrants living illegally in the united states about 1 million work on farm. >> they taking our jobs are doing jobs that not many others want? charlie leduff recently took a trip to the food basket of the world the san joaqin val until central california to find out. ♪
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>> these people, your people are taking our jobs. that's myth. charlie, that is real sal myth. nobody wants to work in agriculture any longer. it's not an american job any longer. we did campaign a few years ago. three years ago, and we invited people. said we called the campaign take our jobs. people were calling us up and they were asking, well, is there a limousine going to pick me up for work? is there air-conditioning in the fields, charlie? those are the kinds of things they were asking. >> pensions. pensions what are the wages like. out of the hundreds of thousands of people that responded, 11 people actually went to work in the fields and none of. >> if you're only making less than minimum wage that job can't be that hard. it's got to be easier than flipping burgers. got to be. charily i'd invite you some day to come and join farm workers in the fields. >> i'm here right now. well, let's go. >> let's government. all right. ♪
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>> break time. >> it's getting hot. >> hope we can do some work in the shade maybe. get the grapes off the ground. maybe wait until they turn into raisins. that seems like it would be easier. give me a minute. i don't like to get dirty. >> it's really not a bad job. what? well it's hot over there. i'm burning up. (speaking spanish). >> he says, he'd like to have papers so he can come and go
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back home because his mom died two week ago and he couldn't go to the funeral because he couldn't get back over. (speaking spanish). >> got three kids, americans. wants to go to school not to do this. have a better life. (speaking spanish). >> he pays taxes on somebody
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else's number. he never going to get it. that's what he says. >> i'm not a criminal. he believes in god. i don't know. he's here. he ain't going. (speaking spanish). >> he april going either. getting to pay some taxes and let him be. >> it's reall really hot. ♪ >> what? >> i've got rights. one of the best places to work. you get $9 an hour. almost 100 degrees today. so i don't know. why don't we get a bottle of wine. cut out the middleman.
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>> you look hot over there. are you hot? okay. back to work. 1,008 hadn't dread pounds of grapes a day. before you apply you ought to know that rules regarding overtime, minimum wage and workers' comp often do not apply to farm workers. in california you get paid by the hour in some places. but in most places in the country you get paid by the amount of work you do. that's why most farm workers don't make minimum wage. come take the job. >> what you need? >> i'm trying to file for disability so i can get my ga assistance. >> you need change to get to the welfare office? yes, i do. i know where there's work. >> right now i'm -- i can't. because i'm going to have to file for disability.
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♪ >> here in california's central valley agriculture is worth $50 billion a year. this farmer tells me he needs imported laborers. the americans he's hired he says are bums. there is legislation in washington to fix the farm worker problem but that legislation is dying. from cowards. >> americans won't do that type of work. that work is just out of their cards. they just won't do it. we have import people to do our work and this is the biggest agricultural valley in the world. we need help. >> i mean i could use work but i'm not -- i can't go to work just yet. it would mess up your disability -- >> disability and welfare, yes. ♪
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>> reporter: and there you go. modern america. something for nothing. let them eat grapes. you looking for work? you're not doing anything. complaining. you get $9 plus an hour plus a bonus. ton of grapes a day. always looking for work. >> so what drives illegal immigration? big factor obviously is money. colonel the minimum wage in california, $360 week and in mexico 26 bucks a week. to watch this story again and to see others by charlie and the guys visit our website and click on the americans with charlie leduff. >> imagine taking a pill that would alert to any health problem that you have before they get worse. >> it could be reality fairly soon, and a lot of folks think the company working on it is pretty surprising. also, a robber picks the wrong store. not that there's ever a right store to pick, mind you.
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it happened in oklahoma. the clerk put up a fight but when the beer delivery guy got involved, the would be crook was really in trouble. >> and coming up at 6:00 a litter of puppies pulled from burning home. tonight the dogs and their family are doing fine. the amazing rescue coming up. scott? >> iain, right now a cold front is moving through with a few light showers coming up we're talking about a weekend nor'easter, rain, wind and possibly s just like an interception,
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i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's.
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( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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♪ >> what if you can take pill to detect diseases in their earliest developmental phase. now the idea may not be far from reality. google x a branch of the search engine company says it's working on a pill that comes with a wrist band to scan your bloodstream for any problems. you'd know if something is wrong when the wrist band changes color. scientists say it could catch such thing as heart attack, kidney disease and parkinson's right away. no word on when this technology will be available. the group behind the idea is also invent add spoon that stops parkinson's tremors and made
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contact lenses that can monitor diabetic's glucose levels through tears. >> a look at your health news now. if you're one of the millions of americans stuck in a desk all day you want to listen up. dr. oz is here with his tips how to improve your posture to cut out back pain. when it comes to months cher, mother new best. those constant reminders to stop slouching stand up straight, actually work wonders when it comes to cutting back on back pain. why is that? because slouching puts strain on the supporting muscles and ligaments in the neck and back. here's how to straighten thing out and ease the pain. when it comes to sitting keep things firm. singing into a soft cushion actually puts strain on your lower back. next you got to mick sure your feet are planned flat on the floor and your buttocks touches the back of your chair. switch to standing. standing desks right now. mack sure that you're conscious of your curves. three natural ones make up the s shape curve of your spine.
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there's a forward curve in your neck, backward curve in your chest and a forward curve in your lower back. together these curves allow your muscles to washington in harmony to stabilize your core and kickback pain at the curb. >> you can watch the dr. oz show here on fox 29 every weekday at 1:00 p.m. so, ladies, does the man in your life give you grieve for what you buy? >> you know what, up next a good reason he may need to give you a big old break. give a break. let it rest. connecticut school refuses to let a little girl come to class. why? because of ebola fears that don't really make whole lot of sense and now her parents are fighting back. howard? >> sure, buy as many louie vuitton bags i was want. go ahead. go for it. >> no, no, no. all right. game on sunday. but the biggest story is what the players will -- what players will be
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this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> new york city firefighters staging a daring rescue of a stranded raccoon in queens. witnesses say the raccoon scaled light pole in ozone park yesterday morning. the little guy hung on for nearly six hours until someone called 911 as you can see firefighters pulled the raccoon off the pole and animal control workers took it to safety. >> melissa rivers looking for answers about her mother's death. rivers is planning to filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the new york clinic where her mother comedian joan rivers had an endoscopic procedure before she died. now the suit names all of the doctors involved in that procedure. >> a connecticut couple suing their daughter's school after she was banned over ebola fears.
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the decision came after the girl returned from a trip to nigeria. the staff at meadow side elementary school was concerned after the recent ebola outbreak in west africa. the school in connecticut ended up banning her her for 21 days much the child according to the lawsuit has not been diagnosed with ebola, nor does chef any symptoms. >> what they did to this girl is a blatant violation of the americans with dissables act where she does not have a disability. but she was treated as if she did. the family says that they were told that the student goes back to school she would be removed from the school by police. >> a beer deliveryman hailed a hero and not just by beer lovers. this guy stopped a robber in his tracks. surveillance video caught the take down. police say the deliveryman was unloading cases of beer when the rob before he began. he jumped into action slamming the 14 year old to the ground then sat on ton of the teen
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until police arrived. >> he look at me and just -- look straight at the door. i mean, my reaction straight then was, she shed she was being rob i got to get this guy. >> he did. police say what the cashier thought was a gun was actually a stick. the teen wasn't in school because he was suspended and police say he's now facing armed robbery and drug related charg charges. serious take down. >> i know. >> all right. so wives get a bad reputation for over shopping or secret spending. >> this is true. you know what, the blame might be on the wrong person in the relationship. i'm not blaming you iain. thank you. >> or anything like that. however where howard? new british study shows men rather than women are the biggest secret spenders. aha. 41% of men admitted to hiding purchases from their partners compared with 22% of women. and most said they hid their purchases because they just didn't want to have an argument over it.
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>> keep the piece. >> i tell was it's no secret oiled like to buy that weather we had on tuesday. >> yes, you know, i'll chip in plus i think i have a weather coupon somewhere. >> you might want to buy a heavier jacket, too. because those temperatures are going to be dropping. we're talking nor'easter by the upcoming weekend. look at the temperatures right now dropping into the 50s already across the area. after a high today of 70 degrees. so that cold front has been moving through with light showers most of the activity has moved well to the south and east of philadelphia right now. so just a few leftover showers not anticipating heavy rainfall with this front. less than a tenth of an inch of rainfall but around, say, the mays landing area moving down the shore we'll watch this thin band as it continues to move south and east it will diminish once the sun sets but look at the high today. 70 degrees. 8 degrees above the normal for this time of year which is 62 degrees. it was 79 degrees back in 1918 so as we take look at the
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temperatures you can see we're dropping north and west into the low 50s even the 40s right now for the pocono mountains. still hanging on to the low 60s as we move down the shore. so for tonight, a few showers around. but temperatures will be dropping. dry tomorrow. dry and cool for your halloween as well but turning much cooler as we move toward the upcoming weekend and also a nor'easter brewing. so here's the satellite and radar showing you that front that's moving through right now. dropping the temperatures bringing the light showers. we'll continue to time it out as we move overnight and as we approach your thursday, a lot of sunshine, mixing in with clouds it will be cooler than today by about 10 degrees. friday sunshine to start then those clouds increase for your halloween staying dry but we'll watch a disturbance most out of the great lakes. that energy will transfer to the coast and we're talking a nor'easter it's going draw down some cooler air. windy conditions, rainfall and most of the snow is going to be to our west.
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look at the european model. you can see it will develop that storm system. it cranks up and moves up the coast. the iso bars areas of equal pressure that means gusty winds for us but most of the accumulating snow is going to be toward the west into the mountains of virginia. so the bottom line, saturday cloudy and windy those scattered showers arriving across the area. winds will be gusting over 30 miles per hour. rain for most. there could be a wet snowflake on the tail end of this system. primarily toward the pocono mountains no accumulation and then sunday improving as the storm pulls away but staying chilly. for tonight, 40 in the suburb. 47 in the city and then tomorrow, temperatures only in the upper 50s. the seven day forecast will show you as we move toward halloween, we are talking about temperatures in the upper 50s. rainy and windy for the temple game. don't forget to fall back as we move toward the upcoming weeke weekend. and temperatures rebound a bit as we move toward tuesday.
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don't forget to vote. ignore that eagles symbol on there. i don't know what happened with the computer. >> eagles want to do make an eastern much that's all. they're playing sunday. >> put them up every day and people would know the difference. >> exactly. >> tuesday they practice on tuesdays. >> there you go. >> they're practicing. >> all right. we'll talk about the eagles. teams that normally goat soup bowls have a season with few injuries. now the eagles have had their share, but some players looked like they are not far away from coming back. the final 10 games of the season start in houston on sunday. now as far as the team's health, let's start with todd harremins he suffered a torn biceps muscle on sunday but had full participation in practice today. it's difficult to have strength in that left arm with that biceps injury but it's not only will he play this sunday but how long can harremins play with that injury? the eagles left guard, evan mathis, told me he's ready to come back but by rule
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he can't come back until the following game after houston that would be the monday night game against carolina. it also looks like center jason kelce will be back this sunday against houston he had a full practice. had a good -- i mean a good chance to be back. but still has diss comfort from that hernia surgery. >> some days are more comfortable than others much it's not like a progressive thing there's going to be day you go out and break up some scar tissue and stuff like that and you'll be sure the next day but as we've gotten through this and gone more, you know, it doesn't get assort or hurt as much. but there's still some residual pain and stuff like that. >> there's stuff guys. they'll be back. lesean mccoy had not the season many expected. the big numbers are not there. but i think that's mainly because the offensive line has that so many injuries. there's noise from the media to have mccoy complain about his numbers. gets questioned about his numbers every week. >> i feel like you talking to me
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like we're a losing team, you know i think it's more because it's me self or the type of standard that you want me. to individually yeah everybody would want to play better or bigger stats. we're winning games. i can't really get into that type of battle. like you really want to season it's hard to really get into. >> all right. here's our lineup for this sunday. fox 29 "game day live" starts at 11:00. i have a full day. followed by fox nfl sunday at noon. kickoff between the eagles and texans set for 1:00. followed by our post game report that's another show we have on at 4:30. all right. tonight the final game of the baseball season. game seven of the world series. you can see the right here on fox 29 at 8:00 coverage starts at 7:30. last night kansas city just blew up san francisco in game six. seven runs second inning did it. all the royals needed in a 10 10-zero win so now game seven advantage the home team the royals. most times home teams win game sevens that's an important part.
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>> everybody got to be ready. this is it. this is what you play for. everything got to lay it on the line. you just got to get our job done. we looking forward to getting the done. we believe in each other. we going to stick together. >> it's a wonderful opportunity, and, yes, i think, you know, it's great to be a part, you know, the dream is to win the world series. and, you know, however you can get from a to b it doesn't matter what road. so whichever team is able to come out with it will have to earn it. and that's the beauty and that's -- i don't think you would ask for anything differe different. >> what the heck does he mean getting from a to b? game seven. exactly. >> that's not second letter of the alphabet. >> we're near the end now. >> by the way game seven home teams have won nine straight game sevens when they have played. >> what do you think will happen tonight. >> i think kansas city is going to win the game. wow! >> dice seively it doesn't matter. >> i know it doesn't matter. i was just wondering.
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>> listen, for us, one run game. just stay there. >> all right. thanks howard. >> coming up at 6:00 a couple approaches a man in quite philadelphia neighborhood. the woman hits the man and things only get worse from the there. the attackers philadelphia police are working to track down tonight. >> and two years ago today, many lives in our area were about to change forever. how some people are at the shore are still reeling from the
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♪ >> right now at 6:00 ill fated rocket launch still has people in shock. excitement turned to disbelief,
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then disappointment in virginia as the rocket exploded just seconds after take off. >> on board an experiment local high school students have been working on for a long time. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm luce zoo noland. this was a tough lesson for those student scientists. fox 29's bruce gordon live in ocean city tonight with the story and bruce, it's very easy to forget how inherently dangerous rocket launches are. >> reporter: lucy this was actually a commercial supply ship supervised by nasa and heading into space with among other cargo scientific experiments from 18 student groups from across the country including a project from kids here in ocean city high school. of course, it never made it. teaching these kids the hard way that space science can indeed be difficult, even dangerous. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: student vitter catches the pre launch excitement from ocean city high school. watching their experiment go into space. and the shoc