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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  January 3, 2012 4:25am-5:00am EST

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it is 4:25 on this tuesday, january 3rd, 2012 taking a live look at the u.s. capitol dome today. you can see the camera still shaking out there just a bit. welcome to fox 5 morning news. i'm sarah simmons. let's get the latest on the weather from tucker. it is cold out there. >> yeah, coldest day.
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one or two snow showers off to the north and west. generally quiet here in the washington area. but again, our flow is out of the north and west. we'll have some pretty good breezes and the possibility of a flurry from time to time as well. let's do temperatures at reagan national. it is currently 29 degrees. humidity, 46%. winds are out of the north and west at eight miles per hour. check out your forecast for today. it will be cold. it will be breezy. windy at times. the winds mowing about 25 to 30 miles per hour and a high temperature later this afternoon under partial sunshine of about 32 degrees so there you go. coldest day yet this season. bundle up and head out the door. more details on the forecast. we will warm up on the five-day forecast. i'll have that for you in a minute. >> thank you. the iowa caucuses are being held today. the latest demoisture register poll has mitt romney slightly ahead of ron paul with rick
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santorum surging in recent days. voteers in each precinct will gather in small groups and hear from the candidates and then make their pick for the republican nominee. >> reporter: police say the suspect from the domestic ran into this mini van filled with kids while trying to get away slightly injuring the driver. the chase continued in the aspen hill area of silver spring where several kids were playing in the cul-de-sac. >> i saw the car come up and it hit the pole. >> reporter: his dad heard the impact. >> i hard a big crash and all of these kids ran into my house. they were all real scared after the car hit the telephone pole right over there. and if it didn't hit that pole,
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it could have hit the kids playing in the front lawn. >> reporter: edna larson was watching from her front window as the man speeds drown down the street towards a female officer. >> he crashed in the cruiser. he had his hands up and he was petrified. he fell on the ground. >> reporter: officers uncovered drugs, a handgun, a shotgun and a baseball bat in the car. they also found a ski mask and a bunch of other items they say could link this suspect to a number of burglaries and other crime in the area. >> i bet there were 40 police cars here. they were jammed everywhere. it was pretty wild for a while. >> reporter: morning a dozen homes here lost power after the suspect hit the utility pole. while crews worked to restore it, neighbors said they were thankful no one was hurt. >> happy new year, right? >> reporter: audrey barnes, fox
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5 news. >> the police have a suspect in custody but they are not releasing his name just yet. we do know he is 32 years old, has multiple montgomery county addresses and is being described as a career criminal. the charges in this incident are still pending. the mount rainier park remains closed this morning following the discovery of a suspected gunman's body. police believe former iraq war veteran benjamin barnes shot and killed a mount rainier ranger who tried to stop him from blowing through a checkpoint. there have been some reports barnes suffered from post traumatic stress disorder following his iraq deployments. in sports, the washington wizards are still looking for their first win of the soap. they fell to the boston celtics last night 100-92 to drop to 0- 5. the coach was ejected less than two minutes into the game for arguing a noncall.
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we still have plenty ahead. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts now. it is 4:30. it is tuesday, january 3rd. it is iowa caucus day. we will be keeping an eye on that as well as the weather out there. definitely breezy out there as we take a live look at the washington monument this morning. good morning, i'm sarah simmons. welcome to fox amorning news. let's get the latest now from tucker barnes. he has more on the weather. >> isn't it incredibly bright on me. >> we have sun in the studio. you look very hot this morning. >> let's get right to the maps. it is cold out there. temperatures in the 20s and low 30s and it will be a cold, cold day. definitely want to be ready here for the coldest day of the
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season. so yesterday, breezy, cool. >> today, colder? >> today, breezy and cold. our high temperatures will only be in the low 30s this afternoon. these temperatures should actually tumble a few more degrees before sunrise. 29 in ocean city. 26 in hagerstown. looking at our satellite-radar, a few streamers coming in from the lakes. translation-- >> lake effect snow? >> yep, a few flurries out there. the best chance will be across the northern tier of the north and west. if you are off to the north and west, you have a better chance of seeing a few flurries. don't be shocked in you don't see a few flurries. we will have a pretty good deck of clouds working in from time to time as we continue to have the strong northwest flow and getting a reinforcing shot of very cold air at the moment. our winds will pick up. winds gusting to about 25 miles
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per hour. there is your forecast, high for today, 32 in washington. 35 in fredericksburg and again, it will take a couple of days to gradually warm up. we'll be back up near 50. >> i had to pull out the big thick coat today. >> me too. gloves. >> the whole nine yards. let's see if julie wright did the same thing. >> julie looked like an eskimo, i'm sure. >> i was in the car, all you can see is my face. >> you look cozy in your sweater there. >> i know. what you can't see is i'm still wearing my pajama bottoms to keep me warm. >> of course you are. >> on the roads, getting back to work, first day for a lot of folks. no incidents to report southbound leaving rockville from shady grove road headed out towards the split. the lanes or en. the beltway looks great traveling between college park and bethesda. 66 good to go leaving manassas headed inbound towards
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centreville. there was a stalled car eastbound on 50 headed for the bay bridge. stay to the left in order to get by. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> all right. thank you. the push to the 2012 presidential elections officially begins today with the iowa caucuses. the latest des moines register poll has mitt romney only slightly ahead of ron paul but rick san toarm up has been surging as of late. iowa doesn't usually predict winner of the nomination battle but it is a coveted victory that can help launch candidates into the national spotlight during this election year. jonathan strong believes this has republican voters in search of a frontrunner. >> they've gone from candidate to candidate and they've been brutal when they find flaws
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they didn't see at first. the first family will arrive back to the white house after a 10-day holiday trip to hawaii. tonight, the president will hold a telephone conference with iowa caucus attendees. tomorrow, he is off to talk about the economy. in the latest gallup poll, 43% approve of the job he is doing while 48% disaprofit. profit. - - disapprove. a why would police chase and crash in montgomery county. this began when -- a wild police chase and crash in montgomery county. this began when police tried to pull over a man in a domestic dispute. the chase ended with the man hit a police cruiser and a utility pole. he is now behind bars facing a variety of charges. authorities in fairfax county are trying to find out the cause of death for a man
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whose body was discovered at a marine ain alexandria. two boaters found the antibiotic body monday morning. no word so far on the man's identity. also in virginia, a mother found herself in a very dangerous situation. she was in her car with her toddler when she discovered her brakes were not working. turns out someone had cut the brakes and police say they know who did t wisdom martin has more. -- who did it. wisdom martin has more. >> reporter: kevin riley in jail charged with cutting the brake line of his girlfriend's car. kevin's younger sister says the situation look a lot worse than it is. kevin has been the sole provide fore my two-year- old nephew and has temporary cut ditch the mother was allowed to baby sit at his home with the agreement she would not leave. what went wrong? police say a 23-year-old woman and her #-year-old son got into i car in this woodbridge neighborhood. >> the victim reported to us
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that she and her 2-year-old child got into a vehicle and were attempting to leave. she noticed she had trouble with the brings. >> reporter: she was having trouble stopping the car. she took it to the repair shop and they said the brake line had been cut. >> she had had a previous domestic encounter with the accused over an ongoing issue and it was determined he was the one that actually cut brake line. >> reporter: his sister brook explained what happened by saying he was afraid she was going to leave. his intention was to make sure she did not leave by disabling the car. wisdom martin, fox 5 news. no injuries were reported in this case. a court date has not yet been set either. we have some new details about the new year's day crash that killed two people. this happened on jones bridge road in bethesda. police say five people were in
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an suv when it swerved off the road. 18-year-old kaitlin gallagher and 20-year-old nicholas clayton died in that crash. police say they found alcohol containers in the car but have not yet said if that was a factor in this crash. friend and family at a memorial on monday said the losses with a painful reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving. >> people take the commercials as a joke and when your parents say they will pick you up from any situation, you're going to get grouped but you will be alive. >> the driver and two other passengers were injured but are expected to be okay. new developments in dozens of suspected arson attacks. that story is coming up next. plus, he ron's bold claims of long range nuclear missile testing. but was it all just posturing? checking more headlines on the
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other side. 
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. making headlines right now, the iraq war vet accused of killing a park raker has been found dead. police say former iraq war veteran benjamin barnes shot a mound rainier park ranger. his body was discovered lying face down in an icy mountain creek. there have been reports barnes suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder following his iraq deployment. we are learning more about the man northward connection with dozens of arsons in los angeles. 24-year-old harry burkehart is from frankfurt germany. there have been more than 50 fires since friday in hollywood and surrounding areas. the police have not ruled out the possibility that there may be more suspects involved with this too. i ran's claims of military
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might seem to be falling apart. new missile tests this week led iran to boast they could hit any target any time if they needed to. the missile in question has a range of 124 miles. the u.s. navy's fleet is 150 miles away and israel is four times farther than that. >> we've seen that they've photo shopped their photographs of missiles before to make it look more impressive than it is. i would take this with a grain of salt. i think this is mainly posturing. it is meant to send the message that the iranians won't simply sit back while their oil is sanctions. >> iranian leaders have threatened to close the strait of hormuz but now they have backed down. new rules about workplace
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clothing sparking some outrage among some d.c. firefighters. up next, it is all over logo and possible disciplinary action. we'll explain that coming up. cold temperatures here to stay for the day. in fact, we'll be flirting with the freezing mark later this afternoon. that's it. so definitely bundle up. julie wright has a look at your on-time traffic coming up after the break. ve times more grease than the leading all-purpose cleaner. cook with passion. clean with easy-off.
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the pain can leave you feeling dreadful. and all you want is for it to go away. cepacol works fast and gives powerful sore throat relief. that's because the numbing medicine in cepacol is the maximum strength you can get without a prescription. and it stays there after the lozenge has gone. tame your painful sore throat with cepacol.
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burkhart . a live look down wisconsin wisconsin avenue. all quiet out there. going to be a little chilly getting that paper today. >> yeah, you got that right. get it on the internet instead maybe. >> some people do that. >> a lot of people don't. my neighbors don't. >> a lot of people like to have the feel of reading the newspaper. >> yesterday, a lot of people bundled up outside and today, i think more so as you will be sort of blowing down the street with temperatures only about 30 and good wind out of the north to northwest gusting about 30 later today. it is a 30/30 combo so that will keep things on the cold
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side. we'll mix in the wind and the wind chill will feel even colder than this. the current air temperature in washington, 29 degrees. 25 in gaithersburg. 26 in hagerstown. 30 in leonardtown. 32 in annapolis and 28 in baltimore. you get the idea here, very coal temperatures. we'll lose a few more degrees before sunrise. later this afternoon, much of the area won't get above the freezing mark. we'll get close to 32 here in washington and a few points to the south will probably be just above freezing. gusts are still blowing at about 25 here out to the west in winchester. martinsburg, 22. we'll mix in the winds and temperature and the magic of the wind chill map is back and it feels like 21 in washington. i know the kids going back to school this morning, a lot of them going to the bus stop,
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definitely going to need heavy jackets, the gloves, that kind of thing. lake effect snow machine will continue off to the north and west. a few snow flurries could make it into the washington area as well as some clouds. a mix of clouds and sun today. we'll quiet things down and really bottom out. much of the area tonight into tomorrow morning will be overnight lows in the teens. 32 your daytime high. mix of clouds and some sun. breezy, cold, northwest winds gusting to about 25 miles per hour. partly cloudy and very cold tonight. 20 in the city. teens if you are outside the beltway. winds out of the north here 10 to 15. slow rebounds in temperatures this week will be back in the mid-30s by tomorrow. and then there you go, friday and saturday, people start to feel pretty good with highs back into the mid-50s by
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saturday. that's julie wright weather. let's see what he's goat got -- what she's got in the way of traffic. >> you may want to double friday's high. that would be julie wright weather. on the roads, lanes are open. no incidents reported. overnight construction still in the process of being cleared. easy going right now heaving manassas headed in towards centreville. no problems to report traveling between an and del and merrifield. 359 at the 14th street bridge, traffic running smoothly as you work your way across the potomac. smooth sailing from the american legion bridge area headed aross the potomac crossings. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. well, you will have to spend more to try your luck at the lottery. prices for powerball tick oats are doubling to $2 now. lottery organizers hope the higher price will send jackpots
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soaring and get more people to play. the price change will go into effect on january 1th. if you are returning a gift that was bought online, you are not alone. ups expects to see record numbers of return gifts mailed this week. the busiest day is actually today. the company expects to handled more than 55,000 returns. some d.c. firefighters are upset over a mandatory change in the viewlz on their -- in rules on their work clothing. >> reporter: a fresh new round of controversy over the d.c. fire department logo change among some of the rank and into file. fox 5 got a copy of an internal memo dated december 28th from the fire chief saying as of january 1, 2012, wearing the old dcfd logo on outerwear will not be tolerated and that members who do not comply would face disciplinary action. this firefighter who spoke on
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the within we would not identify him says it is happening at the worst possible time of course the dead of winter. >> we've had to purchase our own sweatshirts, jackets, overcoats, hats, everything and all that always said dcfd on the back. anything that we've spent money on over the last many, many years is now null appear void. >> reporter: he says members will be allowed it wear plain blue outerwear but he can't use this jacket with the plain back because it has the now outdated company logo on the front which they also can't ware. a spokesman for the fire department told fox 5 firefighters have known about the rule since last june and the memo as, quote, just a reminder. you may remember the controversial logo change first came up last spring. the city's new fire chief said he wanted the logo to include
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ems. now, all cities fire trucks and ambulances will eventually have the new logo and the city will pay for the logo change on fire fighting gear. their other clothing, that is the responsibility of individual firefighters. estimate cost $300 to $400 each. >> what is not fair is having told the members they have to spend more of their own money just to come to work. >> reporter: i'm roz plater, fox 5 news. >> the fire department spokesman said they knew this was coming. as for what that disciplinary action could be, we are told that would be up to the discretion of the chief. some local convenience stores becoming a bit too convenient for some suspected crooks. up next, the latest on a rash of robberies at 7-eleven stores and the hard evidence that might help police catch the suspects. beth!
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are now a hot target for robbers looking for some quick cash. since october, robbers held up clerks at 26 local convenience stores. fox 5's paul wagner has more. >> reporter: just after 6:00 new year's eve morning, these men entered a forest heights 7- eleven and announceed a rob ri. one of the cameras in the store snagged a good tight shot of one of the men but a mask is covering most of his face. very next morning, two masked men nard 7-eleven on branch avenue in temple hills when they jumped counter stealing cigarettes and cash. two robberies so similar, investigators are convinced they were carried out by the same men. >> there are two suspects involved here. they are both wearing dark masks, armed with guns but we do believe that there may be other people involved waiting outside. >> two masked gunmen have robbed three different seven elevens here in prince george's county. the latest here on livingston road in fort washington where
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they hit this seven eleven. an hour later, another 7-eleven was robbed in a similar fashion on capitol hill. d.c. police say two armed men wearing masks entered this 7- eleven on eighth street southeast at 4:40 a.m. they announced a stick-up, jumped the counter and opened the cash register. there was no vehicle lookout in the district but in bridge county, the men were seen leaving the fort washington seven eleven in a silver vehicle with damage to the driver's side door. >> we started noticing the robberies at the 7-elevens in late october. we started getting a rash of robberies in the 7-elevens in the month of december. >> reporter: just last week, prince george's county police arrested these three men for attempting to hold up a 7- eleven. they have all been charged with armed robbery. in the district, detectives have been busy as well investigating robberies at a 7- eleven on rhode island avenue as well as one on georgia
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avenue and geranium street. on rhode island avenue, the robber was working alone and at the georgia avenue 7-eleven, police made an arrest after two delivery men stepped in and held the suspect until officers arrived. paul wagner, fox 5 news. things are spiraling downhill fast for the washington wizards. coming up next, another loss and some hot tempers less than two minutes after tipoff. sports is scene of -- sports is next. min ultra strong. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable versus the ultra rippled brand. so it holds up better for a more dependable clean.
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fewer pieces left behind. i go in peace. yes, you do my little alien. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats
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that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ . third high pressure ranked oklahoma state won its first trip to a bowl. stanford's andrew luck played pretty well but the cowboys were able to kick a to 2 engineered field goal on their
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first possession of overtime. this was at the rose bowl. this is between wisconsin and oregon. that is monty ball soaring over the ducks defense. this one would be an offensive shootout. oregon oregon weest -- oregon went on to beat wisconsin. to basketball now, the washington wizards still looking for their first win. they fell to the boston celtics last night 100-92 to drop to 0- 5. coach flip saunders was ejected less than two minutes into the game for arguing a noncall. wizards are the only winless team in the nba. to hockey now and the caps


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