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tv   Early Today  NBC  September 20, 2016 4:00am-4:30am CDT

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. the suspect put his hand on the side and pulled out a handgun. >> did you know what your son was doing? >> no. >> you had no idea? >> and saturday, new jersey. >> new details surrounding new motives in how the suspect may have been radicalized. >> now, donald trump is calming for racial profiling. hillary clinton has a different reaction. all this as president obama prepares to address the united nations today. battles rage on with many children feeling the brunt of the fallout. could today's russia-u.s. talks change all that neighborhood,
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release video of a police officer shooting an unarmed black suspect. hillary clinton hits the "tonight" show. "early today" starts right now. >> the frightening events that ravaging the new york metropolitan area remember after a massive man hunt that enlisted millions for the new jersey bombing suspect ended in a hail of gunfire the after manled for questioning over those bombs hours after investigators released his photos to the public. for the first time, we are now hearing from the bar owner, the first to find the suspect asleep outside his tamp. >> when we saw his face, he just pulled a gun and shot, pop, pop. he shot twice and i think he
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tapped cop just went behind in the suv and started choking at him. he went between the cars, i heard 30, 40 shots like that pow, pow, pow. >> this morning, verdict itself are focusing on what, if anything, the suspect may have had in a motive for planting those bombs. >> reporter: the man hunt turned into a foot chase and shootout. the suspect shot multiple times, wheeled into an ambulance alive after investigators say he opened fire on two officers. >> i mainly seen the cop just shooting at the suspect it just sounded like, you know, pop, pop, pop pop pop. >> reporter: after police and federal agents were subpoenaing,
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newsed him. >> the suspect pulled his happened from his side and shot one fire at the officer, strike him. >> two officers were rooupd wound, along with rahamu, an afghanistan radicaled person born in afghanistan. >> rather than this individual acted alone and what his motivations mafbl. >> reporter: police ask for the public's help in finding him, sending this first of its kind emergency al on the lookout after pulling over five members of his family and taking them in for questioning. the suspect's father spoke exclusively to npc news. >> did you know that your son was doing this? >> no i'm not sure what's happening. >> reporter: rahami lived with his father, above his family's restaurant. the fbi scoured his home, up
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away a car. sources say he was walking away from this place and later this device, a rigged pressure cooker that never detonated found four blocks away. >> better safe than sorry so i interstate stairs and kauls called 911. they responded immediately. >> reporter: investigators believe he plaptd an ied a >> okay. we need to shut down this run. >> reporter: then a 30 explosion less than mile from his home. two homeless men alerted police after stumbling on a backpack in a trash can filled with five explosive devices. this blast accidentally triggered by the bomb squad. it was near a busy rail lean and a pub, all evacuated. an act of terror, say police.
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suspect. a wanted man now in custody. state charges have been file against rahami for five counts of attempting to kill an officer. he is expected to make his first court appearance tomorrow. >> with six days to go before the first presidential debate the comments in new york and new jersey immediately purn turned politica for racial profiling across the country. >> i didn't say they were muslim. >> how do they look suspicious? >> i don't know. these are expertles. that's what they, do they profile. you go to israel, they should study, israel has done a phenomenal job. they're not happy about it. they do it. people aren't complaining about it. but we have to profile. honestly, whatever it is, i'm not using the term muslim, i'm
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overnight, a new controversy from the trump camp with donald trump, jr., posting this tweet. comparing syrian refugees caught in the civil war to a bowl of kaepd skittles. skittles responded with this statement saying, quote, skittles are candy. refugees are people. we don't feel it is appropriate analogy. we will respect flu further commentary as anything we say could be termed as marked. >> that came after donald trump took this victory lap following the recent bombings. >> i was criticized for calling it correctly. i should be a newscaster, i called it be every the news. what i said is i was correct. everybody said, while he was right, he called it too soon. give mae break. >> hillary clinton blamed him
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recruitments. >> we know donald trump's comments have been used online for recruitment of terrorists. we've heard that from former cia director michael hayden. he said, donald trump is being used as a recruiting sergeant for the terrorists. we also know from the former head of our counterterrorism center matt olsen, that the kinds of rhetoric and language giving aid and comfort to our adversaries. >> yet the candidates made their best a attempts to be presidential, convening with world leaders for the u.n. general assembly. clinton pay have an unlikely allie on her side, reporting that former republican president george h.w. bush will vote for clinton in the fall. the news by a facebook post the
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daughter of lates robert f. kennedy. so, yes, in this presidential cycle. the kennedy is adding a bush that looks to be voting a clinton. in syria, the humanitarian aid convoy is pushing the u.s. and russian to the brink t. airstrikes killed at least a dozen aid workers and severed life saving aid to some 78,000 people. it occurred hours after a fragile 7-day cease-fire brok came to an end. cia officials are calling it an outrageous attack and questioning whether a solution can be made amid claims that a cease-fire has been violated. matt, what more are you hearing this morning? >> reporter: good morning, that's right. not only is this cease-fire over, but the desperate agent the cease-fire was supposed to help has come under fire. at least 12 people are dead,
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this strife destroyed 18 out of 31 trucks that had been about to head out to aleppo. >> that food aid could have fed about 238,000 people in the city. if you have been following the cease-fire, which officially failed last night, you know this aid never hull u actually reached the starving civilians of aleppo. very little did. that's harmly because the syrian government was blocking despite the guns had at least temporarily stopped over syria for most of the past week. now a program has been pour income from diplomat and aid agencies across the world. the u.s. state department as you mentioned said it was outraged by the attack. what went wrong? it seems like it was between the u.s. and not the combatantjs on the ground. >> outrage in tulsa, oklahoma a.
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the shooting death of an unarmed black man by a white officer. wheel show ahead. >> tropical storm julia is jill u still around and soaking north carolina. where is the stubborn storm headed next? >> it's died off, cleared back up. you can still see the circulation along this cold front open the east coast, soaking north carolina. and even some rain is moving up further to the north. we locally higher amounts. two-to-fou we will end
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>> loading the news on disturbing footage shows tulsa police killed i kills an unarmed man. they are promising a full investigation into the unknown shooting death of terrence fletcher. >> reporter: the shooting seen from police officers responding to an unrelated call when they saw the stalled suvenl he refuses to follow their commands. >> i've got a subject who won't show me his hands. >> reporter: aerial media shows he has his hands up as he walks back to his veevenlg one officer deploys his taser, another deploys his weapon. >> shots fired! >> we saw that terrence did not have a weapon.
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make any sudden movements. >> the 40-year-old was a father of four, his twin sister is devastated. >> his life matters. his life matters. >> reporter: the officer who fired her weapon is on paid administrative leave. >> we will achieve justice in this case. the department of justice has opened a separate civil rights investigation. tulsa leaders are asking any protest in the wake of the shooting remai >> thanks, francis. new details are coming to light and the heroic officer who stopped the staber in his tracks. the officer was off duty at the time but it didn't stop him from confronting the attacker at first range. the training instructor and former police chief was simply the right person at the right place at the right time. >> i believe there was divine intervention, i believe he was
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than it was. >> all ten people are now out of the hospital. ho focus has intensified on the lone attacker. he is identified by family and friends as dahir annan. while an isis-run news agency claimed to be the so-called soldier of the islamic state. police have pushed back against that claim. singer chris brown is scheduled for potential arraignment. browns with arrested late last month after a woman accused him of threatening her with a gun in his home. it led to a ten-hour standoff with police. first lady michelle obama is expected to be on the late show promoting the let girls learn initiative, which lets girls around the world to go to school and is that i in school. you won't get a much better
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>> this morning on "today" richard everything him reports on how suspect rahami has been radicalize. >> oil is also moving.
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>> good morning to you. that's right. investors are keeping a look at oil, the mark could be over surprised they say by attacks. any time we hear those comments from an oil member, the real focus will be on the central blanks the u.s. bank of japan and the off policy too also, it is a big day for wells fargo is due to be in front of a hearing t. wells fargo ceo is due to apologize once again. hillary clinton is issuing an open letter to customers saying
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well. >> thank you very much. and while hillary clinton is speaking out on wells fargo, find out, ahead, what was waiting for her in the dressing room at the "tonight" show. >> eggo is pulling several waffles, due to concern they have been a you are watching "early today." when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. ?? thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. it's that easy to make a difference. ??
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happy anniversary dinner, darlin' oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand.
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>> we just had donald trump on the show a couple days ago. >> i heard that. >> i heard that he left something in your dressing room, i apologize, i didn't know he left something behind. >> oh, yeah. >> we usually don't. he left that here. i can show you. >> let's look. i mean, let's see what's in there. >> this is a framed photo, it must be of his wife. that's not melania, is it? >> a cd. why would he have a cd? oh, i see, it's plink floyd, "the wall." >> that's as close as he's going to get to the wall. >> well played. unlike donald trump's visit. jimmy fallon didn't wrestle up hillary clinton's hair. >> he tried to humor. she tried.
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anniversary after gracing the audience with a surprise performance. ? as long as time ? ? as old as song ? >> that was the grammy award wing song "tell as old as time." lancebury is 90-years-old. she sangt in the emmy nominated song. >> disney will release a lot after all this time. tell has all this time. get that one? all right. this is "early today." thank you for being with us here. we'll be right back. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life.
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i'm.. susan kimi'm.. susan kim here's what's coming up on "live at daybreak"...political reaction this morning to the bombings in new york and new jersey also... how milwaukee police are dealing with an officer accused of ramming her
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good morning. i'm susan kim. i'm vince vitrano.let's start off with a check on the weather... with meteorologist brian gotter. the work week started with a warm and humid day with highs in the lower 80s, even at the lakefront, thanks to a sw breeze at 10-20 mph. pop up t'showers developed in the late afternoon, followed by downpours in the evening along


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