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tv   News4 Today at 5  NBC  July 23, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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seeide progress here being on what is a pretty big wreck here. crash this big rig taking up a good three lane of trafficon the inner loop. several tow trucks ae on the scene. i want to you to video from earlier showing you a bit of a closer look at this crash ant the mess has brought as well. you are seeing that big rig back there. the trailepart hascollapsed. with it lots of parcel and media out here on the roadway. we are being toldby our news partner ktohis truck was carrying mail when it crashed here earlier this morning and jackknifing along the outer loop exit 33 connecticut avenue. look back here live on the scene. you're seeing traffic is getting by that far right lane, allowing traffic to move over. we can tell you earlier beingn hat traffic, it is moving slowly but, most important, itin is mov so if you have business this morning that would take you along the inner loop here near connecticut avenue, it
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might be smart to think and plan a work-around. thisuld get harrier as the morning goes along. melissa, what else is happening around he? >> three issues on the beltway and two on 270. inner loop after connecticut avenue where justin was is a major mess for a lot of people.a we a lot of other issues too. also this one the other s uationouter loop after new hampshire avenue is shut down so that entire closure right now, because of a crash on investigati take a look at 270. ride is shut down. overturned tractor-trailer and fuel spill there so that wcl
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se some delays even as you're heading southbound, people looking in the northbound lanes and wondering what is going on. oe cleanup could take sometime. here is anothere. good morning, chuck. >> good morning, melissa. four thing you need to know about the weather. a wet start this morning and shower are likely to linger into the afternoon. so much cooler. a little christmas in july present almost. sunshine back tomorrow and hang around the rest of the week. get through a rainy tuesday but with temperature in e 70s today. compared to 96 yesterday and 99 the day before that, 70s wl feel almost chilly. with the raindrops coming through, it will be a cool and wet day to spend a lot of time outside today. just snow you'll need to be rainfall ready. no heavy rain is expected but intermittent period of light rain very much expected through see morning and afternoon. temperature wi in the mid-60s we
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in the stern suburbs and low 70s toward the chesapeake today's tempature only 77 and 80% of rain. a look at the christmas in july sunshine is coming up. rb that yesterday, mt. airy was under a tornado rning. people are waking up to a big mess to clean up. check o this video from our tower camera here. one of the cells from yesterday's storms blowing across the dievrict. >> se weather being blamed for at least one death in maryland. a tree fell on a home in carroll county, killing a man inside. tree branches are down all across the region, incding in willing yard in northwest washington. our cameras were out there. firefighters in tinnil town overnight were checking for . damage drivers all over the area had a tough time navigating through the driving rain. luckily, today will be the start
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of some much better weather, as chuck was mentioning, we lk forward to that. this morning, a gesture of goodwill for a family coping with tragedy. an online fund-raiser has raised early $2,000 for rachel parkerson's family. she died earlier this week hiking on intense heat in the billy goat trail. the temperature at the ti was 106 degrees and she collapsed andhe was a mother of three children. right there, people living in southeast d.c. walking against gun violence last isght in the dict. this comes after four days of gunfire that killed seven di people, inclung 11-year-old karon brown. police arrested tony mcclam for the killing of the young boy. according to charging documents, mcclam admitted to police that
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he fired the gun into the car in self-defense and didn't know the boy was in the car. d.c. leaders are urging you to help them, if you can. mayor muriel bowser pleaded wio theany to turn a gun in who has an illegal gun, even if it means a relative could go to jail. >> it's better to be arrested for having a gun than ar murderinghild. call us. >> d.c. police urge anyone with intormation about these re shootings to give them a call. a bill fund the september 11th victims compensation fund is expect to pss in the senate today but not without some controversy. the fund compensates victims injured and the families who lost loved one in the 9/11 attacks. republican setor rand paul blocked it last week. paul says lawmakers need to focus on the nation's debt and any new spending should be offset by cutting something else. yesterday, new york city firefighters blasted paul's decision. >> if he was so physically
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responsible, he would have announced it before then instead of keeping it secret until moments before senator gillibrand brought he bill up for unanimous consent. >> without authorization the fund will run out of money next year. whenever it passes, president trump is expected to sign it next week. former d.c. councilman sterling tucker will lie in repose at the wilson building from 11:00 today.til 3:00 p.m. he was the first elected chairman of the d.c. council and later served as hud assistant secretary under presidenr.jimmy carte former virginia governor douglas wilder fighting claims he kissed a 20-year-old college student without her consent. that young woman filed a complaint in december and an investigation was conducted by an outside attorney hired by virginia commonwealth university. that found that wilder, who was teaching at the university, was responsible f nonconsensual sexual contact. wilder say the investigation wai ed and he is contesting the
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findingro growingsts with intensifying pressure against the puerto rico governor rossello after 900 pages of chat were released. he is accused of making comments about his rival opponents and he makes jokes with the victims of hurricane maria and antigay slur against siiner ricky ma rossello is stepping down as the head of his party and won't run for re-election next year but protesters want him out. take a lookhe here. t protested yesterday at the nationalse mu. africa museum of culture. president donaltrump called puerto rico's government corrupt but bragged about hosting two miss universe pageants there. in venezuela, residents are waking up without power this morning. people in caracas trying to navigate streets without lights.
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power went out across much of that country yesterday afternoon. officials there have not said at whaused this outage but back the capital there without erwer and wat for almost a week. a person who pretended to be a doctor and psychologist for years is facing a multimillion dollar lawsuit. he worked for years at a pediatric practice. former patient turned to her for ptsd but quickly caught on to some red flags. >> he met with friction in getting proof of her certifications and education and he thought that was odd. >> police say that they learned avery was not a psychologist, does not even have a college gr e. meantime, 51 families have contacted police to say that they their children are victims here and avery's criminal trial is set for mid decembe happening today, you can help improve i-95 in virnia.
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if you've driven on it, you know it can be a mess. a study found the worst bottleneck on the aquacon river that stretches over it. people spend million hour a year on that one-mile southbound stretch. transportation leaders want to hear from you. there will be a community meeting at james monroe high ol scho in fredericksburg today and that meeting begins at 6:00 this evening. a virginia woman is lucky to be alive after a lawn mowing accident sent her down the side of a hill. >> i thought i heard a goat. mistakenly, it was her. >> 80-year-old juanita mullins lives in virginia. when a livery person tried to drop a package off at her house, he found her dog and she was nowhere to be found. he called for her and she responded and he found her more than 50 feet down the hill.
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>> i yelled for juanita and i heard her yell and i found her on the side of the hill. i saw the mower beyond it. i found her. >> mullins survived without water for more than two days in the scorching heat if you can believe that. her family horas this encng more people to check in on elderly loved ones every day. >> something we always suggest. next on "news4 today," we are going to check back in with that breaking tra ic newst on the beltway. it is just one of several crash out there this morning that could make ithard to get to work alcohol spiked with stngerous chemical compounds is making some tousick. we will tell you where it's happening. we all felt from taking a mental health excuse from work and now kid can use that as an excuse to be absent from school. we . ll tell you how it works >> we have had plenty of rain to keep your umbrella handy for
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today. car washing forecast? probablyy. not to on the rainy side for your tuesday but back to car washing
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5:13. we want to continue to update you on breaking news affecting a lot of mmuters this morning. these are live pictures from chopper 4 showing a tractor-trailer >> on the inner loop of the beltway after connecticut avenue. the truck wasarrying mail. you can see it spread out all over the place. this is just one of several ashes as well. melissa will have a check on the traffic in a few inutes. follow first 4 traffic on twitter.
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get ready. exactly one year from today, the world will come together for the 2020 summ games in tokyo, japan. international olympic organizers say the city is the best prepared olympic host city ever. the summer games will be unlike any other. n fo sports making their debut. karate, skateboarding, and surfing, and rock climbing. >> i'm surprised surfing was not a summer sport. >> it will be hot there so we want to show our viewers what we have here. >> we have the fans. never too early to break out the tokyo swag. you think that is funny, chuck? fan?don't like the one of our own will be e thre. five-time olympic champion and bethesda native katie ledecky is competing in the games but having trouble this week. a medical issue forced her to ll out of tworace this morning at the world championships which are held in south korea.e u.s. t officials expect her ater but ck in the
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they are waiting for test results to figure out what is going o onhere. she had one of the biggest losses of her reer yesterday coming in second in the 400-meter freestyle race. many americans it looks like are using antibiotics without a prescription, accordi to new research from baylor college of medicine. it found many people use leftover medicine, while others got antibiotics from friends, family, even flea markets, or online. experts say this ia dangerous actice and it could increase the risk of side effects and antibiotic resistance. meanwhile, millions of america who take aspirin to prevent a heart attack and may be at risk for other health problems. the american heart association recommends against ailyirin use for certain adults.
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more than 6 people were taking aspirinithout a doctor's recommendation. a group of high school seniors lobbied egon lawmakers to allow mental health days to be excused absences. the students say their biggest goal is just making sure everyone knows that mental health is just as valid as physical health. one of those student lobbyists say the issue is a personal one. >> being marked absent or unexcused, can't make up the assignment, because i don't have the willpower to go to school today because it's just too much and there is no system in place to help me. >> oregon has one of the highest rates of teen suicide in the country and the second leading cause for 10 to 34-year-olds in that state. suicide is at a 50-year high. the students hope the problem behind this wilcreate a honest conversation about mental health. people planning a vacation
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to costa rica need to be alert. health officials say 19 davths hbeen linked to methanol poisoning from counterfeit products. methanol is used as a pesticide. neymptoms are seizure, kid failure or even death. you can avoid mixed drinks and s coer bottled wine or beer and watch the bartender open it, or buy your own alcohol from a e duty-fr shop. a mess out there this morning. a lot of differentblems all over the place. chopr 4 showing us what is happeninve the inner loop after connecticut avenuo everyb is getting by one lane tohe left. a tractor-trailer jackknifed and e have a huge situation here with a lot of debris all over the roadway. magazines and mail is what we are hearing at this point this morning.
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outer loop all traffic is pushed on new hampshire avenue to avoid a crash investigation. we still have a response causinr delays th at hurley road. brand-new issue in mclean. evebody is pushed off on to 123 and lanes blocked because they are binging in heavy xim for t equipment for the sinkhole repair. >> good morning. thunderstorms are er. the raindrops have lingered longer here. a whole lot more tolerable temperatures.
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71 in washington now with cloud around. 70 frederick, maryland. 70 in brandywine, maryland. these temperatures are 5 to as much as 10 degrees cooler than the same time yesterday. to y's afternoon high temperature will be 19 degrees cooler than esterday. 77 is the forecast high for today compared to that 96 yesterday. cloudy, cooler. your rain chance stand at 80%. rainfall amounts if you add everything up coming our way between now the end of the day probably a quarter of an inch and maybe a half an inch in spots but no intense downpours are expected. but eere are ar of moderate rain across much of southwestern virginia now. it has to come through our area before we start to get drier air back into the picture for later tonight. future weather not raining too hard justyet. i think pockets of liht to moderate rain here through the middle and later parts of the morning commute until lunch time
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ooday. during the afternhour, i think the heaviest rain will be east of i-95 down into southern maryland along the way and toon the eastern shore. west of i-95, i think anything after lunch time an occasional drop or two andbout it. thing will start to dry out quickly overnight tonight. it will stay cloudy but tomorrow will be a ne day. we will dothat again on thursday and again on friday and again on saturday. that is some g d weatheere in the middle of july. >> that humidity has been so tough. >> yes. >> nice to see it go away. 5:20 on a tuesday morning. next on "news4 today," three little number that could make or break so many aspects of your life. >> we are talking about your credit score. how well downed what impacts that number. we are working for you this morning explaining what does and what doesn't hurt your credit
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score. if you're home this afternoon, "ellen" is at 4:00 and stick around atr the news 4:00. honey, this gig-speed internet is ridiculously fast. we are seriously keeping up with the joneses. keeping upwith the for'. keeping up with the garcia's. the romeros. patels. the wahh-the-wahh wolanske's. right. no one is going to have internet like this.
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you probably heard your credit score is important. >> it follows you everywhere put a lot of people aren't sure what affects their credit score. consumer reporting susan hogan is working for you separating fact from fiction. >> reporter: how much do you know about credit scores? >> loans? mortgages? >> how many credit cardser have if i eam late on paying a credit card. >> paying my credit card bill on time? >> reporter: what helps or hurt your credi can be down right confusing.or "consumer rep" is clearing up with its own credit score quiz. first, unpaid library fines. >> really? >> no. make it worse, i guess? >> no. unpaid library fine. they keep calling you but they they don't report to the credit bureau. >> overdue library ok fines will not affect your credit. they are reported by municipalities or municipal court records, but they won't go on your credit report. >> reporter: next? unpaid parking or traffic
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tickets. a >> i have feeling it does because it does have to do with the government. >> i don't think so. >> parking and tickets like library fines are from municipal records and ty are not eported to any of the credi reports. >> reporter: opening up a bunch of credit cards in a shortme period of an affect your credit report. it suggests you might be in credit trouble. >> reporter: do frequently checki your credit ding your report? >> i feel like that used to be a myot but i believe that is n >> you can check your credit report any time without it affecting your credit score. >> reporter: don't forget you don't have to pay to reeck your cdit report. you get one free report a year from each of the three bureau susan hogan, news4. >> great information. still ahead here, a local man find himself in a dangerous
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spot and may have his dogs to thank for his rescue. the heat wave is over. it's over so we are taking you to the ballpark and show you the changes made to nats park this week. >> ihe know tare trying play a double-header and may not necessarily go that smoothly. r > dog walking forecast time. this is care bealy a year old so if you're looking for a chance to adopt her, go to humane dog rescue alliance. off and on rain showers so pick your walking times carefully today but at least will not be all that hot. starting to think about the nd weekend a going to beach? looks like a great your weather is coming up.
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rai falling out there this morning and we are tracking serious crashes across the d.c. region. good morning. i'm jummy olabachi. aaron gilst and eun yang have the day off. >> i'm adam tuss. a busy morning. we have team coverage of what is turning into a messy morning on the road. >> storm team 4 chuck bell is standing by with your forecast but we want to begin with melissa mollet with an update on
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first 4 traffic. >> a lot of different problems this morning. talking about the inner loop after connecticut avenue is one of them. chopper 4 a picture from above to aackknifed tractor-trailer and debris over the roadway. the backup is building quick because you can only get by on the left side of the road. he tin finch is there on ground. tell us what you're learning down there and what they think as far as when this might get ouayof the w >> reporter: to give you a sense of how big this is here on the grounow there are three t truck here now on the scene. behind that is the jackknifed tractor-trailer. want to get you a sense the traffic is mofng to the left o that. a single lane of traffic is moving along here quite slowly but, luily, it ismoving. three lane of traffic are blocked on the ground. let's give you a closer look at this crash. c you see this tractor-trareer he jackknifner loop of the beltway near exit 33, that
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is connecticut avenue. we are told what was on board of that trailer were a bunch. magazine and other parcels, particularly new ygaker nes pointed out by montgomery county fire and rescue. that isoing to be mess. ehicle, size of that the scope of this mess. also when you're transporting items, other protocols fall into place for inspection and everything else. that is part of what is going to tie up the removal of this this morning. as you can ute, back o here live, we are seeing traffic moving. if you rely on this route, it might be smart to have a work-around or another waygo to where you're going. above me is brad freightas. what are you seeing, brad? >> i tornk the mess doesn't cover it here. chopper 4 first over the scene. you c see how bad this is froma ve. those are budgeds of magazines and they are a over the roadway and we have yet to see workers actually try to clear
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this out. you can also see the truck itself is pretty much bent in half. that is going to require some heavy duty rescue there to get that out of the way. so this is going to be sticking around for quite someteee. you canraffic only able to get by single file to the left and the delay is extensive already. at least one mile. we havealso got a closure, very close to this point on the capit beltway and for that we go back to melissa mollet and the first 4 traffic stud. >> the closure after nhi hampsre avenue. traffic pushed on to newre hampshi avenue. this is shut down because of a crash investigation. in solving aingle vehicle earlier this morning. somebody was trapped in that vehicle and they did transport them but it is considered an investigation. hyatts town another problem with a tractor trail. right side blocked. overturned tractor-trailer and fuel spill. we zoom into this issue.
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mlean northbound gw parkway stopped at 123 and pushed on to 123 and they are moving heavy sinkhole equipment for the repair. a lot going on this morning. good cmorning, ck. good morning, me ssa. skies are cloudy and raindrops ore a big problem right now but a lot mre rain coming our way the next couple of hours so be rainfall rady for today. cloudy skies over d.c. not much rain falling in the d.c. metro area at this point but light to moderate rain to our charlottesville and allg cominwards us. our rain chances will be increasing with time today. the leading edge of the drops now toward culpeper and warrenton will eventually overspread theo me area within the nexee two to hour. mid six in the shenandoah valley and low 70s around town.a perfect day to enjoy the
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cooler weather. in the day will only b mid to upper 70s. off and on rain chance for most of your tuesday. we will talk about return of sunshine coming up. let's talk about that 'tather. didnatter where you were, nearly everyone around the d.c. region saw some sort of storm yesterday. the storm started in the afternoon and continued wello int the evening. plenty of people grabbing those umbrellas. e heavy rain, strong wind brought down tree limbs and power lines. our news4 camerawere here on salem street northwest. spotted a line marked with police tape. at one point a few thousand people across the area were without power. all of that stormy weather in the d.c. region is leaving behind plenty-of-mud. for one man proved to be dangerous. >> he had to be rescued after getting stuck near the little falls dam in mont luckily, his dogs ran off and caught the attention of nearby cyclists.
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firefighters say you should not underestimate the dangers of mud. best thing you can do when you're trapped is call for help. they say the more you move in it, the worse it becomes and be ideologic. uate in the makiyah wilson case. u.s. marshals have doubled their reward amount to $10,000 to track down isaiah murichison of d.c. this is picture of him from u.s. marshals. he is one of 11 people indicted by a grand jury in connection to wilson's death from 2018. he is charged with first-degree murder. the10-year-old girl was shot just trying to buy ice cream in her northeast d.c. neighborhood. this morning, an online petition calling r montgomery county public schools to sharple reduts greenhouse gas emissions. activists are calling for the to school system ut greenhouse gas emissions from its buildings and buses. they urge the county to establish three excused absences
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per year for civic action. nationals will show off their new safety measure tonight. >> the team was going to debut the new protective netting around the y stadiumsterday but storm cancelled the game last night, so fans will notice a change at tonightai game agnst the rockies. the decision to extend netting was made after a young fan was a struck by ball last month during an astros/cubs game. >> that is what this is about. we want to protect our fans, the children and adults and emeryone who cos to the game and make sure they have a good time without worrying urout being ht. >> several other teams, including the white x and the rangers, also plan to extend netting at their ballparks. >> the double-header is tomorrow. >> tonight and then tomorrow's game. >> yes. still ahead. new leadership for a struggling franchise.
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we will have details on the changes now in effect for the in waon wizards. new information about that equifax settlemenwe first told you about yesterday. the company will pony up $700 million. how it will spent and who gets a piece oft. i
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two police officers were fired after -- writes, .quo the other officer liked that post. the police chief said both officers were red. detroit region a rank some. >> reporter-e-p-o-r-t-e-r: -- t
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r-e-s-p-e-c r-e-s-p-e-c-t. she was rced and lived much of her life in detroit. she died last year with pancreatic cancer. >> tommy shepherd was assistant generalanager and executive vice president of basketball operation and shepherd is taking over for ernie grunfeld who was fired in april. just one change in the all-new monumental sports group. >> for me, it's such a unbelievable opportunity. i'm so humbled. it is a dream i've had since i was a kid. and to have that happen i'm very grateful and very excited. i can't wait to get going. >> another new face in the al monumentports group is a familiar one. former georgetown coa john thompson iii will lead the new athlete development and engagement department. thompson will focus the wizards and mystics on and off the court including rest playing ca.
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5:40 on a tuesday morning. chuck, more rain today but relief on the way? >> yes, indeed. our rain outlook is focused on today. a widespread area of rain llpected for your tuesday. have your umbre ready to go. the temperature trend, once we get the rain stopped, look at that. temperatures staying cooler than average for the rest of the week! how much sunshinedo we enjoy over the weekend? that is coming up. multiple problems on the road here this morning. severalish on the beltway and problems on 270 and bw parkway d one of the issues afull d one of the issues afull erport on ev not all water is created equal.
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hut down and traffic pushed on new hampshire avenue and delay is growing bring by the minute. meagan fitzgerald is live on the scene. what are you seeing? >> the westbound lane of the outer loop is backed up for several miles. you can get an idea of what we are seeing here. first responders scene here. just within the last a couple of minutes, we have seen some vehicles turning around going the opposite direction on the westbnd lane of the outer loop here. seemingly because maryland state police tell us tis could be several hours as they investigate this crash. here is what we know. it was just before 4:00 when a single vehicle was going down the westbound lane here of the outer loop just before university boulevard when it somehow lost control of their vehicle, crashing up against the
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guardrail, up against the wall andi los control of the vehicle. we kn that that person w taken to the hospital but at this hour, it's still unclear as to what their condition is. we can tell you that the westbound lane of the outer loop is slow moving, if at all, at this hour. back to you. here is a big problem. chopper 4 showing you the inner loue after connecticut aven and talk about this and the other problems across town coming up. 435 lawmakers in the house, 100 more in the senate. tomorrow, all eyes on the hill will be on this man right here on your screen, former special counsel robert mueller. he will testify before two house committees in a little more than 24 hours from now. the focus will be his work leading into that russia investigation. >> news4 tracie potts is joining
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us live from capitol hill. this is going to be one of the mostwatched in american history. what is each party trying to accomplish here? >> reporter:emocrats want to make sure they pull out what are very specific details from the 448-page report, pointing toward obstruction of justice for president trump. now, he wasn't indicted, but the president continues to say no obstruction, no collusion but in e were a lot of detai that report that provided some evidence of th, short of an indictment, and that is what they want to try to pull out of this five hours of testimony before two congressional committees tomorrow.r on the othend, you've got republicans who say this is a dea it's been decided. democrats keep beating a deadho e and, by the way, why did that investigation start in the rst place? so those are the types of questions they will be asking tomorrow when mueller shows up on capitol hill. >> tracie potts, thank you. today, former supreme court
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justice john paul stevens will be buried at a private funeral at national arlington cemetery. yesterday he lied in repose at p e supreme court. president trumd melania trump paid their respects and so too, did most of the supreme court justices including elena kagan who replaced stevens. sheaid he was a man with equal justice for all. new details about a story we told y about yet. equifax has reached 700 million dollar settlement. the company will spend up to $425 million customer claims. equifax will pay ten years of free credit monitoring all the way up to $20,000 for those who major costs from the breach. we have details on how to get updates on the claims process in the nbc washington app. search equifax breach.
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the news4 i-team is working for you and highlighting specific and dangerous concerns with air travel. >> mother's near death experience on flight back from vacation is now raising someri us questions here. scott macfarlane and the i-team explain. >> reporter: a woman on a flight home from orlando after a trip y to disnorld said she nearly died aboard the airplane because of what was circulating in the recycled air. tricia powell had a severe allergy of nu and called ahead of her 2007 flight to warn the lirlines but she said that doesn't stop the fght attendant of not serving peanuts to other passengers. >> reporter: what went through your mind? >> praying to god. oh, my gosh. >> reporter: unable to breathe, she used her epipens and went into shock. the crew made an emergency landing. the i-team wanted to know how al often these lergic reactions happen on flights andthe airlines wouldn't release
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internal figures and neither they, nor the faa, are required keep count. we found members of congress having difficulty to get answers. >> as far as i'm concerned that the airlines can't respond appropriately. >> reporter: tonight as part of ourt full new i-team report w airlines are doing to protect passengers with severe allergies and why health experts say this may impact more people than you think. at reagan national airport, scott macfarlane, ns4 i-team. 5:50. melissa has a check on everything going on on the roadways. >> chopper 4 showing us this problem only getting by on the left side of the road inner loop at connecticut avenue. long time before this clears out of the way. look at the map. you can see the delays. brad freitas is up in chopper 4.
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not a bad day to consider the icc. >> reporteryou're right. alternate route in general for the top side of the beltway will be good for us. ctor-trailer t pretty much opened up and split and opened its load onto the beltway here. three lanes blocked with the cleanup and we have at least a mile abackupnd building but this isn't the only thing going on up here. what is going on on the outer loop? >> a mess after new hampshire avenue all traffic is stopped.h hampshire avenue and they have moved this camera so you can see that situation. this is a crash investigation and wherege meagan fitzrald is live for us this morning. taking a look at gw parkway. northbound diverted 123. they are moving heavy equipment
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for the siphole rer. purple shows the complete closure. you have the break there with that closure at new hampshire avenue so i'm surprised we are getting a time there. chuck bell, good morning. >> good morning, melissa. ies are cloud we are waiting on the rain at this point in time bull the rain is not too terribly far away. so have the umbrella ready with your plans on your tuesday. temperatures way cooler thanks to theou cland the raindrops. 71 now in washington. probably not above 80 today. we have had temperatures for
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highs above 80 degrees every day ince the middle of june. if we don't make it to 80 this will make can the coolest day the last five weeks. te erainiamp and northern maryland. low 70s closer to town a mid-70s next to the bay. your afternoon planner hit and miss showers now. lhighest rain chancese morning into the early parts of the afternoon before they start to fade away once again. most of us dry by 7:00 p.m. here is the rain we are tracking and pointed our direction. it is an 80% chance for rain. the rain has not reached the d.c. metro area but moving through culpeper and orange, virginia, through stafford and . spotsylvan areas of yellow is brief period of moderate rain coming in during the tail end of the morning commute. then hit and miss rain chances off and on through lunch time.
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i thinknce past lunch, most of the steady rain east of i-95 into southern maryland and next to the chesapeake bayou and dn't rule out a shower or two west of i-95 but a lower impact for the evening commute than the morning commute. always use your nbc washington app. weave a radar feature in there o track the rained athere. for tomorrow, look at this. back to sunshine. cooler than average. heat and humidity is coming up back next we g. od morning. i'm rahel solomon from cnbc how are you. facebook says it has turned off
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chats and provided patients with addition resources on internet safety. it is subject to federal regulation and could be another ack eye for facebook over privacy need. still no word from new england patriots quarterback tom brady. check this out. after the instagram post hereex oded on social media showing him and his 6-year-old cliff jumping in costa rica. he kind of pulls her in with him and holding handra and b jumps first and his daughter kind of pulled in behind. some on social media criticizing him his dauter appears to hesitate before jumping in. others s sayhe came dangerously close to the rtks below bu we were mentioning she gets back up and seems like everything is okay. >> i don't know tom brady personally but i'm pretty sure he is a good dad and never put
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himris child in danger. >> i'm happy everybody is okay. >> yes. th u.s. women's world cup ti chance get back to day-to-day life. >> that includes washington spirit hold ago special practice at fedex field. valerie and rose rsre membe of the world cup champs and working out. en. see them on the sc quite the ride for the two best friend but they arey to be back home. >> it's been omaw a crazy like week and a half, two weeks, whatever it's been. but i thinkthwe were bo really, really excited to get back playing here. >>vehe spirit ha got a couple of road game on the schedule before they are back home on august 10th. >> check them out. comingp next on stws4, ents get permission to take mental health day. how the kid convinced lawmakers to let them do it. >> from buying a house to getting a new job and your
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credit score could make or break your chances. we are working for you this morning separating credit fact from fiction.
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multiplesh cra on the roads and delays growing by the minute. this crash on the inner loop of the beltway after connecticut avenue. tractor-trailer carrying mail ckknifed there and spilling magazines all over the road but this is the beginning of the problems. a busy morning. a deadly crash o the outer loop. good morning. it's about 6:00 on this tuesday morning. good morning. i'm adam tuss. aaron gilchrist and eun yang have the morning off. >> i'mol jummanji. let's begin with justin finch live at the scene of that mail truck crash. what is the latest out there? >> reporter: good mornin if you travel the inner loop here 495 by connecticut avenue, exit 33, this i going to be a problem for you and it's been so
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throughout morning. ou can see that far lane over ere, one lane of traffic is now getti by this wreck is taking up three lanes and tow truck on the scene but not much movement yet to clean up and get this trler moving here. i want to take you closer to the crash. this is video from earlier. you can see this thing er jackknifed seval hours ago now and crashing and spilling is payload of lots of magazines. wend from our wtop news partners that this was carrying magazines, mail perhaps as well. the u.s.ostal inspector has to arrive on the scene before they can really begin the br t of this cleanup here.oo i'm lng down here live at the scene, workers doing il on-scene surnce to make sure they have things in place where they can begin to move the tractor-trailer. f you are traveling in this area, that left lane, one lane of traffic


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