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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  April 17, 2016 10:00pm-10:25pm EDT

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i don't know what it is about my mom that has captured the heart of so many people.ers that people connect with. what was so beautiful about her it made her a target, too. >> reporter: she was the queen of the million dollar listing, the real estate broker who sealed the deal. >> her customers love her. >> hands down the most genuine person you've ever met. >> reporter: she headed out to show a house that day and never made it home. >> i'm texting her, i'm calling her. >> oh gosh, what's happened here? >> something's wrong. >> reporter: was she in danger? was someone behind this? >> it's beverly. i haven't been hurt. please don't call the police. if you call the police, it could be bad.
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was. io be strfor everybody. i know she pleaded. >> did you find her?e ale? >> i'm lester holt and this is "dateline." here's andrea canning with "the client." >> reporter: in this southern city forever linked to a president and first lady, there was another lady making a name for herself in little rock, arkansas. >> her face was in the paper every week. >> she had a billboard on one of the busiest interstates, you know, with her face on it. >> reporter: as a top selling realtor, beverly carter had become somewhat of a local celebrity. with her infectious smile, she put house hunters at ease. trusted to find the perfect
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>> beverly was awesome at it. >> reporter: but there w a downside to her celebrity. >>r had a target on her back. >> she did. and she didn't know it. >> reporter: for beverly, being a realtor was more than just closing a deal. >> was she in the perfect job for her personality? >> yes. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> reporter: her sons, chad and carl jr., and carl jr's wife, kim were always amazed at how much their mom's clients loved her. >> well, one of her clients, she had gone to their wedding and then went to a baby shower. so she just sold them a house. it was a newer client. and i think that that speaks for itself. >> she had a nice smile. >> she had a beautiful smile. and, um, she had a laugh that -- that would fill a room. >> and she was hands down the most genuine person you've ever met. >> reporter: chad, beverly's youngest son, says it was like his mom glowed. >> she was very radiant. i think that's what spoke out to people was that confidence, and people notic.
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beautiful.epr: r husband, carl. they met when they were just kids. sas >> wow. where did you meet her? >> splendora, texas. she was working at a little hamburger joint named the bionic burger. i said, well, did i know i was going to get a wife when i got up there and got me a hamburger. >> you just knew? >> yeah. like that, right there. >> reporter: a wedding soon followed, a quick stop at city hall. >> it was very small wedding. but she loved me and i loved her. we thought was love, anyway. >> reporter: their young love led to three children, all boys, and later, six grandchildren. they had their share of marital problems, including money issues and infidelity, but they worked them out. so when their 20th anniversary rolled around, they decided to renew their vows and throw a big party.
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renew their love and show everybody. and it was a fake ng for beverl build a loyal clientele. >> did she sell a lot of properties? >> she was the top listing and selling agent in 2013. she did over $12 million, which, in central arkansas, is very well. >> what made her so good at closing the deal? >> i mean, she just had that magic about her. >> she had such a bubbly personality that it made you fall in love with the house. >> reporter: the women worked together in the same office, although they say it often felt more like play than work. >> we would laugh at anything. you know how it is when you -- with your girlfriends. you know, you talk about things that are personal or things that you find funny.
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we would tell stories. secret code, a text that ed to . arnning,ng h way up to 5k races. >> the reason that she started running some of the times was the medals. >> she loved the medals. >> she had this -- >> oh yeah, medals. >> --fascination about the medals. and she would show us a picture of it. and she'd go, "don't you wanna go with us? look at this medal." >> reporter: she lost nearly 60 pounds and threw herself a big birthday party. and she gave herself a present, cosmetic surgery. >> you know, she'd had the tummy tuck, but she'd also had implants because she'd had -- >> a lift.
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and it wasd kind e waig like -- i mean, they hadn't fallen, t w imably warm was easing back into work. brenda remembers beverly telling her she was going to show a house not far from her home. the potential buyers were offering cash. >> she really didn't want to go. she was tired. but she was hoping that she'd be able to get a fast close. because if it's a cash close, you can also close it quicker. >> so this is just kind of an everyday, run-of-the-mill showing. >> right. >> it's a no-brainer, yeah. >> reporter: beverly left the office and headed off to show the property to a young couple. she told her husband she'd be home for dinner. >> but you didn't f
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beverly wouldn't leave unless she was in her car. whewe come happened to beverl bam, bam, bam! >> our phones both started beeping at the same time with text. she said, "i'm sorry, my phone has been dead." >> was this some simple miscommunication? thmy >> i still can feel the same pain.
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e d prised to h
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that he had made it to the property where mom told him she was going. and her cas her phone. >> there was an e-mail from
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brenda.roun >> all of a sudden bam, bam, bam -- three >> uh-huh. gosh." tw >> "and i just turned it back on." >> reporter: it sounded
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concerned,reif you left the red folder on my >> the one that i got was -- "i'm out having drinks with friends." and i was like goin', "well, we're right here." >> reporter: the texts on beverly's husband's phone were just as deflating they read -- "yes", "sorry phone been dead", and "having drinks now." carl jr. knew his mom would never go out and not tell anyone. >> i can't even tell you, like, to go from this -- this she's okay, this is all over, to the second we saw that screen and saw what those texts said, we knew someone has her phone. >> totally flipped me out. i said, "she's -- she's been took." >> reporter: the patrol division who'd responded to the call decided they
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over to the op.just a grim g rit out of the gate that this woman did not u cae ge disturbances in dust. there was disturbances, but it just looked like somebody had walked through there. >> reporter: no signs of a struggle inside, but he did discover a clue outside the front door. >> there was the tire track on the grass. so it looked like somebody had pulled up against -- next to the front door or back into the back door.
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>> was there anything in that notebook that was providing you thea lightl house, if they were involved, the last thing he wanted to do was tip them off.
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>> when "dateline" continues.
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family, came together, and we had realtors from all over the state helping us. and by that afternoon, we had the search set up and everybody had an assignment. >> reporter: many realtors felt this was personal. one of their own, while out doing her job, had gone missing. and agents were already on alert.
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in recent years there'd been a . brenda says she'd been in contact with the clients for a n and told her, "yes, she would be there."epter: and her friends pointed out the neighborhood where she was showing the house was one beverly knew well. >> she felt very comfortable in this area? >> yes. >> that was her stomping ground. >> she had sold several houses you know, on that street. so she was very familiar with that area. >> her pastor lived on that street. >> reporter: a t
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now a crime scene.ning >> every newscast. all kinds of feedback from view. affiliate kark. she says finding beverlyecame a local obsession. >> people came out in droves, looking for her, wondering where could she have gone. >> to not come home from work after doing something you do every single day, it left a huge mystery. what happened to her? >> reporter: beverly's husband carl even made a televised plea. >> i just would like to have my wife back. >> reporter: he sounded heartbroken. >> there's crazy people out here in the world. >> reporter: but not everyone was buying the distraught husband story. >> people were saying, "oh, the husband must have had somethin' to do with it. the husband must have hired somebody." you know, we all watch a lot of "dateline."
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>> reporter:rintare everywhere. worry -- detecon brought carl sr. in for estioni. >> did you put carl in an interview room? >> yes. >> and treated him like this is somebody we need to take seriously. >> yes. anytime you do an interview like that, it's always best to get into a setting -- you're down at a detective's office in an interview room and i'm givin' an interview. so it -- it's -- it plays on their emotions. >> did you ever consider the possibility that carl could've paid somebody to do this? >> yeah. i thought about it.
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eded to talk to?why you were >> $126?
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>> yes. ' >> reporter: he says that was many years ago and beverly never held it against him. >> she forgive me right then. because she knew that it -- i wasn't -- wasn't me. >> reporter: detective allison says he wasn't ready to cross carl off his list. he had other work to do. the email address and phone numbers of the prospective buyers found in beverly's notebook were fake. tracking the couple required
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house? so they could stop asking me about finding a nice boy... so let's go! yes... let's go... ...dear. (vo) always going the extra mile. pick enterprise. we'll pick you up. (liz) sorry... happens more than you think.
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stir in knorr rice sides with fresh
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♪ ♪
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takin' tma beverly disappeared. they hadn't been sitting there long when suddenly a man matching that description walked out the door. but they didn't approach him. >> were you hoping he might lead you to beverly? >> yes. >> is that the idea? >> we felt that if we made contact with him too early, then -- if he was the one we were lookin' for, then everything's shot. >> reporter: lewis got into his car and that's when the detective says the plan quickl fell apart. >> he actually saw us sittin' so that's when he started speedin' off. >> he knew you were follg
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>> oh, yeaea >> reporter: lewis wasurd and when they take arron back to get mri or a cat scan or whatever they're doing, he decides he's gonna leave to the hospital -- >> arron doesn't come back. >> doesn't come back. >> reporter: arron lewis bolted from the hospital. what seemed the closest link to beverly carter had slipped through their fingers. police launched a citywide manhunt. >> was that one of the first things you did, get his photo out -- >> yes. >> to the news media? >> yes. >> everybody knows that -- >> everybody knows. >> you gotta get this guy -- >> right. >> and beverly's life is at stake. >> reporter: reporter shannon miller remembers her station cut into programming with the breaking news.
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who ew beverly from real estate deals, were discussing the case in their office. >> and as we're standing inside this room, looking out with the window open, arron lewis walks right in front of the window. >> reporter: ben immediately called 911. >> 911? >> hey, uh, i'm, i'm sittin' over here. they're, they're looking for a guy here, uh, that was involved in the realtor being kidnapped. and this guy looks like -- and he is nervous and he is out here at a bus stop. >> reporter: conan went out to the bus stop to confirm it really was lewis. >> i approached him. and he -- he was a little standoffish at first. so i -- i made quick conversation about the bus routes and the times which put him at ease and i thanked him
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away and went back inside. >> repewook off acrois complex. >> maybe five people chasing him. we knew we were in different areas. so i think we were confident where he was. and luckily for us when we turned the corner we saw the police coming in. >> when the police get there, arron takes off runnin' into an apartment and jumps out of a second story window before he's taken into custody. >> this is like a movie, this chase and this kidnapping and >> reporter: did it feel like that? >> oh, yeah. yeah. still does. >> reporter: the cops finally had a suspect. and what he revealed would send detectives on a hair raising ride to find the missing real estate agent.
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>>eporter: could beverly still be alive? es i had hope, you have hostwi okay, shut her down. turn it off. right now, buy an iphone and get another one free when you add a second line.
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ed be unsto
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where are you?na fa t.ttle bit . i mean, that's all i had. >> really, your biggest task is to find out where beverly is. >> that was my biggest task and my biggest concern at that time. >> reporter: did lewis know where beverly was? and if he did, would he tell the detective?
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>> what was his story? where was beverly?etney. >> reporter: lewis described in detail what he claimed happened. as to why crystal dn and aaron tells me that -- he had beverly take photographs of the house with her phone. >> reporter: so that explained why those photos, the detective had seen, were dark and blurry, lewis said he'd asked beverly to send them to crystal since she couldn't be there. >> he said they walked upstairs and when they got to the top of the stairs, he pulled out a flashlight taser and told her that she was about to have a bad day. and she asked, "what are you talking about?" and he says, "you're being
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kidnapped." >> beverly must've been just with for a short period of time. didhis give you some hope that maybe there was an accomplice here and that maybe he did have beverly? >> i had hope that we were gonna find beverly alive. you have to. i mean, it's -- it's what keeps you going. >> reporter: lewis said the last time he saw beverly, she was with trevor. and then offered evidence that she might still be alive. lewis played a recording from his phone, and it was chilling. >> "carl, it's beverly. i just wanted to let you know i'm okay. i haven't been hurt. just do what he says, and please don't call the police. if you call the police, it could be bad. i just want you to know i love you very much."
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>> reporter: it was encouraging but it only proved bevwherly w" that -- that she was." >> so this a big moment now-- so -- we -- that's when we load him up and we start going to -- cabot, arkansas. >> reporter: beverly's family prayed this nightmare was about to end. >> did you know that aaron lewis was saying your mom was alive? >> yes. we knew that after they'd had him and they were interrogating him. >> that was a big boost of energy. >> when he was telling us, he, it was like, it was so -- uplifting. we were like, "okay, we're about to get her back." [ claps ] "that's great." >> is everyone just sitting by the phone waiting for the call -- >> uh-huh. >> yes. >> "we -- we got her"? >> uh-huh, pacing. >> reporter: lewis led detective allison on a nail biting road trip thirty miles out of town to the last place he claimed to
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you not so sure? >> i'm hoping like hell she's in there. she had never been in there. >> is th- >> tell me about it. it was bad. it was bad. >> reporter: but lewis wasn't done. he had a captive audience and he knew it. he took the police to a new location, a house about 35 miles away. >> and he says, "well, this is where i initially took her when -- after i abducted her." i could tell as soon as we walked in, there was nothing. >> another letdown. >> another letdown. >> are you feeling like -- we -- this guy is just taking us f -- on a wild goose chase? >> yep. i was so mad that -- that i couldn't drive him back. i had to ride back with another detective. >> there's a woman life that could be at stake. he's -- >> playing -- >> -- messing with the police. >> playing games.
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playing games. to was in the military here in froncd alibi. >> absolutely. we -- we -- we confirmed through his job, through the air force base with their office of special investigation that he was on base that day. >> reporter: lies after lies. there was no accomplice. neither location turned up anything. police were running out of options. and then, detective allison thought of one more possibility, a cement plant called argos where lewis had recently worked. >> i pointblank asked him if beverly was at argo's.
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looking downe. ath >> coming up, another game from aaron lewis. e id, "we found beverly." >> he said, "we found beverly.
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>> it's good for the jury to be able to hear, you know, the the backstor >> she said he came up with the idea of kidnappin' someone. but she even went so far as to suggest real estate agents. >> reporter: she testified that she was in class at nursing school when lewis abducted beverly. >> she got a text from arron lewis saying, "look at this," or something like that. and it was a picture of ms. carter bound in the trunk of the car.
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couldn't have known that arron lewis was the man they he had sex with beverly. he claims he was out of the exp me bad decisions. maybe she made another one. >> reporter: finally, arron lewis took the stand and
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beverly and his contradict his entire story beverls ou didn't say it happened. i'm just tellin' you. what the evidence was. i'm just saying what happened in the trial. >> reporter: to beverly's friends and family lewis's story was not only preposterous -- it was painful to listen to. >> we had been victimized over and over again by him. and i was angry that -- not only that he was able to do it, but that he continued to be able to hurt my mom. >> i was so mad.
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because i thought, "how dare you


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