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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  July 11, 2009 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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an elderly woman is fighting for her life tonight after a car crash that destroyed a maryland man's home. craig melvin is off tonight. the crash happened just after 6:00 tonight in wheaton. police say an elderly woman crashed into a home in the
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11,500 block of daffodil lane. the homeowner was not hurt but tonight has to find another place to stay. darcy spencer is here in the studio with the sty. >> unfortunately the homeowner was not in the house but was nearby close enough to hear the loud boom. neighbors tonight say these accidents are becoming all too common. >> big boom. you know, big booming like the bombing. >> he was jogging when he heard the crash. a woman in her 80s driving the chevy malbut drove into his home on daffodil lane in wheaton. the damage was so severe, an inspector declared the home unsafe. >> good thing you weren't in the house. >> yes. i'm lucky about that. >> fire rcue officials say it happened just after 6:00 p.m. the woman was driving near the intersection of arcola avenue and kemp mill road when for unknown reasons she drove on the sidewalk and into his house. >> the vehicle had a single
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driver occupant in it. significant injuries, unconscious, unresponsive and she was transported to a local trauma center. >> her injuries are considered life-threatening. neighbor scott seidel heard the crash and called for help. >> heard a large crash, and about six months ago, there was a similar accident. so i figured i'd check the same area. i came down to the cul-de-sac and sure enough i saw the car in the yard turned around the wrong way. so i grabbed a phone and called 911. >> residents say there have been several crashes at or near the intersection and hopg montgomery county will make it safer and take steps to slow down lady footed drivers. >> i hope they're goi to put up some measures of safety, maybe guardrails that the cars shouldn't come into our neighborhood. >> they put devices on kent mill road but we still have a lot of problems. they need to monitor with cameras and really enforce it. >> i'm told when neighbors ran
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to the victim's car, she was in a state of shock. they stayed with her till medics arrived. she remains in critical condition at a local hospital tonight and the crash remains under investigation. >> darcy spencer, thank you. a fire on the 12th floor of a high rise condominium building caused trouble for firefighters tonight. at roke out a30un7:d pineway towers in silver spring. flames shot from the windows as the building was evacuated. a dozen people were rescued by firefighters. six were treated for smoke inhalation, cuts and other ailments. one firefighter was treated for dehydration. the fire has been put out and residents from the tenth floor down have been able to return to their apartments. police are investigating a double murder and a suicide that ayth sey may be s related. firefighters respoed to a t kitchen fire at an apartment building on university boulevard in langley park this morning. while putting the flames they diovered the bodies of a couple in their 20s.
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later police found a man who apparently jumped to his death at a construction on first street northeast. >> the male subject that committed suicide in d.c. actually was the lease owner of this apartment. so he committed the murders and fled to d.c. and actually committed suicide. >> so far the suspected killer has not been identified. police are only sayin that he is in his 50s. police in anna rundle county are investigating what they call a suspicious death in glen burn burnie. police were called to an apartment on furnace branch road and found the body of doris lee cook in the freezer. police interviewed several family members who said she had died several weeks ago after suffering from various ailments. it could be days before an official cause of death is determined. president obama is returning home to washington tonight after a trip that took him to russia, italy and sub-saharan africa. in ghana today, he was greeted like riot. the first family made a poignant visit to the cape coast castle,
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one of the most infamous outposts of the atlantic slave trade. later he gave a speech aimed at all african nations that struck a familiar theme. >> make change from the bottom up. you can do that. yes, you can. >> back at home, the president has a couple of critical weeks ahead. democrats are trying to pass his health care plan and confirm judge sonia sotomayor to the supreme court before the august break. after a nice start to the weekend, some parts of our area might see rain tonight, but what's in store for tomorrow? are steve has the answers. hi, steve. >> good evening, everyone. we do have a cold front that will eventually make its way across the area. it may trigger a shower or thunderstorm tonight. it looks like most of the moisture staying well north. temperature wise, we are in the mid-70s. dropping down into the 60s during the overnight after seeing daytime numbers in the mid 80s.
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here's what's happening on digital doppler. you can see there are a lot of thunderstorms right now just north of philadelphia up towards new york city and into new england. it's all tied to that front. as the front moves through, it may trigger a shower or storm. it's kind of fizzling now. the bulk of the moisture with this system staying to the north of us. what's on for sunday? i'll have answers in a little bit. bang to you. >> thank you, steve. d.c. health department officials say three mosquito pools have tested positive for the westile virus. the pools were collected from an area of southwest washington near ft. mcnair. no o in d.c. has been infected by the virus this year. in 2008, six residents tested positive for the virus. the health department recommends that residents eliminate mosquito breeding areas around their home by removing standing water. the rocket man and the pea and know man rocked nationals park tonight.
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♪ it was the first-ever concert to be held at the stadium. we're told there were some problems with elton john's audio early on prompting him to storm off the stage. billy joel picked up the slack pretending to fix the problem. eventually technicians got everything working and elton came back on stage, apologizes and thanks the technicians. the concert sold out all of the park's nearly 40,000 seats. still to come, preparing for the worst. while powder is sprayed at the pentagon and while it may have looked like an emergency, it was all just a drill. nasa scrubs tonight's launch of "endeavour." and music wasn't just in the air. it was underwater tonight at a con sertd in florida. >> coming up in sports, u.s. soccer continues its quest for the gold cup. the orioles need extras against the blu jays, plus the nates
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make history with help from hoton. ho (bell ringing) woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! woo-hoo!!!! kobak. mr. miller (announcer) everyone's heading to arby's for the ofcifi5 $ combo of summer. featuring arby's new bbq bacon cheddar roastburger with curly fries and a drink for only $5. big on bbq taste, it's the $5 combo done better.
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thousands packed a coliseum in mississippi to honor the life of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. the 36-year-old's former baltimore raven was shot and killed in nashville on july 4th. police say the shooter who also killed herself was a 20-year-old woman he had been dating. speakers at the service included his former teammate ray lewis and tennessee titans quarterback vince young. emergency responders tested their training at the pentagon today. the pentagon force protection agency conducted a simulated biological attack this morning. arlington, fairfax and other federal and local agencies took part in the drill.
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they used a real but harmless biological agent to enhance the realism of the experience. >> call it garden powder. you can buy it off the shelf at home depot to protect your fruits ands. it's a spore like anthrax but harmless. >> key elements included the use of hoermts landing and taking off from the pentagon's south parking lot and a decontamination unit. a similar test was kuked in 2007. nasa will try again to launch the space shuttle tomorrow night after severe weather forced today's launch to be delayed. this is video recorded last night of several lightning strikes. technicians need another day to check the shuttle systems. the crew is scheduled to finish assembly of a laboratory on the international space station. the swine flu has hit the air force academy in colorado. results confirm 15 freshmen candidates have the virus. in all, 88 cadets have flu-like
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symptoms and isolated in the dorm since monday. all the sick cadets are said to be recovering. when we come back, fourth of july was last weekend but they're celebrating again tonight in alexandria. after a beautiful start to the weekend, some of us might see rain tonight. how about sunday? eve
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dozens of people lined up in the big apple today for their chance to be on the biggest loser." this was the line outside the nbc experience store at rockefeller center. some of those who came to the audition waited for hours.
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show pits family member teams of two against each other all for a grand prize of $250,000. music wasn't in the air, but underwater in the florida keys today. ♪ we all live in a yellow sub marine, yellow sub marine, yellow sub marine ♪ >> about 400 divers and snorkelers took the plunge for a local radio station's underwater broadcast. the festival paid tribute to the late michael jackson and celebrated the 40th anniversary of the beatles "yellow submarine" album. alexandria is celebrating its 260th birthday today marked by picnics, grilling and a concert followed by fireworks. it took place at or row know kobe park on the potomac river. it bed as the city's independence day celebration. happy birthday.
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>> what a nice day it was to have fireworks, hmm? >> we were expecting a little rain. >> that's right. >> and the front just fizzled on out. >> so did the people at the concert also. >> we were expecting it really late. so really into the late evening hours and into the nighttime hours. we could still see maybe. >> there's still a chance tonight. >> a shower or thunderstorm but it's going to be very widespread. it's not going to be a big deal. by tomorrow morning, the front is already out of here. we're going to see improving weather tomorrow. your sunday looks great with plenty of sunshine. show you what's going on. it is partly cloudy. partly to mostly cloudy right now. plentd i have clouds out there. the front is still well to the west and it is producing some really active weather just to our north. locally, things are quiet. 76 right now. partly cloudy. we have a southwesterly flow at 9. the dew point on the high side. the dew point at 69. at lst that the number will go down tomorrow as less humid weather makes its wayback back
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into the region. 76 annapolis. 73 manassas. temperatures dropping down into the 60s. the dew points on the high side. it is very humid out there. dew points in some spots in the low 70s. that's really humid weather. en though we have all that will moisture and the front, no rain. all quiet at the moment. to our north we're seeing the active weather right around new york city sitting currently at 72 degrees. there is cooler weather behind the front. even though the front is coming through, temperatures tomorrow don't drop. the cool weather stays to our north. highs tomorrow will climb into the mid-80s. notice how the front kind of fizzles out as it made its way toward the region. to the north, active weather around the new york city it area and up towards new england. then another batch of active weather back toward the central part of the country. overnight the front moves through bringing a chance of shower or storm. then behind it for tomorrow it, high pressure builds in. this bring in less humid
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weather. so here's future cast. tomorrow morning we start off with clouds, maybe a stray shower or two. the day goes on, the front continues to kick off to the south taking the clouds with it. eventually we go mostly sunny with temperatures into the mid 80s. monday, the front stays to our south. there's a little disturbance that may throw a couple clouds in our direction. that's about it. for most of the week, high pressure will be the main player keeping things pretty quiet. come tomorrow morning, again, we start off mostly cloudy in the morning with maybe a stray shower or two. your sunrise at 5:53 in the morning with overnight lows dropping down into the 60s. then as the day goes on and as the front kicks out of heer it, takes the cloudsith it. a beautiful day. temperatures in the mid-80s. it will be less humid tomorrow. here's the extended forecast. 6 degrees tomorrow. mostly sunny. monday and tuesday look nice. wednesday looks nice. by the time we get to wednesday,
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temperatures start to climb as we head into thursday, that's when temperatures could actually touch 90 degrees. touch 90 degrees. it is july and it may bring us a thunderstorm or two on thursday. till then, sitting pretty. still ahead in sports, how the nationals overcame basic blunders to
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so earlier today, we said close. the nats come back with a killer of a game. >> it's about time the offense finally blows up. >> yes. >> it's about time and they did it in houston. when you hear the phrase "base running blunder," it usually follows with another phrase,
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proves costly. when you're talking about the nationals, that's typically the case but not tonight. they did the unlikely. we're in houston. top of the first. josh bard at the plate with a man on first. bard sends a shot into right center. adam dunn is hustling around the bases and is going to score ought way from first. but not so fast. dunn running around second, misses the bag. yeah. the astros knew it. so mike hampton throws to second and adam dunn is out. it ends the inning and a run comes off the scoreboard. and dunn in the dugout thinking man, i can't believe i missed second base. ouch. top six now. nates in front. 6-2. nick johnson up and he drives one deep to right. hunter pence has a beat on it. leaps at the wall. the ball, check it out. goes off of his glove and into the stands for a home run. yeah. nick's sixth homer of the year.
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josh willingham at the plate, sends a shot into left. that gets out in a hurry. willingham hit two homers in the game. very next batter, adam dunn. liftoff. makes up for his mistake with a home run to left. back to back to back homers for the nationals. it's the first time that's happened in nats' history. then the seventh, nationals do it on defense. tejada lines one into center. nyjer morgan dives makes a snag. the nats pound out a season high 13 runs on 21 hits and win big, 13-2. >> it was nice just to get all the runs for us to have an easy one for a change, and you know, the fact that those guys put together those good at-bats it's great. it was also nice that willingham snapped out of that 11 solo homer that he had. that was a good moment for him too. >> o's hosting the jays. game tied at three.
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moore at the plate. melvin mora is thehero. hits a walkoff home run to right field. it's his first home run in 50 games. then i love this. he slides into home plate. that's celebrating in style. the orioles win it 4-3 in extras. at the u.s. women's open, it's cristie kerr's tournament to win. the former open champ is clinging to a two-shot lead heading into the final round. you can watch all of the drama on nbc4 tomorrow. the shot of the day, sung young yu, the par 4 14th. she hits a 3 wood and that's a good choice because it goes right into the cup for an eagle and that deserves a high five. yu is five over for the tournament. here's the leader, cristie kerr putting for aboard on 11. she is awayways from the hole. this ball has a chance but it lifts out. kerr's reaction, she thought it
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went down but oh, so, close. still leads the way by two strokes at 2 under par. the john deer classic in illinois. steve chicker, the par 5 17th. and it's a good one. in for an eagle. stricker shot a course record 61 at 10 under for the tournament, three strokes off the lead. in soccer, the united states continuing its quest for a third straight gold cup championship. the u.s. has yet to allow golden competition tonight checking out haiti. check out this kid rocking the red, white and blue. stewart holden to a streaking davy ar node. and davy boots it in, his first goal of the gold cup. u.s. with an early 1-nil lead. second half, u.s. trails 2-1. stewart holden rips a shot at the back of the net. nifty. u.s. battles to a 2-2 tie and move on to next week's
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quarterfinals. in the wnba, mystics hosting the sparks tonight. the mystics had no problem with the ladies from l.a. beard led the way with 26 pots. these fans very, very creative. i like that. third quarter, beard playing tough defense. gets the steal and takes it straight to the bucket. for two points. and the foul. beard finished with a game high 26 points. fourth quarter, mystics, shot is blocked but they get the offensive rebound. lindsay harding passes it to chastity melvin. melvin hits the jumper, part of a mystics run to close out the game. the mystics win it, 75-63 is the final. everybody's winning tonight. >> mystics having a good season so far. >> 6-5, back above the .500 mark. >> thanks so much hakim. that's our news for tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow. good night. fios guy! where ya headed?
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not!
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(sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country...
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the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem! >> announcer: and now a message from vice president-elect joe biden. [ cheers and applause ] >> good evening. good evening. i'm joe biden. on november 4th, americans went to the polls and made an


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