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tv   Action News  ABC  November 4, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm EST

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eway today. for a better plan. and a better you. "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with rick williams, sara bloomquist, and meteorologist, david murphy. delays on
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i-95. but the big story on "action news" this noon, a new push to find a kidnapping victim and her attacker. the reward has jumped to $15,000 for information that leads to an arrest. it's two days since a young nurse was shoved into a car by her german townhome. the police say she didn't know the man e,
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police are putting a lot of resources behind this. >> we need to find this young laid yes and find the person responsible and get him into custody and get her home safely. >> by now we have all seen the terrifying video of the abduction. carlisha was snatched off the street apparently by a stranger sunday night, is happened on westd coulter street in german town, she had gotten off a bus and was hustled into a green ford taurus and she managed to kick out the windows as the car took, it may be from out of state. the video is chilling and police are trying to enhance it.
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>> we are working with the fbi to get an enhancement of the video, police got a good description of the kidnapper, a black man 5'10", 35 years old with a dark complexion. they have not ruled out anything. >> whether she knew the individual or he knew she was would be arrived at that time. these are things that dsks are working on now to figure out exactly what took place, was it
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maryland but they were not able to identify that person. david henry, channel 6 "action news." >> reporter: david thank you. you can see the entire surveillance video of the abduction on, and take another look at the suspect and the suspect's vehicle, if you have any information we posted contact information from philadelphia police. and now to election day, 2014, we begin with the potentially historic governor's race in pennsylvania. right now people are casting their ballots across the keystone state here and in springfield county, she are decided between tom wolf and incumbent, tom corbett. wolf is scheduled to vote this afternoon and corbett voted this morning near pittsburgh. if wolf lives the election, corbett would be the first modern governor in history to
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lose a re-election campaign. >> meanwhile. the re-election race tops the ballot in new jersey. this is edge water park, in burlington county. they are deciding whether u.s. senator corey booker gets a full-term in washington. voters in delaware are electing a u.s. senator, a congressman, a stated attorney general and treasurer and auditor. election officials say that voting is running smoothly so far with no reports of problems. >> the midterm elections have huge questionses nation wide, republicans have the chance to win the big of the prize, the control of congress. here is the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: good afternoon the campaign is over and the election is now in the hands of voters, president obama is not on the ballot but is playing a big role, election day in america, voters lining up in the
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polls, house seats and governor's seats and the role of the senate up in the air, president obama's dismal ratings have left democrats across the country vulnerable. >> this is a rejection of his leadership, because the democratic party is likely a loose seat. >> they are trying to make the election a referendum on the president. even some democrats ran ads distancing themselves from the president. >> the administration's policies are simply wrong. the battle could come down to iowa, colorado and kansas, iowa and colorado are two states that president obama won twice and now they are playing defense. and kansas is a big wild card, the state hasn't elected a
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democrat since 1992, but greg orman may knock off craig roberts. they lost in florida, pennsylvania and wisconsin in 2010, channel 6 "action news." >> may begin streaming live results when the polls close across the tristate region and we'll begin tweetsing them with the #~ 6 abc vote and join us at 11:00 for complete coverage of the winners, losers and the complete political landscape here and across the nation. this includes the race for pennsylvania governor, dann cuellar will be with the corbett campaign and chad pradelli will be reporting from tom wolf's head converts. if you have questions about the polls or voting procedures, find out here at 6 abc, volunteers from the league of women voters
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are here to take your phone calls and want to hear about voter irregularitieirregulariti. the search continues in delaware for a gunman that shot a student near delaware state university. the student is expected to recover from the shooting yesterday that happened outside of an off campus residence hall. no arrests have been made. a deadly shooting outside of the coatesville ymca, police arrived when the man took his own life. we are still waiting for police to tell us it's name of the gunman and the woman he killed. a school bus driver is recovering following a collision on i-95 in new jersey, the bus
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flipped on to its side in lawrence, township, mercer county. nobody else was hurt and the driver was treated for minor injuries at the scene and they are still trying to determine what caused the crash. turning to the accuweather forecast now, we have a few nice days ahead of us and comfortable temperatures. this is the view from atlantic city this noon and it's a light wind and mostly calm, nice day to get out and enjoy. for the latest meteorologist, david murphy has the low down. >> there is no weather related reason to stay home from the polls today. almost looks like we are getting socked in with clouds but most of the clouds you are seeing in this image are high and thin and are allowing sunshine through. 68 is the temperature in philadelphia and we have hit 70? wilmington and even up in the lehigh valley, 67 degrees, not
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all that far mind where we are in the i-95 corridor, 67 down the shore. as we roll into the afternoon a high of 70 today and a full 10 degrees above average and 52 is your low tonight and that is above average. if are you headed to the polls here we go, by 2:00 we are on or about 70 degrees and by 4:00, a decent 67 and if are you planning to head open after work and voting in the evening, 60 there and 69 by 7:00 and 67 by 8:00 when the polls close. not a bad day at all to get to the polls. another nice one tomorrow and then on thursday rain arrives and some could by steady, when i step inside in a little bit we'll talk more about that. >> thank you. still to come on "action news" at noon, new punishment for a fire captain for attacking trick or treaters, his excuse for a
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fight with three children. plus, a closer look at the accuweather forecast when "action news" comes rights back. - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪
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♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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a mother is facing charges this noon after she allegedly
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tossed her son to his death in oregon. police say that gillian mccabe called to say she threw her 6-year-old off a bridge, the boy's body was found in the water four hours later and mccabe is charged with murder and manslaughter. a routine -- had plans to kill him in baltimore county. he was charged as an adult after investigators found three homemade explosive devices and a gun at his home. they found out after interviewing the 16-year-old for a series of car break-ins. a new york grandmother is accused of hiring a hitman to kill her daughter's ex-boyfriend, they have proof that melissa shonnfield.
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they told "action news" exclusively that she was worried about her safety. she pled not guilty and was released yesterday on 5$500,000 bond. carl holmesburg pled not guilty to yelling at two boys for cutting through people's yards and smacking them with a golf club, he says he was trying to stop them from creating a disturbance and only hit them when he feared for his safety. lottery fever tonight the jackpot is worth $329 million, the only highest prize in the game's history. watch for the results tonight on "action news" at 11:00. you can take with you
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wherever you go. the new smart design changes size to fit your smart phones and tablets. visit any time in where.
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if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. attention pennsylvania residents. if recent changes to your medicare advantage plan have affected your benefits or network... maybe now's the time to make a change of your own. if you're thinking about returning to original medicare, consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. right now, base rates on the currently available aarp medicare supplement plan f will not increase in 2015. and, the basic structures of medicare supplement plans won't change from year to year.
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so call today for your free decision guide, and find the plan that works for you. medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay - expenses that can really add up. and, you'll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. so pennsylvania residents, if you're considering an aarp medicare supplement plan, don't wait. call now! ♪ honda is the subject of a federal investigation today, regulators want to know if the company failed to report cases of takata airbags deploying
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improperly. companies are required to issue quarterly reports any incident with injuries. now they are penalizing workers that refuse screenings for issues such as blood pressure. two honeywell workers files a lawsuit trying to stop the testing. they could be fined up to $4,000 then case could define how far the case could go, and shift costs to employees based on their behavior. just 30 minutes of exercise a day could make you a smarter person. now they tell me. a new study shows how much physical activity could boost the brain function and improve memory and motor skills. students, faculty and staff
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at la salle university rolled up their sleeves for a good cause today. "action news" was there as they donated life saving blood. this happens all day until 6:30 tonight at olney. cereal and protein bars may be good on the go, but which are the healthy of the. diet detours sort it out for you today at 5:00. >> i'm health reporter, ali gorman, cereal bars and protein bars are convenient but not are all healthy, some can detour your diet. >> some of these could have more added sugar than a candy bar. we'll separate the good from the bad. on "action news" starting at 5:00. coming up later today at 4:00, alicia vitarelli will be live in nashville to share all
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of the excitement of the upcoming country music awards. >> this toronto man is offering one lucky lady free plane tickets to fly around the world with him, why she has to have that name and other requirements as well. >> and we are saving you money on a pair of glasses, nydia han tells you how to get expensive looking frames for less. and coming up the accuweather forecast, as we look live from sky 6 hd, david murphy has your forecast around the corner.
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meteorologist, david murphy is here now. it feels more comfortable than yesterday. not that yesterday wasn't bad. >> it's nice today. excellent for going out and taking a walk maybe over to the
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polls. stormtracker 6 live double scan shows us we are dry at this noon hour and as we take a look outside, nice and bright conditions across the region, it's ben franklin bridge is looking beautiful and some sky is being reflected with the water in the delaware river. high clouds out there but not enough to block out the sun. 69 in philadelphia and feeling good, winds out of the southwest at 7:00 helping to raise the numbers by pulling the milder air out west. we hit 70 in a couple of spots, wilmington and atlantic city and delaware is close. notice how the winds first of all they are very light, single di ding digit in most spots. we showed you winds out of the due west and they are shifting in this direction and that is part of the reason we are warming up and satellite 6 makes it look like things are clearing up out there, we are getting a
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decent amount of sunshine through and every now and then it clouds up more and then it gives way to more sun. mild and partly sunny and nice and that is above average for this time of year in early november. and partly sunny 70 at the shore and philadelphia we hit 70 for a high and mild and wins out of the southwest at 7 miles per hour. and tonight we only dip to 52, that is a bit cool, a few clouds sharing the sky with the clouds. that is a sign we'll stay on the mild side tonight. if you head to the playground, you picked a good one, partly sunny skies and 69 by 1:00 and 68 by 3:00 with the high of 70 somewhere in between and the evening commute, no issues hinder you, upper 50s and lower 60s from 4:00 until 7:00, winds
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are on the light side you won't be grabbing on to the steering wheel and fighting the winds today. we start out with sun mixing with clouds on wednesday, although later in the day it's possible that the clouds get thicker, watch what future tracker 6 does thursday morning, but the time the rush hour starts we'll track sprinkles and showers and during the day we build that into steadier rainfall. it comes through in the afternoon and evening on thursday and could be thick enough and heavy enough to provide us with street flooding. your exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, partly sunny and nice for election day, high of 70 and no issues, sunny and nice tomorrow, with clouds digging in as the day goes on and on thursday, clouds in the morning and sprinkles developing in the morning hours and turning into bands of steadier rain and
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high of 64, friday could start with a stray shower and by the afternoon we dry out and improving in terms of the rain, saturday a high of 52, partly sunny and cool, and more clouds on sunday and a morning shower or sprinkle the way things look now. some models want to bring heavier rain in now, we'll see about that, we are dry in time for monday and monday night football. >> thank you. a fire ball lit up the night sky over chicago last night. look at this cell phone video, there were three sightings over the windy city, nasa says there were more than 200 reports in a dozen states including pennsylvania. it's unclear what caused the bright green light. there is much more to come on our next half hour of "action news" at noon. police are about to update their investigation into a disturbing kidnapping case caught on camera. and voters head to the polls to decide several key races
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case. and pennsylvanians cast their votes on one of the most talked about races in this election. >> and a warm-up from stormtracker 6 live double scan, the warm temperatures will not stick around for long, we'll get an update in just a few moments. we begin with breaking news from a kidnapper and the woman he abducted. the police are about to hold a news conference in the logan section and as soon as it happens we'll bring it to you. as we are reporting, the reward for information that would help in finding carlesha freeland-gaither has increased to $15,000 and we hope to learn more about the investigation and to update the public, as soon as it happens we'll bring it live to you. now, to election day 2014. the polls across new jersey, delaware, and pennsylvania are
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now open. >> voters are deciding several key races including pennsylvania governor, vernon odom is live l morning, one in philadelphia and one here in montgomery county. that low turnout fever is not to be found in bala cynwyd's number 2. >> we found the turnout is surprisingly heavy, we have no long periods of complete silence and 30 people at the door when the poll opened at 7:00. it's the same way at key polling places like philadelphia's park side section. turnout at mid-day is far exceeding non-presidental year
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or mayoral elections. >> people are coming out and standing in line before the doors esses and into the evening rush hour, live in bala cynwyd, vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. >> on the national front, the races to watch center around the u.s. senate, the magical number for republicans is six. the gop does have the edge. the latest "washington post" poll says that republicans have a 96% chance of taking control from the democrats. >> if you look at the map, they have multiple paths to get to
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their goal and take back the senate. >> louisiana and georgia are races that could create the possibility for runoff contests, none of the runners in those states have the majority of supporters. it's possible we might not know who controls the senate for months. the league of women voters are here tonight, taking questions and can you report voter irregulari irregularities. will stream results live tonight and we are tweeting them with the #~ 6 abc vote and please join us for all the results at 11:00. and we have live reports from campaign headquarters, dann cuellar is reporting from tom
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corbett's headquarters and chad pradelli is reporting from tom wolf's headquarters. now a look from sky 6 hd at the ben franklin bridge, it's a nice day out there, mild temperatures in the 60s and blue skies. and meteorologist, david murphy, is live at the big board. well, he used to be a reporter. >> you remember that. >> i do. we are doing the weather forecast for the polls. despite the fact that we have high clouds we are getting plenty of sunshine through that combined with the draw of warm air from down around roanoke and points south is inching the numbers up and in fact we are not the only area that is enjoying this, the entire mid-atlantic or most of it any way, is looking at good numbers, new york city 66 and 70 in richmond, virginia and washington is behind the curve
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at 62 or they may not be updating at the top of the hour. i think d.c. will get up above 70 too this afternoon. as long as the cold front holds to the west we'll enjoy mild conditions here, that goes for today and tomorrow. sun mixing with high clouds and light winds, no problem there. during the afternoon temperatures get into the upper 60s in the cooler spots and urban centers like philadelphia probably touching 70 and even 71 in a couple of cases, this evening, we'll be in the upper 60s and light winds, the rest of the day in philadelphia, 70 by 2:00, and by 4:00, 67 and down to 57 by the time the polls close in philadelphia. if you haven't voted yet and have you a polling station within walking distance, it's a great day to do your civic duty.
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>> and can you following the ever changing weather situation at you can fine both the hourly and seven-day forecast. gas prices continue to fall in the delaware valley, the price fell one penny to $3.76, in south jersey the price we mained at $2.75 and the cost in delaware remains at $2.76 and $2.97 is the national average. some philadelphians returned to their roots to benefit the school for performing arts. katherine scott has the story. ♪ ♪ >> dance, music, theater, the philadelphia high school for creative or performing arts, is known to be a school where academics and arts combine. but like other schools in the
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area they see their budget slashed. >> we have children putting on the musical and my sophomore year we didn't have a musical. that is really sad because it's a tradition. >> they are providing long-term support for the high school then he have the weight of two of their success stories behind them. tom on and trotter, known as the roots, began their education as capa students and performed together at a talent show. >> one thing that helped us make our way was the training we received here at capa. >> we wanted to help contribute and assure they have better production and school services, we wanted to put them in a place where they could sustain themselves. >> the organization aims to raise $500,000 annually over the next five years and $1 million in futures, the roots provided $5,000 in seed money to get the
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organization off the ground. >> the capa foundation we are launching today is born out of the budget cuts but made to bring it to greater heights in the future. >> the first priority is to heal the cuts, supplies and restoring positions. and then they will start campaigns to bring the school into the 21st century. >> there is much more to come on "action news" at 12:30, prosecutors are taking new actions against oscar pistorius, find out what is next for the convicted olympian. >> plus, meteorologist, david murphy is back with the exclusive accuweather forecast. ♪this holiday season, my good friend gave to me♪
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♪7 powerball tickets ♪6 match 6 chances ♪5 cash 5s ♪4 big 4s ♪3 daily numbers ♪2 mega millions (joe) happy holidays, rita. (rita) thanks, joe! (man) what a great gift!
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(announcer) pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts, like the new $1 million peppermint payout. (joe) happy holidays! ♪and best wishes from the lottery♪ prosecutors have filed an appeal in the oscar pistorius case. for acquitting him of murder of
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killing his girlfriend. he was found guilty of a lesser charge of culpable homicide. in south african court, the prosecutors must first apply to the judge for permission to appeal against the verdict and the sentence. the vatican is speaking out against the death of britney maynard, the brain cancer patient, who campaigned for the right to die, took her own life this weekend. they called is rep hencible. the monsignor -- >> we are leaving t or victim and dragging
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her to a gray car we believe a 2000 to 2002 ford taurus that is
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gray in color. the victim, carlesha freeland-gaither, was put in the back of this vehicle, seconds after she was put in the back of the vehicle, you can see that the glass looks like it was kicked out or punched out of the passenger side, we believe the rear, we are asking the public at this time for anyone that saw a vehicle matching this description in the area, or surrounding area to contact northwest detectives, i have a number for you, 215-548-4756, at this time we have a reward from the mayor of philadelphia in the amount of $10,000. we also have an award from our fraternal order of police for $5,000 for the arrest of anyone
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that was involved in this and the citizens crime commission offered $2,000 reward and a reward offered by the fbi, the special agent in charge is going to talk to you about. christian you want to mention your reward. >> first name is christian zajat i'm the assistant special agent in charge of philadelphia fbi, in addition to the other rewards, the fbi is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of perpetrator of this horrific act. our goal is the safe return of carlesha to her family and friends, to this end the crimes task force is working hand in hand with our partners at the
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philadelphia police department to make sure she is returned home safe. thank you. >> we have a fresh lead we are working on, carlesha's atm card was used in a stand alone bank in maryland, off the exit. we are actively looking into that area right now. i know it's a stand alone, i don't know the bank name. possibly a pnc but i'm not sure. >> can you give us the exact time? >> we know it was used at 6:01 a.m. today. >> was there surveillance footage at the bank? >> there is. >> what does is t show? >> a male using her atm card. >> does that male compare to the same video of surveillance in the neighborhood? >> it's similar but it's hard to tell. >> dark clothing? >> dark clothing for sure.
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that is all i'll say about that now. >> how closely to you work with money state police and the fbi on this? >> we are working with them for sure. our officers are conducting an investigation in your area here. they are actively working on it in that area. the family wants to say a few words. carlesha's family. we are looking into every lead. >> chief do you think it was a random abduction or by someone she might have known? >> we are not sure. we are not positive any way. >> when you see the car pull in, it looks like there may possibly be a license plate, could this be a car from maryland as
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opposed to pennsylvania? >> it's possible. >> we are looking at that. >> what have you found from the evidence of the glasses, the broken glass and cell phone, were you able to get any finger prints, did that help in any way? >> we know it's her cell phone. >> are you running it through coda? >> yes. >> what have you learned from the audio on the surveillance tape? >> we don't want to get into that right now, we have not released the audio of it, it's the same time of the audio we did release, the glass breaking and then the door shut -- >> any indication that she knew the suspect? >> not by the audio. >> can you identify the suspect on other video? >> not at this point. >> could there be a possible
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witness in a separate car and there was a male running and we talked to that male. >> it looks like they see what is going on, but they decided not to get involved. >> they started to back out and they told us that she was forcibly moved down the block and then the glass breaking. >> this person didn't get a license plate number -- >> let me at this time have the parents of carlesha say a few words. >> i just want to say that i am carlesha's grandmother, i raise the carlesha from the age of 4 to 19, she lived with me in maryland for nine years and
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decided to return back in this area to be with her family and pursue a career, what i want to say to the person that has her, please return her, we want her returned to us safely, we love her, we all love her. just return her to us, we are her family, she has a family here and we need her. thank you. >> give us your name? >> ana. >> you were telling us there were people that she was friendly with in maryland? >> there were some gray people in her part, one in particular which i knew him by his first name, which was brandon, she met him at a concert that we had attended and shortly after that, they must have exchanged numbers and he came to my house with his grandparents, and wanted to take carlesha out on his own and i disproved of that. i don't know what kind of relationship they had because
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she was never able to go anywhere with him. >> at this point we are not going to put the family through that. the main focus of the family being here is to show the young lady has a large number of support here in the room. we are not subjecting them to an investigation. the fbi will go through this process and make sure we find this young lady. [ speaking foreign language ] >> the press conference continues to stream online and on our website at, an update from investigators into the investigation of 22-year-old
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carlesha free laland-gaithefree sunday night. some $42,000 reward is announced for information leading to an arrest and conviction for the man that took 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither. hopefully they can find the woman and help the investigation as well. we'll have more on "action news" at 4: .
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all have to do is just get out, i got you, come home. i love you so much. i love you. everybody loves you. everybody loves you. >> i'm carlesha's grandfather and she lived with me for the last two years when she came back up here. she just moved out two months ago. i just want you to know carlesha your room is still there and you got to come home and we miss you and the house is not the same, just come on back and whoever has her, send her back home. that is all we ask, she has a loving family and she is a loving person and we want to you send her back home. your
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ask your doctor about xarelto® today. david with a final look at the accuweather forecast. >> today nice and sunny and tomorrow sunny and thursday it's cloudy and some rain, 64 is the high there and then a lingering shower on friday morning guys. >> david, thank you. that will do it for "action news" at noon, don't forget to
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join us later at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. >> i'm rick williams have a nice afternoon we'll see you back here at 4:00.
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1:00 pm
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