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tv   Action News at 4pm  ABC  November 3, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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her abductor. what can you tell us, chad? >>reporter:it ask a random kidnapping. he was approached at coulter and green. the victim was dragged down the block here. it was captured right there. the video is disturbing. the police want you to take a close look so they can get the victim home safely. you see the suspect pull up in a vehicle and park. a few seconds later carlesha freeland-gaither enters a septa bus. the suspect approaches her at the corner. the suspect drags the victim in the car. the 22-year-old managed to kick out one or two windows. shattered glass was on the ground. >> i want her to come home safe. [crying] come home. that is all i am asking.
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>>reporter:freeland-gaither's cell phone was left behind. she was visiting her grandson before taking the bus home. she lives with her boyfriend a few blocks from the crime scene. >> she never met the boyfriend. >>reporter:freeland-gaither is a nurse's assistant at presbyterian hospital. she is charming and would help anyone. >>reporter:they believe it's a silver or gray ford taurus. it has one or both of rear windows kicked out. if you see a vehicle like that call the police. i am live in germantown, chad pradelli. thank you. you can see the video in its entirety on our website at you can read more about the
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attack and how to contact the police. it's there right now on and chopper~6 hd is live over more breaking news. all northbound lanes of i-95 is closed after a fatal crash that happened this afternoon. the backup from the road closure is growing by the minute. this was the scene earlier. one vehicle was on its roof and several others were damaged. the fatal crash happened in the northbound their bartram avenue and all northbound lanes are closed in that area. the officials have not released the name of the person killed. matt pellman will have the road closures and how to get around the scene coming up in traffic. the burned out trucks in bristol county are a result of
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arson. they were at the magnolia business park. three tractor-trailers were destroyed. and four big-rigs were damaged. no one was hurt. david henry has the latest on the investigation coming up at 5:00. the philadelphia eagles had two key players for season-altering injuries. nick foles and demarco ryan may be off for weeks. jamie apody lots of concern today? >> for sure. here is the details. foles and ryans had m.r.i.s at noon. and chip kelly confirmed that foles has a crack in his clavicle. and regardless the big win yesterday in the process the eagles lost of the quarterback of their team and the quarterback of their defense as well. here is what happened with foles. he suffered his injury after
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sacked for the second time at the end he of the first-quarter. he fell on his left shoulder and helped to the locker room. he was off to his usual consistent start throwing for 124 yards and a touchdown. he threw a pick. and who knows how long? sanchez was the starter in the nfl. chip was not concerned. >> i felt great about mark. we need to have two quarterbacks. the chance to get him in here i thought that he played out standing in the pre-season and showed no rust or anything when he got in there against houston. we are confident. i feel bad for nick that he is out. >> yesterday was the first action for sanchez. he had 2 touchdowns and two
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interceptions. this is the guy that led the championship game in the legal. regardless it's interesting to see how it plays out. brian back to you. and the pressure is on for mark sanchez. thank you. and switching to walter perez in south philadelphia today. the fans are reacting to this very much? >>reporter:no doubt about it, brian. i asked chip kelly if he can confirm the reports that foles is out for a month and ryans is done for the season. he could not say anything either way. the bottom line is that the birds play the panthers with either one. that is when we see which player means for to this team. there is no word how long nick foles will be out after breaking his collarbone and same for demeco ryans that tore his
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achilles tendon. the question is now, who will the eagles miss more on gameday? you can't overestimate the value of a strong quarterback. >> foles is the leader of the team in general. demeco ryans is big on defense. without the quarterback it's tough. >> he is a proven vet and a playoff winner. >>reporter:the vast majority of the people that we say that how well he filled in for foles and the passion that di demeco lost to the defense -- >> sanchez will come in and do a half decent job. demeco ryans it's tougher.
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he's the defensive quarterback. >> i honestly believe that with chip kelly's ruling we can't go wrong. he's a winner. >>reporter:that is a lot of the faith in the head coach right there. foles and ryans undergoing m.r.i.s today. once we get the results we'll pass it along on "action news" and reporting from the linc, "channel 6". thank you, walter. republican governor tom corbett was in west chester and along with other campaign stops. wolf was in pittsburgh. he maintained double-digit leads in recent independent polls. the race is oser. corbett says it coming down to who gets the supporters to the polls.
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and volunteers of woman voters are at 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on election days to answer questions about the polls an voting procedures. they will take questions about voting problems. you can reach out to them tomorrow. and polls open at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow in new jersey, in pennsylvania and delaware. the doors open at 7:00 a.m. in pennsylvania and delaware. all polls close at 8:00 p.m. and we have live digital updates throughout the night on and we'll have a team of reporters covering the results including live reports from both campaign headquarters. dawdann cuellar will be with the corbett campaign and chad
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pradelli t. >> yesterday the brutal winter winds that knocked out power across the region. take a look at the numbers with the sunshine. 58 in philadelphia. 60 the warm spot in reading. in the poconos not bad with a temperature of 52. westerly winds moving in. 50 miles-an-hour. down from 50 miles-an-hour yesterday. 10 in allentown. 8 in wilmington. we match it in atlantic city. 8 miles-an-hour winds. it's dark here. by 7:00, 55 with stars and clouds. by 8:00, 53. slowly dropping to 50 by 10:00. no big slip in temperature over the next four or five hours. the accuweather forecast we have a reach of 70.
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a super soaker of a rainstorm comes in. and timing on the rain and chilly winds coming up in the accuweather forecast. thank you. it's an emotional milestone for new yorkers and the nation. the world trade center again is open for business. nik wallenda competes two hair-raising tightrope walks. what made it more frightening. those stories and more when "action news" continues on a monday afternoon. [♪] ♪
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with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the compassion and security of blue cross. giving you the confidence to move forward. independence blue cross. live fearless. center. daredevil nik wallenda wowed chicago and the world with two hair-raising stunts last night. the 35-year-old walked the stretch from one building to the
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another over a river. then wallenda walked blindfolded 94 feet and 543 feet from the ground between two towers. he performed both stunts without a safety net or a harness. >>jefferson:checking wall street. the dow is down 25 points. the nasdaq is up an eight and s&p is down today. the world trade center was welcoming the first commercial tenants. condé nast moved into the building this morning. the publishing giant said that 1 world trade center will house 3400 of its employees early next year. condé nast, c.e.o. called it the most secure in it america.
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it took eight years to build and 60% leased. if you are dreaming of becoming a millionaire who isn't. no one won the saturday drawing. the jackpot is $321 million. you can watch the mega millions every tuesday and friday night on "action news" at 11:00. today peco and homeless advocates teamed up to get one step closer to gaining employment. the project help people process, file and not rise birth certificate applications. this crucial document stands in the way of people getting a job because they often don't have it in their possession. >> all right. time for the traffic report. we are following a mess on i-95 today. hi, matt.
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>> in southwest philadelphia along i-95 around the airport. these are the airport hotels that you see in the background. this is the exit for island avenue and platt bridge. the inner lanes of i-95 northbound remains closed because of the fatal accident that continues. you see the on ramp lanes from the airport. of course, the outer drive is getting by fine heading to the platt bridge. the delays in the area it's the three inner lanes that are shutdown and backlogged towards the accident scene. there was one down by cottman that is gone and passyunk is cleared. on sunnyside avenue and east norriton at hannah avenue. today was a big day for the
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potts area. we are seeing restrictions. on that note grab the i-pad and do the commuter note. the waze app, you can download it for free and track the speeds on 422 for the next four years. checking it again shirleen in the next half-hour. thank you, matt. the eagles and their fans are dealing with anxiety as we told you injuries to two important players. monica malpass is in the newsroom with that aspect of the story. as you mentioned earlier in the broadcast nick foles and did hdemeco ryans suffered
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injuries. ali gorman will talk to medical experts about the injuries and the one for our quarterback, and what it means for the return for the season. >> they are monitoring signs or symptoms of ebola. why they are taking extra precautions. see you then brian. nydia han is investigating what dozen call a renovation ripoff. here is nydia with a preview. >> they are specializing in basement renovations. buyer beware. >> i can't believe the way that he took advantage of us. i drive past his office every day. he is operating and taking on new customers. it's disheartening.
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>>reporter:the owner takes your money but he fails to finish the job. i track him down to get answers. hear what he has to say. it's a special revealed through the work of its scholars and graduates.
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it has inspired strength and purpose. an enduring symbol of passion and excellence that is not static, but moves among us. a feeling...a shared experience, a reminder that we are connected for life. we are penn state, making our mark on the world.
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foles. 4:00 to. it's hard to believe it's getting dark in the next few minutes. such is our new life as we turn the clocks back. the weather is not bad. we had some sun out there. adam joseph is joining us. >> it's all good. no, it's a bit depressing, the time change for the first day and trying to adjust to it. sky6 the christina river, kayakers on the river there. can you see them. they are about there. anyway, taking a look at the sunsets starting earlier now.
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sunset this even at 4:56 p.m. before 5:00. in one month from now we will approach the earliest sunset time in our area 4:36 p.m. it's around december 11 that it will be 4:35 p.m. that is the earliest. and then the days are longer as we approach the holiday season. 58 in wilmington and millville. after two afternoons saturday and sunday high temperatures did not get out the 40s. the change is nice. 9 to 11 above yesterday at this time from philadelphia to trenton. and allentown is 13 degrees warmer than reading. we can thank the high pressure to the south. the clouds are streaming in. it makes for a nice sunset. the cirrus clouds have ice in them and the longer wave was
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sunlight interacts with the ice. it acts as heat pump from philadelphia down do the south. 66 in philadelphia. 70s down to the south. warmer here on wednesday. 75 in charleston. and 713 i 71 in richmond. it could hit the 71-degree mark earlier this week. and 42 in dover. the four day at 4:00, no complaints for the voters tomorrow. it's dry and warm. 66. an average of 68. another soaking rain arrives. this is a warmer rain than the weekend of 64. the cooldown is on friday. the sun returns. breezy and cooler. high of 55.
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can we salvage that weekend? we'll let you know in the seven-day.
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work.
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donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. wallenda. topping "the buzz" at 4:00. the country music awards are two days away. you can see it right here on 6abc. brad paisley and carrie underwood will host the show. it's the seventh year hosting. why this award show is one of the best. >> it's voted on by the industry. it takes place from a few blocks where the industry kind of resides. everybody drives home and sleeps in their own bed. it's nice. it feels like home. >> a family reunion. and alicia vitarelli will be in nashville to bring you live coverage from the cmas red
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carpet. they will perform in character as famous dynamic duos. the winner of each head-to-head competition, and then who goes home. twtwo hours was "dancing with te stars" starts at 8:00. and then watch "action news" at 11:00. and alicia, my girl is there on the red carpet giving us all the live reports. she will be sharing her experience on instagram and twitter using the #6abccma.
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and alicia takes us inside the world famous company that made the world famous
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it's 4:30. "action news" continues. the reason that you may be paying more for your holiday travel deal than you think. she earned her shot to the college basketball team only told by doctors that she may not be in the next season. the first and likely last game of her life. the police showed up to serve a routine eviction notice and wound out meeting the bomb squad. a couple needed to booby-trap their makeshift home. a update from the philadelphia germantown section. they are calling out all the stops to find a man that was seen abducting this young woman. he was struggling with carlesha freeland-gaither moments after she got off of a septa bus on the 100 block of west coulter
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street. he pushed the young nurse into a ford taurus. in the meantime, if you have any information on this abduction the philadelphia police are urging you to call them. >> turning now to a bizarre story about an attempted eviction from north philadelphia. from the air an ground you can see crime scene tape. looking at the video if we have it? -- we do not have that video. there was crime scene tape on west sedgley. the reason that the sheriff's deputy found the couple that they were looking for and a number of booby-traps. john laurijohn is live at the s. >>reporter:this is an odd one. there was the making of five booby-traps. they involved shotgun shells.
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it's unlikely that they would explode if they were triggered. the bomb squad arrived at 2:30. they reported finding an additional explosive device. they searched and found the makes for four booby-traps. two were rigged. >> they were two shotgun shells booby-traps and they were disarmed and were not functioned as designed but the intent was there. >>reporter:it began with a court-authorized victim of a couple identified as roland and sharlene mcvicker. the police were called and animal control agents to pick up the couples' dogs. his devices were set up to keep out thieves. >> we have no reason to believe they were placed for law enforcement or to ward off the eviction. they were placed there according
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to this gentleman, because of previous thefts. >>reporter:the couple lived inside of the industrial plant that apparently belonged to the wife's family. a neighbor and friends say that thieves stole metal for scrap from the building. >> the cops are all there the time. >> people were trying to steal metal parts and stuff like that? >> every day they had a problem. they were going and cutting the gates. >>reporter:this was much of the wheeler manufacturing company here. no charges in this case the mcvickers were evicted today after their property was sold at a sheriff's sale to satisfy a 14,000 tax debt. live in north philadelphia john rawlins. thank you. they are thanking the media and the public to help them nab a father, daughter duo attacking a homeless than.
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this is mug shots of carmen d'amato and daughter rita. they tipped off the police about their alleged involvement. in this attack, it was caught on camera. rita hit the 36-year-old man in the stomach with a baseball bat. when he tried to run away, the dad carmen shot the victim. they are facing a number of charges including aggravated assault. much. and barbara barbara lieberma prominent lawyer. they she laundered funds. she is facing 10 years behind bars. they are trying to figure out why a century-old firehouse went up in flames in weekend. the blaze sparked at old diamond
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company around noon yesterday. the firefighters arrived they found flames shooting from the second and third floors. two workers got out safely. high winds made it difficult for crews to put out the fire. they knocked it down after more than an hour. as many men are doing this month, several police officers are giving up their razor for a good cause. the entire month of november six officers will forego shaving. they donate $25 to the food bank in delaware. you can drop off donations. at the end of the month you can vote on the officer with the best beard. you know you guys wish you can rock a beard. >> it's the best feeling in the world that you don't have to
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shave. >> give your face a break. maybe i will. that is right. a nice start to the work week on monday after the winds and rain on saturday. you see some of the trees changing the color of yellow. the dewpoint is low. it's a dry air winds out of the southwest at 13 miles-an-hour. in wilmington we see a glow on christina river. and the pressure is 30.19 inches. the westerly winds not as strong. 13 miles-an-hour in philadelphia. 10 in allentown. 14 in dover. at the shore between 6 and 10 miles-an-hour. we'll talk about a couple of great days ahead. soaking rain is on the way and chilly winds. all right, that sounds good. thank you, adam. chopper 6 hd is live over breaking news. the breaking news we showed you
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last half-hour. the northbound lanes of i-95 remains closed at this hour. it's at the bartram avenue exit after a fatal crash. the backup from the road closure has continued to grow. matt pellman will update us on the story. and tying up the evening commute tonight. coming up in two days country's biggest stars are hitting the stage in nashville for the country music awards on 6abc. they are hitting the stage on something that is hand-made in lehigh valley here is her report for the last 181 years. [♪] >> everyone works on each guitar as if it were their own.
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>>reporter:since 1833 each and everyone of the more one million martin guitars, handcrafted and polished and painted were strung in nazareth, pennsylvania. each beauty is borne from costume wood from the east indian rosewood. it takes up to eight months to make one martin. >> he takes one for a test drive. he brought his craft from germany. some of the biggest names in the biz made near mark on a martin. >> we built it for the jimmy rogers. >>reporter:the king, elvis presley played one.
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and willie nelson played this exact model his entire career. the man in black was a martin man. >> and johnny owned a martin guitar. >>reporter:this is circa 1947. >>reporter:hank williams played in guitar. >> you got it. >>reporter:and five time dirk dk bentley. >> we see them played by dirk bentley. we will be here in nashville all week leading up to wednesday night cma awards. you can use the #6abccma. it's amazing out the hands that touched the guitar. still ahead on what advice that
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you use to what website that you use. the tricks that some companies tuesday pay more. they died in private the way that she wanted to with a terminally ill woman. the debate that the world should remember. meet the teenager that beat the odds to play in her first and possibly last basketball game. adam is back with
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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caring for you ... just got a little easier. pearle vision accepts flex accounts and most vision plans, including eye med. this is genuine eye care, right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. in "healthcheck" tonight. the scientists say that beet root concentrate boosts the blood flow to some muscles by 38%. a high in an nitrate that is a o
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their success this season. we begin with the death of a woman that re-ignited the debate over "death with dignity" laws in this nation. or a lack of them. and brittany maynard passed away yesterday. rather than letting the terminal brain cancer to do it for her. she moved to oregon and began to make a series of youtube videos documenting her decision. her obituary reads "after told by one doctor that she will not have weeks on her feet she was climbing trails on the mountains
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of alaska... you can read the powerful obit and a woman that gave the end of her life meaning. [ cheering ] that was the eruption of applause that broke out for lauryn hill as she played the first game at mount st. joseph. she was given a month to live. the ncwaa was moving up the game two weeks for a chance to play. she scored the first and last points of the game. they plans to play again. >> don't plan on it being my last game. if i can't play, if i am in a wheelchair by then or anything that happens i am still going to try to be there with my team. >> as she says the team was there for her.
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pat summit was on hand to present the most courageous award that is reserved for the final four tournament. no sense on waiting. that was the best day that she ever had in her life shirleen. if we can have a fraction of the strength and courage that those women have. thank you, brian. and matt pellman has an update. any changes? >> no. back on i-95 channel 6 hd is high in the sky. in the northbound lanes near philadelphia international airport. the accident that proved fatal this afternoon on northbound i-95. you see the crews on the scene. it has to funnel into the outer lanes. that is the on-ramp from
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philadelphia international airport. all traffic is getting by on northbound i-95. up to the girard bridge. you see the delay as you pass the philadelphia international airport. you hit a wall of traffic. you are hitting a wall of traffic on the southbound side. it's because of the normal afternoon volume. and the crash in delco a couple of vehicles are involved. the two left lanes are out the commission. you come south beyond the international airport you are barely moving. you see the stacked up lanes because of the fatal accident. and westbound side on broad street it has cleared. and the tacon tacony-palmyra jut opened up. we are watching a number of
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situations by now, brian and shirleen. we'll check it at 5:00. we have au busy today thank you, matt. do you want to do it. >> and looking live over the atlantic city skyline. trust me. there it is. it's a nice one with the sun setting sooner than it used to. it's a beautiful shot.
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. here in york, pennsylvania we've built the largest distributor of kitchen cabinets in the nation. we've got american-made products that are beating out chinese imports.
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so, i know pennsylvania can be a leader in manufacturing and we can make things again. but we have to invest in education and a skilled workforce today. i'm tom wolf and i have a plan. we can do great things, but we have to think ahead. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's. a sign of the raptor and the rip in the space time continuum. they explained an eerie sight in the sky.he space time continuum. it was a rare hole punch cloud.
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apparently it forms when a cloud's droplets freeze into ice crystals. and then you get the incredible color inside of the oddly shaped cloud. you really know what you are talking about here. i can't say what is happening tomorrow. but you can. the cloud structure i put it on my facebook page. someone from atlantic city took one a couple of days ago. i see the one from the ocean. that happened as well. they happen not just in australia. a beautiful shot. the sun is setting on the horizon. you have a thin ribbon of clouds there. the sun is heading to bed within the next 8 minutes. a double scan radar, the pressure is in control for the next couple of days.
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stormtracker 6 double scan is on the job. not finding anything upper upst. it field like december the past weekend than the beginning of november. 52 in mount pocono. all of the wet weather of new england that knocked out power in vermont and maine is off to the east. the high pressure is somewhat of a heat pump and bringing the temperatures above normal. 66 for election day. sunshine just a few clouds. very nice. we will be tracking a front to the west. it starts to close on wednesday. it throws more in the way of clouds. it stays warm at 68 degrees. a low pressure along this boundary links with more energy
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to the north and west. it combines again and brings a soaking rain on thursday. thursday morning for the morning commute it's going to take you some time to get to point a to b because of the steady rainfall continuing into thursday night. patchy clouds 36 in the suburbs. 43 for center city. the exclusive accuweather forecast, mild and the soaking rain arrives on thursday. it's not a chillies 40s rain. we are looking at 1 to 2 inches of rain pounding on roads the commutes will be slow in the morning and the afternoon. there could be a rolling of thunder over our region on thursday. it turns breezy and cooler. and sunshine is returning at 55. it's a dry start at 50. a lot of clouds come sunday.
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late showers is 53. cold at the linc for monday night football. 50 degrees high dropping into the 30s monday night. ate chilly seven-day. get out and vote tomorrow. a go
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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it is time now to "saving with 6abc" holiday travel means logging on to get the best deals. do you know how your shopping online could be costing you? >> rebecca jarvis has more on the study and ways to save. >> now a newly released study claims that the popular
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e-commerce websites don't offer the same products and prices to everyone. that is right depending on how you shop online you could be spending more and not even know it. >> different companies are deciding based on what computer you are using or what device you are using. they want to learn what your preferences are. >>reporter:they call it price shearing. they receive different product results. >> what it does is put the most expensive products at top. most users are not going to go all the way down to see if there are cheaper prices. >>reporter:that is not all. the study found that two shoppers can be offered different prices for the same product on the same website. they calm it price
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discrimination. in general this is not illegal. >> it's price discrimination. >> what is better to be completely logged in or remain anonymous? do your referenc research befory and use different browsers. if all else fails ask a friend to check on his or her computer. rebecca jarvis, new york. >> remember when you tried an orange slice probably not? he samples the fresh sweetness you can tell he met his nirvana.
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trevor is overwhelmed he has to take a nap. we can guess what he was dreaming about. >> a sugar glider. i never heard about that. >> there is it. that does it for "action news" at 4:00 for shirleen allicot and adam joseph i am brian taff. ducis is back tonight. we hope you join us
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we are following a developing story in philadelphia's germantown neighborhood. the surveillance video released today shows the moment that a 22-year-old woman tried fight off her abductor last night. take a look the struggle was so intense the suspect and victim both fell to the ground. they hope that it leads to a break in the case. monday night the big story is the abduction of that 22-year-old woman that gained the attention of the fbi. her family is pleading for her safe return following this
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crime that could be a random attack. it occurred at the 500 glock o500 blockof coulter street. and sarah bloomquist is live at logan with the latest from northwest detectives. sarah? >> rick and monica the investigators tell "action news" that this appears to be a random abduction. they have called the fbi to assist in the investigation. the surveillance video includes audio. the police are not releasing it at this point. still an investigator tells me the audio makes it clear, the victim a 22-year-old woman did not know the man that kidnapped her last night. at 9:30 last night the suspect car drove down west coulter in