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tv   ABC World News Tonight  ABC  November 2, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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welcome to the "world news tonight." polar plunge. a winter wonderland in the south. record snow and record cold. the nor'easter on the move tonight. what's coming next? rocket disaster. how that experimental spaceship came crashing down. investigators the sifting through the wreckage. were warning signs ignored. inside the takedown. the first look tonight at the hiding spot of one of america's most wanted. new details about his capture. and how did this suspected cop killer get the cuts on his face? and the terror trip. passengers forced to evacuate this ship.
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scrambling for life jackets. a halloween cruise that turned into a horrifying ride. good evening and thanks for joining us this sunday evening. i'm cecilia viga. as we come on the air tonight. 70 million americans hit with a shocking blast of winter. behind me here, it makes you want to get out the jackets. this snowy road is in the south, in tennessee. nearly two feet fell in parts of that state. in lexington, south carolina, this neighborhood covered in white. and columbia, getting its earliest snowfall this weekend. and take a look at crews before tonight's patriots game. they had to break out the shovels in gillette stadium in boston. and darker by an hour after turning our clocks back, is winter settling in already? abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano leads off it tonight. >> reporter: it came early. it came heavy and it came to the
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south, taking some people in north carolina by surprise. >> i got a text and they asked me how much snow was in and i said, what? and i opened up the door and i was totally surprised. >> reporter: record snows in the carolinas. over a foot in spots. feels like mid-january but it's the beginning of november. across the boarder in tennessee, more snow in the smoky mountains. a staggering 22 inches at this lodge. some folks were temporarily stranded. >> all the park roads were closed. we were shut down saturday night. >> reporter: today, the storm moved in the northeast where winds gusted to nearly 50 miles an hour in new york city. slowing and chilling runners on the marathon's mostly northward route. in massachusetts, huge waves and winds up to 50 miles an hour. nearly 20,000 people without power across the state. just inland, the rain became
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snow and turned gillette stadium white before the patriots game in foxborough. crews had to break out the snowplow to clear the field. in maine, near white out conditions. down the road, this tractor-trailer on its side. windchills here in new york city are in the 30s. the deep south. the sunshine state, record lows in miami, 54. 44 in orlando. and a record low for daytona beach, for november that is cold. >> you look cold out there. but there are warmer days to come. >> we're going to bounce back nicely. tomorrow, we will get it back in the 70s. 65 degrees in atlanta, and after being in the 30s. 62 degrees in chicago after seeing snow a couple days ago. we have another storm in the pacific northwest. active pattern in the first week of november. >> thanks for braving that weather for us tonight. and we have one more climate note. the most dire warning yet about
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climate change. the alarms report from an international group of scientists. they say unless we make serious changes, the buildup of greenhouse gases could lock the earth in an irreversible force of global warming. playing out in extreme weather events. rising sea levels, warmer oceans and melting glaciers. up next, the search for answers in the deadly space rocket explosion over the mohave desert. investigators scouring a five-mile long debris field. billionaire richard branson vows that commercial space travel will go on. but scientists are sounding the alarm. were warning signs ignored? alex perez has the latest tonight. >> reporter: ntsb investigators on the ground in the mojave desert, sifting through debris, hunting for clues that might tell them what caused spaceship two to fall apart mid-air.
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two pilots were on board that test flight friday. michael allsbury was killed. peter seebold ejected his parachute and remains hospitalized with serious injuries. word today he is alert and talking. today, one senior aerospace engineer is speaking out. carolyn campbell, saying she and other top engineers arounded about the rocket's nitrous oxide, after a 2007 incident that killed three engineers on the ground. the warnings, ignored. >> it was a pr driven haste, to accomplish something that should've been done in a far more measured, timely and engineering-led fashion. >> reporter: saturday, branson addressed some of the criticism following the crash. >> i find it irresponsible that people who don't know what they are saying say something before the ntsb. makes their comments. >> reporter: branson has some 700 reservations. jim clash is one of those with
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the reserved seat. he plays to raid his 401k to pay for it. and says the spaceship two crash will not deter him. >> the core group that has signed up get it. they get it. they know there are risks and they are willing to take the risks. >> reporter: in case you are wondering if the people are having second thought, they say they are offering people refunds. so far, no one has backed out. it could be a year before the ntsb investigation is complete. >> a lot of questions, thank you. and now to a horrifying halloween cruise to the bahamas. the ship hit something, the ship tilted to one side. prompting a rush for life jackets and an evacuation. the story of the passengers who are back home safe tonight. >> reporter: a scare at sea. >> it's currently a weak emergency. >> reporter: 960 passengers
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aboard the bahama "celebration" cruise ship. scrambling for life jackets. and forced to evacuate. >> everyone is freaking out. >> reporter: after the ship hit something on grand bahama island. >> people were scared. >> we could feel it tipping over. >> reporter: passengers say the ship came to a jerking halt before plunging to darkness. >> the lights were out. and we consider eating. it became total chaos. >> reporter: it had taken off from west palm beach, florida, to the bahamas. it was on the way back when it occurred. it frightening moments happening ironically on a halloween horror cruise. tonight, celebration cruise officials say no passengers were ever in any danger. the 600 foot ship remains in the
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bahamas, listing heavily to one side. the passengers, safe on dry land. catching a ride back to florida on a super fast ferry, returning to palm beach one day later than scheduled. after a fright night -- >> it was so horrible. very scary. >> reporter: they won't soon forget. mara ski yav cam, new york. in the pocono mountains this is the most normal wicked in months. here is why. one of america's most wanted fugitives, suspected cop killer eric frein, is behind bars. tonight, we are learning new details about the moments the marshals brought him down. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: tonight, our first look inside the abandoned airport hangar where alleged cop killer eric frein was hiding out.
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debris on the floor, graffiti on the walls, and right there, a dirty mattress surrounded by a torn up menu board. it's a place where he would hang out for weeks. the hangar, 35 miles from where he murdered bryan dickson on september 12th. on the run for 48 days, with sightings at a high school, a post office, even an abandoned inn. and tonight, new details about the takedown. authorities telling us, they were clearing the area building by building, when suddenly, they spot a figure moving towards the abandoned structure. >> a guy walking, he met the description, the physicals, and i was like, who is this guy walking in the middle of nowhere? and i noticed it was him. >> reporter: the survivalist's weeks-long reign of terror, ending with a surrender. >> at about this position right here, about five feet away, i said, "what's your name?" he said, "eric frein." my team put handcuffs on him, had him in custody.
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>> reporter: police now say that gash on frein's face, sustained while officers held him to the ground. frien would soon be slumped over that police car. and residents here, breathing a sigh of relief. gio benitez, abc news, new york. now the countdown to tuesday's election. two days left, the vote on who controls the senate. here is that magic number u 6. and how many seats republicans need to come out on top. and jonathan karl joins us now. and all eyes on the battle ground states. >> you have 16 states with competitive battle ground races. and they are all no seats controlled by democrats. if you want to know, watch the three states. colorado, kansas and iowa. first, iowa, and colorado, those are two big obama states. he won them big twice. and right now there are clear
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signs that republicans are trailing. if republicans win iowa and colorado, they will almost certainly win control of the senate. but kansas is the wild card. the republican senator pat roberts is in a tough battle. he has run a horrible campaign. >> the one face that is largely absence in it. the president, is he out there now? is he helping more than hurting? hurting more than helping? >> he is hurting. he was in connecticut today, and his favorable rate is always high. and now it's just 44%. and they say he is not a good manager, not a good leader. he has been attacked by republicans in every one of the races. >> you will be here all night tuesday. good to see you tonight. abc news' election night on tuesday. 7:00 p.m. seven hours of live streaming on and a one-hour special at 10:00 eastern here on abc.
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and a terrifying encounter, one surfer in hawaii is recovering tonight with a close call with a tiger shark as long as a car. she has the bite marks to prove it. here is aditi roy. >> his head on on my board. >> reporter: tonight, mckenzie was in a shark attack. while off the coast of hawaii. a tiger shark leaving behind bites on her hand and board. her friend brian wargo was surfing nearby and raced to her rescue. hitting the predator with his fist and grabbing the dorsal fin. >> i felt the shark shudder and at that time, he turned away. >> reporter: her left hand, punctured. and bracing for surgery. shark bites, increasingly common. the number of great whites alone, up 42% since 1997. just this week in australia, a
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20-year-old surfer escaping after wrangling with a great white. >> tried to kick it off once and it let go. and grabbed on straight away again. >> reporter: scientists credit an increase in their favorite food, seals. and con sir investigation efforts to change their image. and making that tougher. >> right now, i just feel really, really blessed and thankful that everyone is okay. >> reporter: aditi roy, san francisco. >> lucky. we have much more "world news" this sunday. and planning to put your home on the market? "shark tank's" barbara corcoran on what you should not do before you plan to sell. and later, that famous character from harry potter. you hated her? so does the woman who created her. what j.k. rowling is reveal about delores umbrage. about umbrage.
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next tonight, it's a seller's market out there. exiting home sales jumping to the highest point all year. how can you get the most out of putting up the for sale sign? as gloria rivera reports there are mistakes you don't want to make. this home in florida's exclusive pablo bay community checks a lot of boxes. fourn tans, really well kept grounds. a community pool, wide, clean streets. step inside and -- wow, this is crazy. >> it's a garage sale going bad. >> reporter: real estate agent todd arnold says this five bedroom house could go 40% below market value. >> for me as a realtor, you look and you go, this isn't going to help me sell this. >> reporter: real estate mogul and host of abc's "shank tank"
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barbara corcoran says even minor messes can sink a sale. >> when people see a mess, they think the boiler doesn't work, the plumbing doesn't work. >> reporter: a different kind of mess. this castle in chicago, and a drawbridge. and an eagle, that king arthur vibe? repelling buyers now for three years. >> you got to keep things simple when you sell your house. think of it as taking your money away. >> reporter: extreme cases, sure. but with lessons for all of us looxing to sell our own castle. how so you sell your home for the best price? turn a den into a bedroom by adding a closet. more bedrooms, more value. tip number two, make a good first impression, for a few hundred dollars, spring for a nice handle and lock for your front door. plant some trees. they can up the value of your home as much as 15%.
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the pablo bay sellers did none of that. but there is hope. >> if i say it at 10,000 or 300,000, as long as they close, it's money. >> reporter: gloria rivera, abc, florida. still ahead. the new kid on the block. this baby giraffe is about to get a new name. how much money woman paid for the naming rights, that is coming up. name. how much money woman paid for the naming rights, that is coming up. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox, that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
6:49 pm
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delores umbrage, delighted in the power to inflict pain. >> you know deep down you deserve to be punished. don't you, harry potter? >> now, j.k. rowling reveals she based it on one of her schoolteachers, with the purist dislike. she didn't name any names. the newest addition to the dallas zoo is about to get a brand new name. born one week ago and is already six feet tall and 120 pounds. an anonymous woman paid $50,000 at auction for the naming rights. the proceeds going to conservation efforts. the zoo will announce the little guy's name in the coming days. look forward to finding out what it is. when we come back, she didn't finish first in today's new york city marathon but this
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woman tonight is considered one of the race's biggest winners. the story behind the reunion up next. for those kept awake by pain the night is anything but good. introducing new aleve pm. the first one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve for pain relief that can last until the am. now you can have a good night and a... good morning! new aleve pm for a better am. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit.
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finally tonight, more than 50,000 runners hit the pavement here in new york, crossing bridges and dodging potholes for 26.2 miles. but one runner particular game new meaning to the term mission accomplished. here is abc's john donvan. >> reporter: they had all reasons for getting to the finish line today. but this woman, running her second marathon ever, would have hers waiting across the finish line. her name is jessica berman. she ran her first marathon back in 2004 with her husband, brad. brad was going to repeat in new york last year. running was big for him. >> i was running four or five days a week. and that is how i started my day.
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>> reporter: but brad never got to the starting line last year. jessica remembers the phone call. >> brad basically told me to come right home. something wasn't right. >> reporter: it was a stroke from a congenital brain malformation that required serious surgery. >> never in a million years my healthy 37-year-old husband was having a stroke. >> reporter: he came out of it unable to master the left side of his body and a long, long way to go to what he wants to do again some day. >> he was telling me in his really brain injured state, i want to run again. >> reporter: for now, he is learning to walk again with robotic support, paid for by donations that jessica and her friends raised money for. so, there was today, jessica run for brad. >> i never really wanted to run another marathon. and certainly certainly not
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without him. >> reporter: well, she did. and this afternoon, she finished and waiting for her, brad and the boys. >> i'm proud of myself. i never thought i could do something like that alone. >> reporter: because what is a marathon if not a long, long way to go. john donvan, abc news, washington. >> thanks to john and espn for that report. gma first thing in the morning. david muir is back here tomorrow night. enjoy the rest of your sunday. have a good evening.
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7:00 pm
bergeron: here's a sneak peek at tonight's "afv." we dare you not to laugh. woman: oh, boy. [ man laughs ] one, two, three. come on, chewy. [ laughs ] whoa! [ applause ] welcome to "america's funniest home videos." and now here he is, the host of "afv"... both: tom bergeron! [ cheers and applause ] thank you! thank you, mackenzie and brooke, for that lovely introduction.