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tv   Action News at 4pm  ABC  October 27, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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school not palmer's lower school the folks k through 8 under their own pressures that for sure and they remain open and late last night some got calls and others learned of the closing this morning. >> >> today, in and about face the high school student of one of the city's largest and oldest charters is closed leaving families scrambling. >> now they're closing this one? they said not to worry about it, at the open house. what's there not to worry about. now they're closing it. where will you send your child to school? >> it was something about the city and money. but i was taken aback by the fact the school was closing and my son is totally upset. >> the school found by walter d.
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palmer is embroiled in controversy since last spring. it has k to 8 and as well as high school. authorities charged the school had 1300 students almost twice the authorized size. and low test scores. it had to hold a lottery and had to shrink chances and the founder said the hope is smawer, lower school will remain open this year. as for demise of kuper school one fresh nap was not shedding tears. >> i'm not upset. >> no? >> the school it's unorganized and i deposit really like it. the people don't care about education anyway here. i'm more upset i don't have a school. >> so where do 2 6 high schoolers go when we're 2 months into the school year. an excellent question. they called for special meeting here tonight for 6:00 for parents attend. there will be representatives
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from district schools here and representative from catholic schools and other charters school. live in frankford, john rawlins, "channel 6 action news." >> all right. john. developing right now judge mccaffrey decision comes amid e-mail scandalch the judge allegedly september or received more than 200 sexually sxlusit e-mails between 2008 and 2012. four justices voted last week to us is spent mccaffrey and send the matter to judicial conduct board for investigation. that case is now closed. mccaffrey has agreed not to seek senior judge status or run again in the future. >> a nurse monitored for ebola in new jersey has been quarantined and, doctors are way iing to see if a 5-year-old boy contracted the virus. marcy gonzales is where the
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child is being treated this afternoon. marcy. >> rick, we're told the earl boy's mother is not showing symptom. she's in the hospital awaiting test results which are expected in the next few hours. >> today a 5-year-old tested for ebola in this new york city hospitalch the boy traveled from west africa and was rushed by a hazmat crew last night and came down with a fever this morning. >> again everything is handled according to protocol. >> dr. craig spencer infected while treating patients in new guinea is still battling thed virus in this same man at an hospital and the army recommends all soldiers be quarantined 21 days and cdc changing its guidelines. >> we want to make sure whatever policies are in place in this country, to protect the american public, do not serve as a disincentive to doctors and nurses from this country volunteering to travel to west africa to treat ebola patients.
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>> this fol controversial decision to quarantine a nurse returning from treating ebola patients in sierra leone. tracey hitchcox was forced to be in a tent and tested negative for the virus. she said it it was inhumane. >> i feel my basic rights were violated. >> she continues to maine to continue her quarantine at home. >> i know she doesn't want to be there but we have a bigger responsibility to the people and the public. >> back in new york craig suspenseer is looking bitter but still listed in serious and stable company. live in new york, marcy gonzales, chapel 6abc news. >> rick, back be to you. >> marcy thank you for the report. we have a special section of the web site with complete coverage of ongoing ebola story at and there we have
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a list of myths and fact of the disease to help you steer clear of misinformation and you can see the signs and symptoms of ebola and a look at how ebola spreads. >> septa workers are still open the job this afternoon. they could strike at any moment after a weekend vote up tended to send a message to the transit agency. union leaders are giving us update now open the heels of yesterday's vote to authorize a strike. that move comes more than 7 months after the union contract expired and any potential strike would take 4700 drivers and maintenance workers off the job. it would impact buses, trolleys, and trains. david henery is inside that media briefing right now. he'll have a live report with more on the issues in the negotiations coming up at 5. >> pennsylvania state trooper will have a tool in the manhunt for eric frein this gives them extra set of eyes in the sky. "action news" reporter walter
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perez is live in heneryville, monroe county with details on the new weapon hopefully walter. >> and rick it all resolves around the state police command post you see here behind me and as we look up this surveillance balloon as well equipped with cameras and sensors and they just launched it once again from this location at the top of a local ski resort. part of a new phase in the search now in the 7th week. >> investigators are taking the search for eric frein to the sky. as leaves continue to fall off the trees here in the poconos, authorities say their ability to search for alleged cop-killer improved by the day. this new phase is not limited to helicopters. ohio department of transportation donated use of large my lar balloon like a weather balloon to help out. this device is equipped with cameras and tethered to a surveillance command station
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locatedal fine ski resort property in heneryville. he is the man suspected of killing two state troopers at the blooming grove barracks in 201. we spoke with many would live in the area saying they hope this new approach will bring frein to justice. they believe police are spending too much time looking in the poconos. >> think he's gone somewhere else? i don't know. who knows? >> this guy is illusionist. i don't think he's in the area or in another country a lot of people feel the same way. >> the other new development over the weekend was a woman in canadensis reporting finding blood splattered in the backyard and authorities have taken a sample to see if it mrongz to eric frein. reporting live perfect from henreyville. walter perez, channel "action news". >> thank you for that walter. time for a check of the
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accuweather forecast. sunny day out there. >> we go to meteorologist adam joseph nice way to start the workweek adam you had. >> not a cloud in the sky. seasonable temperatures oaf the next 24 hours. as we look at numbers around the region. 67 in philadelphia and 65 allentown and 68 wilmington and 64 boardwalk and sea isle city and cooler in the poconos where temperatures are in the middle 50s. not a bad way to spend a late october day. in fact this evening with all the stars out there will be 60 at 8:00. 59 at 9:00 and slow drop in temperature upper 50s as we go through the 10:00 hour. for the ohio, tennessee and deep south mts warmth building 8 st. louis and 82 memphis and 84 atlanta and a piece of this breaking its way for the next 24 to 36 hours. as we look ahead to the accuweather forecast, gorm us tomorrow. and then temperatures dropped in
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time for halloween taken could be wintry like weekend. we'll let you know what i mean and a little more detail coming up in the full accuweather forecast. >> lot going on this week, that's for sure, adam. thank you. >> much more ahead on "action news" at 4. why retailers across america are kicking apple's latest service to the curb. >> plus heartbreaking in washington as another student dies after last week's high school stoot shooting and what we know about the victim and we know about the victim and other students being treated - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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>> hospital officials in washington state say 14-year-old gia soriano died two days after she was shot at her high school. jaylen fryburg opened fire in the school cafeteria at marysville pillchick before shooting friend and turning the
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begun gun on himself. zoe died friday of a gun shot wound to the head. three other students remain hospitalized two in critical condition and one said to be in satisfactory condition. soriano's death marks third in tragedy the school community and family members are still trying to comprehend. >> soriano family is releasing this brief statement we're sdev stated by this senseless tragedy. shea is our beautiful daughter and words cannot express how much we'll misser. >> in the meantime first year social security studies teacher meganville veryberger is hailed a hero. according to a witness she grabbed fryburg's arm as he was attempting to reload the begun and that's when he turned the gun on himselfch the high school will be closed this entire week to give students and faculty a time to heal. this, shirleen as a third person is dead from this tragedy. >> so heartbreaking. thank you alicia. the man who killed a soldier in
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ottawa and stormed parliament and made video of himself before the attack. they can't release the footage of michael b bibeau. he ran inside parliament where he was shot and killed -- >> the u.s. coastguard pulled eight men from the water in elliot key this morning. we spotted more than a dozen people clinging to raft and alerted authorities a basket used to hoist mean a rescue helicopter right. there they were taken to a hospital. five others, though, remained missing. >> to business, wall street got the week off to slow start. dow was up 12 points and nasdaq gained two and s&p lost almost
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three. >> the rollout of mobile pay apple has not gone as well as planned. rite aid and cvs pulled out of apple pay. the companies made the decision because they're involved with competing mobile pay service called current c it's still development and other retailers like walmart and best buy have also decided not to use apple pay at registers. >> time for the "action news" traffic report for monday afternoon. >> oh, and it is monday afternoon indeed. let's go live to matt pellman and the "action news" traffic center hey, matt. >> does feel like it doesn't it. hopefully everyone had a good weekend. we're registering show speeds shirleen and rick. it was a rough morning and accident by cottman. this afternoon no accidents. you're looking at heavy traffic as you come out of the city and head to that work zone at cottman avenue. a 29 minute ride double what it
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should be to woodhaven and dealing with normal afternoon delays here on the roosevelt extension as you head northbound off schuylkill through this points near the ridge avenue on ramp east falls up to broad street. it's a long, slow crawl like most afternoons as you can see. same deal open schuylkill itself. westbound by city avenue nine miles an hour and watching a crash near bryn mawr college montgomery avenue morris avenue. also a road collapse late last week closing dehaven street. stick with 320 or mattson ford road. there's 4 westbound past 724 in pottstown area speeds there not bad and getting word of motorcycle crash in valley township chester county rainbow road at front street. but earlier sinkhole pep talk ep at 3 that's been patched. so need to worry about that any more. let's grab the ipad and do the commuter report. out and about elsewhere in south
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scerzy our friend using waze app and not reporting prog lemz 70 towards medford somebody just saying oh, animals near the road in southampton township. watch for them. we don't want you to hit the animals. we'll check coming up in the next half hour. >> ipad comes in handy doesn't it? >> absolutely. >> the "action news" anchor monica malpass is live in the news room with that story. >> hi, rick, this family had decorations still and days before they have to place them in a hurry it's been all too familiar surveillance captured imannuals of suspect after removing item after item out of their house we'll tell you why they are not familiar with the crime. we'll have that and more coming our bit. see you soon, monica. >> adam is up with a look at
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the week ahead from accuweather. >> police are asking for your help to track her down. we'll have an update on "action news" at 5. >> we want to remind you to go to facebook and like the 6abc "action news" face back page. that will give you access to the top stories we're following, weather updates, breaking news and the best and most current viral videos. you can also communicate with members of the "action news" you can also communicate with members of the "action news" team
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time now for accu marriage meteorologist adam joseph has the forecast. if you like today you love tomorrow, right, adam. >> even better if you like temperatures more june like around here. big change this coming week. as we look live on sky6 southbound atlantic city kind of need the sun glasses as low sun angle this time of year and this time of day reflecting off that beautiful atlantic ocean. take a look at numbers around
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the region, 64 boardwalk and atlantic city and 65 degrees a degree wart warmer in millville and 67 in philadelphia and reading now two sixs on the board temperatures running a bit above the normal. wind speeds out of southwest now 10 miles an hour in philadelphia, 8 millville, 5 allentown and 7 wilmington. light winds and those winds out of the southwest is what we'll warm us here for tuesday. got this picture into my facebook page by reeny from gibbs town energy n. she loves taking photos of the fall foliage kind of her hobby you can see the glass kind of look to this particular pond with not much wind today reflecting off that brilliant red orange and yellows that are peaking right now especially in and around philadelphia and southern new jersey. so thank you for sending that in and get them on twitter as well. satellite and radar shy pressure to the south like a heat pump winds out of the southwest and crystal clear sky. high clouds streaming in from
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the west through the level lehigh valley and poconos and overall tonight a lot of stars upstairs just slight chill in the air. 45 millville and 43 allentown and dover 50 and then temperatures will be off to races here tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. 77 in philadelphia. near 80 reading could be over 80 tomorrow and lancaster, 77 in dover and 75 in atlantic city and tuesday is your day off beautiful day to be outdoorsy tell you because changes are coming this week. your "4day at 4:00" forecast sunny and warm tomorrow average high temperature 75 and warm on wednesday and lot of cloud cover with next front and showers in the afternoon with temperature of 71. we drop below normal come thursday. cooler and sunny and 6 0 and temperature 58. you may need khak et cetera to
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cover a couple costumes if they're not heavy costumes and bigger changes come this weekend wait until you hear the 7 day ft. next half hour. >> depends open your liking. >> let me see it. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> "high school musical" students in delaware are trying part in two day pep rally focused on higher learning. barkleys poured with howard high school of technology of knowledge and admission officers from six area colleges were there to get the students thinking about their next move in their educational journey. all right. and "the buzz" is coming up next. big buzz from last night's world series game. why aim telling you this. this is not a sports segment right and nothing to do with what happened on the field. at least not during the game. i'll explain. >> okay.
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♪ we have more than 160 majors 20 campuses hands on learning internships across the country... and around the world i went to india you can join a team 1,2,3... go team! or join a club. you can make a difference we have thon in the world so come visit us penn state philadelphia
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>> it's time for "the buzz" and big buzz a flip in a world series game happened before the first pitch. singer aaron louis bochd the national anthem. >> what so proudly we hail ♪ were so galantly streaming ♪ >> little confusion there. that should have been as the twilight last gleaming and crowd and players certainly caught on. louis said it's been a while sense he studied lyrics and his nerves got the best of him. that song tripped up more than a few stars. especially during sporting events. taylor swift mentioned on gma she'll be shaking it up in times square on new year's eve.
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she's the head liner for new year's rockin' eve with ryan seacrest and she's blinds up for the five 1/2 hour show which airs live on new year's eve and tonight at 10 here on 6abc it's all newcastle and be sure to tweet with us while you watch watching cassill and 6abc and monica malpass will be your host of twitter party tonight and "dancing with the stars" gets started 8:00. former contestant lee after will host and pit bull will join the judge's table. rick, you were hosting twitter party last week and this time it's monica's turn. >> yes. >> chat with her. >> it was a party after you joined in. thank you again. >> we're all in. all right. still ahead on "action news" at 4 there sexy ebola nurse to ray rice. we run down the season's most tasteless costumes. >> and hawaii on high alert.
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residents are being told to do as a river of lavr agoes to their town. >> and moose on the loose. if you spot him don't worry, if you spot him don't worry, he's someone's pet believe it or
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sxwrvr it's 4:0 and "action news" con twins the standoff between uber and philadelphia parking authorities. >> and you can turn your brown eyes blue. one rapper's wife did coming with a major risk. how she did it coming up. >> under age partying to using female ka dots lure high school football players inside the recruiting scandal rocking west point military academy. >> first, bank robby, kidnapping and murder all crimes police say were committed by this man, dion jordan. a suspect allegedly a one man crime wave. for what moran what jordan is accused of doing and how he was apprehended we turn live to chad pradelli outside headquarters, chad. >> rick, philadelphia police say jordan was captured while committing a kidnapping and robbery. while in custody he confessed to killing a man and series of bank robberies where he made himself appear ton an old man.
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dion jordan shortly after arrested for robbery and kidnapping last week and police say this is also him. donning 1500 mask and wig during several bank robbyes in new britain an philadelphia over the past few months. he's confessed to the robbyes. jordan was captured last week after allegedly kidnapped a man and held for ran some. police say the victim met jordan to possibly buy his dodge charmer. jordan robbed the victim and kidnapped him during a test drive. >> test drive they get a few blocks away from neighbors and second individual pops up out of the backseat taking the victim's money enforcing the victim to call a family member to meet him at another location. >> when jordan tried to get additional cash police were waiting. >> we seen an opportunity to con verming on the vehicle. the vehicle takes off. ultimately leading officers to upper darby where other departments engaged.
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timely this all comes to end in lansdowne where the male is happen ended. >> jod an while in custody confessed to killing dallas long at 8 and lions and the motive is under investigation and a source says it may be connected to drug. >> this young man if convicted will be going away for a very long time. >> and at this point, jordan is not charged with any of the bank robbyes and the fbi is investigating. live outside employee headquarters, chapel 6abc news. >> chad, thank you, they hope crystal clear video hopefully will capture the suspect. developing group incorporated 800 block of east schiller street last wednesday morningch the burglar got in through window and side with laptop and video camera if you're asked to call police police.
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>> murder of a girl feel they could have dop more to safe her. following 2012 disappearance of ought all pasquale. they claim had officials immediately implemented response team awd up would still be alived and law firm alleges authorities refused assistance from retirement law enforcement investigator she was strangled by a teen age neighbor after she went to his home to exchange bicycle parts. he was already dead when they were reported missing and the blame is being placed. >> delaware state -- authorities say someone left whatever they were cooking in the kitchen ep of this home on the unit block of clover circle unattended. it sparked blaze that sleed
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through first and second floor and red cross is suggesting four people displaced by that fire. >> philadelphia mayor is weighing in on the fight between parking authority and uber. over the weekend the on demand car service rolled out a low cast version of uber called ush uber x. the drivers that use their personal vehicles to pickup customers through an app. ppa says that is illegal citing screening and insurance concerns. on saturday they started towing uber x cards and fining drivers. today mayor nutter avoids his support the ppa, state authority not run by the city opposes him. >> parking authority told "action news" knowingly violating state law not ppa policy. >> a lehigh valley baby shower ended with three people behind bars over the weekend. pennsylvania state police say to guests starting out of a social
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hall in lower macunsdwri saturday night. the trio arrest the hit and kicked a 16-year-old girl and 34-year-old woman. they've been charged with assault and harassment. troopers are trying to determine what exactly led up to the brawl. >> some bucks county high schoolers have a chance to learn real life skills while still working towards their education. today william ten apt high school in war mipster unveiled supermarket laboratory in partnership -- aring fliesers say it's a great way to show teens what they learn in the classroom translates to the outside world. >> all right. >> in the meantime meteorologist adam joseph is here with a closer look at the forecast. >> a change in temperature. >> huge roller coaster ride. all four seasons in one week. get ready to buckle up. take a look now feeling small, spring like today, 65, live took
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ahong the walt whitman and westerly 0 miles an hour and atlantic city all aflow with bright sun getting over on or eye sdop and back winds and one more south i can notice high clouds moving in through the west won't disstub us tin. low dewpoint with temperatures of 33 went ut of the west you're pressure is 30.0 1. golden collier leaves the fall foliage peaking in the heart of the delaware valley. we'll talk about summer feel foam and wint they are weekend. >> we'll talk about it in the 7 day. >> four seasons in one week. >> wow. >> okay.
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thank you, adam. >> if you spot what appears to be a child wad com ago around in the glep side facility fear not he blopingz to a family that desperately wans him back. he's f 1 receive an after hybrid between african ceral and cat. he went missing. there were a few sightings of o most recent this morning in someone's back guard and richard says his tack scared and hoping he's sound soon. >> he's been part of the family nine years. we want to have him back and home safe and not scare everyone. >> boo is 35 pound and orange with black spots if you see him calm new castle county police periodically. >> foodies stick around until how you can dip.
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some of independent's hottest strupt. >> three strangers rushing to save a man from burning suv. >> and here come the mermaid princess. did you ever wonder what it locks like if princess aerial and prince eric got married. inside the elaborate disney nuptials instead. >> and meteorologist adam joseph is back when "action news" at 4 is back when "action news" at 4 komz right
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>> shocking details he mothered how west point football players tried to lure high school recruits. 20 cadets treated 14 high school recuts to wild weekend of partying and under age drivening. while this may be tradition it's also a violation of ncaa rules and military academy discipline
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are code. a writer at the colorado springs broke the story. >> these cadets are mibz of the military and on the payroll and agreed to live under uniform code of justice. >> separate incident reported said female athletes at west point were asked to be dinner dates for the re cuts. it punished recruits involved including starting quarterback angel santiago. >> a risking pulling a strange frer suv. >> are you by yourself. >> help ! >> anybody else in there? anybody else in there? >> watch your feet. >> that was cellphone video three men rushing to the man's side following a single vehicle accident early sunday morning. one of the heroes used a hammer to bust the sun roof out while the other two janked the driver from the flames. the trio says they got to him just before the entire suv
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exploded. amazingly the driver is expected to make a full recovery. mosten lava from volcano in hawaii have residents waiting to flee tonight on hawaii's big island. it's moving 10 to 15 yards an hour. grass lands, no structures so far and the red cross opened a shelter to house evacuees. >> "healthcheck" at 4 beginning today millions of americans can use a new at home tests to screen for colon cancer. mayo clinic was behind the development of colo guard this looks for certain form of dna not invasive less expensive and no preparation like other tests he hopes -- you will still need a colonoscopy the gold standard
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to detecting cancer. >> the python at the zoo says it doesn't need a snake to pro create. >> they will ma gave birth to 6 baby pythons without another python. wow think it is not possible but phenomenon in virgin birth in other stakes has been studied in recent years. >> at the big board with big talksers and trying to do halloween. some are just saying she get what is horribly insensitive and extremely inappropriate. sexy ebola containment costume. s as you can see people are dressing up like ray rice and jenae. he was suspended indefinitely from the nfl after video surfaced of him knocking her
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unconscious in atlantic city elevator and young children are also choosing this costume. >> to walmart they're doing about face today halloween portion of the web site had a section specifically labeled in their words fat girl costumes which featured up to 100 costumes for plus side wemz after complete reason switer. that has as soon as been taken down. >> want to change your brown eyes and make them blue. there's immrapts for that. it is wife turned her after ice crime. toe meek aconfirm the surgery on instagram yesterday. she permanently changed her eye color with a procedure called bright occular. she hated wearing contacts it made her vision mrury and her visit is electronic and has colored implants. we should tell you that iris
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implants not approved in the u.s. just for cosmetic use and medical experts warn that you could risk losing your vision. and finally, when disney enthusiasts want a wedding not just out of this world but part of the world, a production company called juror cloud parade created faux little mermaid wedding with aerial with the red haired bride the fork remember that scene. band to your mark brooks photographerry and matthew photos stale. how many wonders can one calf earn home and said i do on the beach. and you can not go without the shots of ariel posing mermaid stylech the kik is sweet perfection. if you think under sea celebration, there you go. look at them.
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bride and groom. they're not real but you can really get this if you want it. >> every little girl's dream come true. >> under the see. >> where's sebastian. we need reggae vision. >> thank you, alicia. how about another check on the highways and by ways. >> i thought maybe we would take aerial view ever the schuylkill as you look live at city avenue. speeds are floundering just a bit as you come i would from the roosevelt to gladwyne. normal afternoon stuff that we're used to here on i-76. we're watching a number accidents one lower moreland by bury. and 65 miles an hour even by dep pail em. here in valley township chester county a crash involving a motorcycle rain bow at front street. also a wreck to avoid along sdebly road at sweetbriar way.
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concord bite it's slow as you get through the light. over in voorhees watch fora crash white house haddonfield berlin near chip olty and five givz and gloucester township back wood, aerial again road and just wrapping up a bridge opening at the burlington traffic will be stopped all night tonight. 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. once again for maintenance work. at that time stand up open the neck ter sure taken. >>. >> there might be more in your paycheck. >> i wish see you later. >> looking live in atlantic city and enjoy today, and tomorrow, changes are coming, meteorologist
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with tom corbett, things keep getting worse. september 16th. budget deficits force pennsylvania to borrow $1.5 billion dollars just to keep the lights on.
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three days later, pennsylvania's unemployment rate goes up for the second straight month. under tom corbett, we've fallen from 9th to 47th in job creation. and on september 25th, pennsylvania's credit is downgraded for the fifth time in two years. why would we give tom corbett four more years?
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>> and meteorologist adam joseph join us now. you're talking about all these different seasons we're about to experience this week. >> kind of fall, spring like today. june like tomorrow and december like by the weekend. >> whoa ! >> a lot of changes coming. >> parka or -- >> popular man this week. you get all spz. now as we look right now live on i should say the action cam early along the banks of the delaware overlooking benjamin franklin bridge crystal clear blue sdi start monday. if monday has to be beautiful i guess we'll take it after what was a pretty spectacular weekend as well. accuweather live lineup looking at double scan live radar temperatures above normal right now in satellite and radar showing again just a few high clouds working in from the west.
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double scan radar sweeping live not tracking anything. really hardly much in the way of clouds especially south and east of philadelphia especially some high clouds west. 65 allentown and 6 reading and 65 millville own dover 67 and poconos right now coming in at 56. there is that brilliant blue sky earlier and again some high clouds streaming in south of i 80 over say chester montgomery county berk county as well as lehigh valley and they'll continue to kind of fall apart as they push into very dry air. all quiet here tuesday high to the south and cold front waiting at bay to the west. we have warm south, southwesterly bindz. a lot of sun on tuesday. twelve above normal. we'll jump at the 75 here tomorrow afternoon. front comes through on wednesday. a lot of cloud cover. there could be a brief shower with front. really not much in the way of precipitation. still above average 71 degrees. we'll kick it back down from
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where we top off tuesday and then behind that front on thursday with a lot of sunshine generally north upper 50s, 2:00 thursday afternoon. so we'll hit high of 60 maybe noonish on thursday. we'll start to back it off as cooler air drains in north and west for end of week. overnight tonight, kind of seasonable out there. slight chill. plenty of stars. 51 for center city and tuesday day planner kind of flawless here. lot of sun start to finish. 6, 10:00 and 72 at 1 and 75 at 4:00 in the afternoon. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast 75 warm degrees tomorrow. stays warm wednesday. lot of clouds and spitting shower in the afternoon with front of 71. much cooler thursday, generally upper 50s. maybe trying to tickle that 60 degrees and clouds thick enough for halloween. cool, 5 degrees and then turns windy here over the weekend. saturday and sunday feeling
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cold. highs s in upper 40s. wind chill will number 30s especially on saturday in the afternoon. could be a shower around as well. and then monday a nicer recovery temperatures 57. yeah the weekend that's first weekend of november and it will feel more december like. >>
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>> time asave with 6abc philadelphia is a foody city and to celebrate deal seekers love of dining out around town, groupon is hosting a week long savings event now. it's called taste of groupon. you can save more than 50% off at restaurants throughout the philadelphia area, for instance, in philadelphia itself bistro
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ramano. denard owe's seafood and kelly's bistro to name a few outside of the philadelphia area. still in and around the meeting not atlantic city, bistro albertino and burger 21 voorhees they have so many different all through the area restaurant deals for you and even you can get this take home thanksgiving meal or cookbook from chef carla hall. and a photo contest, facebook, twister and instagram. if you share a picture of favorite dish taste of groupon you'reenerd to win a 100 dollar groupon bucks saving during the taste of groupon events. an added bonus for you. groupon will be donating one meal for every food and drink coupon to feeding america. so you can fight hunger with your purchase and again save more than 50% off.
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go to >> thank you alicia. and finally at 4:00 today you have ever heard the phrase if you give a many fish he'll heat for a day if you show him how to fish he'll eight for a lifetime. apparently that applies to annie mccormick mall kingdom as well a crafty bird droping a peace of bread into watering hole. the green heron does this until the fish takes the bait. he learned to fish by watching humans lure ducks and swans with bread they think. >> wow. >> this the bird will eat nor a lifetime. >> for rick williams, brian taff, alicia vitareli and adam joseph. i'm shirleen alicott. join me and brian and adam and ducis rogers tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> now here's monica malpass with a look at what is ahead on
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"action news" at 5 hi monica. >> see new a moment, rick, coming up. halloween decorations in south philadelphia gets stolen we have details of the crime. a release of a nurse in a energy until hospital after quarantined for ebola concerns and possibility of a strike bicep t
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>> a thief caught red handed swiping hall owe weep decorations in south philadelphia. tonight, the victims want your help finding the bandit responsible for this cruel crime just days aheads of halloween. >> and monday night the big story on "action news" is that theft is that the no treat for south philadelphia woman. >> and this is the second time less than a year she has been targeted by thieves who were looking for her holiday decorations. >> happened early in the morning in 1100 block of fitzgerald street. >> "action news" reporter sarah bloomquist is live near the home in south philadelphia with more, sarah. >> monica, rick, that's right
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people who live in the south philadelphia neighborhood take great pride me decorating the front of their homes for all the holidays and that's a case for the woman living here in 1100 block of fitzgerald. she has had her deck traitions stolen not once but twice and both caught on camera. >> when i woke up in the morning my monster was gone. >> as always the front of josephine's south philadelphia row home is decked out for the holiday inn this case halloween. her decoration spooky monster butler is missing stolen right off her front step. >> it was a butler. a big bird on the shoulder that talked. and you walked by and it would talk. >> joseph even's son lives across the street and they caught the thief in action. october 23, 4 a.m. the woman got out of a car and walked up to the front of her row home. took her time carefully