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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 27, 2014 3:05am-4:01am EDT

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jeb verses hillary. more fallot from the recall of defective air bags. the white house looking into investigating the agency responsible for keeping us safe. >> reporter: after a disastrous air bag warning roll-out, the car safety watchdog is itself under skrut nigh. the transportation department slamming its own agency. the national highway traffic safety administration calling the recall not optimal and promising this investigation into the air bags is far from over. the government is investigating air bags made by takata industries used by nearly a dozen car marks. the defective inflators can explode too strongly sending shrapnel through the bag and
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into people. >> i thought i was going to die. >> reporter: the federal review comes after nhtsa first got the enemy bers wrong saying 4.7 bags needed to be replaced. the next day, it was nearly 8 million bags. a total of 20 million bags should be replaced. on abc's "this week," senator blumenthal said nhtsa needs to be more aggressive. >> the relationship has to be confrontational, not collegial. >> reporter: still, families are confused. eileen says she can't get straight answers and will keep her toyota off the road until the bags are replaced. >> the last thing you want to do is puttior family in a car that's not safe. >> reporter: the department of transportation says the website to check recalls is back up and an important safety defect is being addressed. david kerley, abc news, washington. the company that makes a guardrail system used along america's highways will no longer sell them.
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trinity industries has lost one lawsuit and faces several others over changes it made to the original design. that original design curled a guardrail safely away. they claim the new design allows them to pierce cars. they've been linked to at least four deaths and a growing number of injuries. the u.s. military academy takes recruiting violations by members of his football program seriously. those violations came to light over the weekend. a report saying 20 cadets, two officers and two coaches have been disciplined. they were allegedly involved in an alcohol-fueled bus trip during which 14 underage recruits were allowed to drink. the academy reported itself to the ncaa. details of the disciplinary pleasures have not been reveals. the new orleans saints waited until the second half to put the packers away. tied at 16 in the second quarter, drew brees threw a 50-yard touchdown pass to put his team ahead for good. he followed that with two more touchdown strikes, more than the
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packers could handle. norns wins big. in the world series, the giants are just one win away thanks to the pitching of madison bumgarner. he mowed down the royals last night. pitching a complete game shutout. the giants pushed runs across in the second, fourth and eighth innings but hardly needed that much. the giants win. they could wrap the series up tomorrow night in kansas city. before this game, a nice moment. zach williams, he is the son of late comedian and actor robin williams. he got a chance to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. >> robin williams is a longtime fan of the giants. fans were treated to a video tribute. billy crystal and baseball go hand in hand and so did robin williams. hand in hand. >> a nice touch by the giants to
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allow this to happen. kansas city 00 had a world series in several years. they need to do something or they'll not have one this time either. coming up, "the mix." a 3-year-old musical genius. he taught himself how to play mozart, despite a particular disability. first, the brave investigators risking everything to shine a light anwar crimes. what moviemakers are revealing. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by resolve. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. because it's resolve, you know it cleans and freshens,
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but now it also softens. so your carpet is always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you.
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all right. a new documentary an netflix that's getting a lot of award buzz out there. it's called e-team about the extraordinary bravery of a,nique group of fauks. >> they are called human rights activists.
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abc's martha raddatz has their story. >> reporter: they are witness to horrors you ever see. often the first ones on the scene of some of the most gruesome atrocities, taking unimaginable risks to make sure the victims' stories are documented. >> they bombed us out just a half an hour ago. >> what? >> can we go there? >> they are human rights watch emergency team who rush into conflict zone, collect evidence to investigate war crimes. >> i found what we're looking for. >> reporter: now a netflix documentary has captured the passion of these e-teams. >> a lot of people ask me the laws of war. war is hell. but there is a point because you are supposed to draw some red lines of acceptable behavior. >> reporter: the filmmakers know all too well how risky their work is. their colleague american journalist james foley was killed by isis two months ago. foley filmed some of the scenes
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in the movie, look this one in libya. the film is dedicated to him. >> i met jim in libya. he literally walked into my frame. it's hard to find the right mix of people that really can sense how difficult it is for the people in front of their camera. the beauty with which they empathize with the characters in front of the camera. >> reporter: isis operates not only in syria where foley was killed but in iraq where abrahams has been investigating since the film was made. he rates the terror group's crimes as some of the worst he's ever seen. >> what's happening in iraq, really scrapes low down in terms of humanity and what's distissuing. >> in the military action? >> the military action is not going to solve the crisis in iraq. it must be political. >> reporter: but what is remarkable about this film is
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you see these committed investigators not just on the job but at home. oli and anya sneaking into syria. she was pregnant at the time. they are married and live in paris with their 14-year-old son. the second arrived this year. >> there's not much that's going to stop anya from doing the work she does. she's as committed as just about anybody i've ever met. >> reporter: and fred has two young children which he says always makes him think hard about what he does. >> with children, it gets harder for me because you identify. >> that's could be me? >> yeah. how would i react if this was my child who was missing oir injured or killed? >> reporter: for these courageous team members, they want to make sure the stories of all these children aren't forgotten. martha raddatz, abc news, washington. >> that's cool. the filmmakers there wanted -- they could have gotten some
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funding but they wanted to remain completely independent so they didn't accept funding from human rights watch. they take a lot of pride in that film. >> this won best sun matography in a documentary. they decided to distribute it. they got a deal an the spot. >> you'll be able to see it soon. check it out. coming up why giving back feels great. the porof charity to transform lives and why it really is the little things that matter most. later in our next half hour, folks who aren't really into giving back and just want to take for themselves. workers trying to cheat companies by faking injuries. abc goes under cover with the people trying to expose these fraudsters. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after
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♪ if we told you there's a secret to help you live longer and laugh more would you buy it? don't worry. we're not trying to sell you anything. >> you should listen to this. the fountain of youth and your ticket to happiness may be as simple as being kind to others. dan harris with more. >> reporter: check out what happens to your brain when you
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give to chairth. people who give or volunteer are less depressed, have lower blood pressure and live longer. >> for a majority of people they get more pleasure in these pleasure centers of the brain when they give than when they get. >> the same pleasure centers lit up when you have sex, have -- fall in love and when you eat candy. >> reporter: nick christophe and his wife, cheryl wu dunn have written a new book called "a path appears" in which they issue a challenge to all of us. if we want to have a truly fulfilled life, we must give back. >> a lot of people feel there's not much i can do, especially when i look at the intractable nature of the problems out there. >> any one individual can't solve a problem in its entirety but one individual can have a transformative impact. for 50 cents you can de-worm a child. for $50 you can buy 20 books for
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a child, dramatically boosting their odds of educational attainment. you are saying just do a little more. >> absolutely. we really finishing you fold into your life it really becomes a part offior life. >> reporter: make giving a habit, they say. we now know it not only helps others but it also helps you. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> simple as that. >> do you remember that old television show "taxi"? >> oh, yeah. >> and one of the guys would give out $100 bills. everyone thought he was crazy. he says you have to try it. you saw someone in your cab having a tough time and gave them $100. in the end, they thought it was genius. >> it's the simplest of things. it's not necessarily about giving machigive ing money, but volunteer. help someone out. it has the same impact. nicholas kristof is great. this is interesting stuff. just be nicer.
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>> and i'll feel better. it's a win-win. why do my glasses and dishes sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference!
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all right. time for "the mix." we're going to start with some say a musical prodigy. let us meet 3-year-old branco. he's really good at the piano. have a listen. ♪ >> he's only 3 which is impressive. he's also blind. he's never had a piano lesson and just started playing a year earlier. now he entertains his whole village with pop classics and classical music. his parents couldn't be prouder. >> amazing what kids are able to pick up and learn. another little guy to show you. he's not playing the music but
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has his own music. he has a theme song. his name is chad carr. he has brain cancer. they wanted to do this as a tribute to him. make human a superhero. he has his own superhero theme song. ♪ they did this to make the little guy feel tough. he's a superhero. that's a michigan basketball team. he's the grandson of a longtime michigan football coach, lloyd carr. michigan plays a big role. you love to see this. people come together like this and make a little guy feel good. he's a superhero and has his own theme song. a pennsylvania hotel where they got an unexpected visitor. walked right in through the slidesing glass doors. after a bump there in the night. there he goes. deer on the run in a hotel. oh, what's was that? the guy has probably seen a lot
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of weird things working the late shift. the strangest or maybe not? >> he didn't seem bothered in the least. it's a deer. >> oh, deer. >> one last thing to show you. you are a "harry potter" fan? this is a hotel in london. 163-year-old georgian house, at victoria station. a hogwarts room. and they have a wizarding package. this should look familiar to the fans out there. it's made for muggles like us. supposed to be spellbinding. you check in and you get the entire "harry potter" treatment. does that look right? >> the dorm room at hogwarts. >> you want to stay? >> i'd stay anywhere. give me a hotel, room service. >> you ready to pay $500 to $700 a night? >> maybe not. that's a lot of money. >> not loving "harry potter" that much? >> it's nice. hey, treat yourself. kids will like that, too, if ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids.
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wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance
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that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed. so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here.
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this morning on "world news now" -- nurse in quarantine. her outcry from the hospital after returning to the u.s. from the african ebola zone. she says she's not sick and so she's mistreated. she's suing. volatile volcano. the lava flow rapidly threatening communities in hawaii. who could be forced from their homes at a moment's notice. dangerous act. hollywood stunt men and women and the challenging training they endure to make the most challenging movie scenes look realistic. not as easy as it looks. ♪ shake it off ♪ shake it off it's out. taylor swift's fans getting a shock overnight. an early release of her new album. their first reviews are in in "the skinny" this monday, october 27th. ♪ shake it off
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> a little chair dance. a good review from you. >> i stopped in my tracks. apparently, i haven't seen that whole video before. didn't realize what was going on in there. but good morning, everybody. i'm t.j. holmes. glad you could spend some time with us this morning. >> we're going to take a serious turn. >> we had a lot of developments over the weekend. a lot of back and forth. you can call this a controversy over ebola now, but not because somebody is sick. because somebody isn't sick just yet and in mandatory quarantine after returning from treating people who did have ebola in africa. this is a big back and forth. a federal civil rights lawsuit expected to be filed on behalf of nurse kaci hickox. now being held in new jersey. new york's governor clarified his state's policy. workers can be quarantined at home and be monitored twice a
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day. the debate comes after president obama met with his ebola team to discuss quarantine policies. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: inside that hospital tent, kaci hickox, the first high-risk traveler automatically quarantined said she was treated like a criminal by new jersey health officials when she returned from treating ebola patients in sierra leone. telling cnn her treatment has been inhumane. >> this is an extreme that's really unacceptable. and i feel like my basic human rights have been violated. >> reporter: in an open letter to the "dallas morning news, hickox said he was left in a cold tent with nothing but paper scrubs. i sat alone in the isolation tent and thought of many colleagues who will return home to america and face the same ordeal, she said. the white house is working on new guidelines for health care workers returning from west africa. chris christie is defending his decision to make quarantine mandatory. >> if you are a health care worker that tends to people who
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are ill with the ebola virus in west africa, you will be quarantined for 21 days. we need to protect americans in the most densely populated areas of the country. >> reporter: she says she is not ill at all but planned to sequester herself at her home in ft. kent, maine, upon return. when asked for his reaction on abc's "this week," the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious disease sided with hickox. >> as a scientist and health person, if i were asked, i would not have recommended that. >> reporter: craig spencer, the new york ebola patient who triggered this mandatory quarantine policy is said to be entering a more serious phase of the illness, now having gastrointestinal symptoms. telling "the new york times" i'm feeling well and still undergoing treatment. he's said to be getting antiviral and plasma therapy. his fiance morgan dixon seen here returning to be quarantined at the new york apartment she shares with spencer. hickox's attorney plans to file
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a federal lawsuit challenging her confinement if he cannot get her released. linsey davis, abc news, newark, new jersey. >> you mentioned the big debate going on. quite a debate an our facebook page about the nurse's quarantine. >> a lot of back and forth. some folks writing, treat the doctors and nurses with kindness but the quarantine is necessary. >> kathy writes, common sense should dictate but since that's not happening there needs to be guidelines that are regulated to protect others. and on and on it will go until we're all in the clear. >> there's a legal battle now going on. we'll turn now to texas. thomas eric duncan's fiance attended church services for the first time yesterday since leaving quarantine. louise troh and her family went to a baptist church yesterday. memorial services for duncan will be held at that same church next month. he died of ebola october 8th. a second victim has died after a school shooting in washington state.
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14-year-old gia soriano passed away overnight. two teens remain in critical condition and a third is showing signs of improvement but still is in serious condition. homecoming prince 14-year-old jaylen fryberg opened fire on his cousins and best friends and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. grief stricken students gathered to discuss the attack. school will be closed all week. closing arguments are expected in west palm beach in the dui manslaughter retrial of a wealthy businessman who owns a polo club. john goodman is the name. he claims the brakes on his bentley malfunctioned when he slammed into a hyundai killing 23-year-old scott wilson. prosecutors say goodman's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit, but he claims he left the scene because he was disoriented and only drank after the crash. a virginia driver owes his life to some good samaritans in a dramatic rescue caught on camera. the man's car flipped over the
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guardrail and burst into flames at 3:00 in the morning. he was trapped in the burning car. one of the rescuers found a hammer, smashed in the sunroof. two others pulled him out. the man is hospitalized but he will survive. new pictures of that lava flow in hawaii which is threatening dozens of homes in a rural area of the big island. lava is moving 10 to 15 yards an hour and has already passed through a buddhist cemetery. clayton sandell reports. >> reporter: it's the big island's lava monster. now right on the doorstep of this small town. from the air, a view of the inevitable. lava and houses in pahoa now just hundreds of yards apart. in the last 24 hours, the lava scorched a path three more football fields long bearing closer to dozens of families now being told they may have to evacuate as early as tuesday. >> it's really hard to leave the home. we've been here over 40 years. >> reporter: experts believe this river of fire will likely
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slow down one of these low lying pathways. within days it could cut right through entire neighborhoods, eventually burying pahoa's main highway. we've reached the lava field now. you can see how big it is by looking at our guide up there how small he appears. the lava is a 2,000-degree force that stops for nothing. there is no way to successfully divert the lava officials say. the only thing now is to let nature run its sometimes destructive course. clayton sandell, abc news, pahoa, hawaii. let's take a look at some of your weather. the northwest battered by a new round of storms later today. delivering heavy rain and wind. band of showers from eastern oklahoma. wos a clear, dry start to the week. >> pleasant and warm in the northeast. the front range will only reach into the 50s. milder temperatures in the southwest. near record highs in the mid-80s from texas across to florida. from our health headlines, more reasons to indulge in a bit
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of chocolate this halloween, as if you needed another reason. a compound found in cocoa, tea and some vegetables can help reverse memory loss that comes with age. researchers say you need to consider this very important detail. that compound is found only in minuscule amounts in your average chocolate bar so don't go crazy here in the name of health. we'll stick to the health beat now. the people you are about to see may have a very little regard for their health. >> participating in a wing suit b.a.s.e. jumping competition. that twisting thing on the ground, that is the road. wow. wow! >> there's a platform about 2,400 feet up. the idea was to get back to the ground as quick as possible. the person who won the competition took home $100,000. i'll start jumping. i didn't know that was the case. it can pay to be crazy. >> some people do it for free. you'd never catch me i think even doing anything remotely
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like that. >> it looks kind of fun, though. >> does it? maybe you feel like you're flying or dying. okay. we've got "the skinny" coming your way next as soon as we land with that sound effect. who messed up while singing the national anthem? yes, it's happened again. it's happened at the world series now. and now he has an apology for the country. >> risky business to sing that if you don't get it right. a videotape of a beauty pageant contestant and a dancing hamster seen on a tv commercial. do they look like they are in a lot of pain or need workers' comp? we'll leave you with that question and be back with the story. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by mr. clean. about them. once wrote a book not only do they clean everyday dirt, they clean a lot of unexpected stuff too.
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like scuffed up shoes, tough stuck-on sticker gunk, and lots more. in fact, his book got so full... he made a website instead. share your magic eraser tips at i'm telling you i heard someoh!ng... (awkwardly laughs) get out. enough's enough! d-con baits are fomulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed.
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we'll fight back at the this cfirst sign of sick. no more feeling coughy, mucusy...just...yucky. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. is this about me? ♪
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every year american taxpayers spend tens of billion footing the bill for fraudulent workers' compensation claims. >> we've all seen some of these videos. suspected fraudsters caught on camera. but as abc's cecilia vega found out, catching them in the act isn't always so easy. >> reporter: that's beauty contestant shawna palmer hoping to become the next miss toyota grand prix. but prosecutors say she strutted her stuff after claiming a work injury left her with, quote, an inability to bear weight on her foot. investigators arrested the beauty queen on charges of
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illegally collecting more than $24,000 in workers' compensation benefits. ♪ and remember these dancing hamsters? one of them, leroy barnes, claimed total disability after getting hurt on a gig. yet investigators say he's right here shaking his tail in a car commercial. he's now accused of fraudulently collecting over 50 grand in disability. >> when people submit fraudulent workers' comp claims and they get paid for it, what happens? that causes premiums to rise. >> reporter: catching fraudsters on camera is p.i. bob keen's mission. i joined him on a predawn black ops surveillance job deep in midwest farm country. bob's goal? get video of a farmer who claims injuries from a car accident make it difficult to farm. >> this is the house we'll be watching. >> reporter: bob finally spies that supposedly injured farmer lifting an object into his truck.
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it hardly feels like enough to call the farmer a fraud, but bob says it is enough to start building a case. >> all this gear, head to toe camo. >> you have to have a solution. they think they're five steps ahead of us. >> reporter: as for the case of the beauty queen, she pleaded not guilty to five felony counts of fraud. that dancing hamster is out of his cage free on bail. he pleaded not guilty. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> all right. enough said there. coming up, we've got "the skinny." we've got "the skinny" coming up. a lot going on. a singer messes up the national anthem. is it as bad as some are saying? we'll tell you all about it. >> taylor swift shocked her fans in a very big way just this evening. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny so skinny ♪ so we're going to begin "the skinny" with a sleepless night for millions of taylor swift fans. her new album has officially dropped. it was early. 47 minutes early. and taylor announced it on twitter saying, it's out, it's out. this is not a drill. go, go, go. >> someone has been rehearsing for this thing. so all of her fans did just that. more viewers tonight because everybody is up with the tvs on
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listening to "1989." that's the title of the album. first reaction on twitter. here's one from maggie saying, this is officially the greatest moment of her life. >> aw, maggie. >> she must be really young. another fan nina says she's balling her eyes out. another fan says, omg, i can't breathe. taylor, i'm going to die, no joke. hope everybody is going to be okay. >> sounds like she's hurting her fans. you don't have to wait too long to see taylor. she'll be on "good morning america" this morning. to talk about this new album. >> it includes that single "shake it off." it was released weeks ago. already getting a lot of play on the radio and already being covered by somebody else. here's kelly clarkson. listen to her version. ♪ i keep on cruising can't stop won't stop ♪ >> what a voice. you've got two powerhouses there. what did taylor think about kelly's version?
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she loved it and tweeted a link to her video. she's supporting kelly clarkson. >> that's nice of her. another big band to turn to. another big act. maybe one of the biggest in the world trying to reclaim one of their coveted records. new direction had a bit of a viewing marathon with their fans this weekend. >> a group that's been referred to as a boy band implored fans to go online and look at their video. the previous record of most vevo views in 24 hours was smacked by "anaconda" with over 19 million. the bandmates using steal my girl vevo records to try to win back the crown. >> one direction even enlisted the help of danny devito in the view video. we'll have to see if they got it done. it appears they may have fallen just a bit short. tough to compete with "anaconda." a mixture of music and sports.
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specifically, the national anthem at last night's world series game. >> former singer of stain, aaron lewis, now a country crooner, took to the field. his "star-spangled banner" misstep isn't as obvious as some we've seen in the past. started off okay with the first two lines. and then -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed were so gallantly streaming ♪ >> wait. what? did you catch it? he kept singing at least. he meant to say at the twilight's last gleaming. some of the players even reacted a little awkward there. lewis, who has the words don't tread on me tattooed on his neck, issued an apology late last night saying he completely is torn up about what happened. >> must have been tough to enjoy the game after that. two people who did at least were
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actors stone street -- eric stone street and rob lowe. here's stone street and rob lowe. the "modern family" star tweeting, i ran into rob lowe and shook throats with him. it's all good now. he's a nice fella. that image not representative of the turnout. the royals ended up choking. >> choking? that's what we're going with? they had a rough night. they had a rough night. >> looked like they had a good time at that game. at least up until that moment. some celebrity birthdays. >> comedian and actor john cleese turns 75. >> the man who brought us "ghostbusters," ivan reitman. turns 58. >> duran duran's front man simon lebon. >> and kelly osbourne turning 30 years old. happy birthday to you all. coming up, see if you have what it takes to be a hollywood stunt double. >> it's a lot harder than it looks. we'll check it out when we come back. the most adventurous couple.
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once we kept the lights on. but then we started using k-y yours & mine. yeah, we were nervous to try it. there's an amazing sensation for her. amazing. this one feels fantastic for me. and combined... ohh, it's a completely new sensation for us both. it's opened a whole new door for us. i've come to clean your pool. but we don't have a pool. i'll come in anyway. next week i'm going to be a maid. [ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. his excites. hers delights. together feel them ignite. keep life sexy. together feel them iunwind with tide, downy, and bounce. when you're awake and can't sleep an ounce, the sweet dreams collection is so relaxing, so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. tide, downy, and bounce. official products of the national sleep foundation. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money.
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no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now.
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♪ want to become a hollywood stunt double? it's not just about reckless disregard of one's body. it's a real skill that takes years to develop. all that big screen action we know and love is highly calculated as hours of training involved in it. >> they make it look so easy, but there's a lot more to it. here's abc's rachel smith with a look behind the scenes. >> reporter: what do the ferocious battle scenes in "300," the heart-pounding hand to hand action in "the bourne legacy," and spectacular impeccably choreographed fight sequences in the new film starring keanu reeves
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have in common? these guys. chad and david are hollywood's premier fight choreographers and stunt coordinators. 87-11. their one-stop shop gym, training studio and production company in los angeles is where the biggest action stars in hollywood go to learn how to kick butt from the best. they essentially storyboard and direct a stunt sequence, choreographing and shooting a full scene to present to directors. >> we want the job. we want to do this movie. here's what's you could have. like mini film school. >> oh, that's going to hurt. >> watch how this pitched action scene for "the avengers" ended up almost frame for frame in the movie. >> 3, 2, 1, go! >> reporter: when they heard the film "john wick" was looking for a director, they knew it was time to make the jump to the main director's chair.
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>> been directing second unit for five, six, seven years. they know how to make a movie. but i was secretly hoping they would direct it. >> reporter: this day, the stunt doubles to the stars take the daunting challenge as teaching some much their powerhouse moves to a new protege. >> you're scared, aren't you? >> that's what i'm talking about. >> reporter: rachel smith, abc news, los angeles. >> she did a good job. >> she's athletic, clearly. she's, yeah. >> watch out. that might have been real. >> that's pretty cool. 4,300 bucks are for three weeks. would you go? >> it's a good workout. why not? instead of the treadmill. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning, quarantine controversy. an skroefr reaction or safeguarding their state? an american nurse being held in a tent for days, sparking a debate over health care workers back from the zone. tragic turn. a school shooting's death toll rises overnight as the community comes together to remember the victims. the emotional gathering are parents and students. dramatic rescue. a close call for man pulled from a fiery wreck. how good samaritans, a hammer, and some courage saved his life.