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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 24, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to w"world news tonigh tonight". the high school shooting. what played out in the cafeteria? and the hatchet attack in new york city. seven seconds of horror. why they're now calling this a terror attack. >>. >> the young doctor's steps and the young working just quarantined today. >> and the danger, the lava tonight. thousands on alert and what our correspondents saw firsthand. and our team, tracking down
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a broker. >> i'm being ambushed by a news crew. good evening, and we begin tonight with the horror being played out near seattle, washington. a school shooting. a popular football player allegedly opening fire in the cafeteri cafeteria. and all day today, families huddling, reuniting with their children. at least two people have died, one of them the gunman. neal karlinsky leads us off. >> possible shooting. >> reporter: the first call comes into 911 from someone inside the school. students with their hands up could be seen running out of
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marysville-pilchuk high. police with guns drawn, sweeping inside, checking locked doors. minutes later, the shooter is reported dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. but so is another student, and three in critical condition. you heard the shots? must have been terrified. are you okay? soon, terrified parents could be seen flooding the area. a nearby church set aside for kids to be taken and reunited. >> she called me right away. thank god. i can't imagine the parents that hadn't heard from their kids. >> reporter: the scene,
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heart-wrenching. >> we just ran into a classroom. >> reporter: we now know the gunman, jaylen fryberg. just returning after reportedly being suspended for a fight. >> i see him every day. i never thought he would do this. >> reporter: was he mad about something? >> no, he was fine. >> reporter: can you make any sense of this? you know him. >> i don't know. i have no clue, because he was fine the day before. he was -- he was being sassy as always. and good. i don't know. >> reporter: three students remain listed in critical condition. all of them reportedly shot in the head.
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but why? police are still trying to figure this out. and police on the trail of a gunman in california. it all began in this sacramento parking lot. authorities say he takes aim at a driver, stealing his car and then shooting two deputies. police say they're closing in. and to the hatchet attack, seven seconds long, in new york city. authorities saying he intended to target police as an act of terror. he recently converted to islam. who is he doing this for? here's brian ross. >> reporter: it was an act of terror. seven seconds as the man moved in on his targets.
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police officers hit, one critically injured before the man was shot dead. zale thompson, a loner who had become self-terrorized. viewing beheadings. the white house fence jumper, and this week, the canadian shootings while he made his own plans. in the last month, leaders of isis had been online urging lone wolves to take action. saying it sends a chilling message to people.
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>> terror is theater. i think we're going to see more of it. >> reporter: some investigators think it's a stretch to call him a terrorist, but tonight, new york city police officers are being told they must patrol in pairs. >> brian, thank you. of course, this attack coming after the other attack, 6 o miles north of the border. at the parliament in canada in ottawa. lawmakers, snapping flagpoles, using them as spears to protect the prime minister. thousands coming out to support the guardsman killed in the
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attack. and now to the new ebola case in new york. a new and mandatory quarantine for any passenger traveling from west africa. dr. spencer, the first symptom, fatigue. linzie davis with where he went in new york and how he felt in the first 72 hours. >> reporter: tonight, authorities carting away his possessions. officials tracing everyone he came into contact with since the moment he felt fatigued on wednesday. we went to this restaurant.
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and a walk through this park. stopped for coffee, and went home. on wednesday, an outing with friends. in this station, he boarded the "l" train, bound for brooklyn. destination, a bowling alley called the gutter. >> we came to see if there was any reason to be concerned. there aren't any. >> reporter: he and his friends called it a night early. then took a car service back to his manhattan apartment. then, next morning, he rushed to the hospital with a 103-degree fever. new york's mayor urging the city not to worry. >> there's no reason to change routines in any way. >> reporter: and the prove it,
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he's riding the subway today. and they're being handed this, the symptoms of ebola. meanwhile, here at bellevue, he's in stable condition. >> and i want to get right to dr. richard besser. in the meantime, a lot of people asking why this doctor didn't put himself into self-quarantine. >> well, he was going the right thing. you can't spread ebola unless you have symptoms. immediately, he isolated himself. >> and the big change tonight for two airports. >> well, jfk and newark, now a 21-day self-quarantine if you
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took care of patients. and this nurse, walking out of a hospital, ebola free. and a hug from president obama. and she says she's grateful for everyone's prayers. >> i believe everyone has been praying for me. >> and is looking forward to being reunited with her dog, bentley. and this image, not quite done with his quarantine, but look g i ing good. and rob marciano with what neighbors lived through. >> that's how they start. >> reporter: it struck during lunch hour in longview, washington. watch the debris spinning hundreds of feet in the air.
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and winds pushing this dumpster down the street. and this camera catching these employees racing for cover. >> it was very intense. >> i just wanted to make sure we were safe. >> reporter: the tornado, this man's trampoline sucked into and out his window. it was an ef-1 tornado, incredibly rare. this county has recorded just three tornadoes in the last 60 years. >> rob with us now. your eyes still on the northwest tonight. >> well, the tornado moving to the east, but the pacific northwest weather pattern is
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stacked. we'll get into the convective part of the system. winds could gust up to 60 miles an hour. now to the defective air bags that could explode in the front of your car. now, congress asking the questions we've been asking all week. tonight, the number of drivers affected going higher. here's david kerley. >> reporter: a call tonight for millions of additional air bags to be recalled in an embarrassing and confusing government effort. nearly 5 million, then nearly 8 million drivers told to urgently replace air bags. and now millions more could be
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recalled. i want to recall air bags, regardless of where they are. >> reporter: car companies suggesting disabling passenger seat air bags. the problem, the inflators, which could explode. linked to four deaths, dozens of injuries, including corey burdick. >> i put my hands up to my face. there was blood everywhere. >> reporter: i'm with abc. the problem tonight, there aren't enough replacement pasrt. it could take years to replace
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millions more. >> david, thank you. to hawaii, the big island. one town on high alert. lava less than a mile away. a slow slow-motion disaster on way. clayton sandell is there. >> reporter: tonight, lava threatening thousands of people that live here. quickly oozing the length of six football fields in just the last two days. you can see just below here, in the cracks, actual molten lava. the flow erupted in june, traveling 11 miles, now less than a mile away. it's the geography that controls the lava. sometimes speeding up, or slowing down, but it's always a threat.
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evacuations could be just days away. road construction crews are racing to make sure they have a way out. the island is no stranger to the volcano's power. it's been active since 1983. and has been belching explosions of lava ever since, showing no signs of cooling off. >> and there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight." is your house for sale right now, and you don't know about it? and keep your eye on that man in the space suit, dangling from a balloon. and look at this child standing up for something.
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next, to a real estate scam happening coast-to-coast. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: here in this prosperous corner of maryland, lavern green found an unwelcome guest. >> she comes to the door and says, she's renting this property. >> reporter: they got this through shannon lee. >> nobody suspected they would rent a property they didn't own and collect rent on it. >> reporter: this scam happens when they think a house has been
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abandoned. >> people finding deals were illegal. >> reporter: back in maryland, lieutenant charles dooley found that shannon lee had forged six deeds. plus evidence of a bigger scheme in progress. >> 15 to 20 other properties had been targeted. >> reporter: i caught up with shannon lee. you got good at stealing houses, huh? now she has a new home. this multiunit dwelling, the county jail. >> thank you. you can see his full report, the team going after the moochers tonight here on "20/20.." when we come back, a surprise from harry potter. what how this is making history, tonight.
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i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. to the "index." j.k. rowling will publish a new story for halloween. and an executive at google, falling from 100 feet up, breaking records. coming up, did you recognize that tiny face?
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and finally tonight here, jake jillen hall, our person of the week. his new movie, "night crawler",
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about a man who chases the police cscanner. we found him in new york city. what do you hope people will stop and think about when they see this? >> this story is about where we are right now. >> a young man, getting the image at any cost. >> hopefully, people will ask ourselves, are we come police it with this? >> and he brought up a story from his childhood. you wanted to get into the mighty ducks? >> a lot of people said that? >> i don't know if they are, but they will be after this.
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11 or so, he ended up with that prize role in the movie. do you remember the tears in the kitchen? >> absolutely. who doesn't remember that? >> and the tears are back for boy standing up in the classroom. in "city slickers." he's grown up since then. and ever since, every role carefully chosen. after "jarhead," always remembering our troops. reminding us that veterans come home with a lot of damage. >> it's very important to me. dealing with issues we don't want to deal with and everything in between. >> and his break through role in "brokeback mountain." people ask, when are you going
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to do a romantic comedy. >> well, i laugh all the time. >> just so everyone knows. >> i think going into the dark is illuminating. >> his new role, asking how far is too far with the camera? >> it's disturbing. >> the same mom that said no to "mighty ducks." putting a premium on careful choices. >> i'm blessed every day they said no to "mighty ducks." it was a great movie. >> so, we choose jake. i hope to see you right back here÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷
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this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants. a college student from seattle, washington... a museum development assistant from tempe, arizona... and our returning champion, a digital consultant from arlington, virginia...